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. 2024 Mar 5;19(3):e0297608. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0297608

Epidemiology and burden of respiratory syncytial virus in Italian adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Alexander Domnich 1,*, Giovanna Elisa Calabrò 2
Editor: Victor Daniel Miron3
PMCID: PMC10914269  PMID: 38442123



Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common respiratory pathogen not only in children, but also in adults. In view of a recent authorization of adult RSV vaccines in Italy, our research question was to quantify the epidemiology and burden of RSV in Italian adults.


Observational studies on the epidemiology and clinical burden of laboratory-confirmed or record-coded RSV infection in Italian adults of any age were eligible. Studies with no separate data for Italian adults, modeling and other secondary publications were excluded. A literature search was performed in MEDLINE, Biological Abstracts, Global Health, Scopus and Web of Science on 22 November 2023. Critical appraisal was performed by means of a Joanna Briggs Institute checklist. Random-effects (RE) meta-analysis was performed to obtain pooled estimates and the observed heterogeneity was investigated by subgroup and meta-regression analyses. The protocol was prospectively registered (


Thirty-five studies were identified, most of which had at least one possible quality concern. RSV seasonal attack rates ranged from 0.8 ‰ in community-dwelling older adults to 10.9% in hematological outpatients. In the RE model, 4.5% (95% CI: 3.2–5.9%) of respiratory samples tested positive for RSV. This positivity prevalence was higher in older adults (4.4%) than in working-age adults (3.5%) and in outpatient (4.9%) than inpatient (2.9%) settings. According to the meta-regression, study location and sample size were also significant predictors of RSV detection frequency. The pooled estimate of in-hospital mortality was as high as 7.2% (95% CI: 4.7–10.3%). Data on other indicators of the diseases burden, such as complication and hospitalization rates, were unavailable.


RSV poses a measurable burden on Italian adults, especially those of older age and with some co-morbidities. However, several data on the natural history of RSV disease are missing and should be established by future large-scale studies.


Together with seasonal influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a leading cause of respiratory infections and is responsible for a significant socioeconomic burden in all age groups, especially at the extremes of age [1, 2]. A recent modelling study [3] has estimated that on average, a total of 158,229 RSV-associated hospitalizations among European adults occur annually and 92% of these concerns the elderly. Contrary to young children, mortality attributable to RSV increased in both working-age and older adults [4].

Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses (SRMAs) [510] have investigated global epidemiology and burden of RSV in (older) adults. These reviews have advocated high incidence, hospitalization, mortality and case-fatality rates of RSV [510], which seem similar to seasonal influenza [9], and pointed out a substantial case under-ascertainment [10]. Moreover, there was a large between-country variation in estimates of the burden of disease (BoD) [6], which is driven by numerous factors, from climatic conditions [11] to the features of surveillance systems in place [12]. Notably, the available SRMAs [510] have identified only up to six studies conducted in Italy.

Two vaccines have been recently authorized to prevent lower respiratory tract disease (LRTD) caused by RSV in adults aged ≥60 years [13]. This age indication will be likely extended to younger individuals in the upcoming years. Some countries have already established RSV immunization policies. In the United States (US), a single dose of RSV vaccine is recommended to adults ≥60 years, as a part of shared clinical decision-making between patient and healthcare provider [14]. In the United Kingdom (UK), RSV vaccination is currently advised for older adults aged ≥75 years, being the most cost-effective option [15]. By contrast, as of January 2024, no recommendations have been issued in Italy.

Understanding country-specific BoD is a key driver for policy decisions on the introduction of new vaccines [16]. A systematic appraisal of the burden of RSV enables policy makers, health professionals and other relevant stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding the recently available vaccines. In this regard, SRMAs on different BoD indicators are important in the description of spatiotemporal distribution and variations between population subgroups potentially targeted by the novel preventive measures [17, 18]. Systematically appraised country-specific BoD indicators are also essential for all types of pharmacoeconomic models.

In Italy, a recent review [19] has assessed RSV BoD in pediatric outpatients, also with the aim to inform decision makers on the recent availability of a monoclonal antibody for RSV prevention in neonates. By including six studies, the authors found that 18–41% of children with respiratory infections were positive for RSV. Conversely, no reviews have systematically assessed burden of RSV in Italian adults. Indeed, RSV epidemiology is highly age-dependent, which hinders transferability of pediatric estimates to older populations. Furthermore, as we mentioned earlier, the available global-level reviews [510] were able to identify only a limited number of Italian studies. In this SRMA, we aimed to comprehensively collect and analyze available data on RSV epidemiology and BoD in Italian adults with the ultimate goal of informing and supporting National and local decision makers on the planification and implementation of vaccination strategies. In particular, we formulated the following research question: “In a typical winter season, how many Italian adults contract RSV and how many of them develop complications, being hospitalized and die?”.

Materials and methods

Reporting standards and protocol

PRISMA (preferred reporting items for SRMAs) statement [20] was adopted as a reporting standard (S1 Table). Methodological guidance for systematic reviews of observational epidemiological studies reporting prevalence and cumulative incidence data developed by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) [21] was also consulted. The study protocol was prospectively registered with [22] and no amendments to the original protocol were made.

Eligibility criteria

All types of observational studies and published in any modality (e.g., peer-reviewed article, preprint, conference abstract, etc.) were potentially eligible. The CoCoPop (condition, context, and population) approach [21] was used to formulate the inclusion criteria. In particular, the condition of interest was RSV infection detected by any laboratory technique, including reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), culture, immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and rapid antigen tests. Moreover, RSV-specific International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) diagnosis codes (see below) were also considered a good proxy for the true RSV infection, since their specificity is as high as 99.6–99.8% [23, 24]. For the context, we considered studies conducted in Italy, in any setting (outpatient, inpatient or mixed), time and calendar period. Population consisted of adults defined as individuals aged ≥14 years, independently of their health conditions. Any reason or clinical entity [e.g., influenza-like illness (ILI), acute respiratory infection (ARI), severe ARI (SARI), clinical request for differential diagnosis] that triggers collection of biological samples (upper respiratory tract specimens including naso/oropharyngeal and nasal swabs; lower respiratory tract specimens including sputum, bronchoaspirates and bronchoalveolar lavage fluids) was eligible.

The following were set as exclusion criteria: (i) modeling, pharmacoeconomic and similar studies with no original data; (ii) insufficient data on RSV; (iii) studies on general population with no separate data for adults; (iv) multi-country studies with no separate data for Italy; (v) redundant publications.

Study endpoints

RSV attack rate (cumulative incidence) was defined as the occurrence of laboratory-confirmed RSV detection in a population (symptomatic, asymptomatic or both) and in a specific period. RSV positivity prevalence was defined as proportion of RSV detections to the number of subjects tested. Prevalence of viral co-detections was described as number of samples tested positive for both RSV and any other respiratory virus to the total number of RSV-positive samples. Case-complication rate was defined as proportion of subjects who tested positive for RSV and developed ≥1 respiratory or extra-respiratory complication, such as pneumonia, exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, congestive heart failure, and other. As for drug use indicators, we considered frequency of antibiotic prescriptions among RSV-positive subjects. For what concerns inpatient outcomes, crude hospitalization, case-hospitalization (i.e., proportion of RSV-positive individuals who were hospitalized) rates, length of stay [mean with standard deviation (SD) or median with interquartile range (IQR)] and frequency of admission to intensive care units (ICUs) were of interest. Analogously, crude, in-hospital, 30-day mortality and case-fatality rates were eligible. For the indicators based on hospital discharge records (HDRs) or death certificates, we considered only RSV-specific codes, namely RSV pneumonia (ICD-9: 480.1; ICD-10: J12.1), acute bronchiolitis due to RSV (ICD-9: 466.11; ICD-10: J21.0), acute bronchitis due to RSV (ICD-10: J20.5), and RSV as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere (ICD-9: 079.6; ICD-10: B97.4).

When possible, all study endpoints were described overall, by age-group (working-age and older adults), RSV subtype (A and B) and season.

