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. 2023 Sep 22;19(9):e1010933. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010933

Abnormal outer hair cell efferent innervation in Hoxb1-dependent sensorineural hearing loss

Maria Di Bonito 1,*, Jérôme Bourien 2, Monica Tizzano 3, Anne-Gabrielle Harrus 2, Jean-Luc Puel 2, Bice Avallone 3,, Regis Nouvian 2,, Michèle Studer 1,‡,*
Editor: Licia Selleri4
PMCID: PMC10516434  PMID: 37738262


Autosomal recessive mutation of HOXB1 and Hoxb1 causes sensorineural hearing loss in patients and mice, respectively, characterized by the presence of higher auditory thresholds; however, the origin of the defects along the auditory pathway is still unknown. In this study, we assessed whether the abnormal auditory threshold and malformation of the sensory auditory cells, the outer hair cells, described in Hoxb1null mutants depend on the absence of efferent motor innervation, or alternatively, is due to altered sensory auditory components. By using a whole series of conditional mutant mice, which inactivate Hoxb1 in either rhombomere 4-derived sensory cochlear neurons or efferent motor neurons, we found that the hearing phenotype is mainly reproduced when efferent motor neurons are specifically affected. Our data strongly suggest that the interactions between olivocochlear motor neurons and outer hair cells during a critical postnatal period are crucial for both hair cell survival and the establishment of the cochlear amplification of sound.

Author summary

Hearing depends on sound stimuli transduction in the inner ear as well as sensory information processing within the central nervous system through functional ascending and descending auditory pathways. In humans, autosomal recessive mutation of HOXB1 causes sensorineural hearing loss characterized by the elevation of auditory thresholds. Although this defect could be reproduced in a genetically modified mouse model in which the mouse Hoxb1 gene was constitutively inactivated, the cellular origin underlying HOXB1-related deafness was still unknown. Here, we used a series of conditional mouse models to independently inactivate Hoxb1 either in sensory neurons or in motor neu rons. By combining electrophysiological, anatomical, and molecular analyses, we show that Hoxb1-related deafness is partially reproduced only when motor neurons are severely reduced or lost during development and prior to hearing onset. Our data support the hypothesis that the physical interaction between motor neurons and hair cells in the cochlea during a critical developmental period is essential for the proper maturation and functioning of the sound cochlear amplification system.


Hearing relies on the mechano-transduction of acoustic cues by sensory hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear and the neural message conveyance to the higher auditory centers through ascending pathways [1]. In the cochlea, outer hair cells (OHCs) amplify the sound stimulation while inner hair cells (IHCs) transduce sound stimuli into glutamate release onto afferent nerve fibers. The neural message is then conveyed via auditory afferent fibers to the cochlear nucleus (CN), ultimately reaching the auditory cortex [2]. In response, incoming afferent sensory auditory signals are modulated by efferent motor neurons, such as facial motor neurons (FMNs) that migrate caudally, and the lateral (LOC) and medial (MOC) olivocochlear neurons, originating from the embryonic inner ear efferent (IEE) precursors located in ventral rhombomere 4 of the developing hindbrain [36]. LOC motor neurons synapse with cochlear afferents just below the IHCs and control cochlear nerve excitability, participate in spatial sound localization and protect the cochlea from acoustic injury [7,8]. On the other hand, MOC neurons are innervated by reflex neurons of the posteroventral cochlear nucleus (PVCN) but also receive inhibitory GABAergic and glycinergic synaptic inputs, and inhibit cochlear OHC motility leading to a decrease in the sound cochlear amplification via the MOC reflex [915]. Another reflex, called the middle-ear muscle (MEM) reflex involves FMNs, which activate the stapedius muscles and reduce the amplitude of sound transmission through the middle ear [1619]. Therefore, efferent motor neurons play an important role in modulating sound amplification, protecting the cochlea from noise-induced hearing damage, and reducing the masking effects of background noise [7,2023].

The assembly of central and peripheral auditory subcircuits depends on the spatially and temporally ordered sequence of cell specification, migration, and connectivity during embryogenesis. Alterations to any one of these events can lead to abnormal circuit formation and consequent hearing impairments. Centrally, the majority of the auditory nuclei and their derivatives originate in the hindbrain or rhombencephalon, which becomes subdivided along the anteroposterior (AP) axis into repeated basic cellular units, called rhombomeres (r), and along the dorsoventral (DV) axis into subtype-specific domains that will generate distinct cell populations contributing to the adult brainstem organization [24]. Various cell lineage studies in mice have shown that auditory neurons are generated into distinct DV columns spanning r2-5 (reviewed in [25]).

Homeotic Hox genes, together with column-specific transcription factors, act in this process by imparting AP and DV positional identity, inducing cell-type differentiation and maturation, and orchestrating circuit formation [2527]. Among Hox genes, Hoxb1 plays an important role in the formation of different structures involved in the mouse auditory pathway [28]. Moreover, recessive mutations in the human HOXB1 gene cause hereditary congenital facial paresis and sensorineural hearing impairments [2932], suggesting an evolutionarily conserved key role for Hoxb1/HOXB1 in setting up functional auditory circuits. Initially, mouse Hoxb1 is expressed in the hindbrain with an anterior boundary between r4 and r3 (early expression), before becoming progressively restricted and maintained in r4 (late expression) [3335]. Previous studies in mice have shown that Hoxb1 is essential in imposing r4 identity along the AP axis of the developing hindbrain [28,3639] and as a consequence, is required in the specification and assembly of r4-derived auditory sensory and motor neurons [28]. Lineage tracing analysis using an r4-specific reporter gene has shown that r4 will contribute to various nuclei of the ascending sound pathway, such as the cochlear nucleus, the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, and the superior olivary complex [28,40]. Besides sensory neurons, in ventral r4 MOC, LOC, and FMN efferent neurons will form the sensorimotor reflex circuits needed for sound amplification and cochlea protection [5]. By genetically inactivating Hoxb1, constitutive null mutant mice have abnormally specified r4-derived sensory nuclei, lack IEE motor neurons, and exhibit malformed OHCs in the inner ear. These defects lead to defective sound amplification and increased auditory threshold [28] reproducing the hearing loss of patients with mutations in the HOXB1 gene, who show a bilateral mild to moderate high-frequency hearing loss and no otoacoustic emissions, indicative of abnormal OHC functionality [29].

In this study, we aimed to understand the origin of the auditory defects due to the absence of Hoxb1/HOXB1 by assessing the roles of sensory and/or motor components in the abnormal auditory threshold and OHC degeneration phenotypes described in Hoxb1null mutants. To this goal, we used a conditional genetic approach to independently inactivate Hoxb1 either in the cochlear sensory neurons or in the efferent motor neurons and compared these mice to Hoxb1null mutant mice in which both motor and sensory neurons were impaired. By combining electrophysiological and anatomical analyses, we show that altered auditory thresholds observed in Hoxb1null mice are partially reproduced only when efferent motor neurons are severely reduced or lost during development and prior to hearing functionality. Our data support the hypothesis that the physical interaction between MOC neurons and OHCs during a critical developmental period is essential for the proper maturation and functioning of OHCs and cochlear amplification of sound.


Loss of cochlear amplification in Hoxb1null mutant mice

To obtain a more detailed functional analysis of the hearing loss in the Hoxb1null adult mice, we probed the auditory brainstem response (ABR), as a proxy of the synchronous activation of nuclei along the ascending auditory pathway (Fig 1A), using tone bursts from 4 to 32 kHz. An 8-kHz tone burst elicited ABR is composed of multiples waves corresponding to the electrical responses of the auditory nerve (wave 1), the cochlear nucleus (wave 2), the superior olivary complex (wave 3), the lateral lemniscus (wave 4) and inferior colliculus (wave 5) (Fig 1A and 1B). Auditory thresholds in heterozygous mice (Hoxb1HET) were comparable to Ctrl mice (mean threshold: 27 ± 0.4 dB SPL vs 29.2 ± 1.2 dB SPL in Ctrl and Hoxb1HET mice respectively, P = 0.33, two-tailed Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon’s test; Fig 1B–1D and S1 Data). In contrast, we observed elevated auditory thresholds in the Hoxb1null mice at all probed frequencies, i.e., across the tonotopic axis (mean threshold: 27 ± 0.4 dB SPL vs 66.2 ± 2.3 dB SPL in Ctrl and Hoxb1null mice respectively, P = 0.014, two-tailed Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon’s test; Fig 1B–1D and S1 Data). These results suggest a non-operating amplification process within the cochlea, i.e., the loss of active mechanisms provided by OHC activity. Thus, to assess any defective cochlear amplification, we measured distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), which directly reflect the mechanical activity of OHCs. While we found a slight but significant reduction in DPOAEs of the Hoxb1HET mice compared to Ctrl mice (Mean 2f1-f2 for f2 between 5 to 20 kHz: 23.5 ± 1.3 dB and 19.7 ± 0.6 dB in Ctrl and Hoxb1HET mice respectively, P = 0.02, two-tailed Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon’s test; Fig 1E and 1F and S1 Data), DPOAEs from Hoxb1null mice were strongly reduced in comparison to Ctrl and Hoxb1HET mice (Mean 2f1-f2 for f2 between 5 to 20 kHz: 4.3 ± 1.6 dB in Hoxb1null mice; P = 6.10−4 in Hoxb1null vs Ctrl and P = 1.10−4 in Hoxb1null vs Hoxb1HET mice, respectively, two-tailed Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon’s test; Fig 1E and 1F and S1 Data). Together, our data show that loss of Hoxb1 function leads to defective OHC activity and thus to hearing impairment consistent with our previous work [28].

Fig 1. Hearing loss in the Hoxb1 constitutive loss-of-function mouse line.

Fig 1

(A) Schematic of the auditory pathway probed by the ABRs in (B). Each wave of the ABR reflects the synchronous activation of the nuclei along the ascending auditory pathway. (B) Representative example of ABR recordings evoked by 8-kHz tone burst in 1- to 3-month-old Ctrl, Hoxb1HET and Hoxb1null mice. (C) Mean ABR ± SEM audiograms from 1- to 3-month-old Ctrl, Hoxb1HET and Hoxb1null mice recorded from 10 to 100 dB SPL. (D) Mean threshold ± SEM from (C). (E) DPOAEs from 1- to 3-month-old Ctrl, Hoxb1HET and Hoxb1null mice. The 2f1-f2 amplitude level is shown as a function of f2 frequency. The black lines indicate the background noise level. (F) Mean 2f1-f2 ± SEM amplitude level from (E) measured between 5 to 20 kHz. In (C) and (E), n indicates the number of cochleae recorded. Stars indicate the level of significance: *<0.05, ***<0.001 and n.s.>0.05, two-tailed Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon test. In (D) and (F), symbols represent individual cochleae. P indicates the level of significance, two-tailed Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon test. See also S1 Data. Abbreviations: OHCs, outer hair cells; IHC, inner hair cell; MOC, medial olivocochlear neuron; LOC, lateral olivocochlear neuron; SGN, spiral ganglion neuron; CN, cochlear nucleus; SOC, superior olivary complex; LL, lateral lemniscus; IC, inferior colliculus.

Normal auditory thresholds and OHC morphology in r4-sensory conditional Hoxb1 mutants

Given that r4-derivatives highly contribute to central sensory and motor components of the auditory system and that inactivation of Hoxb1, a key gene in r4 identity and specification, affects the development of all derivatives originating in r4 [28, 36, 37, 41], we decided to generate a series of Hoxb1 conditional mice which would inactivate Hoxb1 either in the sensory or motor cells of the auditory pathway (Fig 2). To this purpose, Hoxb1flox/flox mice [28] were first crossed to Atoh1-Cre [42,43] or Ptf1a-Cre [44,45] knock-in recombinase lines to specifically inactivate Hoxb1 in glutamatergic or GABAergic/glycinergic cochlear neurons, respectively, since Atoh1- and Ptf1a-expressing neuroepithelial regions contribute to excitatory and inhibitory subtypes of the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei [4,46] (Fig 2A and 2B). These lines will be named respectively Hoxb1CKOAtoh1Cre (or CKOAtoh1) and Hoxb1CKOPtf1aCre (or CKOPtf1a) mutants throughout this study. In this way, the role of the cochlear sensory populations in sound transmission and hair cell survival could be directly investigated. Since Hoxb1 is not expressed in hair cells in the cochlea [28,47] the Atoh1-Cre could not affect these populations. The CKOAtoh1 and CKOPtf1a conditional mutant lines were compared with constitutive Hoxb1null (or null) or conditional Hoxb1CKOr4Cre (or CKOr4) in which Hoxb1 is inactivated in the whole r4 domain at embryonic stages and thus abolished in both r4-derived motor and sensory neurons [28] (Fig 2A and 2B). While null mutants exhibit a complete loss of Hoxb1 expression from its onset, only the late expression of Hoxb1 in r4 is eliminated in CKOr4 mice thanks to the use of the b1r4-Cre [28]. First, we probed the functional state of the auditory pathway in the CKOAtoh1 and CKOPtf1a mice using ABR evoked by tone-burst. As shown in Fig 2C–2E, the audiograms were comparable between Ctrl, CKOAtoh1 and CKOPtf1a mice (mean threshold: 33.9 ± 0.8 dB SPL, 35.3 ± 0.8 dB SPL and 35.6 ± 0.6 dB SPL in Ctrl, CKOAtoh1 and CKOPtf1a mice respectively; Ctrl vs CKOAtoh1, P = 0.33; Ctrl vs CKOPtf1a, P = 0.33; CKOAtoh1 vs CKOPtf1a, P = 0.88, two-tailed Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon’s test; S1 Data). This suggests that the selective inactivation of Hoxb1 in the sensory cochlear neurons does not alter auditory function.

Fig 2. Conditional Hoxb1 inactivation in r4-derived motor and sensory neurons and recorded audiograms.

Fig 2

(A) Schematics of half of rhombomere 4 (r4) in the developing hindbrain showing DV domain of the activity of the different Cre-recombinase lines used in this study. While the Nkx2.2-Cre line is expressed in ventral r4 from which MOC, LOC, and FMN efferent motor neurons originated, the Atoh1- and Ptf1-Cre lines are expressed in distinct dorsal domains from which the sensory glutamatergic or GABAergic/glycinergic populations, respectively, of the cochlear nucleus (CN) are generated. (B) The genetic strategy used to inactivate Hoxb1 in different domains. In the null group, Hoxb1 is inactivated from the onset of expression; in the conditional CKOr4 mice, Hoxb1 expression is exclusively abolished in r4 from E8.5 onwards. DV-restricted inactivation is obtained by using the CKOAtoh1 and CKOPtf1a mice for CN sensory components or the CKONkx2.2 mice for the motor efferent structures. (C-H) Audiograms from distinct mouse groups are indicated above each graph. Empty circles: mean ABR ± SEM, dashed lines: individual cochleae. n indicates the number of cochleae recorded. See also S1 Data.

To ensure that the normal threshold was accompanied by proper OHC morphology and efferent innervation, we harvested the cochleae of individual mice previously recorded in electrophysiological sessions and processed them for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to detect the innervation of OHCs by MOC efferent neurons, and for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to analyze the structure and organization of the OHCs in the cochlea (Fig 3). No significative differences in terms of the presence of MOC/OHC interactions were observed in CKOAtoh1 and CKOPtf1a cochleae relative to control ones (Fig 3A, 3A’, 3C, 3C’, 3E and 3E’). In addition, the overall OHC row organization and V-shaped morphology were preserved in mutant cochleae (Fig 3B, 3B’, 3D, 3D’, 3F and 3F’). In all genotypes, MOC terminals show their typical structure with a well-recognized electron-dense cytoplasm characterized by the presence of synaptic cisterns (white arrows in Fig 3A’, 3C’ and 3E’), supporting a functional interaction between MOCs and OHCs, and in line with the normal auditory thresholds described in Fig 2C–2E. Taken together these data show that loss of Hoxb1 function in the excitatory and inhibitory cell populations of the cochlear nucleus does not affect proper OHC maturation and cochlear amplification of sound.

Fig 3. Normal medial olivocochlear neuron (MOC) innervation and outer hair cell (OHC) morphology in r4-sensory Hoxb1 mutant mice.

Fig 3

Transmission electron microscopy of MOC innervating OHC (A, C, E, high magnification in A’, C’, E’) and scanning electron microscopy of OHCs (B, D, F, high magnification in B’, D’, F’) in cochleae of Ctrl (A-B’) and Hoxb1 sensory conditional adult mice, CKOAtoh1 (C-D’) and CKOPtf1a (E-F’), in which Hoxb1 is affected in glutamatergic and GABAergic/glycinergic cochlear sensory neurons, respectively. Scale bars 1000 nm (A, C, E), 500 nm (A’, C’, E’), 10 μm (B, D, F), 2 μm (B’, D’, F’). White arrows in A’, C’, E’ point to synaptic cisterns at the interface between OHC and MOC.

