During our investigation of saprophytic fungi in Guizhou and Hainan provinces, China, three hyphomycetes were collected from terrestrial and freshwater habitats. Based on morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analyses of combined ITS, LSU, tef1-α, and rpb2 sequence data, two new species are introduced: Distoseptisporahainanensis and D.lanceolatispora. Additionally, one known species, D.tectonae, previously unreported from Edgeworthiachrysantha, is newly reported. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, and a phylogenetic tree to show the two new species and the new host record of Distoseptispora are provided. In addition, a checklist of Distoseptispora species with their locations, lifestyles, habitats, and hosts is provided.
Key words: 2 new taxa, asexual morph, phylogeny, taxonomy
Distoseptispora K.D. Hyde, McKenzie & Maharachch. was introduced by Su et al. (2016) with D.fluminicola McKenzie, Hong Y. Su, Z.L. Luo & K.D. Hyde, as the type species. Most Distoseptispora species are reported as saprophytes, typically found on decaying wood in terrestrial and freshwater habitats (Hyde et al. 2016, 2019; Su et al. 2016; Xia et al. 2017; Yang et al. 2018; Crous et al. 2019; Luo et al. 2019). The initial descriptions of Distoseptispora are derived from its asexual morphology (Hyde et al. 2016, 2019, 2020; Su et al. 2016; Yang et al. 2018, 2021; Luo et al. 2019; Sun et al. 2020). The first description of a sexual morph of Distoseptispora was described by Yang et al. (2021). Recently, Konta et al. (2023) identified the second sexual species on dead leaves of Licualaglabra, and provided detailed explanations, enhancing our understanding of Distoseptispora sexual morphology. This sexual morph is characterized by solitary or gregarious, immersed to semi-immersed, subglobose to ellipsoidal, perithecial, dark brown ascomata with a short neck; 8-spored, cylindrical, short pedicellate asci with non-amyloid apical annuli; and fusiform, 0–3-septate, hyaline ascospores with mucilaginous sheaths (Yang et al. 2021; Konta et al. 2023). The asexual morph of Distoseptispora was recently expanded upon by Yang et al. (2021), incorporating macronematous, mononematous, solitary or fasciculate conidiophores, blastic, terminal, percurrent, cylindrical conidiogenous cells; and acrogenous, solitary, obclavate, ellipsoidal, obovoid or fusiform, rostrate or not, euseptate, distoseptate or rarely muriform conidia with or without a septal pore and mucilaginous sheath.
Distoseptispora has been found on various hosts viz. Tectona, Pandanus, bamboo, Clematis, Carex, Dipterocarpus, Licualaglabra, Cocosnucifera, Phragmitesaustralis, Thysanolaenamaxima, Platanusorientalis, and decaying wood and grasses (Shoemaker and White 1985; McKenzie 1995; Hyde et al. 2016, 2019, 2021, 2023; Su et al. 2016; Tibpromma et al. 2018; Crous et al. 2019; Phookamsak et al. 2019; Phukhamsakda et al. 2020, 2022; Sun et al. 2020; Zhai et al. 2022; Afshari et al. 2023; Hu et al. 2023; Konta et al. 2023). Most Distoseptispora species have been described in Asia, mainly in China, Thailand, and Malaysia, and only a few have been described in Europe (Shoemaker and White 1985; McKenzie 1995; Phookamsak et al. 2019; Ma et al. 2022; Zhai et al. 2022; Zhang et al. 2022; Konta et al. 2023). Distoseptispora comprises 74 accepted species in Index Fungorum (2024), but there is an ambiguity in the taxonomic status of D.submersa Z.L. Luo, K.D. Luo et al. (2019) stated that D.submersa is phylogenetically closely related to D.tectonae, and there are only minor size differences in conidiophores and conidia between D.tectonae and D.submersa. Dong et al. (2021) synonymized D.submersa under D.tectonae, thus, Distoseptispora comprises 73 accepted saprobic species, of which 44 were from freshwater habitats, 29 from terrestrial habitats, and five from both terrestrial and freshwater environments (Hyde et al. 2016, 2019; Luo et al. 2019; Monkai et al. 2020; Yang et al. 2021; Ma et al. 2022; Zhang et al. 2022; Afshari et al. 2023; Hu et al. 2023; Konta et al. 2023; Liu et al. 2023).
In this study, three fresh hyphomycetous fungal collections were encountered during a microfungal investigation in Hainan and Guizhou provinces. Based on multi-gene phylogeny and morphological comparison, two new species, Distoseptisporahainanensis and D.lanceolatispora are introduced. In addition, a new host record of D.tectonae from Edgeworthiachrysantha is also reported.
Materials and methods
Sample collection, isolation, and morphological study
Fresh specimens were collected from Hainan and Guizhou provinces in China. Fungal colonies were mounted on a slide with distilled water and were observed and examined using a stereomicroscope (SMZ 745, Nikon, Tokyo, Japan). Micro-morphological characteristics were captured with a Nikon EOS 90D digital camera combined with an ECLIPSE Ni-U compound microscope (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan). The sizes of the fungal structures were measured using the Tarosoft (R) Image Frame Work program (IFW 0.97 version), and the photo plates were processed with Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA, USA).
Single spore isolations were carried out following the methods described in Senanayake et al. (2020). Germinated conidia were transferred to fresh potato dextrose agar (PDA) plates and incubated at 25–27 °C for four weeks. Culture characteristics, including color, shape, and size, were recorded. Herbarium specimens were deposited in the herbarium of the Guizhou Academy of Agriculture Sciences (GZAAS), Guiyang, China, and the living cultures were deposited at the Guizhou Culture Collection, China (GZCC). Faces of Fungi and Index Fungorum numbers were obtained following the protocols outlined by Jayasiri et al. (2015) and Index Fungorum (2024), respectively.
DNA extraction, PCR amplification, and sequencing
Fresh mycelia were scraped from cultures that were incubated at 25–27 °C for 28 days. Fungal genomic DNA was extracted using the Biospin Fungus Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (BioFlux, Shanghai, China), following the manufacturer’s instructions. Four gene regions: internal transcribed spacer (ITS), large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU), translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1-α), and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2) were selected. The primers used in this study for each gene region were as follows: ITS4 and ITS5 for ITS (White et al. 1990), LR0R and LR5 for LSU (Vilgalys and Hester 1990; Cubeta et al. 1991), EF1-983F and EF1-2218R for tef1-α (Rehner and Samuels 1994), and rpb2 with fRPB2-5F and fRPB2-7cR (Liu et al. 1999).
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifications were carried out in a 50 µL reaction volume containing 44 μL of 1.1 × T3 Super PCR Mix (TsingKe Biotech, Chongqing, China), 2 µL of DNA template, and 2 µL of each forward and reverse primer. The amplification condition for LSU and ITS consisted of initial denaturation at 94 °C for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles of 45 s at 94 °C, 50 s at 56 °C, and 1 min at 72 °C, and a final extension period of 10 min at 72 °C. The amplification condition for the tef1-α gene consisted of initial denaturation at 94 °C for 3 min, followed by 30 cycles of 30 s at 94 °C, 50 s at 56 °C, and 1 min at 72 °C, a final extension period of 10 min at 72 °C. The amplification condition for the rpb2 gene consisted of initial denaturation at 95 °C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of 15 s at 95 °C, 50 s at 56 °C, and 1 min at 72 °C, a final extension period of 10 min at 72 °C. The quality of PCR amplification products was examined with 1% agarose electrophoresis gels stained with ethidium bromide, and the PCR products were sent to TsingKe Biotech, Chongqing, China for purification and sequencing.
Phylogenetic analyses
The raw sequences were initially checked with BioEdit v (Hall 1999). Forward and reverse sequences were assembled using SeqMan v. 7.0.0 (DNASTAR, Madison, WI, USA). Sequence data (LSU, ITS, tef1-α, and rpb2) for Distoseptispora were downloaded from GenBank based on the blast results and recent publications (Table 1). Each individual gene dataset was aligned using the online program MAFFT version 7 with the “auto” option (Hall 1999; Katoh and Standley 2013). These alignments were visually inspected and manually improved in BioEdit v Multi-gene alignments were combined by SequenceMatrix (Vaidya et al. 2011). In this study, phylogenetic analyses were performed using maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP), and Bayesian posterior probability (BYPP) methods. The analyses were based on LSU, ITS, tef1-α, and rpb2 combined sequence datasets.
Table 1.
Note: “T” denotes ex-type strain. Newly generated sequences are indicated in black bold. “N/A”: no data available in GenBank.
The phylogenetic analyses were conducted using the CIPRES Science Gateway V. 3.3. “RAxML-HPC v.8 on XSEDE”, “PAUP on XSEDE”, and “MrBayes on XSEDE (3.2.7a)” were utilized for ML, MP, and BYPP methods, respectively (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001; Swofford 2002; Stamatakis et al. 2008; Miller et al. 2010; Ronquist et al. 2012). For the ML analysis, the GTRGAMMA model of nucleotide evolution was employed, and RAxML rapid bootstrapping with 1,000 bootstrap replicates was obtained (Stamatakis et al. 2008).
The MP analysis employed 1,000 random taxa additions to infer trees. Branches of zero length were collapsed, and all multiple parsimonious trees were saved. The maxtrees value was set to 5,000. For trees generated using different optimal criteria, parsimony score values were determined for tree length (TL), consistency index (CI), retention index (RI), and homoplasy index (HI). To assess clade stability, the bootstrap (BT) method was used with 1,000 iterations, each consisting of 100 trials of random stepwise addition of taxa (Hillis and Bull 1993).
The posterior probabilities (PP) were determined based on Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001). The best nucleotide substitution model for each data partition was determined using the program MrModeltest 2.2 (Nylander 2004). The GTR + I + G substitution model with gamma rates and Dirichlet base frequencies was selected for all LSU, ITS, tef1-α, and rpb2 sequences. To calculate the posterior probabilities, four simultaneous Markov chains were run for one million generations, with trees sampled every 100th generation, resulting in a total of 10,000 trees. A burn-in parameter of 0.25 was set, indicating that 75% of the trees were remined during the burn-in phase, and the remaining trees were used for calculating the posterior probabilities in the majority rule consensus tree.
FigTree v. 1.4.4. was used for visualizing the phylogenetic trees, and Adobe Illustrator CC 2019v. 23.1.0 was used to edit trees and figure layout.
Phylogenetic analyses results
This study utilized a combined multi-gene dataset encompassing ITS, LSU, tef1-α, and rpb2 sequences to assess the phylogenetic relationships among Distoseptispora species. The analyses included a total of 90 taxa, designating Aquapteridosporaaquatica X.D. Yu, W. Dong & H. Zhang (MFLUCC 17-2371) as the outgroup taxon. The combined aligned sequence matrix comprised 3,360 characters, including gaps: LSU (1–840 bp), ITS (841–1406 bp), tef1-α (1407–2321 bp), and rpb2 (2322–3360 bp). The ML, MP, and Bayesian trees analyzed exhibited a high degree of similarity in topology and showed no significant conflicts. The RAxML analysis yielded a best-scoring tree (ln = -31666.963504), which is presented in Fig. 1. The matrix encompassed 1572 distinct alignment patterns, with 27.15% constituted by undetermined characters or gaps. The estimated base frequencies were as follows: A = 0.239306, C = 0.265297, G = 0.281926, T = 0.213472; substitution rates AC = 1.429077, AG = 3.512798, AT = 1.204511, CG = 0.845859, CT = 6.948345, GT = 1.000000; gamma distribution shape parameter α = 0.244431. For the MP analysis, 3360 characters remained unchanged, 330 were variable and parsimoniously uninformative, and 1074 were parsimoniously informative. The most parsimonious tree yielded the following values: TL = 5624, CI = 0.400, RI = 0.738, RC = 0.295, HI = 0.600. For BYPP analysis, Bayesian posterior probabilities from MCMC were evaluated with a final average standard deviation of split frequencies of 0.009754.
In the phylogenetic analyses (Fig. 1), all our newly identified taxa nested within Distoseptispora, affirming their classification within this genus. Distoseptisporahainanensis (GZCC 22-047) formed a sister clade to D.multiseptata strains (MFLUCC 16-1044 and MFLUCC 15-0609) with 98% ML, 1.00 PP, and 93% MP statistical support. Distoseptisporalanceolatispora (GZCC 22-2045) formed a sister clade to D.neorostrata (MFLUCC 18-0376) with 100% ML, 1.00 PP, and 98% MP statistical support. In addition, our new collection GZCC 22-2046 clustered together with three D.tectonae strains (MFLU 20-0262 and MFLUCC 12-0291) with 98% ML and 0.96 PP statistical support, indicating they represent the same species.
. Distoseptispora hainanensis
X.M. Chen & Y.Z. Lu sp. nov.
Index Fungorum: IF900953
Facesoffungi Number: FoF14663
The epithet refers to the location “Hainan Province” where the holotype was collected.
GZAAS 22-2047.
Saprobic on decaying wood in terrestrial habitat. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Colonies on natural substrate superficial, effuse, dark brown, and hairy. Mycelium mostly immersed, composed of branched, septate, brown to dark brown, smooth hyphae. Conidiophores 70–130 × 5–8.5 μm (x– = 103 × 7 μm, n = 20), macronematous, mononematous, erect, solitary, straight or slightly flexuous, brown to dark brown, paler towards the apex, cylindrical, 4–6-septate, slightly constricted and darkened at septa, unbranched, thick-walled. Conidiogenous cells 6–13 × 3.5–6.5 μm (x– = 10 × 5 μm, n = 20), holoblastic, monoblastic, integrated, terminal, indeterminate, cylindrical, slightly tapering towards the apex, brown, percurrent. Conidia 44–117 μm × 9–18.5 μm (x– = 90 × 14 μm, n = 20), acrogenous, solitary, obclavate or obpyriform, rostrate, truncate at the base, straight or slightly curved, up to 22-distoseptate, slightly constricted at septa, brown, verrucose.
Culture characteristics.
Colonies grown on PDA circular, dense, fluffy, with raised center and lobate edge, pale gray in the center, grayish brown in the outer ring from the front view, dark brown in the center, and blackish brown in the outer ring from the reverse view.
Material examined.
China, Hainan Province, on unidentified decaying wood, 15 May 2021, Xia Tang, HN02 (GZAAS 22-2047, holotype), ex-type living culture, GZCC 22-2047.
Morphologically, Distoseptisporahainanensis is similar to D.effusa L.L. Liu & Z.Y. Liu in having macronematous conidiophores, monoblastic conidiogenous cells, and acrogenous, obclavate, rostrate conidia (Yang et al. 2021). However, conidia of D.hainanensis are up to 22-distoseptate, whereas those of D.effusa are only 4–9-distoseptate. In the phylogenetic analyses, D.hainanensis formed a distinct clade sister to D.multiseptata Jiao Yang & K.D. Hyde with 98% ML, 1 PP, and 93% MP statistical support (Fig. 1). Distoseptisporahainanensis differs from D.multiseptata in having brown, longer conidiophores (70–130 μm vs. 23–65 µm) and obclavate or obpyriform, brown, verrucose, smaller conidia (44–117 μm vs. up to 290 µm) (Hyde et al. 2016). Comparing DNA sequence data, D.hainanensis diverges from D.multiseptata (MFLUCC 15-0609) in the ITS by 21/552 bp (3.8% difference), in the LSU by 1/812 bp (0.01% difference), in tef1-α by 33/912 bp (3.6% difference), and no data is available for rpb2 of D.multiseptata (MFLUCC 15-0609) in GenBank. Hence, the novel species, D.hainanensis, is introduced, following the guidelines of Jeewon and Hyde (2016) and Chethana et al. (2021).
. Distoseptispora lanceolatispora
X.M. Chen & Y.Z. Lu sp. nov.
Index Fungorum: IF900954
Facesoffungi Number: FoF14664
Referring to the lanceolate conidia.
GZAAS 22-2045.
Saprobic on submerged decaying wood in freshwater habitat. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Colonies on substrate effuse, gregarious, hairy, pale brown to brown. Mycelium mostly immersed, composed of septate, yellow-brown to brown, smooth hyphae. Conidiophores 120–190 × 4–8 µm (x– = 155 × 6.5 µm, n = 20), macronematous, mononematous, erect, solitary, straight or slightly flexuous, grayish brown to dark brown, slightly tapering towards the apex, cylindrical, 7–8-septate, unbranched, thick-walled, smooth-walled. Conidiogenous cells 15–27 × 3–5.5 µm (x– = 20.5 × 4.5 µm, n = 20), monoblastic, integrated, terminal, cylindrical, slightly tapering towards the apex, pale brown, percurrent. Conidia 31–90 × 9.5–15 µm (x– = 58.5 × 13 µm, n = 20), acrogenous, solitary, fusiform or lanceolate, rostrate, truncate at the base, straight or slightly curved, 5–13-distoseptate, slightly constricted at septa, olivaceous to olivaceous brown, slightly paler at the apex, verrucous, with or without apical, hyalina appendages.
Culture characteristics.
Colonies grown on PDA circular, dense, flat, dry, gray to dark gray, radially striated, and a ring in the middle of the colonies with an entire edge from the front view, dark brown to black with a circular, gray edge from reverse view, not pigmented.
Material examined.
China, Hainan Province, on submerged decaying wood in a freshwater stream, 23 October 2021, Jian Ma, J13 (GZAAS 22-2045, holotype), ex-type living culture, GZCC 22-2045.
Distoseptisporalanceolatispora is morphologically similar to D.leonensis (M.B. Ellis) R. Zhu & H. Zhang. However, compared to D.lanceolatispora, D.leonensis has longer conidiophores (120–190 µm vs. 110–130 µm), longer conidiogenous cells (15–27 µm vs. 5–15 µm), and 5–13-distoseptate, fusiform or lanceolate conidia (Zhang et al. 2022). In the phylogenetic analyses (Fig. 1), D.lanceolatispora forms a unique clade adjacent to D.neorostrata D.F. Bao, Z.L. Luo & H.Y. Su with 100% ML, 1 PP, and 98% MP support. Based on a pairwise nucleotide comparison of ITS and LSU sequences, D.lanceolatispora deviates from D.neorostrata by 39/529 bp (6.8%) for ITS and 14/850 bp (1.6%) for LSU, and there is no data available for tef1-α and rpb2 for D.neorostrata (MFLUCC 18-0376) in GenBank. Hence, we introduce the new species, D.lanceolatispora, based on the criteria established by Jeewon and Hyde (2016) and Chethana et al. (2021).
. Distoseptispora tectonae
Doilom & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Diversity 80: 222 (2016)
Index Fungorum: IF552223
Facesoffungi number: FoF01877
Saprobic on dead twigs of Edgeworthiachrysantha. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Colonies on natural substrate abundant, superficial, dark brown, hairy. Conidiophores 35–80 μm × 4–7.5 μm (x– = 58 × 5.5 μm, n = 20), macronematous, mononematous, simple, erect to slightly curved, solitary, pale brown to dark brown, cylindrical, 2–4-septate, slightly constricted at the septa, unbranched, thick-walled. Conidiogenous cells 6–10 μm × 3.5–6.5 μm (x– = 8 × 4.5 μm, n = 20), holoblastic, monoblastic, integrated, terminal, cylindrical, slightly tapering towards the apex, brown to reddish brown, percurrent. Conidia 190–255 μm × 9.5–16 μm (x– = 220 μm × 13 μm, n = 20), 5–16 μm (x– = 13 μm, n = 20) wide at the protruding truncate base; 4.5–8 μm (x– = 6.5 μm, n = 20) wide in the tapering part, acrogenous, solitary, obclavate, elongate, rostrate, straight or curved, tapering towards the apex, 9–39-distoseptate, olivaceous-green when young, dark reddish brown at maturity, verrucose.
Culture characteristics.
Conidia germinating on PDA within 24 h, colonies circular, dense, umbonate, spreading, fluffy. The surface is slightly rough with reddish-gray mycelium, colonies somewhat raised in the middle, and with a filiform edge. The reverse side is dark gray with a circular, pale reddish-gray edge, not pigmented.
Material examined.
China, Guizhou Province, Guiyang City, Guiyang Medicinal Botanical Garden, on dead twigs of Edgeworthiachrysantha, 20 August 2022, Xia Tang, JX30 (GZAAS 22-2046), living culture, GZCC 22-2046.
Known host and distribution.
Tectonagrandis (Thailand, Hyde et al. 2016), on dead stems (Thailand, Sun et al. 2020), on dead, submerged, decaying wood of unidentified plants (China & Thailand, Luo et al. 2019; Dong et al. 2021; Zhang et al. 2022), and dead twig and branch of Edgeworthiachrysantha (China, this study).
Distoseptisporatectonae was first isolated from a dead twig of Tectonagrandis in Thailand (Hyde et al. 2016). Since then, this species has been identified in various countries on different substrates and hosts (Hyde et al. 2016; Sun et al. 2020; Dong et al. 2021; Zhang et al. 2022). In the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1), our new isolate forms a close lineage to D.tectonae (GZCC 22-2046) with statistical support of 98% ML and 0.96 PP. Based on pairwise nucleotide comparisons of ITS, LSU, tef1-α, and rpb2, our new isolate diverges from D.tectonae (MFLUCC 12-0291, ex-type) by 6/554 bp (1%) for ITS, 1/852 bp (0.01%) for LSU, 0/980 bp (0%) for tef1-α, and 2/899 bp (0.2%) for rpb2. In addition, the morphological characteristics of our isolate match well with the holotype description of D.tectonae (Hyde et al. 2016). This study reports a new host record of Distoseptisporatectonae on dead twigs of Edgeworthiachrysantha in China.
Distoseptispora is one of the sporidesmium-like taxa and is well-known for its asexual morph, which has considerable morphological variations (Su et al. 2016; Yang et al. 2018, 2021). However, the phylogenetic analyses suggest a lack of correlation between phylogenetic relationships and morphological analyses. For instance, species such as D.appendiculata D.F. Bao, Z.L. Luo & H.Y. Su, D.atroviridis J. Yang & K.D. Hyde, D.caricis Crous, D.fusiformis J. Yang & K.D. Hyde, D.lanceolatispora, D.leonensis, D.neorostrata, D.palmarum S.N. Zhang, K.D. Hyde & J.K. Liu, and D.saprophytica W. Dong, H. Zhang & K.D. Hyde cluster together as a subclade in the phylogenetic tree (see Fig. 1). In contrast, morphological analysis reveals significant differences, especially in the characteristics of conidiophores, conidiogenous cells, and conidia (Crous et al. 2019; Hyde et al. 2019; Luo et al. 2019; Dong et al. 2021; Yang et al. 2021; Zhang et al. 2022). This disparity is common within the genus. We recommend adopting a combination approach using molecular and morphological methods for more effective identification within this genus.
Worth noting, among the various species of Distoseptispora, D.martinii (J.L. Crane & Dumont) J.W. Xia & X.G. Zhang stands out due to its unique morphological characteristics, especially its oblate or subglobose conidia, distinguishing it from other species within Distoseptispora (Xia et al. 2017). The species was initially introduced as Acrodictysmartinii J.L. Crane & Dumont by Crane and Dumont (1975) based on morphological characteristics. Then, it underwent several taxonomic revisions based solely on morphology (Baker et al. 2002; Delgado 2009). Later, Xia et al. (2017) reclassified Acrodictysmartinii as D.martinii based on genetic analysis. However, the morphological traits of D.martinii greatly diverge from typical Distoseptispora features (Crane and Dumont 1975; Xia et al. 2017). Therefore, we suggest additional collections and analysis of D.martinii specimens to ensure the reliability of the provided DNA sequence data.
In recent years, Distoseptispora species have been reported worldwide, such as in China, Hungary, Hawaii, Malaysia, and Thailand (Shoemaker and White 1985; McKenzie 1995; Wu and Zhuang 2005; Zhang et al. 2022). Studies on Distoseptispora have been particularly extensive in China and Thailand (Hyde et al. 2016, 2019, 2020; Su et al. 2016; Yang et al. 2018, 2021; Luo et al. 2019; Sun et al. 2020; Hu et al. 2023). To date, 73 species of Distoseptispora have been documented, of which 55 have been recorded in China (including known species, see Table 2). Our collections further highlight the distribution of the genus in China, and we speculate that the country may harbor a greater diversity of the genus. Thus, future studies are needed to validate this hypothesis.
Table 2.
Species | Country | Habitat | Host | References |
D.adscendens | China; Hungary; Hawaii | Terrestrial | Decaying wood and decaying branches of many woody plant species; Platanusorientalis | Shoemaker et al. (1985); McKenzie et al. (1995); Wu et al. (2005); Zhang et al. (2022) |
D.amniculi | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Yang et al. (2021) |
D.appendiculata | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Luo et al. (2019) |
D.aqualignicola | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Zhang et al. (2022) |
D.aquamyces | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Zhang et al. (2022) |
D.aquatica | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Su et al. (2016); Luo et al. (2019); Li et al. (2021) |
D.aquisubtropica | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Ma et al. (2022) |
D.atroviridis | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Yang et al. (2021) |
D.bambusae | China | Terrestrial | Decaying bamboo culms | Sun et al. (2020) |
D.bambusicola | China | Freshwater | Submerged bamboo culms | Jayawardena et al. (2022) |
D.bangkokensis | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Shen et al. (2021) |
D.cangshanensis | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Luo et al. (2018) |
D.caricis | Thailand | Terrestrial | Leaves of Carex sp. | Crous et al. (2019) |
D.chinensis | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Hyde et al. (2021) |
D.clematidis | China; Thailand | Freshwater; Terrestrial | Dried stem of Clematissikkimensis; submerged decaying wood | Phukhamsakda et al. (2020); Shen et al. (2021) |
D.crassispora | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Zhang et al. (2022) |
D.curvularia | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Zhang et al. (2022) |
D.cylindricospora | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Phukhamsakda et al. (2022) |
D.dehongensis | China; Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Hyde et al. (2019); Zhang et al. (2022) |
D.dipterocarpi | Thailand | Terrestrial | Woody litter of Dipterocarpus sp. | Afshari et al. (2023) |
D.effusa | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Yang et al. (2021) |
D.euseptata | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Li et al. (2021) |
D.fasciculata | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Dong et al. (2021) |
D.fluminicola | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Su et al. (2016); Luo et al. (2018) |
D.fusiformis | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Yang et al. (2021) |
D.gasaensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches of broadleaf tree | Hu et al. (2023) |
D.guanshanensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches of broadleaf tree | Hu et al. (2023) |
D.guizhouensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying wood | Hyde et al. (2021) |
D.guttulata | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Yang et al. (2018); Luo et al. (2019) |
D.hainanensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying wood | This study |
D.hyalina | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Yang et al. (2021) |
D.hydei | Thailand | Terrestrial | Decaying bamboo culms | Monkai et al. (2020) |
D.jinghongensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches of broadleaf tree | Hu et al. (2023) |
D.lancangjiangensis | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Shen et al. (2021) |
D.lanceolatispora | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | This study |
D.leonensis | China; Malaysia | Terrestrial | Decaying culms of grasses or decaying branches | McKenzie et al. (1995); Wu et al. (2005); Zhang et al. (2022) |
D.licualae | Thailand | Terrestrial | Decaying leaves of Licualaglabra | Konta et al. (2023) |
D.lignicola | China; Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Luo et al. (2019); Yang et al. (2021) |
D.longispora | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Song et al. (2020) |
D.longnanensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches of broadleaf tree | Hu et al. (2023) |
D.martinii | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches | Xia et al. (2017) |
D.meilingensis | China | Freshwater | Decaying bamboo culms | Zhai et al. (2022) |
D.menghaiensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches of broadleaf tree | Hu et al. (2023) |
D.menglunensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches of broadleaf tree | Hu et al. (2023) |
D.mengsongensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches | Liu et al. (2023) |
D.multiseptata | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Hyde et al. (2016); Yang et al. (2018) |
D.nabanheensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches | Liu et al. (2023) |
D.nanchangensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches of broadleaf tree | Hu et al. (2023) |
D.neorostrata | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Luo et al. (2019) |
D.nonrostrata | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Zhang et al. (2022) |
D.obclavata | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Luo et al. (2019) |
D.obpyriformis | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Luo et al. (2018) |
D.pachyconidia | China | Freshwater; Terrestrial | Submerged decaying wood; decaying wood | Ma et al. (2022); Zhang et al. (2022) |
D.palmarum | Thailand | Terrestrial | Rachis of Cocosnucifera | Hyde et al. (2019) |
D.phangngaensis | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Yang et al. (2018) |
D.phragmiticola | China | Terrestrial | Decaying Phragmitesaustralis | Hyde et al. (2023) |
D.rayongensis | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Hyde et al. (2020) |
D.rostrata | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Luo et al. (2018) |
D.saprophytica | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Dong et al. (2021) |
D.septata | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Ma et al. (2022) |
D.sinensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches | Liu et al. (2023) |
D.songkhlaensis | Thailand | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Dong et al. (2021) |
D.suoluoensis | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Yang et al. (2018) |
D.tectonae | China; Thailand | Terrestrial; Freshwater | Decaying twig of Tectonagrandis; stems of dead wood; submerged decaying wood; decaying twigs of Edgeworthiachrysantha | Hyde et al. (2016); Luo et al. (2018); Sun et al. (2020); Dong et al. (2021); Li et al. (2021); Zhang et al. (2022); This study |
D.tectonigena | Thailand | Terrestrial | Decaying twig of Tectonagrandis | Hyde et al. (2016) |
D.thailandica | Thailand | Terrestrial | Decaying leaves of Pandanus sp. | Tibpromma et al. (2018) |
D.thysanolaenae | China | Terrestrial; Freshwater | Decaying culms of Thysanolaenamaxima; Submerged decaying wood | Phookamsak et al. (2019); Shen et al. (2021) |
D.tropica | China | Terrestrial | Decaying wood | Ma et al. (2022) |
D.verrucosa | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Yang et al. (2021) |
D.wuzhishanensis | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Ma et al. (2022) |
D.xishuangbannaensis | China | Terrestrial; Freshwater | Decaying leaves of Pandanusutilis; submerged decaying wood | Tibpromma et al. (2018); Ma et al. (2022) |
D.yichunensis | China | Terrestrial | Decaying branches of broadleaf tree | Hu et al. (2023) |
D.yongxiuensis | China | Freshwater | Decaying bamboo culms | Zhai et al. (2022) |
D.yunjushanensis | China | Freshwater | Decaying bamboo culms | Zhai et al. (2022) |
D.yunnanensis | China | Freshwater | Submerged decaying wood | Li et al. (2021) |
Supplementary Material
The authors thank Shaun Pennycook, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, New Zealand, for his guidance on the fungal nomenclature and the suggestion on naming the new taxa. The authors also thank the Guizhou Institute of Technology for its support of the experiment. Samantha Chandranath Karunarathna thanks the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Numbers 32260004) and the High-Level Talent Recruitment Plan of Yunnan Province (“High-End Foreign Experts” program) for their support.
Chen X-M, Tang X, Ma J, Liu N-G, Tibpromma S, Karunarathna SC, Xiao Y-P, Lu Y-Z (2024) Identification of two new species and a new host record of Distoseptispora (Distoseptisporaceae, Distoseptisporales, Sordariomycetes) from terrestrial and freshwater habitats in Southern China. MycoKeys 102: 83–105. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.102.115452
Additional information
Conflict of interest
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Ethical statement
No ethical statement was reported.
This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC 32360011).
Author contributions
Conceptualization - Xue-Mei Chen and Yong-Zhong Lu; data curation - Xue-Mei Chen, Xia Tang, Jian Ma, Ning-Guo Liu; formal analysis - Yuan-Pin Xiao, Xue-Mei Chen, Xia Tang, Jian Ma; funding acquisition - Yong-Zhong Lu; investigation - Saowaluck Tibpromma, Samantha C. Karunarathna, Yuan-Pin Xiao, Yong-Zhong Lu; methodology - Xue-Mei Chen, Yong-Zhong Lu; project administration - Yuan-Pin Xiao, Yong-Zhong Lu; resources - Yong-Zhong Lu, Saowaluck Tibpromma, Samantha C. Karunarathna; software - Xue-Mei Chen; supervision - Yong-Zhong Lu, Saowaluck Tibpromma, Samantha C. Karunarathna; validation - Xue-Mei Chen, Xia Tang, Jian Ma, Ning-Guo Liu; visualization - Saowaluck Tibpromma, Samantha C. Karunarathna; writing original draft - Xue-Mei Chen; writing, review and editing - Xue-Mei Chen, Xia Tang, Jian Ma, Ning-Guo Liu, Saowaluck Tibpromma, Samantha C. Karunarathna, Yuan-Pin Xiao, Yong-Zhong Lu. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Author ORCIDs
Xue-Mei Chen https://orcid.org/0009-0004-8631-0735
Xia Tang https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2705-604X
Jian Ma https://orcid.org/0009-0008-1291-640X
Ning-Guo Liu https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9169-2350
Saowaluck Tibpromma https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4706-6547
Samantha C. Karunarathna https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7080-0781
Yuan-Pin Xiao https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1730-3545
Yong-Zhong Lu https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1033-5782
Data availability
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.
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