Clkout mutant females have impaired exercise performance. At 5 days of age Clkout females had significantly lower endurance than w1118 controls, n = 8 vials of 20 flies each, (log-rank) (A). Clkout females also had significantly reduced climbing speed, n = 5 vials of 20 flies each, (two-way ANOVA), line represents linear regression (B). Flight performance in Clkout females was also significantly worse than controls, n = 8 vials of 20 flies each, (t-test) (C). Neither Clkout females, nor w1118 females showed any improvement in endurance with three weeks of endurance exercise training, n = 8 vials of 20 flies each, (log-rank analysis) (D). Control data displayed here, to allow for direct comparisons between untreated mutant and untreated control female flies, is also shown in rescue experiments in later figures. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.001, ns is not significant.