Figure 1.
Kaempferol and quercetin as NR4A1 ligands. Quercetin (A) and kaempferol (B) interactions with the LBD of NR4A1 using a modeling approach as described (42-44) and critical interacting amino acids are indicated. Effects of kaempferol and quercetin on luciferase activity were determined in IHEECs (C), IHESCs (D), and Ishikawa cells (E) transfected with a chimeric GAL4-NR4A1 construct and a UAS-luc reporter gene. Luciferase activity was determined as outlined in “Materials and Methods.” Results (C-E) are expressed as means ± SE for at least 3 determinations, and significant (P < .05) changes compared with DMSO (control) are indicated (*).