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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Oct 13.
Published in final edited form as: Found Data Sci. 2023 Mar;5(1):26–55. doi: 10.3934/fods.2022015


Rui Wang 1, Guo-Wei Wei 1,2,3,*
PMCID: PMC10575407  NIHMSID: NIHMS1888540  PMID: 37841699


Path homology proposed by S.-T.Yau and his co-workers provides a new mathematical model for directed graphs and networks. Persistent path homology (PPH) extends the path homology with filtration to deal with asymmetry structures. However, PPH is constrained to purely topological persistence and cannot track the homotopic shape evolution of data during filtration. To overcome the limitation of PPH, persistent path Laplacian (PPL) is introduced to capture the shape evolution of data. PPL’s harmonic spectra fully recover PPH’s topological persistence and its non-harmonic spectra reveal the homotopic shape evolution of data during filtration.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 62R40, Secondary: 55N31

Key words and phrases. Persistent homology, persistent Laplacian, spectral graph theory, topological data analysis, spectral data analysis, simultaneous geometric and topological analyses

1. Introduction.

Recent years witness the emergence of a variety of advanced mathematical tools in topological data analysis (TDA) [13]. As the main workhorse of TDA, persistent homology (PH) [2, 9, 43, 10] pioneered a new branch in algebraic topology, offering a powerful tool to decode the topological structures of data during filtration in terms of persistent Betti numbers. Persistent homology has had tremendous success in many areas of science and technology, such as biology [41], chemistry [35], drug discovery [29], 3D shape analysis [33], etc.

Inspired by the success of PH, other mathematical tools have been given due attention. One of them is de Rham-Hodge theory in differential geometry, which uses the differential forms to represent the cohomology of an oriented closed Riemannian manifold with boundary in terms of a topological Laplacian, namely Hodge Laplacian [8]. The de Rham-Hodge theory has been applied to computational biology [42], graphic [34], and robotics [28]. However, like homology, the de Rham-Hodge theory does not offer an in-depth analysis of data, which is a famous problem in spectral geometry [24]. To overcome this drawback, the evolutionary de Rham-Hodge theory [5] was introduced in terms of persistent Hodge Laplacian to offer a multiscale analysis of the de Rham-Hodge theory. Defined on a family of evolutionary manifolds, the evolutionary de Rham-Hodge theory gives a new answer to, or at least reopens, the famous 55-years old question “can one hear the shape of a drum”. [24] The persistent Hodge Laplacian captures both the topological persistence and the homotopic shape evolution of data during filtration.

Nevertheless, the evolutionary de Rham-Hodge theory is set up on Riemannian manifolds, which may be computationally demanding for large datasets. Hence, a similar multiscale-based topological Laplacian, called persistent spectral graph (PSG) [37], was proposed by introducing a filtration to combinatorial graph Laplacians. PSG, aka persistent Laplacian (PL) [26], extends persistent homology to non-harmonic analysis of data, showing much advantage in sophisticated applications [27, 4, 39]. Dealing with point cloud data instead of manifolds, PL encodes a point cloud to a family of simplicial complexes generated from filtration and analyzes both harmonic and non-harmonic spectra. It is worthy to notice that the harmonic spectra from the null spaces of PLs reveal the same topological persistence as that of persistent homology, whereas, the non-harmonic spectra of PLs capture the homotopic shape evolution of data during filtration. Meanwhile, open-source software called HERMES [38] was developed for the simultaneous topological and geometric analysis of data. However, like persistent homology, PSG treats all data points equally. That is to say, each point does not carry any labeled information such as the type, mass, color, etc. Therefore, an extension of PSG, called persistent sheaf Laplacian (PSL), was proposed to generalize cellular sheaves [32, 22] for the multiscale analysis of point cloud data with attached labeled information [40]. PSL is also a topological Laplacian that carries topological information in its null space but tracks homotopic shape evolution during filtration. It is worthy to mention that eigenvectors computed from Hodge Laplacians defined on manifolds [42] are sharply different from those computed from combinatorial Laplacians defined on simplicial complexes [39]. The minor similarity and fundamental difference of these Laplacians were discussed in the literature [31]. Another interesting development is the persistent Dirac Laplacian (PDL) by Ameneyro, Maroulas, and Siopsis [1]. PDL offers an efficient quantum computation of persistent Betti numbers across different scales. The above-mentioned approaches have great potentials to deal with complex data in science and engineering.

It is noticed that the aforementioned homologies and topological Laplacians are insensitive to asymmetry or directed relations, which limits their representational power in encoding structures that have directional information. For example, in gene regulation data, the directions of gene regulations are indicated by arrowheads or perpendicular edges in systems biology [25]. Therefore, a technique that can deal with directed graphs (digraphs) is of vital importance to inferring gene regulation relationships. Notably, the path homology [16] proposed by Grigor’yan, Lin, Muranov, and Yau provides a powerful tool to analyze datasets with asymmetric structures using the path complex. Particular cases of homologies of digraphs and their path cohomology were also discussed [16, 18, 20]. The notion of path homology of digraphs has a richer mathematical structure than the earlier homology and Laplacian, opening new directions for both pure and applied mathematics. For example, path homology theory was extended to various objects such as quivers, multigraphs, digraphs pairs, cylinder, cone, hypergraphs, etc. [21, 15, 14] Path homology has drawn much attention from researchers in the TDA community. To encode richer information, Chowdhury and Mémoli extended path homology to a persistent framework on a directed network [6]. Wang, Ren, and Wu constructed a weighted path homology for weight digraphs and proved a persistent version of a Künneth-type formula for joins of weighted digraphs [36]. Recently, Dey, Li, and Wang have designed an efficient algorithm for 1-dimensional persistent path homology [7], which is useful in real applications.

