A 20-ml blood sample was collected from adult patients with suspected bloodstream infections and distributed equally into the four volume-controlled bottles of a blood culture set consisting of aerobic and anaerobic BACTEC Plus/F bottles and aerobic and anaerobic BacT/Alert FAN bottles. All bottles were incubated in their respective instruments for a standard 5-day protocol or until the instruments signalled positivity. Samples in all bottles with negative results by these instruments were terminally subcultured. A total of 8,390 blood culture sets were obtained during the study period, of which 4,402 (52.5%) met the study criteria. Of these, 946 (21.5%) were positive either by instrument signal or by additional terminal subculture of all negative bottles and yielded growth of microorganisms. Five hundred eighty-nine (13.4%) blood culture sets were considered to have recovered 663 clinically significant organisms. When both the BACTEC and the BacT/Alert systems were used, 465 positive sets were detected; BACTEC alone detected 52 positive sets and BacT/Alert alone detected 72 (P = 0.09). No differences were found between the two systems in microbial recovery rate from blood cultures obtained from patients on antibiotic therapy. Significantly more members of the family Enterobacteriaceae (P < 0.01) were detected from patients without antimicrobial therapy by BacT/Alert than by BACTEC. The false-negative rates were 0.20% for BACTEC and 0.32% for BacT/Alert. A significantly higher false-positive rate was found for BACTEC (P < 0.0001). Both systems were comparable for the time to detection of microorganisms. However, gram-positive bacteria were detected faster by BACTEC and Enterobacteriaceae were detected faster on average by BacT/Alert. We concluded that both systems are comparable in their abilities to recover aerobic and anaerobic organisms from blood cultures and a terminal subculture might not be necessary for either of the two systems. The increased positivity rate when using an anaerobic bottle in a two-bottle blood culture set is due to the additional blood volume rather than to the use of an anaerobic medium.
Due to the high morbidity and mortality associated with bacteremia (7), the rapid detection and subsequent identification of microorganisms from blood remain critical services of the clinical microbiology laboratory. Numerous blood culture methods are available, and selecting the optimal system for the diagnostic laboratory is an important and often difficult task (15). Many remarkable improvements have been made in an attempt to reduce the time to isolate pathogens from blood. Advancements in the use of liquid media linked with automation technology have enhanced the ability of laboratories to provide faster blood culture results. Two continuously monitored noninvasive blood culture systems, the BACTEC 9240 (Becton Dickinson, Heidelberg, Germany) and the BacT/Alert (Organon Teknika, Eppelheim, Germany), are in widespread use. The main advantages of the two systems over previous generations of blood culture instruments include full automation once the bottles are loaded, a shorter time to detection of blood pathogens, considerable labor savings, and improved laboratory work flow. The BacT/Alert and the BACTEC 9240 systems monitor the growth of organisms by checking for elaboration of CO2 with a colorimetric and a fluorescent sensor, respectively.
New aerobic and anaerobic media were developed by the manufacturers to remove a variety of growth inhibitors from patients’ blood, to enhance the recovery of fastidious organisms, and to improve the detection of bacteremia and fungemia in patients receiving antimicrobial therapy. BACTEC Plus/F medium consists of soybean-casein digest broth, primary supplements, and two types of resin, a nonionic absorbing resin and a cation-exchange resin. FAN medium (BacT/Alert) is a brain heart infusion broth base containing Ecosorb, a proprietary substance that contains adsorbent charcoal, Fuller’s earth, and other components.
A number of studies comparing the two systems have been carried out, but to our knowledge, none of them compared the supplemented aerobic and anaerobic BACTEC Plus/F media with the supplemented aerobic and anaerobic BacT/Alert FAN media in one controlled clinical trial.
This study was conducted to compare the performances of the two blood culture systems, BACTEC 9240 and BacT/Alert, in terms of microbial recovery, time to detection, and false-positive and false-negative rates, thereby indicating the performance of the aerobic and anaerobic BACTEC Plus/F resin media and the aerobic and anaerobic BacT/Alert FAN media.
Patient population.
This monocenter study was conducted from August 1995 through February 1997 in a 2,500-bed acute-care community hospital which provides a full range of medical and surgical care. The hospital cares for an appreciable number of transplant, immunosuppressed patients, as well as patients presenting common community-acquired infections. Blood cultures were obtained from all adult patients with suspected bacteremia during the study period and processed in the hospital-related Institute of Microbiology and Hygiene.
Study design.
Blood culture sets were prepared for the purposes of the study; each set contained four volume-controlled and randomized bottles, one each containing aerobic and anaerobic BACTEC Plus/F media and aerobic and anaerobic BacT/Alert FAN media. Written instructions for obtaining a blood culture, the required amount of blood, and the order of inoculation of the bottles for clinicians were included. In respect of the patient and with the agreement of the ethical commission of our hospital, a 20-ml amount of blood for one blood culture set was considered the maximum to obtain from a single venipuncture. This amount was distributed equally into each of the four bottles. The inoculum volume was determined in the microbiology laboratory by weight. Sets in which any one of the bottles did not contain a minimum of 3 ml of blood or in which the volume difference between two bottles was more than 3 ml were considered noncompliant and excluded from the study but processed for the benefit of the patient.
On arrival in the laboratory, all bottles were placed in their respective instruments for a 5-day incubation time at 35°C and monitored in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations. FAN aerobic bottles were vented before incubation.
Bottles indicated as positive by the instrument as well as bottles positive on arrival were Gram stained. Based on the Gram stain result, aliquots of the bottles were subcultured onto adequate media (chocolate agar incubated at 35°C in a 5% CO2-enriched atmosphere or blood agar with aerobic and anaerobic incubation at 35°C). All microorganisms were identified by standard microbiologic procedures. All false-positive bottles (i.e., bottles that were smear and subculture negative after instrument signal) were replaced into the instrument during the 5 days of protocol. A terminal blind subculture onto chocolate agar and blood agar (aerobic and anaerobic incubation as described above) was performed for all negative bottles. False-negative bottles had no positive signal by the instrument, but growth occurred on the terminal subculture.
Statistical methods.
The following data of all blood cultures were entered in a computer database: collection time, loading time, blood volume of each bottle, detection of growth by each bottle, growth on subculture and identity of microorganisms recovered, antimicrobic therapy, and the detection time for each positive bottle. Detection time of a microorganism was defined as the time between loading a blood culture bottle into the instrument and the time when a positive signal occurred followed by growth on subculture. For comparison of detection times, only clinically significant isolates recovered in both systems were taken into account. If both bottles of one system recovered the same organisms, the shorter time to detection was taken into account for comparison. The clinical importance of isolated microorganisms was determined after consultation with the patient’s physician in accordance with published criteria (6, 10, 16, 18). Statistical analysis was done for blood cultures meeting the study criteria. Only isolates classified as being clinically significant were taken into account. Sensitivities were calculated in two manners. For comparison of the two systems, the common denominator of positive cultures was determined by all four terminal blind subcultures. For evaluating the usefulness of terminal subcultures in clinical routines, the detection rate of each system was determined with reference only to the related terminal subculture. The common denominator for the determination of both the false-positive and the false-negative rates for each system was the total of 4,402 compliant sets of the study. The main scientific goal of the study was the comparison of the sensitivities and specificities of both systems. For these two analyses, the Bonferroni correction was used. All other analysis on subgroups of patients or isolates must be considered explorative without protection against the error of multiple testing. All comparisons were evaluated by McNemar’s test (α = 0.05, two-sided) by using the statistical package SPSSWIN.
A total of 8,390 blood culture sets were obtained during the study period. Of these, 4,402 (52.5%) met the study criteria; of these, 946 (21.5%) yielded growth of 1,083 bacteria or fungi. Five hundred eighty-nine (13.4%) compliant sets, positive by either instrument signal or terminal subculture only, detected 663 bacteria or fungi that were considered clinically significant. Three hundred fifty-seven (8.1%) sets recovered only organisms classified as contaminants.
Of the 589 positive blood culture sets with significant isolates, 508 (86.3%) were positive by BACTEC 9240 and 523 (88.8%) sets were positive by BacT/Alert. BACTEC alone detected 52 (8.8%) positive sets, and BacT/Alert alone detected 72 (12.2%). With reference to the terminal blind subcultures of both systems, BACTEC and BacT/Alert showed sensitivity rates of 86.3 and 88.8% respectively. With reference to the system-related terminal subculture, the BACTEC instrument demonstrated a detection rate of 98.3% and the BacT/Alert instrument gave one of 97.4%.
Nine false-negative blood cultures occurred with the BACTEC instrument (three Candida species and single isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes, Enterobacter agglomerans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Pseudomonas stutzeri) and 14 false negatives occurred with the BacT/Alert instrument (four P. aeruginosa, three Acinetobacter species, two Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, two Candida species, and single isolates of Streptococcus sanguis, Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis).
The false-negative rates for the systems were 0.20% for BACTEC and 0.32% for BacT/Alert.
A significantly higher false-positive rate was found for BACTEC, 6.2%, than for BacT/Alert, 1.4% (P < 0.0001).
The comparative yields of bacteria and fungi from the two systems are indicated in Table 1. Of the 663 clinically significant organisms from compliant sets, 482 (72.7%) were recovered from both systems, 80 (12%) were recovered by BACTEC only, and 101 (15.2%) were recovered by BacT/Alert only. The differences observed in the recovery of bacteria reached statistical significance only for the Enterobacteriaceae group. The BacT/Alert system detected significantly more Enterobacteriaceae than the BACTEC system did (P < 0.01). A similar trend was seen in the recovery of yeasts from blood cultures obtained from patients without antibiotic therapy. For all other organisms, there were no significant differences in the number of positive cultures between systems, neither by organism group nor by species.
Comparative yields of clinically important bacteria and fungi in BACTEC Plus/F and FAN aerobic and anaerobic culture sets
Microorganism | No. of organisms detected by:
P | ||
BACTEC only | BacT/Alert only | Both systems | ||
Gram-positive bacteria | 30 | 34 | 228 | NSa |
Staphylococcus aureus | 11 | 14 | 124 | |
Staphylococcus epidermidis | 2 | 2 | 9 | |
Viridans group streptococcus | 2 | 5 | 18 | |
Enterococcus spp. | 6 | 7 | 32 | |
Streptococcus pneumoniae | 6 | 4 | 33 | |
Beta-hemolytic streptococci | 3 | 1 | 9 | |
Listeria monocytogenes | 1 | 3 | ||
Enterobacteriaceae | 21 | 45 | 187 | <0.01 |
Escherichia coli | 14 | 25 | 101 | |
Klebsiella spp. | 3 | 12 | 27 | |
Enterobacter/Citrobacter spp. | 2 | 5 | 31 | |
Salmonella spp. | 6 | |||
Proteus/Providencia/Morganella | 1 | 1 | 11 | |
Serratia/Hafnia spp. | 1 | 2 | 11 | |
Non-Enterobacteriaceae | 18 | 13 | 36 | NS |
Haemophilus spp. | 2 | 1 | ||
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | 7 | 7 | 8 | |
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia | 3 | 6 | ||
Neisseria meningitidis | 1 | 1 | ||
Acinetobacter spp. | 8 | 3 | 18 | |
Other | 2 | |||
Anaerobic bacteria | 6 | 3 | 4 | NS |
Clostridium perfringens | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Bacteroides spp. | 3 | 2 | 2 | |
Candida spp. | 5 | 6 | 14 | NS |
All microorganisms | 80 | 101 | 482b |
NS, not significant.
For some species with a single isolate, data were not depicted separately but were included in the total.
Of all compliant blood culture sets, 41.9% (1,807 sets) were obtained from patients receiving antimicrobial therapy. Of the 589 positive compliant sets with significant isolates, 35.5% (208) were obtained from patients receiving antibiotics. There were no significant differences in isolation rates between the two systems for patients receiving antibiotics. The BacT/Alert system detected significantly more Enterobacteriaceae than the BACTEC system did (P < 0.01) from patients without antibiotic therapy.
The times to detection of several bacterial groups were compared for the two systems (Table 2). Gram-positive bacteria were detected significantly faster by the BACTEC system, whereas Enterobacteriaceae on average were recovered faster by the BacT/Alert system. There was no difference between the two systems in the cumulative percentage of positive cultures after 24, 48, and 72 h of incubation. Within the first 24 h, BACTEC detected 89.8% and BacT/Alert detected 89.6% of the positive cultures; after 48 h, 95.7 and 96.9% were detected by BACTEC and BacT/Alert, respectively; and after 72 h, 99.0 and 99.4% were detected by the two systems, respectively. The average times to detection were 9.0 h for the BACTEC system and 10.4 h for the BacT/Alert system (P < 0.05). The significant difference in average time to detection between both systems was caused by the higher detection rate within the first 6 h of the BACTEC instrument (50.7% detected by BACTEC and 45.8% by BacT/Alert).
Comparative speed of detection of clinically significant organisms when both systems were positive and detection time was provided for both systems (n = 421)
Microorganism | Time to detection (h)
n | P | |
BACTEC | BacT/Alert | |||
Staphylococcus aureus | 8.4 | 11.2 | 124 | <0.001 |
Viridans group streptococcus | 4.0 | 6.6 | 18 | <0.01 |
Enterococci | 5.1 | 19.5 | 32 | <0.05 |
Streptococcus pneumoniae | 5.1 | 6.2 | 33 | <0.05 |
Escherichia coli | 7.6 | 6.9 | 101 | <0.05 |
Klebsiella spp. | 8.9 | 5.8 | 27 | NSa |
Enterobacter spp. | 7.8 | 7.5 | 31 | <0.05 |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | 15.4 | 20.7 | 8 | NS |
Acinetobacter spp. | 6.9 | 10.2 | 18 | <0.01 |
Mean values | 9.0 | 10.4 | 482b | <0.05 |
NS, not significant.
For some species with fewer than 10 isolates, data were not depicted separately but were included in the mean time to detection.
Delayed entry was defined as a time difference of >12 h between blood sample collection and placement of a blood culture bottle into the respective instrument. More than half of the compliant positive blood cultures had a transportation time of >12 h due to the fact that our new hospital building is separated from the laboratory. Delayed entry had no effect on the sensitivity of the BacT/Alert instrument, but for the BACTEC system, the detection rate was significantly lower for blood cultures with delayed entry than for those with no delay (P = 0.0097). Differences also occurred in detection of the Enterobacteriaceae group: BacT/Alert recovered significantly more Enterobacteriaceae from blood cultures with delayed entry than BACTEC did (P = 0.0062) when the subgroup of patients not receiving antibiotic therapy was considered.
The data of the two systems allow not only a system-versus-system comparison but also a comparison of the two media, i.e., resin aerobic versus FAN aerobic media and resin anaerobic versus FAN anaerobic media (Table 3). No significant differences were seen between the aerobic media nor between the anaerobic media of the two systems in terms of detection rate. A comparison of the aerobic and anaerobic media of each system showed significant differences. The false-positive rate was significantly higher for both resin media than for the FAN media. The false-negative rates for both anaerobic media (4.7% for resin and 3.9% for FAN) were higher than those for the aerobic media (1.7% for resin and 2.2% for FAN).
Detection of positive cultures and false-positive signals by aerobic and anaerobic media
Medium | No. of positive cultures
No. of false-positive signalsb | ||
Total | Detected by instrumenta | Detected by terminal subculture | ||
Aerobic resin | 466 | 456 | 10 | 185 |
Aerobic FAN | 489 | 476 | 13 | 54 |
Anaerobic resin | 448 | 420 | 28 | 116 |
Anaerobic FAN | 429 | 406 | 23 | 11 |
Values for aerobic resin versus aerobic FAN media and for anaerobic resin versus anaerobic FAN media are not significantly different. Values for aerobic resin versus anaerobic resin media and aerobic FAN versus anaerobic FAN media are significantly different (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001, respectively).
Values for aerobic resin versus aerobic FAN media, anaerobic resin versus anaerobic FAN media, aerobic resin versus anaerobic resin media, and aerobic FAN versus anaerobic FAN media are significantly different (P < 0.001).
Anaerobic bacteria causing septicemia were recovered from 13 compliant blood culture sets. Both systems detected four, the BACTEC system alone detected six, and the BacT/Alert system alone detected three anaerobic bacteria.
This monocenter-controlled evaluation compared the performances of the supplemented aerobic and anaerobic BACTEC resin media, under identical conditions of observation against the supplemented aerobic and anaerobic BacT/Alert FAN media in a clinical trial. Simultaneous inoculation of all four bottles from a single blood culture also enabled a system-versus-system comparison of the BACTEC 9240 and the BacT/Alert instruments. To our knowledge, no data have been published yet on this subject. In the past, several studies have evaluated the performance of the BACTEC (20) and BacT/Alert (2, 11) instruments, comparing either the two nonsupplemented media (19), the resin medium and the standard BacT/Alert medium (1, 9, 13), or the aerobic resin medium and the aerobic FAN medium (4, 8, 14). Outcomes have been quite different: the BACTEC system detected significantly more gram-positive cocci and the BacT/Alert system recovered significantly more Enterobacteriaceae in a first comparison (19) of the two nonsupplemented media.
Auckenthaler et al. (1) as well as Smith et al. (13) compared BACTEC resin medium to standard BacT/Alert medium, and both groups reported a better performance in terms of microbial recovery, false-positive rate, and detection time for the resin medium. A comparison of aerobic resin medium with aerobic FAN medium in a recent multicenter (4) study has demonstrated equal results. The previous single-center study by Pohlman et al. (8) showed a better recovery rate for Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas by use of the BacT/Alert system with fewer false-positive results. In comparison with the results of other studies (4, 11, 12, 17), the positivity rate of blood cultures in our study was high (21.5% positive sets), with 13.4% sets recovering clinically significant organisms. With the exception of members of the Enterobacteriaceae group, which were recovered significantly (P < 0.01) more often by the BacT/Alert system alone, there were no significant differences in terms of microbial recovery between the two systems. The Enterobacteriaceae that were detected significantly more frequently by the BacT/Alert system resulted from blood cultures from patients without antimicrobial therapy. There was also a tendency towards a similar result for the fungi group: BacT/Alert detected slightly more Candida sp. isolates from patients without antibiotics than from patients with antimicrobial therapy. However, these are results of an explorative analysis in which, due to the small numbers of cases, a high beta error and the problems of multiple testing must be taken into account.
Reports of high false-negative rates, up to 6% (12, 13), suggest that terminal subculturing of negative BACTEC cultures after 5 days of incubation may be necessary, whereas others have suggested that this is not needed in the BacT/Alert system (3). In our trial, the false-negative rates were similarly low for both systems (0.20% for BACTEC and 0.32% for BacT/Alert) and the sensitivities for the BACTEC and BacT/Alert instruments with reference to the related terminal subcultures were 98.3 and 97.4%, respectively; therefore, we have concluded that a blind terminal subculture may not be necessary for either of the two systems.
The introduction of automated blood culture systems also serves the purpose of reducing the routine workload for laboratory personnel. A low false-positive rate is one important factor here. Our results showed a significantly (P < 0.0001) higher false-positive rate for the aerobic and anaerobic resin media (6.2%) than for the FAN media (1.4%). During the study period, both instruments were used in accordance with the recommendations and specifications of each manufacturer. Laboratory facilities were equal for both systems. All false-positive blood cultures were replaced into the instrument, incubated for the rest of the 5-day incubation period, and terminally subcultured. A small percentage of the false-positive signals by the BACTEC instrument occurred after an electricity breakdown, which did not affect the BacT/Alert instrument.
Due to the need to reduce laboratory costs, many microbiology laboratories do not have 24-h coverage by technical personnel. Especially in smaller hospitals, there is no microbiology laboratory available, so that blood cultures must be sent to external laboratories. Therefore, a delay may occur from the time blood is drawn until the bottle is placed into a blood culture instrument. Our hospital consists of an original building complex with 1,500 beds and a new building with 1,000 beds which is situated 10 km away. All blood specimens from the new building must be transferred to the laboratory in the original building, so that a delay of >12 h may occur.
Those blood cultures that were obtained after the microbiology laboratory was closed for the day were collected in a central laboratory that is open 24 h per day and were incubated at 35°C, so that almost all blood cultures with delayed entry were preincubated at 35°C. Delayed entry did affect the sensitivity of the BACTEC instrument in that the detection rate was significantly lower for blood cultures with delayed entry than for those with no delay (P = 0.0097).
The numbers of false-negative sets with delayed entry and of false negative sets with a transport time of <12 h were too small for valid comparison. For the BACTEC system, 6 of 9 false-negative sets were sets with delayed entry; for BacT/Alert, 8 of 14 false negatives were sets with delayed entry. In spite of the small number, there seems to be no need for blind terminal subculture either for sets with overnight preincubation at 35°C or for sets processed within the first 12 h after collection. Both systems detected organisms faster from culture sets with delayed entry since these sets were preincubated. With regards to the handling of preincubated blood culture bottles, the BacT/Alert system offers the advantage of a visible change on the bottom of a positive bottle so that the bottle can be processed onto subcultures before incubation into the instrument. The interpretation of Gram stain results for positive bottles was more difficult for FAN media than for resin media due to the charcoal particles in the media.
Staphylococcus epidermidis, which is considered a contaminant, was recovered more frequently from the FAN aerobic bottle (n = 424) than from the resin aerobic bottle (n = 349); this more frequent recovery may be due to the fact that the FAN aerobic bottle must be vented before incubation in the instrument. The use of needles to manually vent the aerobic FAN bottles may increase the probability of contaminating the bottle.
The question whether there is any advantage to using both aerobic and anaerobic blood culture media routinely (5) or whether anaerobic media should be used for the detection of bacteremia only in patients at risk of having an anaerobic infection is often raised. Only 13 positive blood cultures out of 589 sets with clinically significant organisms recovered anaerobic bacteria, 11 being isolated from the anaerobic medium only and 2 being isolated from both the aerobic and anaerobic media. Four of the 11 blood culture sets with obligate anaerobic bacteria represented polymicrobial septicemia; in addition to the anaerobic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida spp. were isolated from the corresponding aerobic bottle as well. Definitively, seven (1.2%) blood cultures with monomicrobic obligate anaerobic pathogens would not have been detected by using only an aerobic bottle. By using the anaerobic resin bottle in addition to the aerobic one, the detection rate increased by 10.2%, with facultative anaerobic bacteria contributing 8.7% and obligate anaerobic bacteria contributing 1.6%. Analogously, the anaerobic FAN bottle increased the positivity by 9%, of which 8% was due to facultative anaerobic bacteria and 1% was due to strict anaerobic ones. Diagnoses of patients with septicemia due to obligate anaerobic bacteria included colitis ulcerosa, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus with erysipelas, cholangitis, leukemia, and pneumonia, so that anaerobic infections could have been expected. According to Weinstein et al. (17), an increase in the volume of blood inoculated into BacT/Alert aerobic bottles (from 5 to 10 ml) increased the overall yield (7.2%) of clinically important organisms. From our results and those reported by Weinstein et al. (15, 17), we conclude that the higher recovery rate achieved when the anaerobic bottle is included is due to the inoculation of a larger blood volume rather than to the use of an additional anaerobic medium.
In summary, both systems are comparable for recovering clinically significant microorganisms from adult patients with bacteremia and fungemia receiving antibiotic therapy at the time of blood culture collection. With blood from patients without antibiotic therapy, the BacT/Alert system detected significantly more Enterobacteriaceae. The high false-positive rate of the BACTEC system caused additional work and material costs in our laboratory. With the BacT/Alert instrument, the software capabilities were more convenient for the user, and failure rarely occurred.
This study was supported in part by grants from Becton Dickinson and Organon Teknika.
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