(a) Schematic of the antibodies used to quantify EBNA1. (b) Coomassie blue staining of recombinant BSA next to recombinant EBNA1 (Abcam 138345). (c) anti-EBNA1 (Santa Cruz sc-81581) immunoblot of recombinant EBNA1 next to whole cell lysates of the indicated cell lines. Anti-GAPDH immunoblot shows variation amongst the EBV-infected cell lines when loading the same number of cells. (d) anti-EBNA1 immunoblot of EBNA1 in the indicated EBV-infected cell lines next to HeLa cells expressing Flag-EBNA1ΔGAGR loaded at the indicated dilutions. (e) Bar graph represents signal intensity values normalized to number of cells loaded showing that the 1x Flag-EBNA1ΔGAGR in HeLa cells is expressed at 14-fold relative to baseline EBNA1 in Daudi cells and 8-fold in Raji cells and Tk6 cells. Immunoblots were repeated 3 times where S.D. values were below +/− 10%. (f-g) Anti-Flag immunoblot of HeLa cells, DLD1 cells, Raji cells, and Tk6 cells expressing the indicated Flag-tagged EBNA1 alleles. Bar graph represents fold relative to latent EBNA1 in Raji or Tk6 cells, calculated using the Flag-EBNA1ΔGAGR allele as 8-fold. Immunoblots were each repeated 3 times, S.D. values were below +/− 10%.