Similar to persistent homology, persistent path homology cannot track the homotopic shape evolution of data during filtration. To overcome this limitation, we introduce path Laplacian as a new topological Laplacian to analyze the spectral geometry of data, in addition to its topology. Moreover, we introduce a filtration to path Laplacian to obtain a persistent path Laplacian (PPL), a new framework that captures both the topological persistence and shape evolution of directed graphs and networks. By varying the filtration parameter, one can construct a series of digraphs, which result in a family of persistent path Laplacian matrices. The harmonic spectra of the persistent path Laplacian recover all the topological invariants of the digraphs, while the non-harmonic spectra provide additional geometric information, which can distinguish two systems when they are homotopy but geometrically different. PPL has potential applications in science, engineering, industry, and technology. This work is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews the necessary background on path homology. Section 3 describes path Laplacian and persistent path Laplacian. Detailed PPL matrix constructions are illustrated with various examples for the interested readers in Section 3 and Section 4.

2. Background on path homology and directed graph.

Graph structure offers a powerful and versatile data representation that encodes inter-dependencies among constituents, which has been driven by widely spread applications in various fields such as graph theory, topological data analysis, science, and engineering. In this section, we first recap basic concepts in path homology, including paths on a finite set, boundary operator on the path complex, and homologies of path complex. Then, we briefly review the concept of directed graphs (digraphs) and give a discussion of path homologies on the directed graph without self loops. Such concepts and notations, due to Yau and coworkers, form a basis for us to introduce path Laplacian and persistent path Laplacian in section 3.

2.1. Paths on a finite set.

Denote set V an arbitrary nonempty finite set, and elements in V are called vertices. For pZ0+  (i.e., a set with integers p0), an elementary p-path on V is any sequence i0ip of p+1 vertices in V. An elementary p-path is an empty set for p=-1. For a fixed field K, a vector space that consists of all formal linear combinations of elementary p-paths with its coefficients in K is called the space generated by the elementary paths, denoted as Λp=Λp(V,K)=Λp(V). One says the elements in Λp are p-paths on V, and an elementary p-path i0ipΛp is denoted by ei0ip. By definition, vΛp, its unique representation can be given by the basis in Λp:

v=i0,,ipVci0ipei0ip, (1)

where ci0ip is the coefficient in K. For instance, Λ0 contains all linear combination of ei with iV, Λ1 has all linear combination of eij with (i,j)V×V, and so on so forth. Since Λ-1 consists of all multiples of e, one has Λ-1K.

Additionally, pZ0+, the linear boundary operator from Λp to Λp-1 that acts on elementary paths can be defined as

:ΛpΛp1 (2)


ei0ip=q=0p(1)qei0i^qip, (3)

where iˆq denotes the omission of index iq from the elementary p-path ei0ip. One sets Λ-2={0}, and for p=-1, defines :Λ-1Λ-2 to be a zero map. Following Lemma 2.1 in [19], one has 2=0, which indicates that the collection of boundary operator and space Λp can form a chain complex of V denoted as Λ*=Λp as

ΛpΛp1Λ0K0. (4)

Next, the concepts of regular path and non-regular path are introduced according to [19]. An elementary path ei0ip on a set V is regular if ik-1ik, and non-regular if ik-1=ik for k=1,,p. For any pZ0+{-1}, let p be the subspace of Λp spanned by all regular elementary paths, and 𝒩p be the subspace of Λp spanned by all non-regular elementary paths. Therefore, one has

p=span{ei0ip:i0ip is regular}
𝒩p=span{ei0ip:i0ip is non-regular}.

Note that p=Λp for integers p=-1,0.

Then p0+{1}, Λp=p𝒩p. Therefore,


According to Section 2.4 in [19], the boundary operator is well-defined on the quotient space Λp/𝒩p. Moreover, 2=0 and the product rules are satisfied in the quotient space Λp/𝒩p as well. One has an induced regular boundary operator:

¯:pp1, (5)

where the regular boundary operator satisfies (3) except that all non-regular terms on the right hand side should be treated as 0. Then a chain complex of V, denoted as *(V)=pp and equipped with , can be expressed as:

p¯p1¯¯0¯K¯0. (6)

It can be verified that RpΛp/Np is an isomorphism of chain complexes [18]. In the following sections, for simplicity, we use to denote the boundary operator of Eq. (6) unless specified differently.

2.2. Path complex.

A path complex over set V is a nonempty collection P of elementary paths on V for any nZ0+,

if i0inP,  then i0in1P,  and i1inP. (7)

For a fixed path complex, all the paths from P are called allowed (i.e. ik-1ik for any k=1,,n), while the elementary paths on V that are not in P are non-allowed. We say a path complex P is perfect if any subsequence of any path from P is also in P. We choose Pn to denote all n-paths from P. Then the set P-1 has a single empty path e, the set P0 consists of all the vertices of P, and clearly, V=P0. To be noted, a path complex P is a collection Pnn=-1 satisfying Eq. (7). Let 𝒦 be an abstract simplicial complex defined over a finite vertex set V, satisfying

if σ𝒦, then any subset of σ is also in 𝒦.

The collection of elementary paths on V is denoted by P(𝒦). Following Ref. [19] (cf. Example 3.2), the family P(𝒦) is a path complex.

2.3. Path homology.

For any nZ0+, the K-linear space 𝒜n is spanned by all the elementary n-paths from a given path complex P=Pnn=0 over a finite set V, i.e.,


We call the elements of 𝒜n the allowed n-paths. By the definition of 𝒜n, 𝒜nΛn, and 𝒜n=Λn for n0. It is natural that the boundary operator defined on n can be introduced to 𝒜n under certain condition: 𝒜n𝒜n-1. For example, for perfect path complexes, we can obtain a chain complex:


Next, we consider a general path complex P (i.e., 𝒜n does not have to be a subspace of 𝒜n1). For any nZ0+{-1}, we define a subspace of 𝒜n:

Ωn=Ωn(P)={v𝒜n:v𝒜n1}. (8)

The elements of Ωn are called -invariant n-paths. To be noted, ΩnΩn-1 always satisfies. Moreover, 2=0 has been established in the previous section. Therefore, the augmented chain complex of -invariant paths can be denoted as

ΩnΩn1Ω0K0, (9)

whose homology group H˜n(P) of the chain complex in Eq. (9) are called the reduced path homology groups of the path complex P for nZ0+{-1}. The truncated version of the chain complex in Eq. (9) for nZ0+ is:

ΩnΩn1Ω00, (10)

whose homology group Hn(P) of the chain complex in Eq. (10) are called the path homology groups of the path complex P.

