Background: Changes in dietary or eating behavior are common in dementia and may help distinguish between different dementing illnesses. Objective: To evaluate and characterize differences in dietary and eating behavior among patients with early frontotemporal dementia (FTD) versus Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods: This study administered the Food-Related Problems Questionnaire (FRPQ) to caregivers of 16 patients with FTD and 16 comparable patients with AD. The FRPQ was evaluated at initial presentation when patients presented for a diagnostic evaluation. Results: Compared with the AD patients, the FTD patients had significantly more changes on the FRPQ. Subscale analysis indicated that the FTD patients showed impairment of observed satiety, improper taking of food, and inappropriate responses when food was not available. Conclusions: The use of food-related questionnaires, such as the FRPQ, can help distinguish FTD patients, early in their course, from those with AD and can further characterize the altered dietary and eating behavior.
Keywords: dietary or eating behaviors, frontotemporal dementia
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Contributor Information
Mario F. Mendez, Department of Neurology, University of California, Mmendez@UCLA.edu, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavieating Sciences University of California at Los Angeles, California.
Eliot A. Licht, Department of Neurology, University of California.
Jill S. Shapira, Department of Neurology, University of California.
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