A multisensory exercise approach that evokes the stimulation and use of various senses, such as combining physical and cognitive stimuli, can assist in the management of persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The objective of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of a multisensory exercise program on cognitive function (engagement), behavior (mood), and physiological indices (blood pressure, resting heart rate, and weight) in 13 nursing home residents diagnosed with moderate to severe AD. A one-group pretest/post-test, quasi-experimental design was used. The program combined a variety of sensory stimulations, integrating storytelling and imaging strategies. Results showed an improvement in resting heart rate, overall mood, and in engagement of physical activity. The findings suggest that a multisensory exercise approach can be beneficial for individuals with AD.
Keywords: multisensory exercise, Alzheimer's disease, cognitive function, storytelling, imagery
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