2.4. Path homology of directed graphs.

A directed graph is an ordered pair G=(V,E), where V is a set of all vertices and E is a set of ordered pairs of vertices (i.e. directed edges that satisfy EV×V). If G=(V,E) does not contain any loop and multiple edge, then it is called simple directed graph. Moreover, for the path homology of multigraph or quiver, one can refer to Ref. [3]. In the following section of this work, we use G(V,E) to represent the simple directed graphs unless specified differently.

The path complex P(G) is regular if G=(V,E) is a simple directed graph. In this section, we mainly discuss the regular spaces Ωn(G)=Ωn(P(G)) and their associated regular homology groups H(G)=Hn(P(G)). Similar to the discussion in subsection 2.3, given a simple digraph G(V,E), for any nZ0+{-1}, the space of -invariant n-paths on G is defined by the subspace of 𝒜n(G)=𝒜n(V,E;K):


with Ω-1=𝒜-1K and Ω-2=𝒜-2={0}. Since ΩnΩn-1 (as 2=0), then we have the following chain complex of V denoted as Ω*(V)=Ωn,


and the associated n-dimensional path homology groups of G=(V,E) are defined as:

Hn(G)=Hn(V,E;K):=ker(|Ωn)/im(|Ωn+1). (11)

To be noted, the elements of kerΩn are called n-cycles, and the elements of imΩn+1 are referred to as n-boundaries. For simplicity, we define n=Ωn, and the chain complex of -invariant paths is written as


Notably, the path cohomology, introduced in Refs. [18, 12], is isomorphic to the dual space of path homology when the coefficient ring is a field. The associated n-dimensional path homology groups of digraphs are defined as:

Hn(G)=Hn(V,E;K):=ker(dn+1)/im(dn), (12)

where d is called coboundary operator.

Given two simple digraphs G=(V,E) and G=V,E. According to the Definition 2.2 in [17], a morphism of digraphs/digraphs map from G to G is a map f:VV such that for any directed edge ij in E, one has either f(i)f(j) is a directed edge on E or f(i)=f(j).

Let f be a digraph map from G to G. For nZ0+{-1}, one defines a map f**n:Λn(V)ΛnV such that:

(f**)n(ei0in)=ef(i0)f(in). (13)

Assume and are the boundary operators of chain complexes Λ*(V) and Λ*V, then for ei0inΛn, one has

((f**)n1°)(ei0in)=q=0n(1)q(f**)n1(ei0i^qin) (14)
=q=0n(1)q(ef(i0)f^(iq)f(in)) (15)
=(°(f*)n)(ei0in). (16)

Hence f** is a chain map. By the definition of digraph map, f**n maps non-regular elementary n-paths on V to non-regular elementary n-paths on V. Therefore, one has f**n𝒩n(V)𝒩nV, and then f**n descends to a quotient homomorphism of chain complexes:

(f˜**)n:Λn(V)/𝒩n(V)Λn(V)/𝒩n(V). (17)

It can be verified that RpΛp/𝒩p is an isomorphism of chain complexes [18], then the map in (17) induces a morphism of chain complexes:

(f*)n:n(V)n(V). (18)

Since f**n maps non-regular paths to non-regular, then similarly to what Eq. (14) shows, f*n is also a chain map that follows:

(f*)n(ei0in):={ef(i0)f(in) if ef(i0)f(in) is regular, 0 otherwise. (19)

Following Theorem 2.10 in [17], the induced map f*n induces a morphism of chain complexes:

(f*)n:Ωn(G;K)Ωn(G;K) (20)

and consequently induces a homomorphism between the path homology groups:

(f*)n:Hn(G;K)Hn(G;K),n0. (21)

2.5. Homologies of directed subgraphs.

Some interesting propositions on the homologies of subgraphs provide a way to simplify complicated digraphs to relatively simple ones. Following Section 4.2 [19], three propositions are discussed.

Proposition 2.1. Given a simple digraph G that has a vertex v with n outcoming arrows vv0,vv1,,vvn-1. Note that v does not have any incoming arrows. Assume that for all i1, one has v0vi. Denote G be the subgraph of G by removing the vertex v with all adjacent edges (i.e. V=V{v} and E=E{vvi}i=0n1). Then, one has H*(G)H*G (See Figure 1 a).

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Homologies of directed subgraphs. a, b, and c illustrate three subgraphs whose homology groups or homology group dimensions are related to the original digraphs.

Proposition 2.2. Given a simple digraph G=(V,E) that has a vertex v with n incoming arrows v0v,v1v,,vn-1v. Note that v does not have any outcoming arrows. Assume that for all i1, one has viv0. Denote G=V,E be the subgraph of G by removing the vertex v with all adjacent edges (i.e. V=V{v} and E=E{viv}i=0n1). Then, one has H*(G)H*G (See Figure 1 b).

Proposition 2.3. Given a simple digraph G=(V,E) that has a vertex v with only one outcoming arrow vvi and only one incoming arrow vjv, where ij. Denote G=V,E be the subgraph of G (See Figure 1 c) by removing the vertex v and the adjacent edges vvi and vjv (i.e. V=V{v} and E=E{vvi,vjv}). Then

  1. dimHp(G)=dimHpG for p2 or for p=0,1 if vjvi is an edge/semi-edge in G.

  2. If vjvi is neither an edge or a semi-edge in G, but vj and vi are in the same connected component of G, then dimH1(G)=dimH1G+1, and dimH0(G)=dimH0G.

  3. If vj and vi are not in the same connected component of G, then dimH1(G)=dimH1(G) and dimH0(G)=dimH0G-1.

3. Path Laplacian and persistent path Laplacian.

One can extract topological invariants by introducing the persistent Betti numbers from the homology groups along the filtration of simplicial complex [43]. However, persistent Betti numbers do not capture homotopic geometric changes during filtration. Therefore, persistent topological Laplacians, including persistent Laplacian [37, 38] (persistent spectral graph) and persistent Hodge Laplacian [5], were introduced to reveal additional geometric information. Similarly, the constructions of path Laplacian and persistent path Laplacian are motivated by the earlier persistent spectral graphs [37, 38]. In this section, we first discuss the construction of path Laplacian. Then, we introduce filtration to the path complex to generate a series of digraphs, which gives rise to persistent path Laplacian.

3.1. Path Laplacian.

Recall that a chain complex of -invariant paths is given by


where Ωn=Ωn(P)=v𝒜n:v𝒜n-1 and n:=Ωn. Alternatively, assume Sn:=Sn(P) to be the set of n-th elementary paths in P, then we define an inner product


such that for any ei0in,ej0jnSn, the following satisfies

ei0in,ej0jn={1 if ei0in=ej0jn,0 otherwise. (22)

Let Mn be a matrix representation of :𝒜n𝒜n-1 with respect to the standard basis of 𝒜n and 𝒜n-1. Define an inclusion map ιn:Ωn𝒜n, then the matrix representation of ιn with respect to the basis of Ωn (i.e., the standard basis of 𝒜n with the removal of generators that are not in Ωn) and the standard basis of 𝒜n is denoted as On. Denote the boundary matrix representation of n as Bn, then we have

On1Bn=M˜nOn. (23)

If On-1 is a square matrix, then On is actually an identity matrix, and we have

Bn=On11M˜nOn=M˜nOn, (24)

where M˜n is Mn with the removal of rows that their basis are not elementary (n-1)-paths in P. Otherwise, Bn is the least-square solution to Eq. (23).

Note that Bn is the matrix representation of n with respect to the basis of Ωn and Ωn-1. Dual space Ωn:=HomΩn,K of Ωn is equipped with dual maps d to form a cochain complex


where dn is called a coboundary operator. The inner product on Ωn induces an inner product , on Ωn such that


We denote the adjoint operator of n be n*:Ωn-1Ωn. Note that similar inner product , on Ωn was defined in the literature [23]. Hence, the coboundary operator dn is consistent with the adjoint operator n*. Then, for integers p0, the n-th path Laplacian operator is a linear operator: Δn:ΩnΩn given by

Δn=n+1n+1*+n*n, (25)

and Δ0=11*. The n-th path Laplacian matrix corresponding to Δn is expressed by

Ln=Bn+1Bn+1T+BnTBn. (26)

Since Ln is positive semi-definite and symmetric, its eigenvalues are all real and non-negative. Additionally, recall that the Betti number βn of path complex P satisfies

βn=dim ker ndim im n+1=dim ker Δn. (27)

It is easy to show that

βn=nullity(Ln)=the number of zero eigenvalues of Ln. (28)

Moreover, assume the dimension of Ln is 𝒩, then the set of spectra of Ln is denoted as


Figure 2 shows 5 digraphs with multiple vertices and directed edges. Here, we take them as examples to give a detailed illustration of Ln matrix constructions.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Five digraphs. a and b Digraphs with 3 vertices and 3 directed edges. c and d Digraphs with 4 vertices and 4 directed edges. e A digraph with 6 vertices and 8 directed edges. f A digraph with 6 vertices and 8 directed edges.

Construction of L0Figure 2a Since L0=B1B1T, then we first construct B1, where B1=O01M˜1O1 according to Eq. (24), we have O0=e1e2e3e1e2e3(100010001), M1=e1e2e3e12e23e31(101110011), and O1=e12e23e31e12e23e31(100010001). Since e1, e2, e3 are all elementary 0-paths (vertices), M1=M˜1. We have B1=O01M˜1O1=e1e2e3e12e23e31(101110011). Then L0=B1B1T=(211121112), which gives Spectra L0={0,3,3} and thus, one finally has β0=1.

Construction of L1Figure 2a We have L1=B2B2T+B1TB1, where B1 has been formed, so we focus on the construction of B2=O1-1M˜2O2 according to Eq. (24). Since O1=e12e23e31e12e23e31(100010001), M2=e11e12e13e21e22e23e31e32e33e123e231e312(000101100010000110011001000), and O2 is a 3×0 empty matrix since Ω2={0}. Therefore, B2=O1-1M˜2O2 is a 3×0 empty matrix. Additionally, L1=B2B2T+B1TB1=(211121112), where SpectraL1={0,3,3} and thus, one finally has β1=1.

Construction of L2Figure 2a We have L2=B3B3T+B2TB2, where B2 is an empty matrix. Hence, we focus on the construction of B3=O2-1M˜3O3 according to Eq. (24). We have 𝒜2=spane123,e231,e312 and 𝒜1=spane12,e23,e31. Note that 2e123=e23-e13+e12 where e13 is not in 𝒜1. Hence, e123 is not in Ω2. The same conclusion can be deduced for e231 and e312. Therefore, we have Ω2={0}, and it is straightforward to get that L2 is an empty matrix.

Construction of L0Figure 2b Since L0=B1B1T, then we should first construct B1, where B1=O0-1M˜1O1 according to Eq. (24). Since O0=e1e2e3e1e2e3(100010001), M1=e1e2e3e12e13e23(110101011), and O1=e12e13e23e12e13e23(100010001). Since e1,e2, and e3 are all elementary 0-paths (vertices). Therefore, M1=M˜1, and we have B1=O01M˜1O1=e1e2e3e12e13e23(110101011). Then L0=B1B1T=(211121112), which gives the SpectraL0={0,3,3} and thus, one finally has β0=1.

Construction of L1Figure 2b We have L1=B2B2T+B1TB1, where B1 has been formed, so we focus on the construction of B2=O1-1M˜2O2 according to Eq. (24). First, 𝒜2=spane123 and 𝒜1=spane12,e13,e23. Note that 2e123=e23-e13+e12 where e12,e23, and e13 are all in 𝒜1. Hence, Ω2=𝒜2=span{e123}. Note that O1=e12e13e23e12e13e23(100010001), M2=e11e12e13e21e22e23e31e32e33e123(011001000), and O2=e123e123(  1  ). The e11,e21,e22,e31,e32, and e33 are not elementary 1-paths in P. Hence, M˜2=e12e13e23e123(111), and then B2=O11M˜2O2=e12e13e23e123(111). Therefore, L1=B2B2T+B1TB1=(300030003), where SpectraL1={3,3,3} and thus, we finally have β1=0.

Construction of L2Figure 2b According to Eq. (26), we have L2=B3B3T+B2TB2 and B3=O2-1M˜3O3. Since there is no 3-path existing, so the M3 and O3 are both empty matrix. Hence L2=(3),SpectraL2={3}, and thus, one has β2=0.

In the following section, we will omit the detailed construction steps of boundary matrix Bn. Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4 list the boundary matrix Bn and the n-th path Laplacian matrix Ln for with its corresponding Betti numbers βn and spectrum SpectraLn for Figure 2 c, d, e, and f. It is worth to mention that βn can distinguish the same graph with different paths assigned. For example, Figure 2 c and d have the same undirected graph structure with different paths assigned. We have β1=0 for Figure 2 c and β1=1 for Figure 2 d.

Table 1.

Illustration of digraph c in Figure 2

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4} span{e12,e14,e23,e43} span{e143e123}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e12e14e23e43(1100101000110101) e12e14e23e43e143e123(1111) 1 × 0 empty matrix
Ln (2101121001211012) (3001031001301003) (4)
βn 1 0 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 2, 2, 4} {2, 2, 4, 4} {4}

Table 2.

Illustration of digraph d in Figure 2

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4} span{e12,e14,e32,e34} {0}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e12e14e32e34(1100101000110101) 4 × 0 empty matrix (/)
Ln (2101121001211012) (2110120110210112) (/)
βn 1 1 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 2, 2, 4} {0, 2, 4, 4} /

Table 3.

Illustration of digraph e in Figure 2.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6} span{e12,e13,e24,e25,e34,e35,e64,e65} span{e134e124,e135e125}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e5e6e12e13e24e25e34e35e64e65(110000001011000001001100001010100001010100000011) e12e13e24e25e34e35e64e65e134e124e135e125(1111100110010000) 2 × 0 empty matrix
Ln (211000130110103110011301011031000112) (4100110014110000013100100113000110003110100013010010102100010112) (4224)
βn 1 1 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 1.4384, 3, 3, 3, 5} {0, 1.4384, 2, 3, 3, 3, 5.5616, 6} {2,6}

Table 4.

Illustration of digraph f in Figure 2.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6} span{e12,e15,e23,e26,e42,e45,e53,e56} span{e153e123,e156e126,e453e423,e456e426}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e5e6e12e15e23e26e42e45e53e56(110000001011100000100010000011000100011100010001) e12e15e23e26e42e45e53e56e153e123e156e126e453e423e456e426(11001100101001010011001110100101) 4 × 0 empty matrix
Ln (210010141101012010010210101141010012) (4100101114110100014101100114010110004111011114001010104110011014) (4220240220420224)
βn 1 0 1
Spectra(Ln) {0, 2, 2, 2, 4, 6} {2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 8} {0, 4, 4, 8}

3.2. Persistent path Laplacian.

From Section 3.1, the way to calculate both harmonic spectra (topological invariants) and non-harmonic spectra of n-th path Laplacian matrix is genuinely free of metrics or coordinates, which contains too little information to fully describe the object. Therefore, inspired by the idea of the persistent spectral graph (PSG), persistent path Laplacian (PPL) is proposed to create a sequence of digraphs induced by varying a filtration parameter to encode more geometric or structural information.

First, we consider a filtration of digraphs 𝒢:R𝒟, which is a morphism fs,t:Hp𝒢t;KHp𝒢s;K from the category of real number R to the category of digraphs 𝒟 that satisfies:


where Gt:=𝒢(t)𝒟 and Gs:=𝒢(s)𝒟. Consider a sequence of finitely many positive integers 1,2,,m, we have a sequence of digraphs


For each digraph Gt, we denote its corresponding chain group to be ΩnGt, and the n-boundary operator of Gt is denoted by nt:ΩnGtΩn-1Gt,n0.

Similarly, as in persistent homology, a sequence of chain complexes can be denoted as

Ωn+11n+11Ωn1n131Ω2121Ω1111Ω0101Ω11Ωn+12q+12Ωn2n232Ω2222Ω1212Ω0202Ω12Ωn+1mq+1mΩnmnm3nΩ2m2mΩ1m1mΩ0m0mΩ1m (29)

For the sake of simplicity, we use Ωnt to represent ΩnGt. Suppose a subset of Ωns whose boundary is in Ωn-1t as:

Ωnt,s:={αΩnsnsαΩn1t}. (30)

The persistent n-boundary operator is denoted as ðnt,s:Ωnt,sΩn1t, and its corresponding adjoint operator is (ðnt,s)*:Ωn1tΩnt,s. Therefore, the persistent n-th path Laplacian operator Δnt,s:ΩntΩnt defined along the filtration is:

Δnt,s=ðn+1t,s(ðn+1t,s)*+nt*nt. (31)

Since Δnt,s inherits the inner product from ðn+1t,s, then the adjoint map (ðn+1t,s) well defined. Intuitively, the matrix representation of Δnt,s is

Lnt,s=Bn+1t,sP1(Bn+1t,s)T+(Bnt)TBnt, (32)

where P-1 is the associated inner product matrix of Ωn+1t,s with arbitrary basis. Moreover, assume the dimension of Lnt,s is N, then the spectra of Lnt,s that are arranged in ascending order can be displayed as:


Note that the smallest non-harmonic spectra of Lnt,s is denoted as λ˜2nt,s. We call the multiplicity of zero spectra of Lqt,s to be persistent n-th Betti number βnt,s from Gt to Gs.

βnt,s=nullity(Lnt,s)=the number of zero eigenvalues (i.e., harmonic eigenvalues) of Lnt,s. (33)

Distanced-based filtration

Specifically, suppose G(w)=(V,E,w) is a weighted digraph, where V is the set of the vertices and E is the set of the directed edges. Assume w is a weight function w:ER. For example, if V is in the Euclidean space, then a digraph G(w) is a geometric digraph (a geometric digraph is a digraph in which the vertices are embedded as points in the Euclidean space, and the edges are embedded as non-crossing directed line segments). For any (i,j)E where i,jV, we define w(i,j)=ij, where is a Euclidean metric. Hence, for every δR, a digraph can be described as Gδ=V,Eδ=(V,{eE:w(e)δ}), and a filtration of digraphs can be described as GδGδδδ.

Therefore, the persistent n-th path Laplacian matrix defined on the filtration is

Lnδ,δ=Bn+1δ,δP1(Bn+1δ,δ)T+(Bnδ)TBnδ, (34)

where its corresponding Betti numbers and spectra can be expressed as:

βnδ,δ=nullity(Lnδ,δ)=the number of zero eigenvalues (i.e., harmonic eigenvalues) of Lnδ,δ. (35)
Spectra(Lnδ,δ)={(λ1)nδ,δ,(λ2)nδ,δ,,(λN)nδ,δ}. (36)

Notably, the Fiedler value (i.e., spectral gap) of Lnδ,δ is widely used in many other areas such as physics and geography, which is denoted as λ˜nδ,δ. As shown below, it is sensitive to both topological and geometric changes.

Moreover, it is worth to mention that isolated points (vertices) can be either included in the digraphs (under the distance-based filtration) or removed from the digraphs (under the distanced-based filtration with removal of isolated points).

One can get both abstract information (revealed by Betti numbers) and geometric information (revealed by non-harmonic spectra) from digraphs along filtration. For instance, Figure 3 illustrates the filtration on two tetrahedrons. The top panel is a tetrahedron (Tetra 1) with edge lengths e12=e32=e24=1, and e13=e14=e34=2. The bottom panel is another tetrahedron (Tetra 2) with edge lengths e12=3,e32=e24=1, and e13=e14=2, and e34=2. We say G1=G0, G2=G1, G3=G2, G4=G3, and G5=G5. Figure 4 shows the changes of βnδ,δ and λnδ,δ of persistent n-th path Laplacian Lnδ,δ along filtration. It can be seen that by varying the filtration parameter δ from 0 to 1, the Betti 1 and Betti 2 are always 0. However, the smallest nonzero eigenvalue λ˜nδ,δ of Tetra 1 and Tetra 2 have changes along filtration parameter δ. Additionally, when n=1,2, the λ˜nδ,δ can distinguish Tetra 1 and Tetra 2, while βnδ,δ cannot. This indicates that non-harmonic spectra of persistent path Laplacian can reveal more geometric information than the persistent Betti numbers in distinguishing similar topological structures. Notably, we remove all the isolated points from each digraph for the simplicity of calculation.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Illustration of filtration on a tetrahedron. Here, 1,2,3, and 4 represent four elementary 0-paths e1,e2,e3, and e4. The top panel is a tetrahedron that has edge lengths e12=e32=e24=1 and e13=e14=e34=2. The bottom panel is a tetrahedron that has edge lengths |e32|=|e24|=1, |e34|=2, |e12|=3, and e13=e14=2.

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Comparison of Betti numbers and non-harmonic spectra of Lnδ,δ when n=0,1, and 2 on tetrahedrons Tetra 1 and Tetra 2. Note that since β1δ,δ=0 and β2δ,δ=0 for Tetra 1 and Tetra 2, topological variants from persistent path homology cannot discriminate Tetra 1 and Tetra 2. However λ1δ,δ and λ2δ,δ show the differences between Tetra 1 and Tetra 2.

Moreover, a more complicated example is also illustrated in Figure 5 to describe the filtration on two pyramids. The top panel is a pyramid (Pyra 1) with edge lengths e12=e32=e24=1, and e13=e14=e34=2. The bottom panel is a pyramid (Pyra 2) with edge lengths e12=3,e32,=e24=1, and e13=e14=2, and e34=2. We say G1=G0,G2=G1,G3=G2,G4=G3, and G5=G5. Figure 6 depicts the changes of βnδ,δ and λnδ,δ of persistent n-th path Laplacian Lnδ,δ for objects Pyra 1 and Pyra 2 along filtration. For Pyra 1 and Pyra 2, when n=0 and δ=1, their corresponding digraphs form, which result in β01,1=1 and β11,1=1 for both Pyra 1 and Pyra 2. When δ=3, we have β13,3=0 for Pyra 1 since the introducing of a new directed edges e15. When δ=5, we have β15,5=0 for Pyra 2 since the introducing of a new directed edges e15 kills the 1-cycle formed by e25,e32,e34, and e54. Furthermore, although Pyra 1 and Pyra 2 do not have exactly the same geometric structure, their share the same β2δ,δ value from δ=0 to δ=5. However, Pyra 1 and Pyra 2 can be distinguished by the λ˜2δ,δ along filtration. Therefore, we can see that similar to the PSG, one can use the non-harmonic spectra from the persistent path laplacian to reveal the intrinsic geometric information of a givens point-cloud dataset by varying the filtration parameters. In addition, the detailed calculations of Lnδ,δ can be found in the Appendix.

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Illustration of filtration on a pyramid. Here, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 represent five elementary 0-paths e1, e2, e3, e4, and e5. The top panel is a pyramid that has edge lengths |e13|=|e25|=|e32|=|e34|=|e54|=1, |e12|=|e14|=2, and e15=3. The bottom panel is a pyramid that has edge lengths |e25|=|e32|=|e34|=|e54|=1, |e12|=|e14|=2, and e15=5.

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Comparison of Betti number and non-harmonic spectra of Lnδ,δ when n=0,1,c and 2 on pyramids Pyra 1 and Pyra 2. Note that since β2δ,δ=0, it cannot distinguish Pyra 1 and Pyra 2. But λ2δ,δ can tell the difference.

4. Application.

In this section, we apply the persistent path Laplacian to the analysis of the curcurbit[n]urils system. Cucurbiturils are macrocyclic molecules, which are made of glycoluril (=C6H2N4O2=) monomers linked by methylene bridges (−CH2−). CBn is commonly used as an abbreviation of Cucurbiturils. Here, n is the number of glycoluril units. In this work, we consider CB7 as an example. The molecular formulas of CB7 is C42H14N28O14. The molecular structure of CB7 is obtained from the Supporting Information of Ref. [11].

Figure 7 illustrates how PPL is employed for a molecular system to extract its rich topological and geometric information. The first two charts of Figure 7a describe the three-dimensional (3D) top view and side view of CB7. The green, blue, red, and gray colors represent C,N,O, and H atoms, respectively. The third chart of Figure 7a is a basic “Octagon-pentagon” unit that consists of two glycolurils. It can be seen that 7 glycolurils exist in CB7. The last chart of Figure 7a demonstrates the path direction assignment to pairs of atoms based on atomic electronegativity. The periodic table of electronegativity is given by the Pauling scale [30], in which the electronegativities of C,N,O, and H are 2.55, 3.04, 3.44, and 2.20, respectively. Then, we set the directions of edges following the order “H → C → N → O”.

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

a The 3D structures of CB7, 2 glycolurils, and path direction assignment. Here, from left to right, the side view of CB7, top view of CB7, the structure of two glycoluril units (=C10H4N8O4=), and electronegativity-based path direction assignment are depicted as well. b Illustration of filtration-induced geometries Gi(i=1,2,,8) of CB7. Eight digraphs G1=G00.200*2,G2=G00.565*2,G3=G00.710*2,G4=G00.745*2,G5=G00.800*2,G6=G01.210*2,G7=G01.315*2,G8=G01.800*2 are constructed under filtration parameter δ. c Illustration of filtration-induced path complexes within two glycoluril units. Path directions can be inferred from their colors as shown in the last chart of a d Betti numbers βnδ,δ and non-harmonic spectra λ˜nδ,δ of persistent path Laplacians Lnδ,δ when n=0,1, and 2) for CB7.

Figure 7b depicts the distance-based filtration of CB7. Here, structures Gi(i=1,2,,8) were obtained at the filtration radii of 0.200, 0.565, 0.710, 0.745, 0.800, 1.210, 1.315, and 1.800Å, respectively. In our digraph notation, we denote these structures as G1=G00.200*2,G2=G00.565*2,G3=G00.710*2,G4=G00.745*2,G5=G00.800*2,G6=G01.210*2,G7=G01.315*2, and G8=G01.800*2. Note that, in the present formulation, all of the isolated points were removed from these digraphs.

Figure 7c illustrates the filtration-induced path complexes in the aforementioned Gi(i=1,2,,8). To clearly show the topological and geometric changes, only the path complexes in one “Octagon-pentagon” unit (or two glycolurils) are considered and depicted for each structure. For simplicity, only edges are presented. However, their path directions can be easily assigned based on their color map as shown in the last chart of Figure 7a.

Figure 7d depicts the PPL spectra of CB7. We can see that at the initial state G1 when r=δ/2=0.200Å), total 98 atoms are isolated from one another. When radius δ=0.565ÅG2, C atoms on each pentagon are connected with their H atom neighborhoods. Therefore, four isolated components are formed in each glycoluril, which makes β0δ,δ=4×7=28. At G3(r=0.710Å), C atoms on each pentagon are connected with their N and O neighborhoods. At this stage, two more connected components are involved in one glycoluri structure, which makes β0δ,δ=6×7=42. Only one connected structure can be formed if all of the atoms get connected with their neighborhood atoms. Therefore, β0δ,δ=1 (see G5-G8). Notably, the β2δ,δ and λ˜2δ,δ provide rich topological and geometric information when the filtration parameter δ increases.

This example shows that PPL can decode topological persistence and the shape evolution of a given molecular system with chemical- or biological-based directional assignment. Specifically, λ˜0δ,δ can still offer geometric information when β0δ,δ does not changes for large radii. Therefore, PPL keeps revealing homotopic shape evolution when the topological invariant from persistent path homology does not change.

Additionally, unlike persistent Laplacian, high-order PPL operators provide rich topological information. For instance, when the filtration parameter r=δ/2 increases to 1.68,β2δ,δ from PPL dramatically goes up. Whereas, in persistent Laplacian, the value of Betti 2 is quite limited since the CB7 system can barely form 2-cycles at a similar filtration parameter using either Rips complex or alpha complex. This trait endows PPL with a better ability to characterize the geometry and topology of an object at large scales.

5. Conclusion.

Path homology, a rich mathematical concept introduced by Grigor’yan, Lin, Muranov, and Yau, has stimulated a variety of new developments in pure and applied mathematics, including much attention from the topological data analysis (TDA) community. Unlike original homology or persistent homology, path homology enables the treatment of directed graphs and networks. Persistent path homology bridges path homology with multiscale analysis, making it a powerful tool for practical applications. Nonetheless, these formulations are insensitive to homotopic shape evolution during filtration.

Topological Laplacians, including Hodge Laplacian, graph Laplacian, sheaf Laplacian, and Dirac Laplacian, are versatile mathematical tools that not only preserve all topological invariants but also describe geometric shapes. This work introduces a new topological Laplacian, namely persistent path Laplacian, as a new mathematical tool for the multi-scale analysis of directed graphs and networks. For a given data, the proposed persistent path Laplacian fully recovers the topological persistence of persistent homology in its harmonic spectra and meanwhile, captures homotopic shape evolution of the data during filtration in its non-harmonic spectra.


This work was supported in part by NIH grants R01GM126189 and R01AI164266, NSF grants DMS-2052983, DMS-1761320, and IIS-1900473, NASA grant 80NSSC21M0023, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, MSU Foundation, Bristol-Myers Squibb 65109, and Pfizer.


In Tables 519, we present the detailed matrix constructions, Betti numbers, and spectra for various digraphs shown in Figure 5 top and bottom panels.

Table 5.

Matrix construction of graph G1 (with isolated points included) in the top panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5} {0} {0}
Bn+1 5 × 0 empty matrix / /
Ln 5 × 5 zero matrix / /
βn 5 / /
Spectra(Ln) {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} / /

Table 6.

Matrix construction of graph G1 (without isolated points) in the top panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn {0} {0} {0}
Bn+1 / / /
Ln / / /
βn / / /
Spectra(Ln) / / /

Table 7.

Matrix construction of graph G2 in the top panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5} span{e13,e25,e32,e34,e45} {0}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e5e13e25e32e34e45(1000001100101100001101001) 5 × 0 empty matrix (/)
Ln (1010002101113100012101012) (2011002101112101012101012) (/)
βn 1 1 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 0.8299, 2, 2.6889, 4.4812} {0, 0.8299, 2, 2.6889, 4.4812} /

Table 8.

Matrix construction of graph G3 in the top panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5} span{e12,e13,e14,e25,e32,e34,e54} span{e132,e134}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e5e12e13e14e25e32e34e54(11100001001100010011000100110001001) e12e13e14e25e32e34e54e132e134(10110100100100) 2 × 0 empty matrix
Ln (3111013101113101013101012) (3011000040000010300001002101000131000001310011012) (3113)
βn 1 1 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 2, 3, 4, 5} {0, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5} {2, 4}

Table 9.

Matrix construction of graph G4 in the top panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5} span{e12,e13,e14,e15,e25,e32,e34,e54} span{e125,e132,e134,e154}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e5e12e13e14e15e25e32e34e54(1111000010001100010001100010001100011001) e12e13e14e15e25e32e34e54e125e132e134e154(11000110001110011000010000100001) 4 × 0 empty matrix
Ln (4111113101113101013111013) (4010000004010000104000000104000000003101000013100000013100001013) (3101131001311013)
βn 1 1 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 3, 3, 5, 5} {1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5} {1, 3, 3, 5}

Table 10.

Matrix construction of graph G5 in the top panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5} span{e12,e13,e14,e15,e25,e32,e34,e54} span{e125,e132,e134,e154}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e5e12e13e14e15e25e32e34e54(1111000010001100010001100010001100011001) e12e13e14e15e25e32e34e54e125e132e134e154(11000110001110011000010000100001) 4 × 0 empty matrix
Ln (4111113101113101013111013) (4010000004010000104000000104000000003101000013100000013100001013) (3101131001311013)
βn 1 0 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 3, 3, 5, 5} {1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5} {1, 3, 3, 5}

Table 11.

Matrix construction of graph G1 (with isolated points included) in the bottom panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5} / /
Bn+1 5 × 0 empty matrix / /
Ln 5 × 5 zero matrix / /
βn 5 / /
Spectra(Ln) {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} / /

Table 12.

Matrix construction of graph G1 (without isolated points) in the bottom panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn {0} {0} {0}
Bn+1 / / /
Ln / / /
βn / / /
Spectra(Ln) / / /

Table 13.

Matrix construction of graph G2 (with isolated points included) in the bottom panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5} span{e25,e32,e34,e54} {0}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e5e25e32e34e54(00001100011000111001) 4 × 0 empty matrix (/)
Ln (0000002002001100012102013) (2012021011212012) (/)
βn 2 1 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 0, 0.6571, 2.5293, 4.8136} {0, 0.6571, 2.5293, 4.8136} /

Table 14.

Matrix construction of graph G2 (without isolated points) in the bottom panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e2,e3,e4,e5} span{e25,e32,e34,e54} {0}
Bn+1 e2e3e4e5e25e32e34e54(1100011000111001) 4 × 0 empty matrix (/)
Ln (2101121001211012) (2101121001211012) (/)
βn 1 1 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 2, 2, 4} {0, 2, 2, 4} /

Table 15.

Matrix construction of graph G3 (with isolated points included) in the bottom panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5} span{e25,e32,e34,e54} {0}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e5e25e32e34e54(00001100011000111001) 4 × 0 empty matrix (/)
Ln (0000002002001100012102013) (2012021011212012) (/)
βn 2 1 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 0, 0.6571, 2.5293, 4.8136} {0, 0.6571, 2.5293, 4.8136} /

Table 16.

Matrix construction of graph G3 (without isolated points) in the bottom panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e2,e3,e4,e5} span{e25,e32,e34,e54} {0}
Bn+1 e2e3e4e5e25e32e34e54(1100011000111001) 4 × 0 empty matrix (/)
Ln (2101121001211012) (2101121001211012) (/)
βn 1 1 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 2, 2, 4} {0, 2, 2, 4} /

Table 17.

Matrix construction of graph G2 in the bottom panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4} span{e12,e14,e32,e34} {0}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e5e12e14e32e34e54(0000001001001000011001011) 4 × 0 empty matrix (/)
Ln (2101121001211012) (2110120110210112) (/)
βn 1 1 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 2, 2, 4} {0, 2, 4, 4} /

Table 18.

Matrix construction of graph G4 in the bottom panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5} span{e13,e25,e32,e34,e45} {0}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e5e13e25e32e34e45(1000001100101100001101001) 5 × 0 empty matrix (/)
Ln (1010002101113100012101012) (2011002101112101012101012) (/)
βn 1 1 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 0.8299, 2, 2.6889, 4.4812} {0, 0.8299, 2, 2.6889, 4.4812} /

Table 19.

Matrix construction of graph G5 in the bottom panel of Figure 5.

n n=0 n=1 n=2
Ωn span{e1,e2,e3,e4,e5} span{e12,e13,e14,e15,e25,e32,e34,e54} span{e125,e132,e134,e154}
Bn+1 e1e2e3e4e5e12e13e14e15e25e32e34e54(1111000010001100010001100010001100011001) e12e13e14e15e25e32e34e54e125e132e134e154(11000110001110011000010000100001) 4 × 0 empty matrix
Ln (4111113101113101013111013) (4010000004010000104000000104000000003101000013100000013100001013) (3101131001311013)
βn 1 0 0
Spectra(Ln) {0, 3, 3, 5, 5} {1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5} {1, 3, 3, 5}


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