The overall goal of the Internet-Based Savvy Caregiver (IBSC) program was to develop and bring to market an Internet-based psycho-educational program designed to provide dementia caregivers the knowledge, skills, and outlook they need to undertake and succeed in the caregiving role they have assumed. The IBSC program’s concept is based on a face-to-face caregiver-training program and curriculum, the previously validated Savvy Caregiver Program (SCP). The project used an iterative design with expert and consumer input to develop the initial prototype. Forty-seven participants completed the IBSC program and follow-up questionnaire. Results of the formative evaluation showed that participants found the program educational, convenient, useful, and interesting. Participants endorsed feeling more confident in caregiving skills and communication with their family members. The evidence points to the feasibility of an Internet-based program to strengthen family caregivers’ confidence in caring for persons with dementia.
Keywords: dementia, family caregiver, Internet-based training, caregiver training, savvy caregiver
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Contributor Information
Marsha L. Lewis, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Atlanta, GA, USA, marsha.lewis@emory.edu .
John V. Hobday, HealthCare Interactive Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Kenneth W. Hepburn, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Atlanta, GA, USA.
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