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Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy logoLink to Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy
. 2018 Jul;24(7):10.18553/jmcp.2018.24.7.714. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2018.24.7.714


PMCID: PMC10402691

This article has been corrected. Please see J Manag Care Spec Pharm, 2018 Jul;24(1):29-38.

Cost-effectiveness of Drugs to Treat Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma in the United States.

Carlson JJ, Guzauskas GF, Chapman RH, Synnott PG, Liu S, Russo ET, Pearson SD, Brouwer ED, and Ollendorf DA. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2018;24(1): 29-38.

The authors would like to make the following corrections to the above article:

Page 31, Table 1: The progression-free survival hazards ratio estimate for PAN+BOR+DEX versus LEN+DEX was corrected. Corrections are shown in bold below:

Third-line PFS hazardratios vs. LEN-DEX
  BOR-DEX 0.93 0.58 2.04 LogNormal Network meta-analysis
  CFZ-LEN-DEX 0.69 0.54 0.87 LogNormal Network meta-analysis
  ELO-LEN-DEX 0.70 0.49 0.87 LogNormal Network meta-analysis
  IX-LEN-DEX 0.74 0.40 0.84 LogNormal Network meta-analysis
  PAN-BOR-DEX 0.59 0.31 1.10 LogNormal Network meta-analysis
  DAR-LEN-DEXa 0.37 0.27 0.52 LogNormal Network meta-analysis
  DAR-BOR-DEXa 0.39 0.28 0.53 LogNormal Network meta-analysis

Page 31, Table 1: Estimated drug costs were updated. Corrections are shown in bold below:

Costs Base Case Lower Upper PSA Distribution Source
Drug acquisition and administration costs,c $
  Bortezomib 3.5 mg vial 1,503.00 1,202.40 1,803.60 Normal RED BOOK
  Bortezomib administration 111.42 89.14 133.70 Normal CPT 96409
  Carfilzomib 60 mg vial 1,971.50 1,577.20 2,365.80 Normal RED BOOK
  Carfilzomib administration 209.24 167.39 251.09 Normal CPT 96360, 96361, 96413
  Dexamethasone per mg 0.32 0.26 0.39 Normal RED BOOK
  Elotuzumab 300 mg vial 1,776.00 1,420.80 2,131.20 Normal RED BOOK
  Elotuzumab 400 mg vial 2,368.00 1,894.40 2,841.60 Normal RED BOOK
  Elotuzumab administration 227.87 182.30 273.44 Normal CPT 96413, 96415, 96417
  Ixazomib capsule 3,006.00 2,404.80 3,607.20 Normal RED BOOK
  Lenalidomide capsule 552.98 442.38 663.58 Normal RED BOOK
  Panobinostat capsule 1,222.22 977.78 1,466.67 Normal RED BOOK
  Daratumumab 400 mg vial 1,850.40 1,480.32 2,220.48 Normal RED BOOK
  Daratumumab 100 mg vial 462.60 370.08 555.12 Normal RED BOOK
  Daratumumab administration 399.83 319.86 479.80 Normal CPT 96413, 96415, 96417

Page 33, Table 2: Comparative estimates in the Third Line section have been changed for PAN+BOR+DEX, as shown in bold below:


Comparative Outcomes

Regimen Second Line Third Line (All Comparators) Third Line (PAN-BOR-DEX Omitted)
Total Cost, $ QALYs ICER Total Cost, $ QALYs ICER Total Cost, $ QALYs ICER
LEN-DEX 309,997 2.59 Dominated 281,754 2.04 Dominated 281,754 2.04 Dominated
BOR-DEX 189,357 2.74 Dominant 175,315 2.16 Dominant 175,315 2.16 Dominant
IX-LEN-DEX 622,378 3.27 Dominated 566,512 2.60 Dominated 566,512 2.60 Dominated
ELO-LEN-DEX 665,728 3.41 Dominated 608,651 2.71 Dominated 608,651 2.71 Dominated
CFZ-LEN-DEX 492,872 3.45 Dominated 459,868 2.74 Dominated 459,868 2.74 Dominated
PAN-BOR-DEX 190,876 3.23 14,598
DAR-BOR-DEX 447,182 5.29 50,704 423,119 4.38 248,762 423,119 4.38 60,359
DAR-LEN-DEX 845,527 5.44 2,707,547 789,202 4.38 Equal outcomes, higher cost vs. DAR-BOR-DEX 789,202 4.38 Equal outcomes, higher cost vs. DAR-BOR-DEX

BOR = bortezomib; CFZ = carfilzomib; CPT = Current Procedural Terminology; DAR = daratumumab; DEX = dexamethasone; ELO = elotuzumab; IX = ixazomib; LEN = lenalidomide; OS = overall survival; PAN = panobinostat; PFS = progression-free survival; QALY = quality-adjusted life-year.

Page 34, Table 3: In the Third Line section, comparative estimates have been changed for PAN+BOR+DEX, as shown in bold below:

Total costs, $ 281,754 175,315 459,868 608,651 566,512 190,876 789,202 423,119
  Drug acquisition 237,670 121,751 401,201 541,632 516,793 131,500 707,051 344,684
  Supportive care 473 1,441 1,779 2,364 2,255 411 4,579 2,403
  Administration 7,365 8,113 13,394 3,095 22,394 21,412
  Progression 39,261 40,175 44,318 44,105 43,298 46,744 51,708 52,014
  Adverse event 4,351 4,583 4,457 7,156 4,I66 9,127 3,469 2,607
Total QALYs 2.04 2.16 2.74 2.71 2.60 3.23 4.38 4.38
  PFS 1.00 1.07 1.37 1.36 1.30 1.69 2.28 2.35
  Progression 1.03 1.09 1.37 1.36 1.30 1.54 2.10 2.03
Total life-years (OS) 3.25 3.44 4.37 4.32 4.14 4.93 6.97 6.71
  PFS 1.55 1.64 2.12 2.09 2.00 2.41 3.52 3.38
  Progression 1.70 1.79 2.25 2.23 2.14 2.52 3.44 3.33
ICER vs. LEN-DEX -853,800 252,293 484,168 508,021 Dominant 216,360 60,359

Page 35, Figure 1: Third Line graph was updated to reflect a new cost-efffectiveness acceptability curve, as shown below:

graphic file with name jmcp-024-07-714_g001.jpg

Page 36, Table 4: Changes were nade to drug cost threshold for PAN+BOR+DEX in the Third Line section, as shown below in bold:


Drug Cost Thresholds

Second Line, $ Third Line, $
WTP Threshold 50,000 100,000 150,000 50,000 100,000 150,000
CFZ+LEN+DEX 55 649 1,242 0 445 946
(–906-1,063) (–68-1,733) (405 -2,661) (–938-622) (–633-1,518) (–386-2,417)
ELO-LEN-DEX –69 252 572 –126 162 449
(138-1,272) (–266-692) (34-1,032)
IX-LEN-DEX –278 127 533 -347 19 385
(–903-567) (–294-830) (84-1,329) (1046593) (–502-/69) (–40-1,180)
PAN-BOR-DEX 3,459 4,344 5,229
(2,389-5,552) (2,668-8,242) (2,792-10,987)
DAR-LEN-DEX –165 567 1,298 –293 351 995
(–779-486) (–51-1,239) (614-2,093) (–902-417) (–239-1,080) (338-1,800)
DAR-BOR-DEX 1,840 2,582 3,324 1,708 2,397 3,087
(1,495 -2,278) (2,139-3,050) (2,674-3,976) (1,374-2,114) (1,948-2,959) (2,479-3,845)

Note: Results reflect threshold prices for the first listed drug in each triplet regimen only (all other parameter values held constant).

BOR = bortezomib; CFZ = carfilzomib; DAR = daratumumabt; DEX = dexamethasone; ELO = elotuzumab; IX = ixazomib; LEN = lenalidomide; PAN = panobinostat; WTP = willingness to pay.

Page 36, second column, last paragraph, second sentence, is changed to the following:

“First, the independently modeled PFS and OS curves in the Jakubowiak et al. analysis yielded much more favorable estimates of treatment effect for CFZ+LEN+DEX than those reported in the ASPIRE trial versus LEN+DEX (PFS odds ratio = 0.51 [model] vs. 0.69 [published hazard ratio]; OS hazard ratio = 0.70 [model] vs. 0.79 [published hazard ratio]).”

Page 37, top paragraph, last sentence, is changed to the following:

“Finally, we note that 1 of the findings of the Jakubowiak et al. analysis appears to be counterintuitive, in that CFZ+LEN+DEX patients spend approximately 4 years in the postprogression state in the model versus approximately 3 years for LEN+DEX; however, the postprogression treatment costs for LEN+DEX are reported to be higher.”

While the authors regret these errors, they do not affect the conclusions of the study.

Articles from Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy are provided here courtesy of Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy