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. 2023 Feb 4;27(4):741–749. doi: 10.1007/s10029-023-02749-4

Table 1.

Summary of papers included in the review

First author Year Title of study Aim of study Study type Patients and material Methods Outcomes
Clancy [1] 2019 Polypropylene mesh and systemic side effects in inguinal hernia repair: current evidence To evaluate the systemic reaction to hernia mesh implantation Systematic review 23 articles on polypropylene mesh and systemic reaction Medline, National Library of Medicine, Embase and Cochrane Library No evidence to link polypropylene mesh and systemic or auto-immune responses
Dias [3] 2012 Autoimmune [auto-inflammatory] syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA): Case report after inguinal hernia repair with mesh Case report of ASIA after hernia mesh implantation Case report Patient with silicon breast implants and bilateral inguinal mesh hernioplasty Clinical examination, mesh explanation and histology Mesh removal in the case improved systemic symptoms
Teravaer [4] 2018 Autoinflammatory/autoimmunity syndrome induced by adjuvants (Shoenfeld’s syndrome) in patients after a polypropylene mesh implantation Identify patients with ASIA after polypropylene mesh implantation and investigate changes in immune response Prospective cohort 714 patients, 40 had symptoms of ASIA. 18 mesh hernioplasty and 22 vaginal mesh Clinical, histology and laboratory investigations Fatigue common symptoms of ASIA. Pre-existing allergic conditions a risk factor for ASIA. ASIA is associated with lower serum IgG
Kowalik [29] 2020 Are polypropylene mesh implants associated with systemic autoimmune inflammatory syndromes? A systematic review Looking for correlation between polypropylene mesh implantation and autoimmune reaction Systematic review 4 papers on topic Medline, Embase, Web of Science, Scopus and Cochrane Library No association between polypropylene mesh implantation and systemic autoimmune syndrome
Kotovic [30] 2017 Systemic inflammatory response after hernia repair: a systematic review An overview of inflammatory response and serum markers following hernia repair – comparison of markers between mesh and non-mesh repairs Systematic review 31 papers on systemic inflammatory response after hernia mesh repair Medline, Embase and Scopus Hernioplasty increased serum CRP, IL-6, leukocyte, neutrophil, IL-1, IL-10, fibrinogen and alpha1-antitrypsin, with a decrease in lymphocyte count and albumin at 24 h. Slightly higher responses in those with a mesh implant
Dievernich [10] 2012 Characterization of innate and adaptive immune cells involved in the foreign body reaction to polypropylene meshes in the human abdomen Investigation of immune response, especially adaptive immune response, to foreign body implants in the human abdomen Retrospective cohort 7 patients with polypropylene mesh ventral hernia repair Histology with immunofluorescence analysis Demonstrated both innate and adaptive immunity contributes to a foreign body reaction after mesh implantation
Chughtai [43] 2017 Hernia repair with polypropylene mesh is not associated with an increased risk of autoimmune disease in adult men Comparison of patients with mesh implantation to control cohort (patients undergoing colonoscopy) and looking for development of ASIA in either group Retrospective cohort 26,579 patients after mesh hernioplasty and 271 after colonoscopy Patient database analysis No association between polypropylene mesh implantation and autoimmune disease or ASIA