Monoclonals (mAbs) do not react with recombinant Pfs230. A) Schematic of the structure of Pfs230. Glutamate-rich repeats are indicated by vvv and 6-cys domains are depicted by boxes numbered 1 to 14 with the actual number of cysteines in each domain indicated in the box. The Pfs230 regions included in the recombinant proteins tested for reactivity are shown, the non-structured domain, Glu444-Val592 without (EcPfs230ns, □) and with domains 1 and 2, Glu444-Asn915 (EcPfs230/nsd1d2, ■) produced in E. coli (Ec) and domain 1, Ser542-Gly736 (Pfs230D1M, ■) produced in Pichia pastoris. (B) The 3 recombinant proteins were tested for reactivity with the indicated mAb using ELISA. Red boxes indicate mAbs with transmission-reducing activity, including the positive control 4F12. Alkaline phosphatase-labeled anti-mouse secondary antibody and p-nitrophenyl disodium phosphate substrate were used for detection.