The number of offspring attaining reproductive age is an important measure of an individual's fitness. However, reproductive success is generally constrained by a trade-off between offspring number and quality. We conducted a factorial experiment in order to study the effects of an artificial enlargement of offspring number and size on the reproductive success of female bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus). We also studied the effects of the manipulations on growth, survival and reproductive success of the offspring. Potentially confounding effects of varying maternal quality were avoided by cross-fostering. Our results showed that the number of offspring alive in the next breeding season was higher in offspring number manipulation groups, despite their smaller body size at weaning. Offspring size manipulation had no effect on offspring growth or survival. Further, the first litter size of female offspring did not differ between treatments. In conclusion, females may be able to increase the number of offspring reaching reproductive age by producing larger litters, whereas increasing offspring size benefits neither the mother nor the offspring.
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