Figure 7.
Cleavage of Shiga toxin 2a (Stx2a) by stool supernatant from patients with an EHEC infection. Immunoblots show the form (intact or cleaved) of Stx2a after its incubation (30 min) with sterile-filtered supernatant derived from human stool (SF-SN HS) of EHEC-patients (n = 9), including EHEC-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome (eHUS) cases (n = 3). Pure Stx2a and trypsin-cleaved (T-cl.) Stx2a served as references. Bands showcasing the whole A subunit or the A1 fragment of Stx2a are indicated by arrows. Molecular weight (MW) is indicated in kilodaltons (kDa) based the on migration of the molecular marker.