The original version of the Research Article, “Therapeutic blockade of ER stress and inflammation prevents NASH and progression to HCC,” omitted an author and contained errors in the caption for Fig. 6.
The following corrections have been implemented:
• Darren C. Henstridge has been added to the author list as the 13th author. His contributions have been added to the Acknowledgments under “Analysis.”
• In the Fig. 6 caption, the previous descriptions for (B) to (D) were incorrect, noting, “Representative images of H&E (A) and quantification of lobular inflammation (B), and representative images of PSR (C) and quantification of fibrosis in WT and MUP-uPA mice at 12 weeks before DT or placebo treatment (D).” This has been updated to “Representative images of H&E (A) and Picosirus Red (PSR) (C) and quantification of fibrosis (B) and lobular inflammation (D) in WT and MUP-uPA mice at 12 weeks before DT or placebo treatment.”
The author list, Author contributions, and Fig. 6 caption have been corrected in the updated PDF and HTML versions of the article.