Figure 4. LIF network model replicates effects of PV or SST stimulation on contrast tuning A.
Conductance-based leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) network model with PV, SST, and excitatory (E) neurons. SST dendritic inhibition of E neurons (arrow) modeled as multiplicative interaction with excitation per prior studies (see Results). Excitatory connectivity (Methods) not shown here to highlight inhibitory connectivity.
B. Within a 1mm2 grid of neurons, a 0.2mm patch received contrastmodulated “visual” input from an external thalamic layer (right), while PV or SST neurons away were directly activated to mimic lateral inhibition (left). The model included a higher probability for longrange SST versus PV projections (thicker line), per experimental data (Results).
C. Effects of distal PV stimulation in the model (left) and in the experiment (right, replotted from Fig. 2C). Uniform decreases in E across all contrasts.
D. Same as C for distal SST stimulation.