回顾分析2017年1月—2022年12月接受腓骨切除且符合选择标准的24例患者临床资料。男12例,女12例;年龄18~68岁,平均25岁。术中腓骨切除长度为10~19 cm,平均15 cm。术后进行常规康复训练。记录术后并发症发生情况,采用疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS)评价手术切口疼痛程度,影像学复查残余腓骨骨质情况。术前及术后6个月采用步态测试系统,采集慢、中、快速条件下健、患侧步态数据,包括步态参数(足转角、步长、支撑相、摆动相、步态线长度、单支撑线、最大力值1、最大力值2)以及三足区参数(前、中、后足的最大压力、时间最大力值、接触时间)。
Keywords: 腓骨切除, 步态分析, 成人
To explore the effects of fibulectomy on lower limb function and gait of adult patients through gait analysis, in order to provide guidance for clinical treatment.
A clinical data of 24 patients who underwent fibulectomy and met the selection criteria between January 2017 and December 2022 was retrospectively analyzed. There were 12 males and 12 females with an average age of 25 years (range, 18-68 years). The length of fibulectomy was 10-19 cm, with an average of 15 cm. The patients underwent routine rehabilitation training after operation. The occurrence of postoperative complications was recorded, the pain degree of surgical incision was evaluated by visual analogue scale (VAS) score, and the residual fibular bone was reviewed by imaging. A gait test system was used before operation and at 6 months after operation to collect gait data of healthy and affected sides under slow, medium, and fast velocity conditions, including gait parameters (foot rotation angle, step length, support phase, swing phase, gait line length, single support line, maximum force 1, maximum force 2) and the tripod area parameters (maximum pressure, time maximum force, and contact time of forefoot, midfoot, and hindfoot).
All incisions healed by first intention after operation. All patients were followed up 1-5 years, with an average of 3 years. The great dorso-extension muscle strength decreased in 3 cases, and the sensory defects in the operative area and distal part occurred in 5 cases. The VAS scores of incisions were 0-6 (mean, 4) at 6 months after operation and 0-5 (mean, 2) at last follow-up. During follow-up, imaging review showed that 5 cases had osteoporotic changes of distal residual bone of the fibula, and the residual segment was shorter and more significant; 3 cases had new bone formation. The results of gait test showed that the gait parameters and the tripod area parameters under the three gait speeds were consistent. There was no significant difference in the gait parameters and the tripod area parameters between the healthy side and the affected side before operation (P>0.05). Compared with the healthy side, the foot rotation angle, the single support line, the maximum force 1, the maximum force 2, and the maximum pressures of the forefoot and midfoot of the affected side significantly decreased after operation (P<0.05), and the step length, the time maximum force of midfoot and hindfoot, and the contact time of the forefoot and midfoot significantly increased (P<0.05). Compared with preoperative conditions on the same side, the foot rotation angle, the gait line length of both sides significantly decreased (P<0.05), and the maximum pressures of the forefoot, midfoot, and hindfoot and the time maximum force of the midfoot significantly increased (P<0.05); the step length on healthy side significantly decreased, while the affected side significantly increased (P<0.05); the maximum force 1 and the maximum force 2 on the healthy side significantly increased, while the affected side significantly decreased (P<0.05); the single support line on the affected side significantly decreased (P<0.05).
Different degrees of clinical symptoms occurred, gait pattern changes, compensatory gait appears, gait stability decreases, and the risk of tumble increases in adult patients after partial fibulectomy. Therefore, it is recommended to walk slowly after fibulectomy.
