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. 2023 Dec 2;27(1):108627. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.108627
Bacterial strains

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Takeya K, Amako K. 1966 K
Salmonella enterica Hoiseth and Stocker, 1981 SL1344
Listeria monocytogenes Edman et al. 1968 10403
Staphylococcus aureus Los Angeles County isolate, LAC USA300

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Endothelial Growth Media 2 Lonza NC9525043
Trypsin EDTA ATCC 50189662FP
Trypsin Neutralizing Solution ATCC 50189663FP
Lennox L Broth Gibco 10855021
Brain Heart Infusion Broth Sigma Aldrich 53286
Lennox L Agar Invitrogen 22700–025
Brain Heart Infusion Agar Research Products International B11500
Streptomycin Sigma Aldrich S1277
Two polydimethylsiloxane Electron Microscopy Sciences 24236–10
Polyethyleneimine Sigma Aldrich 03880
GA Sigma Aldrich G6257
Type 1 Rat Tail Collagen Corning 354249
Paraformaldehyde Thermo Scientific AAJ19943K2
Phosphate Buffered Saline Thermo Scientific BP2944-100
Hoechst Sigma Aldrich 23491-45-4
Phalloidin abcam ab176757
VE-Cadherin Miltenyi Biotech 130-123-688
Dihydrorhodamine-123 Thermo Scientific D23806
IL-6 receptor blocking antibody R&D Systems MAB227; RRID: AB_2127908
IgG antibody R&D Systems HAF007; RRID: AB_357234
MIP-1 alpha receptor blocking antibody R&D Systems AF-270-SP; RRID: AB_354436
IgG antibody R&D Systems AB-108-C; RRID: AB_354267

Critical commercial assays

Neutrophil Isolation Kit Miltenyi Biotec 130-104-434
Erythrocyte Depletion Kit Miltenyi Biotec 130-098-196
ProcartaPlex Human Inflammation Panel Invitrogen EPX200-12185-901

Experimental models: Cell lines

Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells Promocell 50-305-964