A-D, Diagram showing RV pressure-volume analysis in patients with abnormal pulmonary vascular response to exercise with vs without contractile reserve. A, Schematic of RV pressure-volume loop in a patient without apparent RV dysfunction at rest. B, Schematic of RV pressure-volume response to exercise in a patient with RV contractile reserve in the setting of increased afterload during exercise. Red indicates rest and blue indicates exercise. Contractility (Ees) increases such that even with increased afterload (EA), ventricular-arterial coupling is maintained. C, Schematic of RV pressure-volume loop in a patient with increased RV afterload apparent at rest. Relative to the patient without apparent RV dysfunction (A), contractility (Ees) is increased to maintain ventricular-arterial coupling in the face of increased afterload (EA). D, Schematic of RV pressure-volume response from rest (red) to exercise (blue) in a patient with insufficient RV contractile reserve in the setting of increased afterload during exercise. Contractility (Ees) fails to increase in response to increased afterload (EA), resulting in reduced ventricular-arterial coupling. Increased RV end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes are observed. EA = arterial elastance, a measure of RV afterload determined by the slope between end-systolic coordinates and the end-diastole volume-axis intercept, or the quotient of end-systolic pressure and stroke volume13,17; Ees = end-systolic elastance, a measure of RV contractility defined by the slope of the end-systolic pressure-volume relationship; RV = right ventricular.