Search strategy

The automatic search was performed on 22 November 2023 in the following databases: (i) MEDLINE via Ovid; (ii) Biological Abstracts via Ovid; (iii) Global Health via Ovid; (iv) Scopus and (v) Web of Science. In order to increase sensitivity, no filters or other restrictions (e.g., language or publication year) were applied. The search script considered both MeSH (medical subject headings) and text-wide terms and is reported in S2 Table.

We then performed a manual search through several modalities. First, the reference lists of the available global-level SRMAs [510] were checked. Second, a backward cross-reference checking of the included studies was carried out. Third, a forward citation search by using Google Scholar ( was conducted, as this search engine is better suited for identifying grey literature sources [25]. Fourth, periodic reports of the Italian surveillance reports on influenza and other respiratory viruses ( were examined. Finally, we screened abstract books and proceedings of some relevant conferences, including ECCMID (European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases), ESWI (European Scientific Working Group on Influenza) and ReSViNET.

Study selection

To manage references and remove duplicates, Zotero v.6.0.9 (Corporation for Digital Scholarship; Vienna, VA, USA) and Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation; Seattle, WA, USA) were used. The resulting list of unique records underwent screening by assessing titles and/or abstracts and clearly irrelevant citations were discarded. Full texts of potentially pertinent publications were then downloaded and assessed for the above-described eligibility criteria. Study selection was finalized by performing the manual search, as described earlier. The entire process of study selection was performed by both reviewers, each working independently; eventual disagreements were solved by consensus.

Data extraction and abstraction

The following data were extracted: (i) full citation record; (ii) study location; (iii) study period; (iv) study design; (v) study setting; (vi) main characteristics of the study population; (vii) sample size; (viii) funding source; (ix) eligibility criteria and case definitions; (x) methods used for case ascertainment; (xi) numerators and denominators used to compute the endpoints of interest described above; (xii) other potentially relevant information.

On the basis of period, studies were dichotomized on whether they overlapped with the COVID-19 pandemic, which had a significant impact on the circulation of RSV and other respiratory viruses. In particular, the northern hemisphere winter season 2020/2021 was characterized by a very limited circulation of RSV [19, 26]. Estimates for that season were extracted, but not included in the quantitative synthesis. Starting from the 2021/2022 season, RSV returned to the epidemiological scene [26] and therefore estimates from 2021/2022 onwards were fully considered. Multi-season studies that reported separate seasonal data were considered as distinct estimates [27]. Moreover, we distinguished between year-around studies and those conducted during a typical RSV season, in which the probability of RSV detection is much higher [28]. We defined RSV epidemic season as a period between October and April [26].

On the basis of sample size, studies were median split. Regions of were categorized into three macro-areas of North (Aosta Valley, Liguria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trentino-South Tyrol, Veneto), Center (Lazio, Marche, Tuscany, Umbria) and South (Abruzzo, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Sicily, Sardinia).

Missing, unclear or presented only in graphical form data on relevant numerators and/or denominators were handled as follows. First, the corresponding author was contacted for clarification. In case of no reply, these data were imputed from the available percentages and/or by extracting data from figures using the WebPlotDigitizer v.4.6 software ( Data were extracted by AD and then validated by GEC.

Critical appraisal

The JBI checklist for prevalence studies [21] was used to assess quality of the included studies. It was assessed independently by both reviewers and eventual conflicts were solved by consensus. Item 9 of the JBI checklist on the response rate was judged irrelevant for this study. Owing to a limited information available, risk of bias of conference abstracts, letters to the editor, short communications and similar was not assessed.

Data synthesis

Tabulated data were first reassumed qualitatively and by visualizing forest plots. For quantitative synthesis, a proportional meta-analysis was undertaken according to the available recommendations [18, 21]. As heterogeneity was expected to be high, random-effects (RE) models with double arcsine transformation to stabilize variances were used. Pooled estimates were expressed as proportions with 95% Clopper-Pearson confidence intervals (CIs). Heterogeneity was quantified by means of the τ2 and I2 statistics. Notably, high I2 values do not necessarily mean that the data are inconsistent, as true heterogeneity is expected in prevalence estimates due to spatiotemporal differences [18]. The 95% prediction intervals (PIs) were also computed. As recommended, publication bias was not formally assessed, since there is no consensus about what a positive result in meta-analyses of proportions is [18].

To investigate the sources of heterogeneity across studies, both subgroup and meta-regression analyses were performed. In particular, the pre-specified subgroup analysis was performed by age-group (working-age and older adults), setting (outpatient, inpatient and mixed) and study period in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic (before the 2020/2021 season and after the 2020/2021 season). The meta-regression modeling was then conducted to examine the influence of study characteristics on the RSV-related endpoints. This latter was performed only when ≥10 estimates were available [29]. A leave-one-out sensitivity analysis was finally conducted to check the robustness of pooled estimates.

Meta-analysis was performed in R (R Foundation for Statistical Computing; Vienna, Austria) package “Meta” v. 6.5–0.


Characteristics of the included studies

The automatic search generated 312 records, of which 171 were duplicates. Following screening of 141 records, 37 were judged potentially eligible. Twelve studies were excluded with reasons and are reported in S3 Table. Manual search identified further 12 studies and therefore the final list was composed of 35 studies corresponding to 37 publications [3066]. Notably, results relative to a retrospective cohort (henceforth referred to as “Boattini 2021–2023”) were presented in three different publications [6466]. Following correspondence with the corresponding author, who provided additional data, it was decided to include all these records. Moreover, relevant data (not reported within the article) were also obtained from other two corresponding authors [55, 59]. The entire study selection process is reported in Fig 1.

Fig 1. PRISMA flow diagram of the study selection process.

Fig 1

Most (83%; 29/35) studies included were full-length articles, while the remaining six were conference abstracts [45, 47], letters to editor [43, 57] and short papers [31, 39]. Principal characteristics of the studies are summarized in Table 1. Briefly, the studies covered a period from the 2001/2002 season to the 2022/2023 season and most (63%; 22/35) were conducted in the north of Italy. Approximately half (49%; 17/35) of the studies investigated more than one RSV season and the period of nine (26%) studies overlapped with the COVID-19 pandemic. Design of the majority of studies was judged cross-sectional (54%; 19/35) or surveillance (29%; 10/35) and the median sample size was 328 (range 43–28,500) patients. The study population was composed of outpatients, inpatients and mixed groups in 20% (7/35), 37% (13/35) and 31% (11/35) of studies respectively; the remaining four (11%) studies were focused on hematological [4345] and cystic fibrosis [57] in-/outpatients. The setting of these latter four studies was therefore categorized as “immunocompromised patients”. All but one studies used at least one laboratory assay (mostly RT-PCR) for RSV detection. The remaining study [35] analyzed RSV-specific HDRs. Within laboratory-based studies (n = 34), there was a high level of heterogeneity in terms of clinical entity triggering the specimen collection, especially in mixed and hospital settings. Six out 7 (86%) outpatient studies enrolled ILI patients. ILI and SARI were more frequently defined according to the European criteria (S4 Table). Out-of-season samples were frequent (38%; 13/34) and most studies analyzed only (56%; 19/34) upper respiratory tract specimens. The majority (74%; 26/35) of studies were funded by public institutions.

Table 1. Characteristics of the studies included.

Study [Ref] Study period Design Region (area) Age, yearsa Setting Biological sample trigger or testing reason Sample sizea Case ascertainment (specimen type) Out-of-season samples Funding
Rovida 2005 [30] 10/2001–05/2002 Cross-sectional Lombardy (North) ≥16 Inpatient ARI 73 RT-PCR and monoclonal antibodies (U) Yes Public
Minosse 2008 [31] 04/2004–05/2005 Surveillance Lazio (Center) ≥18 Inpatient Respiratory diseases (ARI, COPD, pneumonia) 433 RT-PCR (L) Yes Public
Puzzelli 2009 [32] 11/2004–04/2007 Surveillance Lazio (Center), Campania (South) ≥14 Outpatient ILI 356 RT-PCR (U) No Public
Costa 2007 [33] 05/2005–10/2005 Cross-sectional Piedmont (North) ≥17 Mixed Clinical request 46 Culture (L) Yes NA
Gerna 2009 [34] 11/2006–05/2007 Cross-sectional Lombardy (North) ≥18 Mixed ARI 244 RT-PCR (U/L) Yes Public
Cocchio 2023 [35] 01/2007–12/2021 Cross-sectional Veneto (North) ≥50 b Inpatient 250 RSV-specific HDRs (NA) Public
Gambarino 2009 [36] Presumably 2008 Cross-sectional Piedmont (North) ≥16 Inpatient Respiratory conditions 324 RT-PCR (L) Yes Public
Paba 2014 [37] 02/2009–05/2011 Validation of an assay Lazio (Center) ≥16 Mixed ILI 178 RT-PCR (U/L) Yes Public
Pierangeli 2011 [38] 02/2009–03/2010 Cross-sectional Lazio (Center) ≥18 Mixed Fever at ED admission or in the preceding 5 days and ≥1 respiratory diagnosis (ICD-9: 462, 466.0, 485, 480–486, 786.0, 786.2, 786.5, 793.1, 487) 238 RT-PCR (U) No Public
Nisii 2010 [39] 05/2009–12/2009 Cross-sectional Lazio (Center) ≥16 Mixed ILI 544 RT-PCR (U) Yes NA
Tramuto 2016 [40] 07/2009–12/2012 Cross-sectional Sicily (South) ≥15 Inpatient SARI with ICU admission 192 RT-PCR (U/L) Yes Public
Piralla 2017 [41] 11/2009–04/2016 Cross-sectional Lombardy (North) ≥18 Inpatient CAP with ICU admission 376 RT-PCR (U/L) No Public
Ansaldi 2012 [42] 11/2010–04/2011 Prospective cohort Liguria (North) ≥60 Outpatient ILI 2551 (45 tested for RSV) RT-PCR (U) No NA
Bigliardi 2015 [43] 2010–2014 Cross-sectional Emilia-Romagna (North) ≥15 Immuno-compromised patients c LRTD 144 Probably RT-PCR (L) Yes Public
Mikulska 2014 [44] 01/2011–03/2011 Prospective cohort Liguria (North) ≥18 Immuno-compromised patients c ILI, ARI, any new symptom and screening 193 RT-PCR (U/L) No Public
Passi 2019 [45] 01/2011–03/2019 Surveillance Lombardy (North) ≥18 Immuno-compromised patients c URTI 151 RT-PCR (U) Yes NA
Pellegrinelli 2020 [46] 11/2014–04/2018 Surveillance Lombardy (North) ≥16 Outpatient ILI 706 RT-PCR (U) No Public
Costa 2023 [47] 11/2014–04/2022 Cross-sectional Liguria (North) ≥18 Mixed Clinical request 11,658 RT-PCR (U/L) No Public
Tramuto 2021 [48] 10/2015–04/2020 Cross-sectional Sicily (South) >18 Mixed ILI (outpatients), SARI (inpatients) 3727 RT-PCR (U/L) No Private
Leli 2021 [49] 01/2016–06/2020 Cross-sectional Piedmont (North) ≥18 Mixed Respiratory infection 375 RT-PCR (U) Yes Public
Ciotti 2020 [50] 10/2016–03/2019 Cross-sectional Lazio (Center) ≥18 Inpatient Suspected or documented respiratory virus infection 539 RT-PCR (U/L) Yes Public
De Francesco 2021 [51] 01/2017–05/2021 Cross-sectional Lombardy (North) ≥18 Inpatient SARI 3974 RT-PCR (U/L) Yes Public
Galli 2020 [52] 11/2018–04/2019 Validation of swab self-sampling Lombardy (North) ≥18 Outpatient ILI 262 RT-PCR (U) No Public
Domnich 2024 [53] 11/2018–03/2020 Surveillance Liguria (North) ≥18 Outpatient ILI 1240 RT-PCR (U) No Public and private
Spagnolello 2021 [54] 01/2019–02/2019 Cross-sectional Lazio (Center) >18 Inpatient CAP with ED admission 75 RT-PCR (U) No NA
Sberna 2022 [55] 10/2019–12/2021 Cross-sectional Lazio (Center) ≥18 Inpatient SARI 557 RT-PCR (U) No Public
Pierangeli 2022 [56] 12/2018–04/2019 Surveillance Lombardy, South Tyrol (North), Veneto, Marche, Lazio (Center) d ≥16 Mixed ILI (Lombardy) or clinical request (other regions) Unclear e RT-PCR (U/L) No Public
Scagnolari 2020 [57] 11/2019–03/2020 Retrospective cohort Lazio (Center) >18 Immuno-compromised patients f Medically attended respiratory disease or screening 183 RT-PCR (U) No Public
Galli 2021 [58] 11/2019–04/2020 Surveillance Lombardy (North) ≥15 Outpatient ILI 401 RT-PCR (U) No Public
Treggiari 2022 [59] 11/2019–01/2022 Cross-sectional Veneto (North) >18 Mixed Clinical request ca 28,500 g RT-PCR (U) No Public
Calderaro 2021 [60] 12/2019–03/2020 Surveillance Emilia-Romagna (North) ≥18 Mixed Clinical request 332 RT-PCR, IFA, culture (U/L) No Public
Milano 2023 [61] 11/2021–04/2022 Surveillance Tuscany (Center) ≥18 Inpatient SARI 129 RT-PCR (U) No Public and private
Panatto 2023 [62] 12/2021–03/2022 Surveillance Liguria (North) ≥18 Outpatient Any respiratory symptom 1213 RT-PCR (U) No Private
Santus 2023 [63] 10/2022–03/2023 Cross-sectional Lombardy (North) ≥18 Inpatient ILI at ED visit 717 RT-PCR (U) No Public
Boattini 2021–2023 [6466] 10/2017–04/2019 Retrospective cohort Piedmont (North) ≥18 Inpatient LRTD 43 RT-PCR (U) No Public

aIn studies that enrolled also children, only adult individuals were considered.

bAge-group 5–49 years was excluded.

cAll patients had hematological conditions.

dThe study had also a center in Emilia-Romagna, which enrolled only young children 0–3 years.

eA total of 11,577 samples were tested for RSV and 423 adults tested positive, the total number of adults tested was not reported.

fAll patients had cystic fibrosis.

gNumber imputed from the available percentages.

ARI, Acute respiratory infection; CAP, community-acquired pneumonia; COPD, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ED, Emergency department; HDR, Hospital discharge record; ICD, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems; ICU, Intensive care unit; IFA, Immunofluorescence assay; ILI, Influenza-like illness; L, Lower respiratory tract specimens; LRTD, Lower respiratory tract disease; NA, Not available; RT-PCR, Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction; SARI, Severe Acute respiratory infection; U, Upper respiratory tract specimens; U/L, Upper and lower respiratory tract specimens; URTI, Upper respiratory tract infection.

Fourteen [32, 38, 40, 41, 44, 46, 48, 51, 53, 58, 6166] out of 29 full-length articles were judged at low risk of bias, while the remaining 15 studies [30, 3337, 42, 49, 50, 52, 5456, 59, 60, 6466] had at least one possible source of bias (S5 Table). The most frequent criticalities concerned insufficient description of patients and setting, inappropriate sample frame and small sample size.

RSV attack rate

Three cohort studies [42, 44, 57] allowed to determine RSV attack rates. The first one [42] consisted of a cohort of 2551 community-dwelling adults aged ≥60 years who were actively surveilled for ILI between November 2010 and April 2011. A total of 45 ILI cases were prospectively identified and these cases were tested in RT-PCR. Other 63 ILI cases were identified retrospectively and thus not tested in RT-PCR. Two out of 45 samples tested positive for RSV, giving a symptomatic attack rate of 0.8 ‰ (95% CI: 0.1–2.8‰). If corrected for under-testing, the cumulative incidence would rise to 1.9 ‰ [42]. Mikulska et al. [44] followed for three months (from January to March 2011) 193 hematological outpatients. A total of 21 swabs tested positive for RSV, with an overall attack rate of 10.9% (95% CI: 6.9–16.2%). Of RSV-positive subjects, 18 (85.7%) were symptomatic, while the remaining three (14.3%) patients were asymptomatic [44]. In a retrospective cohort of adult (>18 years) subjects affected by cystic fibrosis [57] eight out of 183 patients tested positive for RSV between November 2019 and March 2020, giving an attack rate of 4.4% (95% CI: 1.9–8.4%). Owing to different study populations, a pooled analysis of these three studies was judged unfeasible.

