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. 2023 Nov 1;18(11):e0291355. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291355

Biophilic classroom environments on stress and cognitive performance: A randomized crossover study in virtual reality (VR)

Jicheng You 1,2,#, Xinyi Wen 1,3,4,#, Linxin Liu 5,6, Jie Yin 7, John S Ji 1,3,6,8,9,*
Editor: Stefano Triberti10
PMCID: PMC10619869  PMID: 37910474


The emerging Metaverse will likely increase time expenditure in indoor virtual environments, which could impact human health and well-being. The biophilia hypothesis suggests that humans have an innate tendency to seek connections with the natural world and there is increasing evidence that biophilic design such as the incorporation of green plants can yield health benefits. Recently, virtual reality (VR) has been used to regulate stress and improve overall wellness, particularly by incorporating natural settings. In this randomized crossover study, we designed five virtual classroom scenes with different biophilic elements and turbidity in VR and investigated whether the visual stimulations can affect the stress levels and cognitive functions of 30 young adults from a university in China. We measured their physiological indicators of stress reaction by wearable biomonitoring sensors (blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), and skin conductance level (SCL)), conducted verbal cognitive tests on attention and creativity, and evaluated subjective/perceived (self-reported) stress levels and connection with nature. Albeit our results suggested no significant change in physiological stress reactions or cognitive functions induced by the biophilic and turbid interventions in VR, the addition of biophilic elements in the Metaverse could benefit students’ health due to significantly decreased perceived stress levels and increased connections with nature.


Globally, there’s a noticeable decline in access to natural settings, driven in part by the shift towards sedentary learning and work habits. This is profoundly evident among students, many of whom have and will continue to allocate substantial time to remote learning. Additionally, with the advent of the Metaverse, particularly accentuated by Facebook’s rebranding [1] the trend of spending more time in both physical indoor settings and virtual indoor environments is poised to grow. Regrettably, a number of studies, predominantly reliant on questionnaires, have revealed that students from a vast range of grade levels across numerous countries have reported elevated levels of stress, anxiety, and depression during periods of online learning [26]. Heightened use of smart devices and increased screen time have been linked to an array of stress-induced symptoms [3, 7] and poorer academic performance [6].

The biophilia hypothesis, popularized by biologist E.O. Wilson in 1984, suggests that humans have an innate tendency to seek connections with the natural world [810]. Two complementary theories, Stress Recovery Theory (SRT) and Attention Restoration Theory (ART), support the hypothesis. SRT indicates that the activated parasympathetic nervous system by natural elements leads to stress reduction [8], while ART suggests that natural environments are restorative by capturing involuntary attention [11]. Population epidemiology studies and experiments documented exposure to outdoor nature (e.g., greenspace) can positively affect human health and well-being in multiple ways: reduced stress level, improved mental health and cognition, lower mortality rates [1216], and enhanced immune functions [1720]. In contrast, the health impact of indoor environmental quality has been examined only recently. Most research focused on negative factors impacting human health such as poor indoor air quality and materials with toxic chemicals. Currently, only a few studies investigated positive attributes like biophilic design which incorporates natural elements in indoor spaces [21].

There is emerging evidence that biophilic design in simulated environment can yield health benefits. For example, indoor plants could be conducive to stress-reduction and attention restoration [22, 23], viewing nature through a window helped patients reduce recovery time [2426], and natural light could raise feelings of vitality and quality of life [27, 28]. In recent years, the use of virtual reality (VR) systems is more commonly implemented to improve human health. Virtual environments that aim to reduce stress often incorporate natural settings because of their well-researched and proven ability to regulate stress and improve overall wellness [29]. Combined biophilic design elements using virtual reality (VR) by Yin et al. [30] demonstrated that bringing nature into virtual indoor workspace has clear benefits to the health outcomes, including physiological stress reductions and cognitive function (attention and creativity) improvements. Combining VR, eye-tracking, and wearable biomonitoring sensors, their studies supported the dominance of visual senses in creating perceptions [31] and provided a potential tool for objective virtual exposure assessment (e.g., measuring physiological stress reactions such as blood pressure and heart rate).

To explore the design of study environment in the Metaverse for students and examine their health responses to the biophilic elements, we used VR and wearable biomonitoring sensors to quantify the impacts of both positive and negative factors in built virtual environments on short-term health (i.e., stress reduction and cognitive function improvement within minutes or hours after exposure) of university students. Specifically, the study investigated the immediate physiological and cognitive responses (i.e., during the experiment session) to five virtual scenes of university classroom (same classroom) with different biophilic elements and turbidity (i.e., hazy outdoor view) which mimics air pollution visually. Although hazy windows are not the opposite to biophilic design, a study found that photos of gray cityscape caused by particle pollution could impede human stress recovery [32]. We used a randomized crossover design to achieve the same statistical power with fewer participants [33, 34], i.e., participants served as their own control group with physiological and cognitive responses being repeatedly measured. All participants experienced five different virtual scenes randomly during a single experiment session. We hypothesized that participants would experience physiological stress reduction and cognitive function improvement after exposures to various biophilic classroom environments in VR, while the turbid environment would negatively influence participants’ short-term health, or immediate impact after exposure. Specifically, we also wanted to explore the influence from various biophilic designs depending on the content of indoor and outdoor elements.

Materials and methods

Study population

The study recruited 30 participants via advertisement and social networks platforms. Two rounds of recruitment took place in July and August 2021. Inclusion criteria were 18–30 years old, free from hypertension and heart diseases, and not taking medicine or therapy for stress recovery or relief (S1A File). Eligible participants were invited to a classroom in the Innovation Building at Duke Kunshan University (DKU) to participate in the study and were compensated with a gift valued at RMB 50 (USD $7.28).

Ethics statement

All participants provided informed written consent. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the DKU Institutional Review Board (Approval number: FWA00021580).

Environment simulation

In this study, we chose three biophilic patterns from the conceptual framework for biophilic design [35] because (1) they relate to indoor classroom design, (2) they can be vividly simulated in VR, and (3) they are suitable for short exposure time (e.g., 5 minutes). It has been proved that these patterns can induce significant changes in people’s physiological responses and cognitive functions [30, 36]. Specifically, the patterns of "Visual connection to nature" and "Dynamic and diffuse light" were combined to represent Nature in the Space, which included potted plants, trees, sky, clouds, and access to natural light and shadow. We used the pattern of "Material connection with nature" to represent Natural Analogues, including wooden floors and ceilings.

With these patterns deposited, we simulated five virtual indoor classroom environments based on a real classroom at DKU (Fig 1A), including one non-biophilic environment as control (Fig 1B) and four biophilic interventions. The biophilic intervention refers to the virtual scene with biophilic design elements. Intervention 1 is Indoor Green (Fig 1C) where the classroom is decorated with green plants and natural materials. Intervention 2, named Outdoor Green (Fig 1D), incorporates outdoor natural view and daylight into indoor space through windows. In Intervention 3, Turbid Outdoor Green (Fig 1E), the outdoor natural view in Intervention 2: Outdoor Green is blocked with visual turbidity, which is intended to simulate air pollution. The biophilic elements in Indoor Green and Outdoor Green are combined in Intervention 4 –Combination (Fig 1F).

Fig 1. 3D models of the five virtual classroom environments and the laboratory space.

Fig 1

(A) The classroom for conducting the experiment at Duke Kunshan University. (B) Control: Non-biophilic classroom. (C) Intervention 1: Indoor green–green plants and natural materials. (D) Intervention 2: Outdoor green–natural view and daylight into indoor space through windows. (E) Intervention 3: Turbid outdoor green–blocked outdoor view with visual turbidity (same classroom view as intervention 2). (F) Intervention 4: Combination–biophilic elements from indoor green and outdoor green.

To accommodate the quality-consuming task for VR, we purchased and assembled CPU AMD R7 5800X, mainboard ASUS TUF GAMING B550M-plus, and GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX2070. The initial 3D virtual classroom model building was done in Rhino 7 software by a professional vendor. 3D models were then modified and rendered by Simlab Composer 10 and stored locally. We chose HTC VIVE CE (Fig 2) as the ideal headset because of its high resolution, 90Hz refresh rate, and 110° field of view. The interface platform was based on SteamVR since the headset and controllers used SteamVR tracking system. The two standing base stations can accurately define any area within 11’5"x11’5" room-scale and track the position (including altitudes) of players synchronously. Additionally, the multifunction trackpad on the wireless controller enabled the players to teleport freely within the virtually defined area. Since the modeling was rendered by Simlab Composer, we used compatible Simlab VR viewer during experiment to display the stored scenes. Most simulated environments enjoyed a fluent refresh rate higher than approximately 60 Hz. Indoor Green, however, presented a lower fresh rate than other scenes when projected on the headset probably due to the higher quantity of plants implanted within it.

Fig 2. HTC VIVE CE headset and controllers.

Fig 2

Photo credit: Xinyi Wen.

Physiological indicators of stress reaction

We used four physiological indicators to assess participants’ acute stress reaction (blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), and skin conductance level (SCL), which were obtained either by wearable biomonitoring sensors or calculation.

Blood pressure is correlated with the force the blood exerts on the vascular walls [37] at stress reactions [38]. We attached the Omron J760 blood pressure monitor to the upper right arm of participants to measure their systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (Omron Healthcare Inc.). The SBP refers to the force exerted on arteries during a heartbeat while the DBP signifies the pressure in arteries while heart is in a resting state between beats. Same as previous studies, we analyzed both numbers for the stress reaction since they constitute a complete measurement of BP [39].

Closely correlates with BP, HR is a measurement for heartbeat frequency (bpm) [40]. The electrodermal activity sensor, Shimmer3 GSR+Unit was attached to participants’ left earlobe to collect the Photoplethysmography (PPG) data. The ConsensysPro software automatically converted the PPG signals into time series HR (beats per minute). HRV describes the dynamic interaction between parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) [41], which responded to stress induced by various methods in most studies [42] and is related to physiological stress responses [41]. We chose root mean square of successive differences between normal heartbeats (RMSSD) (milliseconds [ms]) for short-term HRV measurement [43]. It was later calculated using the formula


for each environment, and higher values indicate lower stress level [44]. N represents the number of data points collected in the measuring period, while i means the data point examined. RR represents inter-beat interval (IBI) which is automatically calculated and exported by ConsensysPro Software. SCL is widely used as an indicator for physiological stress associated with exposure to natural environments [33, 4547]. It measures the electrodermal activity in the sweat glands that is controlled by the autonomic nervous system [8]. Shimmer3 GSR+Unit was worn on two fingers (middle and ring finger) on participants’ left hands to collect the SCL (μS). The PPG and SCL data collections were all conducted at 128 Hz.

Momentary measures of BP were conducted immediately before and after the exposure to each virtual scene, while HR and SCL were measured continuously throughout the experiment. HRV was manually calculated based on the measured HR by the formula above. To supplement those physiological stress measures, we also collected self-reported stress levels during the experiment. Participants were asked to rate their current stress levels immediately after the exposure to each scene with a range from 1 to 5 (no decimal) where 1 refers to “not stressful” and 5 denotes “extremely stressful.” We calculated the difference in the stress levels between the biophilic interventions and the control non-biophilic scene.

Cognitive function assessment

Empirical research suggested that VR can potentially facilitate better cognitive function assessments than traditional methods [4850]. In this study, we conducted two cognitive tests upon intervention exposures to investigate VR simulation’s effect on convergent (attention) and divergent cognitive functions (creativity). We chose attention and creativity because they can be assessed through validated cognitive tests and previous studies showed that they could potentially be influenced by short-term environmental exposures in VR [30, 33]. To minimize the visual interferences in VR, we delivered the two tests verbally. Specifically, the participants remained in the biophilic intervention scene and sat still while one investigator (the same person for all the participants) verbally asked the questions and the participants responded verbally.

Convergent cognition is mostly associated with intelligence such as attentional tasks. Thus, attention restoration is proposed to describe the psychological benefits of human exposure to natural environments [9]. We measured attentional restoration via the Verbal Backward Digit Span Task (Number test), which has been proved to be an effective test for direct-attention performance (a crucial part of short-term working memory) in previous studies and is normally a verbal task [33, 5153]. In Number test, a string of numbers starting with three digits was verbally delivered in sequence by the same investigator. Participants were asked to remember those numbers and orally report them in reverse. After each successful trial, the number of digits increased by one for the next trial. Participants had two opportunities for each digit span, and they received 1 point for each digit. For example, the participant who correctly reports five digits at last would receive 5 points.

