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. 2023 Oct 12;18(10):e0292835. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292835

The relationship between hemoglobin and V˙O2max: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Kevin L Webb 1,2, Ellen K Gorman 1, Olaf H Morkeberg 1, Stephen A Klassen 3, Riley J Regimbal 1, Chad C Wiggins 1, Michael J Joyner 1,2,#, Shane M Hammer 4,#, Jonathon W Senefeld 1,2,5,*,#
Editor: Daniel Boullosa6
PMCID: PMC10569622  PMID: 37824583



There is widespread agreement about the key role of hemoglobin for oxygen transport. Both observational and interventional studies have examined the relationship between hemoglobin levels and maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max) in humans. However, there exists considerable variability in the scientific literature regarding the potential relationship between hemoglobin and V˙O2max. Thus, we aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the diverse literature and examine the relationship between hemoglobin levels (hemoglobin concentration and mass) and V˙O2max (absolute and relative V˙O2max) among both observational and interventional studies.


A systematic search was performed on December 6th, 2021. The study procedures and reporting of findings followed Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Article selection and data abstraction were performed in duplicate by two independent reviewers. Primary outcomes were hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max values (absolute and relative). For observational studies, meta-regression models were performed to examine the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max values. For interventional studies, meta-analysis models were performed to determine the change in V˙O2max values (standard paired difference) associated with interventions designed to modify hemoglobin levels or V˙O2max. Meta-regression models were then performed to determine the relationship between a change in hemoglobin levels and the change in V˙O2max values.


Data from 384 studies (226 observational studies and 158 interventional studies) were examined. For observational data, there was a positive association between absolute V˙O2max and hemoglobin levels (hemoglobin concentration, hemoglobin mass, and hematocrit (P<0.001 for all)). Prespecified subgroup analyses demonstrated no apparent sex-related differences among these relationships. For interventional data, there was a positive association between the change of absolute V˙O2max (standard paired difference) and the change in hemoglobin levels (hemoglobin concentration (P<0.0001) and hemoglobin mass (P = 0.006)).


These findings suggest that V˙O2max values are closely associated with hemoglobin levels among both observational and interventional studies. Although our findings suggest a lack of sex differences in these relationships, there were limited studies incorporating females or stratifying results by biological sex.


Maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max) represents the highest rate of oxygen uptake and utilization during large muscle-mass exercise [1]. The concept of V˙O2max was first described by the Nobel prize laureate A.V. Hill in the early 1920’s [2, 3] and is a preeminent physiological variable in the field of human integrative physiology [46]. In addition to V˙O2max describing cardiorespiratory fitness among athletes and otherwise healthy humans [710], V˙O2max also serves as a powerful prognostic index of both the life span and health span among humans, including those with chronic disease [11, 12]. Although there is debate about which steps along the oxygen transport pathway limit V˙O2max in healthy humans, there is widespread agreement about the key role of oxygen transport via hemoglobin in the blood [13, 14]. In this context, the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max in humans has been extensively studied [1517].


Many different approaches have been used to study the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max in humans, including both observational studies and interventional studies. When designing a study to estimate the causal effect of an intervention on a physiological outcome (for example, the change in hemoglobin levels on V˙O2max), interventional studies are generally considered to be the least susceptible to bias [18]. For interventional studies, researchers control the assignment of the treatment or exposure which may limit bias associated with unmeasured confounders. Observational study designs, however, are more susceptible to unmeasured confounding influences, and generally do not involve a researcher-controlled intervention. Thus, interventional and observational study designs are inherently different from an epistemological standpoint [19]. Although a strong relationship between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max in humans has been demonstrated in both observational studies [16, 20, 21] and interventional studies [2224], some uncertainty remains. As an example, although it is clear that an increase in hemoglobin levels is associated with an increase in V˙O2max (a process referred to as ‘blood doping’ in sport [24]), uncertainty remains about the potential relationship between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max among other interventions (e.g., dietary supplementation). In this framework, there are ambiguous areas associated with biological diversity and heterogenous study designs, and an unbiased synthesis of information may provide key insights from the scientific corpus [25]. Thus, the present work was performed to provide a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis on the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max in humans.


This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max by pooling data from observational studies and interventional studies. Moreover, as a secondary objective, prespecified analyses aimed to determine whether this relationship is influenced by population characteristics (i.e., biological sex) or intervention characteristics (subsequently defined in methods section) which may modify hemoglobin levels or V˙O2max.


Registration and protocol

This systematic review and meta-analysis followed the recommendations of and reported findings according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines [26]. The study protocol has been registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews, ‘PROSPERO’, (CRD42022329010). All changes to the study protocol are reported in the Methods section. In accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, 45 CFR 46.102, this study was exempt from obtaining institutional review board approval from Mayo Clinic and from obtaining informed patient consent because it represents secondary use of publicly available data sets.

Information sources and search strategy

On December 6, 2021, MEDLINE was searched for eligible articles by three authors (S.A.K., C.C.W., J.W.S.). Keywords used in the search included: [(oxygen consumption) OR (oxygen uptake) OR (VO2) OR (VO2max)] AND [(hemoglobin) OR (hematocrit) OR (hemodilution) OR (transfusion) OR (venesection) OR (anemia) OR (polycythemia) OR (erythrocythemia) OR (erythropoietin) OR (blood loss) OR (blood doping)] AND (exercise). Only published material was identified and exported to a web-based systematic review management software (Covidence, Melbourne, Australia). The search was not limited by study design or publication period. To be eligible for inclusion, full-text translations must have been available in English. References of included articles were examined for potential inclusion.

Eligibility criteria

Eligible participants included healthy adults (age 18 years or older) and adults with disordered erythropoiesis (anemia, polycythemia, iron deficiency with anemia, iron deficiency without anemia, or thalassemia) without secondary pathologies.

Eligible articles met prespecified inclusion criteria. Eligible articles reported hemoglobin levels (hemoglobin concentration or hemoglobin mass) and V˙O2max achieved during exercise. Eligible V˙O2max tests typified a standard V˙O2max protocol and included a graded or incremental exercise test to task failure with continuous pulmonary gas exchange measurements. Task failure criteria included a combination of at least two of the following criteria: 1) “classical” plateau in V˙O2; 2) elevated respiratory exchange ratio (RER, greater than 1.0, 1.1, or 1.15); 3) near maximal, self-reported rating of perceived effort (e.g., Borg Scale6-20 ≥ 17); and 4) maximum heart rate greater than 90% of age-predicted maximum heart rate. In this framework, studies that assessed V˙O2peak or estimated V˙O2max were not eligible for inclusion.

Eligible exercise modalities which may be associated with an accurate representation of V˙O2max included running, cycling, swimming, rowing, inclined walking, and exercise using a large muscle-mass ergometer (ski, kayak, or row ergometer). Eligible V˙O2max tests were performed in standard environmental conditions. Thus, ineligible V˙O2max tests included tests performed using non-normoxic inspirates, an altitude greater than approximately sea level, or substantial deviation from room temperature (~20°C).

Eligible hemoglobin concentrations were determined using blood samples obtained via venipuncture or arterial catheterization. Measurements of hemoglobin concentration are associated with both good stability and validity [27, 28], and thus, are often considered the gold-standard measurement of circulating hemoglobin. Notably, however, there is heterogeneity in methodological assessments and associated biological variability due to factors such as the source of blood sample, body positioning during blood collection, circadian variation, and measurement device [29]. Eligible hemoglobin mass values were determined using either a carbon monoxide rebreathing protocol [30] or dye dilution with a fluorescent or radioactive tracer [31]. Similar to measurements of hemoglobin concentration; however, these techniques are subject to considerable heterogeneity in methodological assessment. Additionally, confounding physiological factors such as changes in circulating volumes and incomplete distribution/mixing of the tracer may negatively influence the reliability of these techniques [32].

Selection process and data collection process

Both the selection process and data abstraction process were performed in duplicate and independently by two reviewers from a cohort of seven potential reviewers (K.L.W., E.K.G., O.H.M, S.A.K., R.J.R, S.M.H, and J.W.S.). Conflicts regarding article selection and data abstraction were independently verified by a third reviewer. Disagreements were discussed until consensus. Further information on the article selection process is presented in Fig 1.

Fig 1. PRISMA flow diagram.

Fig 1

Flow diagram displaying the selection of articles through different phases of the systematic review, and categorization of included articles.

Data items

Data abstraction was performed using a standardized data abstraction form. Abstracted data included participant characteristics (sample size, sex, age, height, weight, body mass index, absolute V˙O2max, and relative V˙O2max) and hematological characteristics (hemoglobin levels (both hemoglobin concentration and hemoglobin mass), and hematocrit) as available.

If an article reported multiple measurements of V˙O2max for the same condition associated with a single measurement of hemoglobin level, the greatest value of V˙O2max was used for analyses. If an article reported hematological data from both arterial and venous blood samples, data associated with the arterial blood sample(s) was used for analyses.

If data associated with primary outcomes (hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max values) were not numerically reported in the text, authors were contacted via email to obtain numerical data. If the data could not be provided but were presented in figures, WebPlotDigitizer [33] was used to extract means and standard deviations. If data were reported with standard error (SE), the following equation was used to convert data to standard deviation (SD): SD=SE×n.

Article categorization

Included articles were categorized as observational or interventional according to study design [18]. Observational articles included studies which reported the primary outcomes (hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max values) without respect to a defined event or intervention. Interventional articles included allocation to a clearly defined event or intervention and reported the primary outcomes (hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max values) before and after the clearly defined event or intervention. Interventional articles were further categorized into five mutually exclusive subgroups according to the intervention: 1) blood transfusion or donation, 2) erythropoiesis stimulating agents, 3) dietary supplementation, 4) environmental hypoxia, or 5) aerobic (de)training.

Study risk of bias assessment and reporting bias assessment

Risk of bias assessment was conducted using the Risk Of Bias In Non-Randomized Studies—of Interventions (ROBINS-I) [34] for interventional studies and the Risk Of Bias In Non-randomized Studies–of Exposures (ROBINS-E) [35] for observational studies. Two reviewers from a cohort of three potential reviewers (K.L.W., E.K.G, J.W.S.) applied the risk of bias assessment independently, and data were independently verified by a third reviewer. Disagreements were discussed until consensus. Egger’s [regression] test was used to assess potential publication bias in meta-analyses.

Effect measures

Applied meta-regressions used absolute and relative V˙O2max as the effect measure. Meta-analysis models used the standard paired difference as the effect measure to quantify changes in V˙O2max following a performed intervention. The tau-squared (τ2) statistic was used to estimate between-study variance and the Higgins I-squared statistic (I2) was used to estimate relative heterogeneity within meta-analyses [36].

Synthesis methods

For the primary outcomes (hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max values), we performed meta-analysis and meta-regression using random-effects models to account for variability between studies [37]. Analyses were performed separately for observational studies and interventional studies. Outcome data were pooled from each study to provide one single data point. A minimum of two studies were required to perform meta-analyses [38]. Additional prespecified, exploratory analyses were performed stratified by biological sex by pooling data for male and female subgroups within each study as available. Analyses were performed using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software (CMA 3.3, Biostat, Englewood, New Jersey, USA). Figures were created using SigmaPlot software (SigmaPlot 12.5, Systat Software Inc, Chicago, Illinois, USA). Results are reported with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), statistical significance was set at α = 0.05, and all tests were two-tailed.

Observational studies

For analyses of observational studies, an amalgam was created using all observational articles and data associated with interventional articles that were measured before the defined event or intervention (so called “baseline data”). The primary analysis investigated the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max values. Because hemoglobin level was described by two metrics (hemoglobin concentration and hemoglobin mass) and V˙O2max was described by two metrics (absolute V˙O2max and relative V˙O2max), the primary analysis was associated with four separate comparisons. Meta-regression models were performed to determine heterogeneity of V˙O2max values associated with hemoglobin levels. Exploratory meta-regression models were then performed with subgroups stratified by biological sex. Results of meta-regression models are presented as (slope coefficient; 95% Confidence Interval (CI); R2; τ2; P-value; n (number of studies or subgroups)).

Interventional studies

For analyses of interventional studies, standard paired difference was used to quantify the change of absolute V˙O2max and relative V˙O2max (separately) in response to the defined, researcher-controlled event or intervention. Meta-analyses were performed for subgroups of interventional studies as defined in the ‘Article Categorization’ section herein. Results of meta-analyses are presented as (pooled standard paired difference; 95% CI; Z-value; τ2; P-value; n (number of studies)).

Meta-regression models were performed to assess the relationship between study-level covariates (hemoglobin levels) and the effect size of the change in V˙O2max values (standard paired difference). Similar to analyses of observational studies, the primary meta-regression models were associated with four separate comparisons because both hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max values are described by two separate variables.


Study selection and study characteristics

The process of study selection and article categorization is represented in the PRISMA flow diagram (Fig 1). A total of 3,625 articles were identified in the initial literature search, and duplicates were removed (n = 1). After screening titles and abstracts, 2,550 articles were deemed ineligible for inclusion. Of the remaining 1,074 full text articles, 381 articles were included. The references of the included 381 articles were then carefully inspected, and an additional 3 articles were deemed eligible for inclusion. Thus, 384 articles were included. Of the 384 included articles, 226 articles were categorized as observational [15, 20, 39262], and 158 articles were categorized as interventional. The 158 interventional articles were further categorized into five mutually exclusive subgroups according to the intervention: 1) blood transfusion or donation (n = 29) [263291], 2) erythropoiesis stimulating agents (n = 19) [292310], 3) dietary supplementation (n = 25) [311335], 4) environmental hypoxia (n = 40) [336375], or 5) aerobic (de)training (n = 45) [376420].

Ten of the included articles reported data for participants with disordered erythropoiesis (n = 6 beta-thalassemia, n = 2 iron deficiency anemia, n = 2 iron deficiency non-anemia). Within these ten articles, no measurements of hemoglobin mass were reported.

Risk of bias in studies

The results of the risk of bias assessment for observational articles and interventional articles are presented in S1 and S2 Tables, respectively. Among observational articles, 83% (188 of 226 articles) had a low risk of bias, 12% (28 of 226 articles) had a moderate risk of bias, and 4% (10 of 226 articles) had a high risk of bias. The moderate and high risk of bias were primarily associated with selection of participants and selection of reported results, primarily owing to the inclusion of participants with disordered erythropoiesis. Among interventional articles, 86% (136 of 158 articles) had a low risk of bias, 13% (20 of 158 articles) had a moderate risk of bias, and 1% (2 of 158 articles) had a high risk of bias. The moderate and high risk of bias were primarily associated with missing data and selection of reported results.

Egger’s regression tests demonstrated no significant publication bias among any interventional subgroups, including: 1) blood transfusion or donation (intercept, -0.805; P = 0.558; n = 29 studies), 2) erythropoiesis stimulating agents (intercept, 1.573; P = 0.136; n = 19 studies), 3) dietary supplementation (intercept, -1.070; P = 0.394; n = 25 studies), 4) environmental hypoxia (intercept, 0.290; P = 0.768; n = 40 studies), and 5) aerobic (de)training (intercept, 0.307; P = 0.741; n = 45 studies).

Results of syntheses

Observational analyses

For observational analyses, data were amalgamated from 226 observational articles and “baseline data” from 158 interventional articles. Observational data included 5,990 male participants and 3,310 female participants. Of the 384 included articles, 228 articles reported only data associated with male participants, 52 articles reported only data associated with female participants, 78 articles reported pooled data for males and females, and 26 articles reported data stratified by biological sex.

Meta-regression models demonstrated a strong, positive association between study-level data of V˙O2max values and hemoglobin levels (hemoglobin mass (Fig 2) and hemoglobin concentration (S1 Fig)), see Table 1. For data obtained from participants with disordered erythropoiesis, meta-regression models demonstrated a positive association between study-level data of hemoglobin concentration and absolute V˙O2max (slope coefficient, 0.255; 95% CI, 0.018 to 0.491; R2 = 0.42; τ2 = 0.28; P = 0.035; n = 6 studies). When excluding participants with disordered erythropoiesis, a positive association between hemoglobin concentration and absolute V˙O2max remained (slope coefficient, 0.402; 95% CI, 0.273 to 0.532; R2 = 0.28; τ2 = 0.79; P<0.0001; n = 193 studies).

Fig 2. The association between hemoglobin mass and maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max).

Fig 2

Bubble plots and meta-regressions displaying the positive association between hemoglobin mass and both absolute V˙O2max (A) and relative V˙O2max (B). Data for males are represented as purple bubbles, data for females are represented as green bubbles with plus sign symbols, and data for studies presenting males and females pooled (mixed) are represented as black bubbles with middle dot symbols. Each bubble represents a group from a single study and the size of bubbles represents the number of participants within the group. The solid line indicates the meta-regression line, and the dashed lines indicate the 95% prediction interval associated with the meta-regression.

Table 1. Hemoglobin levels as covariates of absolute and relative maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max) derived from observational analyses.
Absolute V˙O2max (L·min-1)
Coefficient [95% CI] P value R 2 τ 2 n
Hemoglobin mass
    All data 0.005 [0.003, 0.007] <0.0001 0.49 0.34 42
    Males 0.006 [0.004, 0.009] <0.0001 0.66 0.41 23
    Females 0.011 [0.008, 0.015] <0.0001 0.92 0.31 8
Hemoglobin concentration
    All data 0.404 [0.298, 0.510] <0.0001 0.29 0.77 199
    Males 0.148 [0.022, 0.274] 0.022 0.15 0.51 141
    Females 0.226 [0.060, 0.393] 0.008 0.22 0.31 41
Relative V˙O2max (mL·min -1 ·kg -1 )
Hemoglobin mass
    All data 0.058 [0.039, 0.077] <0.0001 0.55 130.27 58
    Males 0.054 [0.024, 0.084] <0.0001 0.19 67.75 37
    Females 0.137 [0.016, 0.258] 0.027 0.34 28.44 8
Hemoglobin concentration
    All data 4.649 [2.650, 6.648] <0.0001 0.10 121.87 284
    Males 0.882 [-1.120, 2.884] 0.388 0.02 83.77 175
    Females 5.999 [3.249, 8.728] <0.0001 0.45 67.59 63

Data depict results of independent meta-regressions in determination of hemoglobin levels (hemoglobin mass and hemoglobin concentration) as covariates of absolute V˙O2max and relative V˙O2max. Data were pooled from each study to provide one single data point for ‘All data’ derived coefficients (n denotes the number of studies). Additional independent analyses were performed for subgroups of data reporting males only and females (n denotes the number of subgroups). Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval.

Meta-regression models also demonstrated a positive association between study-level data of hematocrit and both absolute V˙O2max (slope coefficient, 0.146; 95% CI, 0.091 to 0.200; R2 = 0.19; τ2 = 1.14; P<0.0001; n = 136 studies) and relative V˙O2max (slope coefficient, 1.449; 95% CI, 0.965 to 1.932; R2 = 0.20; τ2 = 105.69; P<0.0001; n = 195 studies; S2 Fig). Exploratory analyses stratifying meta-regression models by biological sex found no sex differences in the relationship between hemoglobin mass and V˙O2max values (Table 1).

Interventional analyses

For analyses of interventional articles, data from 158 articles were included. From pooled interventional data, the meta-analysis model demonstrated a significant increase in absolute V˙O2max following the performed interventions (pooled standard paired difference, 0.183; 95% CI, 0.056 to 0.310; Z = 2.829; τ2 = 0.24; I2 = 11%; P = 0.005; n = 106 studies). The meta-regression model demonstrated a positive association between the change in hemoglobin concentration and the effect size of the change in absolute V˙O2max (standard paired difference), (slope coefficient, 0.271; 95% CI, 0.158 to 0.385; R2 = 0.25; τ2 = 0.19; P<0.0001; n = 100 studies). An additional meta-regression model demonstrated a positive association between the change in hemoglobin mass and the effect size of the change in absolute V˙O2max (standard paired difference), (slope coefficient, 0.008; 95% CI, 0.002 to 0.014; R2 = 0.04; τ2 = 0.31; P = 0.006; n = 24 studies). The 158 interventional articles were further categorized into five mutually exclusive subgroups according to the intervention. Thus, prespecified subanalyses were performed to examine the relationship between changes in hemoglobin levels and changes in V˙O2max values within the interventional subgroups, independently.

Blood transfusion or donation

Analyses included 29 articles associated with blood transfusion or donation. Of the 29 articles, 7 articles examined blood transfusion, 17 articles examined blood donation, and 5 articles examined both blood transfusion and donation. Overall, data were reported for a total of 310 male participants and 84 female participants. Only one article reported data for females only, limiting potential analyses stratified by sex.

For interventional articles associated with blood transfusion, the median amount of blood transfused was 500 mL (range, 400 to 900 mL). Data for the meta-analysis of blood transfusion studies were associated with an increase in absolute V˙O2max (pooled standard paired difference, 0.652; 95% CI, 0.351 to 0.954; Z = 4.244; τ2 = 0.02; I2 = 2%; P<0.0001; n = 11 studies; Fig 3). When removing one study examining blood transfusion among a clinical population (participants with beta-thalassemia), a significant increase in absolute V˙O2max following transfusion remained (pooled standard paired difference, 0.734; 95% CI, 0.395 to 1.073; Z = 4.245; τ2 = 0.03; I2 = 3%; P<0.0001; n = 10 studies).

Fig 3. The association between blood donation or transfusion and change in maximal oxygen uptake (absolute V˙O2max).

Fig 3

Forest plots depicting the effect size of the change of absolute V˙O2max (standard paired difference) following blood transfusion or donation. Different size symbols indicate relative weights used in meta-analyses and are proportional to study size. Abbreviations: SE, standard error.

For articles associated with blood donation, the median amount of blood drawn from the donor was 500 mL (range, 300 to 1350 mL). Data for the meta-analysis of blood donation studies were associated with a decrease in absolute V˙O2max (pooled standard paired difference, -0.658; 95% CI, -0.877 to -0.439; Z = -5.883; τ2 = 0.07; I2 = 39%; P<0.0001; n = 17 studies; Fig 3).

As described above, the 29 articles included in this section were associated with 22 datasets examining blood transfusion and 12 datasets examining blood donation (34 subgroups). The overall meta-regression model, including both blood transfusion and blood donation, demonstrated a positive association between the change in hemoglobin concentration and the effect size of the change in absolute V˙O2max (standard paired difference), (slope coefficient, 0.357; 95% CI, 0.260 to 0.454; R2 = 0.99; τ2<0.01; P<0.0001; n = 28 subgroups; Fig 4A).

Fig 4. The association between change in hemoglobin concentration and change in absolute maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max) following blood donation or transfusion.

Fig 4

Meta-regression and bubble plot depicting the relationship between the change in hemoglobin concentration and the effect size of the change in absolute V˙O2max (standard paired difference) among independent subgroups following blood transfusion or donation. Different size symbols indicate relative weights used in the meta-regression and are proportional to study sample size.

Erythropoiesis stimulating agents

Analyses included 19 articles associated with erythropoiesis stimulating agents, 18 articles examined erythropoietin supplementation and one article examined xenon inhalation. Of the 19 articles, data were reported for a total of 230 male participants and 17 female participants. No articles reported data for females only, limiting potential analyses stratified by sex. The meta-analysis model demonstrated an increase in absolute V˙O2max following administration of erythropoieses stimulating agents (pooled standard paired difference, 0.740; 95% CI, 0.510 to 0.969; Z = 6.315; τ2 = 0.03; I2 = 1%; P<0.0001; n = 12 studies; Fig 5). For studies examining the effects of erythropoietin alone, there was a significant increase in absolute V˙O2max following treatment (pooled standard paired difference, 0.789; 95% CI, 0.526 to 1.052; Z = 5.873; τ2 = 0.03; I2 = 1%; P<0.0001; n = 11 studies). Following treatment with erythropoiesis stimulating agents, the relationships between the change in hemoglobin concentration and changes in V˙O2max values were not statistically significant (absolute V˙O2max, P = 0.150; relative V˙O2max, P = 0.050).

Fig 5. The association between erythropoiesis stimulating agents and change in maximal oxygen uptake (absolute V˙O2max).

Fig 5

Forest plot depicting the effect size of the change in absolute V˙O2max (standard paired difference) following administration of erythropoiesis stimulating agents. Different size symbols indicate relative weights used in meta-analyses and are proportional to study size. Abbreviations: SD, standard error.

Dietary supplementation

Analyses included 25 articles associated with dietary supplementation—15 articles examined iron supplementation, 4 articles examined plant-based supplementation (echinacea (n = 2), beetroot (n = 1), and higenamine (n = 1)), 3 articles examined dietary restrictions (ketogenic diet (n = 1), caloric deficit (n = 1), and time restricted feeding (n = 1)), and 3 articles examined other dietary supplements (sodium phosphate (n = 1), vitamin C (n = 1), and beta-methylbutyrate (n = 1)). Of the 25 articles, data were reported for a total of 190 male participants and 305 female participants. Six articles reported data for males only, 13 articles reported data for females only, 4 articles reported pooled data for males and females, and 2 articles reported data stratified by biological sex. Due to an insufficient number of studies, stratified analyses were only performed to separately examine the effects of iron and echinacea supplementation.

There was a broad spectrum of heterogenous substances used for dietary supplementation, as described above. Thus, the change in hemoglobin concentration associated with dietary supplementation was heterogenous and ranged from a decrease of 1.2 g/dL to an increase of 1.3 g/dL (median, increase of 0.1 g/dL). The meta-analysis model demonstrated an increase in absolute V˙O2max following dietary supplementation (pooled standard paired difference, 0.274; 95% CI, 0.084 to 0.464; Z = 2.827; τ2 = 0.89; I2 = 69%; P = 0.005; n = 16 studies). Additionally, there was an increase in absolute V˙O2max following iron supplementation (pooled standard paired difference, 0.341; 95% CI, 0.050 to 0.631; Z = 2.301; τ2 = 1.37; I2 = 31%; P = 0.021; n = 9 studies). Among the two studies examining the effects of echinacea supplementation, data regarding absolute V˙O2max were not reported. There was no significant change in relative V˙O2max following echinacea supplementation (pooled standard paired difference, 0.330; 95% CI, -0.118 to 0.778; Z = 1.444; τ2 = 0.29; I2 = 74%; P = 0.149; n = 2 studies).

Meta-regressional analysis found no significant relationship between the effect size of the change in absolute V˙O2max (standard paired difference) and the change in hemoglobin concentration (P = 0.200).

Environmental hypoxia

Analyses included 40 articles associated with environmental hypoxia, 29 articles examined high-altitude acclimatization or sojourn and 11 articles examined chronic normobaric hypoxia. Of the 40 articles, data were reported for a total of 454 male participants and 80 female participants. Only one article reported data for females only, limiting potential analyses stratified by sex. Of the 40 included articles, 13 articles reported a change in hemoglobin mass. The median change in hemoglobin mass was 20 g increase from baseline, and there was a broad range across studies (16 g decrease to 55 g increase).

The meta-analysis model demonstrated an increase in absolute V˙O2max associated with environmental hypoxia (pooled standard difference, 0.203; 95% CI, 0.027 to 0.379; Z = 2.263; τ2 = 0.20; I2 = 5%; P = 0.024; n = 24 studies). Of the articles examining high-altitude sojourn or acclimatization, there was no significant change in absolute V˙O2max (pooled standard difference, 0.004; 95% CI, -0.217 to 0.224; Z = 0.031; τ2 = 0.13; I2 = 4%; P = 0.975; n = 16 studies). For articles examining the effects of chronic normobaric hypoxia, there was a significant increase in absolute V˙O2max (pooled standard difference, 0.550; 95% CI, 0.259 to 0.841; Z = 3.702; τ2 = 0.01; I2 = 2%; P<0.0001; n = 8 studies). Meta-regressional analysis demonstrated no significant relationship between the effect size of the change in V˙O2max (standard paired difference) and the change in hemoglobin concentration (P = 0.854) or the change in hemoglobin mass (P = 0.531) after environmental hypoxia.

Aerobic (de)training

Analyses included 45 articles associated with aerobic (de)training, 36 articles examined aerobic training and 9 articles examined aerobic detraining. Of the 45 articles, data were reported for a total of 495 male participants and 167 female participants, and 9 articles reported data for females alone. The median duration of aerobic training was 5.5 weeks (range, 1 to 22 weeks) and the median duration of detraining was 6 weeks (range, 1 to 52 weeks).

The meta-analysis model demonstrated an increase in absolute V˙O2max following aerobic training (pooled standard paired difference, 0.544; 95% CI, 0.378 to 0.709; Z = 6.452; τ2 = 0.24; I2 = 41%; P<0.0001; n = 23 studies). A separate meta-analysis model demonstrated a decrease in absolute V˙O2max following aerobic detraining (pooled standard paired difference, -0.800; 95% CI, -1.088 to -0.511; Z = -5.431; τ2 = 0.04; I2 = 2%; P<0.0001; n = 7 studies). Pooling data from both aerobic training and detraining, there was no relationship between the change in hemoglobin concentration and the effect size of the change in absolute V˙O2max (P = 0.255).


This systematic review and meta-analysis found that maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max) was positively associated with hemoglobin levels (both hemoglobin mass and hemoglobin concentration). This strong association between V˙O2max and hemoglobin was observed in both observational studies and interventional studies. Given that oxygen transport to the muscle depends, in part, on hemoglobin levels, the strong relationship between V˙O2max and hemoglobin is not surprising [16, 22, 263]. Notably, this relationship between V˙O2max and hemoglobin was observed across a broad range of studies and was not different between males and females. These findings suggest that although complex regulation is associated with oxygen transport to muscle (including several convective and diffusive stages), there is a robust relationship between V˙O2max and hemoglobin due to the central role of hemoglobin in oxygen transport.

Observational analyses

Altogether, observational analyses highlight the importance of hemoglobin levels in determination of V˙O2max. Analyses demonstrate a positive association between hemoglobin levels (hemoglobin mass and hemoglobin concentration) and V˙O2max. In addition, there was also a positive relationship between hematocrit and V˙O2max. However, we must acknowledge that these analyses are generally constrained to a range of ‘healthy’ hematocrit values from 30% to 55%. At hematocrit values greater than 55%, there may be a plateau, or decrease in V˙O2max due to increased blood viscosity and added resistance to skeletal muscle and pulmonary perfusion [421, 422]. This limitation may also be apparent when examining hemoglobin mass and hemoglobin concentration in relation to V˙O2max. Under conditions of large values of hemoglobin mass or concentration, it is possible that other physiological factors (i.e., oxygen diffusion capacity, cardiac output, and mitochondrial capacity) would limit V˙O2max.

There are well-known sex differences in physiological determinants of V˙O2max [423425]—on average, males have more muscular strength/power, greater cardiac output, greater lung volume, and greater hemoglobin values (both hemoglobin concentration and hemoglobin mass), and thus greater V˙O2max compared to females [426, 427]. Therefore, the question remains of whether the observed relationship between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max is driven by differences in hemoglobin levels, rather than simply by sex differences. When performing meta-regressional analyses stratified for biological sex, there were no sex-related differences in the association between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max. These results suggest that the relationship between hemoglobin levels and VO2max, particularly the derived regression coefficients, are similar between sexes.

Interventional analyses

We sought to examine the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max values following researcher-controlled interventions designed to modify hemoglobin levels or V˙O2max. When pooling all interventional data, our analyses demonstrated the change in absolute V˙O2max is positively associated with changes in hemoglobin levels, consistent with previous findings and general physiological principles [15, 22, 263]. Among studies with a direct physiological manipulation of hemoglobin levels (interventional blood transfusion or donation), a 1 g·dL-1 change in hemoglobin concentration corresponded to a ~5% change in absolute V˙O2max. Notably, alterations in both blood volume and plasma volume among the blood donors and recipients likely contribute to the observed change in VO2max.

Interventional studies that did not involve a direct physiological manipulation of hemoglobin levels had more divergent findings. Overall, there was no significant relationship between the change in hemoglobin concentration and subsequent percent change in absolute V˙O2max within studies examining erythropoieses stimulating agents, dietary supplementation, environmental hypoxia, or aerobic (de)training. These findings may be due, in part, to potential alterations in blood and plasma volumes that may occur during these interventions [93, 263, 402]. For instance, high-altitude acclimatization is associated with considerable interindividual variability in plasma volume reduction (and blood volume reduction) [428], which often leads to a greater hemoglobin concentration without significant changes in hemoglobin mass. However, a reduction in blood volume limits maximum cardiac output, blunting improvements in V˙O2max [429, 430]. In a similar instance, aerobic training often improves V˙O2max, despite a reduction in hemoglobin concentration due to increased blood volume [431, 432]. Therefore, the association between changes in hemoglobin levels and changes in V˙O2max values is often contingent on alterations of other circulatory parameters such as blood volume and cardiac output during exercise.


This systematic review and meta-analysis has several limitations. First, our primary literature search was conducted using one database. Second, we limited the focus of our primary analyses to a single relationship between hemoglobin and V˙O2max, and thus did not consider the potential confounding effects of other relevant physiological factors, such as blood volume, plasma volume, maximum cardiac output, and muscle oxygen diffusivity. Alterations among these variables likely influence the relationship between hemoglobin and V˙O2max. In this context, our analyses were simplistic by design. Additionally, we did not include patient-level data, and this limited the scope of our analytical models. Our methodological approach enabled the inclusion of a heterogenous collection of studies that comprised diverse participant characteristics and study designs. In this framework, including a large diversity of literature may be associated with broad generalizability of these findings, but this approach also limited mechanistic insights that may be gleaned from these analyses. For example, the analyses of dietary supplementation were heterogeneous, potentially owing to between-study differences in the type of dietary supplementation, dose of dietary supplement, duration of intervention, and other putative confounding factors. Our approach did not include these analyses primarily because data were largely unavailable.

Third, the measurement of hemoglobin may be variable. There are several metrics and methods used to quantify hemoglobin which may lead to variability between studies, and the measurement of hemoglobin is associated with biological diversity due to confounding physiological factors, such as changes in circulatory volume, circadian variations, and body positioning during blood collection [29]. In this context, we believe the high level of concordance among study outcomes despite the heterogeneity associated with hemoglobin measurement offers compelling evidence for the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V˙O2max.


This systematic review and meta-analysis found a strong relationship between V˙O2max and hemoglobin levels across a heterogenous pool of studies. Thus, these findings suggest that there is a robust relationship between V˙O2max and hemoglobin levels. These findings offer a comprehensive synthesis of the heterogeneous scientific corpus describing the relationship between hemoglobin and V˙O2max. These broad findings and simplified approach offer a foundation to chart future directions and testable hypotheses in this field.

Supporting information

S1 Checklist. PRISMA 2020 checklist.


S1 Fig. Association between hemoglobin concentration and maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max).

Bubble plot and meta-regression displaying the positive association between hemoglobin concentration and both absolute V˙O2max (A) and relative V˙O2max (B). Data for males are represented as purple bubbles, data for females are represented as green bubbles with plus sign symbols, and data for studies presenting males and females pooled (mixed) are represented as black bubbles with middle dot symbols. Each bubble represents a group from a single study and the size of bubbles represents the number of participants within the group. The solid line indicates the meta-regression line, and the dashed lines indicate the 95% prediction interval associated with the meta-regression.


S2 Fig. Association between hematocrit and maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max).

Bubble plot and meta-regression displaying the positive association between hematocrit and both absolute V˙O2max (A) and relative V˙O2max (B). Data for males are represented as purple bubbles, data for females are represented as green bubbles with plus sign symbols, and data for studies presenting males and females pooled (mixed) are represented as black bubbles with middle dot symbols. Each bubble represents a group from a single study and the size of bubbles represents the number of participants within each group. The solid line indicates the meta-regression line, and the dashed lines indicate the 95% prediction interval associated with the meta-regression.


S1 Table. Risk of bias among observational articles.


S2 Table. Risk of bias among interventional articles.


S3 Table. Underlying data set.



We thank the research teams and investigators for their rigorous efforts that contributed to each of the individual studies that made this review possible. Additionally, we thank members of the Human and Integrative Physiology and Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory at Mayo Clinic for intellectual discussions and feedback on earlier versions of the manuscript.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Additionally, the data underlying the results presented in the study are publicly available from the references listed herein.

Funding Statement

This work was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute T-32-HL105355 (K.L.W.), R-35-HL139854 (C.C.W. and M.J.J.), and F-32-HL154320 (J.W.S.). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Daniel Boullosa

26 Dec 2022

PONE-D-22-29015The relationship between hemoglobin and V̇O2max: a systematic review and meta-analysisPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Senefeld,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

The recommendations by the referees are opposite. Therefore, try your best to address all the referees' concerns. Please, do not assume that your manuscript will be accepted in the next round of revisions. Eventually, I may ask a third reviewer to make a decision. Good luck, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Please submit your revised manuscript by Feb 09 2023 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Daniel Boullosa

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Partly


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The authors present a systematic review with meta-analysis on the relationship between changes in haemoglobin with changes in maximal oxygen consumption. This is an important topic as the ability to carry oxygen in the blood has been shown to influence maximal oxygen consumption. I have a few major concerns that I listed below.

1. I do not believe that it is appropriate to combine interventions simply because they fall under the same category (i.e., all dietary interventions). This would be like combining all pharmacological interventions simply because they are pharmaceuticals. The external validity of these results would be quite limited. Separate analysis for each sub-category would be required to limit clinical heterogeneity.

2. The authors did not describe the differences/limitations in the methods used to measure haemoglobin. The reliability and validity for measures of haemoglobin concentration are very low considering it is strongly affected by changes in plasma volume. Haemoglobin concentration is the gold standard as it is both stable and valid.

3. The authors combined studies that included healthy populations with clinical populations. This is not recommended as it may introduce significant clinical heterogeneity. Why did they not conduct a stratified meta-analysis of these groups?

4. I have concerns regarding the analysis of risk of bias of individual studies. I do not believe I have ever seen a systematic review that found that the risk of bias for every category for all intervention studies was ‘low’. Given the large number of studies included in the analysis (158 intervention studies), this would be virtually impossible.

5. The statistical methods used to conduct the meta-regressions of the percentage improvement is unclear. Based on the available information, it appears that they used the pooled standard deviation (i.e., combing the baseline standard deviation (SD) with the follow up SD). This would be inappropriate since the SD of the change score is not the same as the pooled SD. The SD of the change score is rarely provided in studies. There are ways to estimate to this value; however, none are described in the methodology.

6. I am unsure how the authors determined the causes of heterogeneity since there are no results that describe that statistical heterogeneity in the manuscript. This not only introduces significant bias in the results but limits the external validity of the findings altogether.

Reviewer #2: I read with great interest and pleasure the article "The relationship between haemoglobin and V̇O2max: a systematic review and meta-analysis". The manuscript reflects the magnitude of the task the authors have carried out. From the methodological point of view of a meta-analysis and a systematic review, the manuscript meets the formal and quality conditions usually required for publication in a prestigious journal.

Conducting a systematic review or meta-analysis on the relationship between haemoglobin and VO2max is very difficult if practical conclusions are to be derived, because haemoglobin is only one of the possible factors that can limit/determine VO2max. Studying the relationship between only one of the determinants and the VO2max result has the risk that some readers may not fully understand the real meaning of the relationship or non-relationship of these two variables.

I think it would be advisable to make a minor change, consisting of a more concrete expression of the research question(s), in order to facilitate the understanding of the development of the manuscript and to make the answer(s) to the question(s) more explicitly concrete.

I suggest that the authors, beyond the meta-analysis or systematic review, explicitly state the limitations of the interpretation of the studied relationship:

a) The change in haemoglobin in intervention studies, not only involve changes in haemoglobin concentration (mass), but often involve other added changes that can also influence VO2max such as a change in blood volume or cardiac output, for example.

b) The differences between recipients and donors of blood are not only due to the change in the amount of haemoglobin in the donor or recipient.

c) The summary of the articles used in the systematic review and meta-analysis are based on the interpretation of statistical significance (p-value), but I find no interpretation of the small magnitude of change found in many of the articles reviewed, which are below the minimum detectable change in VO2max determination, and well below the minimum clinically significant change. So the changes are less important than apparently suggested or concluded. This point seems to me to be particularly important.

d) In the different intervention studies, the changes found are not always comparable according to the duration of the intervention (acute/chronic) or time of measurement after the end of the intervention (hours, days, weeks...).

e) The methodological limitations of the observational studies used (population variety, methodological variety, ....) are not clearly highlighted.

f) I believe that the conclusions should be improved. If in the introduction they state that there is a consensus on the relationship between haemoglobin and VO2 (transport), to what uncertainties in knowledge on the subject did the authors intend to respond with their review and meta-analysis?

g) I believe that it does not follow from their study that the improvement in performance (they have not studied it) caused by the increase in haemoglobin is an argument for the prohibition of blood doping. It should be banned because it is an artificial method, because it is a potentially very dangerous method, and because it increases performance, not necessarily because of the increase in haemoglobin.

h) Finally, I believe that the bibliographical references are abused, and there are a good number of them that could be removed without altering the quality of the study. For example, I do not think it is necessary to use 6 articles to support a clear statement (lin 42), one would be sufficient. Furthermore, some references are not very relevant in the context in which they have been used, such as ref. 23, which does not study the VO2-Hb ratio, but is a review of anaemia in athletes (lin 47). I also fail to understand the use of reference 35 to justify that above 500m altitude can be considered a hypoxic-hypobaric environment, nor that FIO2 is less than 20%, nor do I agree with that statement, nor do I believe that such a statement follows from reference 35.

I submit these observations for your consideration, which I believe will make your manuscript more useful, and I hope they will be addressed (if you deem it appropriate) or responded to in a reasoned manner.

In any case, I would like to congratulate you on your work.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: José Antonio de Paz


[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2023 Oct 12;18(10):e0292835. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292835.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

28 Feb 2023

Academic Editor

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

Response: Thank you for the opportunity to revise this manuscript and respond to comments from expert reviewers. The comments from the reviewers enhanced the quality and potential impact of this manuscript, and the comments have been responded to accordingly.

Journal Requirements:

When submitting your revision, we need you to address these additional requirements.

1. Please ensure that your manuscript meets PLOS ONE's style requirements, including those for file naming. The PLOS ONE style templates can be found at and

Response: Done. We have ensured that the revised manuscript meets applicable journal requirements.

2. Thank you for stating the following financial disclosure:

“The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.”

At this time, please address the following queries:

a) Please clarify the sources of funding (financial or material support) for your study. List the grants or organizations that supported your study, including funding received from your institution.

b) State what role the funders took in the study. If the funders had no role in your study, please state: “The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.”

c) If any authors received a salary from any of your funders, please state which authors and which funders.

d) If you did not receive any funding for this study, please state: “The authors received no specific funding for this work.”

Please include your amended statements within your cover letter; we will change the online submission form on your behalf.

Response: Thank you for highlighting this omission. This work was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute T-32-HL105355 (K.L.W.), R-35-HL139854 (C.C.W. and M.J.J.), and F-32-HL131151 (J.W.S.).

3. In your Data Availability statement, you have not specified where the minimal data set underlying the results described in your manuscript can be found. PLOS defines a study's minimal data set as the underlying data used to reach the conclusions drawn in the manuscript and any additional data required to replicate the reported study findings in their entirety. All PLOS journals require that the minimal data set be made fully available. For more information about our data policy, please see

Upon re-submitting your revised manuscript, please upload your study’s minimal underlying data set as either Supporting Information files or to a stable, public repository and include the relevant URLs, DOIs, or accession numbers within your revised cover letter. For a list of acceptable repositories, please see Any potentially identifying patient information must be fully anonymized.

Important: If there are ethical or legal restrictions to sharing your data publicly, please explain these restrictions in detail. Please see our guidelines for more information on what we consider unacceptable restrictions to publicly sharing data: Note that it is not acceptable for the authors to be the sole named individuals responsible for ensuring data access.

We will update your Data Availability statement to reflect the information you provide in your cover letter.

Response: Done. We have now included the study’s minimal data set as a supplementary file (Table S3) and specified where this minimal data set may be found.

Reviewer 1

The authors present a systematic review with meta-analysis on the relationship between changes in haemoglobin with changes in maximal oxygen consumption. This is an important topic as the ability to carry oxygen in the blood has been shown to influence maximal oxygen consumption. I have a few major concerns that I listed below.

Response: Thank you for the detailed review of the manuscript and productive review. The constructive and insightful comments of the reviewer were prudently incorporated into the manuscript and have improved the quality and potential impact of this work.

1. I do not believe that it is appropriate to combine interventions simply because they fall under the same category (i.e., all dietary interventions). This would be like combining all pharmacological interventions simply because they are pharmaceuticals. The external validity of these results would be quite limited. Separate analysis for each sub-category would be required to limit clinical heterogeneity.

Response: We agree and as suggested by the reviewer, have now added separate analyses for each sub-category. In accordance with Cochrane suggested methodology, a minimum of two studies are needed to perform meta-analyses (please see line 174), limiting several sub-category analyses described below. This approach suggested by the reviewer likely enhances external validity and limits clinical heterogeneity. In an effort of transparent scientific reporting, we also present our original, pooled analyses. For clarity, we have described the categorical separation of categories and sub-categories below.

1. Observational compared to interventional designs. Maintaining this important stratification from the original submission, we continue to separate analyses between observational data and interventional data. In this context, the remaining categories and subcategories are described below.

2. Blood transfusion and blood donation. We have maintained pooled and stratified analyses from the original submission— stratified analyses included 11 studies associated with blood transfusion and 17 studies associated with blood donation. In this context, this section of the text remains unchanged.

3. Erythropoiesis stimulating agents. Our original pooled analysis represented 11 studies examining erythropoietin supplementation and one study examining xenon inhalation. In the revised manuscript, we have stratified our analyses by two different erythropoiesis stimulating agents— erythropoietin and xenon. Please see lines 357-359. Due to an insufficient number of studies (only 1 study), stratified analyses were not performed for xenon inhalation alone.

4. Dietary supplementation. There was a broad spectrum of heterogenous substances used for dietary supplementation. In this context and as now noted in the text (please see lines 378-379), iron and echinacea supplementation were the only sub-categories with an adequate number of studies needed to perform meta-analyses. This important analysis has been added to the text, please see lines 386–392.

5. Environmental hypoxia. Environmental hypoxia analyses pooled two sub-categories— high-altitude environments and normobaric hypoxia. In this framework, the revised manuscript includes analyses stratified into these two sub-categories (high altitude acclimatization and sojourn vs. chronic normobaric hypoxia). Please see lines 409–414.

6. Aerobic (de)training. We have maintained pooled and stratified analyses from the original submission — stratified analyses included 23 studies associated with aerobic training and 7 studies associated with aerobic detraining. In this context, this section of the text remains unchanged.

2. The authors did not describe the differences/limitations in the methods used to measure haemoglobin. The reliability and validity for measures of haemoglobin concentration are very low considering it is strongly affected by changes in plasma volume. Haemoglobin concentration is the gold standard as it is both stable and valid.

Response: Thank you for the keen suggestion, we now describe the differences/limitations in the methods used to measure hemoglobin concentration and hemoglobin mass in the main text of the revised manuscript, in both the methods (please see lines 113-125) and the limitations section (please see lines 513-520). Notably, our analyses of the relationship between hemoglobin levels and VO2max were performed in duplicate, using both hemoglobin concentration and hemoglobin mass independently. The results of these analyses are highly convergent which provide ecological validity and clinical generalizability to our findings.

3. The authors combined studies that included healthy populations with clinical populations. This is not recommended as it may introduce significant clinical heterogeneity. Why did they not conduct a stratified meta-analysis of these groups?

Response: The reviewer’s point is well taken and has been incorporated into the revised manuscript, as applicable— for example, please see lines 233-236. Notably, however, articles that reported data for participants with disordered erythropoiesis represented a small portion of the articles included in our analyses— only about 2% (10 of 384 articles). As only a small number of studies enrolled participants with disordered erythropoiesis, it was not plausible to stratify many analyses, specifically among interventional studies. Instead, observational analyses were further stratified for healthy and clinical populations separately (please see lines 257-263).

More broadly, the goal of our work was to examine the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V̇O2max, and we intentionally attempted to restrict our analyses to people that may be generally considered as healthy. In this context, our a priori methodology specified the inclusion of clinical populations that exhibit alterations in hemoglobin levels without secondary pathologies and which may otherwise be considered as ‘healthy’. As such, the authors carefully screened participants of individual studies and excluded groups of ‘clinical populations’ who had secondary pathologies. This screening process is represented in the PRISMA diagram (Figure 1), which shows that 69 studies were excluded due to ineligible participant population.

4. I have concerns regarding the analysis of risk of bias of individual studies. I do not believe I have ever seen a systematic review that found that the risk of bias for every category for all intervention studies was ‘low’. Given the large number of studies included in the analysis (158 intervention studies), this would be virtually impossible.

Response: The reviewer’s point is well taken and was actively discussed. We acknowledge that the original standards used to assess the risk of bias may have been too lenient. Thus, the risk of bias was reassessed with a more stringent interpretation, and the tables have been updated accordingly (see tables S1 & S2). Risk assessment is now also explicitly described in the text — please see lines 237-247.

However, it is also important to note that our a priori approach included rigorous screening and exclusion criteria which resulted in the exclusion of many studies with a probable risk of bias. As evidenced in Figure 1, 589 articles were excluded due to ineligible assessments for hemoglobin (386 articles) or VO2max values (134 articles) and ineligible participant populations (69 articles). Thus, our a priori approach likely contributed to reduced risk of bias among studies included in analyses.

5. The statistical methods used to conduct the meta-regressions of the percentage improvement is unclear. Based on the available information, it appears that they used the pooled standard deviation (i.e., combing the baseline standard deviation (SD) with the follow up SD). This would be inappropriate since the SD of the change score is not the same as the pooled SD. The SD of the change score is rarely provided in studies. There are ways to estimate to this value; however, none are described in the methodology.

Response: Thank you. We have amended the methods in an effort to improve clarity — please see lines 208-213. We agree with the strong rationale presented by the reviewer:

1) standard deviation would be needed to perform meta-analyses of dependent data regarding the percentage of improvement in VO2max.

2) many studies did not report the standard deviation of the percent change in VO2max with the applied intervention.

For these reasons, we performed linear regressions (and not meta-regressions) to examine data regarding the percentage of improvement in VO2max. Our initial approach was in line with the reviewer’s suggestion, and the methods have been amended to more clearly define this methodology.

6. I am unsure how the authors determined the causes of heterogeneity since there are no results that describe that statistical heterogeneity in the manuscript. This not only introduces significant bias in the results but limits the external validity of the findings altogether.

Response: Thank you for pointing out this important limitation, and we apologize for the omission in the previous manuscript. We have now added calculations of tau-squared (τ2) as an estimate of between-study heterogeneity within appropriate findings. Please find amendments to the presentation of results throughout the manuscript.

Reviewer 2

I read with great interest and pleasure the article "The relationship between haemoglobin and V̇O2max: a systematic review and meta-analysis". The manuscript reflects the magnitude of the task the authors have carried out. From the methodological point of view of a meta-analysis and a systematic review, the manuscript meets the formal and quality conditions usually required for publication in a prestigious journal.

Response: Thank you for the many constructive suggestions and supportive tone of the review. These excellent comments have served to improve the quality of this manuscript.

Conducting a systematic review or meta-analysis on the relationship between haemoglobin and VO2max is very difficult if practical conclusions are to be derived, because haemoglobin is only one of the possible factors that can limit/determine VO2max. Studying the relationship between only one of the determinants and the VO2max result has the risk that some readers may not fully understand the real meaning of the relationship or non-relationship of these two variables.

I think it would be advisable to make a minor change, consisting of a more concrete expression of the research question(s), in order to facilitate the understanding of the development of the manuscript and to make the answer(s) to the question(s) more explicitly concrete.

Response: Thank you for the keen suggestion. We have amended the abstract and conclusion to enhance the expression of the research question—please see lines 5-10 and 525-528. The overall goal of this work was to provide a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V̇O2max in humans from the diverse scientific literature. As the reviewer suggested, there are many putative confounding variables that may limit/determine V̇O2max in humans, thus, and we believe this work may offer a foundation to chart future directions and testable hypotheses in this field.

I suggest that the authors, beyond the meta-analysis or systematic review, explicitly state the limitations of the interpretation of the studied relationship:

Response: Thank you. We agree and have added a limitations section to the manuscript to highlight the limitations of our simplistic analysis clearly and explicitly— please see lines 496-520.

a) The change in haemoglobin in intervention studies, not only involve changes in haemoglobin concentration (mass), but often involve other added changes that can also influence VO2max such as a change in blood volume or cardiac output, for example.

Response: The reviewer’s point is well taken and was actively discussed. We added a description of some of the potential influence of changes in blood volume and cardiac output in the discussion— please see lines 477-479. Considering the reviewer’s comment, we also further emphasized this topic within newly added limitations section, please see lines 507-512.

b) The differences between recipients and donors of blood are not only due to the change in the amount of haemoglobin in the donor or recipient.

Response: We agree with the reviewer. Due to the physiological differences in blood donation versus transfusion, stratified analyses were performed. Furthermore, we have amended the discussion to clarify this important point. Please see lines 477-479.

c) The summary of the articles used in the systematic review and meta-analysis are based on the interpretation of statistical significance (p-value), but I find no interpretation of the small magnitude of change found in many of the articles reviewed, which are below the minimum detectable change in VO2max determination, and well below the minimum clinically significant change. So the changes are less important than apparently suggested or concluded. This point seems to me to be particularly important.

Response: Within the interventional analyses, some studies report a large change in VO2max, yet others report a small, or ‘negligible’ change in VO2max. As the reviewer has mentioned below in comment d), this heterogeneity of findings may be due to differences in duration of the intervention, magnitude of intervention (i.e., dose or amount of blood transfused), or the time of measurement after the end of the intervention. We have added this key concept in the limitations section of the manuscript— please see lines 500-507. Within the meta-analyses stratified by the performed intervention, the pooling of study-level data provides a cumulative finding within the area of interest.

Small, or ‘negligible’ changes in VO2max or hemoglobin concentration may be a benefit in the presented regressions by providing a ‘physiological anchor’ to an intervention without physiological alterations. For instance, Figure 4 denotes the findings from heterogenous studies, some with small changes in VO2max and others with large changes in VO2max. This heterogeneity may be critical to the performed meta-regressions and linear regressions. Similarly, if all studies showed a large, unidirectional change in hemoglobin levels and VO2max, we may not be able to assess a ‘slope’ given that no values near zero would provide directionality.

d & e) In the different intervention studies, the changes found are not always comparable according to the duration of the intervention (acute/chronic) or time of measurement after the end of the intervention (hours, days, weeks...).

The methodological limitations of the observational studies used (population variety, methodological variety, ....) are not clearly highlighted.

Response to d) and e): These points are well-received. In response to these important considerations, we have added these concepts to a new limitations section. Please see lines 497-512.

f) I believe that the conclusions should be improved. If in the introduction they state that there is a consensus on the relationship between haemoglobin and VO2 (transport), to what uncertainties in knowledge on the subject did the authors intend to respond with their review and meta-analysis?

Response: This work aimed to provide a comprehensive review of the diverse scientific corpus. One example of uncertainty is presented in lines 62-68. Moreover, this work may help identify further areas of uncertainty and stimulate research to better our understanding of the physiological consequences of interventional manipulation of hemoglobin levels. By creating an unbiased synthesis of this relationship (between hemoglobin levels and V̇O2max in humans), we believe our work may serve as a foundation to chart future directions and testable hypotheses in this field. The conclusion has been amended to better describe the aim of this work. Please see lines 525-528.

g) I believe that it does not follow from their study that the improvement in performance (they have not studied it) caused by the increase in haemoglobin is an argument for the prohibition of blood doping. It should be banned because it is an artificial method, because it is a potentially very dangerous method, and because it increases performance, not necessarily because of the increase in haemoglobin.

Response: Thank you for your comment. We have removed this sentence.

h) Finally, I believe that the bibliographical references are abused, and there are a good number of them that could be removed without altering the quality of the study. For example, I do not think it is necessary to use 6 articles to support a clear statement (lin 42), one would be sufficient. Furthermore, some references are not very relevant in the context in which they have been used, such as ref. 23, which does not study the VO2-Hb ratio, but is a review of anaemia in athletes (lin 47). I also fail to understand the use of reference 35 to justify that above 500m altitude can be considered a hypoxic-hypobaric environment, nor that FIO2 is less than 20%, nor do I agree with that statement, nor do I believe that such a statement follows from reference 35.

Response: Our apologies, we certainly understand the reviewer’s point. Although our intention was to pay homage to the many luminaries in this field, we understand how this was construed as abusing bibliographical references. In this context, we have removed several citations in the introduction (n=8) and discussion (n=6). Additionally, we have revised the methodology to more accurately denote the environmental conditions eligible for the determination of VO2max. Please see lines 110-112.

I submit these observations for your consideration, which I believe will make your manuscript more useful, and I hope they will be addressed (if you deem it appropriate) or responded to in a reasoned manner.

In any case, I would like to congratulate you on your work.

Response: Many thanks. The comments from the reviewers represent a significant investment of time and effort, and we believe the comments enhanced the quality and potential impact of this manuscript.


Submitted filename: PONE-D-22-29015-R2R1.docx

Decision Letter 1

Daniel Boullosa

13 Apr 2023

PONE-D-22-29015R1The relationship between hemoglobin and V̇O2max: a systematic review and meta-analysisPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Senefeld,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

 Please, address, the best you can, the reviewers' suggestions. He is a true expert on this topic and on the methodology of a systematic review.

Please submit your revised manuscript by May 28 2023 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

Please include the following items when submitting your revised manuscript:

  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Daniel Boullosa

Academic Editor


[Note: HTML markup is below. Please do not edit.]

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: (No Response)

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #2: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: GENERAL

I would like to start by commending the authors for addressing my initial feedback. They have addressed significant methodological issues. Below I comment on several specific issues that should help to improve the overall quality of their review.

Comment 1

Please use the headings listed in the PRISMA checklist. Further, there are sub-headings that should be used to organize each of the sections of the review. This will improve both the transparency and flow.

Details with a full guidance is available in the second reference below.


Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ. 2021;372:n71.

Page MJ, Moher D, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. PRISMA 2020 explanation and elaboration: updated guidance and exemplars for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ. 2021;372:n160.


Comment 2

Page 4, line 39: It is important to describe how a VO2max is assessed and what physiological measurements constitutes a VO2max. It would also be beneficial to explain the difference between VO2max and VO2peak. I am assuming that the authors combined studies that included both measurements.

Comment 3

Page 4, line 50: This section should be removed from the introduction. It may be more appropriate in the methods section to explain the eligibility criteria, or more importantly in the limitations section of the review.

Comment 4

Page 4, line 60: “Although a strong …”. If we already know that there is a strong relationship between haemoglobin levels and VO2max, why conduct this review? Maybe acknowledge all the work that has been done in the past then go right into the lack or potential lack of systematic reviews with meta-analysis. The authors are on the right track by need to strengthen their rationale. It may also be beneficial to acknowledge previous systematic reviews on the topic, some of the limitations in those reviews, and how this review differs (e.g., addresses previous limitations, looks at other outcomes or interventions).

Comment 5

Page 5, line 74: “Moreover…” This is a secondary objective. The authors use both specific (sex) and general (interventions) examples. First, it is important to state that there is a secondary objective. Second, it may be better to explain that you will conduct secondary analyses to determine the influence of ‘population characteristics’ (sex, age, etc.) and ‘intervention characteristics’. Specific examples of stratified and meta-regression should be provided in the Methods (i.e., how you will address statistical heterogeneity).


Comment 6

Please list and describe effect measures that will be used to describe the results. I believe that some of this data is in the “Statistical analysis” section. This should be in a section called “Effect Measures”.

Comment 7

Have you considered using p-values to calculate the missing standard deviation by using a dependent t-test? This could allow you to conduct meta-regressions (albeit a more conservative analysis when p-values or only listed as p < 0.05). I would consider a p-value of “<0.05” as p = 0.0499 if using a t-test to calculate a SD, though any assumptions should be listed.

Comment 8

All regressions that do not consider the within and between group variance must be removed from the results. It is not appropriate to pool studies without considering the weight of each study as the results will mislead the reader. Practitioners use meta-analyses to make decisions about patient care so they must be conducted accurately.

Comment 9

Page 6, line 88: Why was only a single database used to conduct the literature search? Are you concerned that you have important missed studies?

Comment 10

Page 8, line 149: Why was data that included confidence intervals as a measure of uncertainty excluded when transformations can easily be performed, especially since this was does for SEM to SD.

Comment 11

Page 8, line 149: If data points that were only expressed as means without associated error, why were studies included in a non-weighted regression?

Comment 12

Page 8, line 151: This section should be in the section ‘Data Items’ as described in PRISMA. The items should follow PICOS.

Comment 13

Page 9, line 169: Statistical Analysis should be divided into Effect Measures, Synthesis Methods, and Reporting Bias Assessment, as indicated by PRISMA.

Comment 14

Page 9, line 173: “Analyses pooled outcome data…”. This sentence does not make sense. The analyses didn’t pool the data, the authors did. Second, it is stated that data was pooled from each study but the sentence before states that they were pooled by study design.

Comment 15

I think sensitivity analyses should be performed for: 1. Relationship for haemoglobin with VO2peak vs VO2max, 2. Study design.

Comment 16

Page 10, line 176: Can you please use Higgin’s I^2 statistic to report the statistical heterogeneity. It does have limitations (as does Q and tau^2), but it is a measure that explains the relative statistical heterogeneity and is also easier for the reader to understand (especially those that do not understand meta-analysis)

Comment 17

How did you account for small sample bias or publication bias? I would suggest Egger’s for small sample size and Vevea and Hedges Weight-Function Model for Publication Bias.


Comment 18

All results should be described in past tense.

Comment 19

Please use the PRISMA headings as mentioned above.

Comment 20

If stratified analyses were performed (e.g., by sex: combined, male, female), please provide results that describe if there were significance (p-value) differences for each analysis (either from the initial analysis or between (among) stratified groups. This should be completed for all results in text and in tables.

Comment 21

Page 16, line 314: Why was the study removed? Was it the ‘only’ one study? This could provide a rationale for the removal, but needs to be explained to the reader.


Comment 24

General: Please use or at least try to address PRISMA sub-headings. 1. General interpretation of results, 2. Limitations of evidence included in the review, 3. Limitations of review process, 4. Implications for practice, policy and future research.

Comment 25

Page 24, line 497: What do you mean by simplistic design?

Comment 26

Page 24, line 499: What are you referring to by “more complex statistical methods”? You can use aggregate data to perform multivariate analyses. Limitations in the complexity of statistical analyses are probably due to the software that used to conduct the analyses. Software packages available in ‘R’ make it very easy to conduct multivariate analyses. The primary (and albeit significant) limitation using aggregate data is the fallacy of regression to the mean, which occurs when using continuous data of population characteristics to perform meta-regressions. However, this limitation occurs regardless of the type of analyses (i.e., univariate or multivariate analyses).

Comment 27

Page 24, line 504: “For example…” This point is only a limitation if you choose not to run stratified or meta-regressions on intervention characteristics, which were completed for some variables. You can say that the limitations, specifically with your review was that you chose not to run these analyses for which there may be valid reasons which should be stated (e.g., the data was not available, etc.). But I would explain why you chose not examine the variables listed here. However, it is not a limitation to the approach as it is best to include all studies and then find out the source of statistical heterogeneity by means of the clinical heterogeneity.

Comment 28

Page 25, line 513: Good point. Though the primary differences in haemoglobin would be concentration versus mass. Please cite the literature for your examples. If you believe that your results show that there was no difference between the two measurement types, please explain this to the reader in further detail as it is an important finding that conflicts with current literature.


Comment 29

Page 25, line 522: The results suggest that the pooled effect measure changed after addressing measures of clinical heterogeneity (though, it was not stated in the results section of the differences in modifiers were considered to be significant (no p-value to accompany the change in variance). Therefore, given the available results, I am not sure if this statement is true.

Comment 30

Page 25, line 525: I would argue that there is still bias in the methods used to conduct the synthesis of the results. However, there are efforts within the manuscript to limit the degree of bias.

Reviewer #2: I have reviewed the document submitted by the authors again and have observed that the changes made in this second manuscript are minimal compared to the first, except for some statistical treatments (heterogeneity, Tau). The observations made in the first round are mainly included in a broad section of limitations that have been added to this second document.

The fundamental objections remain present in this second manuscript. Nevertheless, considering the magnitude of the effort made, the number of articles reviewed, and the fact that the limitations of the study are now explicitly stated based on the observations made, I believe that the article can be published. I think it is sufficiently clear what the real scope of the work's conclusions may be for non-expert readers in the field.


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: José Antonio de Paz


[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2023 Oct 12;18(10):e0292835. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292835.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

1 Aug 2023

Academic Editor

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

Response: Thank you for spearheading this high-quality, collegial, and productive review process. As we described previously, the comments from the reviewers enhanced the quality and potential impact of this manuscript.

Please, address, the best you can, the reviewers' suggestions. He is a true expert on this topic and on the methodology of a systematic review.

Response: We read with great interest the comments of the reviewer and thank them for the efforts to improve our manuscript. We appreciate the many constructive suggestions.

Reviewer 1

I would like to start by commending the authors for addressing my initial feedback. They have addressed significant methodological issues. Below I comment on several specific issues that should help to improve the overall quality of their review.

Response: Although not the intent, we recognize the following comments may be interpreted as gratuitously flattering. We would like to thank the reviewer for the thorough and constructive review of this manuscript. The comments from the reviewer represent a significant investment of time and effort, and we believe the comments enhanced the quality and potential impact of this manuscript. Thank you.

Please also note that throughout the response to reviewers, specific text excerpts are referenced using line numbers— these line numbers are associated with the redlined version of the manuscript.

Comment 1 | Please use the headings listed in the PRISMA checklist. Further, there are sub-headings that should be used to organize each of the sections of the review. This will improve both the transparency and flow.

Details with a full guidance is available in the second reference below.


Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ. 2021;372:n71.

Page MJ, Moher D, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. PRISMA 2020 explanation and elaboration: updated guidance and exemplars for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ. 2021;372:n160.

Response: Done. We have changed the headings (Level 1 Headings) and sub-headings (Level 2 Headings) to align with the headings and sub-headings associated with the PRISMA checklist. Please find these new headings informed by the PRISMA checklist throughout the manuscript. For additional organization for readers, we have also provided Level 3 Headings as appropriate. Notably, however, the PRISMA checklist does not (explicitly) offer suggestions for Level 3 Headings. In this context, we discussed Level 3 Headings intensively within our author team and included headings as warranted.


Comment 2 | Page 4, line 39: It is important to describe how a VO2max is assessed and what physiological measurements constitutes a VO2max. It would also be beneficial to explain the difference between VO2max and VO2peak. I am assuming that the authors combined studies that included both measurements.

Response: Thank you for pointing out these keen points. We have included additional contextual background on V̇O2max testing within the manuscript (please see lines 110 to 115) and responded to your comments below.

We have considered your comment as two separate points. First, the standardized assessment of V̇O2max is described in the methods under the “Eligibility criteria” sub-heading— please see lines 102 to 122. We have added additional text to clarify the criteria used to qualify measurements as V̇O2max (as opposed to V̇O2peak).

Second, as also described in the methods under the “Eligibility criteria sub-heading”, the authors — in accordance with our a priori protocol — discussed the inclusion of V̇O2peak measurements intensively before data collection commenced and decided to only include measurements that represent V̇O2max. In this framework, studies that assessed V̇O2peak or estimated V̇O2max were not eligible for inclusion.

Comment 3 | Page 4, line 50: This section should be removed from the introduction. It may be more appropriate in the methods section to explain the eligibility criteria, or more importantly in the limitations section of the review.

Comment 4 | Page 4, line 60: “Although a strong …”. If we already know that there is a strong relationship between haemoglobin levels and VO2max, why conduct this review? Maybe acknowledge all the work that has been done in the past then go right into the lack or potential lack of systematic reviews with meta-analysis. The authors are on the right track by need to strengthen their rationale. It may also be beneficial to acknowledge previous systematic reviews on the topic, some of the limitations in those reviews, and how this review differs (e.g., addresses previous limitations, looks at other outcomes or interventions).

Response: We have elected to respond to comments 3 and 4 from the reviewer – which both correspond to the same section of the manuscript—using one response. We appreciate the reviewer’s perspectives and have more aptly entitled this section of the manuscript as “Rationale”. In accordance with the description of the rationale section provided in the PRISMA checklist – describe the rationale for the review in the context of existing knowledge – we have described our primary rationale within the context of existing knowledge. While we agree with the reviewer that this information may also be appropriate in the methods or limitations section, this information describes the rationale for the review and continues to be within the introduction section.

As described in the text, although many studies have been performed on the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V̇O2max, there are ambiguous areas associated with biological diversity and heterogenous study designs, and a comprehensive synthesis of information may provide key insights from the scientific corpus.

Comment 5 | Page 5, line 74: “Moreover…” This is a secondary objective. The authors use both specific (sex) and general (interventions) examples. First, it is important to state that there is a secondary objective. Second, it may be better to explain that you will conduct secondary analyses to determine the influence of ‘population characteristics’ (sex, age, etc.) and ‘intervention characteristics’. Specific examples of stratified and meta-regression should be provided in the Methods (i.e., how you will address statistical heterogeneity).

Response: Done. We agree and have added explicit acknowledgement that there is a secondary objective. Additionally, we included that the secondary analyses were conducted to determine the influence of population characteristics and intervention characteristics—both with inclusion of specific examples. Please find this revised section on lines 76 to 79.


Comment 6 | Please list and describe effect measures that will be used to describe the results. I believe that some of this data is in the “Statistical analysis” section. This should be in a section called “Effect Measures”.

Response: Done. As requested, we have listed and described effect measures that are used to describe the results. This important information may now be found under the “Effect measures” subheading—please see lines 181 to 187.

Comment 7 | Have you considered using p-values to calculate the missing standard deviation by using a dependent t-test? This could allow you to conduct meta-regressions (albeit a more conservative analysis when p-values or only listed as p < 0.05). I would consider a p-value of “<0.05” as p = 0.0499 if using a t-test to calculate a SD, though any assumptions should be listed.

Response: We did consider this important point from the reviewer. However, no paper provided means and p-values without estimate of error. In this context, this suggested data transformation was not warranted. Please find that we have removed this section from the text—see lines 159 to 161.

Comment 8 | All regressions that do not consider the within and between group variance must be removed from the results. It is not appropriate to pool studies without considering the weight of each study as the results will mislead the reader. Practitioners use meta-analyses to make decisions about patient care so they must be conducted accurately.

Response: Thank you for the comment. We agree with the reviewer that there are limitations in using regressions that do not consider within group variance and between group variance. Within this manuscript, all regressions performed considered between group variance. However, applied linear regressions do not account for within group variance due to each data point considered as a mean without measurement of standard error. The linear regressions performed are limited by the available data and this limitation has been appropriately caveated within the methods (please see lines 226 to 233). When transforming the data to examine the effects of manipulating hemoglobin levels on changes in V̇O2max, no manuscripts report the percent change with associated standard error. We have added this topic as a limitation in the discussion (please see lines 524 to 542). Although these linear regressions have limitations, we have elected to keep these analyses as they provide an important comparison with other seminal work in the field [1,2].

[1] Calbet JA, Lundby C, Koskolou M, Boushel R. Importance of hemoglobin concentration to exercise: acute manipulations. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2006 Apr 28;151(2-3):132-40. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2006.01.014. Epub 2006 Mar 3. PMID: 16516566.

[2] Ekblom BT. Blood boosting and sport. Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Mar;14(1):89-98. doi: 10.1053/beem.2000.0056. PMID: 10932813.

Comment 9 | Page 6, line 88: Why was only a single database used to conduct the literature search? Are you concerned that you have important missed studies?

Response: During our preliminary literature searches, we were deluged with high quality scientific articles. During preliminary searches, we also found significant duplication between databases. Thus, after preliminary searches, we elected to use a single database to conduct this literature search. This important limitation has been added to the limitations section – please see lines 524 to 525. After carefully searching references of all included articles for additional inclusions, we only found three additional studies to include. In this context, we are not concerned that we have important missed studies, and we were very pleased to have meta-analyzed data from nearly 400 studies.

Comment 10 | Page 8, line 149: Why was data that included confidence intervals as a measure of uncertainty excluded when transformations can easily be performed, especially since this was does for SEM to SD.

Response: Thank you for this comment. We looked back through our exclusion criteria for each study and found that no study was excluded on the basis of confidence intervals as a measure of uncertainty. Thus, we have removed this excerpt from the manuscript— please find strike-through text on lines 159 to 161.

Comment 11 | Page 8, line 149: If data points that were only expressed as means without associated error, why were studies included in a non-weighted regression?

Response: Good point. As discussed in response to Comment 8, we did not include data points that were expressed as means without associated error in meta-regression analyses. However, applied linear regressions were performed and presented using means without associated error, and these analyses have been appropriately caveated throughout the text.

Comment 12 | Page 8, line 151: This section should be in the section ‘Data Items’ as described in PRISMA. The items should follow PICOS.

Response: These changes have been made as requested by the reviewer, and the section entitled ‘Data Items’ follows PICOS. Please see lines 143 to 161.

Comment 13 | Page 9, line 169: Statistical Analysis should be divided into Effect Measures, Synthesis Methods, and Reporting Bias Assessment, as indicated by PRISMA.

Response: Done. As suggested by the reviewer and indicated by PRISMA, the statistical analysis section has been divided into Effect Measures, Synthesis Methods, and Reporting Bias Assessment. Please see lines 172 to 233.

Comment 14 | Page 9, line 173: “Analyses pooled outcome data…”. This sentence does not make sense. The analyses didn’t pool the data, the authors did. Second, it is stated that data was pooled from each study but the sentence before states that they were pooled by study design.

Response: In line with these suggestions from the reviewer, we have clarified this section. Please see line 192.

Comment 15 | I think sensitivity analyses should be performed for: 1. Relationship for haemoglobin with VO2peak vs VO2max, 2. Study design.

Response: Thank you for these suggested analyses. First, this review only included studies that assessed V̇O2max, and thus excluded studies that assessed V̇O2peak. In this framework, the requested sensitivity analyses for the relationship for hemoglobin with V̇O2peak vs V̇O2max is beyond the a priori scope of the review. Second, stratified/subgroup analyses between study design are included in the review. From our perspective, there were no decision nodes within this systematic review process that generated a need for a sensitivity analysis — the sequence of decisions for inclusion were clearly objective and non-contentious [1].

[1] Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, Part 2: General methods for Cochrane reviews, Chapter 9: Analysing data and undertaking meta-analyses, Section 9.7 Sensitivity analyses.

Comment 16 | Page 10, line 176: Can you please use Higgin’s I^2 statistic to report the statistical heterogeneity. It does have limitations (as does Q and tau^2), but it is a measure that explains the relative statistical heterogeneity and is also easier for the reader to understand (especially those that do not understand meta-analysis).

Response: Done. As suggested by the reviewer, the Higgin’s I2 statistic has been added to report the relative statistical heterogeneity of meta-analyses within the review.

Comment 17 | How did you account for small sample bias or publication bias? I would suggest Egger’s for small sample size and Vevea and Hedges Weight-Function Model for Publication Bias.

Response: In line with the suggestion by the reviewer, Egger’s test was used to assess potential publication bias in meta-analyses [1]. This has been added as a method (please see lines 179 to 180) and the results of these tests are presented in the text (please see lines 266 to 271).



Comment 18 | All results should be described in past tense.

Response: Thank you for this suggestion. Generally, we agree and have assured that results are described in past tense. As an important caveat, there are several atemporal facts which, according to standardized grammatical rules, are presented using present tense. These atemporal factors are primarily associated with presentation of results in the tables and figures of the manuscript, which exist without relation to time. As an example, from lines 236 to 237— “The process of study selection and article categorization is represented…[in Fig 1]”

Comment 19 | Please use the PRISMA headings as mentioned above.

Response: Thank you for this suggestion. As described in response to Comment 1 above, PRISMA checklist has informed Level 1 and Level 2 Headings throughout the manuscript.

Comment 20 | If stratified analyses were performed (e.g., by sex: combined, male, female), please provide results that describe if there were significance (p-value) differences for each analysis (either from the initial analysis or between (among) stratified groups. This should be completed for all results in text and in tables.

Response: Done. As described on lines 293 to 295, exploratory analyses stratifying meta-regression models by biological sex found no sex differences in the relationship between hemoglobin mass and V̇O2max values. In addition to describing if there were significant differences for each analysis, we have provided adequate information for the interested reader to perform additional analyses or impute findings.

Comment 21 | Page 16, line 314: Why was the study removed? Was it the ‘only’ one study? This could provide a rationale for the removal, but needs to be explained to the reader.

Response: The study referenced by the reviewer represents a study of a ‘clinical population’. This study was removed in response to the first round of revisions and concern about combining studies that included healthy populations with clinical populations. Indeed, it was ‘only’ one study removed as appropriately described in the text. Rationale for the removal has now been explicitly stated for the reader— please see lines 339 to 342.


Comment 24 | General: Please use or at least try to address PRISMA sub-headings. 1. General interpretation of results, 2. Limitations of evidence included in the review, 3. Limitations of review process, 4. Implications for practice, policy and future research.

Response: As requested, we have addressed the PRISMA sub-headings within the text, including:

1. General interpretation of results (paragraph 1 of discussion),

2. Limitations of evidence included in the review (limitations section of discussion),

3. Limitations of review process (limitations section of discussion),

4. Implications for practice, policy, and future research (ultimate paragraph of discussion entitled ‘conclusion’).

Comment 25 | Page 24, line 497: What do you mean by simplistic design?

Response: Because we limited our focus to a single relationship between hemoglobin and V̇O2max, our designed approach did not consider the potential confounding effects of other relevant physiological factors, such as blood volume, plasma volume, maximum cardiac output, and muscle oxygen diffusivity. In this context, our primary analyses were simplistic — our analyses treated a complex biological relation as if it were much simple than it is. This section has been clarified—please see lines 525 to 530.

Comment 26 | Page 24, line 499: What are you referring to by “more complex statistical methods”? You can use aggregate data to perform multivariate analyses. Limitations in the complexity of statistical analyses are probably due to the software that used to conduct the analyses. Software packages available in ‘R’ make it very easy to conduct multivariate analyses. The primary (and albeit significant) limitation using aggregate data is the fallacy of regression to the mean, which occurs when using continuous data of population characteristics to perform meta-regressions. However, this limitation occurs regardless of the type of analyses (i.e., univariate or multivariate analyses).

Comment 27 | Page 24, line 504: “For example…” This point is only a limitation if you choose not to run stratified or meta-regressions on intervention characteristics, which were completed for some variables. You can say that the limitations, specifically with your review was that you chose not to run these analyses for which there may be valid reasons which should be stated (e.g., the data was not available, etc.). But I would explain why you chose not examine the variables listed here. However, it is not a limitation to the approach as it is best to include all studies and then find out the source of statistical heterogeneity by means of the clinical heterogeneity.

Response: We have elected to respond to comments 26 and 27 from the reviewer – which both correspond to the same section of the manuscript—using one response. We agree with these sage remarks from the reviewer. We have removed the phrase ‘more complex statistical methods’, and more explicitly described the limitations of our approach. Please find the revised section on lines 524 to 550.

Comment 28 | Page 25, line 513: Good point. Though the primary differences in haemoglobin would be concentration versus mass. Please cite the literature for your examples. If you believe that your results show that there was no difference between the two measurement types, please explain this to the reader in further detail as it is an important finding that conflicts with current literature.

Response: Done. We have cited the literature for our examples, please find this citation both in the methods (line 129) and limitations section of the discussion (line 547). We do not believe that there is no difference between the two measurement types and our analyses did not evaluate the potential difference between the two measurement types.


Comment 29 | Page 25, line 522: The results suggest that the pooled effect measure changed after addressing measures of clinical heterogeneity (though, it was not stated in the results section of the differences in modifiers were considered to be significant (no p-value to accompany the change in variance). Therefore, given the available results, I am not sure if this statement is true.

Response: Point well taken. We have removed the phrase “across a heterogeneous pool of studies”, and the concluding statement is now true without ambiguity.

Comment 30 | Page 25, line 525: I would argue that there is still bias in the methods used to conduct the synthesis of the results. However, there are efforts within the manuscript to limit the degree of bias.

Response: We agree. The term “unbiased” has been removed and replaced with “comprehensive”.

Reviewer 2

I have reviewed the document submitted by the authors again and have observed that the changes made in this second manuscript are minimal compared to the first, except for some statistical treatments (heterogeneity, Tau). The observations made in the first round are mainly included in a broad section of limitations that have been added to this second document.

The fundamental objections remain present in this second manuscript. Nevertheless, considering the magnitude of the effort made, the number of articles reviewed, and the fact that the limitations of the study are now explicitly stated based on the observations made, I believe that the article can be published. I think it is sufficiently clear what the real scope of the work's conclusions may be for non-expert readers in the field.

Response: Thank you for the review of the manuscript. We agree that the limitations section has provided additional and relevant context for the appropriate interpretation of these data.


Submitted filename: PONE-D-22-29015R2-R2R2S1.docx

Decision Letter 2

Daniel Boullosa

26 Sep 2023

PONE-D-22-29015R2The relationship between hemoglobin and V̇O2max: a systematic review and meta-analysisPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Senefeld,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

I have asked a statistician to assist us because of the concerns raised by the reviewer. The comments would seem minor to me but feel free to address the best you can, in an efficient manner, the changes requested. If needed, you can also include supplementary data to save space in the main manuscript. Sorry for this but we hope you understand we all are working to publish the best possible article.

Please submit your revised manuscript by Nov 10 2023 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Daniel Boullosa

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: (No Response)

Reviewer #3: (No Response)


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Partly

Reviewer #3: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #3: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


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PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The authors have done a great job addressing the feedback that I provided. They have made significant improvements to the quality of their manuscript.

The only issue remaining is that all linear regressions must be removed from the analysis as they do not consider both within and between study variance. A linear regression can be used for individual patient data sets. However, it is not appropriate for aggregate data. If the measure of uncertainty (i.e., standard error) is unavailable then the data cannot not be pooled. The authors indicate that these analyses provide an important comparison to other work, which may be true. However, the methods used to conduct the analyses are incorrect.

Reviewer #3: The present is a high quality paper. Only minor issues

Abstract: it may be worth to have only one primary end point

methods: it should be added hiow many authors performed the search

methods: it should be added if random or fixed effect was used

methods; subgroup analysis according to kind of studies should be added


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

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Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #3: Yes: Fabrizio D'Ascenzo


[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2023 Oct 12;18(10):e0292835. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292835.r006

Author response to Decision Letter 2

28 Sep 2023

Academic Editor

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

I have asked a statistician to assist us because of the concerns raised by the reviewer. The comments would seem minor to me but feel free to address the best you can, in an efficient manner, the changes requested. If needed, you can also include supplementary data to save space in the main manuscript. Sorry for this but we hope you understand we all are working to publish the best possible article.

Response: As described previously, thank you for spearheading this review process, which has augmented the quality and potential impact of this manuscript.

Reviewer 1

The authors have done a great job addressing the feedback that I provided. They have made significant improvements to the quality of their manuscript.

Response: We thank the reviewer for the thorough and constructive reviews of the manuscript.

The only issue remaining is that all linear regressions must be removed from the analysis as they do not consider both within and between study variance. A linear regression can be used for individual patient data sets. However, it is not appropriate for aggregate data. If the measure of uncertainty (i.e., standard error) is unavailable then the data cannot not be pooled. The authors indicate that these analyses provide an important comparison to other work, which may be true. However, the methods used to conduct the analyses are incorrect.

Response: All linear regressions have been removed from the manuscript.

Reviewer 3

The present is a high quality paper. Only minor issues

Response: Thank you for the review of the manuscript and supportive comment.

Abstract: it may be worth to have only one primary end point

Response: Indeed, we do have one primary end point. As described in the ‘objectives’ section of the manuscript (please see lines 74 to 79), the primary end point of this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the relationship between hemoglobin levels and V̇O2max. Because both hemoglobin levels and V̇O2max may be described using multiple metrics, our primary end point is associated with several different analyses.

methods: it should be added hiow many authors performed the search

Response: This important information has been added—please see lines 92 to 93.

methods: it should be added if random or fixed effect was used

Response: We used random-effects models—please see lines 187 to 189.

methods; subgroup analysis according to kind of studies should be added

Response: Indeed, as a secondary objective, prespecified subgroup analyses were performed according to the kind of study. Separate analyses were included for observational studies and interventional studies, and additional analyses performed based on intervention (blood transfusion or donation, erythropoiesis stimulating agents, dietary supplementation, environmental hypoxia, or aerobic (de)training). We have revised the methods to more clearly delineate the subgroup analyses – please see lines 215 to 217.


Submitted filename: PONE-D-22-29015-R2R3S1.docx

Decision Letter 3

Daniel Boullosa

2 Oct 2023

The relationship between hemoglobin and V̇O2max: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Dear Dr. Senefeld,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

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If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Daniel Boullosa

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Daniel Boullosa

4 Oct 2023


The relationship between hemoglobin and V̇O2max: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Dear Dr. Senefeld:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

If we can help with anything else, please email us at

Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Daniel Boullosa

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Checklist. PRISMA 2020 checklist.


    S1 Fig. Association between hemoglobin concentration and maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max).

    Bubble plot and meta-regression displaying the positive association between hemoglobin concentration and both absolute V˙O2max (A) and relative V˙O2max (B). Data for males are represented as purple bubbles, data for females are represented as green bubbles with plus sign symbols, and data for studies presenting males and females pooled (mixed) are represented as black bubbles with middle dot symbols. Each bubble represents a group from a single study and the size of bubbles represents the number of participants within the group. The solid line indicates the meta-regression line, and the dashed lines indicate the 95% prediction interval associated with the meta-regression.


    S2 Fig. Association between hematocrit and maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max).

    Bubble plot and meta-regression displaying the positive association between hematocrit and both absolute V˙O2max (A) and relative V˙O2max (B). Data for males are represented as purple bubbles, data for females are represented as green bubbles with plus sign symbols, and data for studies presenting males and females pooled (mixed) are represented as black bubbles with middle dot symbols. Each bubble represents a group from a single study and the size of bubbles represents the number of participants within each group. The solid line indicates the meta-regression line, and the dashed lines indicate the 95% prediction interval associated with the meta-regression.


    S1 Table. Risk of bias among observational articles.


    S2 Table. Risk of bias among interventional articles.


    S3 Table. Underlying data set.



    Submitted filename: PONE-D-22-29015-R2R1.docx


    Submitted filename: PONE-D-22-29015R2-R2R2S1.docx


    Submitted filename: PONE-D-22-29015-R2R3S1.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Additionally, the data underlying the results presented in the study are publicly available from the references listed herein.

    Articles from PLOS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS