Table 1.
Quantitative sensory testing abbreviations and methods.
Abbreviation | Full name | Method |
CDT | Cold detection threshold | Cooled from baseline until participant senses “cooling.” Three repetitions are performed at each site. Arithmetic mean of change in temperature is used in analysis |
WDT | Warm detection threshold | Warmed from baseline until participant senses “warming.” Three repetitions are performed at each site. Arithmetic mean of change in temperature is used in analysis |
TSL | Thermal sensory limen | Warmed and cooled from baseline asking participant to indicate when they feel a change. Calculated by subtracting the arithmetic mean of the cool detections from the arithmetic mean of the warm detections during the alternations |
PHS | Paradoxical heat sensation | During TSL, if participants report “warm” or “hot” sensations during cooling, this is a paradoxical heat sensation. These are counted, and there is a maximum of 3 |
CPT | Cold pain threshold | Cooled from baseline until participant feels pain sensation. Three repetitions are performed at each site. Arithmetic mean of absolute temperatures is used in analysis |
HPT | Heat pain threshold | Heated from baseline until participant feels pain sensation. Three repetitions are performed at each site. Arithmetic mean of absolute temperatures is used in analysis |
MDT | Mechanical detection threshold or tactile detection threshold | Using von Frey hairs the tactile detection threshold is determined by performing a modified method of limits. Five threshold determinations are made, each with a series of ascending and descending stimulus intensities. The final threshold is the geometric mean of these 5 series of suprathreshold and subthreshold stimuli intensities |
MPT | Mechanical pain threshold | This test uses weighted pinprick stimuli. Five threshold determinations are made, each with a series of ascending and descending stimulus intensities. The final threshold is the geometric mean of the 5 suprathreshold and subthreshold readings (modified method of limits) |
MPS | Mechanical pain sensitivity | To test for mechanical pain sensitivity, weighted pinprick stimuli of different stimulus intensities are used so that a stimulus–response function is obtained for pinprick-evoked pain (Numerical Rating Scale; range 0-100). Seven stimuli intensities are applied 5 times each at both test sites in a randomized order, during which the subject is asked to give a numerical pain rating immediately after each stimulus. The degree of pain sensitivity is calculated by the geometrical mean of the pain ratings given for pinprick stimuli (MPS) |
DMA | Dynamic mechanical allodynia | Dynamic mechanical allodynia is tested by using the same test pattern as described for the MPS. Dynamic innocuous stimuli (Q-tip, cotton wisp, and soft brush) are applied in between the pinprick stimuli in a randomized order. Each of the 3 innocuous stimuli is tested 5 times on each test site. The degree of pain sensitivity is calculated by the geometrical mean of the pain ratings innocuous stimuli (DMA) |
WUR | Wind-up ratio | The numerical pain rating (NRS; range 0-100) given for an applied series of repetitive pinprick stimuli of the same intensity (10 stimuli with a repetition rate of 1/s, 256 mN) is compared with the numerical pain rating of a single stimulus again of the same intensity. This procedure is repeated 5 times. A “wind-up” ratio is calculated by the arithmetic mean of the pain intensity rating for the series of stimuli divided by the arithmetic mean of the pain intensity rating for the single stimulus |
VDT | Vibration detection threshold | This test is performed with a standardized tuning fork (64 Hz) that is placed over a bony prominence. The vibration detection threshold is determined by 3 series of descending stimulus intensities determined from the “wandering” tip of a triangle moved by means of the vibration and indicated on the tuning fork29 using the arithmetic mean of the values when the participant just stopped perceiving vibration (in x/8) |
PPT | Pressure pain threshold | Using a pressure algometer (contact area 1 cm2), the threshold for pressure induced pain is measured above a muscle in 3 series of slowly increasing stimulus intensities (0.5 kg/s, corresponding to ca. 50 kPa/s). The threshold is then determined as the arithmetic mean of the 3 series (in kPa). |