Example current clamp recording of membrane potential from an RS neuron during distal PV stimulation in awake V1 (20 trials). Spikes truncated at 0 mV.
B. Same as A for an example RS neuron during distal SST stimulation.
C. Distal SST stimulation causes greater hyperpolarization of excitatory neurons , mean ± SEM, 13 RS neurons; mean ΔVm from 0–0.2s) than distal PV stimulation excitatory neurons; , 1-tail Wilcoxon rank-sum test).
D. Distal PV or SST stimulation decreased excitatory conductance to a similar degree (PV stim: neurons; SST stim: RS neurons; ; mean from ).
E. Inhibitory conductance significantly larger with distal SST versus PV stimulation (SST stim: neurons; stim: neurons; ; mean from ).