Altered auditory thresholds in r4-motor conditional Hoxb1 mutants

To assess whether the motor components originating from r4 were responsible for the auditory impairments observed in Hoxb1null mutants, we used the Nkx2.2-Cre line [48] to inactivate Hoxb1 solely in ventral motor neurons (Fig 2A and 2B). As previously shown, the domain of ventral r4 progenitors expressing the Nkx2.2 gene produces visceral motor neurons, such as FMN and IEE precursors, which will differentiate into MOC and LOC efferent neurons [49,50]. To confirm that Hoxb1 was specifically downregulated in the r4 ventral motor domain of the CKONkx2.2 line, in situ hybridization on embryological (E) 11.5-old flat-mounted hindbrains confirmed selective loss of Hoxb1 transcript in ventral r4 (Fig 4A). Moreover, in situ hybridization of Tbx20, a known marker for visceral motor neurons along the AP axis of the hindbrain [5153], on coronal sections of postnatal (P) 8 pups showed a decreased population of Tbx20-expressing neurons in the ventral region of CKONkx2.2 and CKOr4 brains when compared to Ctrl brains (arrowheads in Fig 4B). No OC neurons were labeled in the expected ventral locations in null embryos since Hoxb1 is inactivated from the onset of its expression before efferent neuron development (Fig 4B). Moreover, abnormally dorsally located cells expressing Tbx20 were also visible in all mutant brains (Fig 4B). These ectopic cells might be r3-like misspecified motor neurons, in line with the r4 to r3 change of identity upon loss of Hoxb1 during early development [25,28,36].

Fig 4. Partial loss of olivocochlear neurons in r4-motor conditional Hoxb1 mutant mice.

Fig 4

A) Dorsal views of E11.5 flat-mounted hindbrains stained with an antisense riboprobe for Hoxb1. Red arrows indicate Hoxb1 loss solely in the r4 ventral motor domain of the CKONkx2.2 mouse line. B) In situ hybridization of coronal sections of P8 brains positive for Tbx20 labeling medial (MOC) and lateral (LOC) olivocochlear neurons and the trigeminal nucleus (V). Bottom panels show high-magnification images of boxed areas. Arrowheads point to the few spread cells in the ventral olivocochlear region of conditional mutant mice only. Ectopic dispersed Tbx20-expressing cells are present in more dorsal locations of all mutant mice. CN, cochlear nucleus. Scale bars 200 μm (A), 400 μm (B).

To functionally assess auditory performances, we probed the activation of the auditory system in the Hoxb1 conditional CKONkx2.2 and CKOr4 mutant mice and compared them with the null group (Fig 2F–2H). As shown in our earlier study [28] and in Figs 1 and 2, the constitutive inactivation of Hoxb1 leads to threshold shifts at all the probed frequencies (mean threshold: 68.1 ± 1.8 dB SPL in Fig 2F and S1 Data). In the CKOr4 mouse line, we measured an increase in threshold compared to Ctrl mice (mean threshold: 33.9 ± 0.8 dB SPL vs 63.2 ± 2.2 dB SPL in Ctrl mice and CKOr4 mice respectively, P = 2.1.10−8, two-tailed Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon’s test, Fig 2G and S1 Data). In the same manner, we measured a significant elevation in threshold in the CKONkx2.2 line compared to Ctrl mice (mean threshold: 33.9 ± 0.8 dB SPL vs 49.7 ± 3.3 dB SPL in Ctrl and CKONkx2.2 mice respectively, P = 0.0002, two-tailed Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon’s test, Fig 2H and S1 Data), thus partially reproducing the severe null auditory impairment. By testing the Cre-recombinase lines alone, which showed no difference compared to Ctrl, we were able to exclude any contribution of r4-Cre and Nkx2.2-Cre to the altered threshold of conditional mice (S1 Fig).

However, we noticed that the audiograms of the CKONkx2.2 and CKOr4 mice were widely distributed in comparison to the other genotypes. Thus, to determine the degree of variability in the hearing impairment, we used an algorithm of ascending hierarchical classification across the audiogram waveforms of the different mouse lines (96 audiograms, 6 lines, Fig 5). Two main classes of audiograms came out from the analysis, corresponding to mice with low- and high-threshold, respectively (see dendrogram in Fig 5A; cross-tabulation as shown in Fig 5A, χ2 = 71.8, p = 6.1.10−14, low- and high-threshold audiograms in Fig 5B and S1 Data). Notably, audiograms of Ctrl, CKOAtoh1, and CKOPtf1a mice turned out to be part of the low-threshold class, according to their similar audiogram waveform (Fig 5C and S1 Data). On the opposite, all the Hoxb1null mice were segregated within the high-threshold group (Fig 5C and S1 Data). Among the CKOr4 mice line, 92% of the animals were classified as high-threshold leaving only a small fraction of CKOr4 mice in the low-threshold pool (Fig 5A and 5D and S1 Data). Moreover, 67% of the CKONkx2.2 mice fell into the high-threshold category while 33% belonged to the low-threshold class (Fig 5A and 5E and S1 Data). This subdivision into high- and low-threshold groups can be explained by the efficiency and/or temporal variability of the action of the Cre recombinase during motor neuron development, as previously described for the CKOr4 line [28]. In the mouse mutants with low auditory threshold, the Cre inactivates Hoxb1 either inefficiently or after the specification of a suitable number of efferent neurons, so that OHC function is supported. Instead, the Cre would act with major efficiency or earlier, thus strongly affecting the efferent neuron formation in mice with a high auditory threshold.

Fig 5. Audiograms of low- and high-threshold conditional Hoxb1 mutant mice.

Fig 5

(A) Ascending hierarchical classification (euclidean distance, ward linkage method) across the audiogram waveforms of Ctrl, CKOAtoh1, CKOPtf1a, Hoxb1null, CKOr4 and CKONkx2.2 mice. Cross tabulation inset shows the number of animals belonging to low- and high-threshold groups. B) Audiograms from all mice according to the low- and high-threshold distribution. (C-E) Audiograms from mice according to the low- and high-threshold distribution in (C) Ctrl, CKOAtoh1, CKOPtf1a and Hoxb1null mice, (D) CKOr4 and (E) CKONkx2.2 mice. Empty circles: low-threshold cluster, filled circles: high-threshold cluster. n indicates the number of cochleae recorded. See also S1 Data.

Finally, to probe the functional alteration of the ascending auditory pathway, we measured the amplitude and latency of the most prominent ABR waves, i.e., wave 1, 3 and 4, corresponding to the synchronous response of neurons in the auditory nerve, the superior olivary complex and the lateral lemniscus, respectively (Fig 6). Consistent with the elevated thresholds (Fig 6A and S1 Data), we measured smaller ABR wave 1, 3 and 4 amplitudes in the null group (Ampwave1: 0.71 ± 0.07 μV, Ampwave3: 1.16 ± 0.16 μV; Ampwave4: 1.15 ± 0.14 μV), but also in CKOr4 (Ampwave1: 0.67 ± 0.09 μV, Ampwave3: 1.2 ± 0.21 μV; Ampwave4: 1.14 ± 0.2 μV) and CKONkx2.2 mice (Ampwave1: 0.83 ± 0.11 μV, Ampwave3: 1.39 ± 0.20 μV; Ampwave4: 1.34 ± 0.15 μV) belonging to the high-threshold group in comparison to Ctrl mice (Ampwave1: 1.35 ± 0.16 μV, Ampwave3: 2.77 ± 0.33 μV; Ampwave4: 2.10 ±0.22 μV; wave 1: P < 0.05, wave 3: P < 0.01, wave 4: P < 0.05, one-way analysis of variance and post hoc Tukey test) (Fig 6B–6D and S1 Data). In contrast, latencies were comparable between the genotypes (Fig 6E–6G and S1 Data) consistent with our previous results [28]. Taking together, these results suggest that the selective invalidation of Hoxb1 in r4 ventral motor neurons (CKONkx2.2) leads to hearing impairments that partially reproduce the ones observed in the null and CKOr4 for the experimental groups with high thresholds.

Fig 6. Reduction of auditory nerve activity in r4-motor Hoxb1 conditional mice.

Fig 6

(A) Mean ABR recordings evoked by 11.3-kHz tone burst from 10 to 80 dB SPL in Ctrl, Hoxb1null, CKOr4 and CKONkx2.2 mice. SEM: shaded grey. (B-G) Mean ABR wave 1, 3 and 4 amplitudes (B, C and D) and latencies (E, F and G) evoked at 11.3 kHz, 80 dB SPL in Ctrl, Hoxb1null, CKOr4 and CKONkx2.2 mice (the genotypes refer to the same colors in A). Symbols: individual cochlea. Samples sizes are indicated by numbers. See also S1 Data.

Altered MOC innervation and OHC morphology in r4-motor conditional Hoxb1 mutants with abnormally high thresholds

To assess whether the heterogeneity in the auditory thresholds was correlated with structural defects at the level of the inner ear, we processed the previously recorded cochleae for EM analyses (Fig 7). In Ctrl mice, proper MOC endings at the level of OHCs and their characteristic arrangement in several rows could be observed (Fig 7A and 7B). Similarly, the low-threshold groups of CKOr4 and CKONkx2.2 mouse mutants with normal auditory thresholds displayed MOC efferent nerve endings on OHCs and V-shaped stereocilia with staircase pattern, similarly to Ctrl inner ears (Fig 7E, 7F, 7I and 7J; CKONkx2.2low vs Ctrl: 88.7 ± 7.7%; P = 0.5; CKOr4low vs Ctrl: 78.6± 8.6%; P = 0.2; S2 Fig and S1 Data), suggesting that presence of MOC innervation could preserve normal OHC morphology. On the contrary, in the high-threshold groups of CKOr4 and CKONkx2.2 mouse mutants with elevated auditory thresholds, no or very few efferent endings could be found at the level of the OHCs in all cochleae examined (Fig 7G and 7K; CKONkx2.2high vs Ctrl: 0.7 ± 0.1%; P<0.0001; CKOr4high vs Ctrl: 0 ± 0%; P<0.0001; S2 Fig and S1 Data), and OHC stereocilia showed severe structural abnormalities with affected cilia either fused or absent (Fig 7H and 7L) highly reproducing the null phenotype (Fig 7C and 7D) [28]. These cellular abnormalities support the functional auditory impairments and suggest that the specific absence of motor efferent neuron innervations is strictly linked to the malformation of OHCs and is, most probably, responsible, even if not completely, for the altered auditory threshold in Hoxb1-dependent hearing loss.

Fig 7. Altered medial olivocochlear neuron (MOC) innervation and outer hair cell (OHC) morphology in r4-motor conditional Hoxb1 mutants.

Fig 7

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of MOC innervating OHC (A, C, E, G, I, K) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of OHCs (B, D, F, H, J, L) in the cochleae of the genotypes indicated to the left. MOC innervation and normal OHC morphology were observed in control (Ctrl) and conditional mice with low auditory thresholds (A, B, E, F, I, J). In mutant mice with altered high thresholds (C, D, G, H, K, L), no MOC efferent on OHCs and severe malformations of OHC arrangement and disarray of stereocilia were observed. Scale bars 1μm (A, C, E, G, I, K), 10μm (B, D, F, H, J, L). See also S2 Fig and S1 Data.


Development and function of efferent innervation in the auditory pathway

Our aptitude to successfully perceive and interact with the environment includes the activity of efferent motor pathways that can modulate the signals transmitted by the afferent sensory systems. In the auditory pathway, the efferent system, constituted by the OC bundle and originating from the medial and lateral OC nuclei in the superior olivary complex of the brainstem, projects onto distinct hair cells of the developing cochlea and is well recognized to modulate cochlear activity [54]. MOC and LOC efferents play distinct roles in regulating the cochlear function [5,55]. While MOC terminals use principally acetylcholine to inhibit OHCs and modulate sound amplification within the cochlea [13], LOC efferent fibers contain several neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, acetylcholine, and GABA, project directly onto afferent fibers and regulate auditory fibers activity [5658], and binaural balance for spatial sound localization [59].

Auditory processing deficits can occur in models of congenital OC dysfunction, even if these deficits have often been suggested to reflect abnormal central auditory development rather than defects in the OC feedback [60]. Direct evidence that the OC system contributes to the perception of sounds in noise comes primarily from animal studies in which the OC bundle was surgically ablated. Lesions of the crossed OC bundle in adult cats result in small or no increases in tone detection thresholds and intensity discrimination [6163] although de-efferentation renders the cochlea more vulnerable to acoustic injury [64] and dramatically increases noise-induced permanent threshold shifts [23]. However, severed OC bundle in neonatal cats leads to elevated thresholds, decreased sharpness of tuning, as well as lower spontaneous discharge rates [65], most probably because OHCs, as cochlear amplifiers, fail to develop normally in the absence of efferent innervation. This also highlights the importance of early interactions, possibly of chemical nature, between efferent neurons and their postsynaptic targets more at neonatal than adult stages [3] for proper cochlear functional maturation.

These studies, however, rely on transection of the entire OC bundle, including both LOC and MOC neurons, and are thus unable to distinguish MOC from LOC function. Unilateral chemical ablation of LOC neurons via neurotoxin injection into the lateral superior olive complex disrupts the normal interaural correlation in response to sounds of equal intensity by having, however, no effect on auditory thresholds but rather on their amplitude [7,59]. Indeed, increases in suprathreshold neural responses turned out to be frequency- and level-independent and not attributable to OHC-based effects [7]. These findings suggest that LOC neurons modulate cochlear nerve excitability and protect the cochlea from neural damage, but have little or no effect on auditory thresholds [56].

Impact of efferent motor neurons on the auditory threshold impairment of Hoxb1null mutants

Thanks to a cell-specific conditional genetic approach in mice, we show that severe reduction or loss of early IEE generation during development will lead to hearing defects and severe abnormalities of OHC morphology (Fig 8). Our earlier and present studies have demonstrated a strong auditory impairment in Hoxb1null mice as confirmed by ABR and DPOAE (Fig 1 and [28]). Since r4-derived sensory and motor auditory components are both affected in these constitutive null mice, we were unable to discern the implication of sensory cochlear versus motor efferent neurons in this defect. We thus used a conditional genetic approach allowing us to independently inactivate Hoxb1 either in the r4-derived cochlear sensory neurons or in the efferent motor neurons and compared these mice to null and CKOr4 mutant mice in which both types of neurons were altered [28]. Our work shows that altered auditory threshold and malformation of OHCs are partially reproduced in CKONkx2.2 conditional mice in which Hoxb1 is solely inactivated in ventral motor neurons at early stages during the onset of IEE generation. These results argue for a key role of efferent motor neurons in the impairment of the cochlear amplification system in the absence of Hoxb1 function.

Fig 8. Summary model of the effect of Hoxb1 inactivation in the auditory pathway.

Fig 8

In a physiologically normal condition in which efferent neurons are normally operating, the innervation of MOC and LOC efferent fibers to OHCs and to afferent fibers in contact with IHCs leads to a normal audiogram measured by ABR (to the right). In contrast, the presence of defective efferents, as is the case for full or conditional deletion of Hoxb1, will affect the normal shape of the audiograms causing increased auditory thresholds, as described in this study. Abbreviations: OHCs, outer hair cells; IHC, inner hair cell; MOC, medial olivocochlear neuron; LOC, lateral olivocochlear neuron; SGN, spiral ganglion neuron; CN, cochlear nucleus; SOC, superior olivary complex; LL, lateral lemniscus; IC, inferior colliculus.

A direct role of Hoxb1 on hair cell development can be excluded since the gene is not expressed in presumptive hair cells [28]. In addition, altered hearing thresholds are already present in one-month-old Hoxb1null mice acoustically isolated at birth, suggesting that the increased threshold is probably not due to altered function of the efferent feedback systems that cannot protect the cochlea from noise-induced hearing damage [28]. Moreover, our previous data showed that the morphology of OHCs was only affected postnatally after MOC neurons and OHCs failed to interact, whereas OHCs resulted undamaged at P8 before interactions normally occur [28]. Moreover, in neonatal transection of the OC bundle, MOCs never reach the OHCs in the de-efferented ears [65]. This strongly suggests that MOC neurons might either over-or under-express a key component of the OHC amplification process. More support comes from the observations that the persistence of MOC neurons innervating the OHCs in the low-threshold groups of CKOr4 and CKONkx2.2 mice (this study) or in the partially de-efferented cats [65] is sufficient to support a normal auditory threshold and OHC morphology. In addition, no differences in the latencies of the evoked responses were found in the ABR analysis of the mutant mice, indicating that the auditory stimuli, when perceived, can travel normally along the successive nuclei of the central auditory pathway, even in the presence of abnormal CN and ventral lateral lemniscus specification, as previously described [28]. However, the amplitude of the different waves resulted impaired in mutant mice with high thresholds, suggesting that the absence of LOC neurons might also contributes to the hearing defect, particularly in regulating amplitude levels, as shown by chemical LOC disruptions [7].

We, therefore, propose that degeneration of OHCs and consequently, altered hearing thresholds in our mutant mice, might be caused by the absence of synaptic and/or trophic chemical stimulation of cochlear hair cells from the MOC fibers during a postnatal critical period, which is essential for proper maturation and functioning of OHCs. Nevertheless, we have to consider that the altered function of the MOC reflex (due to loss of MOC neurons and misspecification of PVCN nucleus) and of the MEM reflex (due to affected differentiation of FMN neurons) [28,39], even if, most probably, not the main cause of the altered threshold, render the cochleae of Hoxb1 mutants more hypersensitive to environmental sounds. Therefore, the OHCs (and consequently the cochlear amplification system) will result increasingly damaged with time determining a more pronounced progressive age-related degeneration of hearing in Hoxb1 mutant mice, as previously described [28]. Finally, in order to exclude as much as possible the influence of the MEM reflex, which mainly responds to high-level sound stimuli [1618], we have chosen to use low-level sound stimuli when measuring contralateral suppression.

In conclusion, we have dissected the specific functional role of r4-derived efferent motor neurons in the complex phenotype of the Hoxb1null mutant. Our present work has provided strong evidence in favor of the important role of early MOC efferent innervation on the functional maturation of OHCs unraveling one of the causes of altered auditory threshold in the sensorineural hearing loss of mice and patients with a recessive mutation in the HOXB1 gene.

Materials and methods

Ethics statement

All animal experiments were conducted in accordance with the French Animal Welfare Act and European guidelines for the use of experimental animals, using protocols approved by the French Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation (reference # APAFIS#l 8019–2018112919027679 v4) and the local ethics committee in Nice, France (CIEPAL NCE/2019–548).

Hoxb1 transgenic mutant lines

The generation and genotyping of mouse lines have been previously described: Hoxb1flox, Hoxb1null, and r4-Cre line, before denominated b1r4-Cre [28], Nkx2.2-Cre [48], Atoh1-Cre [42] and Ptf1a-Cre [44]. To alter Hoxb1 function in r4 motor or sensory neurons, Hoxb1flox mice were crossed with several knock-in DV-Cre recombinase lines: Nkx2.2-Cre for motor neurons, Atoh1-Cre and Ptf1a-Cre for glutamatergic and GABAergic/glycinergic cochlear neurons respectively, obtaining conditional KO line of specific DV domains, CKONkx2.2, CKOAtoh1 and CKOPtf1a. Instead, in the r4-Cre line the Cre recombinase is under the control of a well-characterized enhancer that induces the later expression of Hoxb1 exclusively in r4 [66]. The r4-Cre line were crossed with Hoxb1flox mice to inactivate Hoxb1 in r4 motor and sensory neurons from E8.5 onwards obtaining conditional KO of r4, CKOr4, previously denominated Hoxb1lateCKO [28]. Mice were bred in-house and maintained on a 129S2/SvPas genetic background. Female and male mice were put in mating in the evening, and midday of the day of the observed vaginal plug was considered as embryonic day 0.5 (E0.5).

Distortion Product Otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE)

An ER-10C S/N 2528 probe (Etymotic Research), consisting of two emitters and one microphone, was inserted in the left external auditory canal. Stimuli were two equilevel (65 dB SPL) primary tones of frequency f1 and f2 with a constant f2/f1 ratio of 1.2. The distortion 2f1-f2 was extracted from the ear canal sound pressure and processed by HearID auditory diagnostic system (Mimosa Acoustic) on a computer (Hewlett Packard). The probe was self-calibrated for the two stimulating tones before each recording. f1 and f2 were presented simultaneously, sweeping f2 from 20 kHz to 2 kHz by quarter octave steps. For each frequency, the distortion product 2f1-f2 and the neighboring noise amplitude levels were measured and expressed as a function of f2.

Auditory brainstem response (ABR)

Mice were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of Rompun 2% (3 mg/kg) and Zoletil 50 (40 mg/kg) and mouse temperature was measured with a rectal thermistor probe and maintained at 38.5°C ± 1 using a heated under-blanket (Homeothermic Blanket Systems, Harvard Apparatus). The acoustical stimuli consisted of 10-ms tone bursts, with an 8-ms plateau and 1-ms rise/fall time, delivered at a rate of 20.4/s with alternate polarity by a JBL 2426H loudspeaker in a calibrated free field. Stimuli were generated and data acquired using MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) and LabVIEW (National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA) software. The potential difference between vertex and mastoid intradermal needles was amplified (5000 times, VIP-20 amplifier), sampled (at a rate of 50 kHz), filtered (bandwidth of 0.3–3 kHz) and averaged (600 times). Data were displayed using LabVIEW software and stored on a computer (Dell T7400). The ABR was recorded at decreasing intensity of sound from 100 to 10 dB SPL and ABR threshold was defined as the lowest sound intensity, which elicits a clearly distinguishable response. The ABR thresholds were measured at 6 test frequencies 5.6, 8, 11.3, 16, 22.3, 32 kHz that are preferentially perceived at different levels of cochlea across the tonotopic axis, and each audiogram was stored as a vector containing these six threshold values. Audiograms obtained in control and mutant mice were classified using an agglomerative hierarchical clustering algorithm using Euclidean distance and Ward linkage method. Unless specified, Shapiro-Wilk test (p ˃ 0.05) and one-way ANOVA test with post-hoc Tukey’s multiple comparisons test were used for statistical tests.

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy

The cochleae of WT, null, and of the different conditional KO lines, previously tested by ABR, were dissected to analyze the efferent innervation and OHC morphology. One cochlea of each animal was analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the other by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), as previously described [28]. The inner ear was fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 for 4 h at 4°C and rinsed in PBS overnight. Corti organs were isolated, rinsed in PBS and postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide solution in a 0.05 M PBS at pH 7.4. Samples for TEM were dehydrated with ethanol and then propylene oxide and embedded in Epon 812 resin (Fluka). The blocks were cut using a Super Nova Leica Ultratome. Ultrathin sections (80 nm) were stained with 2% uranyl acetate and 2.66% lead citrate. Grids were examined by using a Fei-Tecnai-G electron microscope at 120 kV. For SEM analysis, after fixation and dehydration in alcohol, a critical point drying was performed. The samples were mounted on aluminum stubs and sputter coated with gold. The processed samples were investigated and photographed using a JEOL 6700F SEM operated at 5 kV and at 8.3 mm working distance. SEM and TEM images were collected digitally. We processed n = 3 Ctrl, n = 6 CKONkx2.2, n = 6 CKOr4, n = 3 null cochleae.

In situ hybridization

In situ hybridization on brain sections and whole mount embryos were performed as previously described [28]. P8 pups were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4. The brains were dissected and fixed overnight in 4% PFA. Tissues were cryoprotected with 10, 20 and 30% sucrose in PBS, frozen in OCT embedding matrix (Kaltek) and cryostat sectioned at 16 μm thickness in the coronal plane. The coronal brain sections were hybridized using digoxigenin-labelled (Roche labelling kit) riboprobes for Tbx20 and acquired at slide scanner Vectra Polaris. Whole mount hybridization was performed on E11.5 embryos after fixation overnight in 4% PFA in PBS using the antisense RNA probe for Hoxb1. Hindbrains were dissected and flat mounted in 4% PFA:80% glycerol and acquired at stereomicroscope.

Supporting information

S1 Fig. Normal Auditory Brainstem Response in DV-Cre and r4-Cre recombinase lines.

Audiograms from r4-Cre, Nkx2.2-Cre, Atoh1-Cre, Ptf1a-Cre mice. Auditory thresholds in Cre recombinase lines are comparable to Ctrl mice. Mean threshold ± SEM: 33.9 ± 0.8 dB SPL, 38.3 ± 1.4 dB SPL, 35 ± 2.5 dB SPL, 34.6 ± 0.8 dB SPL, 32.9 ± 2.3 dB SPL in Ctrl, r4-Cre, Nkx2.2-Cre, Atoh1-Cre, Ptf1a-Cre mice respectively. P = 0.27, one-way analysis of variance. See also S1 Data.


S2 Fig. Altered number of MOC/OHC interactions in mutant cochleae with high auditory thresholds.

