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[Preprint]. 2023 Jul 13:2023.07.13.23292612. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.07.13.23292612

Table 1. Anatomy of a MAxO Term.

Each MAxO term is created with a unique identifier (in this case, MAXO:0010012), a label, synonyms if available, a logical definition that specifies how the term related to terms from external ontologies and to other terms in MAxO, subclass relations, and information about the creator of the term and the creation date (not shown here).

id MAXO:0010012
label coenzyme Q10 supplementation
definition Addition of coenzyme Q10 to the diet.
synonyms coenzyme Q10 supplemental intake supplementation of coenzyme Q10 dietary supplementation of coenzyme Q10
OWL logical definition nutritional supplementation
has input some coenzyme Q10 (CHEBI:46245)
Subclass of Nutritional supplementation
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