Figure 2. The proportion of female Brazilian free-tailed bat fatalities found at Texas wind energy facilities.
(A) Comparison of the proportion of female fatalities within three Texas facilities (Los Mirasoles, Los Vientos, and Wind Farm A) to a reference proportion of 0.5 (representing a 50% female fatality rate). The proportions are presented with 95% confidence intervals, and a dashed line indicates the reference value. Overlapping confidence intervals with the dashed line indicate a lack of difference from even sex ratios. (Los Mirasoles (pfemale = 0.56, n = 124); Los Vientos (pfemale = 0.55, n = 515); Wind Farm A (pfemale = 0.41, n = 341)). (B) Comparison of the proportion of female fatalities between Texas locations (Los Mirasoles, Los Vientos, and Wind Farm A). Confidence intervals are displayed at 98.3%, adjusted for multiple pairwise comparisons. Overlapping confidence intervals with the mean of other location data points indicate a lack of difference between facilities. Figures denoting statistically significant differences (α = 0.017) are marked with asterisks. (Los Mirasoles (pfemale = 0.56, n = 124); Los Vientos (pfemale = 0.55, n = 515); Wind Farm A (pfemale = 0.41, n = 341).