Divergent tasks are more complex cognitive assessments and relate more to creativity [54]. We chose the validated Guilford’s Alternative Uses test (AU test) for creativity evaluation [55]. In AU test, we asked participants to describe as many unconventional uses as possible for an everyday object in two minutes for each environment. Five items were selected including paper towel, plastic bottle, book, umbrella, and mirror which correspond to the five virtual scenes. Two judges evaluated the answers independently based on four criteria. (1) Fluency (the number of relevant and interpretable responses, 1 point each response), (2) flexibility (the number of different categories of responses, 1 point each category), (3) originality (measured by the statistical rarity of the responses in the sample, 1 point for the answer that was given by less than 5% of participants, i.e., the answer that only appeared once), and (4) Elaboration (how detailed the responses are, evaluated on a scale of 0, 1 or 2 points) [55, 56]. Participants received an accumulated score in each test.

Note that there was no baseline measurement done for the cognitive function assessment due to potential learning effect. Adding baseline measurements like those in the physiological indicators would double the number of practices for the participants, thus leading to dramatic increase in learning effect and undermining the reliability of our results.

Experimental procedure

The classroom setting was kept consistent throughout all visits by arranging the equipment and tables in the same way. Fig 3 illustrates the whole experimental procedure. Upon participants’ arrival, they read and signed the consent form. Followed by a brief experiment introduction, investigators would equip participants with the devices (i.e., VR headset and biomonitoring sensors) and gave them safety instructions. Participants then self-oriented with the VR experience and confirmed they do not feel serious discomfort. Then, we explained the approach to perform cognitive tests and gave participants several orientation tests to decrease the learning effect. Specifically, two number tests (with 3 and 4 digits) were given for orientation, and one example of AU test was given to demonstrate the criteria of eligible answers. The orientation was assumed to mitigate the learning effect by giving the participant some chances of practicing so that they would not perform poorly at their first few trials due to fresh contact. After that, participants were exposed to five virtual classroom environments in a random sequence.

Fig 3. The flowchart of experimental procedure.

Fig 3

Created with Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite. Time spent in each step is listed under the block, and all the physiological and cognitive assessment data collected are highlighted by bold characters.

In each environment, participants started with a 3-minute rest, i.e., seated in a gray and empty classroom in VR, which allowed their physiological conditions to stabilize and the baseline measurements of physiological indicators to be recorded. Afterwards, participants were exposed to one virtual classroom environment in VR for 3 minutes and allowed to walk and observe the environment freely during the period. Then, without taking off the goggles, the participants were asked to report their current stress level, followed by taking two cognitive tests verbally, which lasted for about 5 minutes. The same procedure was repeated for the other four environments, starting with the 3-minute quiet sitting in the simulated empty classroom which now served as a blanking process to minimize the lingering effect from the previous environment.

After exposure to all five environments, equipment was removed from participants, then they received a 2-minute online check-out survey (S1B File). The questionnaire inquired their feelings of the connection with nature in the virtual classroom scenes (score 1 ~ 10 with no decimal), their preference for the three biophilic patterns (rank 1, 2, 3), their general health conditions, etc. The whole experiment took about 90 minutes individually.

Statistical analyses

The statistical analyses were performed primarily with R Studio (R version 4.2.1). One-way ANOVA was conducted in Microsoft Excel, and the following post-hoc comparisons were done in Prism Graphpad. A p-value threshold of 0.05 was considered significant for all tests. Fig 4 illustrates the entire procedure of data analysis.

Fig 4. The flowchart of data analyses.

Fig 4

Created with Lucid Visual Collaboration Suite. All models used are illustrated in corresponding blocks. For clarity, detailed steps for data cleaning are listed below the block instead of creating new branches.

We conducted one-way ANOVA on repeated baseline measures for physiological stress indicators to test whether there were order effects of the five randomized virtual classroom environments. We also examined the potential learning effect in cognitive tests through linear regressions.

The physiological indicators were modeled with linear regressions. Specifically, the measurement right before observing each virtual scene served as a baseline parameter and was deducted from the measurement right after or during the intervention. For BP, the outcome variable was the pre-post scene difference derived from the two momentary BP measures recorded immediately before or after the intervention. For the continuous physiological indicators (i.e., HR, SCL, HRV), we first averaged the measurements over time during the 3-minute intervention and 3-minute blank control respectively, and then calculated the difference which served as the pre-post change (Fig 4). Boxplots were created at this moment to evaluate the potential outliers in the data and visualize the anomaly data points. The data points that deviated far from others (using the boxplot outlier function in R) were deleted to avoid random size effect from accidental factors. After that, linear regression model was built with R package "geepack." We used pre-post change as the outcomes and different biophilic interventions as factor predictors (Model 1)

Δyi=β0+β14environment+ei (1)


Δ yi is the pre-post difference for BP, or the averaged pre-post difference for SCL, HR, and HRV

β1~4 is the estimated regression coefficient for the four biophilic interventions environment is the factors defining different interventions. It is 0 for Non-biophilic, 1 for Indoor Green, 2 for Outdoor Green, 3 for Turbid Outdoor Green, 4 for Combinations

Effect sizes were then calculated for all the physiological indicators in different interventions. It is expressed as the standardized regression coefficient in this case, which is computed by lm.beta function in R. We then used the function pwr.f2.test in R to calculate the power with the greatest effect size among all interventions to examine the highest power we can achieve, and the lowest sample size required for this study.

Research showed that cognitive functions are prone to be influenced by general health condition, caffeinated beverages intake, last night’s sleep quality, and short-sightedness [57]. Therefore, we constructed a linear regression model for cognitive function performance which took into account those variables. We used post-scene test scores of verbal backward digit span task and the normalized AU test score as outcomes. The predictors included environmental interventions and all the influencing factors (Model 2)

yi=β0+β14environment+β5gender+β6myopia+β79genhealth+β10caffeinated+β11~14sleepquality+ei (2)


yi is the test score in verbal backward digit span task, or the z-score of AU test score

β1~4 and β1~4 environment have the same meanings as in model (1)

β5~14 is the estimated regression coefficient for gender, short-sightedness, general health condition, caffeinated beverage, and sleep quality

gender is 0 for female, and 1 for male

myopia is 0 for non-short-sightedness, and 1 for short-sightedness

genhealth is 0 for excellent, 1 for very good, 2 for good, and 3 for fair

caffeinated is 0 for no caffeine intake, and 1 for otherwise

sleepquality is 0 for excellent, 1 for very good, 2 for good, 3 for fair, and 4 for poor

Same as the physiological indicators, the effect sizes were computed.

Lastly, we conducted descriptive statistics analysis for the subjective measurements. For the self-reported stress level (1 ~ 5) and connection to nature (1 ~ 10), the differences between the biophilic interventions and the control scene were analyzed. Regarding the self-reported preference to the three biophilic patterns, besides the mean and standard deviation of the rankings (1, 2, 3), we conducted one-way ANOVA to test the ranking differences of the three biophilic patterns followed by a post-hoc Turkey multiple comparisons test.


Demographics and characteristics of the participants and baseline measures

Demographics and characteristics of the 30participants are shown in Table 1. The participants were all undergraduate Chinese student with good self-reported health condition. They had an average age of 19.8 (SD: 0.9) years and about a half (16) of them were female. 23.3% (7) of participants reported that they had caffeinated beverage on the day of or the day before the experiment, while two thirds (20) reported that they had relatively good sleep quality the night before the experiment.

Table 1. Characteristics of study population and baseline physiological measures and other characteristics of visits.

Category n (%) or Mean ± SD
Total 30 (100)
Demographics of the 30 participants
    Male 14 (46.7)
    Female 16 (53.3)
Age 19.8 ± 0.9
    18–21 30 (100)
Asian 30 (100)
Undergraduate Student 30 (100)
Self-reported general health condition
    Excellent 10 (33.3)
    Very Good 11 (36.7)
    Good 8 (26.7)
    Fair 1 (3.3)
    Poor 0 (0)
Characteristics from the 30 visits
Caffeinated beverage drinking
    Yes 7 (23.3)
    No 23 (76.7)
Sleep Quality
    Excellent 3 (10.0)
    Very Good 6 (20.0)
    Good 11 (36.7)
    Fair 7 (23.3)
    Poor 3 (10.0)

No statistically significant differences were observed among the five baseline (pre-exposure) measures for BP, HR, RMSSD and SCL (all p > 0.05) (S1 Table). This suggests that the sequence of the five virtual classroom environments did not affect the physiological responses, and thus it might be the different exposures that accounted for the changes in physiological measurements.

Stress reactions

The effects of biophilic interventions on physiological stress indicators and self-reported stress levels are shown in Tables 2 and 3 respectively. Data for each participant is provided in S1 Data. No statistically significant pre-post change was found for all the physiological indicators compared to those in the non-biophilic scene. Noticeably, there appeared to be some interesting trends in the data. For example, biophilic intervention 1 to 4 were associated with 1.41 (95% CI: -0.86, 3.68), 1.52 (95% CI: -0.59, 3.63), 1.85 (95% CI: -0.38, 4.08) and 0.33 (95% CI: -1.89, 2.55) mmHg higher diastolic blood pressure (DBP) increases respectively. Nevertheless, since the results were not significant, it is hard to assess the practical meaning of the trend. Judging from the standardized regression coefficients (Table 4), the effect sizes are relatively small using the criteria defined by Cohen et. al. [58] since all of them were smaller than 0.2. We then used the function pwr.f2.test in R to calculate the power for the greatest effect size among all conditions (Table 4), which is the ΔDiastolic Blood Pressure in Turbid Outdoor Green Intervention (0.163). Evaluated at significance level of 0.05, u = 4, and v = 25, the power is approximately 0.326. Next, we verified the sample size instead and found that we need at least 79 participants’ data to achieve a power of 0.8. This suggested that our study was likely to be underpowered and undermined by small size effects.

Table 2. Estimated difference (β and 95% confidence intervals) on pre-post physiological changes of stress reaction in the biophilic interventions compared to those in the control non-biophilic scene.

Physiological Indicators Indoor Green Outdoor Green Turbid Outdoor Green Combination
ΔSystolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) 0.25 -0.33 0.89 0.74
(-1.62, 2.12) (-2.94, 2.28) (-1.25, 3.03) (-1.64, 3.12)
ΔDiastolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) 1.41 1.52 1.85 0.33
(-0.86, 3.68) (-0.59, 3.63) (-0.38, 4.08) (-1.89, 2.55)
ΔMean Heart Rate (bpm) -0.56 -1.27 0.31 0.27
(-2.29, 1.17) (-3.24, 0.71) (-0.94, 1.57) (-1.38, 1.92)
ΔRMSSD (ms) -1.75 -1.24 0.5 0.64
(-6.16, 2.67) (-5.16, 2.67) (-2.30, 3.31) (-3.73, 5.01)
Δln(RMSSD) (no unit) -0.02 -0.03 0.01 0.01
(-0.10, 0.06) (-0.12, 0.07) (-0.05, 0.07) (-0.08, 0.10)
ΔMean Skin Conductance Level (mS) 0.11 0.06 0.1 -0.06
(-0.10, 0.33) (-0.06, 0.18) (-0.10, 0.30) (-0.24, 0.13)

Table 3. Mean differences in self-reported stress level (95% confidence intervals) between the biophilic interventions and the control non-biophilic scene.

Indoor Green Outdoor Green Turbid Outdoor Green Combination
ΔSelf-reported Stress Level (points) -0.73 -0.67 -0.47 -0.97
(-1.10, -0.37) (-1.07, -0.26) (-0.87, -0.07) (-1.48, -0.45)

Table 4. Effect size expressed as standardized regression coefficient.

Parameters Indoor Green Outdoor Green Turbid Outdoor Green Combination
ΔSystolic Blood Pressure 0.021 -0.029 0.076 0.063
ΔDiastolic Blood Pressure 0.124 0.134 0.163 0.029
ΔMean Heart Rate -0.048 -0.109 0.027 0.024
ΔRMSSD -0.067 -0.049 0.02 0.026
Δln(RMSSD) -0.033 -0.054 0.023 0.027
ΔMean Skin Conductance Level 0.075 0.039 0.067 -0.038
Backward Digit Span Test Score -0.097 0.053 0.009 0.133
Normalized AU Test -0.08 0.047 0.037 -0.079

Note: The regression model is the same as the one outlined in the methods.

Interestingly, there were statistically significant differences in the self-reported stress levels–all the biophilic interventions were related to a decreasing self-reported stress level compared to the control non-biophilic scene. Participants had the lowest stress level in Combination (-0.97; 95% CI: -0.26, 0.12), followed by Indoor Green (-0.73; 95% CI: -1.10, -0.37), Outdoor Green (-0.67; 95% CI: -1.07, -0.26), and Turbid Outdoor Green (-0.47; 95% CI: -0.87, -0.07).

Cognitive function

Effects of biophilic interventions on participants’ cognitive function are depicted in Table 5. The data for each participant is provided in S1 Data. Except for Indoor Green (-0.37; 95% CI: -0.81, 0.08), other biophilic interventions had higher means for the verbal test scores. Specifically, participants could memorize 0.50 (95% CI: -0.02, 1.02), 0.20 (95% CI: -0.24, 0.64), and 0.03 (95% CI: -0.63, 0.70) longer digit spans in Combination, Outdoor Green, and Turbid Outdoor Green than in non-biophilic environment, respectively. However, all the changes were not statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.

Table 5. Mean differences in Z scores of backward digit span test and AU test (β and 95% confidence intervals) between the biophilic interventions and the control non-biophilic scene.

Cognitive Tests Indoor Green Outdoor Green Turbid Outdoor Green Combination
ΔBackward Digit Span Test Score (no unit) -0.37 0.2 0.03 0.5
(-0.81, 0.08) (-0.24, 0.64) (-0.63, 0.70) (-0.02, 1.02)
ΔNormalized AU Test (Z-score, no unit) -0.2 0.12 0.09 -0.2
(-0.53, 0.13) (-0.19, 0.42) (-0.22, 0.40) (-0.51, 0.11)

The effects of all the biophilic interventions were not statistically significant for AU test as well, and there is no obvious trend in the data.

Other than the same small effect sizes (Table 4) and low power found in physiological indicators, we also explored other factors causing the low significance. Specifically, we tested learning effect in Number tests (S1A Fig). With the adjustments of other variables, one more test was associated with 0.22 (R2 = 0.036, p = 0.011) increase in the digit span, indicating the presence of learning effect. We did not find significant learning effect in AU test (R2 = -0.006, p = 0.844) (S1B Fig). Additionally, albeit shuffled by the randomization tool, some environments appeared more frequently at particular positions than others. For example, biophilic-indoor appeared ten times at position A (the first repeat), while it only appeared three times at position C and twice at position D (Fig 5). This pseudo-randomization ordering effect could influence our results negatively.

Fig 5. Ordering effects in cognitive tests.

Fig 5

A-E stands for the appearance order of the environments. A means the environment that appears first in one complete experiment, B means the second environment, etc. Bar charts represent the appearance numbers of each intervention at the position (A-E). “Number of Appearance” measures how many times the environment is ordered at this position among all the experiments. The green line is “Average Number Test Score” which is the mean score for all the number tests done after each scene at the position. For example, the dot at position A stands for the average score for all the number tests done after the first environment.

Self-reported connection with nature and preference to biophilic patterns

Participants experienced higher levels of connection with nature in Combination (Mean: 6.20, SD: 2.92), followed by Turbid Outdoor Green (Mean: 4.77, SD: 3.18), Outdoor Green (Mean: 3.97, SD: 2.70), and Indoor Green (Mean: 3.03, SD: 2.27) compared to the non-biophilic environment (Table 6).

Table 6. Mean differences in self-reported connection with nature (95% confidence intervals) between the biophilic interventions and the control non-biophilic scene.

Indoor Green Outdoor Green Turbid Outdoor Green Combination
ΔSelf-reported Connection with Nature (points) 3.03 3.97 4.77 6.2
(2.19, 3.88) (2.96, 4.97) (3.58, 5.95) (5.11, 7.29)

The descriptive statistics of the self-reported preferences to the three biophilic patterns are shown in Table 7. The one-way ANOVA showed that participants preferred different biophilic patterns in the virtual scenes, i.e., visual connection with nature (e.g. potted plants, windows with trees and sky) gained more preferences than dynamic & diffuse light (i.e., light and shadow) and material connection with nature (e.g. Wooden floor and ceiling) (S2 Table) judging from the post-hoc Turkey comparisons. Notably, 63.3% (19) of participants ranked "visual connection with nature" as their top one choice of preferred biophilic patterns.

Table 7. Mean of preference (rank 1, 2, 3) to the three biophilic patterns (standard deviation) in the biophilic interventions.

Visual connection with nature Dynamic & diffuse light Material connection with nature
Preference to biophilic patterns 1.47 2.07 2.47
(0.68) (0.78) (0.68)


We recorded physiological stress indicators, cognitive functions measurements, and self-reported data from 30 participants during exposures to four biophilic interventions and one control non-biophilic scene. After removing the anomalies, no significant differences were found for physical and cognitive measurements. However, the estimated coefficients for subjective stress ratings suggested stress relief effects in all the interventions. Thus, there existed a discrepancy between participants’ objective stress measurements and subjective feelings. Meanwhile, participants’ attention and creativity showed no consistent improvement across the interventions. All the results were not statistically significant, suggesting potential random effects. We also believe that the study is underpowered due to small sample size and small effect sizes. In general, participants subjectively felt significantly less stress and more connection with nature in all the interventions. Therefore, we were able to partly confirm our hypothesis about the positive but different impacts of the biophilic interventions from the mental side, but could not confirm the negative impacts of the turbidity based on the current evidence.

Stress reaction

None of biophilic interventions showed significant improvement in objective physiological indicators. This is likely due to the small effect sizes, which in turn led to a small power for our study. All the effect sizes were smaller than 0.2 (Table 4), indicating a higher requirement for sample size. A minimum of 79 participants was necessary to achieve a power of 0.8 if interrogated with the largest effect size among all interventions (0.163).

However, there were two discrepancies worth discussing. Firstly, some interventions had similar physiological changing patterns, though the results were not significant. Indoor Green and Outdoor Green induced similar changes in stress indicators except for SBP, while Turbid Outdoor Green and Combination had similar measurement changes except for SCL. Research shows that people’s perceived restorativeness of natural environments can be influenced by their feelings of connectedness to nature [59]. In our study, participants reported that they experienced more "light" in Turbid Outdoor Green, making them feel more connected to nature. Therefore, we suspected that similar physiological responses were related to subjective feelings of nature. This is consistent with the self-reported connection to nature where Indoor Green and Outdoor green received lower score than Turbid Outdoor Green and Combination.

Secondly, participants self-reported significantly lower stress levels after exposure to biophilic interventions, which is contradictory to the non-significant changes in the physiological measurements. This also happened in Verzwyvelt et al.’s study on oncology patients who reported more willingness to contact nature, but no significant stress relief responses were found physiologically [60]. Additionally, Emamjomeh et al. found significant decline of negative mood in in situ and IVE biophilic environments compared to the control group, while no alleviation of physiological stress responses was observed (mean HR, Baevsky’s stress index, SD2 (%), mean RR (ms), RMSSD (ms), and SD1 (%)) [61]. Since there was no statistically significant effect found, we cannot ascertain whether this is due to a real ignorable influence on physiological indicators from the biophilic interventions or a direct impact from low powers. This potential discrepancy suggests that although participants in virtual reality might not experience physical stress relief, their perceived stress in biophilic simulations could be released. Studies revealed that intrapersonal emotional competences (the ability to recognize and interpret one’s own emotions) are important for perceived stress and certain aspects could help people avoid stress [62, 63]. Therefore, our findings have implications that incorporating biophilic elements in virtual classrooms might be an effective stress management intervention for students.

Another interesting finding is the consistently higher BP means across all biophilic interventions. This increase, although not statistically significant, may be caused by the absence of stress induction during the experiment. It also explains the contradiction with previous studies which found restorative effects of biophilic environments on BP through immersive video either shown on TV [64] or on VR simulations [30, 65]. This result suggested potential arousal from biophilic interventions. Interestingly, participants implied boredom in the non-biophilic environment in the immediate feedback after the experiment. Therefore, this sympathetic arousal might be caused by the novelty of natural elements in biophilic interventions.

Attention and creativity

Although not significant, three out of the four interventions are associated with higher mean values for scores, which is consistent with the ART [11]. Previous research showed that simulated and actual natural environments would enhance the attention-required ability [66]. Among all virtual environments, Combination was associated with the highest improvement in the number test, while participants performed worst in Indoor Green. Resembling the results in the stress reaction, this difference observed between the virtual environments might result from subjective feelings of connection with nature. Since participants felt most connected to nature in Combination, their involuntary attention was likely to be directed, freeing the voluntary mind volume [11]. The potential learning effect in the number test is one possible factor leading to insignificance in the statistical analysis. This is one unexpected result because we randomized the order of the virtual environments the participants experienced, which should have counteracted the learning effect. To further explore the possible cause of insignificance, we counted the appearance number of each environment at each position. The results suggested a pseudo-randomization effect because certainly some environments appeared more often than others at particular positions (Fig 5).

However, it is still hard to explain the learning effect by considering the unbalanced order. Judging from Fig 5, we could intuitively attribute the increase in number test score to the appearance of biophilic-turbidity environment and the low score to appearance of biophilic-indoor environment. The rule would follow until it comes to position E. E has more biophilic-indoor and less biophilic-turbidity appearance than C, but its average test score was higher. Meanwhile, if indeed the number test performance was associated with certain environments, we should observe significant linear relationships in previous statistical analysis, while there were no such results present. Therefore, it is possible that the insignificant results produced from this study were caused by a complex interactive effect from both the learning effect and the unbalanced order of environment sequences. Besides, the standardized regression coefficients also witnessed small effect sizes for cognitive assessments (Table 4).

Meanwhile, no significant improvement of creativity was observed, and thus the conducted study was unable to confirm Yin et al.’s results that participants revealed significantly more creativity and less attention [30]. Still, since the effect sizes were small and our study is possibly underpowered, we cannot make any conclusion about whether the simulated biophilic environments will have any effect in divergent task.

Biophilic design in the Metaverse

Going against the inclination that reproduces the physical world in the virtual world and uses virtual environments to predict human responses to the actual natural elements [33, 61, 67, 68], this study designed biophilic environments for the virtual world itself and explored people’s responses to the virtual biophilic elements. In this study, a single-user system for biophilic design was adopted where only one participant was in the virtual environment at a time, and no research with a multi-user system has been found according to a recent critical review [11]. However, the Metaverse is proposed to be a "more embodied Internet" where each user is represented by an avatar, and interactions exist among avatars in a shared social place [1]. This suggests that a multi-user system for biophilic design in the Metaverse needs further investigations.

Strengths and limitations

This study is among the few studies on biophilic design in a virtually built environment and has several strengths. Firstly, we framed the study in the context of Metaverse by investigating the health effects of biophilic design in the virtual world, where people would probably spend most of their time in the future. Secondly, the verbal cognitive tests minimized the potential visual interferences caused by questions showing on the virtual screen in the VR goggle. Additionally, the insignificant changes in the physiological stress indicators and the significant drop in the self-reported stress levels indicates an interesting gap between the objective assessments and subjective feelings of one’s stress. Fourthly, the study used a head-mounted display (HMD) with a three-dimensional environment, offering a more immersive experience for participants than two-dimensional pictures [50, 69]. Fifthly, we largely made sure that participants did not have serious cybersickness during the experiment. To achieve that, we offered an orientation for participants to get comfortable with the VR goggle and ensured immediate stop of the experiment if they feel any discomfort at any time. This helped prevent the potential negative effects on participants’ stress level and task performance in the virtual environments [70, 71]. What is more, randomizing the sequence of exposures to the virtual environments could help reduce order effects and the potential bias when participants compare different environments. Lastly, the repeated physiological and cognitive measurements on the same individual could help control potential time-invariant factors such as gender and socioeconomic factors.

