(A) UMAP plot of scRNA-seq from control and Pitx2hd−/− cardiac tissue at embryonic day 10.5.30 16 clusters are visualized in 2-dimensional embedding. (B) Violin plots of key genes associated with OFT septation and rotation in the OFT-CM cluster. (C) Circle plots showing cell-cell communication between different cell types for the Sema3c signaling pathway network in control and Pitx2hd−/− cardiac tissue. Control and Pitx2hd−/− plots show that most of the outgoing Sema3c signal patterns are unaltered. RV-CM, right ventricular cardiomyocytes; LA-CM, left atrial cardiomyocytes; LVS-CM, left ventricular septum cardiomyocytes; OFT-CM, outflow tract cardiomyocytes; EndoC, endocardial cells; Epi, epithelial cells; AVC-CM, atrioventricular canal cardiomyocytes; Mes, mesenchymal cells; EpiC, epicardial cells; RA-CM, right atrial cardiomyocytes; LV-CM, left ventricular cardiomyocytes; EndoV, endocardial valve cells; Immune, immune cells; SMC, smooth muscle cells; Mac, macrophages; Erythro, erythrocytes.