This article has been withdrawn by the authors. The journal concluded that images in Mdx Control Mice/Tibial anterior panel and in SFN treated Mdx Mice/Gastrocnemius panel in figure 3A were reused in a previous publication by the same authors for different conditions. In figure 6A Mdx Control Mice/Gastrocnemius panel was reused in Mdx Control Mice/Tibial anterior panel. In Figure 7B image SFN Treated Mdx Mice/Gastrocnemius panel was reused in SFN Treated Mdx Mice/Triceps brachii panel and in SFN Treated Mdx Mice/Tribial anterior panel. In addition, there was a sign of undeclared splicing in 4A IkB-a panel. The withdrawing authors provided the original data but could not resolve the issues presented and they stand by the overall findings and conclusions of the article.
VOLUME 290 (2015) PAGES 17784–17795