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. 2023 Aug 14;15(16):3576. doi: 10.3390/nu15163576

A Scoping Review of Nutritional Biomarkers Associated with Food Security

Lev Krasnovsky 1,*, Aidan P Crowley 1, Fawaz Naeem 1, Lucy S Wang 1, Gary D Wu 2, Ariana M Chao 3
Editor: Arrigo Cicero
PMCID: PMC10459650  PMID: 37630766


Food insecurity affects more than 40 million individuals in the United States and is linked to negative health outcomes due, in part, to poor dietary quality. Despite the emergence of metabolomics as a modality to objectively characterize nutritional biomarkers, it is unclear whether food security is associated with any biomarkers of dietary quality. This scoping review aims to summarize studies that examined associations between nutritional biomarkers and food security, as well as studies that investigated metabolomic differences between people with and without food insecurity. PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and AGRICOLA were searched through August 2022 for studies describing food insecurity and metabolic markers in blood, urine, plasma, hair, or nails. The 78 studies included consisted of targeted assays quantifying lipids, dietary nutrients, heavy metals, and environmental xenobiotics as biochemical features associated with food insecurity. Among those biomarkers which were quantified in at least five studies, none showed a consistent association with food insecurity. Although three biomarkers of dietary quality have been assessed between food-insecure versus food-secure populations, no studies have utilized untargeted metabolomics to characterize patterns of small molecules that distinguish between these two populations. Further studies are needed to characterize the dietary quality profiles of individuals with and without food insecurity.

Keywords: metabolomics, nutrition, food security, nutrition security, review, dietary assessment methodologies, biomarkers of nutritional status

1. Introduction

Food insecurity (FI) is a social determinant of health that affects over 40 million individuals in the United States [1]. Worldwide, the prevalence of moderate to severe food insecurity is approximately 22% [2]. Food insecurity is defined as a lack of reliable access to sufficient quantities of nutritious food and can be classified at an individual or household level into high, marginal, low, and very low food security [1]. It is associated with negative health outcomes such as obesity [3], cardiovascular disease [4], asthma [1], exacerbation of type 2 diabetes [5], and overall mortality [6]. The effects of food insecurity span the spectrum of age, associating with increased hospitalizations in childhood [7] and functional limitations in the elderly [8]. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed existing disparities in food security, highlighting how race, income, and mental health characteristics affect vulnerability to FI [9].

For decades, policies have concentrated on combatting food insecurity by ensuring adequate caloric supply [10]. However, many of the present-day adverse health effects of food insecurity are attributed to reduced dietary quality, not quantity [11]. Organizations such as the USDA are beginning to place a new emphasis on nutrition security, distinct from food security, for policy goals aimed at improving population health and wellness [12]. Nutrition security is differentiated from food security by emphasizing consistent, affordable access to foods that promote wellbeing and prevent disease [10]. While the formal definition of FI does acknowledge access to nutritious foods, common public health screening tools are often limited in the amount they screen for this element. For example, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM) offers a validated approach for assessing FI risk, but is not designed to assess dietary quality or dietary diversity [13]. References to “balanced meals” are made in this module, but they are not enough to infer nutritional quality [13].

The significant health effects of nutrition insecurity underscore the need for improved evaluation tools and solutions. Comprehensive dietary assessment methods such as food frequency questionnaires or 24-h recalls can provide information on dietary quality, but face tradeoffs regarding the skill and quantity of time they take to administer, as well as possible response bias [13]. This impedes their scalability to population-level scenarios, forcing a compromise between how much information from respondents is collected, the quality of the collected data, and the number of individuals that can be evaluated. Alternate strategies for nutritional status assessment may involve analyzing metabolite profiles in body fluids (i.e., metabolomics) for signatures of dietary patterns. Such analyses have the potential to be both scalable and detailed in assessing nutritional status, and indeed have already been performed on the scale of several thousand individuals [14].

To develop a novel metabolomics-based nutritional screener, reproducible biomarkers associated with dietary exposures must be identified. A number of studies, including those utilizing data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), have found that food insecurity is related to lower intake of fruits and vegetables [15] but not grain, meat, or dairy intake [16]. Likewise, a recent systematic review has identified 69 metabolites representing biomarkers in 11 food- or dietary pattern-specific categories, such as fruit intake, vegetable intake, grain intake, meat intake, and more [17]. Other studies have identified plasma biomarkers associated with the Healthy Eating Index, the Alternate Mediterranean Diet Score, the WHO Healthy Diet Indicator, and the Baltic Sea Diet, as well as dietary biomarkers in urine [18,19]. Despite the known differences in dietary intake between individuals with and without FI, as well as the existence of biomarker candidates representing some of these differences, no studies have systematically reviewed the nutritional metabolite profiles of individuals with and without FI. The aim of this scoping review is to summarize published studies that measure the relationship between food insecurity and nutritional biomarkers, providing a map of existing bioanalytical efforts that may guide future methods in nutrition epidemiology.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Conducting the Search

This scoping review was conducted according to PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses for Scoping Reviews) guidelines. The databases PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and AGRICOLA were used for the literature search. The search strategy was created using relevant terms describing food insecurity (and its variants) and biomarkers, including the medium of the biomarker sample. The search terms were refined with the aid of a research librarian to optimize the selection of articles without compromising the sensitivity of the search. Controlled vocabulary supplemented with keywords was utilized to search for studies describing food insecurity and metabolic markers in blood, urine, plasma, hair, or nails as measures of dietary intake. Search terms are listed in supplemental Figure S1. Covidence software was used for screening, extraction, and data management [20]. The search strategy was organized with the following syntax: (“food secur*” OR “food insecur*” OR “food sufficien*” OR “food insufficien*” OR “food access” OR “food desert*” OR “food swamp*”) AND (metabolite* OR metabolom* OR “metabolic syndrome*” OR “diet survey*” OR “diet questionnaire*” OR “diet screener*” OR “dietary nutrient*” OR blood OR urine OR plasma OR hair* OR nail*). The original search was conducted in October 2021, and an update was conducted in August 2022.

2.2. Study Selection

Included studies were primary papers or abstracts that assessed participant food security and measured dietary biomarkers; non-primary literature, such as viewpoints, editorials, and systematic reviews, was excluded. The search was limited to articles written in English and Spanish without any restriction on date. The participants in included studies were pediatric or adult populations from any country in whom at least one nutritional biomarker was studied and food security or sufficiency status was documented. The quantification of biomarkers was required to have been stratified by food security category. Comparisons between biomarker levels of food-secure versus -insecure populations were made within individual studies. The outcome assessed between studies was the presence and directionality of association between food security status and a particular biomarker.

