pSAM2 is a site-specific integrative element from Streptomyces ambofaciens. The pra gene described earlier as an activator of pSAM2 replication is shown here to be also involved in the activation of its integration and excision. This was evidenced with derivatives of pSAM2 mutant B3 in which the pra gene was placed under the control of the inducible tipAp promoter. Transformation of Streptomyces lividans by these derivatives was efficient only when pra expression was induced, indicating its involvement in pSAM2 integration activation. Once established, these constructions remained integrated in the chromosome under noninduced conditions. Activation of the pra expression provoked strong activation of their excision, leading to the appearance of free forms. The results of functional, transcriptional, and sequence analyses allowed to conclude that the three genes repSA, xis, and int coding for the pSAM2 replicase, excisionase, and integrase, respectively, constitute an operon directly or indirectly activated by pra.
The integrative elements of Actinomycetes are a special class of mobile genetic elements, found only in this group of bacteria, characterized by their ability to integrate in the host chromosome by recombination between the chromosomal attachment site attB and the element site attP. Like plasmids, integrative elements are able to transfer and replicate and their free and integrated forms may coexist (reference 21 and references therein). However, unlike plasmids, for integrative elements replication is not essential for maintenance but for the propagation of the element during conjugation.
pSAM2 is an 11-kb element originally isolated in Streptomyces ambofaciens, which produces the macrolide antibiotic spiramycin (15). pSAM2 can replicate (7, 8), is self-transmissible (9), elicits the lethal zygosis reaction (pock formation), and mobilizes chromosomal markers (25). pSAM2 also has a site-specific recombination system very similar to that of temperate bacteriophages (4–6). The product of the int gene promotes site-specific integration, and the product of the xis gene, together with Int, promotes excision of pSAM2 (18). After integration, pSAM2 is stably maintained integrated in the chromosome during the entire host life cycle of growth and differentiation.
pSAM2 replicates via a rolling-circle mechanism. The repSA gene coding for the replication initiator protein and the ori+ sequence involved in the initiation of replication have been characterized (7, 8). The study of the replication control led to the discovery of pra, a positively acting regulator (21). It was demonstrated that pra was indispensable for pSAM2 replication but was not directly involved in the machinery of replication. When the pra gene, carried by a multicopy vector, was transcribed from the constitutive and strong ermE* promoter (1, 2), it could confer in trans to pSAM2B2, which is normally observed integrated, the capacity to exist integrated and free, a phenotype normally characteristic of pSAM2B3 (21).
In a previous study (7), a DNA sequence analysis, it was suggested that the three genes repSA, xis, and int could form an operon. In this study, we demonstrated that pra acts as a positive regulator not only for pSAM2 replication but also for integration and excision and we confirmed by functional and transcriptional analyses that repSA, xis, and int are organized as an operon.
Bacterial strains, growth, and transformation.
Streptomyces lividans TK24 (12) was used as the host strain. General culture conditions and genetic techniques for Streptomyces spp. and for Escherichia coli were as described by Hopwood et al. (11) and Sambrook et al. (19), respectively.
Streptomyces transformants carrying the thiostrepton resistance (tsr) gene (29) were selected with 50 μg of nosiheptide ml−1. Transformants carrying the hygromycin resistance gene were selected with 200 μg of hygromycin B (Boehringer Mannheim) ml−1 in R2YE medium, and then they were maintained in HT medium (16) with 50 μg of hygromycin ml−1. The inductive dose of nosiheptide was 0.1 μg ml−1.
Construction of pOS546, pOS548, and pOS693.
To construct pOS548, the 2.0-kb Asp718I-Asp718I fragment of pTS39 (Table 1) was replaced by the 2.4-kb Asp718I fragment that differs from the initial fragment only by the replacement of the pra gene promoter by tipAp (10, 14). The fd terminator was placed upstream of tipAp. pTS39 codes for all the functions characterized in pSAM2 (replication, integration, transfer, pock formation, and mobilization of chromosomal markers), and it possesses the tsr resistance gene. The hygromycin resistance gene hyg (30) was introduced in the unique HindIII site as a second selective marker during pOS548 construction. pOS546 was constructed as pOS548 was, except pTS74 was used, instead of pTS39. pTS74 is a pTS39 derivative with the repSA gene inactivated by filling in the BclI(18533) site (the number in parentheses refers to the nucleotide position of the site in Fig. 1).
Plasmids used in this study
Plasmid | Constructiona | Status of pSAM2 derivatives in S. lividansb | Reference |
pOS546 | pOS548 derivative constructed with pTS74 (see Materials and Methods) | Status after establishing: INT without tipAp induction; free and INT with tipAp induction | This work |
pOS548 | pTS39 derivative in which the pra gene promoter was replaced by tipAp (see Materials and Methods) | Status after establishing: INT without tipAp induction; REP and INT with tipAp induction | This work |
pOS549 | pOS546 derivative with the pra gene disrupted by filling of the Asp718I(3302) site | NT in S. lividans; free and INT in S. lividans/pOS689 | This work |
pOS550 | pOS548 derivative with the 3′ part of the pra gene deleted (2-kb deletion in the pra-traSA-spdA region) | NT in S. lividans | This work |
pOS693 | pOS548 derivative with the repSA gene disrupted by insertion of Ωaac (3) in the ApaI(18514) site | NT in S. lividans | This work |
pOS11Δ | Deletion variant of pOS11 (22); high copy number in S. lividans | REP and INT | 24 |
pTO1* | TO1 derivative which does not contain the tipA promoter; integrative vector containing pBR322, a fragment of phage φC31 with its attP site and int gene for integration in Streptomyces spp. | 28 This work | |
pOS689 | BglII fragment from pOS541 (21) containing ermE*p-RBS-pra cloned in the BamHI site of pTO1* | This work |
tipAp is the inducible tipA promoter, and ermE*p is the constitutive ermE* promoter. The numbers after some restriction sites correspond to the positions of the sites in Fig. 1. RBS, ribosome binding site.
INT, integrative; REP, replicative; NT, no transformants.
FIG. 1.
Map of pOS548 showing the pSAM2 genes and open reading frames and the attP and ori+ sites. The pra gene promoter was replaced by the fragment containing the phage fd transcriptional terminator (term fd) and the tipA promoter (ptipA) inducible by nosiheptide. The two resistance genes, tsr (conferring resistance to nosiheptide [29]) and hyg (conferring resistance to hygromycin [30]) are shown. The pBR322 replicon allows the maintenance of pOS548 in E. coli and carries an ampicillin resistance gene. The number in parentheses refers to the nucleotide position of the site.
To construct pOS693, the EcoRI(15493)-EcoRI(19700) fragment from pOS548 was replaced by the same fragment containing the Ωaac cassette (3) inserted into the ApaI(18514) site in the repSA gene.
Status of pSAM2 derivatives in S. lividans.
For Southern hybridizations, the probe was labelled by using the T7QuickPrime kit from Pharmacia LKB. With labelled oligonucleotide, hybridization was performed at 55°C in a solution containing 0.5 M NaH2PO4/Na2HPO4 buffer (pH 7.2), 7% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 1% bovine serum albumin, and 1 mM EDTA, and filters were washed at 55°C in a solution of 0.1× SSC (1× SSC is 0.15 M NaCl plus 0.015 M sodium citrate) and 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate.
RNA isolation, Northern hybridization, and high-resolution S1 mapping.
Total RNA from S. lividans was isolated by the method of Hopwood et al. (11). For Northern hybridization, total RNA (40 to 50 μg) was denatured with glyoxal and dimethyl sulfoxide (19), subjected to electrophoresis, and then transferred to Hybond-N filter (Amersham).
High-resolution S1 mapping was performed by the method of Hopwood et al. (11). The probe was prepared by the method of Raibaud et al. (17), using the oligonucleotide AMD3 that is situated 41 bp downstream of the presumed start codon of the repSA gene (see Fig. 5). The sequence used to determined the sizes of the protected fragments was obtained with the BclI(18533)-EcoRI(19700) pSAM2 fragment (Fig. 1) cloned in M13mp18 and sequenced with the standard M13 −40 primer.
FIG. 5.
Transcriptional start points of the repSA gene. The sequence upstream and downstream of the repSA gene start codon is presented (positions 5761 to 6118 in the EMBL sequence). The positions of the two transcriptional start points are indicated by +1, followed by the number corresponding to the signal numbers on Fig. 4 and also marked by vertical arrows. The positions of the presumed start and stop translation codons and the restriction sites EcoRI and NotI are indicated. The numbers in parentheses correspond to their positions in Fig. 1. RBS, ribosome binding site; oligo, oligonucleotide.
Nucleotide sequence accession number.
All published parts of pSAM2 sequence (8,820 bp) (5–9, 21) were assembled and are now available in the EMBL data bank under accession no. AJ005260.
The pra gene is required for efficient pSAM2 integration.
Previous results (21) allowed us to conclude that the pra gene codes for an activator of pSAM2 replication. In order to mimic the role of Pra in the regulation of other pSAM2 functions, it was expressed in cis from an inducible heterologous tipA promoter (tipAp) in the context of the complete pSAM2 sequence (a derivative named pOS548 [Fig. 1]).
Transformation of S. lividans by pOS548 gave a surprising result. The transformation was efficient (5 × 103 clones per μg of DNA) only under inducing conditions, and only a few colonies were observed in the absence of the inducer nosiheptide. To eliminate the possible effect of replication on transformation efficiency, similar experiments were performed with a nonreplicating derivative of pOS548, pOS546, in which the repSA gene was inactivated (Table 1). In this case, transformation efficiency is a direct reflection of integration efficiency. As for pOS548, transformation of S. lividans with pOS546 was efficient only under inducing conditions.
The integrity of pra gene is necessary, as null mutants (pOS549 and pOS550) were unable to transform S. lividans TK24 efficiently whether the expression of ptipA was induced or not.
These results indicate that pra is required for the efficient integration of pSAM2. However, it does not code for a protein directly involved in pSAM2 site-specific-integration, as integrative derivatives not containing the pra gene could transform S. lividans. For instance, pTS33 (23) and pOS551 (20), in which the expression of the int gene is not under its normal control, had high transformation efficiencies. The role of Pra as an integration activator was confirmed with S. lividans/pOS689, where pra is constitutively expressed in trans. Unlike the situation with the wild type, it was possible to transform this species efficiently with pOS546, pOS548, pOS549, and pOS550, even in the absence of the inducer. It should be noted that all the integrations observed with the pSAM2 derivatives occurred through site-specific integration at the chromosomal pSAM2 attB site (Fig. 2 and 3).
FIG. 2.
Effect of pra gene expression on the status of pOS548 in S. lividans and S. lividans/pOS689. (A) Appearance of the free form of pOS548. Total DNA digested by EcoRI was analyzed by Southern hybridization with the 32P-labelled EcoRI(15493)-EcoRI(19700) pSAM2 fragment (Fig. 1). Total DNA was extracted from S. lividans (lanes 1 to 4) and from S. lividans/pOS689 (lanes 5 to 8) containing pOS548 and grown in the presence or absence of nosiheptide as tipAp inducer. The 6.7- and 5.2-kb fragments indicate the presence of pOS548 integrated at the attB site. The 4.2-kb fragment indicates the presence of the free form of pOS548. Lane 1, no nosiheptide; lane 2, 0.01 μg of nosiheptide ml−1; lane 3, 0.1 μg of nosiheptide ml−1; lane 4, 1.0 μg of nosiheptide ml−1; lane 5, no nosiheptide, clone 1; lane 6, no nosiheptide, clone 2; lane 7, 0.1 μg of nosiheptide ml−1, clone 1; lane 8, 0.1 μg of nosiheptide ml−1, clone 2. (B) Appearance of unoccupied attB sites. Total DNA from S. lividans/pOS548 digested by PstI was analyzed by Southern hybridization with the 32P-labelled 40-mer oligonucleotide probe OL-1 that corresponds to a part of the identity segment between the S. lividans attB and the pSAM2 (and pOS548) attP sites (6). Total DNA was extracted from S. lividans/pOS548 grown in the presence (lane 1) or absence (lane 2) of inducer. The positions of attB, attR, and attL are indicated by arrows. The unoccupied attB site is situated in a 7.5-kb chromosomal PstI DNA fragment. If the attB site was occupied by pOS548, fragments of 6.3 and 21.0 kb containing the attL and attR sites, respectively, were detected. attP and attR are carried by fragments of 19.75 and 21.0 kb, respectively, that were not resolved in the gel. The position of ssDNA is also indicated.
FIG. 3.
Effect of pra gene expression on the status of pOS546 in S. lividans. (A) Appearance of the free form of pOS546. Total DNA digested by EcoRI was analyzed by Southern hybridization with the 32P-labelled EcoRI(15493)-EcoRI(19700) pSAM2 fragment (Fig. 1). The total DNA was extracted from S. lividans (lanes 1 to 4) and from S. lividans/pOS689 (lanes 5 and 6) containing pOS546 and grown in the presence or absence of inducer. The 6.7- and 5.2-kb fragments correspond to pOS546 integrated at the attB site. The 4.2-kb fragment corresponds to the free form of pOS546. Lane 1, 0.1 μg of nosiheptide ml−1, clone 1; lane 2, 0.1 μg of nosiheptide ml−1, clone 2; lane 3, no nosiheptide, clone 1; lane 4, no nosiheptide; lane 5, no nosiheptide, clone 1; lane 6, 0.1 μg of nosiheptide ml−1, clone 1. (B) Appearance of the unoccupied attB site. Total DNA from S. lividans/pOS546 digested by PstI was analyzed by Southern hybridization with the 32P-labelled 40-mer oligonucleotide probe OL-1. Total DNA was extracted from S. lividans/pOS546 grown as follows. Lane 1, with inducer, clone 1; lane 2, with inducer, clone 2; lane 3, no inducer, clone 1; lane 4, no inducer, clone 2; lane 5, S. lividans TK24 (no plasmid). For details, see the legend to Fig. 2.
Pra could activate pSAM2 excision.
Transformants obtained with pOS548 and pOS546 in the presence of the inducer were studied to determine the status of pSAM2 derivatives (integrated or free). Southern hybridization allowed us to demonstrate that pOS546 and pOS548 integrate in the chromosome of S. lividans site specifically (Fig. 2 and 3).
Under noninduced conditions, only the integrated copy was detected for both constructions (Fig. 2A, lane 1; Fig. 3A, lanes 3 and 4). For pOS548, in the presence of a very low concentration of the inducer (0.01 μg/ml), a 4.2-kb band appeared, indicating the presence of its free form (Fig. 2A, lane 2). In the presence of a higher concentration of the inducer, the excision and replication of pOS548 were strongly activated (Fig. 2A, lanes 3 and 4). This was confirmed also by detection in these DNAs of a high proportion of unoccupied chromosomal attB sites (Fig. 2B).
pOS546, a pOS548 derivative in which repSA is inactivated, could be a better model to study the excision, as it could not replicate. Excision was never observed with pTS74, a pOS546 precursor with pra expressed from its own promoter (data not shown). Induction of the pra gene expression led to activation of pOS546 excision (Fig. 3A, lanes 1 and 2). The appearance of the free form of pOS546 was accompanied by the appearance of nonoccupied chromosomal attB sites (Fig. 3B). It demonstrates that Pra activates pSAM2 excision even in the absence of replication and not through activation of replication.
To demonstrate that Pra is necessary for excision, we used a derivative of pOS546, pOS549, in which the pra gene was inactivated. The DNA obtained from rare transformants of S. lividans/pOS549 was analyzed by Southern hybridization. In all cases, pOS549 was site specifically integrated, but in S. lividans/pOS549, excision of pOS549 could not be obtained even under inducing conditions (data not shown). This was due to the absence of pra, because excised forms of pOS546, pOS548, and pOS549 were detected in S. lividans/pOS689 (in which another copy of pra was expressed in trans) in the presence or absence of the inducer (Fig. 2A, lanes 5, 6, 7, and 8; Fig. 3A, lanes 5 and 6).
These results allowed us to conclude that in addition to its already defined activation role for replication and integration Pra could also activate pSAM2 excision.
The repSA, xis, and int genes constitute an operon with two transcriptional start points.
The ability of Pra to activate three functions (replication, integration, and excision) and the genetic organization of the repSA, xis, and int genes suggest that they could be cotranscribed. It was observed previously that the repSA stop codon overlapped the start codon of the xis gene and the xis stop codon overlapped the int start codon. The only inverted repeats that could constitute a rho-independent transcriptional terminator were found downstream of the int gene. Functional analysis results were also consistent with this hypothesis (5, 7). The replicative pSAM2 derivative pOS548 was used to confirm these results.
The Ωaac cassette (3) was used to introduce translation and transcription stop signals in the repSA gene, yielding derivative pOS693. This derivative was unable to integrate into the chromosome (no transformants were obtained) under induced or noninduced conditions for pra expression. This could be explained only by interruption of transcription of the downstream situated int gene, as a nonpolar disruption of the repSA gene in pTS74 and pOS546 did not abolish integration.
To directly demonstrate the operon organization of the repSA-xis-int genes, analysis of the size of the corresponding mRNA transcript was performed. Northern hybridization was done with total RNA isolated from S. lividans/pSAM2B3 in which pra is constitutively expressed and for which the replicative and integrated forms coexist. A DNA fragment carrying the repSA gene was used as a probe. The presence of a highly unstable transcript was revealed. It gave a pattern of degraded RNA with some poorly visible diffused bands starting from a level corresponding to a size of about 4 to 5 kb (data not shown). The same results were obtained with other probes corresponding to the repSA-xis-int DNA fragment and by low-resolution S1 mapping (data not shown). The degradation was specific for mRNA hybridizing with repSA, as rehybridization of the same Northern filter with a DNA probe corresponding to the korSA genes revealed a single nondegraded band with the size expected for the korSA transcript (data not shown). Together with the results of DNA and functional analyses, these results allowed us to conclude that the three genes repSA, xis, and int form an operon that code for a highly unstable mRNA.
To localize the promoter(s) of the repSA-xis-int operon, the position(s) of its transcriptional start point(s) was determined by high-resolution S1 mapping. As shown on Fig. 4, one major and one minor transcriptional start point were revealed. In S. lividans/pSAM2B3 total RNA, the detected fragments migrated as bands 220 and 232 nucleotides (nt) long. The strongest band was the 232-nt fragment. Upstream of these transcriptional start points, there is no sequence similar to the consensus sequences for −35 and −10 regions (27).
FIG. 4.
High-resolution S1 mapping of the repSA gene transcriptional start. To obtain a ssDNA corresponding to the presumed promoter region of the repSA gene, the 1.16-kb BclI(18533)-EcoRI(19700) (Fig. 1) fragment of pSAM2 was cloned in the BamHI and EcoRI sites of the M13mp18 vector and its ssDNA was isolated. To synthesize the second strand, this ssDNA was annealed with labelled oligonucleotide AMD3. Synthesized double-stranded DNA was directly digested with EcoRI, giving a labelled fragment of 537 bp. Total RNA was hybridized with this DNA fragment and treated with S1 nuclease. Lane 1, DNA probe treated with S1 enzyme in the presence of total RNA from S. lividans/pSAM2B3; lane 2, DNA probe treated with S1 enzyme in the presence of total RNA from S. lividans/pOS11Δ; lane 3, DNA probe treated with S1 enzyme in the absence of total RNA. The sizes of the revealed protected DNA fragments were determined with the sequence of the BclI(18533)-EcoRI(19700) fragment (Fig. 1; fragment 6641 to 5477 in the EMBL sequence) cloned in M13mp18 and sequenced with the standard −40 oligonucleotide.
The analysis of the pSAM2B3 for which the free and integrated forms coexist led to the identification and characterization of the pra gene (7) that was proposed to be an activator of pSAM2 replication (21). To analyze further its role, it was decided to construct a plasmid with the pra gene in cis, expressed under the control of a heterologous inducible promoter in order to compare the expression of int, xis, and repSA under conditions of expression or nonexpression of pra.
The replicative and integrative derivative pOS548 and the integrative derivative pOS546, in which the repSA gene is inactivated, transform S. lividans with a very low efficiency if the expression of pra is not induced. Once integrated, they did not excise in the absence of induction, as revealed by the absence of the free forms and of free attB sites. For the nonreplicative pOS546, the efficiency of transformation directly reflects the efficiency of integration. Low efficiency of transformation by site-specific integration, observed for these plasmids under noninduced conditions, but also for other pra− pSAM2 derivatives, could likely be due to a poor basal expression of the int gene. When pra was induced, the efficiency of transformation was high and the transformants contained the free form, in addition to the integrated one, indicating excision and replication for pOS548 and excision for the nonreplicative pOS546 (presence of free attB sites). In the case of pOS548, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), an intermediate in the replication by a rolling-circle mechanism, was detected, as expected, if Pra activates replication. To prove that this positive regulation was not due to a transcription of the int and xis genes from the strong tipAp promoter situated far upstream, the pra gene was disrupted and it was no longer possible to activate integration, excision, and replication. However, this activation could be restored if pra, cloned in an integrative monocopy vector, was expressed constitutively in trans.
It should be stressed that induction of pra in cis led to a strong activation of pOS548 and pOS546 excision, as judged by the appearance of nonoccupied chromosomal attB sites. It is different from the results observed with pra constitutively expressed from its promoter in cis in the mutant pSAM2B3 or expressed in trans from the ermE* promoter (21). In these cases, replication was activated without the appearance of the free attB sites. In explaining this difference, the influence of introducing a strong heterologous promoter (tipAp) upstream of pra cannot be excluded. It could change the transcription in the downstream situated traSA-spd region where some genes could be also involved in the regulation of pSAM2 functions (unpublished observation). However, the results obtained with pOS689/pOS548, pOS689/pOS546, pOS549, and pOS550 directly demonstrated a predominant role of pra in the activation of pSAM2 excision. Pra activates the integration and excision independently of replication, as was demonstrated for the nonreplicative variant pOS546 where repSA was inactivated by a nonpolar mutation. However, the polar mutation introduced in repSA (pOS693) abolished activation of integration by Pra, as was deduced from the absence of transformants.
These results broadened the role of pra and strongly suggest that it directly or indirectly activates transcription of the repSA, xis, and int genes. The results of functional and transcriptional analyses of the repSA, xis, and int genes suggest that they form an operon. The transcript is unstable, but it was nevertheless possible to determine its transcription start points. The locations of these start points are in agreement with the results of functional analysis (7), suggesting that transcription began between the SmaI(19427) and NotI(19304) sites (Fig. 5). These data allowed us to conclude that the repSA-xis-int transcript covers the region containing orf50 (7) situated upstream of repSA and read in the opposite direction. orf50 has a typical Streptomyces codon usage. orf50 could be involved in pSAM2 replication (as the minimal replicon of pSAM2 contains orf50) and/or its regulation.
Replicative and integrative vectors constructed on the basis of pSAM2B3 constituted a powerful tool for cloning in Streptomyces (13, 20, 26). Identification and study of pra, which regulates several key pSAM2 functions, could open a way to build a new generation of pSAM2-based vectors. The replicative derivative pOS548 can exist as one integrated copy without induction, when pra is not expressed, and in several free copies per genome when it is expressed after induction. Identification of additional elements regulating pSAM2 should aid in constructing new vectors. These vectors could be used to express genes coding for toxic products or at a specific step of the culture.
While integration of pSAM2 is provided by Int alone, excision needs the simultaneous presence of Int and Xis. This implies, in addition to the regulation of the transcription of the rep-xis-int operon by pra, an additional modulation of the respective activities of Rep, Xis, and Int to ensure integration, excision, and replication of pSAM2.
We thank A. Bolotin and T. Voeikova for the kind gift of the pTO1 plasmid and M. Zalacain for the kind gift of the hyg gene. We thank N. Bamas-Jacques for helpful comments on the manuscript.
This work has been done as part of the “Bioavenir” program supported by Rhône-Poulenc with the participation of the French Ministères de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de l’Industrie et du Commerce Extérieur.
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