Figure 1. Fixed (blue circles) and semi- (green diamonds) landmarks used for the geometric morphometrics analyses of Atlantic salmon smolts.
Landmarks 21 and 22 (red stars) were used to correct for body arching and not included in the analyses. (1) Tip of snout; (2) Midpoint between 1 and 3; (3) Directly above middle of eye; (4) Perpendicular to lateral line, projected towards 3; (5) Midpoint of top of eye (directly below 3); (6) Midpoint of bottom of eye (directly below 3); (7) Midpoint of posterior of eye; (8) Midpoint of anterior of eye; (9) End of maxillary bone; (10) Posterior tip of bony operculum; (11) Dorsal surface posterior of cranium; (12) Perpendicular to lateral line, projected towards 11; (13) Anterior insertion point of dorsal fin; (14) Anterior insertion point of adipose fin; (15) Dorsal insertion point of caudal fin; (16) Perpendicular to lateral line, projected towards 15; (17) Posterior midpoint of hypural plate; (18) Anterior insertion point of anal fin; (19) Anterior insertion point of ventral fin; (20) Anterior insertion point of pectoral fin; (21) Lateral line—perpendicular to 13; (22) Lateral line—perpendicular to 18.