After publication of this article, an error in the power calculation was discovered. The error can be found on page 87 of the original manuscript:
A power calculation based upon the outcome occurrence in the reference group indicated that a relative risk of 1.8 would be detectable in an occupation with 80% power at the 5% significance level if it included >2000 employees. Therefore, we report risk estimates for the non-referent occupations of this size or larger, while keeping all jobs regardless of size in the reference group.
The correct text should state:
A power calculation based upon the outcome occurrence in the reference group indicated that a relative risk of approximately 3.2 would be detectable in an occupation with 80% power at the 5% significance level if it included >2000 employees. Even confidence limits for occupations only including 2000 employees are broad, we report risk estimates for the non-referent occupations of this size or larger, while keeping all jobs regardless of size in the reference group. Occupations with ≤2000 employees and employees with missing DISCO-08 codes were analyzed as separate categories.