Keywords: Fibulectomy, gait analysis, adult
1. 临床资料
1.1. 一般资料
患者纳入标准:2017年1月—2022年12月于福建医科大学附属第一医院接受腓骨切除手术患者。排除标准:① 存在严重器官功能障碍,不能参与调查研究;② 伴有严重听力受损、精神障碍和沟通能力障碍者;③ 术前或术中发生腓总神经损伤,显著影响测试结果;④ 合并股骨头坏死不能配合步态测试者;⑤ 全身多发骨转移患者;⑥ 年龄<16岁。
1.2. 手术方法
自体腓骨重建其他部位骨缺损者腓骨切除步骤:于腓骨头下5 cm水平作切口切取腓骨,在腓骨长、短肌与小腿三头肌之间的深筋膜处切开,使腓骨外侧面暴露至腓骨头下5 cm处,并使用拉钩拉开,使用骨膜剥离子进行骨膜下剥离,暴露腓骨,线锯切断近端和远端腓骨,巾钳钳夹腓骨断端,并切开趾长伸肌、踇长伸肌、踇长屈肌、胫骨后肌以及腓骨附着部的骨间膜,腓骨上保留厚约5 mm肌袖以保持其血运。腓骨切除后尽可能修复供区肌肉连续性,最大程度保留供区肌肉完整性和功能。
腓骨原发肿瘤切除步骤:根据肿瘤位置选择恰当手术切口,在切除腓骨肿瘤及其周围薄层肌袖时,切口距离腓骨肿瘤边缘2~3 cm以上。如需要切除腓骨近端(本组3例),切除后行侧副韧带重建,同时保护腓总神经及其运动神经分支。
本组腓骨切除长度为10~19 cm,平均15 cm;其中,5例切除长度未超过全长1/3,16例达全长1/3~2/3,3例超过全长2/3。
1.3. 术后处理
1.4. 疗效评价指标
1.4.1. 临床疗效
1.4.2. 步态测试
术前及术后6个月应用FDM-system平板压力测试系统(Zebris公司,德国)行双侧步态测试,测试均在福建师范大学体育科学学院足研究实验室完成。患者于步态平板采集区域以3种步速行走,包括慢速 [散步速度,(80±5)步/min]、中速 [安全通过交通灯步速,(110±7)步/min]、快速 [健步走步速,(140±8)步/min],采集步态参数以及三足区参数。步态参数包括足转角、步长、支撑相、摆动相、步态线长度、单支撑线、最大力值1(后足落地缓冲转全足支撑中的最大压力值)、最大力值2(前足蹬伸离开地面的最大压力值),三足区参数包括前、中、后足的最大压力、时间最大力值、接触时间。每种速度重复测试3次,选取合适步速测量结果纳入分析。
1.5. 统计学方法
2. 结果
2.1. 临床疗效
图 1.
X-ray films after fibulectomy
a. 腓骨远端残余骨骨质疏松(箭头);b. 切除部位出现新生骨(箭头)
a. Osteoporosis (arrow) of the distal residual bone of the fibula; b. New bone (arrow) at the resection site
2.2. 步态测试结果
2.2.1. 步态参数
表 1.
Comparison of gait parameters on bilateral sides between pre- and post-operation (n=24, )
指标 Indicator |
慢速 Slow velocity |
中速 Medium velocity |
快速 Fast velocity |
健侧 Healthy side |
患侧 Affected side |
统计值 Statistic |
健侧 Healthy side |
患侧 Affected side |
统计值 Statistic |
健侧 Healthy side |
患侧 Affected side |
统计值 Statistic |
足转角(°) | 术前 | 16.0±2.1 | 16.4±2.5 |
t=−0.588 P=0.559 |
14.0±1.8 | 14.1±2.4 |
t=−0.159 P=0.873 |
12.0±2.3 | 12.5±2.9 |
t=−0.648 P=0.520 |
术后 | 13.5±2.3 | 3.0±2.6 |
t=14.506 P<0.001 |
11.6±3.1 | 3.2±2.0 |
t=10.919 P=0.008 |
10.5±1.2 | 3.5±2.5 |
t=15.565 P<0.001 |
统计值 |
t=3.849 P<0.001 |
t=17.816 P<0.001 |
t=3.211 P=0.002 |
t=16.732 P<0.001 |
t=2.773 P<0.001 |
t=11.273 P<0.001 |
步长(cm) | 术前 | 54.3±4.4 | 55.4±3.1 |
t=−0.980 P=0.332 |
58.5±2.1 | 58.6±2.1 |
t=0.000 P=1.000 |
61.7±2.1 | 61.8±1.6 |
t=0.000 P=1.000 |
术后 | 51.1±1.9 | 59.2±1.1 |
t=−17.693 P<0.001 |
50.3±2.9 | 61.5±1.0 |
t=−17.510 P<0.001 |
54.3±4.1 | 64.4±1.1 |
t=−11.410 P<0.001 |
统计值 |
t=3.001 P=0.002 |
t=−5.832 P<0.001 |
t=10.715 P<0.001 |
t=−6.185 P<0.001 |
t=7.287 P<0.001 |
t=−7.409 P<0.001 |
支撑相(%) | 术前 | 64.7±0.9 | 64.4±1.3 |
t=0.910 P=0.368 |
62.7±0.8 | 62.4±1.1 |
t=1.058 P=0.296 |
61.6±0.9 | 61.3±0.6 |
t=1.330 P=0.190 |
术后 | 62.5±5.9 | 65.1±5.6 |
t=−1.533 P=0.132 |
62.9±6.8 | 64.8±6.9 |
t=−0.941 P=0.352 |
61.7±7.2 | 63.6±7.7 |
t=−0.864 P=0.392 |
统计值 |
t=1.767 P=0.837 |
t=−0.583 P=0.562 |
t=−0.140 P=0.889 |
t=−1.647 P=0.156 |
t=−0.066 P=0.947 |
t=−1.428 P=0.160 |
摆动相(%) | 术前 | 35.3±3.1 | 36.6±3.1 |
t=−1.422 P=0.162 |
37.3±0.8 | 37.6±1.1 |
t=−1.058 P=0.296 |
38.4±3.1 | 39.7±3.3 |
t=−1.377 P=0.175 |
术后 | 37.5±5.9 | 34.9±5.6 |
t=1.533 P=0.132 |
37.1±5.8 | 35.2±5.9 |
t=1.101 P=0.276 |
38.3±4.2 | 36.4±4.7 |
t=1.446 P=0.155 |
统计值 |
t=−1.583 P=0.120 |
t=1.273 P=0.209 |
t=0.163 P=0.870 |
t=1.917 P=0.061 |
t=0.091 P=0.927 |
t=2.023 P=0.083 |
步态线长度(mm) | 术前 | 215.3±14.8 | 218.7±12.7 |
t=−0.836 P=0.407 |
221.6±13.0 | 221.6±13.0 |
t=−0.054 P=0.957 |
223.2±14.9 | 219.4±13.4 |
t=0.909 P=0.368 |
术后 | 204.7±22.5 | 207.1±22.5 |
t=0.467 P=0.642 |
204.6±23.5 | 204.9±22.9 |
t=−0.043 P=0.965 |
210.6±24.3 | 209.4±25.4 |
t=0.163 P=0.870 |
统计值 |
t=2.624 P=0.012 |
t=2.153 P=0.037 |
t=3.035 P=0.004 |
t=3.041 P=0.004 |
t=2.119 P=0.039 |
t=2.170 P=0.035 |
单支撑线(mm) | 术前 | 114.1±15.9 | 114.1±14.1 |
t=0.000 P=1.000 |
119.8±14.4 | 119.8±11.4 |
t=0.000 P=1.000 |
131.6±13.1 | 125.0±13.1 |
t=1.709 P=0.094 |
术后 | 111.7±13.4 | 102.1±11.7 |
t=2.588 P=0.013 |
118.0±13.9 | 104.6±11.2 |
t=3.600 P=0.001 |
133.1±13.7 | 107.1±12.0 |
t=6.847 P<0.001 |
统计值 |
t=0.553 P=0.582 |
t=3.141 P=0.003 |
t=0.480 P=0.633 |
t=4.561 P<0.001 |
t=−0.379 P=0.706 |
t=4.832 P<0.001 |
最大力值1(N) | 术前 | 627.9±30.2 | 643.9±29.3 |
t=−1.824 P=0.075 |
675.5±28.4 | 687.7±23.2 |
t=−1.595 P=0.117 |
728.8±23.5 | 729.7±24.5 |
t=−0.127 P=0.899 |
术后 | 650.9±30.2 | 613.9±29.3 |
t=4.217 P<0.001 |
695.5±28.4 | 657.7±23.2 |
t=4.943 P<0.001 |
768.8±23.5 | 689.7±24.5 |
t=11.174 P<0.001 |
统计值 |
t=−2.583 P=0.013 |
t=3.472 P=0.001 |
t=−2.388 P=0.021 |
t=4.385 P<0.001 |
t=−5.772 P<0.001 |
t=5.536 P<0.001 |
最大力值2(N) | 术前 | 671.4±37.4 | 684.0±6.4 |
t=−1.593 P=0.118 |
704.2±39.1 | 718.1±36.3 |
t=−1.249 P=0.218 |
696.1±32.3 | 683.4±37.4 |
t=1.233 P=0.224 |
术后 | 694.4±37.4 | 664.0±6.4 |
t=3.463 P<0.001 |
729.2±39.1 | 688.1±36.3 |
t=3.694 P<0.001 |
716.1±32.3 | 660.4±37.4 |
t=6.084 P<0.001 |
统计值 |
t=−2.085 P=0.043 |
t=10.597 P<0.001 |
t=−2.168 P=0.035 |
t=2.802 P=0.001 |
t=−2.099 P=0.041 |
t=2.085 P=0.043 |
2.2.2. 三足区参数
表 2.
Comparison of tripod area parameters on bilateral sides between pre- and post-operation (n=24, )
指标 Indicator |
慢速 Slow velocity |
中速 Medium velocity |
快速 Fast velocity |
健侧 Healthy side |
患侧 Affected side |
统计值 Statistic |
健侧 Healthy side |
患侧 Affected side |
统计值 Statistic |
健侧 Healthy side |
患侧 Affected side |
统计值 Statistic |
前足最大压力(N) | 术前 | 53.0±6.7 | 50.2±9.2 |
t=1.180 P=0.244 |
61.1±4.6 | 58.8±3.4 |
t=1.928 P=0.060 |
60.2±6.8 | 59.3±3.1 |
t=−0.577 P=0.566 |
术后 | 62.4±3.2 | 58.6±3.7 |
t=3.725 P<0.001 |
65.7±5.6 | 61.2±5.4 |
t=2.744 P=0.008 |
64.9±2.5 | 62.7±3.9 |
t=2.278 P=0.027 |
统计值 |
t=−6.072 P<0.001 |
t=−4.063 P<0.001 |
t=−3.044 P=0.004 |
t=−2.555 P=0.014 |
t=−3.111 P=0.003 |
t=−3.272 P=0.002 |
中足最大压力(N) | 术前 | 14.8±2.2 | 13.7±3.6 |
t=1.250 P=0.217 |
12.1±3.3 | 13.8±4.3 |
t=−1.504 P=0.139 |
14.7±1.2 | 13.2±3.9 |
t=1.763 P=0.085 |
术后 | 18.3±7.9 | 17.9±6.5 |
t=0.187 P=0.852 |
20.6±9.2 | 20.1±11.1 |
t=0.166 P=0.869 |
17.2±4.2 | 15.3±4.6 |
t=1.463 P=0.150 |
统计值 |
t=−2.046 P=0.046 |
t=−2.710 P=0.009 |
t=−4.171 P<0.001 |
t=−2.538 P=0.014 |
t=−2.744 P=0.009 |
t=−2.465 P=0.017 |
后足最大压力(N) | 术前 | 33.0±3.2 | 34.0±2.2 |
t=−1.235 P=0.223 |
35.9±2.9 | 36.3±1.1 |
t=−0.618 P=0.539 |
43.3±3.9 | 41.8±5.7 |
t=1.042 P=0.303 |
术后 | 42.1±2.5 | 39.5±1.1 |
t=4.565 P<0.001 |
42.6±2.3 | 39.5±1.9 |
t=4.983 P<0.001 |
52.0±4.1 | 44.3±1.2 |
t=8.644 P<0.001 |
统计值 |
t=−10.747 P<0.001 |
t=−10.723 P<0.001 |
t=−8.681 P<0.001 |
t=−6.990 P<0.001 |
t=−7.373 P<0.001 |
t=−2.058 P=0.045 |
前足时间最大力值(%站立时间) |
术前 | 74.1±1.3 | 74.0±1.4 |
t=0.251 P=0.803 |
74.3±1.2 | 74.3±1.1 |
t=0.000 P=1.000 |
74.7±1.1 | 74.9±4.9 |
t=−0.191 P=0.849 |
术后 | 74.4±3.6 | 73.9±3.2 |
t=0.498 P=0.621 |
74.1±4.2 | 72.9±4.9 |
t=0.892 P=0.377 |
73.4±4.1 | 72.3±4.2 |
t=0.892 P=0.377 |
统计值 |
t=−0.375 P=0.708 |
t=0.137 P=0.891 |
t=0.219 P=0.827 |
t=1.336 P=0.187 |
t=1.468 P=0.148 |
t=1.932 P=0.059 |
中足时间最大力值(%站立时间) | 术前 | 44.3±9.1 | 46.4±9.5 |
t=−0.766 P=0.448 |
43.6±7.9 | 45.4±6.5 |
t=−0.844 P=0.403 |
32.7±9.5 | 35.1±5.4 |
t=−1.053 P=0.298 |
术后 | 50.7±5.2 | 54.4±3.5 |
t=−2.831 P=0.007 |
52.3±3.5 | 58.3±2.1 |
t=−7.050 P<0.001 |
46.8±4.3 | 49.6±3.7 |
t=−2.367 P=0.022 |
统计值 |
t=−2.293 P=0.005 |
t=−3.789 P<0.001 |
t=−4.828 P<0.001 |
t=−9.056 P<0.001 |
t=−6.484 P<0.001 |
t=−10.623 P<0.001 |
后足时间最大力值(%站立时间) | 术前 | 25.1±1.9 | 25.6±1.9 |
t=−0.892 P=0.376 |
24.1±1.2 | 25.6±1.1 |
t=−1.473 P=0.148 |
21.7±3.1 | 22.7±3.7 |
t=−0.994 P=0.326 |
术后 | 24.4±2.0 | 26.3±1.4 |
t=−3.732 P=0.001 |
23.5±2.6 | 26.0±0.7 |
t=−6.234 P<0.001 |
21.8±1.3 | 25.4±1.7 |
t=−8.067 P<0.001 |
统计值 |
t=1.216 P=0.229 |
t=−1.422 P=0.162 |
t=1.004 P=0.320 |
t=−1.471 P=0.148 |
t=−0.242 P=0.887 |
t=−0.824 P=0.413 |
前足接触时间 (%站立时间) |
术前 | 90.6±1.5 | 90.7±1.3 |
t=−0.242 P=0.810 |
89.7±4.3 | 90.7±4.5 |
t=−0.771 P=0.445 |
90.2±5.7 | 88.5±5.2 |
t=1.057 P=0.296 |
术后 | 88.5±0.9 | 91.0±1.3 |
t=−7.583 P<0.001 |
89.5±1.3 | 91.8±1.1 |
t=−6.477 P<0.001 |
87.7±1.2 | 90.9±1.3 |
t=−8.674 P<0.001 |
统计值 |
t=0.274 P=0.785 |
t=−0.782 P=0.437 |
t=0.213 P=0.832 |
t=−1.138 P=0.261 |
t=1.234 P=0.223 |
t=−1.253 P=0.217 |
中足接触时间 (%站立时间) |
术前 | 77.7±4.3 | 77.0±4.4 |
t=0.545 P=0.587 |
76.3±4.1 | 76.9±4.3 |
t=−0.484 P=0.630 |
72.4±9.3 | 73.6±9.1 |
t=−0.442 P=0.660 |
术后 | 75.9±2.5 | 78.5±2.1 |
t=−3.819 P<0.001 |
75.5±1.8 | 77.9±2.9 |
t=−3.372 P=0.002 |
70.0±3.4 | 73.1±1.3 |
t=−4.084 P<0.001 |
统计值 |
t=1.736 P=0.089 |
t=−1.476 P=0.146 |
t=0.856 P=0.395 |
t=−0.924 P=0.359 |
t=1.162 P=0.251 |
t=0.260 P=0.795 |
后足接触时间 (%站立时间) |
术前 | 61.5±6.3 | 60.9±6.1 |
t=0.328 P=0.744 |
58.6±6.4 | 59.9±6.9 |
t=−0.662 P=0.510 |
52.5±5.8 | 53.7±5.4 |
t=−0.726 P=0.471 |
术后 | 59.8±4.6 | 61.7±4.2 |
t=−1.463 P=0.150 |
59.4±3.3 | 60.3±1.9 |
t=−1.133 P=0.263 |
54.6±3.3 | 54.0±3.8 |
t=0.571 P=0.570 |
统计值 |
t=1.045 P=0.301 |
t=−0.518 P=0.606 |
t=−0.532 P=0.596 |
t=−0.268 P=0.789 |
t=−1.509 P=0.138 |
t=−0.217 P=0.828 |
3. 讨论
有学者认为腓骨切除时只要保留外踝尖上5 cm或者腓骨远端1/4,就不会影响下肢功能[14-15]。但本研究结果显示24例腓骨切除患者中,3例术后出现踇背伸肌力下降,与戚金凤等[[16]报道结果一致。这种肌力降低考虑与腓骨切除导致踇长伸肌在腓骨及骨间膜的附着区被破坏有关,因此术中建议尽量减少肌肉剥离及切除,最大程度保留小腿肌群功能。经康复锻炼后2例患者肌力恢复正常,考虑为肌肉重新附着、张力恢复。本组另有5例患者术后发生感觉缺陷,术中腓骨切除特别是切除位置偏低时,易损伤腓浅神经穿出部分,因此需要注意保护皮神经。随访期间X线片复查见5例患者出现腓骨远端残余骨质疏松改变,且在较短的残余节段表现更为显著,考虑与腓骨切除后没有应力刺激有关;3例出现新生骨,可能与切除过程中残留骨膜或者不稳代偿功能有关。
利益冲突 在课题研究和文章撰写过程中不存在利益冲突;经费支持没有影响文章观点和对研究数据客观结果的统计分析及其报道
伦理声明 研究方案经福建医科大学附属第一医院医学伦理委员会批准(闽医大附一伦理医研[2019]020号)
作者贡献声明 林金銮:撰写文章及治疗方案构思、实施;陈尧清:数据统计;谢昀、朱夏:患者随访;郑力峰、林建华:文章校对及提供经费支持;所有作者均参与手术
Funding Statement
福建省引导性科技计划项目(2023Y0016); 福建省卫生健康面向农村和城市社区推广适宜技术资助计划(2023TG013)
Fujian Provincial Guiding Science and Technology Program (2023Y0016); Fujian Provincial Health Promotion of Appropriate Technology for Rural and Urban Communities Funding Program (2023TG013)
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