The study also has some limitations. Firstly, given the small effect sizes (Table 4) and low powers, the sample size should be larger to detect any significant change in participants physiological stress reactions and cognitive functions. Secondly, due to the limitations of the computer configuration, the virtual environments became choppy in the VR viewer for a few times, which could possibly affect participants’ perceptions in virtual environments and in turn, influence their stress reactions and performances in cognitive tests. Thirdly, the experiments were conducted all through the day. As a result, the mental condition could vary among participants (i.e., different people tend to be more unfocused at different time of a day) and thus the effect of differences in the visit time may not be negligible. Some other possible intervening variables affecting the physiological measures that were not incorporated in the analysis include smoking, hunger, and gender differences. Fourthly, we delivered both cognitive tests verbally to avoid the potential visual interruption caused by the switch of interface in VR goggle. Although the Backward Digit Span Task (Number test) by convention is delivered verbally, the feasibility and reproducibility of verbal AU test have not been substantially validated. Finally, to minimize the potential learning effects, we did not perform baseline measures for cognitive tests. We still detected a learning effect in the number test but not in the AU test. However, this learning effect could partly be offset by the randomization of the virtual environments.

There are several recommendations for further metaverse-related environmental design study. Besides the randomization, immersive experience, and larger sample size, the simulated environment should have high quality that would put participants in a continuous vivid setting. In terms of immersive experience, studies found that interactivity might play a significant role in the restorative impact of natural environments in VR, and engaging in playful interactions could help managing short-term stress [72]. Additional control of confounding variables like time of experiments and combination of different orders of exposed environments should also be implemented.


In this randomized crossover study, we exposed 30 university students to various virtual biophilic classroom scenes using VR to gauge the influence of visual interactions with nature on their stress levels and cognitive performance. To enhance the participants’ engagement with the virtual setting, all cognitive tests were administered verbally. Despite observing small effect sizes and the influence of pseudo-randomization, there were no significant or consistent shifts in physiological stress responses and cognitive abilities. However, participants did report feeling notably less stressed and felt a deeper connection to nature when in biophilic settings, including those with turbidity. Our findings add a unique dimension to existing literature by focusing on university settings and student demographics, with suggestive evidence that the potential advantages of integrating biophilic design elements into the Metaverse and real-world university classrooms to enhance stress outcomes. To delve deeper into the effects of biophilia within the Metaverse, future studies should prioritize refining students’ perceptions of biophilic components and their immersive experiences in the digital realm.

Supporting information

S1 File

(A) Screening survey for participant recruitment which introduces the study, collects contact information, gender, age, ethnicity, and relevant health conditions. (B) Check-out survey which collects general health conditions, perceived stress levels, feelings of the connection with nature in the virtual classroom scenes, and preference for the three biophilic patterns.


S1 Data. Source data for each subject.

This includes raw measurements or those after the primary computation of three physiological stress indicators, two cognitive tests, self-reported stress level, connection with nature, and preferences for different biophilic patterns of each participant.


S1 Fig. Learning effects in cognitive tests.

(A) Learning Effects in Verbal Backward Digit Span Task (Number test). With the adjustments of other variables, one more test was associated with 0.22 (95% CI: 0.051, 0.389) increase in the digit span. (B) Learning Effects in Alternative Use Test (AU test). No significant learning effect was detected in AU test.


S1 Table. ANOVA of baseline measures of physiological stress indicators.


S2 Table. One-way ANOVA (sheet 1) and post-hoc comparison (Tukey’s multiple comparisons test) of preferences for different biophilic patterns (sheet 2).



We extend our appreciation to express our gratitude to Keping Wu, Baozhen Luo, and Chi Zhang from the Center for the Study of Contemporary China at Duke Kunshan University for pioneering seed initiatives that catalyzed this research project. Our gratitude also goes out to Zerui Tian, Yu Leng, Junyi Li, and Lihan Huang for their research assistance in preliminary tests, data collection, and processing. Finally, our heartfelt thanks to all the student volunteers from DKU who took part in this study.

Data Availability

The code for data cleaning and statistical analysis that support the findings of the study are available in GitHub ( with the identifier The source data for each participant is provided in Supporting Information S1 Data.

Funding Statement

J.S.J. received funding from the Center for the Study of Contemporary China (CSCC) at Duke Kunshan University for an Undergraduate Research Grant for the academic year 2020-2021 ( and funding from the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (Grant number: 82250610230). The funders had no role in study design, data collection, and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: No


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: No


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5. Review Comments to the Author

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Reviewer #1: Experimental design and procedure were methodologically correct and appropriate. The conclusions are in line with observed data and statistical analysis have been performed appropriately. All necessary matherials are available, including data. Overall the manuscript is intelligeble and written in standard English. Additional comments were reported in the attached file.

Reviewer #2: In this study, the authors aimed to assess the effects of biophilic virtual environments on stress levels and cognitive performance in 30 university students. To do so, the students were immersed in 4 different biophilic virtual environments and 1 control virtual environment using a VR headset. Before, after and during the use of the VR headset, the participants performed different test and answered multiple questions. The study mainly revealed null effects.

Although the topic is relevant and interesting to a broad readership, I believe that the study design, unfortunately, was not adequate to address the authors’ potential research question and hypotheses. I believe that the study is underpowered and the results are not described clearly enough to support the conclusions. In addition, the manuscript fails to address how the findings relate to previous research in this area. The authors should rewrite their Introduction and Discussion to reference the related literature, and the results section to sufficiently describe the conducted analyses. Throughout the manuscript, but especially in the discussion section, the authors describe hypotheses, prior findings and their own findings intuitively rather than comparing it to other literature or providing evidence from prior research. Also, when findings are compared to literature it is mostly to the same one paper (ref 31).

Moreover, the manuscript would also benefit from a proofreading by a native English speaker to improve readability and take out some language mistakes and unclear sentences.

Major issues

1. In general, the introduction is well-structured, but I believe that the purpose of the study, in light of prior studies, is not clear. How does the study relate to other studies, how is it different? What gap in literature do the authors address with their study? And how does that gap lead to the research question and potential hypotheses?

2. The hypothesis is quite vague. What do the authors mean with different levels of physiological stress reduction and cognitive function improvement? Do the authors expect less stress reduction in some conditions and more in others? Please specify.

3. Thee research question stated in the abstract does not fully align with the hypothesis mentioned in the introduction section. How do they relate to each other?

4. Fig 3 is should be adjusted to avoid confusion about the specific study design and procedures. The figure is not easy to read. Please write it out in full in the text and keep only the larger procedural steps in the figure, eg, adding which outcome measures are assessed at which time point and visualization of the different steps a participant takes, would make the procedure more clear.

5. I believe that the study is underpowered. The authors perform a lot of statistical tests and have a small sample size. The authors should perform a power analysis and, if needed, also mention the power as a limitation. Also, ss the hypotheses are not clearly stated and the study was not preregistered, it is not clear which statistical tests were planned and which one were exploratory.

6. The description of the study design does not clarify how this is a crossover study as there are no clear cohorts. Also, between different VR environments there was hardly a wash-out period. How can the authors be sure that the effects in the second, third, fourth or fifth environment are not lingering effects from the first environment? How much physiological effects/stress relief can you still expect after multiple environments? I believe that this is a design choice that severly impacts their results, and this should be mentioned as a limitation.

7. The authors have not mentioned all the necessary statistics, eg., R2 and p-values in the results section. Also, when reporting the results of a one-way ANOVA, authors need to describe the independent and dependent variables, the overall F-value and the corresponding p-value, and also the results of post-hoc comparisons. This information is missing in the manuscript, but the authors do conclude and describe that there are differences between the VR environments.

8. Line 185: I believe that crucial information is missing in the description of the physiological sensors used in order to be able to replicate the study. First, information of, for example, sampling rate for HRV is missing, were artifacts removed, if so, how? How was the data preprocessed, how was the data calculated to use in analyses?

9. Line 267: what type of ANOVA, which factors (with which levels) were included in the analyses? Also, did the authors check the assumptions? Which factors were included in the linear regression analyses?

10. Line 270-272: “In all the analyses of physiological indicators, the measurement before each virtual scene observation served as a baseline parameter that is deducted from the measurement after or during the environmental exposure.” This information is too vague. What do the authors mean with the measurement before? Do the authors work with an interval, did they take an average of that interval? What is considered before, how much time? What do they mean with ‘the measurement ‘after or during the exposure’? How was the physiological data processed before analyses?

11. Line 326: It is not clear what the authors mean with five baseline measures. Were there 5 cohorts of specific orders of the VR environments? Also, are these the true baseline measures, namely the outcomes measures assessed for the very first time, before any VR environment was experienced, or do these baseline measure refer to the average of each outcome measure before each new VR environment?

12. Line 393: The authors report the means and SD of the preference scores, but do not report statistical results to support the statement that participants experience higher levels of connections in certain environments. If there are no significant differences between environments, the authors should state this. Also, as the description of the ANOVA analysis uses different wording than in the table, it is not clear which environments are preferred over others.

13. Line 413: The conclusion drawn by the authors is not supported by the results. In the result section, the authors have stated that there were no significant difference and now they suggest ‘partial stress relief’. This does not seem correct to me, nor is it clear what the authors mean precisely. Also, what is the suggested discrepancy between objective stress measurements and subjective feelings?

14. It is confusing for readers that the authors first describe results, and then state ‘but these results were not statistically significant’. When the results are not statistically significant, the authors should not describe them in that manner.

15. Line 420: The authors state that ‘results were not statistically significant, suggesting small effect sizes’. This is not a correct statement. The authors can calculate effect sizes and report them to make an evidence-based statement.

16. Figure; the results are not clearly shown in the figure. It is quite a busy figure, showing a lot of information, but it is not clear what ‘position’ refers to, nor what ‘number of appearance or average number test refers to.

17. Line 480; The authors make incorrect claims about the attention improvement, as they stated prior that there was a learning effect. (line 388)

18. Line 490: With this statement the authors show that their study, unfortunately, was not ideally designed for their research questions. I believe that the learning effect is independent of the order of the VR environments. The learning effect occurs due to repeated testing, up to five times. You can expect that even after 1 cognitive test participants will perform better the next time, and here the authors have repeated it 5 times in 90 minutes due the pre and post assessment sessions (if I have understood the study correctly). Authors should include information on test-retest reliability and repeated assessment. It was also not clear to me, until line 562, that there was no baseline cognitive measure. The authors should clarify this in the study design figure.

19. In the ‘strengths and limitations section’ the authors make some statements without backing them with evidence. For example, as a 3rd strength the authors state that the comparison between physiology and self-reported stress levels is a strengths, but the authors have not formally compared this (ie. with correlation analysis), as they only described both results. Also, the authors state that they provided a very immersive experience, but as they did not formally assess sense of presence/immersion (ie with IPQ), this is again an unfunded statement.

20. The statistics are not reported correctly, which makes the results section a bit confusing to read. The authors on multiple occasions start describing the results to then state that the results were not significant. This is confusing for the reader. The conclusions are not supported by the results, the authors describe results as if they were significant and the discussion section would benefit from a clear focus. Also, the authors report multiple findings in the discussion section that were not described in the results section (eg line 492-497: order of the presented environments).

21. Line 413: The authors mention new information that was not mentioned in the methods section nor results section, namely the removal of anomalies in the data. The authors should include this analysis step in the methods and analysis section and clarify what is considered as an anomaly.

22. Line 444: Seen as there are no significant findings concerning the physiological outcome measures, the authors should not interpret the results as if there were significant differences between these groups.

Minor issues

23. Considering that the primary outcome measures of the study are the physiological measures (though not stated explicitly), the authors should consider including more information in the introduction section on how physiological measures are linked to stress, as this information is currently missing.

24. Line 135 and 137. It is not clear what references 35 and 31 actually refer to, or what evidence they provide. Please clarify this in the text. Describe the 3 biophilic design patterns and explain why they are suitable for short exposure time, and what is considered a short exposure time. Perhaps it might even be better to already explain this in the introduction section.

25. Line 201: Stress level rating, what did the 1 refer to, what did the 5 refer to? W

26. Line 214: Cognitive tests delivered verbally might be a limitation as they were not validated as such. It is not clear to me how the tests were delivered. If the participants were still seeing the VR environment, doesn’t this create some sort of sensory overload?

27. Line 227: The authors state that ‘divergent tasks are more complex cognitive assessments and relate to more creativity’, without providing a reference for this claim. Please do so.

28. If participants are allowed to move during the physiological assessments (during VR use), how did you correct for movement artefacts?