2.3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

As a prerequisite for inclusion, study populations must not have been exclusively in a particular disease state (e.g., consisting entirely of participants who are HIV-positive). This step was taken because associations identified within populations exclusively with a disease may not be generalizable. Studies that examined people with obesity, as well as populations that had not yet crossed disease thresholds (e.g., populations with prediabetes), were not excluded.

The biomarkers included in the study were any nutrient, mineral, xenobiotic, or food metabolite with known or unknown function. Of note, the following markers were not included: fasting glucose, HbA1C, hemoglobin, markers of inflammation (e.g., D-dimers, C-reactive protein), and markers of oxidative stress (e.g., glutathione). Fasting glucose levels and HbA1c are chronic measures that are not affected by a single meal, and the remaining markers can be associated with dietary patterns but do not reflect specific dietary exposures. Studies that examined biomarkers within a larger diagnosis, such as metabolic syndrome, were excluded if no specific association between the biomarker and food security was reported. Because this review was focused on studies designed to look at associations of biomarkers with food insecurity, studies which only investigated food insecurity as a covariate for a different association were excluded.

2.4. Data Extraction and Analysis

Four investigators (A.P.C., L.K., F.N., L.S.W.) screened titles and abstracts of search results. Each abstract was reviewed independently by two reviewers to evaluate eligibility according to established inclusion criteria. Discrepancies were resolved by group discussion and consensus. Full-text screening was conducted independently and in duplicate by A.P.C., L.K., F.N., and L.S.W., and discrepancies were resolved by consensus.

Extracted data included publication year, country, study type, participant description, study setting, number of participants, age, BMI, sex distribution, food insecurity scale, scope of food insecurity scale, food insecurity rate among participants, biomarker collection source, biomarker type, odds ratio of biomarker levels between food security subtypes, significance of relationship, and adjusted covariates. If both adjusted and unadjusted values regarding an association were presented, the adjusted data were used for characterization of relationship direction. For studies which distinguished between different severities of food insecurity (e.g., mild, moderate, severe), significant association between biomarker level and any severity category was recorded as presence of a relationship. Additionally, if only a defined subset of participants demonstrated a significant relationship between food security status and a biomarker, the finding was counted as showing a significant relationship for that population.

Due to heterogeneity between populations, geographies, food security measures, age groups, cultural practices, adjusted covariates, and collection methods, weighted quantitative analysis was not performed. Instead, the directions of relationships between reviewed biomarkers and food insecurity were tabulated for each study and results were tallied into categories showing positive, negative, or non-statistically significant (e.g., p > 0.05) association.

3. Results

A total of 6850 studies were identified by the search query. Following removal of 4090 duplicates, 2760 studies were screened on the basis of titles and abstracts, leaving 274 for full-text review. Of these, 78 met inclusion criteria and were included in the present analysis. Figure 1 shows the PRISMA diagram for the screening process.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

PRISMA flow diagram of the literature search and screening process for a systematic review of nutritional biomarkers associated with food security.

3.1. Study Characteristics

The key characteristics of the 78 included studies are summarized in Table A1 [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98]. All included studies were published between 2000 and 2022. Thirty-two studies (41%) were conducted in the US; the remainder were conducted in countries including Malaysia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Colombia, India, Mexico, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Vietnam, Canada, Brazil, Ecuador, Uganda, Ghana, Tanzania, Mongolia, and Pakistan. Two studies (2.6%) used a longitudinal cohort study design, while the remaining seventy-six (97.4%) were cross-sectional. Nineteen studies (24.4%) used NHANES data on food security and serum micronutrient levels. The USDA food security scales, including the HFSSM (which has validated translations and a shortened 6-item version) and the Adult Food Security Survey Module, were used by 35 (44.9%) of the studies. The next most commonly used tool was the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS), which was used by 15 (19.2%) of the studies. Among the pediatric studies, food security was measured at the household level in 25 out of 27 (92.6%) studies, while, among adult studies, household measures were used in 42 out of 47 (89.4%) studies (the remaining studies assessed food security through derivative measures). Nearly all (73 out of 78) of the studies obtained biomarker data solely from blood samples; three used urine samples, and two used both blood and urine.

3.2. Associations between Food Insecurity and Biomarkers

Across the 78 included studies, 59 unique biomarkers were analyzed for their association with food insecurity. The total numbers of studies showing statistically significant positive or negative associations, as well as absence of association, are depicted for each biomarker in Figure 2. The ten biomarkers investigated by at least five studies each were total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides, ferritin, folate, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. No uniform associations were found between food security and any of these biomarkers. Among the biomarkers evaluated by between two and five studies, vitamin E, alpha-carotene, and bisphenol A (BPA) showed exclusively unidirectional associations across studies (BPA was positively associated with food insecurity, while vitamin E and alpha-carotene were negatively associated). All of the remaining biomarkers were evaluated by either only one study, or did not demonstrate consensus of relationship directionality. Beta-cryptoxanthin, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene were the only identified biomarkers known to be associated with dietary quality.

Subgroup analyses were performed by geographic location (US vs. non-US) and age-group (non-pregnant adult vs. child under 18). No uniform directional relationships between food insecurity and any biomarker were found for any of these subpopulations (supplemental Figures S2–S6). Similarly, subgroup analysis limited to only NHANES data did not show any new or notably strengthened relationships (supplemental Figure S7).

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Counts of research articles demonstrating positive, negative, or null associations between levels of a given biomarker and the presence of food insecurity. Certain biomarkers investigated by only one study were grouped together under broader categories, defined below. The sign following each biomarker indicates its individual relationship with food insecurity, with (+) indicating the biomarker is positively associated with the presence of food insecurity, (0) indicating the biomarker is not associated with the presence of food insecurity, and (−) indicating the biomarker is negatively associated with the presence of food insecurity.

  • Key:

  • a = High-density lipoprotein;

  • b = Low-density lipoprotein;

  • c = Associations of trans fatty acids: Trans-9-hexadecenoic acid (0), Trans-11-octadecenoic acid (0), Trans-9-octadecenoic acid (+) and trans-9, Trans-12-octadecenoic acid (+);

  • d = Associations of phthalates: Mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (0), Mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (0), Mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (0), Mono-(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate (0), Mono-n-butyl phthalate (0), Monoisobutyl phthalate (0), Mono-benzyl phthalate (0), Mono-ethyl phthalate (0);

  • e = Associations of heavy metals: Antimony (+), Barium (0), Beryllium (0), Cadmium (0), Cesium (0), Molybdenum (0), Lead (0), Platinum (0), Thallium (0), Tungsten (0), Uranium (0);

  • f = Associations of bisphenols: 4-tert-octylphenol (0), Benzophenone-3 (−), Triclosan (0);

  • g = Associations of pesticides: 2,5-dichlorophenol (0), O-phenyl phenol (0), 2,4-dichlorophenol (0), 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (+), 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (+);

  • h = Aggregate per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, not separated by category (perfluoronanoic acid (PFNA), perfluorooctanesulfonic (PFOS) acid, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), methyl-perfluorooctane sulfonamide acetic acid (Me-PFOSA-AcOH), and perfluorohexanesulphonic acid (PFHxS).

4. Discussion

The objective of this scoping review was to summarize the existing literature investigating the association between food security status and physiologic concentrations of nutritional biomarkers. No studies were found that used untargeted metabolomics to investigate this question. Among the studies using targeted analyses, the 10 biomarkers investigated by at least five studies—total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, ferritin, folate, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin B12—all showed predominantly no relationship with food security status.

Previous reviews have examined the relationships between food insecurity and intake levels of specific nutrients. There is no or very limited evidence suggesting adverse association between food insecurity and intake of vitamin B12, folate, or iron [99]. Likewise, there is very limited evidence of association between food insecurity and total fat intake [99,100]. More evidence exists for adverse association between food insecurity and intakes of vitamin A and zinc [99]. While intake levels serve as an important proxy for serum concentrations, metabolic and environmental differences make it impossible for them to completely reflect physiologic concentrations.

A notable finding of the present review was the relative paucity of studies evaluating patients with and without FI for biomarkers of specific food categories associated with dietary quality; none of the 10 most-identified biomarkers were dietary metabolites. Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides, and ferritin are susceptibility biomarkers, which can measure the impact of a nutritional exposure on host physiology, while folate, iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 are micronutrients (non-specific exposure biomarkers) [101]. Only 3 of the 59 identified biomarkers were dietary metabolites associated with specific food group exposures (per the collection identified in [17])—beta-cryptoxanthin, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene. These showed predominantly negative associations with FI, but were reviewed by fewer than five studies each. Thus, the biomarkers for which there were the most data were biomarkers of general nutritional status, not specific dietary exposure.

The lack of consistent directional relationships between food security status and physiologic concentrations of biomarkers may have had to do with the inherent limitation of using food insecurity as a proxy for nutrition quality. Individuals with food insecurity can be food-insecure in different ways, most notably by over-versus undernutrition. These states would be expected to have different biochemical profiles, and combining them under the umbrella of FI increases the heterogeneity of the population, potentially blurring relationships. Nutrition insecurity, on the other hand, would likely have a more consistent biochemical signature, but, at present, is not as robustly measured in population-level studies as FI. Both measures may nevertheless share explanations for relationships with physiologic concentrations of specific biomarkers. To this aim, a summary of explanations extracted from included studies for the relationships, or lack thereof, between the 10 most-reviewed biomarkers and food security is provided below.

4.1. Lipid-Related Markers—Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and Triglycerides

Overall, out of the 78 total studies in this review, the majority of those examining lipid markers (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides) found no significant association with food insecurity. Generally, researchers cited sample size, non-random sampling, non-fasting serum measurements, and unexpectedly high prevalence of dyslipidemias as explanations for this lack of relationship [52,96]. Nevertheless, the predominant lack of association between food insecurity and lipid markers has also been identified elsewhere, as noted in a recent meta-analysis [102]. Similar to the present findings, the authors of the meta-analysis also concluded that current data do not suggest that there are consistent relationships between dyslipidemias and food insecurity status.

Of the studies that identified significant associations between the presence of dyslipidemias and food insecurity, many cited obesity as a mediating factor. Obesity is known to play a key role in generating many of the hallmarks of dyslipidemia, including low HDL-C. Increased remnants of chylomicrons and very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) molecules paired with reduced lipolysis in obesity result in diminished HDL as well as diminished HDL function [103]. Moreover, three out of the eight studies that found a positive association between FI and triglyceride levels were conducted with women [49,77,92]. Studies have reported that women, but not men, who experience food insecurity are more likely to have overweight or obesity [104,105]. Therefore, the high prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia was hypothesized to be mediated by obesity and differences in abdominal fat distribution among these women [73,77,106]. Sex-based differences in hormonal regulation and metabolism of lipids may also explain some of this association [73].

Other explanations for associations between FI and dyslipidemias derive from numerous factors. One hypothesis is centered on individuals with FI demonstrating decreased consumption of antioxidants. Decreased antioxidant defense reduces protection against the peroxidation of HDL, and oxidatively modified HDL demonstrates loss of its antiatherogenic properties [92,107]. Other hypotheses posit that individuals with FI may participate in limited physical activity and experience greater psychosocial stress, which may explain associations with dyslipidemia due to dysregulated cortisol and metabolic hormones [73]. Finally, one author indicated that food-insecure individuals may display patterns of overeating during times of food availability in expectation of future food shortages [49]. If this behavior occurred during the time period of sample collection, it could have explained the lipid marker elevation.

4.2. Zinc

Zinc was investigated as a biomarker in eight studies, in which six found no association with food insecurity [57,64,65,67,80,83] and two found a negative association [44,81]. Of the two studies that found an association, one was conducted on Colombian children 1–4 years of age [81] and one was conducted on pregnant women in Ethiopia [44]. Decreased access to zinc-rich foods such as meats, as well as a higher prevalence of plant-based diets rich in zinc-absorption inhibitors such as fiber and phytic acid, were proposed as explanations for why these food-insecure populations were more likely to have lower zinc concentrations. It was also noted that zinc serum concentrations can be altered by contamination when acquiring or processing a sample [81]. This collection technique-associated variance is important to consider in the interpretation of results from large-scale studies. The six studies that found no association studied US children [57], Bangladeshi children living in a slum [65], Ghanian women aged 18–35 [83], Brazilian preschoolers [80], and Colombian children [64,67]. In some of these countries, culturally relevant dietary sources of zinc are generally uncommon, so the whole population may have low zinc levels [80]. This would lower observed differences between food-secure and -insecure populations. Likewise, in populations with broad access to affordable foods rich in zinc, differences in zinc levels would once again be minimized.