The percentage of the presence (A) of MOC/OHC interactions was quantified relative to the control group (CKONkx2.2low vs Ctrl: 88.7 ± 7.7%; P = 0.5; CKOr4low vs Ctrl: 78.6± 8.6%; P = 0.2; CKONkx2.2high vs Ctrl: 0.7 ± 0.1%; P<0.0001; CKOr4high vs Ctrl: 0 ± 0%; P<0.0001), whereas the percentage of the absence (B) of MOC/OHC interactions was quantified relative to the Null group (CKONkx2.2low vs Null: 13.0 ± 6.8%; P<0.0001; CKOr4low vs Null: 21.5 ± 7.6%; P<0.0001; CKONkx2.2high vs Null: 100 ± 6.8%; P>0.9; CKOr4high vs Null: 100 ± 6.8%; P>0.9). Data were statistically analyzed with One-Way ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni test and results are shown as mean ± SEM.**** P<0.0001. See also S1 Data.


S1 Data. Numerical raw data related to Fig 1C–1F, Fig 2C–2H, Fig 5A–5E, Fig 6A–6G, S1 Fig, S2 Fig.



We thank L. Gan for the Atoh1-Cre line and Christopher V. E. Wright for the Ptf1a-Cre line that we kindly received from Huda Y. Zoghbi, as well as A. Holz for the Nkx2.2-Cre line. A particular thank to K. Moneret and M. Giribaldi for animal husbandry.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

This work was funded by the “Agence Nationale Recherche” (ANR-15-CE15-0016-01) to M.S and J.L.P, and “Fondation Pour l’Audition” (FPA RD-2017-5) to M.S. Both funders fully supported this study and M.D.B. salary. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Hua Tang, Licia Selleri

30 May 2023

Dear Dr Studer,

Thank you very much for submitting your Research Article entitled 'Abnormal outer hair cell efferent innervation affects Hoxb1-dependent sensorineural hearing loss' to PLOS Genetics. Due to the challenge of identifying competent and available reviewers, we apologize for the delay in reaching an editorial decision.

Your article has been evaluated by the journal's senior editors and by three independent peer reviewers. The study, based on the use of multiple mouse lines with constitutive and conditional knockouts of Hox1 genes, is a real tour de force of mouse genetics. The approach is sound and achieves the disruption of different parts of the auditory signaling pathways to dissect the networks involved in hearing loss in Hoxb1 mouse mutants. The three reviewers agree that this research is important and the manuscript is well written. 

The Reviewers also agree that while the present study extends previous work conducted by your group, the current use of conditional mouse mutagenesis leads to define the cellular basis of Hoxb-1-linked hearing loss. The Reviewers concur that major strengths of this study include: (a) the use and characterization of four conditional mouse mutant lines, (b) the thorough electrophysiological analysis and high-resolution anatomical methods that have been employed, (c) the side-by-side comparison of conditional and null Hoxb1 mutant mice, and (d) the analysis of audiograms in all mouse mutant lines. As you will see, there is an overall consensus regarding the potential interest and significance of your work.

However, a number of weaknesses were also identified, as described below. All three Reviewers raised concerns that revolve around the lack of details regarding the afferent and efferent fibers based on the use of tracing and/or immunocytochemistry experiments, which were not conducted; the need for a deeper characterization of the conditional mouse mutant lines; the requirement for additional marker analysis; the need for better quantification of the data; and the lack of appropriate citations of previous papers that are of high relevance to the current study, including the omission of recent literature from the references. As a result, all the Reviewers expressed concerns that not all conclusions that were reached are supported by the data presented in the current manuscript.

Specifically, Reviewer 1 raises serious concerns regarding the lack of mapping of the inner ear efferents (IEE) fibers with proper tracing to the ear in the relevant cKO mice. The Reviewer also requests to add the statistical significance to specific figures; to provide more robust proof of the absence of medial olivocochlear (MOC) neuron efferents by using a dye tracing, and to perform immunostainings for type II afferents.

Reviewer 2 states that there is not enough evidence to demonstrate that MOC neuron efferent terminals are consistently aberrant in the cKO animals and that the authors do not convincingly demonstrate whether the defects observed in the knockout mice are limited to MOCs, or if there are also contributing perturbations caused by the middle ear muscles. This Reviewer is concerned that contributions from other systems may indeed have an impact on the observed phenotypes. Therefore, the Authors should at least discuss the potential contributions of other systems to the reported pathology in the cKO mice. Reviewer 2 also requires more robust evidence of MOC axon terminal degeneration, stating that at present only one single animal is used for each condition, with only one single image shown and little detail regarding numbers. This is not considered sufficient evidence. 

Reviewer 3 recommends detailed pre-synaptic and post-synaptic marker analysis, which would significantly strengthen the conclusion that interactions between motor neurons and outer hair cells are crucial. Regrettably, such marker analysis is lacking. This Reviewer also requests further support to the conclusion reached by the Authors that, based on analysis of Tbx20, lateral olivocochlear (LOC) and MOC neuron populations are decreased. The Reviewer states that it remains unclear whether LOC and MOC neurons are normally born but fail to differentiate and extend axons and dendrites, or if they are not born at all, or if they are born and then die. Experiments with additional MN markers (GATA3, ChAT) or cell death markers would help distinguish between these possibilities. Like Reviewer 1, Reviewer 3 also requests the Authors add the statistical significance and error bars to specific figures.

The article and the critiques from the three Reviewers have now been discussed among members of the editorial board with appropriate expertise. At present, we all agree that the work required to address the Reviewers' (and our) concerns requires a ‘Major Revision’. If additional information is obtained in response to all of the critiques raised by the Reviewers, we will be willing to evaluate a revised manuscript that incorporates all of the revisions that have been requested. However, we caution that eventual success at PLOS Genetics will require satisfactorily addressing all of the main concerns that were raised by the Reviewers.

Should you decide to revise the manuscript for further consideration here, your revisions should address the specific points made by each reviewer. We will also require a detailed list of your responses to the review comments and a description of the changes you have made in the manuscript.

If you decide to revise the manuscript for further consideration at PLOS Genetics, please aim to resubmit within the next 60 days, unless it will take extra time to address the concerns of the reviewers, in which case we would appreciate an expected resubmission date by email to

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To resubmit, use the link below and 'Revise Submission' in the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

Yours sincerely,

Licia Selleri

Academic Editor

PLOS Genetics

Hua Tang

Section Editor

PLOS Genetics

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Authors:

Please note here if the review is uploaded as an attachment.

Reviewer #1: This paper presents the effects of Hoxb1 that can affects IEE. An altered effects of Nkx2.2 CKO after deletion of IEE and FBMs while losing with Hoxb1 using Atoh1 and Ptf1a CKO shows near normal cochlear nuclei.

Unfortunately, the data of IEE to vestibular efferents requires additional information. Given that the IEE is somewhat bilateral to the MOC the statement cited in #48 is an overstatement after cutting the OC bundle (see details of Bruce et al., 1997).

Previous work showed that the loss of OHC and IHC after losing it afferents and efferents (Kersigo and Fritzsch, 2015). I strongly add the details of afferents to OHC using peripherin in P8 and adult mice (Elliott et al., 2021). I suggest tracing the IEE fibers with proper tracing to the ear.


P3, Lin 5 cochlear cranial nerves end up in the cochlear nuclei. The distinct population is clear but does not fit to the ‘vestibulocochlear’ nerves (see Yang et al., 2011; Filova et al., 2022). Suggest to refer to the cochlear cranial nerve to avoid misunderstandings.

P3, line 10 Suggest pointing out the facial MNS that migrate away (see Bruce et al., 1997).

P4, line 5 suggest adding r2-5 for auditory nuclei

P4, line 15 suggest citing the work of Wong et al., 2011 that details the r4 develoment.

P6, 9 from below, suggest giving credit to Chen et al., 2012 that details very nicely the absence of r4, thank you.

P8, line 11 from below. An additional IEE are known as vestibular efferents (see Bruce et al., 1997 for details). What will happen in the absence of IEE that goes to reach out the vestibular hair cells? Will that be a parallel next review?

P10 The absence of IEE is shown nicely with ISH. However, my question is that all IEE are all absent in the relevant CKO mice? Perhaps a tracing of efferents could validate the suggestion as we know that even in the absence of ear neurons that IEE can redirect to the facial MNs (Ma et al., 2000).

P11 line 16 why is a _ between cochlea and MOC?


2 should be replaced by Malmierca, 2015

3 Simmons should be replaced by Simmons et al., 2011

15 I believe the paper by Zuo et al., 1999 should be cited here

19. suggest adding the citation of Elliott et al., 2021

28. suggest adding the work of Matei et al., 2005 for complete

30 a most recent presentation by Elliott et al., 2023

31 suggesting citations such as Bruce et al., 1997

34 suggest adding the work of Karis et al., 2000

55 suggest adding the citation of Wang et al., 2005

65 suggest adding for Wong et al., 2011 that details the feedback for Hox


Fig. 1 Significances are needed (p; 0.05?) in B. The 32 kHz shows an effect of Hoxb1 het. What is the significance?

Fig. 2 A recent publication (Elliott et al., 2023) shows the expansion of Ptf1a deletion. It would be interesting to show the effect of Ptf1 deletion in r4 that should show less expansion compared to Ptf1a deletions.

Fig. 4 A detailed tracing information was presented by Bruce et al., 1997 that clarifies the presentation of vestibular, LOC and MOCs. How many vestibular efferents develop in different CKO deletions?

Fig. 6 This information seems to compare with Maricich et al., 2009 after Hoxb1 deletions of Atoh1. Different ABRs have been described after complete deletion of Isl1 (Filova et al., 2023). How close is the ABR after different deletions?

Fig. 7. Nice images but will not proof the absence of MOCs. Suggest using a dye tracing to show the absence of MOCs (see Zuo et al., 1999).

Fig. 8 Suggest providing Prph type II fibers (see Elliot et al., 2021). Show the immunostaining for type II afferents and trace the LOC/MOC differentially at P8 and P40.

Reviewer #2: In the manuscript by Di Bonito et al (PGENETICS-D-23-00405) the authors use mouse lines with systemic and conditional knockouts of Hox1 genes (expressed in rhombomere 3-4 where auditory neurons originate), intended to disrupt different parts of the auditory signaling pathways to investigate the precise networks involved in hearing loss in Hoxb1 mouse mutants. The work combines auditory function testing including auditory brainstem response (ABR), distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE), scanning and transmission electron microscopy (EM), and in situ hybridization for markers of motor neurons to show that the cochlear innervation defects and hearing deficits observed in Hoxb1 null mice are likely due to defects specifically in the olivocochlear efferent pathway. Further, the results indicate that MOC innervation of the cochlea, and particularly outer hair cells (OHC), have a clear role in development and maintenance of the OHC system, which is critical for normal hearing but is aberrant in mice with mutations of the efferent system.

The manuscript is well written, figures are clear, statistics are appropriate. Some more recent literature is missing from citations (see detail below). Overall this is important work that furthers our knowledge of the role of the olivocochlear efferent system in maintaining cochlear cell health and hearing function by demonstrating that loss of olivocochlear neurons in developmental stages causes OHC degeneration.

Weaknesses of the work are that it depends on precise knockout of Hoxb1 in different cell populations using different Cre driver lines. This work does not demonstrate the precision of the knockouts, readers must reference previous works to see demonstrations of the specificity of the mouse lines. However, a helpful schematic is added to show how the cell-type specific knockouts are performed by targeting different rhombomeres in the developing nervous system. There are some variable results with the penetrance of the Cre in some of the conditional knockouts, resulting in some variable auditory function responses, but this is sufficiently discussed and analyzed in the manuscript. Another weakness is that there is not enough evidence to demonstrate that MOC efferent terminals are consistently aberrant in the cKO animals, more detail below. Finally, the authors do not convincingly demonstrate that the effects of knockouts are limited to MOC, not LOC neurons or with contributing effects from the middle ear muscles. Contributions from these other systems may indeed contribute to pathology and are also an important finding, but the language regarding the contributions of these other systems to pathology should be more clear.


• Evidence of MOC axon terminal degeneration: The transmission EM images showing degeneration of MOC efferent terminals onto OHCs in the null and ‘high’ lines requires at a minimum more detail of how many sections were analyzed because it is possible that the examples shown are simply from a sectioning plane below OHCs that does not happen to have an MOC terminal. While this is unlikely, more description of the process of examining multiple sections through OHCs is necessary to thoroughly eliminate the possibility that MOC neurons are healthy but in other sections, or MOC neurons are unhealthy and degenerating, or small, but present, which would add additional detail to the research. At present, only a single animal is used for each condition, with only a single example image shown and little detail regarding numbers, which is simply not enough evidence. More detail is required about the experiments that were performed. I would also recommend whole mount immunolabels with OC markers such as VAChT or CHAT or AChE to show a loss of MOC terminals across many more OHCs.

• Lack of effects of cKO on LOC efferents, middle ear muscles, central neurons. In these experiments LOC efferent neurons will also be disrupted at the same time as MOC neurons. The loss of LOC neurons may also contribute to the hearing deficits observed here. Is there a way to more clearly determine whether the LOC neurons are involved, or not? Similar to the suggestion above, cholinergic staining in the inner spiral bundle may assess LOC innervation. Also, more detailed analysis of ABR wave 1 amplitudes, latencies, etc may be used to assess changes to the function of the type I SGN independent of thresholds and OHC function. Some of the wording in the manuscript includes the possibility that LOC efferents play a role in auditory dysfunction (eg second to last sentence in the introduction) while other lines exclude LOC function (eg the final line of the introduction), and these should be clarified throughout.


• Some references should be added:

o Intro line 13, LOC effects – add Groff and Liberman 2003 PMID: 14615429.

o Intro 15-16 MOC effects, add Romero and Trussell 2021 PMID: 34250904 for recent evidence of CN innervation of MOC neurons, also consider that MOC neurons receive inhibition: Torres Cadenas et al 2020 PMID: 31719165

o Intro lines 17-18 and discussion page 15 – consider recent work showing that the MEM reflex is more sensitive than previously appreciated, incorporate into work as necessary – 2 works by Valero PMID: 26657094 and PMID: 29598837 – does this influence your interpretation of your results?

o Intro first paragraph, last line – consider adding more recent works from the lab of Dr. Gomez Casati

o Intro page 4 – “intermediate part of the dorsal cochlear nucleus” is not a regularly used term, what does this refer to? Granule cell domains separating VCN and DCN? Granule cell domains within deep layers of the DCN? Other?

o Discussion first paragraph, last line on page 11 – add Frank et al 2023 for neurotransmitters in efferent neurons PMID: 36876911

o In multiple locations that discuss the effects of the MOC efferent system on development of central neurons Clause et al should be referenced PMID: 24853941

• Typos:

o Intro last line, ‘functionating’ to ‘functioning’

o Intro page 4, first full paragraph, line 6 – ‘evolution’ to ‘evolutionarily’

o Intro page 5, ‘previous to hearing functionality’ to ‘’prior to hearing functionality’

o Discussion first paragraph – an underscore is present instead of a space before ‘MOC’ in the middle of the paragraph

• Figure 1 legend – ‘n indicates the number of cochleae recorded’ should be included in the panel (D) text, not panel (E)

• The figure 1 colors look ok in a pdf, but they print poorly – consider using a different color for the Hoxb1null animals, or at least a different shade of blue. In addition, using different symbols in plots B and D for the different genotypes would aid readability.

• The text throughout figure 2 is too small

• Error bars appear to be either missing in plots 2 F and G, or are too small. I would expect them to be far larger than in plots C-E because there is obviously more spread in the data.

Reviewer #3: The study is important because HOXB1 mutations in humans cause hereditary hearing impairments.

Hoxb1 global mutations in mice also cause hearing loss, as earlier work by the authors has showed. The current study extends their previous work by using conditional mouse mutagenesis to pinpoint the cellular basis of Hoxb-1-linked hearing loss. The data strongly suggest that the interactions between olivocochlear motor neurons and outer hair cells during a critical postnatal period are crucial for the establishment of the cochlear amplification of sound. Major strengths of this work include: (a) four conditional mouse mutants are characterized, (b) Thorough electrophysiological analysis and high-resolution anatomical methods are employed, (c) Side-by-side comparison of conditional and null Hoxb1 mutant mice, and (d) the wide distribution of audiogram is nicely analyzed with hierarchical classification in all mouse mutant lines. A number of weaknesses we are also identified, as described below. Most (but not all) conclusions are supported by the data.

Major issues:

1. Title: Improve title of the paper because the causal role of Hoxb1 in generating the innervation phenotype is not clearly reflected.

The Introduction and Discussion can be condensed and improved.

2. Introduction: The authors are encouraged to condense and simplify the first paragraph of Introduction. Please, provide only the necessary information of cell types needed to understand the paper. Avoid the use of 10 acronyms (OHC, IHCs, VIII, CN, LL, LOC, MOC, IEE, MEM, PVCN). Are all these necessary to be mentioned for the reader to understand the paper? It seems that all the reader needs to know to understand the paper is MOC (motor neurons) and OHC (sensory neurons).

3. Discussion: Discussion is unnecessary long and needs a lot of work to be improved. This is important. The authors are strongly encouraged to reduce it to 3-4 pages maximum (current length is 6 pages), so the key take-home messages are succinct and easy for the reader to grasp. The first 2 pages of the Discussion add new information from the literature full of acronyms and anatomical terms. This part entitled “Development and function of efferent innervation…”is not necessary, and I am not sure what the discussed nAChR studies add to this paper. These 2 pages can be substituted with a short paragraph that tells the reader what is the knowledge gap, and what is the new information that this manuscript provides. The authors are encouraged to follow this guide:

4. A key message of the paper is that interactions between motor neurons and OHCs are crucial. Pre-synaptic and post-synaptic marker analysis would significantly strengthen this conclusion. Also, in the text and Abstract, the authors should make clear what do they think is the nature of this interaction. I presume it is a direct (chemical) synapse.

5. Essential to the conclusions of the paper is the detailed characterization of the conditional mouse mutants. The Nkx2.2 CKO line is partially characterized. The confirmation of reduced Hoxb1 mRNA expression in Nkx2.2Cre mice in ventral r4 is convincing, but the authors conclude, based on Tbx20, that a decreased population of LOC and MOC neurons is present. However, it remains unclear whether LOC and MOC neurons are normally born but fail to differentiate and extend axons and dendrites, or they are not born at all, or born and then die. Experiments with additional MN markers (GATA3, ChAT) or cell death markers could help distinguish between these possibilities. Moreover, in Figure 4, quantifications are needed of the number of Tbx20-expressing LOC and MOC neurons, similar to what the authors did in their previous 2013 work (PMID: 23408898). The issue of what exactly happens to LOC and MOC neurons is particularly important in light of the observation that audiograms in CKONkx2.2 line are split 50/50 in high- and low-threshold.

6. The manuscript mentions that OHCs degenerate (do not survive) in the the Nkx2.2 CKO line. Convincing data showing degeneration of these cells are not provided.

7. Data are not provided to show loss of Hoxb1 expression in sensory (inhibitory and excitatory) cochlear neurons in CKOAtoh1 and CKOPtf1a mice. This is very important in light of the absence of a phenotype in these animals (Fig. 2C-E).

8. Quantifications of data (as they authors did in PMID: 23408898) presented in Figure 3 and Figure 7 would strengthen the conclusions.

Minor issues:

In Figure 1, panel A, The authors should bring the schematic (WT only) from Figure 8. This would help the non-expert reader with auditory anatomy. It would also help communicate the key take-home message of this paper, i.e., the interaction between motor neurons (MOC) and OHCs.

In Introduction, last paragraph, please clarify that null phenotype is partially (not completely) reproduced in CKOr4 and CKONkx2.2 mutants. At the end of Results section, it is also important to clarify this as well.


Have all data underlying the figures and results presented in the manuscript been provided?

Large-scale datasets should be made available via a public repository as described in the PLOS Genetics data availability policy, and numerical data that underlies graphs or summary statistics should be provided in spreadsheet form as supporting information.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

Decision Letter 1

Hua Tang, Licia Selleri

22 Aug 2023

Dear Dr. Studer,

We are pleased to inform you that your revised manuscript entitled "Abnormal outer hair cell efferent innervation in Hoxb1-dependent sensorineural hearing loss" has been editorially accepted for publication in PLOS Genetics. Congratulations!

As you will see, all Reviewers state that your revised paper has been substantially improved and is now acceptable for publication. All three Reviewers initially requested additional evidence that the MOC efferent neurons are indeed absent (or reduced) in the various mouse lines you analyzed and suggested immunofluorescence experiments or tract tracing assays to provide a more robust confirmation of the results. However, in consideration of the fact that you no longer have the mice due to the refurbishment of your Animal Facility (which forced you to cryopreserve all of your mouse lines) and that you have now provided more detailed and extensive information regarding the TEM experiments, all Reviewers agree that the current evidence that the MOC terminals are reduced, or absent, is overall adequate.

Reviewer 1 suggests only a few very minor editorial changes, as detailed below, that we would like you to address promptly in order to send your manuscript to production.

Before your submission can be formally accepted and sent to production you will also need to complete our formatting changes, which you will receive in a follow up email. Please be aware that it may take several days for you to receive this email; during this time no action is required by you. Please note: the accept date on your published article will reflect the date of this provisional acceptance, but your manuscript will not be scheduled for publication until the required changes have been made.

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If you have a press-related query, or would like to know about making your underlying data available (as you will be aware, this is required for publication), please see the end of this email. If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming article at this point, to enable them to help maximise its impact. Inform journal staff as soon as possible if you are preparing a press release for your article and need a publication date.

Thank you again for supporting open-access publishing; we are looking forward to publishing your work in PLOS Genetics!

Yours sincerely,

Licia Selleri

Academic Editor

PLOS Genetics

Hua Tang

Section Editor

PLOS Genetics

Twitter: @PLOSGenetics


Comments from the reviewers (if applicable):

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Authors:

Please note here if the review is uploaded as an attachment.

Reviewer #1: Using Hoxb1 deletion causes loss of MOC and LSO from IEEs. Absence of IEE lets to a shift in the ABR threshold. The paper has expanded and provides my previous suggestions. Very minor suggestions are attached.


P3, line 7 from below: suggested changes: The assembly of central and peripheral auditory...

P4, line 11 from below: suggested changes: Besides sensory neurons, in ventral r4 (cite the work of Simmons et al., 2011

P6, line 3 from below: suggest adding the paper of Maricich et al, 2009

P11, line 14: suggest providing Simmone et al., 2011 that details the ipsilateral and contralateral input to MOC and LOC, respectively.

Reviewer #2: The authors have in part provided additional information to support their results, namely detailing that a number of mice and sections that were used to perform MOC counts in the various mutant mouse lines in TEM experiments. Their n is higher than I had initially thought. It is unfortunate that the mice are no longer available and so they can't perform additional experiments such as immunos, but I think that the weight of what they have performed and presented is enough to satisfy my doubts about whether MOC terminals to OHCs are indeed absent or reduced.

The authors have fully addressed my other concerns.

Reviewer #3: The authors have addressed my concerns. The revised manuscript is very much improved.


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: Yes: Paschalis Kratsios


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Acceptance letter

Hua Tang, Licia Selleri

31 Aug 2023


Abnormal outer hair cell efferent innervation in Hoxb1-dependent sensorineural hearing loss

Dear Dr Studer,

We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript entitled "Abnormal outer hair cell efferent innervation in Hoxb1-dependent sensorineural hearing loss" has been formally accepted for publication in PLOS Genetics! Your manuscript is now with our production department and you will be notified of the publication date in due course.

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Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Fig. Normal Auditory Brainstem Response in DV-Cre and r4-Cre recombinase lines.

    Audiograms from r4-Cre, Nkx2.2-Cre, Atoh1-Cre, Ptf1a-Cre mice. Auditory thresholds in Cre recombinase lines are comparable to Ctrl mice. Mean threshold ± SEM: 33.9 ± 0.8 dB SPL, 38.3 ± 1.4 dB SPL, 35 ± 2.5 dB SPL, 34.6 ± 0.8 dB SPL, 32.9 ± 2.3 dB SPL in Ctrl, r4-Cre, Nkx2.2-Cre, Atoh1-Cre, Ptf1a-Cre mice respectively. P = 0.27, one-way analysis of variance. See also S1 Data.


    S2 Fig. Altered number of MOC/OHC interactions in mutant cochleae with high auditory thresholds.

    The percentage of the presence (A) of MOC/OHC interactions was quantified relative to the control group (CKONkx2.2low vs Ctrl: 88.7 ± 7.7%; P = 0.5; CKOr4low vs Ctrl: 78.6± 8.6%; P = 0.2; CKONkx2.2high vs Ctrl: 0.7 ± 0.1%; P<0.0001; CKOr4high vs Ctrl: 0 ± 0%; P<0.0001), whereas the percentage of the absence (B) of MOC/OHC interactions was quantified relative to the Null group (CKONkx2.2low vs Null: 13.0 ± 6.8%; P<0.0001; CKOr4low vs Null: 21.5 ± 7.6%; P<0.0001; CKONkx2.2high vs Null: 100 ± 6.8%; P>0.9; CKOr4high vs Null: 100 ± 6.8%; P>0.9). Data were statistically analyzed with One-Way ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni test and results are shown as mean ± SEM.**** P<0.0001. See also S1 Data.


    S1 Data. Numerical raw data related to Fig 1C–1F, Fig 2C–2H, Fig 5A–5E, Fig 6A–6G, S1 Fig, S2 Fig.



    Submitted filename: RESPONSES TO REVIEWERS.pdf

    Data Availability Statement

    All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

    Articles from PLOS Genetics are provided here courtesy of PLOS