29. Line 261: Did the online check-out survey consist of validated questionnaires? Did the authors use open-ended or close-ended questions?

30. Line 269: how was the order of the randomized virtual environments determined? Were there groups of the same order? The authors should provide information on how many times each environment was experienced in which place in the order? If this was completely random and, for example, environment 1 was only 2 times in the second place, whereas environment 3 was 20 times in the second place, then how can you assess potential order effects? As this (new) information is later addressed in the discussion section, it should be addressed first in the methods and results section.

31. The statistical analysis section does not describe which statistical program is used, what the level of significance is, which post-hoc corrections were applied. Also, no information on checking of assumptions is provided.

32. The methods section would benefit from a separate ‘outcome measures’ section detailing the different outcome measures and the time points at which they are assessed. The authors could do this visually in the procedure figure.

33. The results section mentions both diastolic and systolic blood pressure, whereas the difference between both or relevance of assessing both is not explained in the methods section. Please do so.

34. Stress reactions section: For clarity, the authors should state upfront that the results were not statistically significant instead of in the end. The authors should do this throughout the results section and discussion section.

35. Table 3: How was the self-reported stress level per group calculated? As these are negative numbers, are these difference scores? If so, please mention this in the results section, as well as in the methods section.

36. Line 362: Was there a significant difference in average (pre-to-post changes in) stress levels? Or is this a descriptive analysis?

37. Line 435: I do not agree with the authors that the ‘Outdoor Green’ is an open space. It is still a classroom, so rather considered as a closed space. The authors should add literature on what is considered open and closed space and how this feature relates to their findings, if the authors want to mention this feature. The mentioned reference does not support the statement, or is not good comparison material, seen as in that study there was a noticeable difference in the scale of the space shown. In this study, the scale of the virtual rooms is the same, as it is the same room.

38. Line 440: Can the authors clarify what they mean with ‘subjective feelings of nature’ and change it accordingly in the manuscript?

39. Lines 518-519: The authors should elaborate on the why and how of this statement. What do they refer to with their reference?

Additional minor remarks

40. Line 36, 77: Grammatically incorrect sentence. I believe that the word ‘that’ is missing.

41. Line 54: decreased instead of decreasing

42. Line 76: Please rephrase. This sentence is quite a bold statement that assumes causation based on completely unrelated studies.

43. Line 116: ref 34 is not a correct reference for the statement that is made. The authors refer to another article of one of the authors in which they state that using a cross-over design would provide a larger power with the same number of participants, but that study did not actually assess this. Please use a correct reference to indicate your choice for this design. Also, was a power calculation conducted beforehand? If not, please provide a power calculation in the manuscript and , if the power is insufficient, add this information in the limitations section.

44. Line 126 should be inclusion criteria, not including criteria.

45. Line 157: should state NVIDIA instead of NVIDA

46. Line 169: should state refresh rate instead of fresh rate.

47. Line 176: What do you mean with ‘obtained by calculation’, can you please specify?

48. Line 210: I do not fully understand this sentence. Do the authors state that VR has the higher potential to boost cognitive function than traditional methods or does VR provide a better method to assess cognitive function that traditional methods? The wording is not clear on this. Also, the study that is referred to is quite old in terms of VR research. I believe there is more recent work that can provide some background on using VR for cognitive assessment. Also, if referring to VR for cognitive assessment, why do the authors then choose verbal tests? Are the tests that were used validated to use them in this manner? If there is no VR assessment of cognitive function in the study, there is no need to provide background information on the matter.

49. Instead of Characteristics from the 30 visit, which is confusing wording, the authors might want to use ‘circumstantial factors’ or something similar.

50. Why are the participants divided into two age groups; 18-19 and 20-21? Please provide mean age and SD in the table, as was described in the text.


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No


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PLoS One. 2023 Nov 1;18(11):e0291355. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291355.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

26 Apr 2023

Reviewer 1

The current research investigated the effects of a virtual indoor environment with natural elements on cognitive functions and stress levels, based on the biophilia hypothesis. The authors conducted a randomized crossover study, proposing 30 Chinese students to four virtual classroom environments varying in biophilic elements and turbidity. They measured physiological indicators of stress (blood pressure, heart rate variability, and skin conductance level), as well as self-report measures of stress and connection with nature, and conducted attention and creativity tasks to assess cognitive functioning. Even though they did not find significant changes in stress reactions or cognitive functions, subjects showed a reduction in self-reported stress, and positive connections with nature were observed. The authors concluded that the addition of biophilic elements in the virtual environments could be beneficial to promote well-being.

This is very interesting research investigating possible new ways to exploit technological opportunities to promote human health. Some adjustments and clarifications might improve the work. I suggest authors consider the following comments and suggestions:

1. Introduction: It is not clear why you talked about “virtual reality Metaverse” instead of mere virtual reality. You might better explain this expression in the introduction;

Thank you for the suggestion. Previously, we talked about “virtual reality Metaverse” because we wanted to set the context of the study as the emerging Metaverse. However, we revised it to “virtual reality” as we now discovered that it is confusing to term it “virtual reality Metaverse.” In addition, we did not use VR to bring participants to the Metaverse, i.e., the digital parallel universe connecting to the real world.

2. Introduction: you might better present the current state-of-the-art about the use of virtual natural environments to promote well-being, focusing on a psychological perspective (e.g., Simone Grassini. 2022. The use of VR natural environments for the reduction of stress: an overview on current research and future prospective. In Proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 4, 1–5.

Thanks for providing this wonderful literature. We did not realize the missing of such information and now we added the current state-of-the-art about the use of virtual natural environments to promote well-being in the Introduction section (line 77-80).

3. Pag. 5 lines 101-102: “The guiding role of visual senses in creating a perception” and “objective virtual exposure assessment” sound like abstract and unclear concepts. You might better explain these expressions (i.e., Do you refers to the dominance of the visual system in perception?).

We rephrased the expressions and added some examples to explain this. “Combining VR, eye-tracking, and wearable biomonitoring sensors, their studies supported the dominance of visual senses in creating perceptions and provided a potential tool for objective virtual exposure assessment (e.g., measuring physiological stress reactions such as blood pressure and heart rate).” (line 83-87).

4. Pag. 6 line 105: “short-term health” expression is not clear: what do you mean by short-term?

By “short-term health,” we mean immediate physiological and cognitive responses (i.e., physiological & perceived stress levels and cognitive tests performance) to the virtual scenes during the 90-minute experiment session (line 92-96). We did not assess the participants’ health condition after the experiment.

5. Pag. 7 Environment Simulation section: it is not completely clear why you choose to use indoor virtual environments since it is not fully exploited VR opportunities; I expected to find immersive naturalistic virtual environments instead of a classroom replication with some plants. Explain better your choice. You might also expand this aspect in the discussion/ future works.

Thanks for raising this confusion! The main purpose of this study is not to fully exploit VR opportunities, so we did not choose the naturalistic virtual environments. We wanted to investigate the short-term health responses in virtually built environment with biophilic elements; and we used VR due to the emerging Metaverse and the recent emerging use of health-related VR systems. Detailed explanation can be found in the Introduction section, especially in the first and second paragraph (line 45-71).

6. Pag. 7 Study Population: were participants instructed to avoid smoking the day of the experiment or check for other possible intervening variables affecting physiological measures (excluding caffeine and subjective report of sleep quality)?

Participants were not instructed to avoid smoking. This is because participants come from a campus that is mostly smoking-free. However, we can add this to future study. The investigated possible intervening variables are listed in Statistical Analysis section (line 327-346).

7. Pag. 10 line 206: did you use a VAS for the stress level rating? What was the item?

Thank you for raising this concern! We did not use a VAS or other empirical test forms for the stress rating. We let the participants verbally rate their stress level from 1 to 5 (no decimal) – 1 refers to “not stressful” and 5 denotes “extremely stressful” (line 205-206). Reason for such rating system is that our experimental setting requires continuous mounting of the goggle and minimal movement of the physical sensors. This extremely limited the complexity of the rating system we can use.

8. Pag. 11 lines 217- 227: Why did you choose attention and creativity? Are there previous studies specifically focused on these domains? You might better argue your choice. Additionally, in line 210 you stated the potential benefits of VR in boosting cognitive function assessment, but your paradigm tried to manipulate cognitive functions instead of assessing them.

We chose attention and creativity because (1) they can be assessed through validated cognitive tests, (2) Yin et al.’s studies found that they could potentially be influenced by short-term environmental exposures in VR. We added this explanation in the manuscript (line 214-217).

Secondly, please kindly refer to the response to Reviewer 2’s comment #48 about using VR for cognitive function assessment.

9. Pag. 11 line 218: The science behind digit span reveals it's associated more with short-term memory. Why did you consider the Digit Span Test as an attentional task?

This is an issue of wording – short-term memory and attention are not two different categories; instead, attention is part of short-term memory. According to Jonides et al., the digit span test measures the direct-attention performance, which is a crucial part of short-term working memory. We added the reference of this literature in the manuscript (line 224-227).

Reference: Jonides J, Lewis R L, Nee D E, et al. The mind and brain of short-term memory[J]. Annu. Rev. Psychol., 2008, 59: 193-224.

10. Pag.12 line 248: Why you did not include a questionnaire to assess the virtual experience (e.g., cybersickness, motion sickness)?

We offered an orientation for participants to get comfortable with the VR goggle and ensured immediate stop of the experiment if they feel any discomfort at any time. However, we agreed that including a questionnaire assessing the virtual experience would be a plus to the study.

11. Pag. 12 line 249: Better explain the orientation test and the assumed effect on learning.

Thank you for raising this! Specifically, two number tests (with 3 and 4 digits) were given for orientation, and one example of the AU test was given to demonstrate the criteria of eligible answers. The orientation was assumed to mitigate the learning effect by giving the participant some chances of practicing so that they would not perform poorly at their first few trials due to fresh test. We also added this explanation to the corresponding parts (line 261-267).

12. Pag. 13 line 255: Why 3 minutes?

This study was primarily inspired by Yin et al.’s studies in which the exposure and rest periods were set to be 5 minutes. We discussed the length of VR tasks with Dr. Yin and we shortened the periods to 3 minutes given that the participants of this study will be exposed to five virtual scenes in a single experiment session, which will take approximately 1.5 hours according to our preliminary study. If we set the length of exposure and rest periods to be 5 minutes, the complete experiment will take at least 20 minutes longer. Participants could become tedious, bored, or nervous along the continuous procedure. The unexpected decrease in mental power and attention could potentially become an intervening variable affecting the measurements.

13. Pag. 21 Line 412: Change the expression “biophilic intervention” (e.g., the exposure to different biophilic virtual scenarios)

We first used the expression “biophilic intervention” in the Environmental Simulation section in Materials and Methods, which is a convenient way to refer to the four virtual scenes with biophilic design elements. We added a brief explanation after the first appearance of this expression (line 138-139).

14. Pag. 22 Line 422- 425: rephrase the sentence “we were able to partly confirm our hypothesis about the positive but different impacts of the biophilic interventions from the mental side, but could not confirm the negative impacts of the turbidity based on the current evidence” to make clearer your findings (e.g., in line with our hypothesis, the biophilic intervention was found to have positive effects in promoting subjective wellbeing).

Thank you for raising the confusion. By “partial stress relief,” we meant there was subjective stress relief from the environments, but no objective differences in physiological indicators were observed. We now added the expression to be more precise (line 465-469).

15. Pag. 22 “Stress reaction” section: Why did you not consider emotional competence? There might be noticeable factors impacting the discrepancies between physiological and self-report measures. Given this is interesting data, it might be useful to briefly introduce this argument.

Thanks for the great suggestion. We now added the brief introduction of emotional competence to discuss this perceived stress relief (line 512-516).

16. Pag. 26 line 521-523: “We used VR technology to bring participants to the Metaverse and explored their responses to the biophilic elements in this digital parallel universe connecting to the real world”. There are two issues in this sentence: first, as highlighted before it is not clear why you talk about Metaverse and not VR alone referring to the proposed experience, second, the “digital parallel universe” might sound a little bit exaggerated.

We changed to talk about VR alone (as explained in Reviewer 1’s Comment #1). Therefore, the expression “digital parallel universe” referring to the Metaverse is no longer appropriate here and we deleted it (line 566-569).

17. Pag. 27 Line 543: change “VR google”

We revised it accordingly (line 590).

18. Pag. 27 “Limitations” sections: Discuss better limitations, introducing also additional reflections (e.g., add the lack of a measure for cybersickness, possible variables affecting physiological activation such as time, smoking, hunger, the use of self-report measures and evaluations, gender differences).

We do not consider the lack of a measure for cybersickness a weakness of the study (please refer to the response to Reviewer 1’s comment #10). However, we added some other possible intervening variables affecting physiological measures (line 608-610).

Reviewer 2

In this study, the authors aimed to assess the effects of biophilic virtual environments on stress levels and cognitive performance in 30 university students. To do so, the students were immersed in 4 different biophilic virtual environments and 1 control virtual environment using a VR headset. Before, after and during the use of the VR headset, the participants performed different test and answered multiple questions. The study mainly revealed null effects.

Although the topic is relevant and interesting to a broad readership, I believe that the study design, unfortunately, was not adequate to address the authors’ potential research question and hypotheses. I believe that the study is underpowered and the results are not described clearly enough to support the conclusions. In addition, the manuscript fails to address how the findings relate to previous research in this area. The authors should rewrite their Introduction and Discussion to reference the related literature, and the results section to sufficiently describe the conducted analyses. Throughout the manuscript, but especially in the discussion section, the authors describe hypotheses, prior findings and their own findings intuitively rather than comparing it to other literature or providing evidence from prior research. Also, when findings are compared to literature it is mostly to the same one paper (ref 31).

Moreover, the manuscript would also benefit from a proofreading by a native English speaker to improve readability and take out some language mistakes and unclear sentences.

Major issues

1. In general, the introduction is well-structured, but I believe that the purpose of the study, in light of prior studies, is not clear. How does the study relate to other studies, how is it different? What gap in literature do the authors address with their study? And how does that gap lead to the research question and potential hypotheses?

Thank you for raising the confusion! Nevertheless, we actually touched on all the points mentioned here. To make them clearer, we reorganized the Introduction section and stated the research gap (line 66-70), research question (line 89-92) and hypotheses more explicitly (line 102-107).

2. The hypothesis is quite vague. What do the authors mean with different levels of physiological stress reduction and cognitive function improvement? Do the authors expect less stress reduction in some conditions and more in others? Please specify.

In our study, we were implementing various combinations of possible biophilic elements. For example, in “Indoor Green” scene, no windows or outside views was present, but more wall decorations and potted plants were deposited. On contrast, “Outdoor Green” had higher levels of sunlight and outside views. By “different levels” we mean the scenes with different biophilic designs may cause different stress reduction and cognitive improvement. We were not sure which design would excel the non-biophilic environment in stress relief and whether any one of them would achieve that, so we included this variation in environments. As to clarify that this is only an exploratory part in our study, we provided a more detailed explanation in the Introduction to separate it from our hypothesis.

3. Thee research question stated in the abstract does not fully align with the hypothesis mentioned in the introduction section. How do they relate to each other?

Pertaining to Major issue #2, we are sorry that our hypothesis caused the confusion. Our priority goal is to seek evidence for the biophilia hypothesis, thus verifying that the biophilic design can improve human health by lowering the stress level and improving the cognitive function. The “different levels” is an expression to feature our intention of exploring the impact from different designs. The explanation should now be clearer after we changed the wording.

4. Fig 3 is should be adjusted to avoid confusion about the specific study design and procedures. The figure is not easy to read. Please write it out in full in the text and keep only the larger procedural steps in the figure, eg, adding which outcome measures are assessed at which time point and visualization of the different steps a participant takes, would make the procedure more clear.

Thank you for raising these suggestions! The detailed experimental procedures were listed at Experimental Procedure section in the manuscript (line 255-286). We found that the figure is indeed a little hard to follow since we outlined the major steps in the middle, and then the detailed steps for experimental procedure and data analysis sideways. We have now separated the figure into two, one for the experimental procedure (Fig 3) and the other for the data analysis (Fig 4). We abandoned the major steps since it should be intuitive and not much details need to be specified.

For the figure of experimental procedure, we marked the outcome measurements time points with bold characters to underline them. We also added some visualization icons to better illustrate the procedures taken along the experiment. We put the new figure below for your reference:

We also revised the data analysis procedures and made a new figure for it. Specifically, we added the steps taken in the data cleaning and preparation part, the ANOVA for preference for biophilic patterns and the post-hoc comparisons. We also added some visualization icons to vivify the figure. Please find the new figure below for your reference:

5. I believe that the study is underpowered. The authors perform a lot of statistical tests and have a small sample size. The authors should perform a power analysis and, if needed, also mention the power as a limitation. Also, ss the hypotheses are not clearly stated and the study was not preregistered, it is not clear which statistical tests were planned and which one were exploratory.

Thank you for raising the concern here! Indeed, we suspected that the sample size is too small for this particular study. The power analysis was not performed beforehand due to the insufficient empirical study evidence for similar designs. However, we should perform an afterhand power analysis to more rigorously evaluate the effect. After calculating the effect sizes (resolved in major issue #15, defined as the standardized regression coefficient), we used the function pwr.f2.test in R to calculate the power for the greatest effect size we have, which is the ΔDiastolic Blood Pressure in Trubid Outdoor Green Intervention (0.163). Evaluated at significance level of 0.05, u=4, and v=25, the power is approximately 0.326. This is a low power. If we evaluate the sample size instead, we found that we need at least 79 participants’ data to achieve a power of 0.8. Other parameters witnessed even lower values of effect sizes, thus they would require larger sample size as well. Our final conclusion is that this study is indeed underpowered. We added the power analysis-related part to Materials and Methods (line 323-325), Results (line 386-392, 428-429), and Discussion (line 472-473, 481-485, 507-509, 560-562).

Among the statistical tests, the confidence interval for all physiological and cognitive measurements, and the connection to nature, and ANOVA for biophilic pattern preferences are planned statistical tests which are necessary for examining the biophilia hypothesis. In addition, the linear regression for the learning effect of cognitive testsand ANOVA for baseline measurement of physiological stress reaction are more exploratory. They are to ensure that the participants did not progressively learn to perform better in the cognitive tests, and also the randomization of virtual scenes was successful.

6. The description of the study design does not clarify how this is a crossover study as there are no clear cohorts. Also, between different VR environments there was hardly a wash-out period. How can the authors be sure that the effects in the second, third, fourth or fifth environment are not lingering effects from the first environment? How much physiological effects/stress relief can you still expect after multiple environments? I believe that this is a design choice that severly impacts their results, and this should be mentioned as a limitation.

There are two questions here. One is regarding the defined category of our study, and the other is questioning the absence of a “wash-out period”.

We defined this study as a crossover study because the participants served as their own control in this case. All the participants experienced all five virtual scenes, and the data in the non-biophilic control scene is their own control. In other words, the change of physiological and cognitive indicators between the biophilic scenes and the blank control is calculated for every individual. The linear regression model showed the statistical analysis of those processed changes.

With regard to the second question, we are thankful for your claims as we found out we did not transparently mention the function of the 3-min baseline measurement (3-min quiet sit before each virtual scene). It is the “wash-out period” that is required by the reviewer. We planned out this section to diminish the effect from previous environments and also make baseline measurements for the next scene. We now added more explicit explanations to the paragraph to make it clearer (line 270-279).

7. The authors have not mentioned all the necessary statistics, eg., R2 and p-values in the results section. Also, when reporting the results of a one-way ANOVA, authors need to describe the independent and dependent variables, the overall F-value and the corresponding p-value, and also the results of post-hoc comparisons. This information is missing in the manuscript, but the authors do conclude and describe that there are differences between the VR environments.

Thank you for mentioning these confusions! There is no inclusion of R2 and p-values for the linear regression models of physiological indicators and cognitive functions because we used the 95% confidence intervals instead, which we listed in the tables and texts. We did not include the description about independent and dependent variables because intuitively readers would know that the independent variables are the different virtual scenes, while the dependent variables are the corresponding physiological stress indicators measured for the baseline measurement. For the preferences, the independent variable is the different categories of biophilic patterns, while the dependent variable is the ranking participants gave to the patterns. The overall F-value and the corresponding p-value are listed in supplementary tables S3 and S5. The post-hoc comparison is unnecessary for the baseline measurement of the physiological indicators because ANOVA gave insignificant result.

However, we did miss the comparison for the preferences. We added a post-hoc Turkey multiple comparisons test to S5 Table. The results showed that there is significant difference between preferences for Visual Connection to Nature and Dynamic & Diffuse Light, and between Visual Connection to Nature and Materials Connection to Nature, but no significant difference between Dynamic & Diffuse Light and Materials Connection to Nature. The description in the corresponding results is modified accordingly (line 451-455).

8. Line 185: I believe that crucial information is missing in the description of the physiological sensors used in order to be able to replicate the study. First, information of, for example, sampling rate for HRV is missing, were artifacts removed, if so, how? How was the data preprocessed, how was the data calculated to use in analyses?

The sampling rate for all the continuous physiological measurements is 128 Hz, which we have added to the description in Physiological Indicators of Stress Reaction (line 197-198). Hence, the artifacts were not removed during the entire experimental process. The conversion of PPG to HR is a built-in function of the ConsensysPro Software so the details are unknown to us. The pre-process of HR to HRV’s formula is included at line 189. The data calculation process is listed in Statistical Analysis in detail. We are not sure what the reviewer is asking for in this inquiry.

9. Line 267: what type of ANOVA, which factors (with which levels) were included in the analyses? Also, did the authors check the assumptions? Which factors were included in the linear regression analyses?

We added the type of ANOVA to the description (line 289-290). No other factors other than the different environments are added to the model because the ANOVA is used to check whether there were differences in baseline measurements. The factors included in the linear regression analyses were included in Statistical Analysis. Please refer to line 299-346 for details.

10. Line 270-272: “In all the analyses of physiological indicators, the measurement before each virtual scene observation served as a baseline parameter that is deducted from the measurement after or during the environmental exposure.” This information is too vague. What do the authors mean with the measurement before? Do the authors work with an interval, did they take an average of that interval? What is considered before, how much time? What do they mean with ‘the measurement ‘after or during the exposure’? How was the physiological data processed before analyses?

Please kindly refer to Major issue #2 and #3 for the answers for this question.

11. Line 326: It is not clear what the authors mean with five baseline measures. Were there 5 cohorts of specific orders of the VR environments? Also, are these the true baseline measures, namely the outcomes measures assessed for the very first time, before any VR environment was experienced, or do these baseline measure refer to the average of each outcome measure before each new VR environment?

Please kindly refer to Major issue #2 and #3 for the answers for this question. Again, we apologize for the confusion of the function of the 3-min quiet sit.

12. Line 393: The authors report the means and SD of the preference scores, but do not report statistical results to support the statement that participants experience higher levels of connections in certain environments. If there are no significant differences between environments, the authors should state this. Also, as the description of the ANOVA analysis uses different wording than in the table, it is not clear which environments are preferred over others.

Thanks for raising the confusion! Besides the means and SDs, we have in fact included the 95% confidence interval of the self-reported connection with nature in Table 6. Additionally, the reviewer might mistakenly mix the ANOVA analysis for the preferences for the biophilic patterns with the results for connection with nature – those are two different things we evaluated.

13. Line 413: The conclusion drawn by the authors is not supported by the results. In the result section, the authors have stated that there were no significant difference and now they suggest ‘partial stress relief’. This does not seem correct to me, nor is it clear what the authors mean precisely. Also, what is the suggested discrepancy between objective stress measurements and subjective feelings?

Thank you for raising the confusion. By “partial stress relief,” we meant there was subjective stress relief from the environments, but no objective differences in physiological indicators were observed. We now think the expression may be clearer (line 465-469). This is also the suggested discrepancy between objective stress reactions and subjective feelings.

14. It is confusing for readers that the authors first describe results, and then state ‘but these results were not statistically significant’. When the results are not statistically significant, the authors should not describe them in that manner.

Thanks for raising this concern! We also recognized this mistake as we reviewed the paragraphs. Stating the differences between interventions and comparing them as if they were significant is not a scientific way to report the results for this study. As a result, we have now separated the results that were significant from those that were not by clearly emphasizing the insignificance at first, and then introduced some trends that were interesting but not significant. We have adjusted the language so that readers would not be misled by the expressions and took insignificant results as significant.

Specifically, we deleted the description of physiological indicators’ change in results, and only discussed an interesting trend for diastolic pressure increase (results line 377-382, and discussion line 518-519). The “positive effect” indicating incorrectly increase in attention was modified to “increase in means” to be more objective and less misleading (line 413-419). Discussions regarding the discrepancy in creativity and physiological indicators were also deleted since they are not significant.

15. Line 420: The authors state that ‘results were not statistically significant, suggesting small effect sizes’. This is not a correct statement. The authors can calculate effect sizes and report them to make an evidence-based statement.

Thank you for your suggestion! We have now added the calculation of effect sizes in the corresponding parts (line 386-392) and modified the expression in the discussion (line 471-474, 484-485). The effect size was chosen to be expressed as the standardized regression coefficient. All the effect sizes for physiological indicators and cognitive assessments are less than 0.2, which is defined as a small effect size from Cohen et. al. (1988).

16. Figure; the results are not clearly shown in the figure. It is quite a busy figure, showing a lot of information, but it is not clear what ‘position’ refers to, nor what ‘number of appearance or average number test refers to.

Thank you for raising this question! The figures indeed appeared to be confusing since there was not enough description attached to it. We have now updated the figure legends with more detailed explanation. Following is the description for the updated figure legend for this figure, and we hope this will make the information clearer.

Fig 5. Ordering effects in cognitive tests. Position A-E stands for the appearance order of the environments. A means the environment that appears first in one individual experiment procedure, B means the second environment, etc. “Number of Appearance” measures how many times the environment is ordered at this position among all the experiments. The green line is “Average Number Test Score” which is the mean score for all the number tests done after each scene at the position. For example, the dot at position A stands for the average score for all the number tests done after the first environment.

17. Line 480; The authors make incorrect claims about the attention improvement, as they stated prior that there was a learning effect. (line 390)

Please kindly refer to Reviewer 2’s major issue # 14 for this problem.

18. Line 490: With this statement the authors show that their study, unfortunately, was not ideally designed for their research questions. I believe that the learning effect is independent of the order of the VR environments. The learning effect occurs due to repeated testing, up to five times. You can expect that even after 1 cognitive test participants will perform better the next time, and here the authors have repeated it 5 times in 90 minutes due the pre and post assessment sessions (if I have understood the study correctly). Authors should include information on test-retest reliability and repeated assessment. It was also not clear to me, until line 565, that there was no baseline cognitive measure. The authors should clarify this in the study design figure.

Thank you for raising the confusion! Indeed, the learning effect should be independent from the order of environments. However, we tried to use the randomized order of environments to counteract the learning effect. This is because if there are significant improvements for the number test in one particular intervention, the results would not be caused by the learning effect since its appearance position in each experiment will be different. Therefore, we are suggesting here that we are surprised that the randomization did not work. We believe the insignificant results were due to a combined effect from both the learning effect and the unbalanced order. Unfortunately, we did not have pilot measurements that could indicate the test-retest reliability for the number test, and that should be included in the future study.

Regarding the baseline measurement for cognitive assessment, we did not include it due to potential learning effect because this would require doubling of the number of practices for each individual. We are sorry for the missing of explanation for it, and we added it to the end of Cognitive Function Assessment section (line 248-252). It is not included in the study design figure because the illustration would be too wordy and would possibly cause more confusion, as was raised by the reviewer at issue #4.

19. In the ‘strengths and limitations section’ the authors make some statements without backing them with evidence. For example, as a 3rd strength the authors state that the comparison between physiology and self-reported stress levels is a strengths, but the authors have not formally compared this (ie. with correlation analysis), as they only described both results. Also, the authors state that they provided a very immersive experience, but as they did not formally assess sense of presence/immersion (ie with IPQ), this is again an unfunded statement.

Though we did not formally assess the sense of immersion, studies showed the 3D models in the head-mounted display could provide a more immersive experience than 2D pictures. We now added some relevant literature to the manuscript (line 586-588).

20. The statistics are not reported correctly, which makes the results section a bit confusing to read. The authors on multiple occasions start describing the results to then state that the results were not significant. This is confusing for the reader. The conclusions are not supported by the results, the authors describe results as if they were significant and the discussion section would benefit from a clear focus. Also, the authors report multiple findings in the discussion section that were not described in the results section (eg line 494-499: order of the presented environments).

Please kindly refer to Reviewer 2’s major issue #14 for the first problem here and Reviewer 2’s minor issue #30 for the second problem.

21. Line 413: The authors mention new information that was not mentioned in the methods section nor results section, namely the removal of anomalies in the data. The authors should include this analysis step in the methods and analysis section and clarify what is considered as an anomaly.

Thank you for raising the question! The anomaly was referring to the extremely large difference compared to other data points in the pre-post change physiological measurement, and for the data in cognitive assessment. They were sieved out by boxplot function. We added the specific explanation to the Materials and Methods section (line 307-310).

22. Line 444: Seen as there are no significant findings concerning the physiological outcome measures, the authors should not interpret the results as if there were significant differences between these groups.

Please kindly refer to Reviewer 2’s major issue #14 for this problem.

Minor issues

23. Considering that the primary outcome measures of the study are the physiological measures (though not stated explicitly), the authors should consider including more information in the introduction section on how physiological measures are linked to stress, as this information is currently missing.

We explained how each physiological indicators are linked to stress in the Physiological Indicators of Stress Reaction section (line 170-171, 183-186). We did not include the detailed information in the Introduction section because it would make the Introduction section not concise and hard to navigate.

24. Line 135 and 137. It is not clear what references 35 and 31 actually refer to, or what evidence they provide. Please clarify this in the text. Describe the 3 biophilic design patterns and explain why they are suitable for short exposure time, and what is considered a short exposure time. Perhaps it might even be better to already explain this in the introduction section.

Primarily, we have described the three biophilic patterns in the first paragraph of the Environmental Simulation section as follows:

“Specifically, the patterns of "Visual connection to nature" and "Dynamic and diffuse light" were combined to represent Nature in the Space, which included potted plants, trees, sky, clouds, and access to natural light and shadow. We used the pattern of "Material connection with nature" to represent Natural Analogues, including wooden floors and ceilings.”

Secondly, the reviewer referred to the two references in the following sentence.

“In this study, we chose three biophilic design patterns [ref1] for the virtual classroom design because (1) they relate to indoor classroom design, (2) they can be vividly simulated in VR, and (3) they are suitable for short exposure time [ref2].”

The first reference refers to the paper where the three biophilic design patterns that we chose are introduced and analysed. We now added the explanation before the reference. The second reference refers to the reasons for choice given by the study which chose the same three biophilic design patterns.

Last but not least, a few minutes (e.g., 5 minutes) is considered a “short exposure time.” The reason why the three biophilic design patterns (i.e., visual connection to nature, dynamic and diffuse light, and material connection with nature) are suitable for short exposure time is because previous studies show that a few minute of exposure to the biophilic elements (e.g., green space) in those patterns (e.g., visual connection to nature) could have significant impacts on people’s stress level and cognitive functions. We now added this explanation.

25. Line 201: Stress level rating, what did the 1 refer to, what did the 5 refer to?

We added the explanation: 1 refers to “not stressful” and 5 denotes “extremely stressful (line 205-206).

26. Line 214: Cognitive tests delivered verbally might be a limitation as they were not validated as such. It is not clear to me how the tests were delivered. If the participants were still seeing the VR environment, doesn’t this create some sort of sensory overload?

Thanks for raising the confusion! We have described how the tests were delivered in the Cognitive Function Assessment section (line 217-219). We conducted both tests verbally to avoid the potential visual interruption caused by the switch of interface in VR goggle. This is to maintain the participants in the VR scene while taking the tests. This may create some sensory overload, but they were asked to sit still to reduce this potential effect. Moreover, we agreed that conducting the AU test verbally might be a limitation (note that verbal backward digit span task is by convention a verbal task) and we added that in the Strengths and Limitations section (line 610-614).

27. Line 227: The authors state that ‘divergent tasks are more complex cognitive assessments and relate to more creativity’, without providing a reference for this claim. Please do so.

Thank you for pointing that out and we now provided a reference (line 234).

28. If participants are allowed to move during the physiological assessments (during VR use), how did you correct for movement artefacts?

Unfortunately, we were not able to control the movement artefacts during the experiment. Our device indeed collected data regarding the 3D position axis changes during the recordings, but including the correction from this data would likely randomize the data more because different participants followed different paths of exploration.

Instead, we tried to minimize the movement of the recording equipment during the experiments. We asked during the orientation period that the participants should move their arm (the one with the Shimmer 3+ Unit) minimally. The position is maintained when they stood up and sat down. We know this was not the best solution to controlling the artefacts, but we also would like the participants to have more immersive experience. Therefore, we chose a balanced decision by making them move but keeping the arm still.

29. Line 261: Did the online check-out survey consist of validated questionnaires? Did the authors use open-ended or close-ended questions?

We attached the online check-out survey in our new submission (S1 Survey). We used close-ended questions: e.g., Yes/No, rate from 1 to 10, rank the top 3 preferences, etc.

30. Line 269: how was the order of the randomized virtual environments determined? Were there groups of the same order? The authors should provide information on how many times each environment was experienced in which place in the order? If this was completely random and, for example, environment 1 was only 2 times in the second place, whereas environment 3 was 20 times in the second place, then how can you assess potential order effects? As this (new) information is later addressed in the discussion section, it should be addressed first in the methods and results section.

Pertaining to this problem, we first would like to confirm that the virtual scenes were indeed randomized. It was done by using the function “random.shuffle()” in the “random” package in python. We defined a list of five numbers and randomly shuffled the numbers to get the order of virtual scenes at certain positions. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 represent non-biophilic, biophilic-indoor, biophilic-outdoor, biophilic-turbidity, and biophilic-combination correspondingly. The code was copied below for reference.

order = [1,2,3,4,5]



The time that each virtual scene was experienced in which place in the order is provided in Fig 5. Indeed, we observed pseudo-randomization effect for our experiments. That is what we are trying to discuss at line 433-438. It was also mentioned in Reviewer 2’s comment #20. We have now added the description to corresponding parts in Results and changed the expression in Discussion (line 539-544).

31. The statistical analysis section does not describe which statistical program is used, what the level of significance is, which post-hoc corrections were applied. Also, no information on checking of assumptions is provided.

We added the description of statistical programs used, and all the information to the beginning of Statistical Analyses section (line 289-292). However, we are not sure what the “assumptions” the reviewer mentioned here is.

32. The methods section would benefit from a separate ‘outcome measures’ section detailing the different outcome measures and the time points at which they are assessed. The authors could do this visually in the procedure figure.

Please kindly refer to Reviewer 2’s major issue #4 for the response.

33. The results section mentions both diastolic and systolic blood pressure, whereas the difference between both or relevance of assessing both is not explained in the methods section. Please do so.

We now added the definition of two numbers and explained why we included both in our analysis (line 173-177).

34. Stress reactions section: For clarity, the authors should state upfront that the results were not statistically significant instead of in the end. The authors should do this throughout the results section and discussion section.

Please kindly refer to Reviewer 2’s major issue #14 for this problem.

35. Table 3: How was the self-reported stress level per group calculated? As these are negative numbers, are these difference scores? If so, please mention this in the results section, as well as in the methods section.

It is the difference in the self-reported stress levels between the biophilic interventions and the control non-biophilic scene – we mentioned this in Table 3’s title. We rephrased the sentences to make them clearer and added the explanation in methods section (line 206-208).

36. Line 362: Was there a significant difference in average (pre-to-post changes in) stress levels? Or is this a descriptive analysis?

According to the 95% confidence interval provided in Table 3, there was a significant difference in the self-reported stress levels between the biophilic interventions and the control non-biophilic scene – this is exactly what we wrote in the original sentence but we rephrased it to make it clearer.

37. Line 435: I do not agree with the authors that the ‘Outdoor Green’ is an open space. It is still a classroom, so rather considered as a closed space. The authors should add literature on what is considered open and closed space and how this feature relates to their findings, if the authors want to mention this feature. The mentioned reference does not support the statement, or is not good comparison material, seen as in that study there was a noticeable difference in the scale of the space shown. In this study, the scale of the virtual rooms is the same, as it is the same room.

We agreed with the noticeable difference in the scale of the space in this study and the one we referred to, meaning we cannot classify our scenes as “open space” and “closed space” as Yin’s study. Therefore, we took off this part from the manuscript.

38. Line 440: Can the authors clarify what they mean with ‘subjective feelings of nature’ and change it accordingly in the manuscript?

The subjective feeling of nature means the self-report scores of connection with nature (score 1 ~ 10) and we introduced this in the Experimental Procedure section (line 282-284).

39. Lines 518-519: The authors should elaborate on the why and how of this statement. What do they refer to with their reference?

The reference points to “the inclination that reproduces the physical world in the virtual world.” (line 566)

Additional minor remarks

40. Line 36, 77: Grammatically incorrect sentence. I believe that the word ‘that’ is missing.

We revised it accordingly.

41. Line 54: decreased instead of decreasing

We revised it accordingly.

42. Line 76: Please rephrase. This sentence is quite a bold statement that assumes causation based on completely unrelated studies.

Thanks for the suggestion. However, we did not assume any causation here; instead, we were saying the increases in smart devices usage and screen times are found to be associated with (1) a variety of stress-related symptoms and (2) students’ worse academic performance.

43. Line 116: ref 34 is not a correct reference for the statement that is made. The authors refer to another article of one of the authors in which they state that using a cross-over design would provide a larger power with the same number of participants, but that study did not actually assess this. Please use a correct reference to indicate your choice for this design. Also, was a power calculation conducted beforehand? If not, please provide a power calculation in the manuscript and , if the power is insufficient, add this information in the limitations section.

Indeed, the original reference only stated that the crossover design can achieve the same power with few participants, while they did not reference corresponding literatures. We have now added a supporting empirical study that used meta-analysis to show that the estimated increase in power and fewer sample size requirement are reasonable (line 98-101).

Please refer to Reviewer 2’s major issue #5 for the second problem.

44. Line 126 should be inclusion criteria, not including criteria.

We revised it accordingly.

45. Line 157: should state NVIDIA instead of NVIDA

We revised it accordingly.

46. Line 169: should state refresh rate instead of fresh rate.

We revised it accordingly.

47. Line 176: What do you mean with ‘obtained by calculation’, can you please specify?

In general, we started each section with a brief summary, followed by the detailed descriptions. That is why we only wrote “obtained either by biomonitoring sensors or calculation” in the first paragraph under the “Physiological Indicators of Stress Reaction” section. We speficied our calculations in the third paragraph of the section (line 179-198).

48. Line 210: I do not fully understand this sentence. Do the authors state that VR has the higher potential to boost cognitive function than traditional methods or does VR provide a better method to assess cognitive function that traditional methods? The wording is not clear on this. Also, the study that is referred to is quite old in terms of VR research. I believe there is more recent work that can provide some background on using VR for cognitive assessment. Also, if referring to VR for cognitive assessment, why do the authors then choose verbal tests? Are the tests that were used validated to use them in this manner? If there is no VR assessment of cognitive function in the study, there is no need to provide background information on the matter.

Firstly, by “Empirical research suggested that VR has the higher potential to boost cognitive function assessments than traditional methods,” we meant VR can potentially facilitate better cognitive function assessments than traditional methods. We modified our wording accordingly (line 211-212).

Secondly, please refer to our response to Reviewer 2’s comment #26 regarding the delivery method of the cognitive tests. Besides that, regarding using VR for cognitive assessment in this study, we used two validated cognitive tests to assess the potential impacts of the biophilic elements in the virtual scenes displayed in VR on participants’ attention and creativity. In other words, VR is used to affect participants’ cognitive functions, not deliver the cognitive tests.

Thirdly, as suggested, we added references of recent work on virtual reality tests of cognition. Although some referred studies conducted the cognitive tests using VR (vs. conducted the tests verbally in this study), the point is that VR can potentially facilitate better cognitive function assessments.

49. Instead of Characteristics from the 30 visit, which is confusing wording, the authors might want to use ‘circumstantial factors’ or something similar.

We changed it to “characteristics of the participants”.

50. Why are the participants divided into two age groups; 18-19 and 20-21? Please provide mean age and SD in the table, as was described in the text.

We deleted the age groups since it is not necessary to divide them into two age groups. But we have provided the mean age and SD in the table, please refer to line 366 for the information.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Stefano Triberti

6 Jul 2023

PONE-D-22-35023R1Biophilic classroom environments on stress and cognitive performance: A randomized crossover study in virtual reality (VR)PLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Ji,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.


Reviewer 3 suggested minor revision. I encourage Authors to include them to proceed with the process. Especially I agree that some aspects were addressed in responses to previous revisions but not implemented as changes in the manuscript. 


Please submit your revised manuscript by Aug 20 2023 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

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Kind regards,

Stefano Triberti, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #3: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #3: Yes


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Reviewer #3: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #3: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #3: Reviewer 1 and 2’s concerns were mostly adequately addressed; Some minor aspects still need authors’ attention.

- Line 90: the sentence “we used VR and wearable biomonitoring sensors to quantify the impacts of both positive and negative factors in built virtual environments on short-term health of university students” is not clear. What do the authors refer to by the term "short-term health"? Both stress and cognitive function? It would be better to clarify.

- It is suggested to add, in the introduction section, present studies in order to clarify what kind of link has been found in the literature between stress, creativity and exposure to natural environments (both real and virtual). A few lines are needed.

- Reviewer 1 noticed that Verbal Backward Digit Span Task (Number test) is a test for working memory and not for attention; Authors responded citing literature that conflates the two constructs. This is satisfying; however, it seems that nothing has been changed in the manuscript in this regard. Authors should add this specification and the related citation to the manuscript, not only in Response to Reviewers.

- We recommend adding in the discussion or limit section studies that support the role of interaction with the virtual environment in stress reduction (see, for example, Liszio, S., & Masuch, M. (2019). Interactive immersive virtual environments cause relaxation and enhance resistance to acute stress. Annu Rev Cyberther Telemed, 17, 65-719). In fact, it may be possible that participants' lack of interaction with your study material reduced the possibility of achieving the expected results regarding stress reduction through other measurements as well.

- Line 465: "After removing the anomalies, no significant differences were found for physical measurements of physiological indicators." Also emphasize here that no differences were found at the cognitive level.


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Reviewer #3: No


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PLoS One. 2023 Nov 1;18(11):e0291355. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291355.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

17 Aug 2023

0. Please review your reference list to ensure that it is complete and correct. If you have cited papers that have been retracted, please include the rationale for doing so in the manuscript text, or remove these references and replace them with relevant current references. Any changes to the reference list should be mentioned in the rebuttal letter that accompanies your revised manuscript. If you need to cite a retracted article, indicate the article’s retracted status in the References list and also include a citation and full reference for the retraction notice.

Thank you for pointing this out. We replaced two missing references (old ref. 8 and 66) with more recent and most-cited ones (new ref. 10 and 68).

1. Line 90: the sentence “we used VR and wearable biomonitoring sensors to quantify the impacts of both positive and negative factors in built virtual environments on short-term health of university students” is not clear. What do the authors refer to by the term "short-term health"? Both stress and cognitive function? It would be better to clarify.

The reviewer’s question for clarification is a clinically relevant point, as we should use more specific terminology. Short-term may mean different time scales according to different disciplines. In our language, we focused on non-chronic diseases, meaning that the etiology does not take many years to develop.

By “short-term health,” we mean immediate physiological and cognitive responses (i.e., physiological & perceived stress levels and cognitive tests performance) to the virtual scenes during the 90-minute experiment session. Furthermore, we also clarified “short-term” with added explanation that it refers to immediate impacts on health within the day, or min/hours following exposure (line 101-102, 115-116).

2. It is suggested to add, in the introduction section, present studies in order to clarify what kind of link has been found in the literature between stress, creativity and exposure to natural environments (both real and virtual).

The link between stress/cognitive function (including creativity) and exposure to real natural environments is discussed in the Introduction section as follows:

“Population epidemiology studies and experiments documented exposure to outdoor nature (e.g., greenspace) can positively affect human health and well-being in multiple ways: reduced stress level, improved mental health and cognition, lower mortality rates [12-16], and enhanced immune functions [17-20].” (line 70-74) and “There is emerging evidence that biophilic design in simulated environment can yield health benefits. For example, indoor plants could be conducive to stress-reduction and attention restoration [22, 23]” (line 81-83).

The link between stress/cognitive function (including creativity) and exposure to virtual natural environments is discussed in the Introduction section as follows:

“Combined biophilic design elements using virtual reality (VR) by Yin et al. [30] demonstrated that bringing nature into virtual indoor workspace has clear benefits to the health outcomes, including physiological stress reductions and cognitive function (attention and creativity) improvements.” (line 88-92).

In terms of the link between stress and creativity, we did not address that in the manuscript since it is not part of our research question.

3. Reviewer 1 noticed that Verbal Backward Digit Span Task (Number test) is a test for working memory and not for attention; Authors responded citing literature that conflates the two constructs. This is satisfying; however, it seems that nothing has been changed in the manuscript in this regard. Authors should add this specification and the related citation to the manuscript, not only in Response to Reviewers.

We revised the manuscript accordingly and added the citation (line 238-239). We may have had an oversight changing many aspects in the previous version. We thank the reviewer for their fastidiousness in ensuring our manuscript is scientifically sound with respect to test and corresponding cognitive domains.

4. We recommend adding in the discussion or limit section studies that support the role of interaction with the virtual environment in stress reduction (see, for example, Liszio, S., & Masuch, M. (2019). Interactive immersive virtual environments cause relaxation and enhance resistance to acute stress. Annu Rev Cyberther Telemed, 17, 65-719). In fact, it may be possible that participants' lack of interaction with your study material reduced the possibility of achieving the expected results regarding stress reduction through other measurements as well.

Absolutely, and it is essential that we address the limitations appropriately. As you know, our study participants were mainly students, and this population is healthy but also has many virtual inputs throughout the day. Certainly, if there are more interactions in the virtual space, it may change the dynamic of the biological response measurements. To capture this point, we added this argument in the Strengths and Limitations section as a recommendation for future VR studies (line 642-645).

5. Line 465: "After removing the anomalies, no significant differences were found for physical measurements of physiological indicators." Also emphasize here that no differences were found at the cognitive level.

We emphasized this point and revised it accordingly (line 483). Although, we think our finding can instigate more studies as better digital biomarkers technologies become available. At this point, subjective finding is a start, and the lack of physiological response finding may be due to ability to detect differences, or because of sample size. We thank the reviewer in making sure that this point comes across properly.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 2

Stefano Triberti

29 Aug 2023

Biophilic classroom environments on stress and cognitive performance: A randomized crossover study in virtual reality (VR)


Dear Dr. Ji,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

An invoice for payment will follow shortly after the formal acceptance. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. If you have any billing related questions, please contact our Author Billing department directly at

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Stefano Triberti, Ph.D.

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Stefano Triberti

13 Oct 2023


Biophilic classroom environments on stress and cognitive performance: A randomized crossover study in virtual reality (VR)

Dear Dr. Ji:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

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Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Prof. Stefano Triberti

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 File

    (A) Screening survey for participant recruitment which introduces the study, collects contact information, gender, age, ethnicity, and relevant health conditions. (B) Check-out survey which collects general health conditions, perceived stress levels, feelings of the connection with nature in the virtual classroom scenes, and preference for the three biophilic patterns.


    S1 Data. Source data for each subject.

    This includes raw measurements or those after the primary computation of three physiological stress indicators, two cognitive tests, self-reported stress level, connection with nature, and preferences for different biophilic patterns of each participant.


    S1 Fig. Learning effects in cognitive tests.

    (A) Learning Effects in Verbal Backward Digit Span Task (Number test). With the adjustments of other variables, one more test was associated with 0.22 (95% CI: 0.051, 0.389) increase in the digit span. (B) Learning Effects in Alternative Use Test (AU test). No significant learning effect was detected in AU test.


    S1 Table. ANOVA of baseline measures of physiological stress indicators.


    S2 Table. One-way ANOVA (sheet 1) and post-hoc comparison (Tukey’s multiple comparisons test) of preferences for different biophilic patterns (sheet 2).



    Submitted filename: Revisione.docx


    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx


    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    The code for data cleaning and statistical analysis that support the findings of the study are available in GitHub ( with the identifier The source data for each participant is provided in Supporting Information S1 Data.

    Articles from PLOS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS