A major challenge in cancer care is that patients with similar demographics, tumor types, and medical histories can respond quite differently to the same drug regimens. This difference is largely explained by genetic and other molecular variabilities among the patients and their cancers. Efforts in the pharmacogenomics field are underway to understand better the relationship between the genome of the patient’s healthy and tumor cells and their response to therapy. To advance this goal, research groups and consortia have undertaken large-scale systematic screening of panels of drugs across multiple cancer cell lines that have been molecularly profiled by genomics, proteomics, and similar techniques. These large data drug screening sets have been applied to the problem of drug response prediction (DRP), the challenge of predicting the response of a previously untested drug/cell-line combination. Although deep learning algorithms outperform traditional methods, there are still many challenges in DRP that ultimately result in these models’ low generalizability and hampers their clinical application.
In this article, we describe a novel algorithm that addresses the major shortcomings of current DRP methods by combining multiple cell line characterization data, addressing drug response data skewness, and improving chemical compound representation.
Availability and implementation
MMDRP is implemented as an open-source, Python-based, command-line program and is available at https://github.com/LincolnSteinLab/MMDRP.
1 Introduction
Cancer subtypes differ at the pathway activity level, their patterns of clinical progression, and their response to radiation, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy (Ferté et al. 2010). However, due to inter-patient molecular heterogeneity, even patients with the same cancer subtype have widely varying responses to the same therapy. This heterogeneity is thought to be primarily due to a combination of germline genetic differences among patients and somatic mutational variations within their tumors (Marusyk and Polyak 2010).
Over the past decade, substantial technological advancements in biological profiling have given rise to the high throughput “omics” era of biology, revolutionizing our understanding of cancer and many other diseases. Going beyond research insights, ‘omics technologies have opened the door to identifying molecular biomarkers that predict when cancer will respond to a particular therapy or when a patient is at risk of having an adverse reaction to a therapy (Karczewski and Snyder 2018). This is the goal of precision oncology, which seeks to match a patient and their tumor to the therapy most likely to benefit them (Strimbu and Tavel 2010). Pharmacogenomic screening of cancer cell lines has emerged as a critical approach for understanding the role of biological background in the sensitivity to therapeutics. Like other pre-clinical models, cell lines do not perfectly simulate cancer in patients. However, by systematically measuring the change induced by different drugs on the viability or growth rate of a large panel of cell lines, these studies allow us to understand better how variations in the genome alter treatment response. In addition to discovering predictive biomarkers that help better match drugs to patients, these efforts can help guide the development of new drugs.
Unfortunately, the cross-product of all promising compounds, cell lines, and genetic backgrounds is too large to evaluate empirically. For this reason, there is considerable interest in using the data from high-throughput cell line screening studies to build computational models capable of predicting drug efficacy in untested cell lines and compounds. This task is referred to as drug response prediction (DRP), and it is hoped that the ability to predict cell line response to drugs will be a stepping stone to predicting drug response in patients. In 2014, the USA’s National Cancer Institute (NCI) sponsored a DREAM community competition for DRP (Costello et al. 2014). One key insight emerging from this competition was that those models that learn complex and nonlinear (e.g. nonadditive) patterns within the data outperform those that do not. Another is that some models leverage one data type better than others. Thus, applying the same algorithm to multiple data types may not be ideal. A final insight from this challenge is that different representations of the same data type can provide improved predictive capabilities. Despite the prominence of deep learning in many fields, none of the approaches in NCI-DREAM’s challenge applied neural networks. Since then, new programmable deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow (Abadi et al.) and PyTorch (Paszke et al. 2019), new cell line characterization datasets such as the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (Barretina et al. 2012) (CCLE), and new drug response datasets such as the Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal version 2 (Basu et al. 2013) (CTRPv2) and Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer version 2 (Garnett et al. 2012, Yang et al. 2013, Iorio et al. 2016) (GDSC2) have been published (Adam et al. 2020, Baptista et al. 2021). In this report, we apply the insights from previously published studies to the new drug response datasets to develop a Multi-Modal Drug Response Predictor (MMDRP), a Python-based program that uses a multi-modal neural network to predict the efficacy of drugs on cell lines. Some of the innovations of this model include (i) the assignment of stronger weights to less frequently observed samples during training, which prevents overfitting to the prevalence of ineffective drug and cell line combinations; (ii) a modular, multi-modal framework that can take advantage of multiple omic data types simultaneously for better predictions, without requiring that they all be present throughout the training dataset; (iii) a graph neural network for drug representation, which allows for a more informative representation of drug molecules and their structure; and (iv) a final step in which the multi-modal input is combined using a suitable fusion method, which combines the complementary information from various omic sources. We assessed the model’s performance under various scenarios using a set of custom cross-validation schemes, which revealed the benefits of the proposed methods compared to previous approaches and illuminated the general strengths and weaknesses of the model. This work also assesses the utility of previously unused cell line profiling data for DRP, and acts as a guideline for future work in this area.
2 Methods
To train and test MMDRP, we use used the following prominent pharmacogenomic datasets:
Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal version 2 (CTRPv2)—A dataset containing the sensitivities of numerous cancer cell lines to small-molecules.
DepMap (Barretina et al. 2012, Ghandi et al. 2019)—An online database that hosts the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia, which contains various omic profiling data on more than a thousand cancer cell lines.
Exploratory data analysis of these datasets found challenges in data quantity, quality, and coverage. Two issues emerged. First, the molecular profiling data is sparse in the sense that different cell lines have been profiled for molecular characteristics that do not completely overlap (Fig. 1a). Furthermore, the distribution of prediction targets, mainly the area above the dose–response curve (AAC), is nonuniform (Fig. 1b). Although this reflects real-world pharmacology, the data skewness can hamper both the training and the testing of any model and should be given extra consideration when designing a model.
The major challenges to effective DRP are data quantity, quality, skewness, and completeness. To overcome these challenges, we devised a modular, multimodal neural network that first independently learns from each type of cell line profiling data and then intelligently combines these learned representations to predict the responses of each cell line to each tested drug. This approach overcomes the central challenge of data sparsity. It allows the algorithm to learn across datasets in which cell line/drug combinations have different subsets of molecular profiling data.
The pipeline is divided into three sections: preprocessing, training, and validation, where the goal is to predict the drug response target. We embed these steps in a hyperparameter optimization workflow, searching for more optimal design characteristics of the omic processing modules rather than choosing arbitrary hyperparameters (Fig. 2). We use area above the dose response curve (AAC) as the prediction target because it has been shown to improve the predictive accuracy of tested models (Sharifi-Noghabi et al. 2021), by capturing more information from the experiment than the more commonly used score, the IC50, which is the half-maximal inhibitory concentration. IC50 has not been experimentally observed for many cell line and drug combinations within the tested dose range in drug response datasets. Furthermore, IC50 fails to differentiate two drugs with the same half-maximal inhibitory concentration but where one drug has a higher inhibitory power at a higher or lower dose (Jang et al. 2014). During preprocessing, data in each cross-validation training and validation split is standardized based only on the training split’s mean and standard deviation. Because of the data skewness problem, most available data are heavily skewed toward ineffective drugs with low AACs, and a minority have higher AACs. To mitigate this problem, we apply Label Distribution Smoothing (LDS) (Yang et al. 2021) an algorithm that biases the selection of samples in the training set towards those that are less frequently seen by assigning a weight inversely proportional to the frequency of the drug response target to each sample in the training set, forcing the model to learn across the entire range of values (Supplementary Fig. S1).
In the training step, we train separate autoencoders to compress their respective molecular profiling inputs into space-efficient latent representations that capture the essential features needed to reconstruct the original data. In parallel, we apply a drug processing module to create a latent representation of each drug’s properties. In previous approaches, drug molecules were represented as Extended-Connectivity Fingerprints (Rogers and Hahn 2010) (ECFP), which are heavily engineered and precomputed features. This has the unwanted side effect of reducing the model’s ability for task-specific learning. To improve the representation and extraction of information from drug data in the context of DRP, we used a graph neural network (GNN) known as the AttentiveFP (Xiong et al. 2020) model. GNNs are a variant of neural network architectures that are well suited to model structured data such as networks and molecules. The AttentiveFP GNN models the physiochemical properties of molecules, which is an advantage over the traditionally used molecular fingerprints such as ECFP. Furthermore, the AttentiveFP model has learnable parameters that allow for context-specific learning. In contrast, molecular fingerprints do not allow for learning from physiochemical properties but rather describe the structural properties of the molecules they encode. Note that we use the published AttentiveFP model as is and have not tuned its hyperparameters to optimize it to the DRP task.
The latent representations of the cell line’s molecular profile must then be combined with each drug’s latent representation. Low-rank multimodal fusion (Liu et al. 2018) (LMF) is a technique for combining multiple modalities in a neural network such that the latent representations of different features are forced to “interact” with each other. LMF has shown higher performance than other fusion methods, such as (weighted) summation and simple concatenation. It is especially important for modeling biology since it is known that various biomolecules in the cell interact with each other and thus must also be allowed to interact when modeling biology in silico. We use LMF as the fusion method, and the output from this fusion is then passed to another final module, which predicts the AAC. We use the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) loss for model training.
3 Results
To assess the model’s performance, we applied multiple 5-fold cross-validation schemes. In each scheme, data were split in a manner to prevent the reappearance of specific samples from the training set in the validation set. The four splitting strategies were: (i) Split by Cell Line, (ii) Split by Drug Scaffold, (iii) Split by Both Cell Line and Drug Scaffold (simultaneous), and (iv) Split by Cancer Type. Each of the four splitting strategies was done in a way that ensures that the members of a splitting criterion (e.g. cell lines) are not shared among the training and validation sets. Each splitting strategy results in a separately trained model that is then evaluated independently. To avoid leakage between drugs with similar structures, we also split on the drug scaffold, which is the backbone of a drug molecule, crucial in determining a molecule’s biological activity. This is more stringent than splitting on the drug name. The validation samples from each of the 5-folds were then combined to report a final total validation performance.
Due to data sparsity, autoencoder sub-models using different molecular profiling data types each received different amounts of input data. To ensure fair comparisons, we create a restricted dataset that only contains data from cell lines with all eight molecular data profiles, i.e. the subset of complete samples. This subsetting reduced the initial dataset of 35 cancer types across 1776 cell lines to 24 cancer types across 331 cell lines (Supplementary Fig. S2). This resulted in 125 526 data points, 40.4% of the original dataset of 310 792 data points.
Since drug response data is heavily skewed towards nonresponsiveness, reporting a single performance score across the entire AAC range (e.g. root-mean-squared error or RMSE) is misleading. We used the trailing moving average of the mean absolute error (MAE) of 500 samples along the entire AAC range to report and compare model predictive accuracy. This assessment was absent from previous studies. In addition, we use RMSE for the performance measurement of a group of samples. Note that the RMSE of a single prediction is equivalent to its MAE and that lower scores are better for both MAE and RMSE.
3.1 Bimodal model performance
We first evaluated the model performance when the drug structure and a single molecular profiling type (e.g. RNA expression) were provided. We refer to these as “bimodal models.” Most published methods in DRP use IC50 as the prediction target (Baptista et al. 2021), which prevents direct comparison of their results to those obtained with MMDRP. As the modification of previously published deep learning methods in DRP to use AAC instead of IC50 is nontrivial, we used a simple yet effective linear algorithm, the elastic net regularized linear regression algorithm, as our comparison control. We then compared the performance of elastic net against two implementations of MMDRP: (i) a baseline multi-modal neural network that does not employ the LDS, LMF, and GNN techniques described above referred to as MMDRP-base; and (ii) a neural network using all three techniques, hereby referred to as the MMDRP-refined model. The changes in performance for each method are reported in the Supplementary Materials. Figure 3a compares the predictive performance of the baseline elastic net model, the baseline bimodal model, and the MMDRP-refined bimodal model. The MMDRP-refined bimodal models consistently outperform the baseline bimodal models in both targeted and untargeted drugs across the entire AAC range. The “split by drug scaffold” splitting method has lower losses than other splitting strategies (Fig. 3b). Interestingly, the bimodal model with protein quantification data (PROT) performs significantly better in the “split by drug scaffold” scheme.
All models are generally better at predicting cell-line/drug combinations with lower AACs than higher AACs, a trend which remained consistent across the different models and splitting methods. We expect this because of the strong skew towards low AAC values across the training data.
Another observation is that samples treated with targeted drug therapies (defined in Supplementary Table S1) are harder to predict across the entire AAC range. Targeted drugs, on average, have higher AACs in the CTRPv2 dataset (Supplementary Fig. S3). Furthermore, only 31 of the 481 drugs in the CTRPv2 dataset are untargeted, and such imbalance can affect the predictive performance of the models.
Unexpectedly, the models’ drug response predictions based on cell line mutational data alone had the poorest performance of all the molecular data types. This was particularly evident in the bimodal model. Furthermore, there was less consensus on the predictions among the models in samples with higher AACs than those in the lower AAC range (Supplementary Fig. S4). This shows that models trained with different molecular data types may be more suitable for particular cell line and drug combinations than others. The best models based on total RMSE losses by omic type, splitting method, and drug type are reported in Table 1. No single model consistently outperforms others in all scenarios.
Table 1.
Omic type (s) | Split by both cell line and drug scaffold |
Split by cell line |
Split by drug scaffold |
Targeted drug | Untargeted drug | Targeted drug | Untargeted drug | Targeted drug | Untargeted drug | |
Bolded values correspond to the lowest RMSE for that column (lower RMSEs are better).
3.2 Multi-modal model performance
To assess the benefits of combining different molecular profiling data types for drug response prediction, we began by creating the trimodal case (drug structure plus two types of molecular profiles), resulting in 28 profile combinations for baseline and MMDRP-refined model configurations. As in the bimodal case, the trimodal MMDRP-refined models consistently outperform the baseline models in targeted and untargeted samples (Supplementary Fig. S5). More importantly, MMDRP-refined trimodal models consistently outperform bimodal models across all data types (Fig. 4). In addition, among the different splitting schemes, splitting by cancer type often has the highest losses in this subset, meaning that the generalization to novel cancer types is the most challenging task among the four splitting methods (Supplementary Fig. S6).
Comparisons between MMDRP-refined quadmodal models to their trimodal and bimodal counterparts in the split by cell line scheme reveal that the trimodal models consistently outperform the three quadmodal models (Supplementary Fig. S7). Within the current configurations tested, trimodal models often outperform higher order combinations. To assess the relevance of profiling data types for each drug-cell line combination, we measured the frequency of profiling data types used by models that predict AAC most accurately for each data point (Supplementary Fig. S8).
Note that the frequencies of the best model for each data point do not always correspond with the model that has the lowest total RMSE loss.
In summary, these results have shown that the combination of multiple complementary profiling data types can improve drug response predictions, whereas the combination of noncomplementary data types can hurt predictive performance. Furthermore, improving data processing and learning by employing techniques such as the LDS, LMF, and GNN can dramatically improve learning from the incomplete and skewed drug response data, which can then improve the quality of the predictions in more clinically relevant cell line/drug combinations with higher AACs, as well as targeted therapies.
3.3 Predicting activities of drugs with repurposing potential
Not infrequently, a drug that has previously been brought to market for the treatment of one disease is found to have utility in the treatment of a different disease. To measure MMDRP’s ability to identify drugs with repurposing potential, we focused on FDA-approved drugs within the CTRPv2 dataset. First, we found the subset of drugs that have higher true AACs in cancer types other than those for which they were approved. Then, we asked whether each model, having seen that cell line for the first time, could predict this higher AAC. Supplementary Table S4 is a table of 76 potentially repurposable drug-cell line combinations that (i) had an AAC at least 0.2 higher in a noncognate cell line as compared to all the cell lines derived from the tumor type for which the drug is typically prescribed, and (ii) a bimodal MMDRP-refined model accurately (MAE ≤ 0.2) predicted this higher AAC, having seen the cell line for the first time (for the complete list, please refer to the GitHub repository). Interestingly, out of the 76 potentially repurposable drugs-cell line combinations, 48 of them were predicted with a model that did not use gene expression data. Here, we will focus on a typical example of a potentially repurposable drug.
Ibrutinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, originally designed to target Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK). It is FDA-approved for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) and a few subtypes of lymphoma. In the CTRPv2 dataset, ibrutinib’s highest AAC in tested leukemia cell lines is 0.496. Interestingly, there are five breast cancer cell lines with similar or higher empiric AACs in CTRPv2. Trimodal MMDRP-refined models trained on data split by cell lines accurately predicted the sensitivity of all five cell lines to ibrutinib (Table 2). Additional validation of these predictions comes from recent research which confirms both the empiric and predictive results that ibrutinib treatment can inhibit breast cancer progression and metastasis in in vivo mouse models (Varikuti et al. 2020).
Table 2.
Cell line | Lineage subtype | Data type(s) | True AAC | Prediction | MAE loss |
EFM192A | Breast Adenocarcinoma | METAB+RPPA | 0.658 | 0.595 | 0.063 |
AU565 | EXP+MIRNA | 0.623 | 0.588 | 0.035 | |
SKBR3 | Breast Carcinoma | CNV+EXP | 0.603 | 0.586 | 0.017 |
ZR7530 | Breast Ductal Carcinoma | HIST+RPPA | 0.585 | 0.585 | 0.000 |
HCC1419 | MUT+RPPA | 0.511 | 0.502 | 0.008 |
Although MMDRP has good predictive power, its potential utility as a diagnostic test in its current format is low due to the multiple molecular assays that would need to be performed on patient tissues or derived cell lines. Therefore, we assessed the model’s ability to identify the most informative features driving a prediction for biological interpretation and biomarker discovery. The Integrated Gradients method helps identify features that are most salient for a model’s predictions. It works by integrating the gradients of the model’s output with respect to the input along a straight path from a baseline input (usually all zeros) to the actual input. This gives a detailed decomposition of how much each feature contributes to the prediction; these contributions are referred to as attributions. For biomarker selection, we focused on attributions for omic features (e.g. CNV/gene expression features). Since the attributions are unique to each input sample, we focused on samples with higher AAC (more efficacious drugs). Although we focused on omic features, we can also make attributions to drug features.
We used the Integrated Gradients method to interpret the CNV + EXP MMDRP-refined model for Ibrutinib+ EFM192A. This model predicts an AAC of 0.51 for Ibrutinib in the EFM192A cell line, close to the empiric AAC of 0.658. Nine of the ten features attributed with the highest influence on the model were all from gene expression data. Surprisingly, although Ibrutinib targets BTK, the model did not consider the expression of this gene important and gave low attribution scores in both gene expression and CNV data. BTK’s gene expression is in the 46th percentile compared to all cell lines and the 48th percentile in breast cancer cell lines, while its copy number is in the 93rd percentile compared to all cell lines and the 81st percentile in breast cancer cell lines (Fig. 5a). In contrast, of the nine genes selected by the algorithm, DERL1, and FAM91A1’s expression levels are in the 99th percentile in the EFM192A cell line compared to other breast cancer cell lines and display correlation with breast cancers’ response to ibrutinib, including EFM192A (Fig. 5b). Recent studies have identified Derlin-1 (the protein product of DERL1) as a growth promoter in breast cancer, and patients with a high expression of Derlin-1 were found to have a significantly lower prognosis than patients with a low expression of Derlin-1 (Liu et al. 2020, Zeng et al. 2020). FAM91A1 was recently identified as a candidate target gene for breast cancer risk signal (Beesley et al. 2020). In addition, interpreting the model’s GNN drug module using the same Integrated Gradients method reveals that the model correctly focuses on ibrutinib’s acryloyl group when predicting its effectiveness on the EFM192A cell line (Fig. 6). Together, these results suggest that the algorithm is capturing biologically and chemically relevant response features.
4 Discussion
Here, we describe MMDRP, a multi-modal drug response prediction model that uses multiple varieties of cell line molecular profiling data and a graph-based representation of drugs to predict the activities of drugs in cancer cell lines. As measured by MAE and RMSE on drug/cell line combinations that present in the training set, MMDRP is markedly more accurate than a baseline predictive model constructed using the elastic net framework. A direct comparison with other deep learning-based predictive models was not possible, as they are trained to predict IC50 rather than MAE. Our experiments have rigorously evaluated the applicability of multiple ‘omic data types, both singly and in combination, for drug response prediction for the first time.
We readily acknowledge the limitation of cell line studies to predict the efficacy of a drug in human patients. Indeed, the same caveats apply to other pre-clinical models, such as organoids and mouse models. Many drugs that seemed promising at the pre-clinical phase fail during clinical trials. However, it is important to remember that a drug cannot advance to a clinical trial unless it has shown promise in pre-clinical studies, and pre-clinical models represent a bottleneck in the drug discovery pipeline. If we can accurately predict which drugs are most likely to be effective in pre-clinical models, then we can reduce this bottleneck by increasing the pre-clinical pass rate. Hence, drug response prediction algorithms are useful for drug discovery even if they do not directly advance the precision oncology goal of predicting the response of individual patients to therapy.
Our work has identified several issues in the datasets available to DRP researchers. One problem is the difficulty in making useful predictions from clinically relevant cell line and drug pairs that are underrepresented in the training set. This is particularly acute for molecularly targeted drugs, which tend to have fewer drug/cell line pairs in drug response screening datasets than their older cytotoxic counterparts. Results have indicated it is still possible to improve predictive performance using existing cell line data for DRP through better modeling approaches. The use of label distribution smoothing (LDS), low-rank multimodal fusion (LMF), and a graph neural network (GNN) for drug representation significantly improved the performance across the AAC range. Lastly, interpreting performant models allows for biomarker discovery and drug repurposing.
It has been common for previous DRP approaches to solely use gene expression data. This work has shown that other cell line profiling data types are not only useful for making drug response predictions but also for identifying drugs with repurposing potential and the discovery of novel biomarkers. Furthermore, combining two or more profiling data types significantly improved performance over individual use of data types, especially when the LMF fusion method was used. Based on results from the trimodal models, CNV and gene expression data seem to capture cell line biological knowledge better and allow the model to generalize better to novel cell lines, whereas protein quantification data (PROT & RPPA) better capture cell line and drug interactions such that the model can generalize better to novel small molecules, especially targeted therapeutics. Mutation data was generally ignored by the best-performing classifiers, perhaps due to its representation as binary data.
Unexpectedly, higher-order combinations of molecular profiling data types had poorer performance than the trimodal models. It is unclear whether the added information provided redundant information or, alternatively, whether the model could not incorporate the new knowledge to make accurate predictions. This depends on the different cancer-related pathways that are dysregulated in different cancers, which may be better reflected in a specific group of macromolecules than others. We previously noted that the frequencies of the best model for each data point do not correspond with the model with the lowest total RMSE loss. For example, although the model that uses protein quantification data has the lowest total RMSE in the “split by drug scaffold,” a larger proportion of data points are predicted more accurately by models that use gene expression data. Since no single model has the best predictive performance on all samples simultaneously, we recommend predicting the AAC of a new sample using all reported models and only consider further laboratory assessment if at least a few models predict an AAC in the useful range. Fortunately, performing predictions using neural network models is much faster than training them.
The four cross-validation schemes we used in this project gauge the models’ performance in typical industrial and clinical settings. For example, the objective may be to repurpose an approved drug for novel cancer types or subtypes where the evaluation by splitting by cancer type or cell line would be more appropriate. In contrast, when designing a novel drug, splitting by drug scaffold would be appropriate. As discussed before, most previous work in DRP has failed to assess generalization performance to novel cell lines, drugs, and cancer types. As molecular testing technologies advance, the difference among patients with cancer of the same body sites becomes clearer. Therefore, generalization to novel cell lines from familiar cancer types is perhaps the most relevant task to precision medicine. However, results also show that generalization to novel drug scaffolds and targeted drugs is also difficult. The latter results are in contrast with previous work published by Jang et al. (2014), where it was concluded that models with pathway-targeted compounds are most likely to yield the most accurate predictors compared with those trained on broadly cytotoxic compounds. Therefore, future efforts in DRP depend on the expansion of current pharmacogenomic datasets such that they would encompass more cell lines and drug classes. Model-level engineering such as the incorporation of drug targets, protein structures, and pathway information can also help to enhance existing data.
In addition to cell lines, drugs, and cancer types, model generalization across the entire AAC, especially at higher AACs, is also vital. We are more interested in effective drugs than ineffective ones, although accurate prediction of the latter also has clinical utility. This task is hampered by the lack of sufficient data in higher AAC ranges and will require expanding existing drug sensitivity datasets.
Recent work on deep learning model interpretation allows us to understand the basis for neural network predictions. In this report, we applied the Integrated Gradients method to dissect model predictions for potentially repurposable targeted drugs and identified a series of predictive biomarkers that seem to be biologically relevant. In addition to the ibrutinib and BTK examples we report here, we have assembled a list of 76 predictions of effective cell line/drug combinations that can be used for drug repurposing and/or biomarker identification (Supplementary Table S4). In addition, complex modeling enables the discovery of composite biomarkers composed of the nonlinear combination of multiple measurements (Califf 2018). Integrated Gradients assigns attributions to every single feature, and secondary analyses are required to understand the group membership of these features and their interactions in order to identify composite biomarkers.
MMDRP addresses some of the previous shortcomings of DRP, but certain challenges remain. Among several improvements that can be made to the algorithm, one would be to enhance the GNN by converting it to a graph-based autoencoder that could be pre-trained with the millions of available 2D compound structures currently available. In addition, different MMDRP models had the best predictive performance on different subsets of the data, and it is not clear which model’s predictions are the best for making drug response predictions on a new cell line or drug. To avoid testing multiple models, one approach would be creating a model that uses all the molecular data types while automatically subsetting input features and model parameters most relevant to its predictions based on the context of the given cell line and drug combination. Recent work such as the Mixture-of-Experts (Shazeer et al. 2017) (MoE) or attention mechanisms that allow neural networks to ignore inputs contextually (Vaswani et al. 2017) can be used for this task. Furthermore, biomarker discovery from multimodal omic data can pave the way for multimodal, complex composite biomarkers with more predictive power than simple biomarkers. Although this work did not specifically assess multi-modal biomarkers, it serves as a necessary first step toward this new class of biomarkers. We believe these three improvements to the model will have the most immediate benefit both for increasing its predictive performance and its clinical utility.
Aside from algorithmic challenges, DRP data can also be improved in different ways. Cancer cell lines are not genetically stable and display clonal variation (Ben-David et al. 2018). Single-cell profiling methods can improve pharmacogenomic screens by allowing us to associate drug sensitivities with each distinct subclone. It has already been shown that considering clonal heterogeneity can allow for a more accurate prognosis and drug sensitivity prediction (Benard et al. 2021). In addition, we can identify minimal residual disease (MRD) cells that are not inhibited by the given drug to focus on drug development for those cells (Wu et al. 2020). This data can also be used to retroactively assign cell type proportions to cell line profiling data, allowing us to add another layer of information for DRP. Single-cell profiling can, therefore, enhance DRP efforts to improve the discovery of personalized therapies.
In summary, drug response prediction is a clinically relevant problem that can be solved with current and emerging advancements in biological and computer sciences. The methods we have developed in this work have addressed some of the challenges and have allowed the identification of future work required to bring DRP closer to clinical use.
Supplementary Material
Contributor Information
Farzan Taj, Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 1A1, Canada; Adaptive Oncology, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto, ON M5G 0A3, Canada.
Lincoln D Stein, Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 1A1, Canada; Adaptive Oncology, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Toronto, ON M5G 0A3, Canada.
Author contributions
Farzan Taj (Conceptualization [lead], Data curation [lead], Formal analysis [lead], Investigation [lead], Methodology [lead], Software [lead], Validation [lead], Visualization [lead], Writing—original draft [lead], Writing—review & editing [supporting]) and Lincoln Stein (Funding acquisition [lead], Supervision [lead], Writing—review & editing [lead])
Supplementary data
Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics Advances online.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
This work was supported by the funding provided by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities of the Province of Ontario.
Data availability
The datasets were derived from sources in the public domain: DepMap 21Q2 (https://depmap.org/portal/download/all/), CTRPv2 (https://www.cancer.gov/ccg/research/functional-genomics/ctd2/data-portal/broad-institute), GDSC2 (https://www.cancerrxgene.org/downloads/bulk_download). Data usage is discussed in more depth in the supplementary data and appendix.
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Associated Data
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Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
The datasets were derived from sources in the public domain: DepMap 21Q2 (https://depmap.org/portal/download/all/), CTRPv2 (https://www.cancer.gov/ccg/research/functional-genomics/ctd2/data-portal/broad-institute), GDSC2 (https://www.cancerrxgene.org/downloads/bulk_download). Data usage is discussed in more depth in the supplementary data and appendix.