4.3. Ferritin

A total of 27 studies analyzed the relationship between ferritin concentration and food insecurity, with 7 finding a negative association, 1 finding a positive association, and 19 finding no association [23,24,25,31,34,35,36,42,47,48,53,54,55,56,57,58,63,65,67,72,76,78,79,82,83,85,94]. The studies that identified a negative association attributed this relationship to chronic iron deficiency in the diet [54], parents giving up iron-rich foods to their children and not getting enough iron themselves [54], increased inflammation reducing iron absorption [55], decreased access to heme sources of iron [76], decreased knowledge about iron supplementation [76], shorter inter-pregnancy interval with insufficient time to restore iron stores [48], and increased rates of parasitic infections that may reduce iron absorption [47]. The single study that found a positive association was conducted among Inuit adults who had high consumption of traditional foods, which are often rich in iron [108]. Moreover, the authors noted that traditional food consumption varies throughout the year, so, if the data were collected during a different season, the result may have differed. Among the studies that found no association, explanations for the results included high background of iron deficiency among the population [24,58], effective distribution of iron-rich foods through food assistance programs [25], improved iron absorption from decreased inflammation (achieved through high intakes of traditional foods rich in anti-inflammatory long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids) [53], limited iron absorption inhibitors in traditional foods [53], infection increasing serum ferritin level [63], high levels of iron fortification in common foods [57], and high levels of iron supplementation [85].

4.4. Vitamin A

Of the 15 studies that examined the relationship between food insecurity and vitamin A [22,24,26,31,38,46,56,63,65,67,79,80,83,94,98], 7 found that food insecurity was significantly associated with lower serum vitamin A levels [24,26,31,56,79,83,94], and the remaining 8 studies found no significant association [22,38,46,63,65,67,80,98]. The studies which found lower vitamin A levels in populations with FI cited dietary deficiency, lack of sanitation, social and economic deprivation, and serious infections that deplete vitamin A stores as factors explaining the relationship [24,26,94]. Fourteen of the sixteen studies took place outside of the United States, namely, in South Asia, South America, and Africa. It is well-known that vitamin A deficiency clusters in regions of poverty, limited infrastructure, and high prevalence of infectious disease [109]. However, it is notable that nine studies found no significant associations. Reasons for lack of association include low prevalence of severe food insecurity due to sampling methods, small sample size, well-established food fortification programs, and robust hepatic maintenance of stable serum vitamin A levels [22,46,63,110].

4.5. Folate

Of the eight studies that examined the relationship between food insecurity and serum folate [31,33,45,57,67,79,84,89], three found that FI was significantly associated with lower serum folate levels [33,45,84], and the remaining five studies found no significant associations [31,45,57,67,79,89]. Studies that found lower folate levels cited severe food insecurity, poverty, decreased mobility, and decreased ability to care for oneself, particularly among the elderly, as factors contributing to the negative association [33,84]. In studies that found no significant associations between food insecurity and serum folate levels, government fortification programs and parents protecting children from food insecurity were cited as reasons for lack of association [33,67]. Notably, in Inuit populations, low-income individuals were more likely to consume the lower-cost, fortified food from government aid programs over the folate-poor traditional Inuit diet [111,112]. Hence, although these individuals were more likely to be food-insecure, their consumption of affordable fortified foods diminished the difference in folate deficiency between food-secure and food-insecure populations.

4.6. Vitamin D

None of the six studies that examined Vitamin D identified any association with food security [24,56,57,58,83,89]. Several of these studies were conducted in South Asia and the Middle East, where dressing habits, especially for women, cover the skin and prevent adequate absorption of Vitamin D [58,100]. Since these practices occur independently of food security status, they may mask differences between food-secure and -insecure populations.

4.7. Vitamin B12

Three studies found no association between vitamin B12 and FI [31,41,67], and two studies found a negative association [51,79]. Only one study provided an explanation for the observed lack of association that was specific to vitamin B12 [41]. The authors suggested that due to religious beliefs prohibiting nonvegetarian foods, widespread B12 deficiency may have minimized the magnitude of difference in B12 levels between food-insecure and food-secure individuals. No specific explanations were provided by the studies which found negative associations between FI and B12.

4.8. General

In addition to biomarker-specific reasons, there were several broadly-applicable explanations repeated across studies for why limited associations were found between biomarker levels and food security status. First, subgroup analysis identified 40 instances of pediatric studies finding no relationship between food insecurity and biomarkers assessed (supplemental Figure S4). In many of the pediatric studies, household food security status may not have reflected the actual food security status of the child whose biospecimen was collected. Multiple study authors remarked that intrahousehold food allocation practices may shield children from the effects of food insecurity [40,56,57,67,73,88].

Second, it is possible that in a broadly impoverished population, biomarker differences between individuals with and without FI are reduced [58,81]. Difficulties with access to foods rich in specific nutrients may create a broad background of nutrient insufficiency that masks differences in nutrient biomarkers [51]. Likewise, an unexpectedly high prevalence of certain health conditions in a population, such as metabolic syndrome, may affect serum levels of certain biomarkers and once again mask differences by reducing statistical contrast [96]. Covariates such as socioeconomic status, education level, or occupation also play roles in mediating participant health behaviors, but were not routinely adjusted for and thus may have reduced signal strength within studies.

Finally, biomarker measurements were taken at a single time point, but food insecurity was diagnosed from eating patterns lasting weeks to a year [31]. Thus, if participants consumed meals different from their usual eating pattern before sample collection, their observed biomarker levels may not actually correlate to typical values when on their standard diet. People with food insecurity may also have cyclical eating patterns, where food consumption may be increased during some points and lower at others [87]. This has been reported in studies in people receiving SNAP. Multiple biomarker measurements may be necessary to account for these fluctuations.

4.9. Strengths and Limitations

A particular strength of this review is that it utilized data from physiologic biomarker levels. Studies measuring levels based on intake are subject to bias from participant recall, inexact estimates of nutrient content, and inter-individual differences in nutrient absorption. Nevertheless, this review also has multiple limitations. Due to its exploratory nature, data quality was not systematically assessed. Furthermore, due to the considerable heterogeneity in study characteristics, the review did not pool data or include a weighted analysis by population size. As such, only the ultimate directionality of a biomarker’s association with food security status was tallied across studies. Inclusion criteria for acceptable food insecurity measurement tools were intentionally broad to allow for a comprehensive survey of the literature. Since the classification of participant food insecurity was carried out using a range of tools, the definition of food insecurity was not always consistent across studies.

Additionally, studies varied between measuring food security at the household versus individual level. Household food security was the more common measurement, but lacked the granularity to assess whether the participant whose biospecimen was being collected reflected the food security status of the household. This limitation may have been particularly relevant to studies in pediatric populations, since parents may protect their children from some of the effects of food insecurity, meaning that the household food insecurity status does not necessarily reflect the status of the child. Next, there are genetic components to certain deficiencies, and serum levels of nutrients are influenced by behaviors such as drinking and smoking and by conditions such as pregnancy. Serum levels of micronutrients may also be affected by supplementation, masking differences between populations. These variables were not always adjusted for between studies. Some of the included studies were conducted in highly specific populations with distinct dietary norms, which may limit the generalizability of conclusions to populations with different dietary practices. Finally, if only a subpopulation of a study sample showed a relationship between a biomarker and food security status, that study was still coded as demonstrating a relationship. This amplified the existence of potential relationships that may exist, but also reduced the data into a binary classification which may miss certain nuances.

4.10. Future Directions

As highlighted by the lack of consistent outcomes in existing studies, emphasis on single biomarkers to obtain an objective and quantitative assessment of dietary quality may be of limited value. Recent advances in nutritional untargeted metabolomics, when combined with traditional dietary assessments, may be an opportunity to develop shorter and more efficient nutrition status evaluation tools that combine abbreviated self-reported surveys with bioanalytic assessment [113,114,115]. As an adjunct to currently available dietary survey instruments, bioanalytic assessments can provide quantifiable estimates of dietary composition that are less prone to recall bias, reveal patterns of features that predict health outcomes, and identify metabolites associated with health outcomes that were not previously known (such as the recent example of identifying erythritol as a plasma biomarker associated with adverse cardiovascular events [116]). Such exploration may also capture nuances in health outcomes based on nutrient source—for example, it has been documented that for certain health outcomes, obtaining nutrients from supplements does not confer the same benefits as obtaining nutrients from food [117]. It should be noted though that many biomarkers are not specific to individual foods, so metabolomic quantification of exact dietary consumption is unlikely [14].

While bioanalytic methods offer increased objectivity, it is important to establish that they also face multiple limitations. First, pre-analytical handling has been shown to be a source of variation in metabolomic studies, with environmental exposure (e.g., light, oxidation), storage conditions (e.g., temperature, freeze–thaw cycles, preservatives), and timing of sample collection (e.g., circadian rhythm effects, effects of recent behaviors) all having been shown to affect reliability of result interpretation [118]. While generalizability of diet data captured from only one point in time is limited, it has nevertheless been demonstrated that multiple-sampling approaches, such as 24-h dietary recalls administered over three non-consecutive days, can approach the accuracy of more robust methods [119]. As such, it is plausible that repetitive biomarker measurements may provide more accurate estimates of habitual dietary patterns. Second, interindividual variation through genetic, environmental, and gut microbiota differences can confound findings. To overcome these effects, stratification of populations by “metabotype” may aid in signal detection [120]. Lastly, due to logistical constraints of large-scale sampling, metabolomic analyses may need to be conducted by various operators or laboratories, which generates batch effects that introduce artificial variation. While improved data-processing strategies help minimize these effects, they face compromises in statistical performance which may limit their utility [121].

Presently, food security measurement systems and policies focus more on food quantity than quality. Through exploration with bioanalytical methods, the dietary quality of FI individuals may be ascertained more accurately, and subcategories of FI that are reflective of nutrition security may be identified for more tailored intervention. Biomarker-based assessment methods will likely not supplant existing validated instruments for food security status assessment, but rather may serve as an adjunct to more holistically track outcome metrics of specific interventions and determine best strategies for combatting poor dietary quality in FI individuals.

5. Conclusions

Overall, the present review reveals limited scientific investigation into how biomarkers of dietary quality may differ between FI versus non-FI populations. Only three biomarkers of nutritional quality have been evaluated in this context. Of the 59 total biomarkers identified in this scoping review, few demonstrated consistent, directional relationships with food insecurity. Ultimately, future research is indicated to better characterize how nutrition security can be assessed in scalable, detailed formats for public health application.


Penn Center for Nutrition Science and Medicine.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:; Figure S1: Search queries for each of the utilized databases; Figure S2: Biomarkers associated with food insecurity among all non-pregnant adults; Figure S3: Biomarkers associated with food insecurity among US non-pregnant adults; Figure S4: Biomarkers associated with food insecurity among all children; Figure S5: Biomarkers associated with food insecurity among US children; Figure S6: Biomarkers associated with food insecurity among all US non-pregnant adults and children; Figure S7: Biomarkers associated with food insecurity among studies using NHANES data.

Appendix A

Table A1.

Summary of characteristics for all studies (n = 78) included in the systematic review on nutritional biomarkers associated with food security status. SD = Standard Deviation, NR = not reported. (a) USDA = United States Department of Agriculture. (b) HDL = high-density lipoprotein. (c) USAID = United States Agency for International Development. (d) NHANES = National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. (e) LDL = low-density lipoprotein. (f) PFAS = Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances. (g) PFNA = Perfluorononanoic acid. (h) PFOS = Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid. (i) PFOA = Perfluorooctanoic Acid. (j) PMNS = Pune Maternal Nutrition Study. (k) META-Health = Morehouse and Emory Team up to Eliminate Health Disparities. (l) DEHP = Di-2-ethylhexyl Phthalate. (m) DBP = Di-butyl-phthalate. (n) BzBP = benzylbutyl phthalate. (o) DEP = Di-ethyl-phthalate.

Author—Year Country Population Description Population Size (N) Population Age (SD) % Female Name of Food Security Assessment Tool Source for Biomarker Assay Fasting Status Biomarker(s) Measured
Abdurahman—2021 [21] Iran Iranian adults with obesity 300 43.4 (10.9) years 84.1% USDA a Household Food Security Status Questionnaire (modified for Iran) Serum Fasted HDL b; Triglycerides
Akelo—2014 [22] Kenya Pregnant Kenyan women attending their first antenatal care visit 505 24 years (median) 100% USAID c Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA) Household Food Insecurity Assessment Scale (HFIAS) Serum Nonfasted Ferritin; Transferrin; Retinol-binding protein
Arango—2021 [23] Colombia Pregnant individuals 664 21 (7) years 100% La Escala Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Seguridad Alimentaria (Latin American and Caribbean Food Security Scale (ELCSA)) Serum Fasted Ferritin
Baxter—2021 [24] Pakistan Unmarried and married, non-pregnant young women (15–23 years) living in rural Pakistan 3461 17.2 (1.2) years 100% Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) Serum NR Vitamin A; Ferritin; Vitamin D
Bayoumi—2020 [25] Canada Children aged 12–29 months 1245 18.1 months 47.8% NutriSTEP questionnaire Serum NR Ferritin
Carneiro—2020 [26] Brazil Representative sample of the population of children aged 6–59 months, treated at basic health units in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 519 6–23 months: 31% of population
24–59 months: 69% of population
49.8% Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale Serum NR Vitamin A
Chitekwe—2022 [27] Nepal Children aged 6–59 months 1709 NR 46.3% Household Food Insecurity (HFI) Scale (included in the Nepal National Micronutrient Status Survey) Serum Fasted Vitamin A
Corona—2021 [28] United States Predominately low-income, urban Black women 459 60.7 (12.93) years 81.7% Custom: 90 min structured interview that included questions about food access Blood (not specified) NR HDL; Total cholesterol
Crook—2021 [29] United States Adults aged 20 years or older participating in NHANES d 7607 20–39 years: 37.5% of population
40–59 years: 40.1% of population
≥60 years: 22.4% of population
51.3% Single question from USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum NR Vitamin C
de Oliveira Campos—2016 [30] Brazil School children in Bahia, Brazil aged 6–14 1419 11 (2.83) years 48.7% Brazilian scale of food insecurity Urine NR Iodine
Dixon—2001 [31] United States Adults aged 20 years or older participating in NHANES III who were interviewed at home and examined at the mobile examination center 10,165 NR 52.1% NHANES III Food Insufficiency Data Serum Fasted Vitamin A; Vitamin B12; Vitamin B9; Vitamin C; HDL; LDL; e Triglycerides; Total cholesterol; Ferritin; Albumin, Alpha-carotene, Beta-carotene, Beta-cryptoxanthin, Lutein/zeaxanthin, Lycopene, Vitamin E
Dong—2021 [32] United States Urban American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth 142 14 years 58.0% Child Food Security Survey Module Blood (not specified) NR Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Duncan—2018 [33] Canada Non-pregnant women of reproductive age from Canadian Inuit communities 249 29.1 (6.0) years 100% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Whole blood Fasted Vitamin B9
Egeland—2011 [34] Canada Canadian Inuit populations 2595 41 (14.7) years 62.0% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum Fasted Ferritin
Egeland—2011 [35] Canada Indigenous Inuit preschoolers in 16 of the 25 communities of Nunavut 388 NR NR USDA Household Food Security Survey module, modified by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for Inuit communities Plasma NR Ferritin
Eicher-Miller—2009 [36] United States Nonpregnant children and adolescents from 3 to 19 years old who successfully completed the household interview and participated in the MEC examination 11,247 NR 45.1% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum NR Ferritin
Eick—2022 [37] United States Pregnant individuals in the Chemicals In Our Bodies (CIOB) cohort 497 NR 100% Household Food Security Scale (short form) Serum NR PFAS f (PFNA g, PFOS h acid, PFOA i, methyl-perfluorooctane sulfonamide acetic acid (Me-PFOSA-AcOH), and perfluorohexanesulphonic acid (PFHxS)
Faramarzi—2019 [38] Iran Subjects who had participated in Azar cohort study 152 52.88 (9.08) years NR Household Food Insecurity Access Scale Serum and whole blood Fasted Vitamin A; HDL; Triglycerides
Ford—2013 [39] United States Adults ≥ 20 years old participating in NHANES 10,455 43.8 years (median) 49.8% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Whole blood Fasted HDL; Total cholesterol; urinary albumin-creatine ratio, non-HDL cholesterol
Fulay—2021 [40] United States Adolescents (12–17 years old) with household incomes at or below 300% federal poverty line 2876 NR 49.1% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Whole blood Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Ganpule-Rao—2020 [41] India 18-year-old children living in one of six rural villages near Pune, Maharashtra, India, born to mothers studied in the larger PMNSj study 418 18 years 46.7% Number and type of food shops/1000 population, water availability, and distance from the highway Plasma Fasted Vitamin B12
Gebreegziabher—2017 [42] Ethiopia Non-pregnant women aged 18 and older in rural communities of Sidama, southern Ethiopia 202 30.8 (7.8) years 100% Household Food Security Access Scale (HFIAS) Plasma and whole blood Fasted Ferritin; Transferrin; Plasma iron, Soluble transferrin receptors
Gebreegziabher—2022 [43] Ethiopia School-aged children 408 9 (1.8) years 50.5% Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) and Household Hunger Scale (HHS) Urine NR Aflatoxin M1
Gebremedhin—2011 [44] Ethiopia Pregnant women 700 28.5 (5.5) years 100% Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) Serum Both fasted and nonfasted Zinc
Gowda—2012 [45] United States Adults ≥ 18 years old participating in NHANES 12,191 NR NR USDA Household Food Insecurity Survey Whole blood Fasted Vitamin B9
Gubert—2016 [46] Brazil Brazilian children under 5 years old 4064 NR NR Brazilian Household Food Insecurity Measurement Scale Whole blood NR Vitamin A
Habib—2016 [47] Pakistan Pakistani children aged 6–59 months 7138 NR 48.3% Household food insecurity access scale (HFIAS) developed by Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) project Serum NR Vitamin A; Ferritin; Zinc
Habib—2018 [48] Pakistan Non-pregnant Pakistani women 7491 NR 100% Household food insecurity access scale (HFIAS) developed by Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) project Serum NR Vitamin A; Ferritin; Zinc
Hamedi-Shahraki—2021 [49] Iran Women of reproductive age at health centers affiliated with Zabol University of Medical Sciences 630 33.2 (7.8) years 100% Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) questionnaire validated in an Iranian population Serum Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Hanson—2018 [50] United States Pregnant women recruited from the Labor and Delivery unit in a Midwestern United States Academic Medical Center at the time of delivery 180 28.7 (5.6) years 100% US Household Food Security Survey Module (US HFSSM); USDA Economic Research Service national food desert database at the census-tract level Serum Nonfasted Vitamin A; Vitamin E; Beta-cryptoxanthin; Lutein/zeaxanthin; Beta-carotene; Lycopene
Herran—2015 [51] Colombia Children and women (pregnant and non-pregnant) 9024 NR 50.4% of kids, 100% of pregnant women Community Childhood Hunger Identification Project (modified version) Serum NR Vitamin B12
Holben—2006 [52] United States Adults ≥ 18 years old from 6 rural counties in Ohio 2580 44.7 (18) years 66.1% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Whole blood Nonfasted Total cholesterol
Jamieson—2011 [53] Canada Non-pregnant Inuk women ≥ 18 years old from Arctic Canada 697 42 (15) years 100% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum Fasted Ferritin
Jamieson—2012 [54] Canada Inuit men 880 42 (15) years 0.0% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Whole blood Fasted Ferritin
Jamieson—2013 [55] Canada Non-pregnant, self-identified Inuk women 1550 42 (15) years 100% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum Fasted Ferritin
Janmohamed—2020 [56] Mongolia Mongolian children aged 6–23 months 938 NR 50.9% Household Food Insecurity Access Scale Serum NR Vitamin A; Ferritin; Vitamin D
Jun—2021 [57] United States US children aged 1–18 years 9147 NR 49.4% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Whole Blood Fasted Vitamin B9; Ferritin; Zinc; Vitamin D
Kazemi—2020 [58] Azerbaijan Women of reproductive age 266 40.93 (11.1) years 100% Household Food Security Scale (short form) Serum Fasted Ferritin; Vitamin D
Kelli—2017 [59] United States Adults aged 20 to 79 years and residing in the Atlanta metropolitan area participating in the META-Health k study or the Predictive Health study 1421 49.4 (10.2) years 61.5% USDA Food Access Research Atlas Serum Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Kim—2020 [60] United States Adults 30–70 years old who self-identified as Black or African American from local communities of the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, Georgia, metropolitan area 394 52.8 (10.3) years 61.0% Neighborhood Health Questionnaire Plasma Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Kobrosly—2012 [61] United States Women aged 20–39 years participating in NHANES 1182 29 years (median) 100% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Urine Adjusted for fasting time Phthalates: four metabolites of DEHP:l mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP), mono-(2-ethyl-5-oxohexyl) phthalate (MEOHP), mono-(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP), and mono-(2-ethyl-5-carboxypentyl) phthalate (MECPP); two metabolites of DBP: m mono-n-butyl phthalate (MnBP), and monoisobutyl phthalate (MiBP); one metabolite of BzBP: n mono-benzyl phthalate (MBzP); one metabolite of DEP: o mono-ethyl phthalate (MEP)
Landry—2019 [62] United States Hispanic/Latino children in elementary schools that offered the after-school program “LA’s Best” 218 Food-secure population: 9.3 (0.9) years
Food-insecure population: 8.9 (0.8) years
50.9% Child Food Security Assessment (CFSA) Blood (not specified) Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Leyna—2010 [63] Tanzania Adults in Oria Village 1014 NR 69.1% Radimer/Cornell food insecurity measure (validated in rural Kilimanjaro, Tanzania) Plasma NR Vitamin A; Ferritin
Li—2017 [64] Colombia Colombian children 14,559 had ferritin levels analyzed, 4279 had zinc levels analyzed, 3844 had vitamin A levels analyzed NR 61.1% (ferritin) Community Childhood Hunger Identification Project (adapted for and validated in a Colombian population) Plasma and serum NR Vitamin A; Ferritin; Zinc
Mahfuz—2019 [65] Bangladesh Children with low socioeconomic status and limited sanitary conditions in a slum settlement in Bauniabadh in the Mirpur area of Dhaka city 153 had ferritin levels analyzed, 154 had zinc levels analyzed, 155 had retinol levels analyzed 7 months 52.4% Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) developed by the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) project Plasma NR Vitamin A; Ferritin; Zinc
Maldonado—2022 [66] United States Hispanic/Latino youth aged 8 to 16 years 1325 High food security population: 12.2 (2.6) years
Marginal food security population: 11.7 (2.7) years
Low food security population: 12.4 (2.5) years
Very low food security population: 12.3 (2.6) years
50% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum NR HDL; Triglycerides
Marín—2021 [67] Colombia Bogotá school cohort formed in February 2006 by randomly recruiting 3202 children from 5 to 12 years who studied in the public schools of Bogotá and belonged to the middle and low socioeconomic strata 2660 8.7 (1.8) years 49.6% Household Food Security Survey Module (HFSSM) validated in Spanish Serum NR Vitamin A; Vitamin B12; Vitamin B9; Ferritin; Zinc
Mazidi—2018 [68] United States Adults ≥ 18 years old 3876 48.1 years 51.4% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Plasma NR Trans-9-hexadecenoic acid; Trans-11-octadecenoic acid; trans-9-octadecenoic acid; trans-9-, trans-12-octadecenoic acid
Mohajeri—2022 [69] Iran Adults aged 35–65 years selected by random sampling from the participants of the Persian Cohort Study 500 45 years 62.4% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum Fasted LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Mohamadpour—2012 [70] Malaysia Indian women working on palm plantations 147 NR 100% Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument Serum Fasted HDL; LDL; Total cholesterol
Murillo-Castillo—2018 [71] Mexico Mothers of children attending elementary school (grades 1–5) in Kino Bay, a fishing community located in Northwest Mexico 116 36.4 (8.9) years 100% Mexican Scale of Food Security Serum Fasted HDL; Total cholesterol
Nguyen—2014 [72] Vietnam Women of reproductive age living in the mountainous region of Northeast Vietnam 4986 26.2 (4.6) years 100% Household Food Insecurity Access Scale Serum NR Ferritin
Nikniaz—2018 [73] Iran Individuals from districts of East Azerbaijan 253 Men: 43.56 (14.15) years
Women: 41.14 (11.16) years
55.7% Household Food Security Scale (short form) Serum Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Nur Atiqah—2015 [74] Malaysia Students from all departments of Universiti Teknologi MARA Puncak Alam 124 NR 87.9% US Adult Food Security Survey Module Serum Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Pak—2021 [75] United States Individuals aged 50–100 years in the 2006–2014 Health and Retirement Study cohort 14,394 60 (IQR 56–69) years 56.6% Two Item Household Food Insecurity Screener Whole blood NR HDL; Total cholesterol
Park—2014 [76] United States Pregnant women 1045 NR 100% USDA Food Security Survey Module Serum NR Ferritin; Transferrin
Park—2020 [77] United States Female adults 4249 NR 100% USDA Household Food Security Scale Serum Fasted HDL; Triglycerides
Pasricha—2010 [78] India Children aged 12 to 23 months in 2 rural districts of Karnataka, India 401 17.2 months (IQR 16.8–17.5) 49.7% Household Food Insecurity Access Scale Serum NR Vitamin A; Vitamin B12; Vitamin B9; Ferritin
Pasricha—2011 [79] India Children 12–23 months old in rural India 405 17.2 months (IQR 16.8–17.5) 49.6% Household Food Insecurity Access Scale Serum NR Ferritin
Pedraza—2014 [80] Brazil Preschool children attending public children’s gardens of the government of the State of Paraíba, Brazil 193 NR NR Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale Serum NR Vitamin A; Zinc
Pinzón-Rondón—2019 [81] Colombia Columbian children 12–59 months 4275 2.66 (1.09) years 46.8% Latin-American and Caribbean household food security scale (ECLA) Serum Nonfasted Zinc
Pirkle—2014 [82] Canada Inuit children from Nunavik whose mothers participated in either the Cord Blood Monitoring Program or Environmental Contaminants and Infant Development Study 294 11.3 (0.8) years 50.3% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum NR Ferritin
Pobee—2020 [83] Ghana Ghanian women planning to become pregnant 95 NR 100% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum and plasma NR Vitamin A; Ferritin; Transferrin; Zinc; Vitamin D; Copper
Sahyoun—2000 [84] United States Adults aged 65 years and older participating in NHANES 3855 72.3 years 52.0% Custom: One-question about food sufficiency Serum NR Vitamin B9; Vitamin C; Lutein/zeaxanthin; beta-cryptoxanthin; beta-carotene; Vitamin E
Salarkia—2015 [85] Iran Children of Iranian mother-child pairs 423 15.1 (5.7) months 46.1% Household Food Insecurity Access Scale Serum Nonfasted Ferritin
Sattler—2016 [86] United States Adults aged 20 and older participating in NHANES 7439 44.12 (12.97) years 48.0% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum NR Total cholesterol
Shariff—2014 [87] Malaysia Malay and Indian, non-pregnant, non-lactating women aged 19–49 years from rural and urban low-income households 625 38 years 100% Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument Serum Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Shin—2015 [88] United States Healthy adults from the 2008–2011 Survey of the Health of Wisconsin 1663 NR 48.0% Custom: Two-question food insecurity screener Serum Nonfasted HDL; Total cholesterol
Shiue—2016 [89] United States Adults ≥ 20 years old 4979 NR 52.1% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum, urine Fasted Vitamin B9; Vitamin C; HDL; Total cholesterol; Phthalates, Vitamin D, apolipoprotein, heavy metals (barium, beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, cesium, molybdenum, lead, platinum, antimony, thallium, tungsten, uranium), bisphenols (4-tert-octylphenol, benzophenone-3, bisphenol A, triclosan), pesticides (2,5-dichlorophenol, O-phenyl phenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,4,5-trichlorophenol, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol)
Smalls—2020 [90] United States Grandparents residing in Appalachia, Kentucky, who were the primary caretakers for their grandchildren 65 59.4 (7.4) years 98.5% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Whole blood Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Suarez—2015 [91] United States Adults aged 20 and older participating in NHANES 22,173 46.7 (14.5) years 51.9% Food Desert US Census Tract Data Serum NR Alpha-carotene; beta-carotene; beta-cryptoxanthin; Lutein/zeaxanthin
Tayie—2009 [92] United States Adults aged 18–50 participating in NHANES 5549 NR 50.3% USDA Adult Food Security Survey Module Serum Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Tayie—2019 [93] United States Adults aged 18–65 participating in NHANES 2780 41.6 (0.4) years 51.5% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum NR Copper
Tester—2016 [94] United States Low-income adolescents 1072 Food-secure population: 15 (14.9–15.1)
Marginal food security population: 14.7 (14.5–14.9)
Low food security population: 14.3 (14.1–14.5)
Very low food security population: 14.8 (14.6–15.0)
47.9% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Serum Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
van Woerden—2019 [95] United States Adults aged 18 and older participating in NHANES 9886 NR 50.0% USDA Adult or Household Food Security Survey Module Urine NR Bisphenol A
Weigel—2007 [96] United States Migrant and seasonal farmworkers 100 NR 43.0% USDA Household Food Security Survey Module Whole blood Fasted HDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Weigel—2016 [97] Ecuador Adult female heads of households and their minor children aged 6–12 years 794 34 (10.6) 100% Quito Household Food Security Survey Module (adapted from USDA HFSSM) Whole blood Fasted HDL; LDL; Triglycerides; Total cholesterol
Yeudall—2007 [98] Uganda Children 2 to 5 years old 296 NR NR Custom: novel questionnaire developed from prior research in this region Whole blood Nonfasted Vitamin A

Author Contributions

L.K., A.P.C., F.N., L.S.W., G.D.W. and A.M.C. conceptualized the project. L.K., A.P.C., F.N., and L.S.W. collected the data and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. L.K., A.P.C., F.N., L.S.W., G.D.W. and A.M.C. reviewed and commented on subsequent drafts and approved the final submitted paper. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

Gary Wu receives research funding from Nestle, Intercept Pharmaceuticals, and Abbvie, and is an advisory board member for Danone and BioCodex. Ariana Chao reports grants from Eli Lilly and Company, the National Institutes of Health, and WW International, Inc., and has consulted for Eli Lilly and Company outside the submitted work. Lev Krasnovsky, Aidan Crowley, Fawaz Naeem, and Lucy Wang have no disclosures to report.

Funding Statement

This research received no external funding.


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