Existing federal law requires that a 72-hour emergency supply of a prescription drug be dispensed to Medicaid patients when prior authorization (PA) is not available and the medication is needed without delay. The pharmacist’s role is to contact prescribers and inform them that PA is needed. If the prescriber cannot be reached, the pharmacist can dispense a 72-hour emergency supply.
To determine (a) the reasons why some community pharmacy owners/managers, staff pharmacists, and technicians are not compliant with the law; (b) how often the decision is made; and (c) estimate how often pharmacies do not dispense the 72-hour emergency supply when PA is not available.
A questionnaire was mailed to selected Texas community pharmacies. The instrument was developed by the researcher and reviewed by the Texas Medicaid Vendor Drug Program staff. The University of Texas, Office of Survey Research collected the data in September and October of 2011 by mail and online. The data were forwarded to the researcher for analyses. A total of 788 identified community pharmacies were mailed a packet containing 3 questionnaires to be completed by the pharmacist-in-charge, a staff pharmacist, and a pharmacy technician. There were 2 mailings of the questionnaire packet and follow-up telephone calls to nonrespondents.
A total of 653 questionnaires were completed and returned from 288 community pharmacies (36.7%) out of 788 pharmacies that were mailed the questionnaire packets. A total of 368 (57.5%) completed questionnaires came from chain store pharmacy respondents and 272 (42.5%) questionnaires from independent pharmacy respondents. A total of 21.3% (n=134) of the respondents indicated that they were not aware of the federal and state requirement to dispense a 72-hour emergency supply of a prescription drug to Medicaid patients when prior authorization (PA) is not available. A greater proportion of the chain store respondents (26.6%) were unaware of the requirement compared with the independent pharmacy respondents (14.3%). A total of 77.7% of the respondents estimated that they make the decision of providing or not providing a 72-hour emergency supply of medication 6 or fewer times a month. A total of 14.6% indicated that they make the decision 6 to 11 times a month, and 7.7% make the decision more than 11 times a month. When asked how often respondents had seen a 72-hour emergency prescription not being dispensed for Texas Medicaid recipients when PA was not available, 49.1% answered “never”; however, 30.0% indicated once or twice a month, 16.5% indicated from 1 to 5 times a week, and another 4.5% indicated more than 5 times a week. The top 2 reasons for not dispensing a 72 hour-emergency drug supply were: “Reluctant to open a new ‘unit-of-use’ container (especially 30-day supply bottles)” and “The Rx will most likely be changed with the PA call, so why dispense a 72-hour supply of the originally prescribed drug?” The top categories of 72-hour emergency prescription drug products that respondents would “likely” dispense were antibiotics; inhaler canisters; products for nausea/vomiting, cough, and cold; antiseizure agents; and diabetic treatment products.
The results show that there are many factors why pharmacists do not provide 72-hour emergency medications when PA is unavailable. The lack of awareness of the federal and state requirements was significantly related to the frequency of 72-hour medications not being dispensed. In addition, other factors inhibiting the process were the pharmacists’ inability to reach physicians or the lack of cooperation with physicians, prescriptions for controlled substances, drug-packing limitations, and the financial risk involved with dispensing a 72-hour supply.