Table 3.
S. No | Crop name | Scientific name | Nutritional value and uses | References |
1 | Amaranth | Amaranthus vridis | Have vibrant colors and used for garnishing, Rich in Calcium, Iron and β-Carotene | Nautiyal et al., 2022 |
2 | Beetroot | Beta vulgaris | High antioxidant properties and rich in vitamin C | Nautiyal et al., 2022 |
3 | Broccoli | Brassica oleracea | Rich in minerals, vitamins and regulates immune system | Nautiyal et al., 2022 |
4 | Fenugreek | Trigonella foenum-graecum | Rich in protein, vitamins and minerals | Nautiyal et al., 2022 |
6 | Chickpea | Cicer arietinum | Nutrient and phytochemicals rich, Antioxidant activity | Kaur et al., 2022 |
7 | Tamarind | Tamarindus indica | Rich source of storage proteins and protease inibitors | Jafar et al., 2017 |
8 | Mimosa thorn | Caesalpinia mimosoides | Rich source of storage proteins and protease inibitors, antimicrobial activity | Lekha et a., 2019 |
9 | Castor bean | Ricina communis | Rich source of storage proteins and protease inibitors | Lone et al., 2017 |
10 | Mungbean | Vigna radiata | Nutrient and phytochemicals rich, Antioxidant activity | Mishra et al., 2021 Kaur et al., 2022 Sangwan et al., 2022 |