Prevalence of RSV positivity

A total of 85 RSV positivity prevalence estimates were extracted from 32 studies, of which 42 (S6 Table), 21 (S7 Table) and 22 (S8 Table) concerned adults of any age, working-age and older adults, respectively. Seven estimates from three studies [51, 55, 59] covered exclusively the 2020/2021 season and were excluded from the pooled analysis.

As shown in Fig 2, the positivity rate in adults of any age ranged from 0.2% to 35.7%. The RE pooled estimate was 4.5% (95% CI: 3.2–5.9%). As expected, the heterogeneity was high (I2 = 93.2%) and the 95% PI was 0.0–15.9%. Immunocompromised patients showed the highest RSV positivity prevalence of 11.5%. Compared with outpatients (4.9%), inpatients had lower prevalence of RSV (2.9%). Studies conducted in both settings showed an intermediate pooled estimate (3.7%). Omission of single studies did not alter significantly the observed pooled proportions.

Fig 2. Forest plot of the random-effects model on RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults of any age, by setting.

Fig 2

In the subgroup analysis by age-group (Fig 3), working-age adults showed lower (3.5%) RSV prevalence than older adults (4.4%). RSV detection was more frequent in outpatients than inpatients in both age-specific RE models. RSV detection was also higher in studies conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic than among those performed during the pandemic (i.e., seasons 2021/2022 and 2022/2023) (S1 Fig).

Fig 3. Forest plot of the random-effects model on RSV positivity prevalence among Italian working-age and older adults, by setting.

Fig 3

A meta-regression analysis was conducted to investigate sources of the heterogeneity observed (S9 Table). Apart from the study setting, geographic area and sample size explained some variance in the reported proportions. In particular, compared with northern regions (5.5%), RSV prevalence was as twice as lower in central Italy (2.7%) (S2 Fig). Studies that enrolled <300 patients reported significantly higher prevalence (6.3%) estimates than larger studies (3.0%) (S3 Fig). Publication year, public funding, number of seasons, inclusion of out-of-season samples, specimen type and risk of bias were not associated with the reported RSV detection rate (S9 Table).

Data on RSV subtypes was reported in nine studies [39, 40, 44, 4648, 53, 56, 62]. In these studies, both subtypes co-circulated, although a relative dominance on one subtype over another varied by study period (S10 Table). On average, from 2009 to 2022 both subtypes were detected in almost equal proportions (RE model estimate for RSV B: 56.3%; 95% CI: 44.1–68.1%; I2 = 88.4%) (S4 Fig).

Sanger sequencing was performed in three studies [46, 56, 62] conducted between 2014/2015 and 2021/2022 seasons. During the 2014/15 and 2015/16 seasons, both NA1 and ON1 genotypes of RSV A were circulating [46]. Conversely, starting from the 2017/2018 season all RSV A strains clustered within the ON1 genotype [46, 56, 62]. All RSV B strains belonged to the BA genotypes [46, 56, 62].

Prevalence of viral co-detections

Thirteen studies reported data on viral co-detections [30, 31, 36, 37, 40, 47, 51, 53, 54, 6063]. However, only five estimates [37, 47, 51, 53, 63] were based on a sufficient (≥30) number of RSV-positive samples and were therefore less prone to the small study effect (S11 Table). In these studies, 2.9–18.6% of RSV-positive specimens tested also positive for other respiratory viruses. In the RE model (S5 Fig), the pooled estimate was 8.6% (95% CI: 3.2–15.9%) and the heterogeneity was high (I2 = 92.0%). Influenza A, seasonal coronaviruses, rhinovirus and parainfluenza viruses were detected more frequently (S11 Table). These results should be interpreted cautiously, since the multiplex RT-PCR panels used differ from the point of view of antigens included.

Severe RSV disease

The prespecified outcomes ascribable to severe RSV disease were reported in nine studies [35, 41, 42, 44, 50, 54, 56, 63, 6466] (Table 2). Pierangeli et al. [56] reported that 63.1%, 63.3% and 79.3% of adults (both out- and inpatients) aged 16–65, 65–80 and >80 years had antibiotic prescriptions. The study, however, did not report raw data. In an outpatient cohort (n = 2551) of adults aged ≥60 years [42], none of seven cases of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) tested positive for RSV. Ciotti et al. [50] reported that among 23 hospitalized cases of viral pneumonia, one (4.3%) was due to RSV. In a multi-season (from 2009/2010 to 2015/2016) study by Piralla et al. [41], the prevalence of RSV among subjects (11/376) with CAP admitted to ICU was 2.9%. Among 19 RSV-positive hematological patients [44], two (10.5%) developed LRTD and the 30-day mortality was 0% (95% CI: 0–17.6%). Spagnolello et al. [54] reported that among CAP patients who referred to emergency departments (n = 75), three tested positive for RSV (4.0%; 95% CI: 1.5–13.1%). However, the study period was limited to one month only (from 15 January to 22 February 2019) [54].

Table 2. Severe RSV-related outcomes, by study.

Study Age, years Outcome % (n/N) 95% CI
Cocchio 2023 [35] 50–69 % in-hospital mortality 4.9 (4/81) 1.4–12.2
≥70 7.1 (12/169) 3.7–12.1
Piralla 2017 [41] ≥18 % RSV detection in patients with CAP admitted to ICU 2.9 (11/376) 1.5–5.2
Ansaldi 2012 [42] ≥60 % RSV detection in patients with CAP 0 (0/7) 0–41.0
Mikulska 2014 [44] ≥18 % RSV-positive hematological patients who developed LRTD 10.5 (2/19) 1.3–33.1
% 30-day mortality 0 (0/19) 0–17.6
Ciotti 2020 [50] ≥18 % RSV detection in patients hospitalized for viral pneumonia 4.3 (1/23) 0.1–21.9
Spagnolello 2021 [54] >18 % RSV detection in ED patients with CAP 4.0 (3/75) 1.5–13.1
Pierangeli 2022 [56] 16–65 % antibiotic use in RSV-positive subjects 63.1 (NA) NA
65–80 63.3 (NA) NA
>80 79.3 (NA) NA
Santus 2023 [63] ≥18 % antibiotic use in RSV-positive inpatients 78.7 (48/61) 66.3–88.1
Median length of hospital stay, days 13 a 7–22 b
% RSV-positive inpatients with acute respiratory failure, need for respiratory support, shock, sepsis, ICU admission or in-hospital death 70.5 (43/61) 57.4–81.5
% RSV-positive inpatients with ICU admission 6.6 (4/61) 1.8–15.9
% in-hospital mortality 6.6 (4/61) 1.8–15.9
Boattini 2021–2023 [6466] ≥18 % pneumonia in hospitalized RSV-positive subjects 58.1 (25/43) 42.1–73.0
≥18 Median length of hospital stay, days 19 a 11–30 b
≥65 23 a 8–34 b
≥18 % invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation in hospitalized RSV-positive subjects 30.2 (13/43) 17.2–46.1
≥65 27.3 (3/11) 6.0–61.0
≥18 % in-hospital mortality 16.3 (7/43) 6.8–30.7
≥65 9.1 (1/11) 0.2–41.3


bInterquartile range.

CAP, community-acquired pneumonia; CI, Confidence interval; ED, Emergency department; ICU, Intensive care unit; LRTD, Lower respiratory tract disease; NA, Not available.

In a hospitalized cohort of RSV-positive adults (n = 61) [63], severe RSV disease (defined as presence of at least one of the following: acute respiratory failure, need for respiratory support, shock, sepsis, ICU admission or in-hospital death) was observed in 70.5% of patients. Antibiotics, systemic steroids, inhaled steroids, oseltamivir and other antivirals were administered to 79.0%, 65.6%, 70.0%, 13.1% and 8.2% of patients respectively. The median length of stay was 13 (IQR: 7–22) days. ICU admission and in-hospital mortality rates were both 6.6%.

In a retrospective cohort study by Boattini et al. [6466], 58.1% (n = 43) of RSV-positive hospitalized adults ≥18 years had radiologically-confirmed pneumonia. The median length of stay for the entire cohort was 19 (IQR: 11–30) days, while it increased up to 23 (IQR: 8–34) days for adults aged ≥65 years. A total of 30.2% of subjects needed invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation, while the in-hospital mortality was 16.3%.

Cocchio et al. [35] analyzed HDRs for RSV-specific ICD-9 codes in Veneto for 15 consecutive years (2007–2021). Of the total of 6961 (5818, 741 and 402 for acute bronchiolitis due to RSV, pneumonia due to RSV and RSV, respectively) hospitalizations, 81 (1.2%; 8, 41 and 32 for acute bronchiolitis due to RSV, pneumonia due to RSV and RSV, respectively) and 169 (2.4%; 31, 74 and 64 for acute bronchiolitis due to RSV, pneumonia due to RSV and RSV, respectively) encounters occurred in adults aged 50–69 and ≥70 years, respectively. The length of stay increased linearly with the increasing age for acute bronchiolitis due to RSV (β = 0.080; 95% CI: 0.059–0.100; P < 0.001), pneumonia due to RSV (β = 0.109; 95% CI: 0.083–0.135; P < 0.001) and RSV (β = 0.063; 95% CI: 0.045–0.081; P < 0.001), respectively. Of 23 deaths identified, 73.9% (17/23) were registered in subjects aged ≥50 years. The overall in-hospital mortality rate was 4.9% (4/81; 0%, 7.3% and 3.1% for acute bronchiolitis due to RSV, pneumonia due to RSV and RSV, respectively) and 7.1% (12/169; 12.9%, 10.8% and 0% for acute bronchiolitis due to RSV, pneumonia due to RSV and RSV, respectively) in subjects aged 50–69 and ≥70 years, respectively.

As reported in Table 2, only the outcome of in-hospital mortality was reported in more studies [35, 6366]. In a pooled analysis of four estimates (S6 Fig), the in-hospital mortality was 7.2% (95% CI: 4.7–10.3%). The heterogeneity was relatively low (I2 = 30.6%) and the 95% PI was 2.2–14.5%.


This SRMA showed that RSV is a frequent respiratory pathogen that poses a measurable burden to Italian adults. However, this BoD is unevenly distributed within the Italian adult population, being higher in older age groups and subjects with underlying health conditions. Our findings may inform principal stakeholders and support policy makers on the introduction of the recently authorized adults RSV vaccines [13] with the aim to ensure effective and coherent resource allocation. Analogously, our study is a good starting point for the upcoming cost-effectiveness and budget impact models. We finally identified principal data gaps, which must be addressed by future research.

Our meta-analysis showed that 4.5% of respiratory samples tests positive for RSV and the 95% PI suggested that the next estimate would be between 0% and 16%. This uncertainty reflects both natural between-season variation in the circulation of RSV and characteristics of the population surveilled. We indeed showed that compared with hospitalized individuals, community-dwelling adults had higher positivity prevalence (4.9% vs 2.9%). At the same time, compared with working-age adults (3.5%), RSV prevalence was higher in older adults (4.4%) and individuals with immunosuppressive disorders (11.5%). It should be stressed that all these pooled estimates are probably conservative, as a certain level of underestimation is likely for several reasons. First, most primary care studies were conducted within the existing influenza surveillance framework that usually relied on ILI-based case definitions. Different studies [53, 67, 68] have proved that a significant proportion of RSV-positive adults have no fever and therefore ILI and fever-based case definitions intrinsically underestimate the true incidence of RSV. Second, several hospital-based studies considered only one type of specimen. It has been, for example, shown [1] that adding RT-PCR of sputum to that of nasal or nasopharyngeal swab specimens increases RSV detection by 39–100%. Indeed, RSV may migrate from the upper to lower respiratory tracts and thus RT-PCR performed on naso/oropharyngeal swabs would produce a false-negative result [28].

When comparing our results to those of the global-level SRMAs [58], we noted both similarities and differences. Nguyen-Van-Tam et al. [7] have reported that the cumulative attack rate of RSV in older adults ranged from 0.27‰ to 108‰. This 400-fold difference [7] is unlikely to be explained by the epidemiology of RSV alone, but is rather linked to the design of single studies. As for RSV incidence in industrialized countries, Shi et al. obtained pooled estimates of 6.7‰ (95% CI: 1.4–31.5‰) [5] and 30.3‰ (95% CI: 5.3–59.9‰) [8] for older and high-risk adults, respectively. In Italy, the available incidence estimates were 1.9 ‰ [42] and 4.4–10.9% [44, 57] for older adults and adults with immunosuppressive conditions, respectively. Italian data, however, came from single-season studies and thus affected by RSV circulation patterns in those particular seasons. RSV positivity prevalence appears instead more consistent. For instance, a meta-analysis of European studies by Tin Tin Htar et al. [6] reported that 7% (95% CI: 4–11%), 9% (95% CI: 4–17%) and 10% (95% CI: 5–16%) of ILI/ARI cases in all adults, subjects aged <50 and ≥50 years, respectively, tested positive for RSV. Notably, that SRMA [6] included only one Italian study and reported that only 1% of ILI cases in Italy were positive for RSV. By analyzing RSV prevalence estimates from 32 studies, we were able to obtain higher positivity rates, which were more aligned with global-level figures. For instance, Shi et al. [5] estimated that RSV positivity among hospitalized older adults with ARI was 4.4% (95% CI: 3.0–6.5%). Our meta-analytical proportions were in line with these figures and the 95% CIs largely overlapped. For what concerns mortality indicators, the pooled in-hospital mortality in Italy was 7.2%. In comparison, the case-fatality proportions ranged from 1.6% (95% CI: 0.7–3.8%) [5] to 8.2% (95% CI 5.5–11.9%) [7] in the available global-level SRMAs.

Apart from age, underlying immunosuppressive conditions and setting, RSV positivity prevalence was associated with the study location and sample size. Studies conducted in the north of Italy reported on average a higher frequency of RSV. Compared with central and southern regions, mean winter temperature in northern regions is lower [69]. Lower ambient temperature is a well-known positive predictor of RSV detection frequency [7072]. Smaller studies tended to report a higher RSV prevalence, which is consistent with the small study effect. Fortunately, the double arcsine transformation prevents the undue large weights for these studies [73]. Future epidemiological studies should a priori determine an adequate number of subjects to be tested for RSV.

Despite a relatively high number of publications identified, most studies were limited to quantifying prevalence of RSV following clinical request or in the context of influenza surveillance and were not specifically designed to investigate RSV epidemiology and the associated BoD. Only a few papers went beyond mere positivity prevalence reports. Currently, no cohort studies have evaluated the natural history of RSV disease in Italian adults. In particular, it remains unclear how many RSV-positive adult outpatients develop respiratory and extra-respiratory complications and being (re)-hospitalized. Some of these data gaps could be filled by a retrospective analysis of HDRs, but only if matched with laboratory data. Indeed, many RSV-positive patients could be attributed alternative diagnostic codes. Despite being highly specific and useful for the analysis of case-fatality rates, resource use and temporal trends, studies of RSV-specific HDRs in adults inevitably lead to the underestimation of RSV BoD. Cai et al. [24] have documented that the RSV-specific ICD-10 codes had a very low sensitivity of 6%. Retrospective cohort studies based on HDRs only (i.e., without matching with laboratory data) would identify an implausibly low number of RSV-specific diagnostic codes [35, 74]. Another important data gap concerns RSV epidemiology and BoD in residents of long-term care facilities, who may be the primary target population for vaccination.

As we also mentioned earlier, the main limitation of the current evidence, which may bias RSV detection rates, include the fact that several studies were conducted within influenza surveillance framework and used ILI- or influenza-specific case definitions. Conversely, only few studies used a more sensible ARI case definition. As a consequence, our pooled estimates for RSV positivity rates showed a considerable heterogeneity in terms I2 statistics. However, it should be stressed that high I2 values are extremely common in meta-analyses of prevalence and not always synonymous of true heterogeneity [75]. Indeed, spatiotemporal patterns of RSV activity displays a high-level true heterogeneity in terms of both seasonal and spatial variations [76]. In view of the availability of novel preventive measures, there is an urgent need to harmonize RSV case definition. Another important shortcoming of the available evidence is lack of studies on the natural history of an RSV episode and some important BoD indicators like the occurrence of respiratory and extra-respiratory complications and hospitalization rates. Although these data are of primary importance for robust modeling and cost-effectiveness analyses, these latter data are scant event at global level [510]. Hopefully, recently some established RSV-specific international surveillance networks will shed light on the consequences of RSV infection in adults [77].

At review level, we must acknowledge that some potentially relevant studies were not identified because their primary goal was not related to RSV and thus were indexed alternatively. Furthermore, although we performed literature search in several platforms, other relevant databases (e.g., EMBASE) were not searched, as we had no access to them. Finally, in the absence of a universally recognized RSV case definition, reviewer’s judgement on the risk of bias due to sample frame is rather subjective. In the present appraisal, we intentionally did not downgrade studies that used ILI- or influenza-specific syndromic definitions. Although it is believed that ILI-based surveillance underestimates RSV detection rates [68], a plurennial study by Sáez-López et al. [67] has found no difference between ILI- and ARI-based RSV case definitions in terms of sensitivity and specificity.

The approval of the new vaccines depends on national authorities. This decision occurs within the framework of developing national immunization programs and necessitates the utilization of assessment tools, such as the health technology assessment (HTA) [78]. This process relies on a comprehensive understanding of the epidemiology, BoD and pertinent economic analyses. Furthermore, HTA organizations are also evaluating the implementation of guidelines that take into account, in the assessment of new technologies, also their societal value [79]. This objective aligns with the "Broader value of vaccines" framework proposed by Bell et al. [80]. The framework encompasses various vaccine effects, including strictly health-related impacts, focusing on the health of vaccinated individuals; general health effects, considering the influence of vaccination on the health of the unvaccinated population; economic effects on the healthcare system, involving the costs and corresponding budgetary compensations; and societal economic effects, evaluating broader economic of vaccines impacts such as effects on productivity and macroeconomic growth from a societal perspective.

Incorporating these diverse effects is crucial in the HTA processes [79].

In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive assessment of the RSV epidemiology and its BoD in the Italian adult population. A systematic assessment of the full value of a new vaccination necessitates access to national data regarding the epidemiological burden of the disease and the presence of effective surveillance systems. Data plays a pivotal role in generating knowledge and evidence about diseases. Only through evidence can priority actions for the control of infectious diseases be discerned, facilitating the promotion of an informed decision-making process. This, in turn, supports the implementation of value-based immunization strategies. In this paper, we comprehensively assessed RSV epidemiology and BoD in the Italian adult population. Within its shortcomings, this SRMA supports the need to prioritize evaluation of the novel RSV vaccines by Italian decision makers, especially for older adults and those affected by immunosuppressive conditions.

Supporting information

S1 Fig. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults of any age, by study period in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.


pone.0297608.s001.docx (78.9KB, docx)
S2 Fig. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults of any age, by study geographic area.


pone.0297608.s002.docx (83KB, docx)
S3 Fig. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults of any age, by study sample size.


pone.0297608.s003.docx (79KB, docx)
S4 Fig. Prevalence of RSV subtype B among Italian adults of any age (prevalence of RSV subtype A may be computed as 1 –prevalence of RSV B).


pone.0297608.s004.docx (32.4KB, docx)
S5 Fig. Frequency of viral co-detections among RSV-positive Italian adults of any age.


pone.0297608.s005.docx (27.2KB, docx)
S6 Fig. In-hospital mortality among RSV-positive Italian adults of any age.


pone.0297608.s006.docx (25.9KB, docx)
S1 Table. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) checklist.


pone.0297608.s007.docx (21.4KB, docx)
S2 Table. Algorithm for the automatic search, by citation database.


pone.0297608.s008.docx (15.2KB, docx)
S3 Table. Excluded studies with reasons.


pone.0297608.s009.docx (15.5KB, docx)
S4 Table. Syndromic definitions used the studies analyzed.


pone.0297608.s010.docx (15.5KB, docx)
S5 Table. Risk of bias of the studies included according to the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) checklist for prevalence/incidence studies.


pone.0297608.s011.docx (18.9KB, docx)
S6 Table. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults of any age, by setting.


pone.0297608.s012.docx (16.6KB, docx)
S7 Table. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian working-age adults, by setting.


pone.0297608.s013.docx (14.7KB, docx)
S8 Table. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian older adults, by setting.


pone.0297608.s014.docx (14.8KB, docx)
S9 Table. Meta-regression analysis to investigate sources of heterogeneity in RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults of any age.


pone.0297608.s015.docx (15KB, docx)
S10 Table. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults, by subtype.


pone.0297608.s016.docx (13.4KB, docx)
S11 Table. Frequency of viral co-detections among RSV-positive Italian adults of any age.


pone.0297608.s017.docx (14.8KB, docx)

Data Availability

All raw data are within the manuscript and associated supporting materials.

Funding Statement

The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Victor Daniel Miron

4 Feb 2024

PONE-D-24-00880Epidemiology and burden of respiratory syncytial virus in Italian adults: A systematic review and meta-analysisPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Domnich,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Partly

Reviewer #4: Partly


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

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Reviewer #4: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

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Reviewer #1: This is a comprehensive assessment of the respiratory burden of RSV in italian adults. The methodology is robust. The article is well written.

I would add in the discussion and in the title that this work focused on the respiratory burden of RSV (and not the well-known cardio-vascular complications or other middle/long term complications such as re hospitalizations, dependancy etc...)

Reviewer #2: Authors of this manuscript looked into epidemiology and burden of RSV infection in Italian adults. Their research was carried our as a systematic literature review and met analysis. Overall, this works shows a very clear structure and follows the generally accepted rules for such research. The field of RSV epidemiological studies is pretty broad and with varying data and output quality. It is a strength of this work that authors focused on relevant outcomes and parameters to be extracted from analysed research. Data is well described and conclusions are well supported by their findings. As the authors state, this article provides a comprehensive assessment of the RSV epidemiology and BOD in the Italian population. Shortcomings of the existing literature are in a way limiting the strength of the conclusions of the paper, which is - of course - not a fault of the submitting researcher.

Reviewer #3: Dear all, The systematic review presented is relevant and has important contributions to the literature; however, some items must be reviewed when conducting the study. I suggest checking Prisma and faithfully following the checklist established as a guide for quality systematic reviews.

Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ 2021;372:n71. doi: 10.1136/bmj.n71

In the abstract:

- There is no clear statement of the main research question.

- There is no specification of inclusion and exclusion criteria, nor are the databases used to identify the studies described.

- There is no description of the last date on which the literature searches were carried out.

- There is no detailed description of the methods used to assess the risk of bias in the included studies. Authors must include the registration number of the review protocol in the study abstract.

- There is no adequate synthesis of the main results.

- The conclusion of the abstract talks about public policies, assessment of health technologies and vaccines. This is not the conclusion of a systematic review. Nor is the main finding of this study added to a pertinent conclusion related to what the results of the study contribute to the literature based on their possible generalizations.

In the article:

The authors claim to use Prisma and follow the guidelines of Joanna Briggs' institute; however, important details highlighted by these standards need to be added and clearly described, allowing for replicability of the review and transparency in its methodological conduct.

The authors use the acronym CoCoPop (condition, context, and population) which is usually used for scoping reviews. For cross-sectional studies, the acronym PECO (pollution, exposure, comparison, and outcome) would be ideal.

What is the guiding question of the study? What are the prevalence, incidence, and risk factors of respiratory syncytial virus in Italian adults? This is not clear.

The eligibility criteria established by the authors are quite flexible and general, including different situations, scenarios, and populations. The characteristics presented and the delimitations established are suggestive of a scoping review. The methods describe the study endpoints but do not describe about possible subgroup analyses. It is important to describe heterogeneity criteria and possible sensitivity analysis. I suggest you add embase as a database. Did the authors use any automation tools? Didn't the authors use a reference manager? Was the selection of studies only manual? I suggest that the authors describe the assumptions adopted for cases of missing or unclear information in more detail. In table S2, I suggest that next to each database the number of articles found is added. In the title, I suggest you indicate the date of the last search. The results were adequately presented. The discussion does not provide a general interpretation of the results in the context of other evidence. Most of the discussion concerns the implications of the results for practice and policy, but before that, reflections and possible interpretations need to be discussed and debated in greater depth. The limitations of the study need to be more clearly described. Analysis of the confidence of the evidence was not analyzed.

Reviewer #4: in this SRMA, Domnich and Calabrò have provided a pooled estimate on the occurrence of RSV infections in Italy. Notably, only in recent years has Italy implemented an official, nation-wide surveillance for RSV infections: as a consequence, until recently the actual occurrence of RSV in Italy was a big "question mark", and only some local studies (most of them designed for tracing and tracking the occurrence of several respiratory pathogens, and not only and not specifically RSV) have tried to provide some estimates on RSV.

All of the aforementioned potential limits have been specifically explained, discussed and reported across the main text.

More specifically, Authors have discussed in very cautionary terms the pooled estimates they've provided, mostly because of the background quality of data they did recollect. From the point of view of the present reviewer, this is the main issue that Authors should address before the full acceptance of the present study.

The ROB assessment was performed by means of the JBI checklist and, according to the Table S5, the overall quality of recollected papers wast mostly appropriate. On the contrary, the main text suggests (at least from my understanding) that the overall quality of the papers was mostly affected by several shortcomings, particularly when dealing with the potential selection of patients and diagnosis of RSV infection. A specifically designed section of results or better in discussion section should be therefore implemented in order to reconcile the substantially good results from ROB analysis and the shortcomings that were specifically addressed by Authors.

Another issue that should be addressed by Authors is stressing more extensively the heterogeneity in reported outcomes from recollected studies: as suggested by Table 1, cases that were included in the analyses were quite heterogeneous (ARI, ILI, SARI, etc), and even the timeframe of the study (in vs. out of season study) may have either inflated or reduced the eventual prevalence of RSV. Again, Authors have implemented an appropriate methodological approach to address this shortcoming, but a more extensive and detailed discussion of this specific shortcoming is requested (either through a new specifically designed limits section or as a section after rows 390 and following).


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: No


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PLoS One. 2024 Mar 5;19(3):e0297608. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0297608.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

7 Feb 2024

Editor’s comments

Comment: 1. Please ensure that your manuscript meets PLOS ONE's style requirements, including those for file naming. The PLOS ONE style templates can be found at and

Reply: The style has been changed accordingly.

Comment: 2. Thank you for stating the following in the Competing Interests section:

"AD and GEC declare no competing interests." Please confirm that this does not alter your adherence to all PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials, by including the following statement: ""This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.” (as detailed online in our guide for authors If there are restrictions on sharing of data and/or materials, please state these. Please note that we cannot proceed with consideration of your article until this information has been declared. Please include your updated Competing Interests statement in your cover letter; we will change the online submission form on your behalf.

Reply: The statement suggested has been added in both the manuscript and cover latter.

Comment: 3. We note that this manuscript is a systematic review or meta-analysis; our author guidelines therefore require that you use PRISMA guidance to help improve reporting quality of this type of study. Please upload copies of the completed PRISMA checklist as Supporting Information with a file name “PRISMA checklist”.

Reply: The PRISMA checklist file was uploaded and is currently named “S1 Table PRISMA checklist”

Reviewer #1

Comment: This is a comprehensive assessment of the respiratory burden of RSV in italian adults. The methodology is robust. The article is well written.

Reply: Thank you for your interest in our paper. Your comment below has been addressed.

Comment: I would add in the discussion and in the title that this work focused on the respiratory burden of RSV (and not the well-known cardio-vascular complications or other middle/long term complications such as re hospitalizations, dependancy etc...)

Reply: Thank you for this comment. Our review was focused on both respiratory and extra-respiratory complications of RSV and related hospitalizations. However, no studies on the extra-respiratory consequences as well as other important indicators of the natural history of RSV infection have been available. We have now clearly indicated this data lack in the Methods and Discussion. Related suggestions for future research have been also made.

Reviewer #2

Comment: Authors of this manuscript looked into epidemiology and burden of RSV infection in Italian adults. Their research was carried our as a systematic literature review and met analysis. Overall, this works shows a very clear structure and follows the generally accepted rules for such research. The field of RSV epidemiological studies is pretty broad and with varying data and output quality. It is a strength of this work that authors focused on relevant outcomes and parameters to be extracted from analysed research. Data is well described and conclusions are well supported by their findings. As the authors state, this article provides a comprehensive assessment of the RSV epidemiology and BOD in the Italian population. Shortcomings of the existing literature are in a way limiting the strength of the conclusions of the paper, which is - of course - not a fault of the submitting researcher.

Reply: Thank you for your interest in our paper. We have now further deepened and substantiated our discussion. A particular emphasis has been made for limitations of the current evidence.

Reviewer #3

Comment: Dear all, The systematic review presented is relevant and has important contributions to the literature; however, some items must be reviewed when conducting the study. I suggest checking Prisma and faithfully following the checklist established as a guide for quality systematic reviews. Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM, Boutron I, Hoffmann TC, Mulrow CD, et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ 2021;372:n71. doi: 10.1136/bmj.n71

Reply: Thank you for your interest in our paper. All your comments have been addressed. We have further checked our adherence to the PRISMA 2020 checklist.

Comment: In the abstract: - There is no clear statement of the main research question.

Reply: The research question has been now clearly stated.

Comment: - There is no specification of inclusion and exclusion criteria, nor are the databases used to identify the studies described.

Reply: Both eligibility criteria and database searched have been now reported.

Comment: - There is no description of the last date on which the literature searches were carried out.

Reply: As required, this has been stated.

Comment: - There is no detailed description of the methods used to assess the risk of bias in the included studies.

Reply: As required, this has been added.

Comment: - Authors must include the registration number of the review protocol in the study abstract.

Reply: Information on the protocol registration has been added.

Comment: - There is no adequate synthesis of the main results.

Reply: We have now assured the all the principal results are summarized in the abstract. Please note, according to the PLOS ONE’s guidelines, the abstract must not exceed 300 words.

Comment: - The conclusion of the abstract talks about public policies, assessment of health technologies and vaccines. This is not the conclusion of a systematic review. Nor is the main finding of this study added to a pertinent conclusion related to what the results of the study contribute to the literature based on their possible generalizations.

Reply: Conclusions provided in the abstract have been now completely revised. Conclusions on public policies have been now removed, as suggested.

Comment: In the article: The authors claim to use Prisma and follow the guidelines of Joanna Briggs' institute; however, important details highlighted by these standards need to be added and clearly described, allowing for replicability of the review and transparency in its methodological conduct.

Reply: We have now assured that all the reporting standards have been met.

Comment: The authors use the acronym CoCoPop (condition, context, and population) which is usually used for scoping reviews. For cross-sectional studies, the acronym PECO (pollution, exposure, comparison, and outcome) would be ideal.

Reply: The CoCoPop framework has been specifically designed for systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses of incidence and prevalence studies (, Conversely, the PECO framework has been specifically developed ( for environmental and occupational health research (pollution, etc.).

Comment: What is the guiding question of the study? What are the prevalence, incidence, and risk factors of respiratory syncytial virus in Italian adults? This is not clear.

Reply: Our research question was ““In a typical winter season, how many Italian adults contract RSV and how many of them develop complications, being hospitalized and die?” This has been now clearly reported.

Comment: The eligibility criteria established by the authors are quite flexible and general, including different situations, scenarios, and populations. The characteristics presented and the delimitations established are suggestive of a scoping review.

Reply: Thank you for this comment. According to the landmark paper by Munn et al. (, systematic reviews are indicated to “Produce statements to guide decision-making”. This was indeed our ultimate goal, also in view of a recent availability of adult RSV vaccines, for which no recommendations have been made so far. Conversely, “…scoping reviews are an ideal tool to determine the scope or coverage of a body of literature on a given topic and give clear indication of the volume of literature and studies available”. In our review, the study population, condition of interest and context are all rather specific and were set in order to address our specific research question. The only flexible characteristic is represented by the RSV-related outcomes. This is, however, inherent to respiratory infections and vaccine-preventable diseases in general; in this regard, the available Cochrane reviews on vaccines cover a plethora of different outcomes. It is also true that the manuscript title could be changed into “…A systematic scoping review and meta-analysis”. We, however, believe that such a title would be ambiguous.

Comment: The methods describe the study endpoints but do not describe about possible subgroup analyses. It is important to describe heterogeneity criteria and possible sensitivity analysis.

Reply: In the Methods (Data analysis, §2), we have clearly reported that “To investigate the sources of heterogeneity across studies, both subgroup and meta-regression analyses were performed. In particular, the pre-specified subgroup analysis was performed by age-group (working-age and older adults), setting (outpatient, inpatient and mixed) and study period in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic (before the 2020/2021 season and after the 2020/2021 season). The meta-regression modeling was then conducted to examine the influence of study characteristics on the RSV-related endpoints.” The corresponding results have been presented in Figures 2 and 3, as well as in supplementary materials.

Comment: I suggest you add embase as a database.

Reply: Unfortunately, our institutions did not allow to access EMBASE. This latter, however, has more of a focus on drug and chemicals, which is not our case. In any case, we have now added this potential study limitation.

Comment: Did the authors use any automation tools? Didn't the authors use a reference manager? Was the selection of studies only manual?

Reply: We used Zotero and MS Excel. This has been now clearly reported.

Comment: I suggest that the authors describe the assumptions adopted for cases of missing or unclear information in more detail.

Reply: Missing, unclear or presented only in graphical form data on relevant numerators and/or denominators were handled as follows. First, the corresponding author was contacted for clarification. In case of no reply, these data were imputed from the available percentages and/or by extracting data from figures using the WebPlotDigitizer software. This has been clearly stated (see section “Data extraction and abstraction”, last paragraph).

Comment: In table S2, I suggest that next to each database the number of articles found is added. In the title, I suggest you indicate the date of the last search.

Reply: As suggested, the date of the last search and the number of articles found hasve abben added to Table S2.

Comment: The results were adequately presented.

Reply: Thank you. No changes required.

Comment: The discussion does not provide a general interpretation of the results in the context of other evidence. Most of the discussion concerns the implications of the results for practice and policy, but before that, reflections and possible interpretations need to be discussed and debated in greater depth. The limitations of the study need to be more clearly described. Analysis of the confidence of the evidence was not analyzed.

Reply: Thank you for this comment. We have now revised the entire Discussion section. Review limitations have been deepened and contextualized (paragraphs 6 and 7). The entire paragraphs 3-5 of the Discussion are dedicated to the context of other available evidence. An emphasis on the observed heterogeneity has been made and possible causes of the latter have been discussed. More general policy reflections have been significantly reduced.

Reviewer #4

Comment: In this SRMA, Domnich and Calabrò have provided a pooled estimate on the occurrence of RSV infections in Italy. Notably, only in recent years has Italy implemented an official, nation-wide surveillance for RSV infections: as a consequence, until recently the actual occurrence of RSV in Italy was a big "question mark", and only some local studies (most of them designed for tracing and tracking the occurrence of several respiratory pathogens, and not only and not specifically RSV) have tried to provide some estimates on RSV. All of the aforementioned potential limits have been specifically explained, discussed and reported across the main text. More specifically, Authors have discussed in very cautionary terms the pooled estimates they've provided, mostly because of the background quality of data they did recollect. From the point of view of the present reviewer, this is the main issue that Authors should address before the full acceptance of the present study.

Reply: Thank you for your interest in our study. Your comments have been now addressed.

Comment: The ROB assessment was performed by means of the JBI checklist and, according to the Table S5, the overall quality of recollected papers was mostly appropriate. On the contrary, the main text suggests (at least from my understanding) that the overall quality of the papers was mostly affected by several shortcomings, particularly when dealing with the potential selection of patients and diagnosis of RSV infection. A specifically designed section of results or better in discussion section should be therefore implemented in order to reconcile the substantially good results from ROB analysis and the shortcomings that were specifically addressed by Authors.

Reply: Thank you for this comment. This apparent discrepancy is linked to the absence of a universally recognized RSV case definition. Therefore, reviewers’ judgement on the risk of bias due to sample frame is rather subjective. In the present review, we intentionally did not downgrade studies that used ILI- or influenza-specific syndromic definitions (also because studies conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic were a bit “forced” to conduct study within the established influenza surveillance platforms. Although it is believed that ILI-based surveillance underestimates RSV detection rates, some studies found no difference between ILI- and ARI-based RSV case definitions in terms of sensitivity and specificity. We have now clearly indicated and discussed this issue among the review-level limitations (§7 of the Discussion).

Comment: Another issue that should be addressed by Authors is stressing more extensively the heterogeneity in reported outcomes from recollected studies: as suggested by Table 1, cases that were included in the analyses were quite heterogeneous (ARI, ILI, SARI, etc), and even the timeframe of the study (in vs. out of season study) may have either inflated or reduced the eventual prevalence of RSV. Again, Authors have implemented an appropriate methodological approach to address this shortcoming, but a more extensive and detailed discussion of this specific shortcoming is requested (either through a new specifically designed limits section or as a section after rows 390 and following).

Reply: We completely agree with your observation on the heterogeneity of RSV detection rates obtained in our random-effects models. We have now explicitly stated this limitation and discussed on its possible sources in a specific paragraph of the limitations related to the current evidence (see §6 of the Discussion).


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Victor Daniel Miron

19 Feb 2024

Epidemiology and burden of respiratory syncytial virus in Italian adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis


Dear Dr. Domnich,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Victor Daniel Miron

Academic Editor


Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #4: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


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Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


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Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Yes


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Reviewer #3: (No Response)

Reviewer #4: Estimated Authors,

all my concerns and doubts about the original design of the paper have been properly addressed.

Therefore, I'm endorsing the eventual acceptance of this study.


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Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: Yes: Matteo Riccò


Acceptance letter

Victor Daniel Miron

23 Feb 2024



Dear Dr. Domnich,

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now being handed over to our production team.

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Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Fig. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults of any age, by study period in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.


    pone.0297608.s001.docx (78.9KB, docx)
    S2 Fig. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults of any age, by study geographic area.


    pone.0297608.s002.docx (83KB, docx)
    S3 Fig. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults of any age, by study sample size.


    pone.0297608.s003.docx (79KB, docx)
    S4 Fig. Prevalence of RSV subtype B among Italian adults of any age (prevalence of RSV subtype A may be computed as 1 –prevalence of RSV B).


    pone.0297608.s004.docx (32.4KB, docx)
    S5 Fig. Frequency of viral co-detections among RSV-positive Italian adults of any age.


    pone.0297608.s005.docx (27.2KB, docx)
    S6 Fig. In-hospital mortality among RSV-positive Italian adults of any age.


    pone.0297608.s006.docx (25.9KB, docx)
    S1 Table. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) checklist.


    pone.0297608.s007.docx (21.4KB, docx)
    S2 Table. Algorithm for the automatic search, by citation database.


    pone.0297608.s008.docx (15.2KB, docx)
    S3 Table. Excluded studies with reasons.


    pone.0297608.s009.docx (15.5KB, docx)
    S4 Table. Syndromic definitions used the studies analyzed.


    pone.0297608.s010.docx (15.5KB, docx)
    S5 Table. Risk of bias of the studies included according to the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) checklist for prevalence/incidence studies.


    pone.0297608.s011.docx (18.9KB, docx)
    S6 Table. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults of any age, by setting.


    pone.0297608.s012.docx (16.6KB, docx)
    S7 Table. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian working-age adults, by setting.


    pone.0297608.s013.docx (14.7KB, docx)
    S8 Table. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian older adults, by setting.


    pone.0297608.s014.docx (14.8KB, docx)
    S9 Table. Meta-regression analysis to investigate sources of heterogeneity in RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults of any age.


    pone.0297608.s015.docx (15KB, docx)
    S10 Table. RSV positivity prevalence among Italian adults, by subtype.


    pone.0297608.s016.docx (13.4KB, docx)
    S11 Table. Frequency of viral co-detections among RSV-positive Italian adults of any age.


    pone.0297608.s017.docx (14.8KB, docx)

    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    All raw data are within the manuscript and associated supporting materials.

    Articles from PLOS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS