Extended Data Table 3.
Exposure variable summaries and prior published evidence – part 2
All exposures included in the analysis, as well as the categories the exposures were classified into across all cohorts, categorization rules, the total number of children, the percentage of children in each category, select evidence from prior literature, and comparisons to our results. We selected the exposures of interest based on variables present in multiple cohorts that met our inclusion criteria, were found to be important determinants of stunting and wasting in prior literature, and could be harmonized across cohorts for pooled analyses. Where possible, we cite findings from recent randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews. All results from this manuscript referenced in this table are available in Supplimentary Note 7. *Bracketed codes at the end of each cell in the “Comparison to results in this analysis” indicate limitations to comparisons with previous evidence due to differences in: P = population, CA = child age, AV = adjustment variables used in the analysis, MOA = measure of association, SD = study design, EC = exposure classification. Data are from refs. 11,14,15,101,132–150.