Genes & Development 21: 525–530 (2007)
In the above-mentioned article, we discovered an error in Figure 3A. During the process of compiling the figures, an error occurred wherein a scan of a BMI1 Western blot intended for Figure 4A was erroneously also included in Figure 3A. We presume that the occurrence of a shared BMI1 label and the three-lane configuration in both instances was a contributing factor to this inadvertent error. Subsequent efforts to locate the original experiment proved unsuccessful; however, an alternate replicate of the experiment depicted in Figure 3A was located and is presented below, along with a revised figure legend. This alternate replicate shows that, unlike BMI1, EZH2 protein levels decrease upon serial passaging of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). The replicate is in agreement with the original interpretation of the results in Figure 3A, and therefore the error does not impinge on any of the conclusions advanced by Figure 3 or influence any of the findings presented in the manuscript.