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. 2023 Jul 3;12:e84888. doi: 10.7554/eLife.84888

Prefrontal cortex state representations shape human credit assignment

Amrita Lamba 1, Matthew R Nassar 2,3, Oriel FeldmanHall 1,3,
Editors: Thorsten Kahnt4, Christian Büchel5
PMCID: PMC10351919  PMID: 37399050


People learn adaptively from feedback, but the rate of such learning differs drastically across individuals and contexts. Here, we examine whether this variability reflects differences in what is learned. Leveraging a neurocomputational approach that merges fMRI and an iterative reward learning task, we link the specificity of credit assignment—how well people are able to appropriately attribute outcomes to their causes—to the precision of neural codes in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Participants credit task-relevant cues more precisely in social compared vto nonsocial contexts, a process that is mediated by high-fidelity (i.e., distinct and consistent) state representations in the PFC. Specifically, the medial PFC and orbitofrontal cortex work in concert to match the neural codes from feedback to those at choice, and the strength of these common neural codes predicts credit assignment precision. Together this work provides a window into how neural representations drive adaptive learning.

Research organism: Human


Imagine that you are applying for a job and receive varying feedback on your ‘pitch’ from your interviewers. Which aspects of your pitch bear repeating for future interviews when similar behaviors across different settings produce varying outcomes? This example encapsulates the inherent difficulty of accurately linking outcomes to specific actions, particularly when the causal structure of the world is unknown and decision-irrelevant outcomes occur in close temporal proximity. In such scenarios, humans and animals are thought to group action-outcome contingencies together based on causal cues that reflect states in the environment, allowing outcomes to be selectively linked to specific states (Collins and Frank, 2013; Gershman et al., 2015). However, because learners have yet to discover the underlying generative structure of outcomes, and because learning and memory systems are fallible, outcomes can be misattributed and spread to irrelevant states—a challenge known as the structural credit assignment problem (Hamid et al., 2021; Sutton, 1984). In these cases, information gets smeared in memory (Vaidya and Fellows, 2016) which can result in overgeneralization.

While conventional reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms typically assume perfect credit attribution for each outcome observed, in reality, human learners run the gamut of how well they are able to actually assign credit. Take for example, learning about how honest each interviewer is in our example. On one end of the spectrum, an individual may be able to link discrete outcomes to each interviewer, thus learning specific value associations at the person (stimulus) level. On the other side of the spectrum, a learner may average value across all interviewers, instead attributing outcomes to one global state. These scenarios represent discrete learning profiles that can substantially shape behavior beyond the influence of classic learning parameters, such as the learning rate or the magnitude of prediction errors (PE). Little is currently known about how states are represented in the human brain during learning (e.g. at the stimulus level or generalized across cues), or how credit is then assigned to these specific states. Thus, an open question is how does the human brain represent and successfully bind observed outcomes to the appropriate causal state to solve the credit assignment problem?

Non-human animal research hints that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) might play an integral role in credit assignment by binding state and action-value representations (Asaad et al., 2017), which could then be reinforced through midbrain dopaminergic signals to selectively gate reward attribution (O’Reilly and Frank, 2006). Tracking state-contingent outcome history would also be critical to properly assigning credit, which is believed to be governed by the lateral orbitofrontal cortex (lOFC; Chau et al., 2015; Jocham et al., 2016; Walton et al., 2010). Indeed, humans with lesions in the lOFC exhibit reduced state-contingent reward learning (Noonan et al., 2017) and display a greater tendency to misattribute rewards to irrelevant causal factors (Vaidya and Fellows, 2016). More recent work shows that the medial PFC and lOFC jointly track latent states (Schuck et al., 2016) by leveraging surprise signals (Nassar et al., 2019), allowing for credit assignment to be performed for both experienced (Akaishi et al., 2016) and unobserved outcomes (Boorman et al., 2021; Witkowski et al., 2022).

While prior work across species suggests that the PFC is involved in representing task states, it is not known whether the configuration of neural patterns play a role in credit assignment success. For example, unlike an eligibility trace, it is possible that learners actively represent task-relevant states during learning, enabling selective binding of outcomes to states in memory. Allowing temporally disparate actions and outcomes to be neurally bound to the relevant state representation likely supports increased discrimination between cue-specific decision policies. If this were the case, the precision of credit assignment may be contingent on the format and fidelity of state representations in the PFC (i.e. the degree of distinctiveness of each representation). Thus, to effectively guide credit assignment, a distinct neural code representing the state when feedback is delivered should then be evoked during a subsequent related choice. Failures to properly encode a state during choice or feedback should therefore result in increased misattribution and credit spreading (i.e. attributing outcomes more diffusely to irrelevant states).

In the current study, we leverage a computational neuroimaging framework by combining RL models with representational similarity analysis (RSA) to investigate whether distinct forms of credit assignment can be distinguished from neural patterns in the PFC. Our modeling framework allows us to estimate the precision of credit assignment from behavior, while RSA allows us to directly measure the content and fidelity of evoked neural state representations during choice and feedback. We further link the fidelity of these neural representations to how well an individual assigns credit across different learning contexts, allowing us to identify how credit assignment mechanisms are tailored to a particular situation. For example, during social exchanges humans are often able to exploit social feedback to quickly learn the value of social partners (Lamba et al., 2020; van Baar et al., 2022), which suggests that credit may be assigned selectively to specific individuals. In contrast, when learning in less familiar environments with an unknown causal structure (e.g. gambling with slot machines) learners may assign credit less precisely by spreading credit across states. Prior work also suggests that humans differ in how they strategically use feedback when learning about social partners compared to learning about reward-matched bandits (Chang et al., 2010; Lamba et al., 2020), providing an ideal empirical setup to probe for differences and commonalities in credit assignment precision across contexts.

Participants played an iterative, multiplayer social learning task which requires participants to distinguish between trustworthy and untrustworthy partners when making strategic monetary decisions, as well as a matched nonsocial gambling task with one arm bandits. We developed a credit assignment RL algorithm to capture the degree to which outcomes are precisely attributed to specific states at the stimulus level (i.e. to specific partners and bandits) or more generally to a single task state (i.e. across partners and bandits) through credit spreading. We find that different learning profiles are due to how precisely individuals assign credit, with some participants consistently spreading credit, particularly when gambling and after a negative outcome. Multivariate neural patterns in prefrontal regions, including the lOFC and mPFC, encode state representations, but do so less precisely in those who spread credit. Indeed, high-fidelity state representations were associated with greater task earnings and more precise credit assignment—an effect that could not be explained by learning rate or the strength of the PE. Precise credit assignment is achieved through neural state representations sharing a common geometry across choice and feedback, signifying a persistent neural code indexing a stimulus’ identity.


Humans are faster to implement payoff maximizing strategies in the social domain

Participants (N=28) completed 60 trials of the Trust Game and a matched bandit task (order counterbalanced), while undergoing functional neuroimaging (fMRI). Participants made a series of monetary decisions with partners and bandits that varied in their reward rate (Figure 1, A to D) and could optimize their earnings by investing the full $10 with the high return stimulus and investing $0 with the low return stimulus. Despite being perfectly matched across social and nonsocial conditions, participants invested more money with the high return social partner compared to the bandit (mean social investment: $7.12; mean bandit investment: $6.43; t=–3.57, p<0.001; Figure 2A) and less money with the low return partner vs. bandit (mean social investment: $1.71; mean bandit investment: $2.71; t=5.69, p<0.001). No differences in mean investments were observed for the neutral or random stimuli across tasks (all ps >0.1).

Figure 1. Experimental design and trial structure.

Figure 1.

(A) Trust Game and matched bandit task. Participants played 15 trials with each partner/bandit while in the scanner. On each trial, participants were paired with one of the four stimuli (partner/bandit) and given $10 to invest using a 5-button response box to indicate their investment in $2.50 increments. The monetary investment was then quadrupled, and partners/bandits returned anywhere from 0% to 50% of the money received, allowing for the possibility to double one’s earnings, lose the full investment, or any outcome in between. (B) Task reward structure. Stimuli were randomly assigned to respond with fixed reward rates generated from one of four outcome distributions. Each stimulus deterministically returned less than the participant initially invested (low), more (high), an amount close to the initial investment (neutral), or a random amount. (C) Task event sequence. Participants were given up to 3 s to indicate their choice, after which they experienced a jittered inter-stimulus delay. The returned investment was then displayed on the screen for a fixed 2 s duration. (D) Within-task stimulus presentation. Trials were randomly interleaved such that interactions with each stimulus could occur anywhere from 1 to 15 trials apart, allowing us to probe learning effects from relevant versus temporally adjacent irrelevant outcomes.

Figure 2. Behavioral differences across social and bandit tasks.

Figure 2.

(A) Learning curves from social and bandit tasks. Predicted investments over trials computed from fixed-effects regression model show faster learning in the social task. Shaded gray regions correspond to the standard error of the mean of the regression line. (B) Effect of relevant and irrelevant outcome history on choice. Model terms show increased learning from the most recent relevant outcome in the social task and an increased effect of irrelevant outcomes on investments in the bandit task. The box-length denotes the standard error of the mean, and the black line corresponds to the mean beta estimate for the lag term. (C) Effect of valence-dependent outcome history on choices. Relevant prior gains compared to losses exerted a greater influence on investments. (D) Correlation matrix of relevant and irrelevant outcomes on investments for a prototypical participant. The participant shows a strong pattern of learning exclusively from relevant outcomes in the social task but applies irrelevant outcomes to learning in the bandit task. Asterisks (*,**,***) denote p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.001, respectively.

Investments are influenced by history of prior outcomes

To shed light on the credit assignment problem, we used a series of time-lagged regression models to examine how participants use relevant and irrelevant outcomes to guide learning. We paired each stimulus with its previous outcome and modeled the effect of three stimulus-matched (i.e. relevant) prior interactions on current investments (Figure 1D). The most recently experienced relevant outcome exerted the largest effect on investments (significant difference between slopes at t-1 vs. t-2: t=–4.98, p<0.001; Figure 2B). We also observed a stronger effect of previous outcomes on investments with partners compared to bandits (a significant effect at t-1 in which slopes were larger for the social vs. nonsocial task: t=3.19, p=0.004; Figure 2B). To investigate whether temporally close but irrelevant outcome history biased decisions, we yoked each investment to the immediately preceding outcome, irrespective of its identity. These outcomes should not inform choices on the current trial given the generative task structure. We observed that recent irrelevant outcomes (mean slope from t-1 through t-3) influenced decisions to gamble with bandits (t=1.83, p=0.039; Figure 2B), whereas recent irrelevant outcomes were anticorrelated with choices to trust partners (t=–2.73, p=0.011). These task differences in using irrelevant prior outcomes to guide choices were significant (t=3.42, p<0.001; Figure 2B). We also found a valence-dependent effect of outcome history on learning. Across tasks, prior relevant outcomes that were rewarding exerted a stronger influence on choices compared to losses (significant difference between slopes for gains versus losses; t=–4.27, p<0.001; Figure 2C). In contrast, immediately preceding irrelevant losses disproportionately impacted decisions compared to gains (t=2.21, p=0.029; Figure 2C), indicating that outcome misattribution is, in part, driven by losses. Put simply, learning from relevant outcomes was largely driven by gains, whereas outcome misattribution stemmed disproportionately from losses.

Modeling credit assignment precision captures learning asymmetries

Given that we observed asymmetrical learning profiles across contexts, we probed whether divergent learning profiles were due to differences in credit assignment precision. We implemented a series of RL models using a continuous choice, logistic function algorithm with valence-dependent learning rates (V-LR; see Methods). In particular, we developed a credit assignment model which evaluates credit assignment precision along a continuum of perfect credit assignment (i.e. outcomes are correctly attributed to specific partner/bandit stimuli) to complete credit spreading across stimuli (i.e. outcomes are incorrectly attributed to a global state representing all partners/bandits). A credit assignment parameter (CA) evaluated the extent to which each PE selectively updates the expected value of the relevant stimulus or updates the expected value of all stimuli concurrently (Figure 3A). Our model set included: (1) a baseline RL model that uses the Rescorla-Wagner update rule (see Methods), (2) a credit assignment model that includes a CA parameter controlling the degree to which outcomes affect the expected value of irrelevant states (V-LR, CA model), (3) a two parameter credit assignment model in which CA parameters were fit separately for positive versus negative PEs (V-LR, V-CA model), and (4) a model in which learned values decay gradually on each trial, such that errors were modeled through forgetting as opposed to a credit spreading mechanism (V-LR, Decay model). Behavior was best fit by the credit assignment model with valenced CA parameters (V-LR, V-CA) in both the trust and bandit task (see Methods). Consistent with the behavioral analyses above, our model reveals that people assigned credit more precisely to partners, and spread credit more diffusely across bandits (trust task mean CA estimate = 0.74; bandit task mean CA estimate = 0.54; F=10.67, p=0.002; Figure 3B)—an effect that was heightened for gains compared to losses (F=4.72, p=0.033; Figure 3C). Thus, our best fitting model revealed that different learning profiles across tasks were linked to credit assignment precision.

Figure 3. Illustration of credit assignment model and task differences in credit assignment precision.

(A) Schematic visualization of credit assignment and credit spreading mechanisms. In a perfect credit assignment scenario (left side), PEs only update the expected value of the current state. A hypothetical credit matrix shows how credit assignment may impact the discriminability between states. Credit assignment values closer to 1 (perfect credit assignment) only use PEs from the relevant state to update expected values, therefore allowing for increased differentiation in the state space. Conversely, in a credit-spreading scenario illustrated with a hypothetical matrix (right side), PEs are used to update the expected value of current and irrelevant states, as if stimuli were clustered into a single causal state. This would result in less differentiation between states and increased confusability. (B) Credit assignment parameter estimates from the V-LR, V-CA model across social and bandit tasks. Mean CA fits show more precise credit assignment in the social task and increased spreading in the bandit task. Purple dots show individual parameter estimates and error bars denote the standard error of the mean. (C) Valenced credit assignment parameter estimates from the V-LR, V-CA model. Parameter fits from our valenced CA model show more precise credit assignment for gains (CA-pos) and more spreading for losses (CA-neg). Error bars show the standard error of the mean computed from a sample size of N = 28.

Figure 3.

Figure 3—figure supplement 1. Continuous choice, logistic RL algorithm.

Figure 3—figure supplement 1.

(A) Impact of bias and m parameter estimates on predicted investments in the RL model. Higher bias parameters indicate an increased baseline tendency to invest larger monetary amounts, whereas m parameters capture the degree of evidence learners require before switching investment strategies. (B) Schematic of Gaussian density function used to convert predicted investments from continuous to discrete ordinal scale and to compute trial log likelihood.
Figure 3—figure supplement 2. Model performance and comparison.

Figure 3—figure supplement 2.

(A) Mean AIC for each model. Error bars correspond to the standard error of the mean. The dotted black line shows the mean AIC for the V-LR, V-CA model for comparison. (B) Mean Δ AIC for each model. The length of each bar shows the standard error of the mean, and individual points correspond to the difference between the AIC for each participant’s best-fitting model and the model denoted on the x-axis. * Denotes the model with the min Δ AIC in the set.
Figure 3—figure supplement 3. Model identifiability.

Figure 3—figure supplement 3.

(A) Model confusion matrix. Model confusability was evaluated by simulating 100 participants per model. For each simulated participant, free parameters were randomly sampled from a uniform distribution (Supplementary file 1e) and trial-to-trial investments were generated under the sampled parameterization. Each model was fit to each simulated participant using 20 iterations of gradient descent, and classification rates were computed as the frequency with which each participant was best fit by the correct generative model which we evaluated by maximizing the negative AIC (rate of winning model/true model). (B) Inverse confusion matrix based on same data but showing the probability that each generative model gave rise to a given ‘best fitting’ model.
Figure 3—figure supplement 4. MLE predictive check.

Figure 3—figure supplement 4.

For each participant, the set of MLE-optimized parameters from the V-LR, V-CA model were used to simulate data from the model. Model-generated data is plotted above and reproduces behavioral effects.
Figure 3—figure supplement 5. Parameter recovery.

Figure 3—figure supplement 5.

Estimated parameters from the V-LR, V-CA model could be reliably recovered from model-generated data from the MLE predictive check, particularly for parameters of interest (CA and LR).

Credit assignment predicts the fidelity of state representation during choice

Identifying and characterizing the neural circuitry involved in state representation can further clarify how credit assignment is implemented. We test the prediction that credit assignment requires a high fidelity (i.e. distinct and consistent) neural representation of a stimulus’ identity during choice, which should in theory support retrieval of the state-specific decision policy (NB: while we use state representation to describe the process, precise credit assignment is observed when a specific stimulus’ identity is associated with a discrete outcome). Using a whole brain searchlight, we extracted single trial coefficients of the neural pattern on each trial and for each stimulus to create a neural representational dissimilarity matrix (RDM), separately for choice and feedback (Figure 4A; see Methods). We then computed the correlation distance between each searchlight RDM and our identity hypothesis matrix, controlling for additional regressors in regions of interest (ROIs; separate ROIs constructed from choice and feedback searchlights) that survived correction for multiple comparisons (Figure 4B; see Methods). This enabled us to evaluate the degree to which neural patterns differed across stimulus’ identities, while also measuring the extent to which neural patterns were consistent across trials, thus serving as a high-fidelity ‘stamp’ of the stimulus identity for credit assignment.

Figure 4. Representational similarity analysis (RSA) captures the format of state representations.

Figure 4.

(A) Conceptual depiction of RSA methods with whole brain searchlight. Multivoxel patterns were extracted for all trials and reorganized into a correlation distance (1 r) matrix with trials nested within stimulus identities for each task. State representation was evaluated separately for choice and feedback. (B) Regression approach estimating state representation in neural ROIs, controlling for expected value (V) and trial autocorrelation.

Neural patterns in a constellation of brain regions including the mPFC, lOFC, and mOFC met basic criteria for providing state representations (statistically significant beta coefficients of the identity RDM) at the time of choice (Figure 5B; see Supplementary file 1a for ROI coordinates). Within these regions, stimulus’ identity was more strongly encoded in the trust vs. bandit task across ROIs (trust task mean β=0.019; bandit task mean β=0.012; t=–3.64, p<0.001; Figure 5B), consistent with the findings from our model. There was also a positive relationship between an individual’s mean CA parameter estimates and the strength of the stimulus’ identity representation in the PFC ROIs across both tasks (t=3.38, p<0.001; Figure 5C) which did not depend on outcome valence (CA positive: t=3.26, p=0.0014; CA negative: t=2.50, p=0.014)—revealing that individuals who assigned credit more selectively to the relevant stimulus’ identity also had more consistent and distinct neural representations of it. Furthermore, the more money earned in the task, the more discriminable these stimulus representations were in the PFC ROIs in both tasks (t=4.14, p<.001). These results accord with the prediction that the fidelity of state representations in the PFC during choice control the precision of credit assignment by supporting increased differentiation between state-specific decision policies.

Figure 5. Social and bandit task state representations during choice and feedback.

Figure 5.

(A) Task-summed group-level t-map of state representation during choice and feedback; image is thresholded at the cluster-level (PFWE <.05) and at peak level (P<.0001). (B) Beta estimates of state representation across ROIs identified from choice phase searchlight, broken down by social and bandit tasks. RSA results indicate stronger state representation in the social task. Individual asterisks denote a significant within-subject effect for the specified ROI. (C) Predictive association between individual CA parameter estimates and the fidelity of state representation in mPFC, lOFC, and mOFC during choice. Across both social and bandit tasks, credit assignment predicts the strength of state representation in the PFC. *** Denotes the main effect of CA on the pooled estimate of state representation across ROIs (p<0.001). (D) State representation estimates in ROIs during feedback. Task differences only emerge in the mPFC. (E) Effect of PE valence on state encoding in the PFC during feedback. Across social and bandit tasks, positively valenced PEs were associated with higher-fidelity state representations in the mPFC and lOFC. Pooling across mPFC and lOFC ROIs, state encoding was greater in the social compared to bandit task on positive PE trials. Error bars show the standard error of the mean computed from a sample size of N = 28.

Reward enhances encoding of state representations during feedback

At the time of feedback, a stimulus’ identity must be sufficiently encoded so that outcomes can be linked to the appropriate prior action. Using our searchlight approach, we identified a suite of regions providing state representations during feedback (Figure 5D; see Supplementary file 1b for ROI coordinates). We observed stronger identity representations in the trust task in the mPFC (t=–2.41, p=0.023; the fidelity of state representations did not differ across tasks in any additional ROIs). We then examined whether positive vs. negative PEs differentially modulate the strength of state encoding during feedback. We estimated the strength of stimulus’ identity encoding within our prefrontal ROIs separately for positive and negative PE trials for each participant (Methods). Across tasks we observed stronger identity encoding during positive vs. negative PE trials in the mPFC (main effect of valence: F=4.33, p=0.039; Figure 5E) and lOFC (F=5.98, p=0.017), an effect that was significantly greater in the trust compared to bandit task (t=–2.71, p=0.008). Together, this suggests that valence asymmetries in credit assignment precision (i.e. more precise credit assignment for rewards, and increased credit spreading for losses) emerge because reward enhances the strength of state representations in the PFC, especially in social contexts.

