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. 2023 Jun 14;12:e86127. doi: 10.7554/eLife.86127

Low-level repressive histone marks fine-tune gene transcription in neural stem cells

Arjun Rajan 1,, Lucas Anhezini 1,†,, Noemi Rives-Quinto 1, Jay Y Chhabra 1, Megan C Neville 2, Elizabeth D Larson 3, Stephen F Goodwin 2, Melissa M Harrison 3, Cheng-Yu Lee 1,4,5,6,
Editors: Chris Q Doe7, Marianne E Bronner8
PMCID: PMC10344426  PMID: 37314324


Coordinated regulation of gene activity by transcriptional and translational mechanisms poise stem cells for a timely cell-state transition during differentiation. Although important for all stemness-to-differentiation transitions, mechanistic understanding of the fine-tuning of gene transcription is lacking due to the compensatory effect of translational control. We used intermediate neural progenitor (INP) identity commitment to define the mechanisms that fine-tune stemness gene transcription in fly neural stem cells (neuroblasts). We demonstrate that the transcription factor FruitlessC (FruC) binds cis-regulatory elements of most genes uniquely transcribed in neuroblasts. Loss of fruC function alone has no effect on INP commitment but drives INP dedifferentiation when translational control is reduced. FruC negatively regulates gene expression by promoting low-level enrichment of the repressive histone mark H3K27me3 in gene cis-regulatory regions. Identical to fruC loss-of-function, reducing Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 activity increases stemness gene activity. We propose low-level H3K27me3 enrichment fine-tunes gene transcription in stem cells, a mechanism likely conserved from flies to humans.

Research organism: D. melanogaster

eLife digest

From neurons to sperm, our bodies are formed of a range of cells tailored to perform a unique role. However, organisms also host small reservoirs of unspecialized ‘stem cells’ that retain the ability to become different kinds of cells. When these stem cells divide, one daughter cell remains a stem cell while the other undergoes a series of changes that allows it to mature into a specific cell type.

This ‘differentiation’ process involves quickly switching off the stem cell programme, the set of genes that give a cell the ability to keep dividing while maintaining an unspecialized state. Failure to do so can result in the differentiating cell reverting towards its initial state and multiplying uncontrollably, which can lead to tumours and other health problems. While scientists have a good understanding of how the stem cell programme is turned off during differentiation, controlling these genes is a balancing act that starts even before division: if the program is over-active in the ‘mother’ stem cell, for instance, the systems that switch it off in its daughter can become overwhelmed. The mechanisms presiding over these steps are less well-understood.

To address this knowledge gap, Rajan, Anhezini et al. set out to determine how stem cells present in the brains of fruit flies could control the level of activity of their own stem cell programme. RNA sequencing and other genetic analyses revealed that a protein unique to these cells, called Fruitless, was responsible for decreasing the activity of the programme.

Biochemical experiments then showed that Fruitless performed this role by attaching a small amount of chemical modifications (called methyl groups) to the proteins that ‘package’ the DNA near genes involved in the stem cell programme. High levels of methyl groups present near a gene will switch off this sequence completely; however, the amount of methyl groups that Fruitless helped to deposit is multiple folds lower. Consequently, Fruitless ‘fine-tunes’ the activity of the stem cell programme instead, dampening it just enough to stop it from overpowering the ‘off’ mechanism that would take place later in the daughter cell.

These results shed new light on how stem cells behave – and how our bodies stop them from proliferating uncontrollably. In the future, Rajan, Anhezini et al. hope that this work will help to understand and treat diseases caused by defective stem cell differentiation.


Expression of genes that promote stemness or differentiation must be properly controlled in stem cells to allow their progeny to transition through various intermediate stages of cell fate specification in a timely fashion (Pollen et al., 2015; Bhaduri et al., 2021; Michki et al., 2021; Ruan et al., 2021; Dillon et al., 2022). Exceedingly high levels of stemness gene transcripts that promote an undifferentiated state in stem cells can overwhelm translational control that downregulates their activity in stem cell progeny and perturb timely onset of differentiation (San-Juán and Baonza, 2011; Xiao et al., 2012; Zacharioudaki et al., 2012; Zhu et al., 2012; Larson et al., 2021; Ohtsuka and Kageyama, 2021). Conversely, excessive transcription of differentiation genes that instill biases toward terminal cellular functions in stem cells can overcome the mechanisms that uncouple these transcripts from the translational machinery and prematurely deplete the stem cell pool (Lennox et al., 2018; Baser et al., 2019; de Rooij et al., 2019; Marques et al., 2023). Thus, fine-tuning stemness and differentiation gene transcription in stem cells minimizes inappropriate gene activity that could result in developmental anomalies. Coordinated regulation of stemness and differentiation gene activity in stem cells by transcriptional and translational control poise stem cell progeny for a timely cell-state transition during differentiation (Ables et al., 2011; Koch et al., 2013; Kobayashi and Kageyama, 2014; Bigas and Porcheri, 2018; Rajan et al., 2021). Mechanistic investigation of the fine-tuning of stemness and differentiation gene transcription in vivo is challenging due to the compensatory effect of translational control, a lack of sensitized functional readouts, and a lack of insight into relevant transcription factors.

Neuroblast lineages of the fly larval brain provide an excellent in vivo paradigm for mechanistic investigation of gene regulation during developmental transitions because the cell-type hierarchy is well-characterized at functional and molecular levels (Janssens and Lee, 2014; Homem et al., 2015; Doe, 2017). A larval brain lobe contains approximately 100 neuroblasts, and each neuroblast asymmetrically divides every 60–90 min, regenerating itself and producing a sibling progeny that commits to generating differentiated cell types. Most of these neuroblasts are type I, which generate a ganglion mother cell (GMC) in every division. A GMC undergoes terminal division to produce two neurons. Eight neuroblasts are type II, which invariably generate an immature intermediate neural progenitor (immature INP) in every division (Bello et al., 2008; Boone and Doe, 2008; Bowman et al., 2008). An immature INP initiates INP commitment 60 min after asymmetric neuroblast division (Janssens et al., 2017). An immature INP initially lacks Asense (Ase) protein expression and upregulates Ase as it progresses through INP commitment. Once INP commitment is complete, an Ase+ immature INP transitions into an INP and asymmetrically divides 5–6 times to generate more than a dozen differentiated cells, including neurons and glia (Viktorin et al., 2011; Bayraktar and Doe, 2013). All type II neuroblast lineage cell types in larval brains can be unambiguously identified based on functional characteristics and protein marker expression. Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) of sorted, fluorescently labeled INPs and their differentiating progeny from wild-type brain tissue has led to the discovery of many new genes that contribute to the generation of diverse differentiated cell types during neurogenesis (Michki et al., 2021). This wealth of information on the type II neuroblast lineage allows for mechanistic investigations of precise spatiotemporal regulation of gene expression during developmental transitions.

A multilayered gene regulation system ensures timely onset of INP commitment in immature INPs by coordinately terminating Notch signaling activity (Komori et al., 2018). Activated Notch signaling drives the expression of downstream-effector genes deadpan (dpn) and Enhancer of (splitz)mγ (E(spl)mγ), which promote stemness in type II neuroblasts by poising activation of the master regulator of INP commitment earmuff (erm) (San-Juán and Baonza, 2011; Xiao et al., 2012; Zacharioudaki et al., 2012; Zhu et al., 2012; Zacharioudaki et al., 2016). During asymmetric neuroblast division, the basal protein Numb and Brain tumor (Brat) exclusively segregate into immature INPs, where they terminate Notch signaling activity and promote the timely onset of Erm expression (Bello et al., 2006; Betschinger et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2006a; Lee et al., 2006b; Wang et al., 2006). Numb is a conserved Notch inhibitor and prevents continual Notch activation in immature INPs (Frise et al., 1996; Zhong et al., 1996; Lee et al., 2006a; Wang et al., 2006; Wirtz-Peitz et al., 2008). Asymmetric segregation of the RNA-binding protein Brat is facilitated by its adapter protein Miranda, which releases Brat from the cortex of immature INPs, allowing Brat to promote decay of Notch downstream-effector gene transcripts and thus initiate differentiation (Loedige et al., 2014; Laver et al., 2015; Loedige et al., 2015; Komori et al., 2018; Reichardt et al., 2018). Complete loss of numb or brat function leads to unrestrained activation of Notch signaling in immature INPs driving them to revert into type II neuroblasts leading to a severe supernumerary neuroblast phenotype. Similarly, increased levels of activated Notch or Notch transcriptional target gene expression in immature INPs can drastically enhance the moderate supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in brat- or numb-hypomorphic brains (Xiao et al., 2012; Janssens et al., 2014; Komori et al., 2014b; Komori et al., 2018; Larson et al., 2021). Collectively, these findings suggest that precise transcriptional control of Notch and Notch target gene expression levels during asymmetric neuroblast division is essential, safeguarding the generation of neurons that are required for neuronal circuit formation in adult brains.

We defined the fine-tuning of stemness gene transcription as a function that is mild enough to not effect INP commitment when lost alone but enough to enhance immature INP reversion to supernumerary neuroblasts induced by decreased post-transcriptional control of stemness gene expression. We established three key criteria to identify regulators which fine-tune stemness gene transcription in neuroblasts, (1) an established role in transcriptional regulation, for example a DNA-binding transcription factor, (2) clear expression in neuroblasts with no protein expression in immature INPs, and (3) acts as a negative regulator of its targets. From a type II neuroblast lineage-specific single-cell gene transcriptomic atlas, we found that fruitless (fru) mRNAs are detected in type I & II neuroblasts but not in their differentiating progeny. One specific Zn-finger containing isoform of Fru (FruC) is exclusively expressed in all neuroblasts. FruC binds cis-regulatory elements of most genes uniquely transcribed in type II neuroblasts, including Notch and Notch downstream-effector genes that promote stemness in neuroblasts. A modest increase in Notch or Notch downstream gene expression induced by loss of fruC function alone has no effect on INP commitment, but enhances immature INP reversion to type II neuroblasts in numb- and brat-hypomorphic brains. To establish how FruC might fine-tune gene transcription in neuroblasts, we examined the distribution of established histone modifications in the presence or absence of fruC. We surprisingly found FruC-dependent low-level enrichment of the repressive histone marker H3K27me3 in most FruC-bound peaks in genes uniquely transcribed in type II neuroblasts including Notch and its downstream-effector genes. The Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) subunits are enriched in FruC-bound peaks in genes uniquely transcribed in type II neuroblasts, and reduced PRC2 function enhances the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in numb-hypomorphic brains, identical to fruC loss-of-function. We conclude that the FruC-PRC2-H3K27me3 molecular pathway fine-tunes stemness gene expression in neuroblasts by promoting low-level H3K27me3 enrichment in their cis-regulatory elements. The mechanism by which PRC2-H3K27me3 fine-tune stem cell gene expression will likely be relevant throughout metazoans.


A gene expression atlas captures dynamic changes throughout type II neuroblast lineages

To identify regulators of gene transcription during asymmetric neuroblast division, we constructed a single-cell gene transcription atlas that encompasses all cell types in the type II neuroblast lineage in larval brains. We fluorescently labeled all cell types in the lineage in wild-type third-instar larval brains, sorted positively labeled cells by flow cytometry, and performed single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) using a 10x genomic platform (Figure 1A; Figure 1—figure supplement 1A). This new dataset displays high levels of correlation to our previously published scRNA-seq dataset which were limited to INPs and their progeny. The harmonization of these two datasets results in a gene transcription atlas of the type II neuroblast lineage consisting of over 11,000 cells (Figure 1B). Based on the expression of known cell identity genes, we were able to observe clusters consisting of type II neuroblasts (dpn+,pnt+), INPs (dpn+,opa+), GMCs (dap+,hey-), immature neurons (dap+,hey+), mature neurons (hey-,nSyb+), and glia (repo+) (Figure 1C). The UMAP positions of these clusters match well with the results of pseudo-time analyses from a starter cell that was positive for dpn, pnt, and RFP transcripts (Figure 1D). Leiden clustering of the data was able to capture these major cell types (Figure 1E), and quality control metrics showed most clusters captured on average 1.5 k genes and showed low mitochondrial gene expression (Figure 1—figure supplement 1B). Thus, the harmonized scRNA-seq dataset captures molecularly and functionally defined stages of differentiation in the type II neuroblast lineage (Figure 1F).

Figure 1. A single-cell gene expression atlas of type II neuroblast lineages.

(A) Summary illustration of gene and Gal4 driver expression patterns in the type II neuroblast lineage. The type II NB Gal4 driver: Wor-Gal4,Ase-Gal80. imm INP driver: R9D11-Gal4. (B) Harmonization of the scRNA-seq dataset from the entire type II neuroblast (NB) lineage generated in this study (blue) and our previously published scRNA-seq dataset which were limited to INPs and their progeny (orange). The genotype of larval brains used for scRNA-seq in this study: UAS-dcr2; Wor-Gal4, Ase-Gal80; UAS-RFP::stinger. (C) UMAPs of known cell-type-specific marker genes. Color intensity indicated scaled (log1p) gene expression value. (D) Pseudotime analysis starting from cells enriched for dpn, pnt, and RFP transcripts. (E) Left: Leiden clustering of the scRNA-seq atlas. Right: Representative UMAPs of dynamically expressed transcription factors from clusters 14 (NBs and immature INPs) and 1 (INPs). Color intensity indicated scaled (log1p) gene expression value. (F) Annotated gene expression atlas of a wild-type type II neuroblast lineage.

Figure 1.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1. Quality control data for the scRNA-seq atlas.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1.

(A) The expression pattern of the type II NB Gal4 driver (Wor-Gal4,Ase-Gal80) used in fluorescently labeling and sorting cell types in the type II neuroblast lineage. RFP is detectable in the nuclei of all type II neuroblasts and their progeny. (B) Violin plots showing (Top) number of genes or (Bottom) mitochondrial UMI percentage for Leiden clusters shown in 1 F. Clusters with low number of genes and higher mitochondrial UMI percentage suggest low-quality or dying cells.

To determine whether the new scRNA-seq dataset encompasses neuroblast progeny undergoing dynamic changes in cell identity during differentiation, we examined transcripts that were transiently expressed in neuroblast progeny undergoing INP commitment or asymmetric INP division. We found that cluster 14 contains type II neuroblasts (dpn+,erm-,ase-,ham-), Ase- immature INPs (dpn-,erm+,ase-,ham-) and Ase+ immature INPs (dpn-,erm-,ase+,ham+) (Figure 1E), which are well-defined rapidly changing transcriptional states during INP commitment (Xiao et al., 2012; Janssens et al., 2014; Rives-Quinto et al., 2020). Furthermore, cluster 1 contains proliferating INPs that express known differential temporal transcription factors (Bayraktar and Doe, 2013; Tang et al., 2022), including young INPs (D+,hbn-,ey-,scro-) and old INPs (D-,hbn+,ey+,scro+) (Figure 1E). These data led us to conclude that the type II neuroblast lineage gene transcription atlas captures neuroblast progeny undergoing dynamic changes in cell identity during differentiation (Figure 1F).

FruC negatively regulates stemness gene expression in neuroblasts

We hypothesized that regulators that fine-tune stemness gene expression in neuroblasts should (1) be transcription factors, (2) be exclusively expressed in type II neuroblasts, and (3) negatively regulate gene transcription. We searched for candidate genes that fulfill these criteria in the cluster 14 of the type II neuroblast lineage gene transcription atlas. dpn serves as a positive control because its transcripts are highly enriched in type II neuroblasts and rapidly degraded in Ase- immature INPs, allowing us to distinguish neuroblasts from immature INPs (Figure 2A–B). We found the expression of fru mirrors dpn expression, with transcript levels high in type II neuroblasts but lower in Ase- immature INPs (Figure 2A). fru is a pleiotropic gene with at least two major functions: one that controls male sexual behavior and another that is essential for viability in both sexes (Goodwin and Hobert, 2021). fru transcripts are alternatively spliced into multiple isoforms that encode putative transcription factors containing a common BTB (protein-protein interaction) N-terminal domain and one of four C-terminal zinc-finger DNA-binding domains (Dalton et al., 2013; Neville et al., 2014; von Philipsborn et al., 2014; Figure 2A). We used the Fru-common antibody that recognizes all isoforms to determine the spatial expression pattern of Fru protein in green fluorescent protein (GFP)-marked wild-type neuroblast clones. We detected Fru in neuroblasts but found that Fru is rapidly downregulated in their differentiating progeny in type I and II lineages (Figure 2B). To determine which Fru isoform is expressed in neuroblasts, we examined the expression of isoform-specific fru::Myc tagged allele where a Myc epitope is knocked into the C-terminus of the FruA, FruB, or FruC coding region (von Philipsborn et al., 2014). While FruA::Myc and FruB::Myc appear to be ubiquitously expressed at low levels, FruC::Myc is specifically expressed in both types of neuroblasts but not in their differentiating progeny, including immature INPs, INPs, and GMCs (Figure 2C, Figure 2—figure supplement 1A–B). These data indicate that FruC is the predominant Fru isoform expressed in neuroblasts.

Figure 2. Fruc functions through transcriptional repression to regulate stemness gene expression.

(A) Top: fru and dpn mRNAs are highly enriched in neuroblasts in cluster 14 of the scRNA-seq dataset, but only dpn mRNAs are detected in INPs in cluster 1. Bottom: Domains in Fru protein isoforms. ZF: zinc-finger DNA-binding domain. (B) Fru protein is detected in the neuroblast but not in INPs in a GFP-marked type II neuroblast lineage clone. The genotype used in this experiment is Elav-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP,hs-flp; FRT82B,Tub-Gal80/FRT82B. (C) Endogenously expressed FruC tagged by a Myc epitope (fruC::Myc) is detected in type I and II neuroblasts but not in their differentiating progeny. (D–E) Immature INPs in GFP-marked wild-type type II neuroblast clones never show detectable Dpn expression (100%). 1–2 Ase- immature INP per fru-null (frusat15) type II neuroblast clone show detectable Dpn expression (100%). The genotype in this experiment is Elav-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP,hs-flp; FRT82B,Tub-Gal80/FRT82B,fruSat15. (F–I) The newborn immature INP marked by cortical Miranda staining show undetectable Dpn and E(spl)mγ::GFP expression in the majority of wild-type clones (85.7%). Reducing fruC function leads to ectopic Dpn and E(spl)mγ::GFP expression in the newborn immature INP in most type II neuroblast lineages (94.4%). NB-Gal4: Wor-Gal4. (J–L) Type II neuroblasts overexpressing Fruc display characteristics of differentiation including a reduced cell diameter and aberrant Ase expression. Quantification of the cell diameter is shown in L. (type II NB>: Wor-Gal4, Ase-Gal80). (M–P) Overexpressing full-length Fruc or a constitutive transcriptional repressor form of FruC (Fruc,zf::ERD) is sufficient to partially restore differentiation in brat-null type II neuroblast clones (brat11/Df(2 L)Exel8040,hs-flp; Act5C-Gal4>FRT > FRT>UAS-GFP/UAS-fruC or ERD::fruC,zf). The percentage of GMCs per clone is shown in P. Yellow dashed line encircles a type II neuroblast lineage. White dotted line separates optic lobe from brain. white arrow: type II neuroblast; white arrowhead: Ase- immature INP; yellow arrow: Ase+ immature INP; yellow arrowhead: INP; magenta arrow: type I neuroblast; magenta arrowhead: GMC. Scale bars: 10 μm. p-values: ***<0.0005, and ****<0.00005.

Figure 2.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1. FruA and FruB are ubiquitously expressed in neuroblast lineages.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1.

(A) Endogenously expressed FruA::Myc or (B) FruB::Myc are ubiquitously detected in type I & II neuroblasts or their differentiating progeny. White dotted line separates the optic lobe from the brain. White dashed line separates brain from the optic lobe. white arrow: type II neuroblast; white arrowhead: Ase- immature INP; yellow arrow: Ase+ immature INP; yellow arrowhead: INP; magenta arrow: type I neuroblast; magenta arrowhead: GMC.

To define the function of Fru in neuroblasts, we assessed the identity of cells in the GFP-marked mosaic clones derived from single type II neuroblasts. The wild-type neuroblast clone always contains a single neuroblast that can be uniquely identified by cell size (10–12 μm in diameter) and marker expression (Dpn+Ase-) as well as 6–8 smaller, Dpn- immature INPs (Figure 2D). The neuroblast clone carrying deletion of the fru locus (fru-/-) contains a single identifiable neuroblast but frequently contains multiple Ase- immature INPs with detectable Dpn expression (Figure 2E). Over 80% of newborn immature INPs (marked by intense cortical Mira expression) generated by fruC-mutant type II neuroblasts ectopically express Dpn and E(spl)mγ while less than 15% of newborn immature INPs generated by wild-type neuroblasts expressed these genes (Figure 2F–I). These results support a model in which loss of fruC function increases the expression of Notch downstream-effector genes that promote stemness in neuroblasts. Consistently, type II neuroblasts overexpressing FruC prematurely initiate INP commitment, as indicated by a reduced cell diameter and precocious Ase expression (Figure 2J–L). Thus, loss of fruC function increases stemness gene expression whereas gain of fruC decreases stemness gene expression during asymmetric neuroblast division.

To determine whether FruC negatively regulates the transcription of stemness genes in type II neuroblasts, we overexpressed wild-type FruC in GFP-marked neuroblast lineage clones in brat-null brains. Ectopic translation of Notch downstream-effector gene transcripts that promote stemness in neuroblasts drives immature INP reversion to supernumerary type II neuroblasts at the expense of differentiating cell types in brat-null brains (Loedige et al., 2015; Komori et al., 2018; Reichardt et al., 2018). Control clones in brat-null brains contain mostly type II neuroblasts and few differentiating cells that include Ase+ immature INPs, INPs, and GMCs (Figure 2M and P). By contrast, overexpressing full-length FruC increases the number of INPs, GMCs, and differentiating neurons (Ase-Pros+) in brat-null neuroblast clones (Figure 2N and P). This result indicates that FruC overexpression is sufficient to partially restore differentiation in brat-null brains. To test if Fruc restores differentiation by promoting transcriptional repression, we generated fly lines carrying the UAS-fruC,zf::ERD transgene that encodes the zinc-finger DNA-binding motif of FruC fused in frame with the Engrail Repressor Domain. The ERD domain is well conserved in multiple classes of homeodomain proteins as well as many transcriptional repressors across the bilaterian divide and binds to the Groucho co-repressor protein to exert its repressor function (Smith and Jaynes, 1996; Jiménez et al., 1997; Bürglin and Affolter, 2016). Several previously published studies have used this strategy to demonstrate that neurogenetic transcription factors exert transcriptional repression function in neuroblasts (Xiao et al., 2012; Janssens et al., 2014; Bahrampour et al., 2017; Rives-Quinto et al., 2020). Similar to full-length FruC overexpression, overexpressing FruC,zf::ERD was also sufficient to partially restore differentiation in brat-null brains (Figure 2O–P). Thus, we conclude that FruC negatively regulates stemness gene expression in type II neuroblasts.

Fruc binds cis-regulatory elements of the majority of genes uniquely transcribed in neuroblasts

If FruC directly represses stemness gene expression, FruC should bind their cis-regulatory elements. To identify FruC-bound regions in neuroblasts, we applied a protocol of Cleavage Under Targets and Release Using Nuclease (CUT&RUN) to brain extracts from dissected third-instar brat-null larvae homozygous for the fruC::Myc knock-in allele. brat-null brains accumulate thousands of supernumerary type II neuroblasts at the expense of INPs and provide a biologically relevant source of type II neuroblast-specific chromatin (Komori et al., 2014a; Janssens et al., 2017; Komori et al., 2018; Rives-Quinto et al., 2020; Larson et al., 2021). We used a specific antibody against the Myc epitope or the Fru-common antibody to confirm that FruC::Myc is detected in all supernumerary type II neuroblasts in brat-null brains homozygous for fruC::Myc (Figure 3—figure supplement 1A). We determined the genome-wide occupancy of FruC::Myc in type II neuroblasts using the Myc antibody and Fru-common antibody, and found that FruC::Myc binding patterns revealed by these two antibodies are highly correlated (Figure 3—figure supplement 1B; Pearson correlation = 0.94). FruC binds 9301 regions in type II neuroblasts (Figure 3A). Overall, 59% of FruC-bound regions are promoters whereas 29% are enhancers in the intergenic and intronic regions (Figure 3A). By contrast, 15% of randomized control regions are promoters and 55% are enhancers (Figure 3A). 50.1% of FruC-bound regions in promoters and enhancers overlap with regions of accessible chromatin (Larson et al., 2021; Figure 3B). Consistent with the finding that FruC negatively regulates stemness gene expression, FruC binds promoters and neuroblast-specific enhancers of Notch, dpn, E(spl)mγ, klumpfuss (klu) and tailless (tll) that were previously shown to maintain type II neuroblasts in an undifferentiated state (Figure 3C; Figure 3—figure supplement 1C). Based on our scRNA-seq data, we classified genes as NB genes, imm INP genes, or invariant genes expressed throughout the lineage based on differential expression within cluster 14 (Figure 1E; Supplementary file 2). Seventy-four percent of genes uniquely transcribed in type II neuroblasts (NB genes) are bound by FruC whereas 41% of these genes are in randomized control (Figure 3D–E). By contrast, the percentage of FruC-bound genes transcribed in immature INPs or throughout the type II neuroblast lineage is similar to random control (Figure 3D–E). Because stemness gene transcripts are highly enriched in type II neuroblasts, these results suggest that FruC preferentially binds cis-regulatory elements of stemness genes.

Figure 3. Fruc preferentially binds regulatory elements of genes uniquely expressed in neuroblasts.

(A) Genomic binding distribution of FruC-bound peaks (total # of peaks shown in parentheses) from CUT&RUN or random (set of Fruc peaks shuffled to randomly determined places in the genome) in type II neuroblast-enriched chromatin from brat-null brains (brat11/Df(2L)Exel8040). Fruc preferentially binds promoters. (B) Heatmap is centered on promoters or regulatory regions showing accessible chromatin as defined by ATAC-seq with 500 bp flanking regions and ordered by signal intensity of Fruc::Myc binding. (C) Representative z score-normalized genome browser tracks showing regions with accessible chromatin (ATAC-seq) and bound by Fruc::Myc (detected by the Myc antibody or FruCOM antibody), Su(H), Trl, or IgG at Notch, dpn, and E(spl)mγ loci. (D) Genes in cluster 14 from the scRNA-seq dataset were separated into neuroblast-enriched genes (right), immature INP-enriched genes (left), and invariant genes. The middle circle is the set of genes bound by Fruc or Su(H) (shown in parentheses). UMAPs show gene enrichment score for Fruc-bound genes uniquely expressed in neuroblasts (right), uniquely expressed in immature INPs (left), and ubiquitously expressed (invariant genes) (middle). (E) Percentage of genes defined in D bound by either Fruc, Su(H), random Fruc peaks, or random Su(H) peaks (set of Su(H) peaks shuffled to randomly determined places in the genome). (F–G) Genomic binding distribution of identified Su(H)-bound peaks (total # of peaks shown in parentheses) from CUT&RUN in type II neuroblast-enriched chromatin. Heatmap is centered on promoters or regulatory regions and ordered by signal intensity of Su(H) binding. (H–I) Genomic binding distribution of identified Trl-bound peaks (total # of peaks shown in parentheses) from CUT&RUN in type II neuroblast-enriched chromatin. Heatmap is centered on promoters or regulatory regions and ordered by signal intensity of Trl binding.

Figure 3.

Figure 3—figure supplement 1. Quality control for determining FruC-, Su(H)- and Trl-binding using CUT&RUN.

Figure 3—figure supplement 1.

(A) FruC::Myc is detected in all type II neuroblasts (marked by Dpn expression) in brat-null (brat11/Df(2L)Exel8040) brains homozygous for the fruC::Myc knock-in allele. (B) Genome-wide occupancy of FruC::Myc in 10 kb regions in type II neuroblasts determined by the Myc antibody and Frucom antibody are highly correlated. (C) Representative z score-normalized genome browser tracks showing chromatin accessibility (ATAC-seq) and regions bound by Fruc::Myc, FruCOM, Su(H), Trl, or IgG at tll and klu loci. (E) Top motifs identified by iCisTarget from 200 bp regions centered on fruc peak summits. Trl was identified as a top motif using all peaks or only regulator peaks, with NES scores shown in parentheses. M1BP was identified as a top motif using promoter peaks, with NES scores shown in parentheses. The percent of all, promoter, regulatory, or random peaks containing at least one motif was calculated by finding the corresponding motif distribution in the genome with HOMER. (D) Su(H) or (F) Trl is detected in all type II neuroblasts (marked by Dpn expression) in brat-null brains homozygous for the fruC::Myc knock-in allele. Scale bars: 10 μm.

A mechanism by which FruC can negatively regulate stemness gene expression levels is to modulate the activity of the Notch transcriptional activator complex activity. Using Affymetrix GeneChip, a previous study demonstrated that the Notch transcriptional activator complex binds 595 regions in 185 transcribed genes in neuroblasts (log2 FC >0.5) including dpn, E(spl)mγ, klu, and tll (Zacharioudaki et al., 2016). To precisely identify Notch-bound peaks in type II neuroblasts, we used a specific antibody against the DNA-binding subunit of the Notch transcriptional activator complex, Suppressor of Hairless (Su(H)), to perform a CUT&RUN assay on brain lysate form third-instar brat-null larvae homozygous for fruC::Myc. Prior to the genomic study, we validated the specificity of the Su(H) antibody in vivo by performing immunofluorescent staining of brat-null larvae homozygous for fruC::Myc. We observed co-expression of Su(H) and Dpn in thousands of supernumerary type II neuroblasts in brat-null brains (Figure 3—figure supplement 1D). Because dpn is directly activated by Notch in many cell types, including neuroblasts, this result confirms that the Su(H) antibody can detect activated Notch activity. We found that Su(H) binds 305 regions in 112 genes in type II neuroblasts, and that Su(H)-bound regions are predominantly in promoters and enhancers (Figure 3F). Twelve percent of NB genes are bound by Su(H) compared to 0% of these gene in a randomized control (Figure 3D–E). By contrast, the percentage of Su(H) bound genes transcribed in immature INPs or throughout the type II neuroblast lineage are similar to random control. Overall, 95.2% of Su(H)-bound promoters and 90.8% of Su(H)-bound enhancers overlap with FruC-bound peaks (Figure 3G). These peaks include the promoters of Notch, dpn, E(spl)mγ, klu and tll as well as the enhancers that drive their expression in neuroblasts (Figure 3C; Figure 3—figure supplement 1C). Our data support a model that FruC regulates Notch pathway gene expression by occupying functionally relevant regulatory elements bound by Notch in type II neuroblasts.

De novo motif discovery identified a sequence bound by the transcription factor Trithorax-like (Trl), also known as GAGA factor, is significantly enriched in both FruC-bound promoters and enhancers (Figure 3—figure supplement 1E). The Trl motif was previously found to be the most significantly enriched in FruC-associated genomic regions in the larval nervous system (Neville et al., 2014). Trl, like Fru, is a member of the BTB-Zn-finger transcription factor family which heterodimerize with other BTB-domain-containing factors to regulate gene transcription (Bonchuk et al., 2022). Trl is an evolutionarily conserved multifaceted transcription factor that regulates diverse biological processes by interacting with a wide variety of proteins including PRC2 complex components (Lomaev et al., 2017; Chetverina et al., 2021; Srivastava et al., 2018). Although the Trl motif is generally enriched at promoters, enrichment of this motif in FruC-bound promoters and enhancers suggest that FruC might function together with Trl to negatively regulate gene transcription in type II neuroblasts. We examined whether Trl indeed binds FruC-bound regions in type II neuroblasts using a specific antibody against Trl (Judd et al., 2021). We validated the specificity of the Trl antibody in vivo by performing immunofluorescent staining of brat-null larvae homozygous for fruC::Myc. We found that Trl is highly enriched in the nuclei of thousands of supernumerary type II neuroblasts marked by Dpn expression (Figure 3—figure supplement 1F). We used the Trl antibody to perform a CUT&RUN assay on brain lysate from third-instar brat-null larvae homozygous for fruC::Myc. We identified 1435 Trl-bound regions, including promoters and enhancers, in type II neuroblasts (Figure 3H). In total, 85.4% of Trl-bound promoters and 87.8% of Trl-bound enhancers overlapped with FruC-bound regions including Notch, dpn, E(spl)mγ, klu and tll loci (Figure 3C and I; Figure 3—figure supplement 1C). These data suggest that FruC may function together with Trl to regulate the transcription of stemness genes in neuroblasts.

FruC fine-tunes the transcription of Notch pathway genes during asymmetric neuroblast division

Loss- and gain-of-function of fruC mildly alters the expression of Notch downstream-effector genes that promote stemness in neuroblasts (Figure 2). Thus, FruC likely fine-tunes Notch signaling activity levels that balance neuroblast maintenance and INP commitment during neuroblast asymmetric division. To functionally validate the role of FruC in fine-tuning Notch pathway activity expression, we tested whether loss of fruC function can enhance the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in brat-hypomorphic (brathypo) brains. Immature INPs revert to supernumerary type II neuroblasts at low frequency due to a modest increase in Notch downstream-effector gene expression in brathypo brains (Komori et al., 2018). Consistent with the finding that reduced fru function increases Notch downstream-effector protein levels in immature INPs, the heterozygosity of a fru deletion (fru-/+) enhances the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in brathypo brains (Figure 4A; Figure 4—figure supplement 1A–B). Furthermore, brathypo brains lacking fruC function displayed greater than a twofold increase in supernumerary neuroblasts compared with brathypo brains heterozygous for a fru deletion (Figure 4A; Figure 4—figure supplement 1C–E). These data support our model that loss of fruC function increases Notch pathway activity levels during asymmetric neuroblast division.

Figure 4. Reduced fru function increases Notch pathway gene transcription.

(A) Loss of fruC function (fruΔC/Aj96u3) enhances the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in brathypo (bratDG19310/11) brains heterozygous for a fru deletion (fruAj96u3/+), but loss of fruA (fruΔA/Aj96u3) or fruB (fruΔB/Aj96u3) function does not. (B–D) Overexpressing two copies of dominant-negative mam transgenes in immature INPs partially suppresses the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in numbhypo (numbex112/15) brains. The genotype used in this experiment is numbEx112/R9D11-Gal4,numb15 or numbEx112/R9D11-Gal4,numb15; UAS-mamDN/UAS-mamDN. (E) Loss of fruC function (fruΔC/Aj96u3) enhances the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in numbhypo brains heterozygous for a fru deletion (fruAj96u3/+), but loss of fruA (fruΔA/Aj96u3) or fruB (fruΔB/Aj96u3) function does not. (F–N) sm-FISH using intron probes confirms increased Notch and Notch target gene (dpn and klu) transcription in fruC-mutant neuroblasts comparing with control neuroblasts. CycE nascent transcripts serve as a control because CycE is not a Notch target gene, and CycE transcription is unaffected by fruC knockdown. The genotype used in this experiments is Wor-Gal4 or Wor-Gal4/UAS-fruCRNAi (O) Quantification of Notch, dpn, klu and CycE nascent transcript foci in control versus fruC-mutant neuroblasts. sm-FISH signals were counted in 8 dorsal-most neuroblasts (>6 μm in diameter) per brain lobe. CycE: 1±0.97 (n=128 neuroblasts) in control; 1.16±0.91 (n=96 neuroblasts) in fruCRNAi. dpn: 2.33±1.65 (n=88 neuroblasts) in control; 6.52±3.55 (n=104 neuroblasts) in frucRNAi. klu: 1.12±1.01 (n=80 neuroblasts) in control; 1.79±1.43 (n=112 neuroblasts) in frucRNAi. Notch: 1.06±0.88 (n=112 neuroblasts) in control; 1.77±1.07 (n=104 neuroblasts) in frucRNAi. (P) Knocking down E(spl)mγ function by RNAi in immature INPs suppresses increased supernumerary formation in numbhypo brains heterozygous for fru while having no effect on numbhypo brains alone. The genotypes used in this experiment are numbEx112/R9D11-Gal4,numb15; UAS-E(spl)mγRNAi/+ or numbEx112/R9D11-Gal4,numb15; UAS-E(spl)mγRNAi/fruAj96u3/+. White dashed line separates brain from the optic lobe. Yellow dashed line encircles a neuroblast. white arrow: type II neuroblast. Scale bars: 10 μm. p-value: NS: non-significant, *<0.05, **<0.005, ***<0.0005, and ****<0.00005.

Figure 4.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1. Loss of fruC function enhances supernumerary neuroblast formation in brathypo and numbhypo brains.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1.

(A–E) Representative images of brathypo (brat bratDG19310/11) brains alone, heterozygous for a fru deletion (fruAj96u3/+) or homozygous mutant for a specific fru isoform (fruΔA/Aj96u3, fruΔB/Aj96u3 or fruΔC/Aj96u3). (F) The numbEx allele was generated by imprecisely excising the numbNP2301 transposable element inserted in the 5’-regulatory region of numb. Numb protein remains detectable in numbEx homozygous neuroblasts, but is undetectable in numb-null neuroblasts. (G) Quantification of total type II neuroblasts per brain lobe in numbhypo larvae alone or heterozygous for a fru deletion that overexpress two copies of UAS-mamDN transgenes in immature INPs. The genotype used in this experiment is numbEx112/R9D11-Gal4,numb15, numbEx112/R9D11-Gal4,numb15; UAS-mamDN/UAS-mamDN, numbEx112/R9D11-Gal4,numb15; fruAj96u3/+ or numbEx112/R9D11-Gal4,numb15; fruAj96u3/UAS-mamDN. (H–L) Representative images of numbhypo (numbex112/15) brains alone, heterozygous for a fru deletion (fruAj96u3/+) or homozygous mutant for a specific fru isoform (fruΔA/Aj96u3, fruΔB/Aj96u3 or fruΔC/Aj96u3). (M) The CycE, dpn, klu, and N isoform used for generating intron probes used in sm-FISH experiment shown in Figure 4F–O. The intron used for probe generation is highlighted. Yellow dashed line separates brain from the optic lobe. p-value: ***<0.0005, and ****<0.00005.

Because FruC occupies enhancers relevant to the cell-type-specific expression of Notch and Notch downstream-effector genes in type II neuroblasts (Figure 3), we assessed whether FruC fine-tunes the expression of Notch signaling pathway components during asymmetric neuroblast division. Proteolytic cleavage of the extracellular domain and the transmembrane fragment releases the Notch intracellular domain to form a transcriptional activator complex by binding Su(H) and Mastermind (Mam) (Bray and Gomez-Lamarca, 2018). Asymmetric segregation of Numb into immature INPs inhibits continual Notch activation and terminates Notch-activated transcription of its downstream-effector genes. numb-hypomorphic (numbhypo) animals carrying the numbEx allele in trans with a numb-null allele (numb15) contain more than 100 type II neuroblasts per brain lobe compared with 8 per lobe in wild-type animals (Figure 4B–C; Figure 4—figure supplement 1F–G). Antagonizing Notch-activated gene transcription by overexpressing a dominant negative form of Mam (MamDN) in immature INPs suppressed the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in numbhypo brains (Figure 4C–D; Figure 4—figure supplement 1G). Thus, the supernumerary type II neuroblast phenotype in numbhypo brains provides a direct functional readout of activated Notch levels during asymmetric neuroblast division. The heterozygosity of a fru deletion alone did not affect INP commitment in immature INPs but led to a twofold increase in supernumerary neuroblasts in numbhypo brains (Figure 4E; Figure 4—figure supplement 1H–I). Complete loss of fruC function (fru-/ΔC) led to increased supernumerary neuroblast formation in numbhypo brains compared with fru-/+ (Figure 4E; Figure 4—figure supplement 1J–L). These results suggest that loss of fruC function increases Notch-activated gene expression in mitotic neuroblasts, and support a model that FruC fine-tunes the transcription of Notch downstream-effector genes in neuroblasts.

To quantitatively evaluate whether FruC fine-tunes Notch and Notch downstream-effector gene transcription in neuroblasts, we performed single-molecule fluorescent in-situ hybridization (sm-FISH) using intron probes to these transcripts in larval brains overexpressing a fruCRNAi transgene. Intron probes detect nascent transcripts allowing for quantitative measurement of gene transcription in the physiological context. Because Cyclin E (CycE) is not a Notch target, its nascent transcript levels should not be affected by alerted Notch signaling and serve as control in this experiment. Consistently, the number of CycE nascent transcript foci in neuroblasts appears statistically indistinguishable between control brains carrying only the Gal4 driver or brains overexpressing fruCRNAi (Figure 4F–G and O). By contrast, the number of Notch, dpn and klu nascent transcript foci is significantly higher in fruC knockdown brains than in control brains (Figure 4H–O). E(spl)mγ was exempted from this analysis because its open reading frame contains a single exon. These results strongly suggest that reduced fruC function increases Notch and Notch downstream-effector gene transcription levels in neuroblasts. Consistent with this interpretation, knocking down the function of E(spl)mγ by RNAi strongly suppressed increased supernumerary neuroblast formation in numbhypo brains heterozygous for fru while not effecting the baseline supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in numbhypo brains (Figure 4P). The dpnRNAi transgene was exempted from this analysis because of off-target effect. This result provides functional support of our model that reducing fruC function increases Notch target gene transcription in neuroblasts. Thus, we conclude that FruC fine-tunes Notch and Notch downstream-effector gene expression during asymmetric neuroblast division.

FruC fine-tunes gene expression by promoting low-level H3K27me3 enrichment

To define the mechanisms by which FruC fine-tunes Notch pathway gene transcription in mitotic neuroblasts, we compared genome-wide patterns of histone marks by CUT&RUN in brat-null brains carrying a fru-/ΔC allelic combination (fruC-null) with that of brat-null brains alone (control) (Figure 5—figure supplement 1A–B). We used a 500 bp sliding window to search for regions that show changes in histone mark levels with a Q-value <0.05 in fruC-null brains relative to control brains. We first focused on acetylated lysine 27 on histone H3 (H3K27ac) because a previous study suggested that FruC functions through Histone deacetylase 1 (Hdac1) to regulate gene transcription during specification of sexually dimorphic neurons (Ito et al., 2012). If FruC fine-tunes Notch, dpn and E(spl)mγ transcription in type II neuroblasts by promoting deacetylation of H3K27 at their promoters and neuroblast-specific enhancers, these loci should display higher H3K27ac levels in fruC-null brains than in control brains. 14.2% (4139 kB / 29,065 kB) of the regions with statistically significant changes in H3K27ac levels genome-wide displayed greater than twofold increase in this histone mark in fruC-null brains while 0.4% (130 kB / 29,065 kB) of these regions showed greater than twofold decrease (Figure 5—figure supplement 1C). 3.4% (306 kB / 8,870 kB) of FruC-bound regions showed greater than 2-fold increase in H3K27ac levels in fruC-null brains, and these regions did not include the cis-regulatory elements and the bodies of Notch, dpn and E(spl)mγ (Figure 5A; Figure 5—figure supplement 1D–E). Thus, loss of fruC function did not significantly increase the number of FruC-bound loci with greater than 2-fold increase in H3K27ac comparing with the genome overall. We conclude that H3K27 deacetylation likely plays a minor role in FruC-mediated fine-tuning of target gene transcription.

Figure 5. Low levels of H3K27me3 are enriched in FruC-bound regions.

(A) Representative z score-normalized genome browser tracks showing FruC-binding and the enrichment of H3K4me3, H3K27ac, and H3K27me3 at the Notch locus in type II neuroblasts in control (brat11/Df(2L)Exel8040) or fruC-null (brat11/Df(2L)Exel8040; fruΔC/Aj96u3) brains. Left: Zoomed-out images showing nearest heterochromatin domains. Right: Zoomed-in images showing enrichment of histone marks in FruC-bound regions. (B) Representative z score-normalized genome browser track showing FruC-binding and the H3K27me3 throughout the chromosome arm 2 R in type II neuroblasts in control or fruC-null brains. Fru peaks are shown along with Pc domain regions called on data using similar strategy as previously used to call canonical Pc domains (Brown et al., 2018). (C) Volcano plot showing fold-change of H3K27me3 signal in overall genomic regions in fruC-null brains versus control brains. (D) Volcano plot showing fold-change of H3K27me3 signal in regions bound by Fruc in fruC-null brains versus control brains. (E) Heatmaps are centered on Fruc summits with 2 kb flanking regions in genes uniquely transcribed in type II neuroblasts in control or fruC-null brains and ordered by signal intensity of H3K27me3 enrichment calculated from TMM-normalized tracks. (F) Left: Density plots showing proportion of all 500 bp regions in the genome not bound by Fruc covered by different amounts of H3K27me3 reads in fruC-null brains vs control brains. Right: Density plots showing proportion of all 500 bp Fruc bound regions covered by different amounts of H3K27me3 reads in fruC-null brains vs control brains. (G) Dotplot representing coverage of each Fruc peak not in Pc domains vs coverage of each Pc domain. The horizontal line in the volcano plot represents -log10(0.05)=1.301. All genes above this line have a FDR <0.05.

Figure 5.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1. Levels of active histone marks are unchanged FruC-bound regions.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1.

(A–B) Loss of fruC function does not further exacerbate the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in brat-null brains. Scale bars: 10 μm. (C) Volcano plot showing fold-change of H3K27ac signal in overall genomic regions in fruC-null brains versus control brains. (D) Volcano plot showing fold-change of H3K27ac signal in regions bound by Fruc in fruC-null brains versus control brains. (E) Representative z score-normalized genome browser tracks showing FruC-binding and the enrichment of H3K4me3, H3K27ac, and H3K27me3 in dpn and E(spl)mγ loci in type II neuroblasts in control (brat11/Df(2L)Exel8040) or fruC-null (brat11/Df(2L)Ex040; fruΔC/Aj96u3) brains. Left: Zoomed-out images showing nearest heterochromatin domains. Right: Zoomed-in images showing enrichment of histone marks in FruC-bound regions. (F) Volcano plot showing fold-change of H3K4me3 signal in overall genomic regions in fruC-null brains versus control brains. (G) Volcano plot showing fold-change of H3K4me3 signal in regions bound by Fruc in fruC-null brains versus control brains. (H) Heatmaps are centered on Fruc summits with 2 kb flanking regions in genes transcribed throughout the type II neuroblast lineage in control or fruC-null brains and ordered by signal intensity of H3K27me3 enrichment calculated from TMM-normalized tracks. The horizontal line in the volcano plot represents -log10(0.05)=1.301. All genes above this line have a FDR <0.05.

H3K4me3 is a chromatin mark associated with the promoters of actively transcribed genes (Cenik and Shilatifard, 2021). If FruC fine-tunes Notch, dpn and E(spl)mγ transcription in type II neuroblasts by promoting demethylation of H3K4 at their promoters, these loci should display higher H3K4me3 levels in fruC-null brains than in control brains. 26.7% (8788 kB / 32,939 kB) of the regions with statistically significant changes in H3K4me3 levels genome-wide displayed greater than twofold increase in fruC-null brains while 4.2% (1391 kB / 32,939 kB) of these regions showed greater than 2-fold decrease (Figure 5—figure supplement 1F). 7.45% (831 kB / 11,149 kB) of FruC-bound regions showed greater than 2-fold increase in this histone mark in fruC-null brains, and these regions did not include the promoters and the bodies of Notch, dpn, and E(spl)mγ (Figure 5A; Figure 5—figure supplement 1D and G). Thus, loss of fruC function did not significantly increase the number of FruC-bound loci with greater than twofold increase in H3K4me3 comparing with the genome overall. We conclude that H3K4 demethylation unlikely plays a role in FruC-mediating fine-tuning of gene transcription.

High levels of H3K27me3 are associated with inactive enhancers and the body of repressed genes (Laugesen et al., 2019; Piunti and Shilatifard, 2021). Low H3K27me3 levels occur in active loci in human and mouse embryonic stem cells but are generally regarded as noise (Mikkelsen et al., 2007; Pan et al., 2007). If FruC fine-tunes Notch, dpn and E(spl)mγ transcription in type II neuroblasts by promoting trimethylation of H3K27 at their neuroblast-specific enhancers, these loci should display lower H3K27me3 levels in fruC-null brains than in control brains. High levels of H3K27me3 are deposited in broad domains that are frequently referred to as Polycomb domains (Pc domains) (Brown et al., 2018). Pc domains rarely overlapped with FruC-bound loci and did not appear to be disrupted in fruC-null brains (Figure 5B). 5.7% (1429 kB / 24,888 kB) of the regions with statistically significant changes in H3K27me3 levels displayed greater than twofold increase in fruC-null brains and 18.1% (4510 kB / 24,888 kB) of these regions showed greater than 2-fold decrease (Figure 5C). Importantly, 43.3% (2748 kB / 6,340 kB) of FruC-bound regions showed greater than twofold decrease in this histone mark in fruC-null brains (Figure 5D–E; Figure 5—figure supplement 1H). Thus, loss of fruC function significantly increases the number of FruC-bound loci with greater than twofold decrease in H3K27me3 comparing with the genome overall. We conclude that H3K27 trimethylation likely plays an important role in FruC-mediating fine-tuning of gene transcription.

H3K27me3 levels at FruC-bound peaks including Notch and Notch downstream-effector gene loci appear significantly lower than those in Pc domains in control brains suggesting that FruC fine-tunes gene transcription by promoting low levels of H3K27me3 enrichment (Figure 5A–B; Figure 5—figure supplement 1D). To unbiasedly assess H3K27me3 levels at FruC-bound peaks, we compared the distribution of H3K27me3 reads in 500 bp bins throughout the genome versus FruC-bound peaks. The distribution of reads throughout the genome does not appreciably change between fruC-null brains and control brains (Figure 5F). Consistent with FruC promoting H3K27me3 deposition at regions bound by FruC, there are many more bins that overlapped with FruC-bound peaks containing a reduced number of reads in fruC-null brains comparing with control brains (Figure 5F). We compared the coverage (reads/bp) of H3K27me3 in FruC-bound peaks to canonically defined Pc domains in neuroblasts, and found that Fruc peaks had 3-fold less coverage of H3K27me3 than canonical Pc domains (Figure 5G). These results indicate that FruC fine-tunes gene transcription by promoting low levels of H3K27me3 enrichment.

PRC2 fine-tunes gene expression during asymmetric neuroblast division

PRC2 is thought to be the only enzymatic complex that catalyzes H3K27me3 deposition (Laugesen et al., 2019; Piunti and Shilatifard, 2021). If FruC functions through low levels of H3K27me3 enrichment to finely tune Notch, dpn, and E(spl)mγ expression in mitotic neuroblasts, PRC2 core components should be enriched in FruC-bound peaks in type II neuroblasts and reducing PRC2 activity should enhance the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in numbhypo brains, identical to the result obtained by reducing fru function. Suppressor of zeste 12 (Su(z)12) and Chromatin assembly factor 1, p55 subunit (abbreviated as Caf-1) are two of the PRC2 core components. We performed CUT&RUN in control brains to determine whether regions enriched with Su(z)12 and Caf-1 overlap with FruC-bound peaks. We found that FruC-bound cis-regulatory elements in Notch, dpn, and E(spl)mγ display enrichment of Su(z)12 and Caf-1 (Figure 6A). Furthermore, most FruC-bound peaks in genes uniquely transcribed in type II neuroblasts show Su(z)12 and Caf-1 enrichment (Figure 6B). Similarly, most FruC-bound peaks in genes transcribed throughout the type II neuroblast lineage also shows Su(z)12 and Caf-1 enrichment (Figure 6C). These data support our model that FruC functions through low levels of H3K27me3 enrichment to finely tune gene transcription in type II neuroblasts. Reducing PRC2 function alone does not lead to supernumerary neuroblast formation but strongly enhances the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in numbhypo brains, identical to the results obtained by reducing fru function (Figure 6D–G; Figure 4—figure supplement 1A). Thus, reducing PRC2 activity increases activated Notch during asymmetric neuroblast division. These data led us to propose that FruC functions together with PRC2 to finely tune gene expression in mitotic neuroblasts by promoting low-level enrichment of repressive histone marks in cis-regulatory elements.

Figure 6. PRC2 subunits bind a high percentage of neuroblast-specific genes.

Figure 6.

(A) Representative z score-normalized genome browser tracks showing regions bound by FruC, Su(z)12, and Caf-1 in type II neuroblasts in control (brat11/Df(2L)Exel8040) brains. Left: Zoomed-out images of the loci. Right: Zoomed-in images showing enrichment of PRC2 subunits in FruC-bound regions. (B–C) Heatmaps are centered on Fruc summits with 2 kb flanking regions in genes uniquely transcribed in type II neuroblasts in control brains and ordered by average signal intensity of Caf-1 and Su(z)12. Heatmap intensity is calculated from z score-normalized tracks. (D–F) The heterozygosity of E(z) (E(z)731/+) or Caf-1 (Caf-1short/+) enhances the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in numbhypo (numbex112/15) brains. (G) Quantification of total type II neuroblasts per brain lobe in numbhypo (numbex112/15) brain alone or heterozygous for E(z) (E(z)731/+) or Caf-1 (Caf-1short/+).Scale bars: 10 μm.


Regulation of gene expression requires transcription factors and their associated chromatin-modifying activity, and a lack of insights into relevant transcription factors has precluded mechanistic investigations of gene expression by fine-tuning. By taking advantage of the well-established cell type hierarchy and sensitized genetic backgrounds in the type II neuroblast lineage, we demonstrated FruC fine-tunes gene expression in neuroblasts. By focusing on the Notch signaling pathway in type II neuroblasts, we have been able to define generalizable mechanisms by which FruC finely tunes gene expression levels using loss- and gain-of-function analyses. Our data indicate that FruC likely functions together with PRC2 to dampen the expression of specific genes in mitotic neuroblasts by promoting low levels of H3K27me3 enrichment at their enhancers and promoters (Figure 7). We propose that local low-level enrichment of repressive histone marks can act to fine-tune gene expression.

Figure 7. FruC likely functions together with PRC2 to dampen the expression of stemness genes by promoting low levels of H3K27me3 at their cis-regulatory elements.

Figure 7.

Loss of fruC functions leads to reduced repressive histone marks and increased stemness gene expression in neuroblasts.

Fru is a multifaceted transcriptional regulator of gene expression

Fru protein isoforms have been detected in many cell types in flies (Ito et al., 1996; Ryner et al., 1996; Djiane et al., 2013; Michki et al., 2021; Zhou et al., 2021; Dillon et al., 2022; Xu et al., 2022). The role of Fru in stem cell differentiation remained undefined. Studies linking Fru isoform-specific DNA-binding across the genome with Fru function have been confounded by multiple issues. These include the co-expression of multiple isoforms with different binding specificities within the same cell types, as well as the heterogeneity and scarcity of cell types which express Fru within the central brain, where male-specific Fru isoforms (FruM) have been most intensely studied (Goodwin and Hobert, 2021). In this study, the identification of FruC as the sole isoform expressed in type II neuroblasts along with the use of brat-null brains, which are highly enrich for these neuroblasts, has enabled the study of FruC genomic binding in a defined cell type where it is known to be expressed. By using gene activity in the Notch pathway as an in vivo functional readout, we have now been able to link genomic and genetic evidence to identify a clear role for FruC in negatively regulating the expression of FruC-target genes during asymmetric neuroblast division (Figures 3 and 4). Our data strongly correlate the downregulation of Notch and Notch downstream-effector gene activity by FruC to PRC2-mediated low-level enrichment of H3K27me3 (Figures 5 and 6). This mechanistic correlation appears to be broadly applicable to genes that promote stemness or prime differentiation in neuroblasts (Figure 3D and E). These data led us to propose a model in which FruC functions together with PRC2 to fine-tune the expression of genes by promoting low-level enrichment of H3K27me3 at their cis-regulatory elements. Transcriptomic analyses have revealed that fru transcripts are enriched in fly renal stem cells in which Notch signaling plays an important role in regulating their stemness (Xu et al., 2022). We speculate that the mechanisms we have described in this study might be applicable to the regulation of gene expression in the renal stem cell lineage. It will also be interesting to investigate whether the male-specific FruMC isoform, having the same DNA-binding specificity, utilizes a similar mechanism to regulate the multitude of developmental programs throughout the brain that contribute to a sexually dimorphic nervous system.

Mechanisms that fine-tune gene transcription

What mechanisms allow transcriptional factors to promote inactivation of gene transcription vs. the fine-tuning of their expression? In the type II neuroblast lineage, transcription factors Erm and Hamlet (Ham) function together with histone deacetylases to sequentially inactivate type II neuroblast functionality genes including tll and pointed during INP commitment (Weng et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2011; Eroglu et al., 2014; Janssens et al., 2014; Koe et al., 2014; Xie et al., 2016; Hakes and Brand, 2020; Rives-Quinto et al., 2020). In erm- or ham-null brains, Notch reactivation ectopically activates type II neuroblast functionality gene expression in INPs, driving their reversion into supernumerary neuroblasts. Importantly, mis-expressing either gene overrides activated Notch activity in neuroblasts, and drives them to prematurely differentiate into neurons. Thus, Erm- and Ham-associated histone deacetylation can robustly counteract activity of the Notch transcriptional activator complex and inactivate Notch downstream-effector gene transcription. In contrast to Erm and Ham, FruC appears to reduce activity of the Notch transcriptional activator complex instead. Loss of fruC function modestly increases Notch activity in mitotic type II neuroblasts leading to moderately higher levels of Notch activity and Notch downstream-effector gene expression in immature INPs (Figure 4A and E). Ectopic Notch activity in immature INPs due to loss of fruC function can be efficiently buffered by the multilayered gene control mechanism and does not perturb the onset of INP commitment (Figure 2F–I). Furthermore, neuroblasts continually overexpressing FruC for 72 hours maintained their identities, despite displaying a reduced cell diameter and expressing markers that are typically diagnostic of Ase+ immature INPs (Figure 2J–L). These results suggest that FruC dampens rather than overrides activated Notch activity and are consistent with the findings that FruC-bound regions displaying little changes in histone acetylation levels between fruC-null and control neuroblasts (Figure 4—figure supplement 1C–D). Thus, transcriptional repressors that inactivate gene transcription render the activity of transcriptional activators ineffective, whereas transcriptional repressors that fine-tune gene expression dampen their activity.

A key follow-up question on a proposed role for FruC in fine-tuning gene expression in neuroblasts is the mechanistic link between this transcriptional repressor and the dampening of gene transcription. A previous study suggested that Fru functions through Heterochromatin protein 1a (Hp1a) to promote gene repression during the specification of sexually dimorphic neurons (Ito et al., 2012). Hp1a catalyzes deposition of the H3K9me3 mark (Eissenberg and Elgin, 2014). FruC-bound genes in neuroblasts display undetectable levels of H3K9me3, and knocking down hp1a function did not enhance the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in numbhypo brains (data not presented). Thus, it is unlikely that FruC finely tunes gene transcription by promoting H3K9me3 enrichment. A small subset of FruC-bound peaks showed increased enrichment of H3K27ac in neuroblasts in fruC-null brains compared with control brains (Figure 4—figure supplement 1D). However, FruC overexpression mildly reduces activity of the Notch transcriptional activator complex in neuroblasts (Figure 2J–L). Thus, histone deacetylation appears to play a minor role in FruC-mediated fine-tuning of gene expression in neuroblasts. Most peaks that displayed statistically significantly reduced H3K27me3 levels in fruC-null neuroblasts compared with control neuroblasts are bound by FruC (Figure 5E). Many FruC-bound peaks displayed the enrichment of PRC2 subunits, Su(z)12 and Caf-1, and reduced PRC2 function enhanced the supernumerary neuroblast phenotype in numbhypo brains (Figure 6D–G; Figure 5—figure supplement 1A). These results strongly suggest a model in which low-level enrichment of H3K27me3 in cis-regulatory elements of FruC-bound genes fine-tunes their expression in neuroblasts (Figure 7).

PRC2 fine-tunes gene transcription during developmental transitions

A counterintuitive finding from this study is the role for PRC2 and low levels of H3K27me3 enrichment in fine-tuning active gene transcription in type II neuroblasts. PRC2 is thought to be the only complex that deposits the H3K27me3 repressive histone mark and functions to repress gene transcription (Laugesen et al., 2019; Morgan and Shilatifard, 2020; Piunti and Shilatifard, 2021). PRC2 subunits and H3K27me3 are enriched in many active genes in various cell types, including embryonic stem cells and quiescent B cells in mice and human differentiating erythroid cells (Brookes et al., 2012; Frangini et al., 2013; Kaneko et al., 2013; Morey et al., 2013; Xu et al., 2015; Giner-Laguarda and Vidal, 2020; Ochiai et al., 2020). However, the functional significance of their occupancies in active gene loci in vertebrate cells remains unclear due to a lack of sensitized functional readouts and a lack of insight regarding transcription factors for their recruitment. Several similarities exist between these vertebrate cell types and fly type II neuroblasts. First, both vertebrate and fly cells are poised to undergo a cell-state transition. Second, the pattern of PRC2 subunit occupancy in cis-regulatory elements of active vertebrate and fly genes appears as discrete peaks that are also enriched with low levels of H3K27me3. Building on the functional evidence collected in vivo, we propose that FruC functions together with PRC2 to fine-tune the expression of genes that promote stemness or prime differentiation by promoting low-level enrichment of H3K27me3 in their cis-regulatory elements in type II neuroblasts (Figure 7). Thus, PRC2-mediated low-level enrichment of H3K27me3 we have described in this study should be broadly applicable to the fine-tuned gene activity attained by dampening transcription during binary cell fate specification and cell-state transitions in vertebrates.

An important question arising from our proposed model relates to how FruC functions together with PRC2 to dampen gene transcription in neuroblasts. Studies in vertebrates have shown that loss of PRC2 activity mildly increases gene transcription levels, suggesting that PRC2 likely dampens gene transcription (Morey et al., 2013; Pherson et al., 2017). A separate study suggested a possible link between PRC2 and transcriptional bursts (Ochiai et al., 2020). The transcriptional activator complex binding to promoters affects burst sizes, whereas their binding to enhancers control burst frequencies (Larsson et al., 2019). The dwell time of the transcriptional activator complex bound to cis-regulatory elements directly affects the frequency, duration, and amplitude of transcriptional bursts. For example, chromatin immunoprecipitation and live-cell imaging of fly embryos have suggested that the Su(H) occupancy time at cis-regulatory elements of Notch downstream-effector genes increases upon Notch activation (Gomez-Lamarca et al., 2018). Our genomic data indicate that Su(H)-bound regions in Notch and Notch downstream-effector genes that promote stemness in neuroblasts are bound by FruC and are enriched for low levels of H3K27me3 and PRC2 subunits (Figures 3F–G5A, 6A). These observations suggest that FruC and PRC2 might fine-tune expression of Notch pathway components by modulating transcriptional bursts in these loci. Examining levels of Su(H) enrichment at FruC-bound peaks in Notch pathway component loci in fruC-null neuroblasts relative to control neuroblasts will enable the testing of this model.

Materials and methods

Key resources table.

Reagent type (species) or resource Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) P{GawB}numbNP2301 Kyoto Drosophila Stock Center 104153
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) numbex115 This study see "Fly genetics and transgenes" in Material and Methods
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) fruA::Myc von Philipsborn et al., 2014
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) fruB::Myc von Philipsborn et al., 2014
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) fruC::Myc von Philipsborn et al., 2014
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) brat11 Arama et al., 2000 stock #: 97265
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) bratDG19310 Xiao et al., 2012
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) Df(2 L)Exel8040 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center stock #: 7847
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) numb15 Berdnik et al., 2002
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) frusat15 Ito et al., 1996
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) fruAJ96u3 Song et al., 2002
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) fruΔA Neville et al., 2014
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) fruΔB Neville et al., 2014
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) fruΔC Billeter et al., 2006
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) E(z)731 Anderson et al., 2011
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) Caf-1short Anderson et al., 2011
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) UAS-fruC::Myc This study see "Fly genetics and transgenes" in Material and Methods
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) UAS-fruC::ERD::Myc This study see "Fly genetics and transgenes" in Material and Methods
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) UAS-dcr2; Wor-Gal4, Ase-Gal80; UAS-Stinger::RFP Reichardt et al., 2018
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) P{GawB}elavC155, P{UAS-mCD8::GFP.L}Ptp4ELL4, P{hsFLP}1 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center stock #: 5146
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) P{GAL4-Act5C(FRT.CD2).P}S Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center stock #: 4780
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) y[1] w[*]; P{ry[+t7.2]=neoFRT}82B P{w[+mC]=tubP-GAL80}LL3 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center stock #: 5135
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) w[1118]; P{y[+t7.7] w[+mC]=GMR9D11-GAL4}attP2 Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center stock #: 40731
Genetic reagent (D. melanogaster) UAS-E(spl)mγRNAi Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center stock #: 25978
Antibody anti-GFP
(chicken polyclonal)
Aves Labs Cat# GFP-1010
IF (1:2000)
Antibody anti-Ase (rabbit polyclonal) Weng et al., 2010 IF (1:400)
Antibody anti-FruCOM (rabbit polyclonal) Ito et al., 2012 IF (1:500)
CUT-&-RUN (1 μl)
Antibody anti-Trl (rabbit polyclonal) Judd et al., 2021 IF (1:500)
CUT-&-RUN (1 μl)
Antibody anti-cMyc
(mouse polyclonal)
Sigma SKU: M4439 IF (1:200)
Antibody anti-Su(H) (mouse polyclonal) Santa Cruz SKU: 398453 IF (1:100),
Antibody anti-Pros (mouse monoclonal) Lee et al., 2006a IF (1:500)
Antibody anti-dpn (rat monoclonal, ascite) Weng et al., 2010 IF (1:1000)
Antibody anti-Mira (rat monoclonal) Lee et al., 2006a IF (1:100)
Antibody anti-cMyc (goat polyclonal) Abcam Cat#: ab9132 CUT-&-RUN (1 μl)
Antibody anti-Caf-1 (rabbit polyclonal) Tyler et al., 1996 CUT-&-RUN (1 μl)
Antibody anti-Su(z)12 (rabbit polyclonal) Loubière et al., 2016 CUT-&-RUN (1 μl)
Antibody anti-IgG (rabbit polyclonal) EpiCypher CUT-&-RUN (1 μl)
Antibody anti-H3K9me3 (rabbit polyclonal) Abcam Cat#: ab8898 CUT-&-RUN (1 μl)
Antibody anti-H3K4me3 (rabbit polyclonal) Active Motif Cat#: 39159 CUT-&-RUN (1 μl)
Antibody anti-H3K27me3 (rabbit polyclonal) Sigma Aldrich Cat#: 07–449 CUT-&-RUN (1 μl)
Antibody anti-H3K27ac (rabbit polyclonal) Active Motif Cat#: 39136 CUT-&-RUN (1 μl)
Chemical compound Rhodamine Phalloidin Invitrogen Cat#: R415 IF (1:100)
Chemical compound Alexa Fluor Plus 405 Phalloidin Invitrogen Cat#: A30104
Chemical compound DRAQ5 Abcam Cat#: ab108410
Chemical compound Papain Millipore Sigma Cat#: P4762-25MG
Chemical compound Collagenase type I Millipore Sigma Cat#: SCR103
Chemical compound E-64 Millipore Sigma Cat#: E3132-1MG
Chemical compound Fetal Bovine Serum Millipore Sigma Cat#: F0926-50ML
Chemical compound Schneider’s Media Millipore Sigma Cat#: S0146-500ML
Chemical compound ProLong Gold Antifade Mountant Invitrogen Cat#: P36930
Chemical compound ProLong Gold Antifade Mountant with DNA Stain DAPI Invitrogen Cat#: P36935
Chemical compound Agencourt AMPure XP - 5 mL Beckman Coulter Cat#: A63880
Chemical compound Sodium butyrate Sigma Aldrich Cat#: B5887
Commercial assay or kit 10x chromium v3 single-cell gene expression kit 10x Genomics Cat# 1000154
Commercial assay or kit B1-labeled HCR RNA-FISH intron probe (Notch) Molecular Instruments, Inc dm6, chrX: 3159233–3163479
Commercial assay or kit B1-labeled HCR RNA-FISH intron probe (dpn) Molecular Instruments, Inc dm6, chr2R: 8230502–8231599 & 8231694–8231923
Commercial assay or kit B1-labeled HCR RNA-FISH intron probe (klu) Molecular Instruments, Inc dm6, chr3L: 10985072–10996227
Commercial assay or kit B1-labeled HCR RNA-FISH intron probe (CycE) Molecular Instruments, Inc dm6, chr2L: 15731785–15737628
Commercial assay or kit HCR RNA-FISH amplifiers Molecular Instruments, Inc
Commercial assay or kit CUTANA ChIC/CUT&RUN Kit Epicypher SKU: 14–1048
Commercial assay or kit NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina New England Biolabs Cat#: E7645L
Commercial assay or kit NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for Illumina (96 Unique Dual Index Primer Pairs) New England Biolabs Cat#: E6440L
Software, algorithm Script Files This Study GITHUB
Software, algorithm Cell Ranger (6.0.1) 10x Genomics RRID:SCR_017344
Software, algorithm Fiji/ImageJ Schindelin et al., 2012 RRID:SCR_002285
Software, algorithm scanpy scRNA-seq analysis software Wolf et al., 2018 RRID:SCR_018139
Software, algorithm Harmony Korsunsky et al., 2019
Software, algorithm Bioinfokit Renesh Bedre, 2020, March 5
Software, algorithm Matplotlib
Software, algorithm Seaborn RRID:SCR_018132
Software, algorithm FastQC Wingett and Andrews, 2018 RRID:SCR_014583
Software, algorithm cutadapt Martin, 2011 RRID: SCR_011841
Software, algorithm Samtools Li et al., 2009 RRID: SCR_002105
Software, algorithm MACS2 Zhang et al., 2008 RRID: SCR_013291
Software, algorithm CUT-RUNTools-2.0 Yu et al., 2021
Software, algorithm bedtools Quinlan and Hall, 2010 RRID: SCR_008848
Software, algorithm HOMER Heinz et al., 2010 RRID: SCR_010881
Software, algorithm deeptools Ramírez et al., 2016 RRID: SCR_016366
Software, algorithm Integrative Genomics Viewer Robinson et al., 2011 RRID: SCR_011793
Software, algorithm GoPeaks Yashar et al., 2022
Software, algorithm SICER Zang et al., 2009 RRID:SCR_010843
Software, algorithm featureCounts Liao et al., 2014 RRID: SCR_012919
Software, algorithm EdgeR Robinson et al., 2010 RRID: SCR_012802
Software, algorithm diffReps Shen et al., 2013 RRID:SCR_010873
Software, algorithm iCisTarget Imrichová et al., 2015
Software, algorithm XSTREME Grant and Bailey, 2021 RRID:SCR_001783
Software, algorithm LAS AF Leica Microsystems RRID:SCR_013673

Fly genetics and transgenes

Fly crosses were carried out in 6-oz plastic bottles at 25 °C, and eggs were collected in apple caps in 8 hr intervals (4 hr for scRNA-seq). Newly hatched larvae were genotyped by presence or absence of the balancer chromosome CyO,Act-GFP and/or TM6B,Tb and cultured on caps containing cornmeal Drosophila culturing media for 96 hr. For GAL4 based overexpression or knock down experiments, larvae were shifted to 33 °C after eclosion to induce transgene expression via suppression of tub-Gal80ts.

Larvae for MARCM analyses (Lee and Luo, 2001) were genotyped after eclosion and allowed to grow at 25 °C for 24 hr. Corn meal caps containing larvae were then placed in a 37 °C water bath for 90 min to induce clones. Heat-shocked larvae were allowed to recover and grow at 25 °C for 72 hr prior to dissection.

For CUT&RUN experiments, fly crosses were carried out in 30oz fly condos, and eggs were collected on 10 mm apple caps in 12 hr intervals. Newly hatched larvae were genotyped and cultured on corn meal caps for ~5–6 days.

The following transgenic lines were generated in this study: UAS-fruC::Myc and UAS-ERD::fruCzf::Myc. The DNA fragments were cloned into p{UAST}attB. The transgenic fly lines were generated via φC31 integrase-mediated transgenesis (Bischof and Basler, 2008). numbEX112 alleles were generated by imprecise excision of P{GawB}numbNP2301, which was inserted at a P-element juxtaposed to the transcription start site of the numb gene. The excised regions were determined by PCR followed by sequencing.

Immunofluorescent staining and antibodies

Larvae brains were dissected in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and fixed in 100 mM PIPES (pH 6.9), 1 mM EGTA, 0.3% Triton X-100 and 1 mM MgSO4 containing 4% formaldehyde for 23 min. Fixed brain samples were washed with PBST containing PBS and 0.3% Triton X-100. After removing fixation solution, samples were incubated with primary antibodies for 3 hrs at room temperature. After 3 hr, samples were washed with PBST and then incubated with secondary antibodies overnight at 4 °C. The next day, samples were washed with PBST and equilibrated in ProLong Gold antifade mount (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Antibodies used in this study include chicken anti-GFP (1:2000; Aves Labs, SKU 1020), rabbit anti-Ase (1:400) (Weng et al., 2010), rabbit anti-FruCOM (1:500; D. Yamamoto), rabbit anti-Trl (1:500; J.T. Lis), mouse anti-cMyc (1:200; Sigma, SKU: M4439), mouse anti-Su(H) (1:100; Santa Cruz, SKU: 398453), mouse anti-Pros (1:500) (Lee et al., 2006c), rat anti-Dpn (1:1000) (Weng et al., 2010), and rat anti-Mira (1:100) (Lee et al., 2006c). Secondary antibodies were from Jackson ImmunoResearch Inc and Thermo Fisher Scientific. We used rhodamine phalloidin or Alexa Fluor Plus 405 phallloidin (ThermoFisher Scientific) to visualize cortical actin. Confocal images were acquired on a Leica SP5 scanning confocal microscope (Leica Microsystems Inc) using a 63 x glycerol immersion objective, as z-stacks with 1.51 µm thickness. Images were taken at 1.5 x zoom for whole lobe, or 3/5 x zoom for single neuroblasts/single clonal lineages.

Hybridization chain reaction (HCR) and immunofluorescent staining

mRNA signals in the larval brain were developed by performing in situ HCR v3.087. We modified the protocol of in situ HCR v3.0 to combine immunofluorescent staining of the larval brain. Third instar larval brains were dissected in PBS and fixed in 100 mM PIPES (pH 6.9), 1 mM EGTA, 0.3% Triton X-100 and 1 mM MgSO4 containing 4% formaldehyde for 23 min. Fixed brain samples were washed with PBST containing PBS and 0.3% Triton X-100. After removing fix solution, samples were pre-hybridized with hybridization buffer (10% formamide, 5×SSC, 0.3% Triton X-100 and 10% dextran sulfate) at 37 °C for 1 hr. Prehybridized samples were mixed with 5 nM Sp-1 mRNA HCR probe (Molecular Instruments, Los Angeles, CA) and incubated at 37 °C overnight. After hybridization, samples were washed with washing buffer (10% formamide, 5×SSC, 0.3% Triton X-100) and then incubated with amplification buffer (5×SSC, 0.3% Triton X-100 and 10% dextran sulfate) at 25 °C for 30 min. During washing period, imager hairpins (Molecular Instruments, Los Angeles, CA) were denatured at 95 °C for 2 mins. Once samples were equilibrated in amplification buffer, samples were mixed with 3 µM of denatured imager hairpins and incubated at 25 °C for overnight. The next day, samples were washed with PBST and then re fixed in 100 mM PIPES (pH = 6.9), 1 mM EGTA, 0.3% Triton X-100 and 1 mM MgSO4 containing 4% formaldehyde for 15 min to initiate immunofluorescent staining procedures.

Quantification and statistical analyses

All biological replicates were independently collected and processed. The observers were blind to the genotypes. All brain samples, except those damaged during processing, will be included in data analyses. Only one brain lobe per brain was imaged to ensure measurement biological variability. Cell types were counted by the imager taker based on the presence of expected markers and cell size (NB:>7 µm diameter; type II NB: Dpn+,Ase-; GMC: Pros+,Ase+) for cells that were outside of the optic lobe region (identified by morphology). All statistical analyses were performed using a two-tailed Student’s t-test, and p-values <0.05, <0.005, <0.0005, and <0.00005 are indicated by (*), (**), (***) and (****), respectively in figures. GraphPad Prism was used to generate dot-plots.

For newborn immature INP identification, Dpn protein was used to identify the type II neuroblast and Mira was used to identify the newly born immature INP nucleus. Pixel intensities of the proteins of interest were measured in the nucleus of the type II neuroblast and corresponding newly born immature INP using ImageJ software. The relative pixel intensity of the protein of interest in the immature INP was taken in relation to the pixel intensity in the type II neuroblast. All biological replicates were independently collected and processed.

For smFISH data quantification, brain lobes were stained for DAPI using ProLong Gold antifade mount with DAPI (ThermoFisher Scientific). The top 8 most dorsal neuroblasts were selected from individual brain lobes from distinct brains by cell size and morphology. Fluroescent smFISH foci which overlapped with the nuclear DAPI stain were counted if they were larger than 3 µm in diameter in the z-axis direction (persist for more than 2 slices).

scRNA-seq of the type II neuroblast lineage

UAS-dcr2; Wor-gal4, Ase-gal80; UAS-RFP::stinger larval brains (n=50) were dissected 96 hr after larval hatching in ice cold Rinaldini’s solution during a 45 min interval. Dissected brains were transferred to Eppendorf tubes containing 30 µL of Rinaldini’s solution. A total of 10 µL of 20 mg/mL papain, 10 µL of 20 mg/mL type-1 collagenase, and 1 µL of 15 µM ZnCl was added to the tube. Additional Rinaldini’s solution was added to adjust the final volume to be 100 µL. The tube was mixed gently by flicking, and them incubated on a heat block at 37 °C for 1 hr, while covered with aluminum foil. During this incubation, the tube was flicked for mixing every 10 min.

After the 1 hr incubation, 5 µL of 100 µM E-64 was added to stop the papain digestion. Samples were incubated on ice for 2 min, and then centrifuged for 3 min at 500 g. Supernatant was carefully removed, and chemical dissociated brains were resuspended in 100 µL Schneider’s media with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). Mechanical dissociation was performed by setting a P100 pipette to 70 µL and titrating 30 times at a frequency of ~1 Hz. After titration, cells were diluted with 400 µL Schneider’s media with 10% FBS, bringing the total volume to 500 µL. A total of 1 µL of DRAQ5 DNA stain (Thermo Fisher Scientific) was added to label cells apart from debris.

A Sony MA900 FACS machine was used to select for RFP+, DRAQ5 + cells. Cells were sorted into a 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube prefilled with 100 µL of Schneider’s media with 10% FBS. Approximately 30,000 RFP+, DRAQ5 events were sorted. Cells were transported on ice to the University of Michigan’s Advanced Genomics Core and were loaded for 10x Chromium V3 sequencing following the manufacturer’s instructions.

The mRNA was subsequently reverse-transcribed, amplified, and sequenced on an IlluminaNovaSeq-6000 chip (University of Michigan Advanced Genomics Core). Then, 151 bp paired-end sequencing was performed, with a target of 100,000 reads/cell.

Data analysis for scRNA-seq

Reads were mapped using Cell Ranger (6.0.1) to the Drosophila genome assembly provided by ENSEMBL, build BDGP6.32, with DsRed (Genbank: AY490568) added to the genome.

Downstream scRNA-seq analyses was performed using SCANPY (Wolf et al., 2018). Count matrices were concatenated between our dataset and previously published previously published scRNA-seq data generated from INPs and downstream progeny of the type II lineage (Michki et al., 2021). The top 2,000 highly variable genes were identified, and then principal component analysis was performed using these highly variable genes with 50 components. The dataset was then harmonized using Harmony (Korsunsky et al., 2019), and completed in four iterations. Neighborhood identification was computed with k=20, and then UMAP (Becht et al., 2018) was performed using a spectral embedding of the graph. Finally, clusters were identified using the Leiden algorithm (Traag et al., 2019), with a resolution of 1. Cell-type annotation was performed by further clustering of clusters 1 and 14, and labeling was performed based on known marker genes.

Pseudotime analysis was performed by calculating the diffusion pseudotime (Haghverdi et al., 2016) trajectory implementation in SCANPY, using an initial root cell selected as dpn+, pnt+, DsRed+ and visually based on UMAP (ID: ‘CATTCTAAGCAACTTC-1-0’).

Differential expression analysis for genes between neuroblasts and immature INPs was completed by separating cluster 14 using Leiden with a resolution of 0.3. SCANPY’s rank_gene_groups was used with method=‘t-test-overestim_var’ to determine log-fold changes and adjusted p-values of expressed genes. Differentially expressed genes were defined as having |Fold Change|>2 and adjusted -value <0.05, and invariant genes were defined as having |Fold Change|<2. Bioinfokit (Renesh Bedre, 2020, March 5) was used to generate the volcano plot figure.

CUT&RUN on neuroblast-enriched brains

brat11/Df; fruC::Myc (control) or brat11/Df; fruΔC/Aj96u3 (fruΔC/-) larval brains were dissected in 45 min time windows in PBS and transferred to 0.5 mL Eppendorf tubes. Dissected brains were then collected at the bottom of the tube, and supernatant was removed. CUTANA ChIC/CUT&RUN (Epicypher) was performed per the manufacturer’s protocol, with modifications. Brains were resuspended in 100 µL wash buffer, and then homogenized by ~30–50 passes of a Dounce homogenizer. Homogenized samples were transferred to a 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube, and then the cells were pelleted by centrifugation (600 g for 3 min). Next, then pellets were processed using the CUT&RUN kit. A total of 0.5 ng of antibody was used per sample, (or 0.5 µL if antibody concentration was unknown). A total of 0.5 ng of Escherichia coli spike-in DNA was added into each sample as a spike-in control.

For control brains, antibodies used were goat anti-cMyc (Abcam, ab9132), mouse anti-Su(H), rabbit anti-Trl, rabbit anti-Caf-1 (Gift from J. Kadonaga, Tyler et al., 1996), rabbit anti-Su(z)12 (Gift from G. Cavalli, Loubière et al., 2016), rabbit anti-IgG (Epicypher), and rabbit anti-H3K9me3 (Abcam, ab8898). For both control and fru-/- brains, antibodies used were rabbit anti-H3K4me3 (Active Motif: 39159), rabbit anti-H3K27me3 (Sigma Aldrich, 07–449), and rabbit anti-H3K27ac (Active Motif: 39136). A total of 50 brains were collected for transcription factor samples and 25 brains were collected for histone mark samples. All samples were performed in duplicate. Samples targeting acetylation had 100 mM of sodium butyrate (Sigma Aldrich) added to all buffers. Samples using mouse antibodies underwent an additional antibody incubation step, where samples were washed 2 x with cell permeabilization buffer after primary antibody incubation, and then were incubated for 1 hr with 0.5 ng of rabbit anti-mouse IgG (Abcam, ab46540).

Fragmented DNA was diluted to 50 µL in 0.1 x TE and library prepped using the NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (E7645) with NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for Illumina (E6440) per the manufacturer’s protocol with modifications. The adaptor was diluted 1:25, and bead clean-up steps were performed using 1.1 x AMPure Beads without size selection. The PCR cycle was modified to match specifications provided by the CUTANA ChIC/CUT&RUN kit. DNA was eluted in 20 µL 0.1 x TE.

DNA samples were assessed for concentration and quality on an Agilent TapeStation. Samples with greater than 1% adaptor underwent an additional round of bead cleanup. Samples that passed quality control were sequenced on an IlluminaNovaSeq-6000 chip (University of Michigan Advanced Genomics Core). Then, 151 bp paired end sequencing was performed, with a target of at least 10,000,000 reads per replicate.

CUT&RUN data analysis

Read quality was checked using FastQC (Wingett and Andrews, 2018). Reads were trimmed using cutadapt (Martin, 2011), and aligned to BDGP6.32 using bowtie2 (Langmead and Salzberg, 2012) with the flags –local, --very-sensitive, --no-mixed, --no-discordant -dovetail, and -I 10 -X 1000. Samtools (Li et al., 2009) was used to convert file formats and to mark fragments less than 120 bp.

For transcription factor samples, only reads with a fragment size <120 bp were kept for downstream analysis. Peaks were called individually on each replicate by MACS version 2 (Zhang et al., 2008), using parameters specified in CUT&RUNTools2 (Yu et al., 2021), and then merged using bedtools (Quinlan and Hall, 2010). Downstream analyses were carried out with both Fruc::Myc and FruCOM peak sets and showed similar results. The data shown in heatmaps use the Fruc::Myc peakset. For Fruc peaks, only high confidence peaks (-log10(Q-value) >100) were kept for downstream analysis. MACS2 was similarly used to call peaks on H3K9me3 samples, and high confidence peaks (-log10(Q-value) >100) were merged using bedtools merge -d 3000. We then blacklisted our transcription factor peak sets against H3K9me3 peaks to remove heterochromatin regions from the downstream analysis. High signal and low mappability regions defined by the ENCODE Blacklist (Amemiya et al., 2019) were also removed using bedtools. A random peak set was generated by calling bedtools shuffle on the Fruc::Myc peakset, to generate a background control that covered the same number of regions and same number of bp’s as Fruc::Myc peakset but at new randomly determined genomic loci. An additional random peak set was generated using the same method, but starting with Su(H) peaks.

Peak sets were annotated using HOMER (Heinz et al., 2010), which was used to determine the genomic distribution of the transcription factors and genes associated with each peak. Regulatory regions were defined as peaks in either intronic or intergenic regions. FruC -bound genes were determined as genes that had a Fruc::Myc peak annotated as being associated to that gene. These peaks were also classified as immature INP-enriched, invariant, or neuroblast enriched peaks based on their corresponding gene’s classification from our single-cell data. This same process was repeated for the randomized peak sets.

Bigwig files for transcription factors were generated using deeptools (Ramírez et al., 2016) bamCoverage with flags --ignoreDuplicates --maxFragmentLength 120 --normalizeUsing RPKM. Correlation between Fruc::Myc and FruCOM was calculated using deeptools mutiBigWigSummary with default parameters. Correlation was plotted on log-log axes using deeptools plotCorrelation with the flag --log1p and otherwise default parameters. Bigwig tracks were visualized using the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) (Robinson et al., 2011). For data visualization, z score-normalized bigwigs were generated by subtracting the mean read coverage (counts) from the merged replicate read counts in 10 bp bins across the entire genome and dividing by the standard deviation (Larson et al., 2021). Heatmaps for Fruc::Myc signal at open chromatin regions, Su(H) peaks, and Trl peaks were generated using deeptools. Heatmaps for Su(z)12 and Caf-1 were generated at Fruc peaks which are associated with neuroblast enriched genes and for all Fruc peaks.

TMM (Trimmed Mean of M-Values) normalization was performed on histone mark samples to accurately account for differences in library composition and sequencing depth. First, peaks were called on control samples against IgG using GoPeaks (Yashar et al., 2022). featureCounts (Liao et al., 2014) was then used to count reads from each replicate inside the peaks for each histone mark across control and fru-/- samples. EdgeR (Robinson et al., 2010) calcNormFactors (method = TMM) was called on each histone mark count matrix, and the final normalization factor was calculated as 1,000,000/(normFactor * number of reads in peaks). Bigwig files were generated for individual replicates by using deeptools bamcoverage on aligned bam files with the --scaleFactor equal to the final normalization factor that was calculated. Bigwigs were then merged using deeptools bigWigCompare, and z score bigwig files for histone marks were generated and visualized in IGV. Heatmaps for H3K27me3 between control (brat-/-) and (brat-/-; fruΔC/-) were generated at Fruc peaks which are associated with neuroblast enriched genes and for all Fruc peaks.

Differential enrichment for each histone marks between control (brat-/-) and (brat-/-; fruΔC/-) was performed using diffReps (Shen et al., 2013) with a 500 bp sliding window and otherwise default parameters. Bins which overlapped with Fruc::Myc peaks were marked as Fruc bound. Volcano plots showing -Log10(pval-adj) vs Log2FoldChange were visualized using bioinfokit (Renesh Bedre, 2020).

Bash code was used to generate a bed file which covered the genome in 500 bP bins. These bins were intersected with bedtools to determine bins that were bound or unbound by Fruc::Myc peaks. H3K27me3 bam files from control and fruΔC/- were subset using bash and samtools to contain 10 million fragments each. Reads in Fru bound or unbound bins were then counted using bedtools multicov on the subset bam files. Density plots of reads / bin were visualized in Python using matplotlib and seaborn (

For H3K27me3 control data, canonical Polycomb domains were called using SICER (Zang et al., 2009) with parameters -w 500 f 0 -egf 0.7 g 2000 based on a previous study of Polycomb domains (Brown et al., 2018). Peaks that had a score higher than 500 from SICER, and were larger than 3 k-bp were kept, and merged across peaks within 10 k-bp and between replicates. Bedtools was used to determine Fruc::Myc peaks outside of Polycomb domains. Finalized regions were quantified by counting number of reads from H3K27me3 control brains in respective regions using featureCounts. Afterwards, reads in each region were normalized by region length, and average number of reads was calculated across replicates.

Motif analyses

Motifs were searched for within +/-100 b p of FruCOM for Drosophila position weight matricies (PWMs) using iCisTarget (Imrichová et al., 2015) with default parameters. Analyses were run using all FruCOM peaks, or only FruCOM peaks associated with promoters or regulatory regions, and the top motif was selected for further analysis. The top motif found using all peaks and using regulatory peaks was the same. The normalized enrichment score NES, [AUC-µ]/σ was recorded for the motifs. Motif PWMs were obtained and motif locations in the genome were calculated using HOMER scanMotifGenomeWide with a log odd detection threshold of 8. FruCOM and random peaks were extended by +/-200 bp and the percent of peaks containing motifs was calculated. De novo motif searching was attempted using XSTREME (Grant and Bailey, 2021) and HOMER, but no motifs were confidently identified.


We thank Drs. G Cavalli, J Kadonaga, J Lis, and D Yamamoto for providing us with reagents. We thank the Advance Genomics Core and the Flow Cytometry core for technical assistance. We thank Drs. N Michki and Y Li for technical advice and assistance on the single-cell RNA sequencing experiment. We thank Drs. Chris Q Doe and Derek H Janssen and members of the Lee lab for helpful discussions, and Science Editors Network for editing the manuscript. We thank the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center, Kyoto Stock Center, and the Vienna Drosophila RNAi Center for fly stocks. We thank BestGene Inc and GenetiVision Corp. for generating the transgenic fly lines. This work is supported by NIH grants R01NS107496 and R01NS111647. SFG and MN are supported by a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award (106189/Z/14/Z) to SFG.

Funding Statement

The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication. For the purpose of Open Access, the authors have applied a CC BY public copyright license to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.

Contributor Information

Cheng-Yu Lee, Email:

Chris Q Doe, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Oregon, United States.

Marianne E Bronner, California Institute of Technology, United States.

Funding Information

This paper was supported by the following grants:

  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke R01NS107496 to Cheng-Yu Lee.

  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke R01NS111647 to Melissa M Harrison.

  • Wellcome Trust 106189/Z/14/Z to Stephen F Goodwin.

Additional information

Competing interests

No competing interests declared.

Author contributions

Conceptualization, Data curation, Software, Formal analysis, Validation, Investigation, Visualization, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Project administration, Writing – review and editing.

Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Validation, Investigation, Visualization, Methodology, Project administration.

Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Validation, Investigation, Visualization, Project administration.


Resources, Methodology, Writing – original draft.

Resources, Methodology.

Resources, Funding acquisition, Writing – original draft.

Resources, Funding acquisition, Methodology, Writing – original draft.

Conceptualization, Data curation, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Writing – original draft, Project administration, Writing – review and editing.

Additional files

Supplementary file 1. Raw data and statistics for all quantified data.
elife-86127-supp1.xlsx (177.7KB, xlsx)
Supplementary file 2. Differential gene expression values for Neuroblasts vs immature INPs from scRNA-seq.
elife-86127-supp2.xlsx (545.5KB, xlsx)
MDAR checklist

Data availability

Sequencing data have been deposited in GEO under accession codes GSE218257. All quantifications are provided in Supplementary File 1. All analysis code used has been deposited in GitHub (copy archived at Rajan et al., 2023).

The following dataset was generated:

Rajan A, Anhezini L, Rives-Quinto N, Chhabra JY, Neville MC, Larson ED, Goodwin SF, Harrison MM, Lee CY. 2023. Low-level repressive histone marks fine-tune stemness gene transcription in neural stem cells. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. GSE218257

The following previously published datasets were used:

Michki NS, Li Y, Sanjasaz K, Zhao Y, Shen F, Walker LA, Cao W, Lee C, Cai D. 2021. The molecular landscape of neural differentiation in the developing Drosophila brain revealed by targeted scRNA-seq and multi-informatic analysis. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. GSE153723

Larson ED, Komori H, Gibson TJ, Ostgaard CM, Hamm DC, Schnell JM, Lee C, Harrison MM. 2021. Cell-type-specific chromatin occupancy by the pioneer factor Zelda drives key developmental transitions in Drosophila. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. GSE150931


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Editor's evaluation

Chris Q Doe 1

This is an important study that defines the role of the FruC transcription factor in key developmental decisions during neurogenesis in Drosophila. The authors combine genetics and genomic profiling to provide convincing evidence that FruC-regulated gene expression is correlated with changes in repressive histone marks. This study will be of wide general interest to the developmental biology field.

Decision letter

Editor: Chris Q Doe1
Reviewed by: Irwin Davidson2

Our editorial process produces two outputs: (i) public reviews designed to be posted alongside the preprint for the benefit of readers; (ii) feedback on the manuscript for the authors, including requests for revisions, shown below. We also include an acceptance summary that explains what the editors found interesting or important about the work.

Decision letter after peer review:

Thank you for submitting your article "Low-level repressive histone marks fine-tune stemness gene transcription in neural stem cells" for consideration by eLife. Your article has been reviewed by 3 peer reviewers, and the evaluation has been overseen by Chris Doe, as Reviewing Editor and Marianne Bronner as the Senior Editor. The following individual involved in the review of your submission has agreed to reveal their identity: Irwin Davidson (Reviewer #2).

The reviewers have discussed their reviews with one another, and the Reviewing Editor has drafted this to help you prepare a revised submission.

Essential revisions:

1) Add statistical analysis to Figures 5, 6, and S4. Alternatively, explain why this is not possible.

2) Provide a more direct measure of gene expression e.g. rt-qPCR, RNA-seq, or nascent RNA-seq. Alternatively, explain why this is not possible, and temper quantitative claims accordingly.

Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors):


1) The authors indicate that FruC is the predominant Fru isoform, but don't show the data for A and B, the other isoforms they examine. This data should be included to support their conclusion.

2) The authors use an Engrailed Repressor Domain (ERD) fusion with the FruC DNA binding domain to argue that FruC normally has a repressive function. The authors do not provide references or any support that the ERD is functional in type II neuroblasts and/or in their chimeric protein.

3) The authors argue in several places in their study that they validate antibodies by performing staining in the brat-null genotype. How does this validate the antibody? Is their independent data to support that is the expected expression pattern? Did the authors examine loss-of-function tissues?

4) The genotype of animals used in the study is often not clear. What is the Fru allele used other than the FruC allele? How were clones generated? Additionally, some of the shorthand is not clear in the figures. The FruSat allele they mention early on appears to be a large deletion. Could the loss of other genes be an issue in their study?

5) In the UMAP plots, the authors do not indicate what the colors show. For example, what is orange vs black in Figure 1F? Please check all figures.

6) Figure S1 B-The lower panel appears to be incorrect. The text said it shows the percentage of mitochondrial genes. This error also makes it difficult to determine the quality of the scRNA-seq data.

7) The microscopy images often point to small changes that are not obvious, but the authors use these to make conclusions. The authors should consider how to better show the regions to support their claims.

8) How were the data randomized in Figure 3A? How were enriched genes defined in D. Why are only the genes in parenthesis shown over the UMAP?

9) The way the authors indicate significant differences in some of the graphs is unclear. For example, in Figure 4E what does the ** indicate is different? The two lower rows of microscopy images do not appear different by eye. What are the arrows pointing to?

10) The authors should provide their code and data sets in a public repository. The authors should provide all the gene lists from the single cell and cut-and-run analyses. They should also have the statistical criteria used for their identification in a supplemental table.

11) How were the larvae genotyped? Was this using molecular techniques or phenotypic markers?

12) How were microscopy images quantified? Was the observer blind to genotype?

13) Have the authors considered finding genes with bivalent modification--those with both activating and repressive histone modifications. These genes are thought to be cell fate identity genes.

Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):

In the first section of the results, the authors use scRNA-seq to characterize the neural populations. As an alternative to the candidate approaches that the authors have used to identify key regulators can they also use unbiased computational regulome approaches (for example SCENIC) to predict other potential regulators that may be involved in key developmental decisions?

On page 9 and many other times throughout the text the authors state that Fru 'fine tunes' the expression of Notch effector genes. While the basis for this conclusion comes from the elegant genetic analyses, at no point do the authors directly measure gene expression in any of the genetic backgrounds. The authors should perform RT-qPCR analyses of the expression changes of key regulatory genes (or better still RNA-seq or even better nascent RNA-seq). It is important to do this to have some type of precise measure of transcriptional changes as the authors' model is based on subtle changes in H3K27me3. It would be important to quantify and correlate both processes more precisely.

A key aspect of the author's model is the changes in H3K27me3 levels at key target gene loci. However, the data illustrated in Figure 5 are rather confusing. First, the levels of H3K27ac are reduced upon Fru deletion as are the levels of H3K27me3. This issue is that the regions labelled by H3K27ac and H3K27me3 do not overlap. As regions with H3K27ac correspond to active enhancers it is clearly not these regions that are being targeted by H3K27me3. What is the evidence that the regions showing altered H3K27me3 are actually relevant for regulating target gene expression? Can the authors make a more global comparison of regions marked by K27ac and K27me3? In addition, the authors state that Fru promotes 'low levels' of K27me3 at its bound loci throughout the genome. How do the authors define 'low levels' low compared to what? What are the cut-off criteria that they use to define low versus high levels of HK27me3?

While the experiments in this paper are well carried out, the conclusions drawn should be carefully considered. The authors state 'Our data indicate that FruC likely functions together with PRC2 to dampen the expression of specific genes in mitotic neuroblasts by promoting low levels of H3K27me3 enrichment at their enhancers and promoters (Figure 7). We propose that local low-level enrichment of repressive histone marks can act to fine-tune gene expression.' As mentioned above there are no direct measurements of gene expression and in fact, what the data show is that changes in H3K27me3 correlate with altered gene expression. There is no direct molecular mechanism described. The above suggested that nascent RNA-seq would be useful to directly demonstrate that Fru directly affects transcription, but the authors could also perform Cut&Run for Pol II to ask which stages of transcription Pol II recruitment and PIC formation or pausing/elongation are targeted by Fru. For the moment, there is only a correlation with changes in histone modification. Either the authors should tone down the conclusions or perform additional experiments that do actually address a molecular mechanism by which Fru alters gene transcription. Either way, it is essential that changes in gene expression be directly assessed.

The authors should be careful with the figure annotation as lettering for panels is often missing.

Reviewer #3 (Recommendations for the authors):

The overall results of the work are compelling and experiments were performed thoroughly.

1) In the description of the results presented in Figure 1, it would be of relevance to clearly state the drivers used.

2) Figure 1 F – it would be easier to represent the expression of the different markers in the format of a dot plot so that colocalization of expression is easier to assess. If the authors choose to leave it as is a legend the colors should be added.

3) Figure 1 F – why these markers were used (TTFs) should be included as well as corresponding references.

4) Figure S1B -These plots could benefit from some more explanation.

5) In Figure 2 it would be of high relevance to include results for other fruitless isoforms, just as presented for fruc in Figure 2C.

6) In Figure 2 – The expression of markers is not easy to assess. For instance, in 2F only one Dpn+Ase- can be visualized and the Dpn staining is very dim and does not seem nuclear. If possible, include more representative images.

7) Quantifications should be presented for Figure 2D, E.

8) In Figure 2L: include values above the graph and not in the middle.

9) In Figure 2M-O it is barely possible to distinguish any Asense or Prospero staining. Possibly select better representative images, maybe include fewer arrows.

10) In this same section, where it is said "This result indicates that Fruc overexpression is sufficient to restore differentiation in brat-null brains" should read instead "is sufficient to partially restore (…)".

11) In figure 3G, what would be the expected random overlap, considering the big difference in peak numbers between the different datasets? (9301 peaks for Fru and 305 peaks for Su(H)).

12) In Figure 4, representative images of the quantifications would be relevant;

13) In FigS4 and Figure 5 it would be important to include the number of significant events in the volcano plots (which can be included in the figure itself);

14) One concern, and according to the Materials and methods, fruc::myc, which you used for the genome-wide studies, is a UAS/Gal4 system. Hence, this might mean that there is an overrepresentation of fruc binding sites that might be more subtle in biological situations. Did the authors perform any CUT&RUN experiments using the fruitless common antibody in a wild-type background?

15) Do the authors know what happens to PRC2-bound peaks in the absence of fruc? Or, in contrast, what happens to fruc-bound peaks when PRC2 subunits are absent?

eLife. 2023 Jun 14;12:e86127. doi: 10.7554/eLife.86127.sa2

Author response

Essential revisions:

1) Add statistical analysis to Figures 5, 6, and S4. Alternatively, explain why this is not possible.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and apologize for not clearly labeling the Y-axis in these plots.

We have added the following statement in the figure caption "The horizontal line in the volcano plot represents -log10(0.05) = 1.301. All genes above this line has a FDR < 0.05".

2) Provide a more direct measure of gene expression e.g. rt-qPCR, RNA-seq, or nascent RNA-seq. Alternatively, explain why this is not possible, and temper quantitative claims accordingly.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion.

We have added a panel of images in Figure 4F-N showing nascent transcripts of Notch and two of its downstream-effector genes dpn and klu as well as CycE as a negative control. We included quantification of nascent transcript foci for these genes in Figure 4O showing that knocking down fruC function significantly increases Notch, dpn and klu nascent transcript levels while not affecting the level of CycE nascent transcripts. We extended our analyses to demonstrate that knocking down the function of a key Notch downstream-effector gene E(spl)mγ in newborn neuroblast progeny suppressed increased supernumerary neuroblast formation in numbhypo brains heterozygous for fru.

We have included a paragraph in the text describing these new findings.

Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors):


1) The authors indicate that FruC is the predominant Fru isoform, but don't show the data for A and B, the other isoforms they examine. This data should be included to support their conclusion.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion.

We have added images showing the expression of endogenously expressed FruA::myc and FruB::myc in Figure 2—figure supplement 1A-B.

2) The authors use an Engrailed Repressor Domain (ERD) fusion with the FruC DNA binding domain to argue that FruC normally has a repressive function. The authors do not provide references or any support that the ERD is functional in type II neuroblasts and/or in their chimeric protein.

We thank the reviewer for the comment.

We have added the following statements and references in the text to clarify the function of ERD in FruC,zf::ERD:

"The ERD domain is well conserved in multiple classes of homeodomain proteins as well as many transcriptional repressors across the bilaterian divide and binds to the Groucho co-repressor protein to exert its repressor function (Smith and Jaynes 1996; Jiménez et al. 1997; Bürglin and Affolter 2016). Several previously published studies have used this strategy to demonstrate that neurogenetic transcription factors exert transcriptional repression function in neuroblasts (Xiao et al. 2012; Janssens et al. 2014; Bahrampour et al. 2017; Rives-Quinto et al. 2020)."

3) The authors argue in several places in their study that they validate antibodies by performing staining in the brat-null genotype. How does this validate the antibody? Is their independent data to support that is the expected expression pattern? Did the authors examine loss-of-function tissues?

We thank the reviewer for the comments.

In Figure 2B-C, we showed that FruC::Myc and Frucom co-localize with the neuroblast marker Dpn in wild-type larval brains. Most cells in brat-null brains are neuroblasts indicated by Dpn expression, and FruC::Myc co-localizes with Dpn in brat-null brains confirming the specificity of the Myc antibody in detecting FruC expression in brat-null brains that carry the fruC::Myc allele.

Su(H) is the DNA-binding component of the Notch transcriptional activator complex and dpn is a conserved target of Notch signaling. Staining patterns of the Su(H) antibody and the Dpn antibody appear indistinguishable in brat-null brains validating the specificity of the Su(H) antibody in detecting active Notch signaling.

Staining patterns of the Trl antibody and the Dpn antibody appear indistinguishable in brat-null brains, which contain mostly neuroblasts. We concluded that Trl is expressed ubiquitously expressed in all neuroblasts, consistent with previously published studies reporting that Trl is constitutively expressed in all fly cell types examined to date.

All three antibodies have been previously validated to be specific for the protein they target in the study they were generated in.

4) The genotype of animals used in the study is often not clear. What is the Fru allele used other than the FruC allele? How were clones generated? Additionally, some of the shorthand is not clear in the figures. The FruSat allele they mention early on appears to be a large deletion. Could the loss of other genes be an issue in their study?

We thank the reviewer for the comments and apologize for the lack of clarity.

We have now included all genotypes for the experiments in the figure caption.

We showed that removing fru function using the frusat15 allele in the mosaic clones results in ectopic Dpn expression in newborn immature identical to knocking down fruC function by RNAi. Thus, the phenotype displayed by frusat15 homozygous neuroblasts should be specifically associated with loss of fruC function.

5) In the UMAP plots, the authors do not indicate what the colors show. For example, what is orange vs black in Figure 1F? Please check all figures.

We thank the reviewer for the comments and apologize for our mistakes.

We have added labels to the scale bar.

6) Figure S1 B-The lower panel appears to be incorrect. The text said it shows the percentage of mitochondrial genes. This error also makes it difficult to determine the quality of the scRNA-seq data.

We thank the reviewer for catching this and apologize for our mistakes.

We have now included the correct panel.

7) The microscopy images often point to small changes that are not obvious, but the authors use these to make conclusions. The authors should consider how to better show the regions to support their claims.

We thank the reviewer for the comments and apologize for our mistakes.

We have added additional information to the figure caption to describe the randomization process. Essentially, the same set of peaks in number and sizes is taken and shuffled to have new start coordinates in the genome.

Enriched genes in D are defined as described in the methods section:

“SCANPY’s rank_gene_groups was used with method=t-test-overestim_var to determine log-fold changes and adjusted p-values of expressed genes. Differentially expressed genes were defined as having |Fold Change| > 2 and adjusted p-value < 0.05, and invariant genes were defined as having |Fold Change| < 2.”

We have clarified that the genes in parenthesis are those that are bound by Su(H). The UMAPs display all genes bound, not just the ones shown in parentheses.

8) How were the data randomized in Figure 3A? How were enriched genes defined in D. Why are only the genes in parenthesis shown over the UMAP?

We thank the reviewer for their comments.

The ** indicated in the figure are described in the caption as indicating a p-value of <0.005 as determined by T-test as described in the methods section. This nomenclature is consistently used across all figures.

In the Figure 4B-D, white arrows point at representative type II neuroblasts marked by the Dpn+Ase- marker combination. We added the description of white arrows in the caption. The panel of images in Figure 4C show more type II neuroblasts indicated by 3 white arrows than the panel of images in Figure 4D showing fewer lowest row in the panel the reviewer suggests is shown to have fewer type II neuroblasts type II neuroblasts indicated by 2 white arrows.

9) The way the authors indicate significant differences in some of the graphs is unclear. For example, in Figure 4E what does the ** indicate is different? The two lower rows of microscopy images do not appear different by eye. What are the arrows pointing to?

We thank the reviewer for their comments.

We have uploaded all code used for data analyses onto github. Data sets including processed data are uploaded onto the GEO site. We have also added Supplemental Table 1 with all raw data and figure statistics.

10) The authors should provide their code and data sets in a public repository. The authors should provide all the gene lists from the single cell and cut-and-run analyses. They should also have the statistical criteria used for their identification in a supplemental table.

We thank the reviewer for this comment.

Homozygous mutant larvae were identified by lack of Act-GFP expression or lack of the Tubby phenotype which is indicative of the balancer chromosome.

11) How were the larvae genotyped? Was this using molecular techniques or phenotypic markers?

We thank the reviewer for this comment.

We have added additional description to the methods section to describe how images were quantified, including new smFISH data.

The observers were blind to the genotypes.

12) How were microscopy images quantified? Was the observer blind to genotype?

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion.

Identification and characterization of these putative bivalent genes will be described in a future study.

13) Have the authors considered finding genes with bivalent modification--those with both activating and repressive histone modifications. These genes are thought to be cell fate identity genes.

We thank the reviewer for the comment.

While the suggestion to identify key regulators of neuronal stem population is great, it is outside the scope of the current study. We hope the scRNA-seq data we generated will be useful to other in doing further studies on factors that regulate neural stem cell function.

Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):

In the first section of the results, the authors use scRNA-seq to characterize the neural populations. As an alternative to the candidate approaches that the authors have used to identify key regulators can they also use unbiased computational regulome approaches (for example SCENIC) to predict other potential regulators that may be involved in key developmental decisions?

On page 9 and many other times throughout the text the authors state that Fru 'fine tunes' the expression of Notch effector genes. While the basis for this conclusion comes from the elegant genetic analyses, at no point do the authors directly measure gene expression in any of the genetic backgrounds. The authors should perform RT-qPCR analyses of the expression changes of key regulatory genes (or better still RNA-seq or even better nascent RNA-seq). It is important to do this to have some type of precise measure of transcriptional changes as the authors' model is based on subtle changes in H3K27me3. It would be important to quantify and correlate both processes more precisely.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and agree with the reviewer that a direct measure of gene transcription will greatly strengthen our claims.

We have added a panel of images in Figure 4F-N showing nascent transcripts of Notch and two of its downstream-effector genes dpn and klu as well as CycE as a negative control. We included quantification of nascent transcript foci for these genes in Figure 4O showing that knocking down fruC function significantly increases Notch, dpn and klu nascent transcript levels while not affecting the level of CycE nascent transcripts. We extended our analyses to demonstrate that knocking down the function of a key Notch downstream-effector gene E(spl)mγ in newborn neuroblast progeny suppressed increased supernumerary neuroblast formation in numbhypo brains heterozygous for fru.

We have included a paragraph in the text describing these new findings.

A key aspect of the author's model is the changes in H3K27me3 levels at key target gene loci. However, the data illustrated in Figure 5 are rather confusing. First, the levels of H3K27ac are reduced upon Fru deletion as are the levels of H3K27me3. This issue is that the regions labelled by H3K27ac and H3K27me3 do not overlap. As regions with H3K27ac correspond to active enhancers it is clearly not these regions that are being targeted by H3K27me3. What is the evidence that the regions showing altered H3K27me3 are actually relevant for regulating target gene expression? Can the authors make a more global comparison of regions marked by K27ac and K27me3? In addition, the authors state that Fru promotes 'low levels' of K27me3 at its bound loci throughout the genome. How do the authors define 'low levels' low compared to what? What are the cut-off criteria that they use to define low versus high levels of HK27me3?

We thank the reviewer for the comment.

Three pieces of evidence support our model that FruC functions through low levels of H3K27me3 to finely tune target gene transcription. First, we showed in Figure 5A-F that changes in H3K27me3 levels at many FruC-bound loci directly correlate with fruC function. Second, we showed in Figure 6A-C that PRC2 components are enriched at thousands of FruC-bound peaks. Third, we showed in Figure 6D-G that reducing PRC2 function increases Notch signaling during asymmetric neuroblast division phenocopying the effect of loss of fruC function.

We also added a plot to Figure 5G showing low versus high levels of H3K27me3. To better define what low levels of H3K27me3 are. Additionally, we have added Figure 5B, showing how the traditional Polycomb regions which show high levels of H3K27me3 are largely unaffected.

While the experiments in this paper are well carried out, the conclusions drawn should be carefully considered. The authors state 'Our data indicate that FruC likely functions together with PRC2 to dampen the expression of specific genes in mitotic neuroblasts by promoting low levels of H3K27me3 enrichment at their enhancers and promoters (Figure 7). We propose that local low-level enrichment of repressive histone marks can act to fine-tune gene expression.' As mentioned above there are no direct measurements of gene expression and in fact, what the data show is that changes in H3K27me3 correlate with altered gene expression. There is no direct molecular mechanism described. The above suggested that nascent RNA-seq would be useful to directly demonstrate that Fru directly affects transcription, but the authors could also perform Cut&Run for Pol II to ask which stages of transcription Pol II recruitment and PIC formation or pausing/elongation are targeted by Fru. For the moment, there is only a correlation with changes in histone modification. Either the authors should tone down the conclusions or perform additional experiments that do actually address a molecular mechanism by which Fru alters gene transcription. Either way, it is essential that changes in gene expression be directly assessed.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion.

We have added a panel of images in Figure 4F-N showing nascent transcripts of Notch and two of its downstream-effector genes dpn and klu as well as CycE as a negative control. We included quantification of nascent transcript foci for these genes in Figure 4O showing that knocking down fruC function significantly increases Notch, dpn and klu nascent transcript levels while not affecting the level of CycE nascent transcripts. We extended our analyses to demonstrate that knocking down the function of a key Notch downstream-effector gene E(spl)mγ in newborn neuroblast progeny suppressed increased supernumerary neuroblast formation in numbhypo brains heterozygous for fru.

We have included a paragraph in the text describing these new findings.

The authors should be careful with the figure annotation as lettering for panels is often missing.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and apologize for our mistakes.

We have corrected all errors.

Reviewer #3 (Recommendations for the authors):

The overall results of the work are compelling and experiments were performed thoroughly.

1) In the description of the results presented in Figure 1, it would be of relevance to clearly state the drivers used.

We thank the reviewer for the comments and apologize for our mistakes.

We added the genotype of the driver used in Figure 1 in the figure caption.

2) Figure 1 F – it would be easier to represent the expression of the different markers in the format of a dot plot so that colocalization of expression is easier to assess. If the authors choose to leave it as is a legend the colors should be added.

We thank the reviewer for the comments and apologize for our mistakes.

We added the scale bar in the figure.

3) Figure 1 F – why these markers were used (TTFs) should be included as well as corresponding references.

We thank the reviewer for the comments and apologize for our mistakes.

We added the corresponding references for temporal transcription factors used in this analysis.

4) Figure S1B -These plots could benefit from some more explanation.

We thank the reviewer for the comments and apologize for our mistakes.

We have updated the plot for Figure 1—figure supplement 1B and provided explanation in the figure caption.

5) In Figure 2 it would be of high relevance to include results for other fruitless isoforms, just as presented for fruc in Figure 2C.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and apologize for our mistakes.

We have added images showing the expression of endogenously expressed FruA::myc and FruB::myc in Figure 2—figure supplement 1A-B.

6) In Figure 2 – The expression of markers is not easy to assess. For instance, in 2F only one Dpn+Ase- can be visualized and the Dpn staining is very dim and does not seem nuclear. If possible, include more representative images.

We thank the reviewer for the comment.

The images in Figure 1F-G reflect the multilayered control of Dpn expression in neuroblast progeny by translational and post-translational regulatory mechanisms (Komori et al. G&D 2018). Consequently, the majority of newborn neuroblast progeny (85.7%) show undetectable Dpn expression shown in Figure 1G. By contrast, the majority of newborn neuroblast progeny (94.4%) show low levels of Dpn expression following fruC knockdown shown in Figure 1F.

7) Quantifications should be presented for Figure 2D, E.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and apologize for our mistakes.

1-2 immature INPs in 100% of frusat15 clones showed low Dpn expression whereas no immature INPs showed detectable Dpn expression.

8) In Figure 2L: include values above the graph and not in the middle.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion.

We added the value above the plot. in Figure 2L.

9) In Figure 2M-O it is barely possible to distinguish any Asense or Prospero staining. Possibly select better representative images, maybe include fewer arrows.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion.

The progeny of type II neuroblasts in brat-null brains revert to become supernumerary type II neuroblasts instead of committing to an INP identity and generating GMCs. For this reason, there is no detectable Ase and Pros expression in the dorsal region of brat-null brains shown in Figure 2M.

10) In this same section, where it is said "This result indicates that Fruc overexpression is sufficient to restore differentiation in brat-null brains" should read instead "is sufficient to partially restore (…)".

We thank the reviewer for this suggestion.

We toned down the description in the text and the figure caption.

11) In figure 3G, what would be the expected random overlap, considering the big difference in peak numbers between the different datasets? (9301 peaks for Fru and 305 peaks for Su(H)).

We thank the reviewer for this suggestion.

We have added an additional random randomized peak set to demonstrate that Su(H) binds more neuroblast enriched genes than would be expected based on 305 randomly bound peaks but binds similar numbers as would be expected for invariant or immature INP enriched genes.

12) In Figure 4, representative images of the quantifications would be relevant;

We thank the reviewer for this suggestion.

We added all images shown in the quantification in Figure 4—figure supplement 1A-E, H-L.

13) In FigS4 and Figure 5 it would be important to include the number of significant events in the volcano plots (which can be included in the figure itself);

We thank the reviewer for this suggestion.

We added the number of events in the volcano plots.

14) One concern, and according to the Materials and methods, fruc::myc, which you used for the genome-wide studies, is a UAS/Gal4 system. Hence, this might mean that there is an overrepresentation of fruc binding sites that might be more subtle in biological situations. Did the authors perform any CUT&RUN experiments using the fruitless common antibody in a wild-type background?

We thank the reviewer for this suggestion and apologize for the confusion.

We clarified in the text that fruC::Myc is a knock-in allele of fruC.

Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Data Citations

    1. Rajan A, Anhezini L, Rives-Quinto N, Chhabra JY, Neville MC, Larson ED, Goodwin SF, Harrison MM, Lee CY. 2023. Low-level repressive histone marks fine-tune stemness gene transcription in neural stem cells. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. GSE218257 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed]
    2. Michki NS, Li Y, Sanjasaz K, Zhao Y, Shen F, Walker LA, Cao W, Lee C, Cai D. 2021. The molecular landscape of neural differentiation in the developing Drosophila brain revealed by targeted scRNA-seq and multi-informatic analysis. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. GSE153723 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed]
    3. Larson ED, Komori H, Gibson TJ, Ostgaard CM, Hamm DC, Schnell JM, Lee C, Harrison MM. 2021. Cell-type-specific chromatin occupancy by the pioneer factor Zelda drives key developmental transitions in Drosophila. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. GSE150931 [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed]

    Supplementary Materials

    Supplementary file 1. Raw data and statistics for all quantified data.
    elife-86127-supp1.xlsx (177.7KB, xlsx)
    Supplementary file 2. Differential gene expression values for Neuroblasts vs immature INPs from scRNA-seq.
    elife-86127-supp2.xlsx (545.5KB, xlsx)
    MDAR checklist

    Data Availability Statement

    Sequencing data have been deposited in GEO under accession codes GSE218257. All quantifications are provided in Supplementary File 1. All analysis code used has been deposited in GitHub (copy archived at Rajan et al., 2023).

    The following dataset was generated:

    Rajan A, Anhezini L, Rives-Quinto N, Chhabra JY, Neville MC, Larson ED, Goodwin SF, Harrison MM, Lee CY. 2023. Low-level repressive histone marks fine-tune stemness gene transcription in neural stem cells. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. GSE218257

    The following previously published datasets were used:

    Michki NS, Li Y, Sanjasaz K, Zhao Y, Shen F, Walker LA, Cao W, Lee C, Cai D. 2021. The molecular landscape of neural differentiation in the developing Drosophila brain revealed by targeted scRNA-seq and multi-informatic analysis. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. GSE153723

    Larson ED, Komori H, Gibson TJ, Ostgaard CM, Hamm DC, Schnell JM, Lee C, Harrison MM. 2021. Cell-type-specific chromatin occupancy by the pioneer factor Zelda drives key developmental transitions in Drosophila. NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. GSE150931

    Articles from eLife are provided here courtesy of eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd