We are thrilled to announce the official launch of Annals of Surgery Open: Annals of Surgery Open: Perspectives on Surgical History, Education, and Clinical Approaches—Annals Open—a companion journal to Annals of Surgery, the premier peer-reviewed surgical journal for over the past 135 years.
Annals Open will offer an alternative to the traditional current print journal and allow us to publish more of the very best of surgical papers primarily focusing on surgical education, surgical history, and clinical general surgery.
We are excited to have a totally new editorial team led by “rising star” experts in their respective fields as Associate Editors—Brigitte Smith, MD; Luke Funk, MD, MPH; and Justin Barr, MD, PhD.
Today we launch first issue of Annals Open with a handful of high-quality papers to focus on the topics of current and international interest. We dedicate this inaugural issue to the surgical community—dedicated authors and researchers, tireless reviewers, and enthusiastic readers. Our aim is to serve our community by publishing highly impactful content, efficiently and quickly.
Annals Open is an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal focusing on the field of surgery. Annals Open publishes research on all areas of surgery, including historical and educational perspectives. As the complimentary title to Annals of Surgery, Annals Open will
provide a suitable option for the publication of those research studies sponsored by private and public funding agencies that require gold open access publication of study results and
vigorously maintain the high standards of Annals of Surgery, with careful editorial and peer review and publishing standards.
We are pleased to present Annals Open to you today, and we are committed to maintaining the high standards our authors, readers, and reviewers have come to expect from Annals of Surgery.
We welcome you to submit your work for consideration to Annals Open trusting your paper will be carefully considered for publication. Please visit our website for further information and instructions for authors.
Disclosure: The author declares that he has nothing to disclose.