Successful credit assignment hinges on shared representational geometry between choice and feedback

How is information from choice and feedback integrated to support learning? We consider the possibility that credit assignment is achieved by neurally binding a specific outcome to certain stimuli. One way in which this may happen is by matching the identity representations from the last relevant outcome to the next relevant choice. Given the observed involvement of the mPFC and lOFC, these brain regions are likely candidates for being able to match neural codes across time. The idea is that greater alignment of neural representations across choice and feedback can preserve a common neural code of the stimulus’ identity, supporting increased credit assignment precision. To examine the shared representational structure between these timepoints and the extent to which increased alignment reflects a common identity representation, we identified conjunction ROIs from voxels that survived permutation testing in both the choice and feedback searchlight analyses (Figure 6A, B). We then computed the degree of neural pattern similarity between the representations at choice and feedback in these PFC ROIs, and evaluated the degree to which the shared geometry preserves information about the stimulus’ identity (Methods). Across both tasks, we observed a significant positive relationship between an individual’s credit assignment precision (CA parameters) and the consistency of their representations of the stimulus across both timepoints in the mPFC and lOFC (pooled estimate across ROIs: t=2.17, p=0.033; Figure 6C; see Supplementary file 1c for ROI coordinates)—an effect that was selectively enhanced for gains but not losses (t=3.48, p<0.001). Thus, the precision of credit assignment, particularly for rewarding outcomes, was associated with increased neural binding between feedback and choice—a process supported by shared geometry of stimulus’ representation across distinct phases of learning.

Figure 6. Cross-timepoint representational similarity analysis (RSA).

Figure 6.

(A) Conceptual depiction of cross-timepoint RSA. For each participant, cross-timepoint matrices were constructed as the correlation distance between even and odd trial neural RDMs (Methods). Cross-timepoint cells from the matrix were selected and then correlated with a cross-timepoint identity matrix to estimate the degree to which the shared structure within the neural patterns across choice and feedback reflected a stimulus’ identity. (B) Task-summed group-level t-maps displaying results of conjunction contrasts (Methods). Group-level image is thresholded at the cluster-level (PFWE <.05) and at peak level (p<0.0001). (C) Predictive association between individual credit assignment estimates and the consistency of identity representational structure in mPFC and lOFC (i.e., conjunction ROIs) across choice and feedback. * Denotes the effect of CA on the pooled estimate of shared state representation across ROIs (p<0.05).

The strength of learning signals cannot explain credit assignment precision

Given that we observed individual differences in credit assignment precision across tasks, we tested whether these differences could be explained by the strength of PE signaling. Our results could be simply explained by the magnitude of PE signaling in the social task. To rule this out, we conducted a whole brain parametric modulation to test the relationship between trial level PEs from our V-LR, V-CA model and changes in the amplitude of the BOLD signal (see Methods). A task-summed t-map revealed significant clusters in the ventral striatum and ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC; corrected for multiple comparisons; Figure 7A; see Supplementary file 1d for ROI coordinates). Critically, the strength of PE signaling did not differ across the trust and bandit tasks in these regions (all ps >0.1; Figure 7B), even at a lowered threshold (p<0.001 uncorrected). We also wanted to rule out the possibility that CA precision might simply be attributed to learning rate (LR) differences. We interrogated whether the influence of PEs on the expected value of each state predicted the format of stimulus representations in the PFC, either at the time of choice or in the cross-timepoint representation. The effect of CA on stimulus representation was significant even when controlling for the learning rate (choice: t=3.31, p<0.0012, cross-timepoint: t=2.11, p=0.036; both LR and CA were included as additive terms predicting choice and cross-timepoint beta coefficients for state representation), and LR was not significant in either model (all ps >0.09). Together, these findings support the claim that it is not the overall magnitude of learning signals that shape the specificity of learning, but rather, how these learning signals are attributed to specific states through credit assignment.

Figure 7. Strength of PE signaling across social and bandit tasks using parametric modulation analysis.

Figure 7.

(A) Task-summed group-level t-map displaying the parametric modulation effect of PEs on the BOLD signal (Methods). Significant clusters were observed in the ventral striatum and vmPFC. Group-level image is thresholded at the cluster-level (PFWE <.05). (B) Despite observed learning differences in the two tasks, the magnitude of PE modulation did not differ between social and bandit tasks.


Adaptable learning systems—whether human, animal, or artificial—must be able to exploit causal structure by differentiating between spatial and temporal cues, allowing learners to balance behavioral flexibility with specificity (Asaad et al., 2017; Soto et al., 2014; Tenenbaum et al., 2011; Walton et al., 2010). Structural credit assignment in particular, enables learners to integrate contingencies into a set of learned decision policies from predictive features and cues in the environment (O’Reilly and Frank, 2006; Sutton, 1984). Here we show how humans achieve successful structural credit assignment. First, people are more precise when attributing outcomes to other people than they are to slot machines, an effect that is enhanced for gains compared to losses. Second, the PFC assigns credit by matching neural codes across time. State representations must be initially sufficiently encoded during feedback, a process that is more robustly observed in the gain, compared to loss, domain. High fidelity state representations during subsequent choice also support increased state discrimination and improved learning specificity. The critical lynchpin for how precisely credit is assigned in the PFC is the degree to which an individual exhibits a shared neural geometry in state representations between feedback and choice. Put simply, the PFC serves as a hub for credit assignment by leveraging reward signals and organizing state representations into a shared neural code, allowing for the efficient transfer of credit from feedback to subsequent choice. This functional coordination between distinct phases of learning aligns with prior work demonstrating that lOFC and mPFC track task states (Schuck et al., 2016), particularly those that govern the structure of rewards, so that humans can respond flexibly and adaptively to shifting environmental demands (Jocham et al., 2016; Nassar et al., 2019; Witkowski et al., 2022).

We further observed that an outcome’s valence asymmetrically shapes the specificity of assigning credit. More precise outcome attribution was observed for gains while increased credit spreading was observed for losses. Although past studies offer insight into credit assignment for rewards (Asaad et al., 2017; Hamid et al., 2021; Jocham et al., 2016; Walton et al., 2010), no studies that we are aware of have documented asymmetrical effects of PE valence driving the precision of credit assignment. Thus, these results offer an interesting parallel to existing stimulus generalization theories. Prior work using classical conditioning paradigms, in which a neutral stimulus is paired with an aversive outcome, shows that the conditioned response is also evoked by novel stimuli (Dunsmoor and Paz, 2015; Hull, 1943; Schechtman et al., 2010). Transfer effects to a new stimulus follows a generalization gradient in which the experienced intensity of the prior aversive outcome predicts increased threat generalization (Dunsmoor et al., 2017; Lissek et al., 2005), and greater perceptual generalization (Davis et al., 2010; FeldmanHall et al., 2018). Although our paradigm articulates generalization through credit spreading mechanisms, from a signal detection standpoint, these findings undoubtedly dovetail with that notion that it is ‘better to be safe than sorry’ in the aversive domain (Dunsmoor and Paz, 2015). This may help to explain why increased credit spreading of negative PEs across irrelevant cues can become pathological and maladaptive, offering potential inroads into understanding the etiology of generalized anxiety disorders.

While this work unveils a generalizable computational and neural mechanism for structural credit assignment, there are a few limitations and a number of unanswered questions that future work can help address. First, our study did not control for the visual complexity of the stimuli across tasks (i.e. human faces compared to colored bandits). While it is possible that the observed differences in learning and state decoding reflects the salience of faces in the trust task, our prior work suggests that this account is unlikely, given that when the stimuli’s complexity was perfectly matched across social and nonsocial tasks, we still observe faster learning in the social domain (Lamba et al., 2020). An open question revolves around the valence-asymmetric credit assignment effects, which may have interesting mappings onto dopamine modulation in the striatum and amygdala. Recent work in mice finds that wave-like dopamine signals from the dorsal striatum communicate when successful actions performed during instrumental learning are necessary for performance, offering insight into the underlying neuromodulatory dynamics of credit assignment in the reward domain (Hamid et al., 2021). Conversely, prior work suggests that dopamine modulation in the amygdala gates the selectivity of an acquired threat response, whereas inhibition of amygdala dopamine receptors is linked to threat overgeneralization (De Bundel et al., 2016). These findings are consistent with our results that the strength of PE signaling alone does not sufficiently explain differences in learning specificity. Future work should consider how midbrain dopamine modulation in the striatum and amygdala mechanistically interact to shape the format of downstream state representations.

Notably, our whole brain searchlight also picked up state representations in other prominent cortical networks, such as the control network (lateral parietal, anterior cingulate, and dorsal lateral prefrontal regions), and may accord with the possibility that distinct functional networks encode abstract state representations that vary only in format to optimize for differing task demands (Vaidya and Badre, 2022). Future work could consider how prefrontal and control networks interact during successful credit assignment, particularly when abstract state representations are required to perform complex sequences of actions. To summarize, our results identify a simple and domain-general neural mechanism for credit assignment in which outcomes and states are temporally bound together in the PFC, revealing a biologically grounded model for how humans assign credit to causal cues encountered in the world. How this mechanism coordinates with other known neural systems and deviates in psychiatric disorders has yet to be uncovered.



Data was collected from 30 right-handed adults (ages 21–36; mean age = 23.5, Nfemale = 16) in the Providence, Rhode Island area. Our study protocol was approved by Brown University’s Institutional Review Board (Protocol #1607001555) and all participants indicated informed consent before completing the social and the bandit tasks in the scanner. After all fMRI preprocessing steps were completed, two participants were removed from the final sample due a high degree of motion artifacts (movement >3 mm). All participants received monetary compensation ($15 /hour) and additional performance-based bonus payment of up to $20.

Instructions and stimulus presentation

Prior to scanning, all participants were given instructions for the social and bandit tasks and instruction ordering was counterbalanced depending on which task participants completed first in the scanner. For the social task, participants were told they would see the faces of previous participants who had already indicated the proportion of the investment they wished to return and who had been photographed prior to leaving their session. In reality, each of the four face stimuli were drawn from the MR2 database (Strohminger et al., 2016). All face stimuli included in our task were prejudged to be equivalent on trustworthiness and attractiveness dimensions by independent raters (Strohminger et al., 2016). Slot machine stimuli varied by visually distinct colors (purple, blue, yellow, and orange).

For each task, participants were required to pass a basic comprehension check to ensure that they understood the payoff structure of each game. Stimuli were presented using Psychtoolbox in MATLAB 2017a. Each trial was designed to elapse over a 16 s duration. The trial was initiated with a choice phase with a 3 s response window in which participants indicated their investment using a 5-button response box (options: $0, $2.50, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00). After participants keyed in their response, a jittered interstimulus interval (ITI), randomly distributed between 1 and 5 s, reminded participants of their investment. The outcome was then presented for a fixed 2 s duration, following by an additional ITI, filled with however many seconds remained for the full 16 s trial duration (between 6 and 13 s). If participants failed to indicate their investment within the 3 s response window, the investment was considered $0, and a missed trial prompt appeared during the ITI. Missed trials were omitted from all behavioral and RSA analyses. Stimulus ordering was randomly interleaved, and therefore consecutive presentations of the same stimulus could occur anywhere from 1 to 15 trials apart following a right-skewed distribution, such that most consecutive stimulus interactions occurred within 1–5 trials.

Reward structure

Each stimulus in the social and bandit tasks was randomly assigned to follow one of four reward distributions, such that stimulus identities were counterbalanced across different payoff structures. The high reward stimulus always returned more than the participant initially invested and thus always resulted in a net gain, whereas the low reward stimulus always returned a lower amount resulting in a net loss. Neutral and random stimuli were designed to return a roughly equivalent amount and served as a control for outcome valence, allowing us to examine outcome attribution precision with stimuli that resulted in net gains and losses with equal frequency. Neutral and random stimuli only differed in terms of their return variance (i.e. the extremity of gains and losses). Rather than truly sampling from a payoff distribution which could have resulted in vastly different observed outcomes across participants and tasks (e.g. observing a consistent string of gains or losses on the extreme end of the distribution simply due to chance), we preselected the return rates so that the full range of the distribution was sampled from. We then applied these preselected return rates for all participants and in each task but allowed their ordering to be randomized across trials. Notably, although return rates were fixed, the payoff on each trial was still dependent on the participant’s investment (see task structure in Figure 1).

Time-lagged behavioral regression analyses

Single trial investments were modeled using a regression that included the monetary amount returned on previous trials at various time points (i.e. lags) as explanatory variables. To capture individual learning effects, we modeled investment data for each participant separately including both social and bandit tasks in the same linear regression model. Investments were modeled as a weighted sum of previous returns experienced on relevant trials (i.e. those with a matched stimulus) as well as irrelevant trials (i.e. those that immediately preceded a given investment, irrespective of stimulus identity). We fit slopes for the contribution of each lag term using previous returns from the nth trial back in each task (social vs. bandit), yielding 13 coefficients per participant (model equation below; i,t denotes each participant and trial, respectively).


To model whether rewards vs. losses differentially impacted reward attribution, for each participant we separated trials into scenarios in which the previous stimulus-matched and previous irrelevant outcome resulted in a net gain (return >investment) or a net loss (return <investment). Here we considered only lag1 trials to minimize parameter tradeoffs that prevented model convergence, and furthermore ran four separate regression models quantifying the effects of lag1 returns for each combination of relevant vs. irrelevant and gain vs. loss trials.

Logistic reinforcement learning model

To better understand trial-to-trial changes in investing, we developed a nested set of RL models to translate trial-outcomes into behavioral updates. Because choices in the task were both discrete and ordinal in their magnitude (choice options: $0, $2.50, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00), we used a logistic function to model the learned value of investing with each partner/bandit type based on trial and error.

Model investment function

In each of our models, all choices in which the participant responded were included in model fitting. Predicted investments for each trial were generated from a sigmoid function that included parameters to account for individual investment biases (i.e. baseline differences in investment preferences) and the slope of the relationship between Vt and predicted investments (m; Figure 3—figure supplement 1A), where V(t,j) reflects the expected value for investing in stimulus j (i.e. a specific partner/bandit) on trial t:

pred. investmentt=max investment1+ em(V(t,j)bias)

To get the likelihood with which our model would produce all possible investments on a given trial, we assumed that the probability of a given investment would fall off according to a Gaussian probability density function (PDF) around the predicted investment (Figure 3—figure supplement 1B):


The width of the Gaussian distribution was fixed to a value of 1 in all models, controlling the variability in model investments. The probability of investing—p(investment)—generated from the Gaussian PDF was normalized on each trial such that the total probability across investments was equal to 1, and the model was fit by minimizing the negative log of the sum of p(investments) corresponding to the actual participant investments across trials.

Modeling learning

We fit a learning model to behavior separately for social and bandit tasks. In our baseline model, we used the Rescorla-Wagner learning rule (Rescorla, 1972) to compute the reward prediction error (δ) on each trial (t), which updated the expected value (V) of investing with each partner/bandit type (j) after each outcome observation. Error-driven learning was then scaled by the learning rate (a):


We used a matrix to store the updated value of V on each trial separately for each stimulus, resulting in a trial × stimulus V matrix for each participant and each task. Most of our models included a prior parameter (see Supplementary file 1e), which estimated the initial value of V in the first row of the V matrix. If a prior parameter was not included in the model, the V matrix was initialized at 0. In the baseline model, outcomes were always attributed to the appropriate state (i.e. updated V for only the appropriate stimulus), effectively performing standard model-free RL. We included additional learning rate, credit assignment, and decay parameters to the base model to construct a set of models that varied in complexity, and that provided distinct conceptual accounts of learning differences, but notably all models mapped experienced outcomes to learned values to guide future choice (see Supplementary file 1e for a full list of models tested and Supplementary file 1f for a description of each parameter).

To capture individual differences in credit assignment vs. credit spreading, we introduced a credit assignment parameter (CA) that quantifies the degree to which observed outcomes on the current trial influenced the expected value of irrelevant causes (i.e. all other partners/bandits not engaged with on the current trial), denoted with the index k.


To account for valence-dependent learning effects, we fit models with valenced learning rate (V-LR) parameters, in which PEs greater or less than 0 were scaled by positive or negative learning rates, respectively (V-LR, CA model). We also fit a model with valenced CA terms (V-CA) to capture valence-specific differences in reward attribution (i.e. whether credit assignment vs. spreading is dependent on observing better or worse than expected outcomes). This model (V-LR, V-CA) was algorithmically identical to the V-LR, CA model, except that two separate CA parameters were used to account for credit assignment on positive and negative PE trials.

Decay models

We modeled forgetting effects based on a decay model previously described in Collins and Frank, 2012 in which a decay parameter gradually adjusts learned values back to initial ones (i.e. the prior), proportionally to the degree of forgetting. In our model (V-LR, Decay), decay (γ) and the prior were fit as additional free parameters to each participant.


Model comparison

Model fits were then evaluated using the Akaike information criterion (AIC), which we computed as:


We performed model selection by maximizing the negative AIC and minimizing Δ AIC, which was calculated as the difference between each participant’s best-fitting model and every other model in the set. This approach allowed us to evaluate model performance penalized for additional terms and the model fit advantage of each participant’s best-fitting model relative to every other model in the set. Thus, the best-fitting model would ideally be able to explain each participant’s data approximately as well, if not better, in most instances. Model comparison was performed separately for social and bandit tasks (see Supplementary file 1g-1h and Figure 3—figure supplement 2 for AIC and Δ AIC values of each model).

Model validation

Model confusability was evaluated by simulating 100 participants per model. For each simulated participant, free parameters were randomly sampled from a uniform distribution and trial-to-trial investments were generated under the sampled parameterization. Each model was fit to each simulated participant using 20 iterations of gradient descent, and classification rates were computed as the frequency with which each participant was best fit by the correct generative model, which we evaluated by maximizing the negative AIC (rate of winning model/true model; see Figure 3—figure supplement 3A). The inverse confusion matrix (Figure 3—figure supplement 3B) was based on the same data but shows the probability that each generative model gave rise to a given ‘best fitting’ model. We also performed a maximum likelihood estimation check (i.e. posterior predictive check) for the set of MLE-optimized parameters from the V-LR, V-CA model. Model generated data shown in Figure 3—figure supplement 4 captures empirical patterns. Parameter recovery, shown in Figure 3—figure supplement 5, indicates that parameters from the V-LR, V-CA model were reliably estimated and recoverable.

MRI data acquisition

Data was acquired at the Brown University MRI Facility with the Siemens Prisma 3T MRI Scanner. Anatomical scans were collected using a T1-weighted sequence with 1 mm3 isotropic voxels, 1900ms TR, flip angle = 9 degrees, 160 slices/volume, 1 mm slice thickness, for a duration of 4 min, 1 s. Functional scans were acquired using a T2-weighted sequence with 3 mm3 isotropic voxels, 2000ms TR, flip angle = 78 degrees, 38 slices/volume, 3 mm slice thickness. Each task was divided into 2 functional runs, each consisting of 246 volumes, for a duration of 8 min and 12 s. We used a bounding box with a forward tilt along the AC-PC axis to ensure we were imaging lateral and medial OFC.

Data preprocessing

Data was preprocessed in SPM12. For multivariate analyses, data was preprocessed in the following sequence: slice-time correction, realignment, co-registration, segmentation, normalization, spatial smoothing. Images were normalized to a standard MNI template and resampled to 2 mm3 voxels. For univariate parametric modulation analyses, we used the same preprocessing sequence, except images were realigned prior to slice-time correction.

Images were smoothed using a 2 mm3 smoothing kernel for multivariate analyses and with an 8 mm3 kernel for univariate analyses. RSA images constructed from the deconvolved time-series GLM (see below) were later smoothed using a 6 mm3 smoothing kernel for group analyses.

Time-series GLM

For each participant we obtained time-series estimates of the BOLD signal by deconvolving the HRF using single trial regressors (Mumford and Poldrack, 2007; Ramsey et al., 2010), concatenated across task runs. We also included separate trial regressors for choice and feedback onsets within each GLM (i.e., choice and feedback onsets were modeled simultaneously) to control for potential temporal correlations in the BOLD signal resulting from consecutive task events. For choice phase regressors, we modeled voxel activations during the choice duration, which occurred within a 3 s window. Feedback phase activations were modeled during a fixed 2 s duration. We included six motions regressors derived from realignment, along roll, pitch, yaw and x,y,z dimensions to control for motion artifact. We also included additional framewise displacement (FD) regressors, using a FD threshold = 1.2 to identify noisy images. We then regressed out noise from frames above the FD threshold, including the previous images and subsequent two images, based on recommendations (Power et al., 2012; Power et al., 2014).

Whole brain searchlight analysis

We conducted four independent searchlight analyses across the whole brain to measure representational dissimilarity during choice and feedback phases of the task, and separately for social and bandit tasks. For each participant and each task phase (choice and feedback), we first selected the relevant trial regressors (e.g. choice regressors for all trials in which the participant responded). We then constructed a 9 mm radius spherical searchlight, which we moved along x,y,z coordinates of participant-specific brain masks (binary mask of voxels with sufficient accompanying BOLD activations), with a step size of 1, such that the center of the searchlight was placed in each voxel once.

We then extracted single event (choice/feedback) beta coefficients from all voxels within the searchlight from the relevant phase regressors modeled in our deconvolved time-series GLM and noise normalized the coefficients (Walther et al., 2016). Beta coefficients from each phase regressor were then extracted and reorganized into a voxel by trial coefficient matrix (Figure 4A). To align the searchlight neural RDM with our state identity hypothesis matrix, we reorganized the coefficient matrix by nesting trial within each stimulus type. To obtain the searchlight RDM, we then computed the correlation distance (1 r) between each row and column element in the coefficient matrix. Correlation distance values from the lower triangle (all elements off the identity line) of our neural RDM were then z-transformed and correlated with the lower triangle of our z-transformed predictors, using the following linear model to obtain a t-statistic estimating the effect of state identity for each searchlight (neural correlation distance ~state identity +autocorrelation term). We examined the effect of the state identity and expected value hypothesis matrices separately in our whole brain searchlight analyses to avoid any systematic correlations that could potentially emerge from predictor collinearity but allowed state identity and expected value predictors to compete in our ROI analyses. The resulting first-level t-maps from the whole brain searchlights for choice and feedback and for each task were then spatially smoothed with a 6 mm3 Gaussian smoothing kernel before being submitted to second-level analyses.

To avoid constructing task-biased ROIs, we created summed t-maps from each participant’s social and bandit searchlights using SPM’s imcalc function (images created using a simple summation method; social t-map +bandit t-map). We then conducted second-level analyses on the task-combined t-maps for choice and feedback phases of the task. To correct for multiple comparisons, we conducted non-parametric permutation testing on the second-level analyses, using a cluster-forming threshold of p<0.0001 and a null distribution based on 5000 permutations. Permutation testing was conducted with the SnPM package (Hayasaka and Nichols, 2003). We then created binary masks of all voxels in our second-level analyses that were significant at the cluster-level (pFWE <.05) and at the peak level (p<0.0001) and used the task-combined corrected t-maps to identify ROIs. We used a data driven approach to identify two sets of ROIs for choice and feedback by extracting coefficients from statistically significant cluster peaks in corrected t-maps. We limited the cluster size of our ROIs to be no larger than the size our searchlight by placing a 9 mm radius sphere at the center of the local maxima and extracted all voxels from the sphere that survived permutation testing. Within each ROI from our two sets chosen from choice and feedback searchlights, coefficients from the model were then disaggregated to independently evaluate the strength of state representation in the social vs. bandit task (shown in Figure 5, B to C), which we computed from the following model (neural correlation distance ~state-identity RDM + expected value RDM + autocorrelation term).

Valence-based RSA

For each participant, trial-level deltas (PEs) estimated from the valenced-ca model using the MLE optimized parameters were z-scored to control for the extremity of experienced gains and losses across participants, to ensure we had sufficient trials from each stimulus within both positive and negative valence RDMs, and to ensure a roughly equivalent amount of data in each neural RDM. The z-transformed PEs were then used to separate data into the appropriate RDM and our RSA procedure for each ROI was then separately applied for positive and negative RDMs and for choice and feedback phases.

Cross-timepoint RSA

Prior to computing the cross-timepoint correlations across task phases, we constructed a set of ROIs in candidate areas that were involved in state representation during both choice and feedback. To avoid constructing ROIs that were biased towards a particular task phase, we integrated task-combined t-maps (choice t-map +feedback t-map). We then masked our task and phase-combined image using a binary conjunction t-map of voxels that survived permutation testing in both our choice and feedback phase analyses, using a 9 mm radius sphere centered at the local peaks to isolate voxels from statistically significant clusters and focusing specifically on voxels in the PFC. We then computed the cross-timepoint correlation within each of our conjunction ROIs, separately for each task.

Our approach for computing the cross-timepoint correlation was to first create two data sets for each participant by separating the data into even and odd trials that occurred with each partner/bandit type (e.g. set 1: all even trials with low, high, neutral, random stimuli, set 2: all odd trials with low, high, neutral, random stimuli), so that representational correspondence could be measured across consecutive stimulus-matched trials that were temporally distanced in time (trial ordering was interleaved such that stimulus-matched trials were always 1–15 trials apart in the task; Figure 1D). We then constructed a data matrix for each of our even and odd data sets, including choice and feedback in same matrix. For each matrix, we extracted beta coefficients from each voxel on each trial within even and odd data sets, and concatenated choice and feedback patterns. For both even and odd data sets, we then averaged beta coefficients in each voxel, resulting in two voxel × stimulus matrices reflecting the average beta in each voxel at choice and feedback timepoints (rows) and activations for each stimulus during choice and feedback (columns). We then calculated the correlation distance (1 r) between even and odd matrices. In the cross-timepoint quadrants of the resulting matrix, mean activations on even trials during the choice (choiceEven) were compared to mean activations on odd trials during the feedback (feedbackOdd), and even trials during feedback (feedbackEven) were compared to odd activations during choice (choiceOdd). The resulting matrix product of even and odd RDMs thus allowed us to evaluate the shared structure of state representations across task phases (the lower left and upper right quadrants of the cross-timepoint RDM; Figure 6A) and across independent trials, therefore breaking any systematic temporal or autocorrelation signals within the neural pattern. We then correlated only the cross-timepoint quadrants of the matrix product with a cross-timepoint state identity matrix to quantify the degree of representational alignment in the neural code across choice and feedback timepoints that preserved the state identity. The degree of shared information in the neural code (quantified as Pearson correlation coefficients) was subsequently submitted to further regression analyses to evaluate the association between shared representational geometry and credit assignment precision (Figure 6C). We constructed ROIs in the mPFC and lOFC, given that clusters in these regions emerged from our conjunction t-map and signaled cross-timepoint state encoding.

Parametric modulation analysis

We conducted univariate parametric modulation analysis to evaluate the effect of trial PEs on the amplitude of the BOLD signal, allowing us to capture differences in the strength of PE coding across tasks. For each participant, we constructed a first-level design matrix that included regressors for both choice and feedback onsets and durations, and trial-level PEs from our V-LR, V-CA model. Social and bandit task data were modeled in the same GLM, and we included additional regressors for motion (see time-series GLM section). In group analyses we then generated a t-contrast against 0 for the PE regressor. This contrast included data from both social and bandit tasks so that we were blinded to task condition when selecting ROIs. To correct for multiple comparisons, we performed permutation testing on the task-combined t-map (see procedure in the whole brain searchlight analysis section). We then selected ROIs from significant cluster peaks that survived permutation testing and extracted beta coefficients from ROIs separately for social and bandit tasks.


We thank Michael J Frank for comments and feedback and Eric Ingram for assisting with data collection. We also thank Avinash Vaidya for helpful RSA code and discussion. This work was supported by NARSAD grant 26210 to OFH.

Funding Statement

The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.

Contributor Information

Oriel FeldmanHall, Email:

Thorsten Kahnt, National Institute on Drug Abuse Intramural Research Program, United States.

Christian Büchel, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany.

Funding Information

This paper was supported by the following grant:

  • Brain and Behavior Research Foundation 26210 to Oriel FeldmanHall.

Additional information

Competing interests

No competing interests declared.

Author contributions

Conceptualization, Data curation, Software, Formal analysis, Investigation, Visualization, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Project administration, Writing – review and editing.

Software, Formal analysis, Supervision, Methodology, Writing – review and editing.

Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Methodology, Writing – review and editing.


Our study protocol was approved by Brown University's Institutional Review Board (Protocol #1607001555) and all participants indicated informed consent for both behavioral and neuroimaging portions of the study.

Additional files

Supplementary file 1. Additional tables with fMRI analysis ROI coordinates, cluster size, and peak statistics, and additional information about model parameters and performance.

(a) Choice Phase ROI coordinates. (b) Feedback Phase ROI coordinates. (c) Conjunction ROI coordinates from cross-timepoint analysis. (d) Parametric modulation ROI coordinates. (e) List of RL Models included in model comparison, including their respective free parameters indicated with the ×. V denotes valenced terms for either the learning rate (LR) or credit assignment (CA) parameters in the model. (f) Logistic RL algorithm parameters indicating model behavior at upper and lower bounds. (g) Mean AIC and SE for each model. Mean AIC for V-LR, V-CA was the max in the set. Mean values are plotted below in Figure 3—figure supplement 2. (h) Model Comparison. Model Comparison was performed by minimizing Δ AIC, which was computed as the difference between each participants best-fitting model and each model in the set (see Methods). Δ AIC was the lowest for the V-LR, V-CA model indicating that the model captured the behavioral data better than other models in the set, and in instances in which a participant’s data was better fit by another model the V-LR, V-CA model could explain the data equally as well. Δ AIC with individual points is plotted below in Figure 3—figure supplement 2.

elife-84888-supp1.docx (39.6KB, docx)
MDAR checklist

Data availability

Behavioral data, analyzed neural data, and code are available on github: (copy archived at Lamba, 2023).


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Editor's evaluation

Thorsten Kahnt 1

This study provides convincing evidence that the fidelity of neural representations of task states is associated with assigning credit to these states. The topic is timely and the results are important for understanding the neural mechanisms of reinforcement learning. The manuscript will be highly relevant for readers interested in cognitive and decision neuroscience, as well as reinforcement learning.

Decision letter

Editor: Thorsten Kahnt1
Reviewed by: Rui Ponte Costa2

In the interests of transparency, eLife publishes the most substantive revision requests and the accompanying author responses.

Decision letter after peer review:

Thank you for submitting your article "Prefrontal cortex state representations shape human credit assignment" for consideration by eLife. Your article has been reviewed by 2 peer reviewers, one of whom is a member of our Board of Reviewing Editors, and the evaluation has been overseen by Christian Büchel as the Senior Editor. The following individual involved in the review of your submission has agreed to reveal their identity: Rui Ponte Costa (Reviewer #2).

Apologies for the long delay in getting back to you. The reviewers have now discussed their reviews with one another, and the Reviewing Editor has drafted this to help you prepare a revised submission.

Essential revisions:

As you can see, both reviewers agreed that your manuscript addressed an important and timely topic. However, they also identified key weaknesses that should be addressed with substantial text revisions, new analysis, and/or data.

The list below highlights two key concerns, but please also consider the points raised in the individual critiques.

1. Potential stimulus confounds (reviewer 1 public review, point 1). Ideally, you would address this with new data showing that the results hold when the stimuli between the social and non-social tasks are matched. Alternatively, you could change the language about social vs. non-social to complex vs. simple in most of the manuscript, and refer to the potential role of social vs non-social stimuli in the discussion.

2. Are effects driven by the strength of neural representations rather than learning signals (reviewer 2 public review, point 3)? Please address this concern through additional analysis as it is central to your main conclusions.

Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors):

This study uses fMRI and computational modeling to examine the relationship between credit assignment and neural stimulus representations, and compare this relationship between yoked social and non-social reinforcement learning tasks. The authors find that credit assignment is more accurate in the social task and that this is mirrored in the strength of neural stimulus representations in the PFC. They also report evidence for overlapping neural representations between the choice and feedback phases.

The question addressed in this study is timely and interesting, and the manuscript is well-written. However, there are several shortcomings in the experimental design and analytic approach that limit what can be concluded from these results.

1. A focus of the study are differences between social and non-social tasks. The key distinction between these tasks is the stimulus set: the social task uses faces as stimuli whereas the non-social task uses a bandit symbol in different colors. This potentially confounds the social vs non-social learning domain with the salience, complexity, etc. of the stimuli used. Thus, it is unclear whether the behavioral and neural results reflect credit assignment in social vs. non-social domains or the well-known effects of stimulus features on learning.

2. The authors use computational modeling to compare different mechanisms of learning (working memory vs credit assignment). However, although these two mechanisms are not mutually exclusive and there is no attempt to capture both mechanisms within the same model.

3. The authors use the term 'state' when referring to different stimuli within each task. This is misleading because 'states' are typically conceptualized to be abstract and not tied to specific stimuli. The analyses presented in the manuscript do not dissociate state identity from stimulus identity, and so it would be more accurate to refer to 'stimulus identity' rather than 'state identity' in the context of the current manuscript.

4. My biggest concern is related to potential stimulus confounds in the social vs non-social tasks. Faces are more complex, salient, and meaningful than the colored bandits. We know from decades of learning and memory research that such stimulus features determine the rate of learning and so any differences between conditions may have nothing to do with social vs non-social but are entirely driven by these features.

Relatedly, given the choice-related RSA results reflect representations of stimulus identity, any differences between the two conditions could be driven entirely by better decoding of more complex stimuli.

There are two solutions to this issue. Either you do additional experiments and show that a reasonable set of features does not explain differences between the two tasks, or you revise the manuscript to remove all language about social vs non-social and acknowledge that the differences between the tasks could be entirely driven by differences in stimulus features.

5. Your modeling approach is designed to test (among other things) whether working memory or credit assignment mechanisms better account for the behavioral data. Given that these mechanisms are not mutually exclusive, it would be important to include a model that captures both mechanisms.

6. I think using the term 'state' when referring to 'stimulus' is misleading. States are generally thought to be abstract and not tied to specific stimulus configurations. To dissociate states and stimuli, you'd need an experiment where the same state is evoked by different stimuli. Your design actually allows you to do that if you assume that faces and corresponding bandits evoke the same state.

7. I may be wrong here, but if I understand your description of the cross-timepoint RSA in the method section correctly, I wonder whether this analysis could still be confounded by the temporal proximity of choice and feedback phase. As far as I understand, you computed the similarity of choice and feedback phases within odd trials and separately within even trials. Then you computed the matrix product between the odd and even trial neural RDMs. Couldn't any signals (including those driven by vascular effects or noise) that linger from the choice phase into the feedback phase explain the cross-phase similarity within the odd and even trials? It seems it would be better to compute two neural RDMs such that the choice phase comes from odd trials and the feedback phase comes from even trials (and vice versa), and then average the two RDMs. This way, the similarity between the choice and feedback phase is less likely to result from autocorrelations

8. How were the ROIs selected? I assume there were more areas that represented stimulus identity, no?

Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):

In this manuscript the authors use a combination of reinforcement learning modelling and fMRI to study the fidelity of state representations in the frontal cortex and whether these representations predict the ability of (individual) participants for credit assignment.


1. This study provides a nice combination of reinforcement learning modelling and fMRI studies, which enabled the authors to link computational principles with neuronal representations.

3. The experimental paradigm is also interesting, contrasting social and non-social tasks. It suggests very interesting differences between the two in terms of investment, but also in terms of neural representations.

4. Finally, this study might make substantial advances in our understanding of individual differences in terms of credit assignment, a critical part of learning and adaptability. However, this is not entirely clear (see below).


1. The manuscript could present some of the results in a more gradual way, that makes it accessible to a general reader. I also find that there are generally long relatively complex sentences that make it hard to follow. For example: "We leverage these potential differences to evaluate whether the brain adaptively adjusts the fidelity of state representations across contexts to mediate the selectivity of causal learning.".

2. There is in my view a need to clarify what is meant by credit assignment (CA). For example, the way the models are described in the main text make it seem that some models perform credit assignment whereas others do not. From what I can see all these models have to perform some form of credit assignment, as they all atribute credit to model parameters/states, which I think would also make model 1 a CA model.

3. One of the key points made by the authors is that individual differences are driven by the strength of neural representations, and not by the magnitude of learning signals. Unfortunately, I fail to see how this conclusion is supported by the analysis of the data. I believe that this is interpretation builds on their correlation analysis between the representations and the model fits (Figure 5D and 6C). However, the model itself contains an explicit learning signal (δ: prediction error), so it is not clear to me how can the authors disentangle the neuronal representations from the learning signal using this analysis.

4. The model and some of the methods are not described in enough detail. For example, it is not stated what some of the parameters are. Although the models used appear to be standard in the field, no links/citations to classical RL models are made.


Several claims are supported by the data/analysis, but it is not clear to me if one of the central claims is (see one of the weakness points above).

1. One of the potentially very interesting points made by the authors is about what causes individual differences in terms of CA. However, I fail to see how they can use the CA fit without implicitly also considering learning signals -- learning signals are an implicit part of their model (i.e. there is a δ = prediction error). Not sure how this can be addressed, but maybe there is something I'm missing and this is not a problem at all? On a related point, I failed to see a discussion on this very important part of the manuscript, discussing what would be the key contribution of the paper.

2. The text could be improved by making more smoother/gradual descriptions of the results/ideas. For example, I find that there is a lot of information in the final part of the section "Although these outcomes should not inform choices on the current trial given the generative task structure…" (until the end). To make it more accessible to the general reader I suggest that you present this information more gradually and provide intermediate (brief) summaries of what it means.

3. So I think it would be better to clarify that these are all different variants of CA models. This does not change your interpretation in any way but would make the story more clear. Also, to follow the modelling more easily I would suggest giving specific names to each model like you already do for the v-CA model. I note that this is done in Figure S2, but should also be included in the main text, and in the methods when referring to the methods, for clarity. This would also make the link with Figure 3 easier to follow. For example, at the moment it's unclear exactly to which model Figure 3b and c refer.

4. On page 7 and Figure 3 you use the term "spread" again, but this was only referred to very early on, so at this point appears out of place. Would be important to highlight what this means and how the models capture this spread. Also, in Figure 3 the spread is contrasted with CA precision, given that these two elements are critical for understanding Figure 3, it would be important to clearly define them in the main text before introducing the results of Figure 3. Also, in Figure 3 are the credit matrices obtained by running the models? If so, how? Clarify.

5. One possible prediction for the neuronal representations of PE found in PFC is that they should weaken over learning if they underlie the learning signal. As this form a critical component of any credit assignment/learning model, it would be interesting/important to explore this. I imagine this could be easily tested with your data by analysing how the PE-specific representations change over learning.

6. There is some lack of clarity in the description of the model/analysis: (i) The baseline RL model, seems to be exactly the Rescorla-Wagner rule. If so please refer to it as so. (ii) The AIC is usually given by: AIC = – 2ln(L) + 2k, not AIC = – 2ln(L) – 2k, as given in the methods. Please clarify. (iii) What is the prior in the decay model? It does not appear to be given. (iv) The Q variable is usually reserved for Q-learning in RL, which models explicitly the value of state-action pairs, but this does not appear to be the case here. Instead, to be consistent with the literature, I suggest that you use the variable V. It's important that the authors ensure that all the details are given, and parameters described.

eLife. 2023 Jul 3;12:e84888. doi: 10.7554/eLife.84888.sa2

Author response

Essential revisions:

As you can see, both reviewers agreed that your manuscript addressed an important and timely topic. However, they also identified key weaknesses that should be addressed with substantial text revisions, new analysis, and/or data.

The list below highlights two key concerns, but please also consider the points raised in the individual critiques.

1. Potential stimulus confounds (reviewer 1 public review, point 1). Ideally, you would address this with new data showing that the results hold when the stimuli between the social and non-social tasks are matched. Alternatively, you could change the language about social vs. non-social to complex vs. simple in most of the manuscript, and refer to the potential role of social vs non-social stimuli in the discussion.

2. Are effects driven by the strength of neural representations rather than learning signals (reviewer 2 public review, point 3)? Please address this concern through additional analysis as it is central to your main conclusions.

Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors):

This study uses fMRI and computational modeling to examine the relationship between credit assignment and neural stimulus representations, and compare this relationship between yoked social and non-social reinforcement learning tasks. The authors find that credit assignment is more accurate in the social task and that this is mirrored in the strength of neural stimulus representations in the PFC. They also report evidence for overlapping neural representations between the choice and feedback phases.

The question addressed in this study is timely and interesting, and the manuscript is well-written. However, there are several shortcomings in the experimental design and analytic approach that limit what can be concluded from these results.

1. A focus of the study are differences between social and non-social tasks. The key distinction between these tasks is the stimulus set: the social task uses faces as stimuli whereas the non-social task uses a bandit symbol in different colors. This potentially confounds the social vs non-social learning domain with the salience, complexity, etc. of the stimuli used. Thus, it is unclear whether the behavioral and neural results reflect credit assignment in social vs. non-social domains or the well-known effects of stimulus features on learning.

Thank you for raising these critiques. First, while we are generally in agreement that the complexity of a stimuli’s’ features can affect the rate of learning, it is unlikely that complexity differences in our stimulus set can account for the credit assignment differences we observed. This is for the following reason: In our previous work (see Lamba, Frank & FeldmanHall, 2020, Psychological Science), we compared social and nonsocial learning using the same task setup (trust game vs. bandit task, albeit with gradual changes in reward dynamics over time), where the complexity of stimulus identities were perfectly matched: colored silhouettes represented social partners and colored slot machines represented bandits. Despite the social and nonsocial stimuli being matched in their visual complexity, participants learned to adapt their behavior to social partners more quickly than to bandits, which could be attributed to how feedback was being used to guide learning. In other words, in this prior data set, with a larger sample (N = 354) where the tasks contained visually matched social and nonsocial stimuli, we still observed learning differences between social and nonsocial contexts. We therefore decided to depart from the previous experimental design which controlled for the stimulus’ visual complexity in order to create a more realistic and engaging experiment in the current work—which is why social partners are represented by faces.

Second, the Reviewer states that “a focus of the study are the differences between social and non-social tasks”. This statement, combined with their concern about differences between stimulus complexity suggests that our motivation for using social and nonsocial testbeds was not adequately conveyed in the initial manuscript, which led readers to focus on differences between the social and nonsocial contexts as a main thrust of the paper. The goal of our study is to characterize how credit assignment unfolds in the human brain, not to make normative claims about which domains people are “better” at assigning credit. The use of social/nonsocial conditions was a manipulation to show that different learning contexts in general can impact how learning unfolds, which we link to the format of neural representations in the PFC. We have revised the introduction of our manuscript to make this framing clearer (page 3, lines 85-94) and have removed the word “accurate” when describing social versus nonsocial credit assignment differences.

In short, while we agree that stimulus complexity can be an important contributor to behavior, we believe this is unlikely to be driving differences in credit assignment between our two tasks due to evidence from our previous work that controlled for stimulus complexity and yet still documented learning differences. That being said, we now acknowledge on page 16, lines 376-381 of the manuscript that the stimuli are not matched on complexity, which may contribute to learning differences.

2. The authors use computational modeling to compare different mechanisms of learning (working memory vs credit assignment). However, although these two mechanisms are not mutually exclusive and there is no attempt to capture both mechanisms within the same model.

We agree that they are not mutually exclusive! We would ideally be able to use a single model that simultaneously captures both working memory and credit assignment. In fact, in an initial model we included credit assignment and decay parameters (to account for forgetting) within the same model. However, this model was not identifiable and produced high confusability with other models (i.e., the valenced Learning Rate (V-LR), Decay model and the V-LR, V-CA model) during identifiability tests (see Figure S1). Parameter fits from this model were also unstable, suggesting that simultaneously estimating decay and credit assignment parameters within the same model can be difficult. Given our task design, which only contains 15 trials for each stimulus and 60 trials per task, we wanted to avoid over-fitting and interpreting parameters from overly complicated models, which is why we did not include this model in our final set.

We also want to clarify that testing competing hypotheses between working memory and credit assignment interference was not a central aim of this work, and have therefore revised language in the modeling section of the manuscript (page 7, lines 185-187) to avoid generating this impression. Rather, we fit the decay model to rule out the possibility that forgetting was the primary mechanism driving differences in task performance, even if some lapses in working memory were of course going to be concurrent with credit spreading mechanisms. In our V-LR, Decay model, decay parameters did not significantly differ between task conditions (t = 1.86, df = 27, p = 0.074) and decay parameters did not predict the fidelity of state representations in the PFC at the time of choice (t = -0.462, p = 0.65) or the shared geometry between choice and feedback (t = -1.612, p = 0.11). In addition, decay parameter estimates from the V-LR, Decay model heavily clustered around 0, suggesting that for the most part, lapses in working memory were not fundamentally contributing to behavior—which alleviates some of our worry about omitting the decay parameter in our winning credit assignment model.

3. The authors use the term 'state' when referring to different stimuli within each task. This is misleading because 'states' are typically conceptualized to be abstract and not tied to specific stimuli. The analyses presented in the manuscript do not dissociate state identity from stimulus identity, and so it would be more accurate to refer to 'stimulus identity' rather than 'state identity' in the context of the current manuscript.

Thank you for raising this point—we think it is an important one to address on both a conceptual and scientific level. When writing the manuscript, we selected the word state to intentionally discriminate it from the term stimulus. We use the term state as defined in the reinforcement learning literature, that is, to mean the complete set of environmental variables relevant for defining a behavioral policy. Under this definition, the state of a tic-tac-toe game would include whether each box is filled with an X, O, or is empty (Sutton & Barto 2018). In our credit assignment model and task setup, we consider precise credit attribution to indicate linking outcomes to specific stimuli (i.e., partners/bandits), so in these cases states should be represented at the stimulus level (1 state=1 stimuli)—or as the reviewer points out, “stimulus identity”. In complex real-world problems, we contend that knowing the correct state space for reinforcement learning is not so simple, and that in some cases it might be perfectly reasonable to learn a policy that applies to all humans (or bandits). Extending this logic to our task would yield a situation where all stimuli map to a single “state”. As we show in our paper, participants that spread credit do not learn at the stimulus level and instead seem to learn about a single task state that encompasses all stimuli. Indeed, in our model, credit assignment values of 0 perform RL with exactly one state. Since our credit assignment parameter was continuous, we can capture this tendency along a continuum of representing states at the level of a stimulus, or, at the level of a single state (in which all stimuli are grouped together), and we also see this reflected in the format of neural representations in the PFC. We apologize that our justification of this terminology was not adequately conveyed in the initial manuscript and have revised the paper to make this logic clearer to readers (page 2, lines 39-45; page 7, lines 175-180; Figure 3A, and Page 9 lines 214-216). In line with the reviewer’s recommendation, we have also revised the manuscript throughout to (1) make it clear what our analyses are interrogating (fidelity of the stimulus identity); and (2) when an individual is learning at the state level (failing to learn about individual stimuli) versus learning at the stimulus level, in which case we use the term “stimulus identity”.

4. My biggest concern is related to potential stimulus confounds in the social vs non-social tasks. Faces are more complex, salient, and meaningful than the colored bandits. We know from decades of learning and memory research that such stimulus features determine the rate of learning and so any differences between conditions may have nothing to do with social vs non-social but are entirely driven by these features.

Relatedly, given the choice-related RSA results reflect representations of stimulus identity, any differences between the two conditions could be driven entirely by better decoding of more complex stimuli.

There are two solutions to this issue. Either you do additional experiments and show that a reasonable set of features does not explain differences between the two tasks, or you revise the manuscript to remove all language about social vs non-social and acknowledge that the differences between the tasks could be entirely driven by differences in stimulus features.

This concern is addressed in Public Response 1. However, in brief, we hope we have allayed the Reviewer’s concern by (1) using a prior data set with a similar task in which the social and nonsocial stimuli’s complexity are visually matched to demonstrate there are still learning differences, and (2) revising the manuscript (page 15-16, lines 376-380) to acknowledge that in the present work there are differences in stimulus complexity between the two conditions, which may contribute, in part, to these observed learning differences. Further, while we acknowledge that stimulus complexity could produce better decoding of faces during choice (Figure 5B), our RSA findings illustrate that the fidelity of state representations are yoked to individual differences in credit assignment across tasks (social and nonsocial contexts). This suggests that while stimulus complexity may play some role in the fidelity of these state representations, it seems that how well an individual is able to assign credit is more closely related to the nature of these representations.

5. Your modeling approach is designed to test (among other things) whether working memory or credit assignment mechanisms better account for the behavioral data. Given that these mechanisms are not mutually exclusive, it would be important to include a model that captures both mechanisms.

This point is addressed in point 2.

6. I think using the term 'state' when referring to 'stimulus' is misleading. States are generally thought to be abstract and not tied to specific stimulus configurations. To dissociate states and stimuli, you'd need an experiment where the same state is evoked by different stimuli. Your design actually allows you to do that if you assume that faces and corresponding bandits evoke the same state.

This point is addressed in point 3.

7. I may be wrong here, but if I understand your description of the cross-timepoint RSA in the method section correctly, I wonder whether this analysis could still be confounded by the temporal proximity of choice and feedback phase. As far as I understand, you computed the similarity of choice and feedback phases within odd trials and separately within even trials. Then you computed the matrix product between the odd and even trial neural RDMs. Couldn't any signals (including those driven by vascular effects or noise) that linger from the choice phase into the feedback phase explain the cross-phase similarity within the odd and even trials? It seems it would be better to compute two neural RDMs such that the choice phase comes from odd trials and the feedback phase comes from even trials (and vice versa), and then average the two RDMs. This way, the similarity between the choice and feedback phase is less likely to result from autocorrelations

Thank you for the thorough reading of our methods and this technically thoughtful point—your suggestion is exactly what we did! We apologize that our description of the cross-timepoints RSA was not clear which led to a misunderstanding of the analysis. To clarify the procedure we implemented in Figure 6A-C: we extracted β coefficients from each voxel on all odd trials during choice with each partner and bandit (separately) and during feedback with each partner and bandit (separately). We did the same thing for even trials.

We then correlated the average activation patterns of the odd trials for choice with the even trials for feedback (for each stimulus at each timepoint). We did the same for even trials for choice and odd trials for feedback. This allows us to compare mean activation patterns on even trials during choice (choiceEven) compared to mean activation patterns on odd trials during feedback (feedbackOdd), and vice versa for feedbackEven trials and choiceOdd trials. Because we never crossed choice and feedback with activations from the same trial, it is unlikely that our effects are biased by temporal autocorrelation. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to clarify this, and we have revised the Methods section on page 23, lines 640-666 to reflect the analyses steps in more detail.

8. How were the ROIs selected? I assume there were more areas that represented stimulus identity, no?

We used a data-driven approach to identify ROIs. We created a task-combined t-map of all the regions representing stimulus identity (corrected for multiple comparisons with a permutation testing procedure), and then selected the top 10 peak activations from these significant clusters. We then limited the size of our ROIs to be no greater than a searchlight (9mm radius). Our procedure for ROI selection is detailed in the Methods section (page 22, lines 606-623).

Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):

In this manuscript the authors use a combination of reinforcement learning modelling and fMRI to study the fidelity of state representations in the frontal cortex and whether these representations predict the ability of (individual) participants for credit assignment.


1. This study provides a nice combination of reinforcement learning modelling and fMRI studies, which enabled the authors to link computational principles with neuronal representations.

3. The experimental paradigm is also interesting, contrasting social and non-social tasks. It suggests very interesting differences between the two in terms of investment, but also in terms of neural representations.

4. Finally, this study might make substantial advances in our understanding of individual differences in terms of credit assignment, a critical part of learning and adaptability. However, this is not entirely clear (see below).


1. The manuscript could present some of the results in a more gradual way, that makes it accessible to a general reader. I also find that there are generally long relatively complex sentences that make it hard to follow. For example: "We leverage these potential differences to evaluate whether the brain adaptively adjusts the fidelity of state representations across contexts to mediate the selectivity of causal learning.".

Thank you for the feedback on the manuscript’s clarity. We carefully revised the manuscript in many places where there were overly complicated and technical sentences. We hope that the revised manuscript is more accessible, and Oriel wants you to know that after 6 years she feels seen.

2. There is in my view a need to clarify what is meant by credit assignment (CA). For example, the way the models are described in the main text make it seem that some models perform credit assignment whereas others do not. From what I can see all these models have to perform some form of credit assignment, as they all atribute credit to model parameters/states, which I think would also make model 1 a CA model.

This is valuable insight and we agree with the conceptual point—that in principle, all of our models capture the assignment of credit in some way (i.e., in the base Rescorla-Wagner model, CA is assumed to be perfect, corresponding to a CA parameter value of 1). However, we also want to avoid confusing readers about what we aimed to test though model comparison. To this end, we have edited our modeling section of the main manuscript (page 7, lines 173-189), and our Methods section (page 19-20, lines 497-527) to make it clear that we tested a set of RL models, some of which include an explicit CA parameter aimed to evaluate CA precision, and some of which do not, but which still implicitly assume that credit is being assigned. We hope that these revisions address any potential confusion.

3. One of the key points made by the authors is that individual differences are driven by the strength of neural representations, and not by the magnitude of learning signals. Unfortunately, I fail to see how this conclusion is supported by the analysis of the data. I believe that this is interpretation builds on their correlation analysis between the representations and the model fits (Figure 5D and 6C). However, the model itself contains an explicit learning signal (δ: prediction error), so it is not clear to me how can the authors disentangle the neuronal representations from the learning signal using this analysis.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention and we apologize that we were not more thorough in our manuscript. It is worthy of note that, as the reviewer says, learning in our model still requires learning signals. Our claim is that individual differences in learning stem not from differences in the magnitude of these signals, but in what they are attributed to. We did not initially include the prediction error/learning rate analysis because we were concerned about the manuscript’s breadth and wanted to avoid taxing readers. However, we agree that to make this claim in our significance statement we need to include the relevant analyses, so have added an additional section to the main text on page 14. In these analyses we use parametric modulation to show that prediction error signaling does not differ between the two tasks, and the learning rate from the model does not predict the format of neural representations. We hope that these analyses are sufficient to support our claim that the magnitude of learning signals do not seem to account for learning differences in our task.

4. The model and some of the methods are not described in enough detail. For example, it is not stated what some of the parameters are. Although the models used appear to be standard in the field, no links/citations to classical RL models are made.

We apologize that we did not provide sufficient detail or citations about which RL model we used. We used the Rescorla-Wagner (RW) learning rule in the baseline model (Rescorla, 1972). The decay model was previously described in (Collins & Frank, 2012), in which a decay parameter gradually adjusts learned values back to initial ones (i.e., the prior), proportionally to the degree of forgetting. We developed the credit assignment model which incorporates a CA parameter that adjusted the RW learning rule such that prediction errors can also influence the expected value of irrelevant states. We have revised the computational model sections of the manuscript on page 7 and our methods section (page 19-20, lines 497-527), to provide more explicit details and citations.


Several claims are supported by the data/analysis, but it is not clear to me if one of the central claims is (see one of the weakness points above).

1. One of the potentially very interesting points made by the authors is about what causes individual differences in terms of CA. However, I fail to see how they can use the CA fit without implicitly also considering learning signals -- learning signals are an implicit part of their model (i.e. there is a δ = prediction error). Not sure how this can be addressed, but maybe there is something I'm missing and this is not a problem at all? On a related point, I failed to see a discussion on this very important part of the manuscript, discussing what would be the key contribution of the paper.

We appreciate the feedback (and the enthusiasm about our findings!) and have included additional analyses on page 14 as outlined in public response 3. As you correctly note, in the current manuscript we do not attempt to identify or explain causal sources for individual differences in credit assignment. In this paper we limited the scope of what we were testing and simply focused on the finding that people vary in credit assignment precision, this variability is reflected in the format of PFC state representations, and we provide a mechanistic explanation for why this may be beneficial for learning. However, as a future direction, we are interested in exploring the possibility that PEs may help explain how different credit assignment policies are learned over time and contribute to individual differences in credit assignment precision. We think that these questions warrant their own thorough investigation in separate manuscript with new data.

2. The text could be improved by making more smoother/gradual descriptions of the results/ideas. For example, I find that there is a lot of information in the final part of the section "Although these outcomes should not inform choices on the current trial given the generative task structure…" (until the end). To make it more accessible to the general reader I suggest that you present this information more gradually and provide intermediate (brief) summaries of what it means.

This concern is addressed in point 1.

3. So I think it would be better to clarify that these are all different variants of CA models. This does not change your interpretation in any way but would make the story more clear. Also, to follow the modelling more easily I would suggest giving specific names to each model like you already do for the v-CA model. I note that this is done in Figure S2, but should also be included in the main text, and in the methods when referring to the methods, for clarity. This would also make the link with Figure 3 easier to follow. For example, at the moment it's unclear exactly to which model Figure 3b and c refer.

This is a great suggestion to label each model, and we have revised the modeling section on page 7 to make the models names more explicit. We have also revised the caption for Figure 3B-C to improve clarity that the plotted CA fits are from the V-LR, V-CA model, and have included model names throughout the manuscript where applicable.

4. On page 7 and Figure 3 you use the term "spread" again, but this was only referred to very early on, so at this point appears out of place. Would be important to highlight what this means and how the models capture this spread. Also, in Figure 3 the spread is contrasted with CA precision, given that these two elements are critical for understanding Figure 3, it would be important to clearly define them in the main text before introducing the results of Figure 3. Also, in Figure 3 are the credit matrices obtained by running the models? If so, how? Clarify.

Thank you for the suggestion. We have revised both the introduction (page 2, lines 41-45) and results (page 7, lines 175-178) to make the point clear that spread and CA precision are on opposite ends of the spectrum. In the modeling section on line 177, we reintroduce the term “spread” and define it again to readers. As to your second point, the credit matrices shown in Figure 3 are only hypothetical matrices to illustrate the logic that increased precision should in theory promote increased differentiation between stimuli, and increased spreading would result in increased similarity between stimuli and, thus more confusability. We have revised the figure caption (page 8, line 195-209) to clarify that these matrices are for illustration purposes only.

5. One possible prediction for the neuronal representations of PE found in PFC is that they should weaken over learning if they underlie the learning signal. As this form a critical component of any credit assignment/learning model, it would be interesting/important to explore this. I imagine this could be easily tested with your data by analysing how the PE-specific representations change over learning.

This is a great suggestion, and we assume the reviewer means the neural state representations that we show in Figure 5. The point is well taken that state representations could weaken or strengthen if they underlie an instructive learning signal (e.g., task demands). As one avenue to explore in future work, we are very intrigued by the possibility that state representations are dynamically reorganized over the course of learning and then exploited by the control network to execute optimal choice. However, we do we want to stretch the scope of what we are hoping to achieve in the current paper.

6. There is some lack of clarity in the description of the model/analysis: (i) The baseline RL model, seems to be exactly the Rescorla-Wagner rule. If so please refer to it as so. (ii) The AIC is usually given by: AIC = – 2ln(L) + 2k, not AIC = – 2ln(L) – 2k, as given in the methods. Please clarify. (iii) What is the prior in the decay model? It does not appear to be given. (iv) The Q variable is usually reserved for Q-learning in RL, which models explicitly the value of state-action pairs, but this does not appear to be the case here. Instead, to be consistent with the literature, I suggest that you use the variable V. It's important that the authors ensure that all the details are given, and parameters described.

The baseline RL model is the Resclora-Wagner learning rule as the reviewer correctly notes—and we have edited the manuscript to make this explicit (page 7, line 181; page 19, line 497). In terms of AIC, we fit our models by minimizing the negative sum of the Bayesian loglikelihood, as opposed to standard loglikelihood values, so we simply signed flipped the AIC equation which is why the original equation reported in the manuscript subtracted the penalty term. However, we agree with the reviewer that it is better to be consistent with established equations used in the field and have implemented this correction on page 20, line 535, in the Methods section. The prior in the Decay model was a free parameter that estimated the initial value in the Q-matrix (now renamed V-matrix). We have clarified this on line page 19, lines 498-501 and on page 20, line 521-524 in Methods. Thanks for the suggestion regarding the Q-value, we have changed it to V throughout.

Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    Supplementary file 1. Additional tables with fMRI analysis ROI coordinates, cluster size, and peak statistics, and additional information about model parameters and performance.

    (a) Choice Phase ROI coordinates. (b) Feedback Phase ROI coordinates. (c) Conjunction ROI coordinates from cross-timepoint analysis. (d) Parametric modulation ROI coordinates. (e) List of RL Models included in model comparison, including their respective free parameters indicated with the ×. V denotes valenced terms for either the learning rate (LR) or credit assignment (CA) parameters in the model. (f) Logistic RL algorithm parameters indicating model behavior at upper and lower bounds. (g) Mean AIC and SE for each model. Mean AIC for V-LR, V-CA was the max in the set. Mean values are plotted below in Figure 3—figure supplement 2. (h) Model Comparison. Model Comparison was performed by minimizing Δ AIC, which was computed as the difference between each participants best-fitting model and each model in the set (see Methods). Δ AIC was the lowest for the V-LR, V-CA model indicating that the model captured the behavioral data better than other models in the set, and in instances in which a participant’s data was better fit by another model the V-LR, V-CA model could explain the data equally as well. Δ AIC with individual points is plotted below in Figure 3—figure supplement 2.

    elife-84888-supp1.docx (39.6KB, docx)
    MDAR checklist

    Data Availability Statement

    Behavioral data, analyzed neural data, and code are available on github: (copy archived at Lamba, 2023).

    Articles from eLife are provided here courtesy of eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd