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. 2024 Mar 6;19(3):e0298041. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0298041

Systematic investigation of inadequate food access at a large southeastern land grant university

Ralph P Hall 1,*, Jessica Agnew 2, Wei Liu 3, Lana Petrie 4, Chris North 3
Editor: Jocelyn Octavia Turner-Musa5
PMCID: PMC10917268  PMID: 38446778


Over the past decade, the impact of low food security on student well-being and academic performance has become a growing concern at institutions of higher education across the U.S. This mixed methods study adds to the growing body of evidence on the association between student socio-demographic and economic characteristics and food security. An online survey covering food access, student well-being, and housing security was sent to 35,337 undergraduate and graduate students at a large southeastern land grant university. A total of 2,116 complete responses were received; a 6% response rate. The survey responses also included 176 written statements by students. The survey found that 16% of both undergraduate and graduate students had low or very low food security, as defined by a modified USDA food security measure. The socio-demographic and economic characteristics that were linked to a higher likelihood of low food security included: having a GPA of less than 3.0, having a disability, being an international student, being a first-generation student, being a transfer student, going into debt to pay for food, being a Black or African American student, having poor mental health, having uncertain living arrangements, and having no medical insurance. Recommendations for enhancing student access to food, housing, and mental health services are discussed.


Food accessibility at institutions of higher education has become a growing concern over the past decade in the United States [14] and in other countries [57]. Since the opportunity to attend college can be viewed as a privilege, concerns such as food access, housing security, and well-being are often considered secondary issues or overlooked altogether [8]. However, up to 50% of student populations, depending on the geographic location and institution, can be classified as having very low or low food security [9]. A growing number of studies are also focusing on the broader issue of food access (which encompasses food security), housing security, and well-being [5,1012]. Mounting evidence on the impact these experiences have on student performance [8,10,11,13,14] and quality of life [5,15] have brought these concerns to the attention of higher education administrations across the nation.

To ensure that institutions of higher education offer their students a food secure experience, it is critical that research identifies students who may be at risk of food insecurity [1618]. This can be difficult to achieve, as a lack of access to safe, affordable, nutritious, and culturally relevant foods can be transient in the college environment, is sometimes considered a ‘rite of passage’ by students and their parents, and is multi-dimensional and complex [1921]. There are also many underlying factors or characteristics that may put a student at risk of food insecurity that are often unobservable to university staff and faculty [22,23]. Furthermore, methodological standards and indicator calculation may obfuscate the students most at risk or currently experiencing food insecurity. For example, when measuring poverty in the United States, college students are excluded from the estimates if they live in a residence hall because the population is transient [19,24]. There is also mixed evidence on the validity of the 10-item USDA Household Food Security instrument (with screener question) to assess food security among college students in the U.S. context [2527]. However, it has been found to perform better than the 6-item version with regards to measuring food security among the college student population [28].

Recent surveys on the prevalence of food security at four-year institutions of higher education using the USDA instrument estimate that between 24% to 40% of students have low or very low access to food [29]. The rates of food insecurity at two-year institutions tend to be higher and fall between 35% to 49% [29]. Other systematic reviews of food insecurity studies find average rates of food insecurity of 35% [9] and 41% [30]. However, the heterogeneity of the studies’ methods and differing student populations and geographic locations make it difficult to draw comparisons.

Recent research explores a broad range of negative impacts associated with inadequate food access on college campuses [8,10,13,31]. For example, the association between food insecurity and poor mental health outcomes such as increased depression, anxiety, and stress, which can also impact sleep, has been well documented [15,3234]. Leung et al. [11] found that if a student experiences food, financial, or housing insecurity they were more likely to have anxiety, depression, fair/poor health, and a lower mean GPA than students who were secure in these dimensions. In one of the first longitudinal studies on food insecurity and college graduation rates, Wolfson et al. [31] found that students who experienced food insecurity during college were associated with lower odds of completing their degree. Further, if these students did complete their education, they were more likely to obtain an associate’s rather than a bachelor’s degree, which could have a long-lasting impact on their future economic mobility.

Demographic and economic characteristics are associated with different levels of food security as well. For example, studies have found that if a student is not white, is a first-generation student, experiences housing insecurity, and/or receives financial aid, they were more likely to experience food insecurity while in college [10,31,3537]. Students accumulating loans/debt are also more at risk of being food insecure [38]. A qualitative study by Martinez et al. [12] enriches these findings by exploring the interconnected nature of food and housing insecurity and introduces other factors such as transportation barriers that can limit a student’s access to food. They also expand the group of nontraditional students at risk of being food insecure to include out-of-state, international, mature students, and students with dependents. In many cases, students in need were found to have difficulty navigating financial aid, the aid that was provided is insufficient, or they simply do not qualify for financial assistance, revealing the gaps needing to be filled.

The COVID-19 pandemic also worsened the situation at many institutions of higher education [39,40]. Soldavini et al. [41] examined how COVID-19 impacted the food security status of students and what characteristics were associated with changes to food security status. Their study showed how food insecurity increased for students during the pandemic due to job loss or the need to provide financial support to their family. Similar results were found by Hagedorn et al. [42]. Soldavini et al. [41] identified a positive impact on food security status if a student had moved back home with their family or had received financial support from family members before and/or during the pandemic. Owens et al. [43] found that students who had a change in employment status or living arrangements during the pandemic were more likely to be food insecure and students living with parents or relatives were less likely to be food insecure compared to students living alone.

While the evidence of food security on college campuses is growing and a few recent studies have better characterized the portion of student populations that experience food insecurity, there is still potential to expand our understanding of associated factors and experiences that prevent students from accessing the food they need physically, culturally, and socially. Such knowledge will help to more effectively identify students at risk and develop the systems to ensure that students’ needs are adequately met while pursuing an education. Mixed methods and standardized approaches are needed to assist university administrations in identifying these students as well as the structural factors that create barriers to accessing the food and resources needed to have a successful university experience.

Following the lead of Martinez et al. [12], this systematic investigation used mixed methods to further illuminate the range of factors that contributes to food insecurity among the student body at a large southeastern land grant university. The objectives were to: (i) compare the students’ socio-demographic and economic characteristics associated with food insecurity versus food security; (ii) identify correlates related to wellbeing, housing, and COVID-19; and (iii) understand students’ interpretation of food insecurity and barriers to accessing safe, nutritious, affordable, and culturally relevant foods.


In 2021, an online survey focused on food security, student well-being and mental health, and housing was sent to all 35,339 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at a large southeastern land grant university. The survey responses were collected confidentially using a Qualtrics link distributed via email. A total of four recruitment emails were sent between April 5 to 30, 2021. The students were not offered any incentives to participate. To be included in the study, students needed to be over the age of 18 and enrolled either as a part- or full-time student. Students who did not meet these criteria were excluded. After reading the informed consent script at the beginning of the survey, students were asked whether they agreed to participate in the study. Those who selected “yes” were able to proceed, and those who selected “no” were sent to the end of survey and thanked for their time.

The survey used the USDA’s 10-item Household Food Security Survey Module (FSSM) with a screener question (Table 1) [44]. Since its creation in 1995, this instrument has been subject to rigorous [45,46] and ongoing technical review, which has led to minor adjustments being made to the questions [47]. As a result, the instrument is considered to provide a valid and reliable food security estimate of a population and is included in a range of U.S. national surveys such as the Current Population Survey (CPS) [47]. In 2019, Nikolaus et al. [28] found that the 10-item USDA FSSM with screener questions performed the best in terms of model fit among the college student population when compared with the 6-item FSSM without screener questions. Of the available USDA tools to measure food security, the 10-item FSSM was the leading instrument at the time the survey was conducted. Further, the 12-month recall version of the 10-item FSSM was used since the 30-day recall instrument is intended for shorter-term program evaluation.

Table 1. Food security survey module.

Question Response (points awarded)
Screener: Which of these statements best describes the food eaten by you (or your dependents) in the last 12 months I have enough to eat and the kinds of food I want [Exit module]
I have enough to eat but not always the kinds of food I want / Sometimes I don’t have enough to eat / Often, I don’t have enough to eat [Continue]
For you or your household (your dependents, including spouse, partner, and/or children), In the last 12 months …
    … I worried whether my food would run out before I got money to buy more Often True / Sometimes True (1)
Never True / Don’t Know / Prefer not to say (0)
    … The food I bought didn’t last and I didn’t have money to buy more Often True / Sometimes True (1)
Never True / Don’t Know / Prefer not to say (0)
    … I couldn’t afford to eat balanced meals (i.e. contained each of the 5 food groups—vegetables, fruits, dairy, protein, and grains) Often True / Sometimes True (1)
Never True / Don’t Know & Prefer not to say (0)
    … Did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn’t enough money for food? Yes, almost every month / Yes, some months but not every month / Yes, only 1 or 2 months (1)
No / Don’t know (0)
    … Were you ever hungry but didn’t eat because there wasn’t enough money for food? Yes, almost every month / Yes, some months but not every month / Yes, only 1 or 2 months (1)
No / Don’t know (0)
    … Did you ever cut the size of your meals, or skip meals because there wasn’t enough money for food? Yes, almost every month / Yes, some months but not every month (2)
Yes, only 1 or 2 months (1)
No / Don’t know (0)
    … Did you or any other adults in your household (not including roommates) ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn’t enough money for food? Yes, almost every month / Yes, some months but not every month (2)
Yes, only 1 or 2 months (1)
No / Don’t know (0)

The word household was removed from the screener question and respondents were asked instead about their experiences and, if applicable, about their dependents. This change was made to reduce any confusion around what constituted a ‘household’ for students living with roommates. While text referencing “your household” was retained in the recall questions, it was qualified to mean “dependents, including spouse, partner, and/or children.” Further, respondents were asked to exclude roommates for the question asking about “other adults in your household.” Table 1 displays the questions asked across the three stages of the instrument, and indicates the points that were awarded for a certain response to each question. The USDA question asking respondents “In the last 12 months, did you lose weight because there wasn’t enough money for food?” was removed from the module. This question is problematic since students may gain weight since they do not have access to nutritious foods [14]. Further, those studies that have attempted to understand the relationship between food security and weight have found mixed results. For example, El Zein et al. [33] found no significant difference between students with low versus high food security and their body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. Whereas, Martinez et al. [48] found direct and indirect links between low food security and increased BMI and poor health.

Food security status was ascertained by scoring the responses as outlined in Table 1 and categorizing the respondent into one of four segments (Table 2). The analysis dichotomizes respondents into ‘high’ (consisting of students with high or marginal) and ‘low’ (consisting of students with low or very low) food security status, a common approach among food security studies. The removal of the weight loss question means the USDA metric used in this study has a range of 1 to 9 (rather than 1 to 10).

Table 2. Food security categories.

Food Security Score Food Security Status Interpretation
0 High Food Security Respondent has no reported indications of barriers or limitations of food-access.
1–2 Marginal Food Security Respondent has one or two indications of food insecurity typically in terms of anxieties over insufficient food in the house. There are little to no changes in diets or food access.
3–5 Low Food Security Respondent has some indications of food insecurity–reports of reduced diet quality, variety, and/or desirability. Little to no indication of reduced food intake.
6–9 Very Low Food Security Respondent has multiple indications of food insecurity including disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake.

Version 3.6.3 of the R programming language was used for statistical analysis. Odds ratios (OR) for selected socio-demographic or economic characteristics of interest were calculated. When the OR is greater than 1, it indicates the increased occurrence of low food security; when OR is less than 1, the occurrence of low food security decreases [49,50]. Odds ratios of = 1 or confidence intervals that include 1 are insignificant. Odds ratios were estimated using a Generalized Linear Model (GLM).

A Chi-square analysis was used to assess if there was a statistically significant difference between the proportions of students who were in the low versus high food security status. This test was used as the variables were categorical. A permutation chi squared test was conducted when the sample size in any individual group was smaller than or equal to 5. Statistical significance was considered at p<0.05.

Open-ended answers were analyzed following Thomas and Harden’s [51] thematic synthesis approach. Three researchers simultaneously conducted an inductive thematic coding of the qualitative responses and then engaged in a group discussion of overlaps and divergences. Given the importance and sensitivity of the themes, this approach more accurately categorizes the issues that contribute to food insecurity, when compared with quantifying the degree of consensus by using an intercoder consistency or intercoder reliability rating. Coding was conducted in Word using colored highlighting and textual coding.

The study was undertaken in compliance with the institutional research protocol IRB-21-122.

Respondent characteristics

A total of 2,116 students completed the entire survey for a respondent rate of 6%. The majority of the 2,116 respondents (94%) were enrolled at the university’s main campus in Blacksburg (Table 3). The university also has a presence in northern Virginia with several facilities located around the greater Washington, D.C., metro area, and has a small presence in Roanoke and Richmond, Virginia. Undergraduate and graduate students made up 64% and 36% of the sample, respectively. Among the undergraduate participants, the distribution of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors was approximately even. In addition, 12% of the undergraduate students identified as being transfer students. Among the graduate participants, more doctoral students (58%) than master’s students (42%) responded to the survey. Some 14% of undergraduates had a GPA between 2.5–3.0, 34% between 3.0–3.5, and 47% between 3.5–4.0. In contrast, the majority of (87%) of graduates had a GPA between 3.51–4.00. Around two-thirds (66%) of respondents were in-state students, 82% spoke English as their first language, 20% were first-generation college students, 8% indicated they had a disability, and 12% were married. The majority of respondents were white or Caucasian (70.3%). Table 3 also shows how these variables align with university data.

Table 3. Comparison of the sample and survey population.

Variable Sample University
% N % N
Level of education - 2,112 - 35,483
    Undergraduate 63.9 1,343 80.6 28,593
    Graduate (includes Professional student) 36.1 759 19.4 6,890
Campus location - 2,105 - 21,139
    Blacksburg 93.5 1,968 96.5 20,395
    Roanoke 1.6 34 0.4 91
    Northern Virginia 4.3 91 2.9 611
    Richmond 0.2 5 0.2 42
    Virginia Beach 0.3 6 - -
    Newport News 0.1 1 - -
Academic level (undergraduate) - 1,339 - 28,480
    First-Year/Freshman 24.5 328 12.5 3,566
    Sophomore 24.7 330 21.6 6,165
    Junior 24.5 328 24.8 7,056
    Senior 26.4 353 41.1 11,693
Transfer student (undergraduate) - 1,343 - 28,593
    Yes 11.9 160 10.5 3,016
    No 88.1 1,183 89.5 25,577
Academic level (graduate) 100 759 6,219
    Doctoral level 58.0 440 47 2,923
    Master level 42.0 319 53 3,296
GPA (undergraduate) - 1,288 - 17,030 *
    <2.0 0.7 9 2.9 501
    2.00–2.50 4.4 57 6.6 1,126
    2.51–3.00 13.7 176 16.9 2,871
    3.01–3.50 34.2 441 35.5 6,052
    3.51–4.00 47.0 605 38.1 6,480
GPA (graduate) - 673 - 5,822 *
    <3.0 1.5 10 4.8 282
    3.01–3.50 11.3 76 18.5 1,076
    3.51–4.00 87.2 587 76.7 4,464
In-state & Out-of-state (undergraduate) - 1340 - 28,593
    In-state 73.7 988 71.2 20,353
    Out-of-state: domestic 21.1 283 23.5 6,707
    Out-of-state: international 5.1 69 5.4 1,533
In-state & Out-of-state (graduate) - 766 - 6,890
    In-state 51.3 393 - 2,998
    Out-of-state: domestic 21.0 161 30.7 2,113
    Out-of-state: international 27.7 212 25.8 1,779
First-generation college student - 2,058 - 35,483
    Yes 20.2 416 14.2 5,038
    No 79.8 1,642 85.8 30,445
Disability - 2,070 - 35,483
    Yes 7.7 159 10.5 3,725
    Maybe 6.1 126 - -
    No 86.2 1,785 89.5 31,758
Race/Ethnicity 2096 - 34,486 **
    American Indian or Alaskan Native 1.4 30 0.1 42
    Asian 20.5 429 10.4 3,583
    Black or African American 5.8 121 5.1 1,749
    Caribbean 0.7 15 - -
    Hispanic or Latino 7.2 151 7.4 2,566
    Middle Eastern or North African 3.2 67 - -
    Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.5 11 0.1 34
    Sub-Saharan African 0.6 13 -
    White or Caucasian 70.3 1473 62.1 21,429
    Self-identify as another race/ethnicity 1.0 21 14.7 5,083***
    Identify as multiple 9.9 208 - -


* Excludes 0 and missing data.

** 997 students did not report their race/ethnicity. The university data does not include the following categories: ‘Caribbean,’ ‘Middle Eastern or North African,’ and ‘Sub-Saharan African.’

*** Self-identify as another race/ethnicity includes ‘Two or more races’ (1,627) and ‘Nonresident Alien’ (3,456).

In addition to the USDA instrument (Table 1) and the key sample variables (Table 3), the survey asked additional questions relating to food access, mental health, and housing. It also included additional questions relating to respondent characteristics such as gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, and income. The mental health questions were based on the McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire [52,53]. The housing questions were based on a screening question from the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Health-Related Social Needs Screening Tool [54] and from a study by Goldrick-Rab, et al. [55] on food and housing security.


Approximately 16% of undergraduate and graduate students can be classified as having low food security (Table 4). Masters students had a slight lower level of food insecurity (14.7%) than doctoral students (17.7%), but this difference was not statistically significant.

Table 4. Food security by student status.

High food security (%) Low food security (%)
Undergraduate 84.1 (n = 1130) 15.9 (n = 213) 
Graduate 83.5 (n = 634) 16.5 (n = 125) 
    Master level 85.3 (n = 272) 14.7 (n = 47)
    Doctoral level 82.3 (n = 362) 17.7 (n = 78)

The socio-demographic and economic characteristics linked to a higher likelihood of experiencing low food security included:

  • having a GPA of less than 3.0

  • having a disability

  • being an international student

  • being a first-generation student

  • being a transfer student

  • going into debt to pay for food

  • being a Black or African American student

  • having poor mental health

  • having uncertain living arrangements, and

  • having no medical insurance.

Students with a lower GPA were more likely to have a low food security status when compared with students with higher GPAs (Fig 1). For example, students with a GPA of less than 3.0 were around 2.6 times more likely to have a low food security status than students with a GPA of between 3.5 to 4.0. The relationship between academic performance and food security is complex and often accompanied by other factors such as having a low income and needing to work and/or experiencing poor mental health. As one student explained:

Fig 1. Odds ratio and confidence interval for GPA, disability, and residency variables.

Fig 1

Even with free vouchers from work, and having cut back on my eating habits, I still don’t have enough money on my dining plan to eat anymore. … The stress of having to work just to afford tuition has driven my grades through the floor, and now I’m genuinely concerned that, because of my mental problems due to COVID, and because of my constant exhaustion on the days I work, that I’m not going to be accepted back … next semester. I would love to get counseling, but everything they’re doing is virtual, and constantly being stuck staring at a screen is half my problem!”

Students who self-assessed that they had a disability were 2.8 times more likely to have a low food security status when compared with students without a disability (Fig 1). The type of disability was not requested in order to maintain student privacy. One student provided some insight on how their disability impacts their food access:

Having my disability means it takes about 3 times as long to make a meal and about twice as long to shop. Thus, I lost most of my money to spoiled food I didn’t have time to cook. Or I just ran out of time to shop for food. Fast food is/was not an option either. It should never be food vs. school, but it was until I was accepted into the food assistance program.

International students were 1.6 times more likely to have a low food security than in-state students. In contrast, out-of-state domestic students were 33% less likely to be food insecure than in-state students.

First-generation students were 2.2 times more likely to have a low food security status than second-generation students, and transfer students from a 2-year community college were 1.9 times more likely than non-transfer students (Fig 2). When comparing the different years of undergraduate students, freshmen appear to be the most food secure, but the differences between years is not significant.

Fig 2. Odds ratio and confidence interval for undergraduate academic level, transfer, and first-generation variables.

Fig 2

There is no significant difference between the food security of master’s and doctoral students (Fig 3 and Table 4). However, graduate students with a 20-hour (full) or 10-hour (half) assistantship were 3.0 and 3.6 times, respectively, more likely to have a low food security status when compared with graduate students with no assistantship. The comments below provide some insight into the financial challenges facing graduate students.

Fig 3. Odds ratio and confidence interval for graduate level and assistantship variables.

Fig 3

The stipend we get is just enough to live on. I am constantly worried about money and would not have any financial resources of my own if a major event happened (health emergency, car troubles, etc.).”

The graduate comprehensive fees I have to pay on top of taxes make my income very limited as an international student on [an …] assistantship. I am also not allowed to seek additional employment under the terms of my visa so it is a huge difficulty to manage expenses with rent and utilities.”

My wife will be joining me as a dependent in May. I’m afraid that my assistantship stipend will not be sufficient for us to live a healthy life. We will also be not able to have a child until I graduate because it would be financially impossible to support my wife and a child with this stipend amount.”

Students who reported building up debt to pay for food or having spent less on other budget items to pay for food were significantly more likely to experience low food security (Fig 4). Those students who were building up debt to pay for food were 2.9 times more likely to have a low food security status than students who were not, whereas those who were spending less on other budget items when compared with those who were not were 14.8 times more likely to have low food security. Importantly, students also reported their lack of access to food was negatively impacting their ability to enjoy the full university experience.

Fig 4. Odds ratio and confidence interval for food- and expenditure-related variables.

Fig 4

Students on the main campus with access to a dining plan were less likely to have food access challenges, although students with no access to food one hour before/after class were 9.6 times more likely to have a low food security status than those with access. Further, having a dining plan does not mean students have access to the food they need due to dietary restrictions.

I really hope campus dining will one day become more inclusive to people with restricted diets. I felt estranged from my peers who were gaining weight from campus food while I was losing weight as a result of it.”

With regard to race/ethnicity, the likelihood of experiencing low food security increase by 2.3 times if a student identifies as being Black or African American (Fig 5). While none of the other race/ethnicity groups have a statistically significant likelihood of experiencing food insecurity, Sub-Saharan African and Hispanic or Latino students are groups that may be at risk. In contrast, White or Caucasian students are the only group to have a reduced likelihood of experiencing low food security, but this finding is not significant.

Fig 5. Odds ratio and confidence interval for race/ethnicity.

Fig 5

Housing and food security are often intertwined. The results reveal how housing and a student’s living situation have significant associations with their food security status (Fig 6). Students who live off-campus with roommates were 1.5 times more likely to have a low food security status when compared with students living on campus. Further, students who were worried about losing their current living situation or were living in a temporary or unstable space were 7.9 and 12.9 times, respectively, more likely to have a low food security status when compared with students who have a steady place to live. For comparison, around 12% of students who had a steady place to live experienced a low level of food security, compared with 55% of students who had a steady place to live, but were worried about losing it (see S1 Table). Further, four of the six students (66.7%) who reported their living situation was worse or had varied in the last six months were found to have a low food security status. The need to strategize on how to meet basic needs by balancing access to housing and food was a theme in the written responses. As one student explained:

Fig 6. Odds ratio and confidence interval for housing variables.

Fig 6

When I was couch surfing and living with my partner, food was about 80% of where my income went. The last time I was on campus, it was common to hear students on dining plans talking about running out of meal credit, surviving off of peanut butter, and/or strategizing about the cheapest places to eat to maximize plans. I would personally go to events and find places with free food since I couldn’t always afford decent food.

For undergraduate students in particular, there is a difference in food accessibility when living on-campus versus off-campus. Around six percent of respondents were living with their parents or guardians. This group had one of the highest levels of food security (87.2%), but 13% of students were still experiencing food access problems (see S1 Table). Approximately 12% of the students living on campus had a low level of food security, compared with 17% of students living off campus by themselves or with roommates. In this case, food security may be most related to the ability to access and prepare nutritious foods. One student shared:

“My parents would pay for my dining plan and I was eating fairly healthy food. I still live … with my roommates [off campus], but I am now paying for my own food. I usually eat fast food now and it has greatly affected my quality of life.”

Mental health was also strongly associated with food access and security. Students who reported being depressed or having limited control over their life were around 2 or 6 times, respectively, more likely to have a low food security status when compared with students who reported no concerns (Fig 7). However, when asked to consider all parts of their life over the prior week, students who reported having a poor or terrible quality of life were 11.2 and 27.9 times, respectively, more likely to be food insecure than students who described their life as excellent (Fig 8). With regards to weight, students who reported losing weight were found to be 2.3 times more likely to have a low food security status than students who reported no significant weight change. Finally, students without health insurance were found to be 2.6 times more likely to have a low food security status than students with health insurance.

Fig 7. Odds ratio and confidence interval for mental health variables.

Fig 7

Fig 8. Odds ratio and confidence interval for quality of life, insurance, and weight variables.

Fig 8

Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, students were asked how their lives have been impacted (Fig 9 and S1 Table). Students who experienced a decline in their disposable income were 3.3 times more likely to have a low food security status than students who did not select this option. In contrast, students who reported an increase in their disposable income were the only group to experience a reduction in the likelihood of being food insecure, but this result is not significant. Other factors associated with an increased likelihood of experiencing low food security during the pandemic were the loss of access to regular childcare or transportation, a reduction in physical health, the loss of a job, and a decline in housing security.

Fig 9. Odds ratio and confidence interval for COVID-related question.

Fig 9

A number of respondents were benefiting from food assistance programs, including a new service run by the university that provides participants with weekly bags of produce and other essential items. Two respondents who benefited from the university’s service provided the following feedback:

The Market … has made a huge difference along with finding a friend who cooks meals easily. I’m finally eating 3 meals a day.”

I am so grateful for local resources … including The Market …. School is more stressful than ever, but I guess that’s just the way junior year in chemical engineering goes (while enduring a pandemic). I’m taking one day at a time dealing with school stresses, but I am so thankful I don’t have to worry about my next meal!”

However, one student highlighted a challenge with food services that are based on a more limited set of food options:

Programs like the market or other food pantries would be more effective if they gave out gift certificates to local stores. This would improve local spending and support these businesses, and students using them could purchase what they wanted instead of relying on boxed or canned foods, or foods they don’t know what to do with or don’t normally eat.”

Discussion and recommendations

This section discusses the main findings from this study and presents a series of recommendations that are intended to assist institutions of higher education in enhancing the food security of their students.

Reaching students at risk of being food insecure

Growing evidence reveals how institutions of higher education can use student characteristics, experiences, and their access to financial resources to identify students at risk and develop processes and resources to ensure food security [12,17]. Student characteristics that were found to be associated with a higher likelihood of food insecurity include being a first-generation or transfer student, having a disability, having a GPA of less than 3.0, and identifying as a Black or African American student.

First-generation college students have been shown to be more likely to experience food insecurity than their peers in this study and others [56,57]. A first-generation student often faces barriers in accessing resources because they do not know what resources exist and cannot ask a parent for guidance [12]. Similarly, transfer students may be unfamiliar with a university’s support systems and who to ask for assistance.

Some researchers recommend the screening of first-year students to identify individuals at risk and to develop policy and programmatic initiatives to support their college experience [33]. While likely effective for incoming students, there is evidence that food security status tends to be ‘fluid’ and impacted by irregular access to financial resources and unexpected expenses relating to healthcare, vehicle repairs, etc. [20]. Thus, other mechanisms may be needed to reach existing students.

Having a disability is one of several factors that were found to increase the likelihood of experiencing food insecurity. The results reveal the additional time students with a disability may need to purchase food and make meals, which can reduce the time available for study.

Students with a low GPA were found to be more likely to be food insecure than students with a high GPA. Poor nutrition can lead to diminished cognitive performance [58,59]. Additionally, the stress of procuring the resources needed to access food can also lead to reduced academic performance [10,31]. This stress can lead to further negative emotional wellbeing, as was evident in the written responses provided by students.

Finally, numerous studies, including this one, reveal that students identifying as belonging to a racial or ethnic minority have a higher likelihood of experiencing low food security [9,30].


Developing strategies to inform first-year and existing students, especially those at higher risk of food insecurity (i.e., students with a disability, minority students, and low academically performing students), of the resources available to them throughout their studies is recommended. University administrations can work most effectively through student groups, associations, and initiatives that already reach students most at risk of experiencing food security to provide tailored information on available resources. Primarily, these groups and initiatives can be used to inform students of resources available to support them during times of food scarcity. They can also be used to obtain feedback on the underlying factors that contribute to an increased likelihood of experiencing food insecurity, which can enable academic institutions to tackle the underlying causes of food insecurity.

Meeting dietary needs

A common experience amongst students, no matter their food security status, is difficulty accessing food on campus that meets a specific dietary need (e.g., allergy, religious requirements). While local resources such as community gardens can provide culturally-relevant food, the start-up costs and competitiveness to access such spaces can be prohibitive.


A first step to ensuring that students have access to food that meet their dietary requirements is to review the foods available on campus through dining halls and other outlets. This information can then be used to target interventions aimed at enhancing the diversity of food offerings that serve a range of dietary needs.

Housing security

Housing security is strongly linked with food security [2,12]. As the average rent continues to increase with the rise of enrollments at the university, the financial burden to students will also rise; potentially giving way to an increased risk of food insecurity. The survey revealed that students who were worried about losing their housing were more likely to be experiencing low food security than students living in a steady place. For the minority of students who were living in a temporary/unstable place, this number increased significantly. Thus, there is a clear correlation between housing and food security, and it is likely that students experiencing housing insecurity are also likely to have food access challenges.


In addition to providing enhanced compensation for graduate students, providing more affordable housing options on campus and in the community would help support students facing housing insecurity.

Mental health

The stress of providing for basic needs while trying to engage in education takes an intensive toll on the mental health of students. The association between food, financial, or housing insecurity and mental well-being has been well documented [11,15,32,33]. About one-third of students who reported that in the prior week they were depressed, nervous/worried, afraid of the future, or had no control over their life were also experiencing low food security. Student feedback revealed a range of factors, including but not limited to food access, that were impacting mental health. Many students spoke about the negative impact of COVID-19 restrictions, challenges they faced engaging with online courses, and more broadly of concerns about the future. Even before the pandemic, the university had experienced an increase in demand for mental health services [60], which were put under further pressure during the pandemic.


Services that provide mental health support to students can also be an entry point for connecting students in need with resources to increase food access. In response to increased demand for mental health services, the university hired several new counselors and placed them in colleges and on different campuses in an effort to enhance student access to mental health services. The following year, students were given access to the TimeCare App which provides a range of virtual health services, including immediate or scheduled counselor sessions and health coaching. The latter service includes information about nutrition, highlighting an opportunity to directly connect the mental health and food access services available to students. Finally, encouraging students to enroll in available services before they experience a mental health problem can help ensure they receive the help they need when they need it most.

Financial security

Having sufficient funds to pay for food was found to be one of the most critical factors related to low food security. For example, nearly one half of students who were building up debt (e.g., on a credit card) to pay for food or were spending less on other budget items (such as heating/cooling) to pay for food were food insecure. It is likely that the COVID-19 pandemic put additional financial burdens on students as their families were impacted by the economy-wide shutdowns. Further, one fifth of graduate students who were receiving a full (20-hour) assistantship were experiencing low food security.

In response to these types of concerns, in 2022 the university passed a Resolution for Equitable and Cost-of-Living-Responsive Graduate Student Compensation [61] that commits the institution to establishing a strategic goal and funding plan for the provision of equitable graduate assistantships. An important aspect of this resolution is the focus given to meeting the needs of “international and historically marginalized students,” who are among those groups most at risk of food insecurity.


Providing dinning plan subsidies is an effective way to increase food access, without revealing to others using the services that a student is receiving assistance. Another way to increase financial support for students would be to expand employment opportunities on campus such as through the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program. The FWS provides institutions of higher education with funds to hire students in financial need on an hourly wage during the academic year. Students can work for university colleges, departments, or programs, or off-campus with approved employers and non-profit organizations. Participating institutions need to apply each year for FWS funding and be able to cover up to 50 percent of a student’s hourly wage. Finally, identifying opportunities to provide affordable housing for students would be an effective way to reduce the cost of living and free up financial resources for food and other critical services.

Food access services

The percentage of survey respondents found to have a low food security status (16%) is lower than what is typically found in studies at other comparable institutions of higher education [9,30,38]. Following an initial survey of food access and security at the university [62], a food security taskforce was convened in 2020 that identified a series of barriers students face when accessing food and presented a range of recommendations and actions to address them [63]. The most significant action taken was the creation of a free food service that could provide over 100 students a week with access to seasonal produce and other food items. This service began as a pilot program in 2020 and was formally launched in 2022 with additional donor support. In parallel with this, the university’s Dean of Students Office dedicated a portion of its emergency assistance fund to support students with food access needs via one-time grants of typically between $600-$800.

Since 2019, the university has also significantly enhanced its communication of these support services, which also includes information about off-campus resources such as a local food pantry that is available to all students. In addition to the university’s actions, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) provided three rounds of direct relief payments to eligible adults and qualifying children, two of which were released during the year prior to the survey.

While it is not possible to make a direct causal connection between the higher level of food security and the actions taken by the university or funding that may have been received via the CARES Act, written feedback from participants indicates that a number of students benefitted significantly from the university support they received. The higher level of food security could also be related to a self-selection bias due to COVID stressors. For example, students experiencing a decline in mental and physical health may not have had the capacity to complete the survey.


Food access considerations permeate a wide range of university functions, from decisions about what food to offer in dining halls and how to structure affordable dining plans, to the location of food services and what services to provide at these locations, to considering how the scheduling of courses may impact a student’s access to food services, to how to reach all students who need support when they need it, to the creative design of the support services that are provided. It is also critical to connect mental health, housing, and food access programs to ensure that all university services are in sync and students are provided with comprehensive support. Further, efforts should be taken to ensure that any transportation barriers students might face in accessing these services are addressed [12]. In addition to sharing information with students about the services available to them through emails, posters, etc., other strategies including listing these services on all syllabi to reinforce the link between overall health and academic performance.

Reducing survey fatigue and burden

Repeated surveying of student bodies to ascertain food security can be difficult, create respondent burden, and deals with complex and sensitive subjects.


Developing systems and processes that can identify students at risk of experiencing food insecurity, without the need for repeated surveys, will be a critical step in tackling this issue at college campuses across the US. Integrating food security considerations into student advising systems/software may be an effective way for advisors to identify students at risk and connect them with available resources.

Limitations and direction for future research

As with all cross-sectional research, the results from this study should be interpreted by considering its potential limitations. While all students at the university were sent the survey, only 6% responded. Table 3 indicates that graduate students were overrepresented (36% sample vs. 19% university) and undergraduate students were underrepresented (64% sample vs. 81% university). Within the undergraduate respondents, freshmen were over overrepresented (25% sample vs. 13% university) and seniors were underrepresented (26% sample vs. 41% university). First-generation students we also overrepresented (20% sample vs. 14% university). With regards to race/ethnicity, white or Caucasian (70% sample vs. 62% university), Asian (21% sample vs. 10% university), Native American or Alaskan (1.4% sample vs. 0.1% university), and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander (0.5% sample vs. 0.1% university) students were overrepresented. However, the sample was more representative with regards to student GPA, transfer students, in-state vs. out-of-state students, and black or African American and Hispanic or Latino students.

The cross-sectional research design only permits the examination of associations between food security and other key variables of interest, rather than the establishment of causal links. Hence, there is a need for longitudinal studies that determine the mechanisms that cause students to transition between different levels of food security. Further, the USDA food security instrument relies on a 12-month recall period. Since data collection occurred during the end of the spring 2021 semester, students may have been referring to their prior summer experience when responding to the survey. While only one student referenced how they used their summer income to support their studies, it is not clear whether students considered the entire 12-month period or focused on the academic semesters. While there is a version of the USDA instrument with a 30-day recall period, this is intended to study the impacts of a specific program. Given that these two versions of the USDA instrument have limitations, it may be interesting to test a revised version of the instrument that does not refer to ‘households’ and has a recall period that matches the academic calendar.

While this research did not capture the type of disability a student might have in order to maintain student privacy, understanding the factors associated with student disability status and food insecurity is an important avenue for future research [64].

Finally, since this study focuses on a single university, care should be taken when trying to generalize the findings to other institutions of higher education.


This mixed methods study identifies the socio-demographic and economic characteristics that were linked to a higher likelihood of students experiencing low food security at a large southeastern land grant university. The findings reinforce those of comparable studies and reveal the interconnected relationship between food and housing security and mental health. The study concludes by identifying a series of recommendations that universities in the U.S. can consider to ensure that students have access to the resources they need to be successful while pursuing their degrees.

Supporting information

S1 Table. Food security by selected indicators.

This table presents the USDA food security metric (i.e., high versus low food security) for each of the main variables included in the study.


pone.0298041.s001.docx (48.1KB, docx)


We would like to thank Bo Guan and Daniel Kim in the Chris North research group at Virginia Tech for the assistance they provided in analyzing the data. We would also like to thank Nikki Lewis for guidance on the data visualization.

Data Availability

All relevant data are available from the OSF repository (

Funding Statement

The initial research that made this study possible was supported by funding from the Virginia Tech Center for International Research, Education, and Development (CIRED), the office of Outreach and International Affairs (OIA), and the College of Science. These entities had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Kind regards,

Jocelyn Turner-Musa

Academic Editor


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“The initial research that made this study possible was supported by funding from the Virginia Tech Center for International Research, Education, and Development (CIRED), the office of Outreach and International Affairs (OIA), and the College of Science.”

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Additional Editor Comments:

The authors are commended for their attempt to add to the extant literature on the topic of food accessibility in institutions of higher education.  The utilization of a mixed methods approach to capture both quantitative and qualitative data on the topic is laudable.  However, as pointed out in the review, there are several areas in need of revision.

In the Introduction the inclusion of supporting references is needed.  For instance, on lines 39 – 44 the authors fail to provide empirical support for statements regarding evidence of the role of food insecurity on student performance and quality of life.  On line 49 it is unclear as to what “rite of passage’ refers to.  As Reviewer 1 queries “Is this referring to experiencing challenges accessing food as a “rite of passage.” This statement is vague and should be clarified.  The authors should also check lines 55 – 56 (i.e., “There are is..”) and line 67 (i.e., Recent research explores…) for grammatical errors.  More information is needed on the 10-item USDA Household Food Security Instrument.  This is the instrument used to assess food security and more details are needed on how the measure is used and how it has been validated if not on a college student population as mentioned.  This measure assesses the primary construct of interest and should be fully described. 

In the Methods section on line 132 it states that “The word household was removed from the module” however, in Table 1 the word “household” is included.  Please clarify.  It is also unclear if Question 1 in the table is a screener question.  It appears to be a screener question and if so, this should be stated.  A description of all measures assessed should be included in this section.  For example, demographic questions pertaining to race/ethnicity and income are not included.  There is also no mention of a measure or items that assess mental health. On line 167 the qualitative method used to analyze open-ended responses is provided.  More information on this method and a reference is needed.  What prompts or questions were provided to participants?  Was inter-rater reliability assessed? Was qualitative software used to identify themes?  On line 165 it is mentioned that “coding was conducted using Word”, this is vague. 

The Results section could be strengthened if more details about the sample and measures are provided.  Without more details (e.g., race/ethnicity) it is difficult to interpret the findings. What percentage of the sample is Black or African American?  Has sample size been adjusted for small n’s?  The figures are blurred and difficult to see.  Be sure to follow submission guidelines for submitting figures and graphs.  The authors provide recommendations at the end of each result presented.  It may be best to just present the findings in the Results section and in the Discussion section provide a summary of the findings with recommendations.  

In the Discussion section, qualitative responses are included.  It is more appropriate to present these findings in the Results section as this is a mixed-methods study.  As cited earlier, more details are needed on the qualitative component of the study and themes that emerged.   

Other comments relate to other areas the authors should consider.  As the reviewer suggests, provide potential explanations to why the prevalence of food insecurity was lower in this study than in others. Knowing more about the university and campus locations students were recruited from may assist with this. How many of these students live on campus versus off campus?  How many live with their family or a roommate as this too may aid in data interpretation.  Additionally, there seems to be vacillation between the term “low food security” and “food insecurity”.  Are the authors suggesting a difference between the two terms?  Are they the same?  If so, it may be easier and more efficient to use one or the other.  An operational definition of food insecurity might help.  Given that the study was conducted in April 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic, this should also be considered as a potential factor influencing findings.  In addition to participant recall, this too may be a potential confound and limitation.

Overall, the topic is very interesting and has the potential to address factors associated with food insecurity on a college campus. As written, the paper is not accepted for publication but with significant revisions will be reconsidered.

[Note: HTML markup is below. Please do not edit.]

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #1: Yes


4. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

PLOS ONE does not copyedit accepted manuscripts, so the language in submitted articles must be clear, correct, and unambiguous. Any typographical or grammatical errors should be corrected at revision, so please note any specific errors here.

Reviewer #1: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: Introduction

Lines 39-44: Add references

Lines 48-50: The wording of this sentence is a little unclear. It sounds like it’s saying that access to food is considered a “rite of passage.” Is this referring to experiencing challenges accessing food as a “rite of passage.”

Lines 55-56: This is the first time the 10-item USDA Household Food Security Survey instrument is mentioned. It would be helpful to briefly mention what this is and that it’s a commonly used measure for assessing food security status in the US.

Lines 58-60: How does it allow for comparable results?


Line 132: This says the word household was removed from the module, but the first question in table 1 uses household

Since “high” and “low” are two of four USDA categories, I suggest referring to the two groups as food secure and food insecure as commonly done in other studies. The results section is confusing because it’s unclear if you’re referring to just the low food security group or low/very low combined. There is also inconsistency in the results section as to how it’s being referred to.

The methods section only describes the questions used to assess food security status. Briefly describe the other questions on the survey. There doesn’t need to be as much detail as for food security but some mention of other information being collected would be helpful.

Lines 159-160: Was R used just for the odds ratios or also for the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests described in the next paragraph. If it was used for all, you may want to move that sentence to the beginning or end of the information on statistical analyses to help clarify.

Lines 167-169: How many coders were there and were responses double-coded or coded by a single coder?


Lines 175 and 176: Be consistent in use of commas in numbers.

Line 176: You may want to provide a little context about the university in the methods section as this is the first time having a main campus was mentioned. Many universities only have a single campus, so you may want to mention how many campuses there were in the methods and if the majority of students attended the main campus.

Table 4: Rather than saying “by Selected Demographic Characteristics” you may want to say something like student classification.

Line 220: The tables and figure seem to indicate that the question on being a first generation college student was a yes/no question and that data wasn’t collected to determine if a student was a second generation college student. Not all students who are not first generation college students are second generation – some may have grandparents, great grandparents, etc. who also attended college.

Lines 235-236: I’m not sure that saying there is an important difference between the groups is the best way to reference that there was a large difference in the odds ratios. You may want to take out this sentence or reword to focus more on there being a difference in size of odds rations.


Line 387: The way this is worded sounds like 7% of those who lived with their parents. Is this trying to say that 7% of students in the sample lived with their parents?

Lines 475-476: You may want to briefly explain what work study is.

Lines 480-515: There are many reasons why the prevalence of food insecurity was lower in this study than some others. You may want to mention some potential other reasons as well. This is a great example of a program the university is offering, but will a program reaching up to 115 students from a university of over 35,000 students likely be having a major impact on the prevalence of food insecurity on the campus?

Line 559: For future studies, you may want to keep in mind that there is both a 12-month and 30-day recall period for the 10-item US Household Food Security Survey Module.


Another limitation to mention is external generalizability as this study included students from a single university


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No


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PLoS One. 2024 Mar 6;19(3):e0298041. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0298041.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

12 Nov 2023

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• RESPONSE: Thank you for providing these guidelines. The manuscript has been reformatted so that it complies with PLOS ONE’s style requirements.

2. Please provide additional details regarding participant consent. In the ethics statement in the Methods and online submission information, please ensure that you have specified what type you obtained (for instance, written or verbal, and if verbal, how it was documented and witnessed). If your study included minors, state whether you obtained consent from parents or guardians. If the need for consent was waived by the ethics committee, please include this information.

• RESPONSE: As indicated in the methods section, the survey targeted undergraduate and graduate students who were enrolled either as part- or full-time students and aged over 18. Students who did not meet these criteria were excluded. We now explain that consent was obtained at the start of the online survey once the participant had read the consent script and had selected “yes” to a question asking whether they agreed to participate in the study.

3. Please note that PLOS ONE has specific guidelines on code sharing for submissions in which author-generated code underpins the findings in the manuscript. In these cases, all author-generated code must be made available without restrictions upon publication of the work. Please review our guidelines at and ensure that your code is shared in a way that follows best practice and facilitates reproducibility and reuse.

• RESPONSE: We have included our R code along with the research protocol, survey instrument, and cleaned data set on our OSF site. This link will be made public if the paper is accepted:

4. Thank you for stating the following in the Funding Section of your manuscript:

“The initial research that made this study possible was supported by funding from the Virginia Tech Center for International Research, Education, and Development (CIRED), the office of Outreach and International Affairs (OIA), and the College of Science.”

We note that you have provided funding information that is not currently declared in your Funding Statement. However, funding information should not appear in the Acknowledgments section or other areas of your manuscript. We will only publish funding information present in the Funding Statement section of the online submission form.

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“The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.”

Please include your amended statements within your cover letter; we will change the online submission form on your behalf.

• RESPONSE: We have removed the funding statement from the manuscript as requested and will revise the Funding Statement as follows: “The initial research that made this study possible was supported by funding from the Virginia Tech Center for International Research, Education, and Development (CIRED), the office of Outreach and International Affairs (OIA), and the College of Science. These entities had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.”

5. We note that you have stated that you will provide repository information for your data at acceptance. Should your manuscript be accepted for publication, we will hold it until you provide the relevant accession numbers or DOIs necessary to access your data. If you wish to make changes to your Data Availability statement, please describe these changes in your cover letter and we will update your Data Availability statement to reflect the information you provide.

• RESPONSE: If the manuscript is accepted for publication, all of the data used in the analysis will be publicly accessible via our OSF site: We can provide the DOI for the data set as soon as the OSF site is made public.

6. Please include captions for your Supporting Information files at the end of your manuscript, and update any in-text citations to match accordingly. Please see our Supporting Information guidelines for more information:

• RESPONSE: The Appendix has been renamed “S1 Table.” All in-text citations have been changed to “S1 Table,” and the following caption has been added at the end of the paper: “S1 Table: Food Security by Selected Indicators. This table presents the USDA food security metric (i.e., high versus low food security) for each of the main variables included in the study.”

Additional Editor Comments:

The authors are commended for their attempt to add to the extant literature on the topic of food accessibility in institutions of higher education. The utilization of a mixed methods approach to capture both quantitative and qualitative data on the topic is laudable. However, as pointed out in the review, there are several areas in need of revision.

In the Introduction the inclusion of supporting references is needed. For instance, on lines 39 – 44 the authors fail to provide empirical support for statements regarding evidence of the role of food insecurity on student performance and quality of life.

• RESPONSE: We have added the needed citations to the statements being made in this paragraph.

On line 49 it is unclear as to what “rite of passage’ refers to. As Reviewer 1 queries “Is this referring to experiencing challenges accessing food as a “rite of passage.” This statement is vague and should be clarified.

• RESPONSE: We have added “lack of access” to the statement about “safe, affordable, nutritious, and culturally relevant foods” to clarify what “rite of passage” is referring to. Experiencing a lack of access to food is considered by some to be a part of the university experience. Our research team encountered this belief when sharing the results from this study at our institution, with some arguing that their poor access to food was a part of their personal development as an undergraduate/graduate student. We decided to include the “rite of passage” statement to challenge the notion that food insecurity is a ‘normal’ part of the college experience.

The authors should also check lines 55 – 56 (i.e., “There are is..”) and line 67 (i.e., Recent research explores…) for grammatical errors.

• RESPONSE: Thank you for catching these errors. They have been corrected.

More information is needed on the 10-item USDA Household Food Security Instrument. This is the instrument used to assess food security and more details are needed on how the measure is used and how it has been validated if not on a college student population as mentioned. This measure assesses the primary construct of interest and should be fully described.

• RESPONSE: We have provided additional information about the 10-item USDA instrument, which includes references that discuss its evolution and use since its creation in 1995. We also cite the 2006 National Research Council (NRC) study, which is considered one of the most rigorous studies of the USDA instrument. Many of the recommendations in the NCR study were subsequently incorporated into the instrument by the USDA. The instrument is widely used in various national surveys, including the Current Population Survey (CPS) and is considered to be a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the food security of a population.

In the Methods section on line 132 it states that “The word household was removed from the module” however, in Table 1 the word “household” is included. Please clarify. It is also unclear if Question 1 in the table is a screener question. It appears to be a screener question and if so, this should be stated.

• RESPONSE: Thank you for catching this. We have revised Table 1 so that it now matches the survey text. We also added the word “Screener” to the first row of the table to indicate this text was the screener question. While the word household was removed from the screener question, it was retained, with qualifications, in the instrument. These qualifications were added to try and remove any uncertainty about what was meant by the term household. We have added additional text to the methods section to clarify the adjustments that were made.

A description of all measures assessed should be included in this section. For example, demographic questions pertaining to race/ethnicity and income are not included. There is also no mention of a measure or items that assess mental health.

• RESPONSE: In the Methods sections we have added a description of the additional measures included in the survey and have cited the instruments/surveys that informed the mental health and housing questions.

On line 167 the qualitative method used to analyze open-ended responses is provided. More information on this method and a reference is needed. What prompts or questions were provided to participants? Was inter-rater reliability assessed? Was qualitative software used to identify themes? On line 165 it is mentioned that “coding was conducted using Word”, this is vague.

• RESPONSE: We have added additional detail on the qualitative analysis approach that we used. Following the method of Thomas and Harden (2008), we opted to engage in a group discussion of overlaps and divergences of qualitative codes rather than merely assessing the extent of consensus.

• Thomas, J., Harden, A. Methods for the thematic synthesis of qualitative research in systematic reviews. BMC Med Res Methodol 8, 45 (2008).

The Results section could be strengthened if more details about the sample and measures are provided. Without more details (e.g., race/ethnicity) it is difficult to interpret the findings. What percentage of the sample is Black or African American? Has sample size been adjusted for small n’s?

• RESPONSE: We have revised the S1 Table so that it now includes additional variables on race/ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, and COVID-19. As mentioned in the methods section, a permutation chi square test was conducted when the sample size in any individual group was smaller than or equal to 5.

The figures are blurred and difficult to see. Be sure to follow submission guidelines for submitting figures and graphs.

• RESPONSE: We selected an appropriate R package to revise/recreate all of the figures in the manuscript. Since we needed to adjust how several variables were included in the analysis, a number of the findings have been revised. All of the figures have been processed using the PLOS ONE Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool.

The authors provide recommendations at the end of each result presented. It may be best to just present the findings in the Results section and in the Discussion section provide a summary of the findings with recommendations.

In the Discussion section, qualitative responses are included. It is more appropriate to present these findings in the Results section as this is a mixed-methods study. As cited earlier, more details are needed on the qualitative component of the study and themes that emerged.

• RESPONSE: We have revised the paper so that the qualitative results are now presented in the Results section and the recommendations are included in the Discussion section.

Other comments relate to other areas the authors should consider. As the reviewer suggests, provide potential explanations to why the prevalence of food insecurity was lower in this study than in others. Knowing more about the university and campus locations students were recruited from may assist with this.

• RESPONSE: We have undertaken additional analysis on a survey question related to COVID-19 that we believe helps enrich our interpretation of the findings. Please see Fig 9, the related data in S1 Table, and the revised text below that speaks to the lower level of food insecurity found in this study.

“The percentage of survey respondents found to have a low food security status (16%) is lower than what is typically found in studies at other comparable institutions of higher education (9,30,38). Following an initial survey of food access and security at the university (62), a food security taskforce was convened in 2020 that identified a series of barriers students face when accessing food and presented a range of recommendations and actions to address them (63). The most significant action taken was the creation of a free food service that could provide over 100 students a week with access to seasonal produce and other food items. This service began as a pilot program in 2020 and was formally launched in 2022 with additional donor support. In parallel with this, the university’s Dean of Students Office dedicated a portion of its emergency assistance fund to support students with food access needs via one-time grants of typically between $600-$800.

Since 2019, the university has also significantly enhanced its communication of these support services, which also includes information about off-campus resources such as a local food pantry that is available to all students. In addition to the university’s actions, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) provided three rounds of direct relief payments to eligible adults and qualifying children, two of which were released during the year prior to the survey.

While it is not possible to make a direct causal connection between the higher level of food security and the actions taken by the university or funding that may have been received via the CARES Act, written feedback from participants indicates that a number of students benefitted significantly from the university support they received. The higher level of food security could also be related to a self-selection bias due to COVID stressors. For example, students experiencing a decline in mental and physical health may not have had the capacity to complete the survey.”

How many of these students live on campus versus off campus? How many live with their family or a roommate as this too may aid in data interpretation.

• RESPONSE: The S1 Table provides data on where students are living and how this corresponds with food security. 394 students lived on campus, 142 were living off-campus with their parents/guardians, 304 were living off-campus with their spouse/partner/dependents, and 1,271 were living off-campus by themselves or with roommates. Students living off campus with roommates were found to be 1.53 times more likely to have a low food security status when compared with students living on campus (see Fig 6).

Additionally, there seems to be vacillation between the term “low food security” and “food insecurity”. Are the authors suggesting a difference between the two terms? Are they the same? If so, it may be easier and more efficient to use one or the other. An operational definition of food insecurity might help.

• RESPONSE: In an effort to minimize any confusion in our use of terms, we have removed reference to high/marginal and low/very low in the Results, Discussion and Recommendations, and Conclusion sections of manuscript, and now only use high and low food security. We have also made changes where possible to ensure food insecurity is used appropriately.

Given that the study was conducted in April 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic, this should also be considered as a potential factor influencing findings. In addition to participant recall, this too may be a potential confound and limitation.

• RESPONSE: Please see the previous response that discusses the new analysis we have undertaken on a COVID-19-related question.

Overall, the topic is very interesting and has the potential to address factors associated with food insecurity on a college campus. As written, the paper is not accepted for publication but with significant revisions will be reconsidered.

• RESPONSE: We have completely revised the manuscript in response to the feedback provided.

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Reviewer #1: Introduction

Lines 39-44: Add references

• RESPONSE: We have added the needed citations to the statements being made in this paragraph.

Lines 48-50: The wording of this sentence is a little unclear. It sounds like it’s saying that access to food is considered a “rite of passage.” Is this referring to experiencing challenges accessing food as a “rite of passage.”

• RESPONSE: We have edited this sentence to clarify the rite of passage statement. Please see the prior comment for additional information.

Lines 55-56: This is the first time the 10-item USDA Household Food Security Survey instrument is mentioned. It would be helpful to briefly mention what this is and that it’s a commonly used measure for assessing food security status in the US.

• RESPONSE: We have added additional information on the 10-item USDA instrument, including that it is a module in the annual US Current Population Survey (CPS). Please see the prior comment for additional information.

Lines 58-60: How does it allow for comparable results?

• RESPONSE: Since the majority of food security research at institutions of higher education are based on the USDA Household Food Security Survey instrument, using this instrument means that the research can be compared with these studies. We have revised the text to indicate that the 10-item USDA instrument has “been found to perform better than the 6-item version with regards to measuring food security among the college student population.”


Line 132: This says the word household was removed from the module, but the first question in table 1 uses household.

• RESPONSE: We have revised the text to indicate how the screener and subsequent questions of the 10-item USDA instrument were edited to ensure that students would be able to interpret the questions more clearly. Please see the prior comment for additional information.

Since “high” and “low” are two of four USDA categories, I suggest referring to the two groups as food secure and food insecure as commonly done in other studies. The results section is confusing because it’s unclear if you’re referring to just the low food security group or low/very low combined. There is also inconsistency in the results section as to how it’s being referred to.

The methods section only describes the questions used to assess food security status. Briefly describe the other questions on the survey. There doesn’t need to be as much detail as for food security but some mention of other information being collected would be helpful.

• RESPONSE: As mentioned above, in an effort to minimize any confusion in our use of terms, we have removed reference to high/marginal and low/very low in the manuscript, and now only use high and low food security. We have also made changes where possible to ensure food insecurity is used appropriately.

Lines 159-160: Was R used just for the odds ratios or also for the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests described in the next paragraph. If it was used for all, you may want to move that sentence to the beginning or end of the information on statistical analyses to help clarify.

• RESPONSE: R was used for the odds ratios and the chi-square tests. The sentence was moved to the beginning of the paragraph.

Lines 167-169: How many coders were there and were responses double-coded or coded by a single coder?

• RESPONSE: Additional clarification has been provided in the Methods section. There were three coders who conducted simultaneous coding of the qualitative responses. A group discussion of overlaps and divergences was then conducted following the method of Thomas and Harden (2008).


Lines 175 and 176: Be consistent in use of commas in numbers.

• RESPONSE: The manuscript has been edited to ensure we present numerical data in a consistent way.

Line 176: You may want to provide a little context about the university in the methods section as this is the first time having a main campus was mentioned. Many universities only have a single campus, so you may want to mention how many campuses there were in the methods and if the majority of students attended the main campus.

• RESPONSE: Table 3 provides descriptive data on sample and survey population. The majority (96.5%) of our students are based at the main campus in Blacksburg, and 93.5% of our respondents were based at this campus. We have added the following sentence to the methods sections that talks about our campuses: “The majority of the 2,116 respondents (94%) were enrolled at the university’s main campus in Blacksburg (Table 3). The university also has a presence in northern Virginia with several facilities located around the greater Washington, D.C., metro area, and has a small presence in Roanoke and Richmond, Virginia.”

Table 4: Rather than saying “by Selected Demographic Characteristics” you may want to say something like student classification.

• RESPONSE: We have revised the name of the table so that it better describes the data that is being presented. The new label for Table 3 is “Comparison of the Sample and Survey Population.”

Line 220: The tables and figure seem to indicate that the question on being a first generation college student was a yes/no question and that data wasn’t collected to determine if a student was a second generation college student. Not all students who are not first generation college students are second generation – some may have grandparents, great grandparents, etc. who also attended college.

• RESPONSE: This is a great point and is something that we will endeavor to be more precise about in future research. The survey only asked respondents if they were a first-generation student. This question was connected with the First-Generation Student Support office at our university, which reaches out and communicates with students who meet the following definition: “At [... name of institution], a student is identified as a first-generation college student if neither parent/guardian has earned a bachelor’s degree at a four-year college or university.” Thus, respondents should know if they are a first-generation student based on this definition and the services they can access. Our analysis compares students who consider themselves to be first-generation students, with those who do not consider themselves to be first-generation students.

Lines 235-236: I’m not sure that saying there is an important difference between the groups is the best way to reference that there was a large difference in the odds ratios. You may want to take out this sentence or reword to focus more on there being a difference in size of odds rations.

• RESPONSE: Agree. We have removed this statement.


Line 387: The way this is worded sounds like 7% of those who lived with their parents. Is this trying to say that 7% of students in the sample lived with their parents?

• RESPONSE: We have revised this text to make it clear that around 6% of the sample were living with their parents.

Lines 475-476: You may want to briefly explain what work study is.

• RESPONSE: Additional text has been provided to explain how the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program functions.

Lines 480-515: There are many reasons why the prevalence of food insecurity was lower in this study than some others. You may want to mention some potential other reasons as well. This is a great example of a program the university is offering, but will a program reaching up to 115 students from a university of over 35,000 students likely be having a major impact on the prevalence of food insecurity on the campus?

• RESPONSE: Please see the previous response that discusses the new analysis we have undertaken on a COVID-19-related question.

Line 559: For future studies, you may want to keep in mind that there is both a 12-month and 30-day recall period for the 10-item US Household Food Security Survey Module.


• RESPONSE: We have provided additional text in the introduction and methodology section about the 12-month and 30-day recall versions of the USDA 10-item Household Food Security Survey Module. This text indicates that the 30-day recall version is intended to study specific programs. We have added some additional text to the Limitations section which states that neither the 12-month or 30-day recall options may be ideal and that a revised instrument should be tested that does not refer to households and uses a recall period that aligns with the academic calendar.

Another limitation to mention is external generalizability as this study included students from a single university

• RESPONSE: We have added the following sentence to the Limitations section: “Finally, since this study focuses on a single university, care should be taken when trying to generalize the findings to other institutions of higher education.”

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.

• RESPONSE: All of the figures have now been configured using PACE.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

pone.0298041.s002.docx (241.4KB, docx)

Decision Letter 1

Jocelyn Octavia Turner-Musa

11 Dec 2023

PONE-D-23-05009R1Systematic investigation of inadequate food access at a large southeastern land grant universityPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Hall,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.


Once again, the authors are commended for addressing the topic of low food security among students in institutions of higher education. The revised manuscript addresses concerns raised in the previous review and is accepted with minor revisions. Most revisions are editorial. Recommended minor revisions are as follows: Introduction:  No recommendations provided. 

Methods: It is recommended that information about IRB compliance (i.e., The study was undertaken in compliance with the institutional research protocol IRB-21-122) be included after the description of the procedures (i.e., On or after Line 126).

Results: On line 221, use the term “Approximately” rather than “Around” and drop the word “both”.

• Line 227, delete “that were”.

• Lines 255 – 257. Was type of disability assessed? Did these students have a physical disability making it possibly more challenging to access food if appropriate resources were not available? This is an interesting finding as it confirms recent research on college students with disabilities and food insecurity (Stott GN, Taetzsch A, Morrell JS. College students with disabilities report higher rates of food insecurity. Disabil Health J. 2023 Oct;16(4):101485. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2023.101485. Epub 2023 Jun 1. PMID: 37353371.). Understanding factors associated with student disability status and food insecurity could be an avenue for future research.

• Line 313, add the word “to” (i.e., mean students have access to the food they need due to dietary restrictions.)

• Line 356, remove the word “some” (i.e., but 13% of students were still…)

• Line 357, use the term “Approximately” rather than “Around”.

Discussion and Recommendations: On line 452 it is unclear if the recommendations provided address the preceding section in which it is discussed that first-generation or transfer students, GPA, disability status, and being Black/African-American predicts greater odds of low food security. The recommendations as stated are general and do not specifically address recommendations for these groups. While it is understood that strategies informing “first-year and existing students of the resources available to them” is important, providing specific recommendations or at best mentioning these groups who are potentially at-risk for low food security is important and reinforces the findings.

Other comments: Line 593 – Limitations and Direction for Future Research should  precede the section on Conclusions. The Conclusions should be listed last.

Again, the topic is very interesting and has the potential to address factors associated with food insecurity on a college campus. The authors have addressed previous concerns and have provided the recommended revisions. As mentioned, the paper should be accepted for publication with minor revisions.


Please submit your revised manuscript by Jan 25 2024 11:59PM. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file.

Please include the following items when submitting your revised manuscript:

  • A rebuttal letter that responds to each point raised by the academic editor and reviewer(s). You should upload this letter as a separate file labeled 'Response to Reviewers'.

  • A marked-up copy of your manuscript that highlights changes made to the original version. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Revised Manuscript with Track Changes'.

  • An unmarked version of your revised paper without tracked changes. You should upload this as a separate file labeled 'Manuscript'.

If you would like to make changes to your financial disclosure, please include your updated statement in your cover letter. Guidelines for resubmitting your figure files are available below the reviewer comments at the end of this letter.

If applicable, we recommend that you deposit your laboratory protocols in to enhance the reproducibility of your results. assigns your protocol its own identifier (DOI) so that it can be cited independently in the future. For instructions see: Additionally, PLOS ONE offers an option for publishing peer-reviewed Lab Protocol articles, which describe protocols hosted on Read more information on sharing protocols at

We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Jocelyn Octavia Turner-Musa

Academic Editor


Journal Requirements:

Please review your reference list to ensure that it is complete and correct. If you have cited papers that have been retracted, please include the rationale for doing so in the manuscript text, or remove these references and replace them with relevant current references. Any changes to the reference list should be mentioned in the rebuttal letter that accompanies your revised manuscript. If you need to cite a retracted article, indicate the article’s retracted status in the References list and also include a citation and full reference for the retraction notice.

While revising your submission, please upload your figure files to the Preflight Analysis and Conversion Engine (PACE) digital diagnostic tool, PACE helps ensure that figures meet PLOS requirements. To use PACE, you must first register as a user. Registration is free. Then, login and navigate to the UPLOAD tab, where you will find detailed instructions on how to use the tool. If you encounter any issues or have any questions when using PACE, please email PLOS at Please note that Supporting Information files do not need this step.

PLoS One. 2024 Mar 6;19(3):e0298041. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0298041.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

21 Dec 2023

December 21, 2023

Response to Reviewers

Once again, the authors are commended for addressing the topic of low food security among students in institutions of higher education. The revised manuscript addresses concerns raised in the previous review and is accepted with minor revisions. Most revisions are editorial. Recommended minor revisions are as follows:

• RESPONSE: Thank you for reviewing the manuscript again. The updated manuscript addresses each of the comments below.

Introduction: No recommendations provided.

Methods: It is recommended that information about IRB compliance (i.e., The study was undertaken in compliance with the institutional research protocol IRB-21-122) be included after the description of the procedures (i.e., On or after Line 126).

• RESPONSE: We have added the following sentence to the paper: “The study was undertaken in compliance with the institutional research protocol IRB-21-122.” Further, the research protocol, survey instrument, R code, and cleaned data set have been uploaded to the OSF site. This link will be made public if the paper is accepted:

Results: On line 221, use the term “Approximately” rather than “Around” and drop the word “both”.

• RESPONSE: We have made this revision. The sentence now reads: “Approximately 16% of undergraduate and graduate students can be classified as having low food security (Table 4).”

• Line 227, delete “that were”.

• RESPONSE: We have made this revision. The sentence now reads: “The socio-demographic and economic characteristics linked to a higher likelihood of experiencing low food security included:”

• Lines 255 – 257. Was type of disability assessed? Did these students have a physical disability making it possibly more challenging to access food if appropriate resources were not available? This is an interesting finding as it confirms recent research on college students with disabilities and food insecurity (Stott GN, Taetzsch A, Morrell JS. College students with disabilities report higher rates of food insecurity. Disabil Health J. 2023 Oct;16(4):101485. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2023.101485. Epub 2023 Jun 1. PMID: 37353371.). Understanding factors associated with student disability status and food insecurity could be an avenue for future research.

• RESPONSE: Thank you for sharing the above article and raising this point. Unfortunately, we did not capture the type of disability a student might have in order to maintain student privacy. If we run the survey again in 2025, we will consider collecting this information to build on the work of Stott et al. (2023). We have revised the text in this section as follows: “Students who self-assessed that they had a disability were 2.8 times more likely to have a low food security status when compared with students without a disability (Fig 1). The type of disability was not requested in order to maintain student privacy.” We have also added some new text on the need for research that understands the factors associated with student disability status and food insecurity to the Limitations section (see below).

• Line 313, add the word “to” (i.e., mean students have access to the food they need due to dietary restrictions.)

• RESPONSE: We have made this revision. The sentence now reads: “Further, having a dining plan does not mean students have access to the food they need due to dietary restrictions.”

• Line 356, remove the word “some” (i.e., but 13% of students were still…)

• RESPONSE: We have made this revision. The sentence now reads: “This group had one of the highest levels of food security (87.2%), but 13% of students were still experiencing food access problems (see S1 Table).”

• Line 357, use the term “Approximately” rather than “Around”.

• RESPONSE: We have made this revision. The sentence now reads: “Approximately 12% of the students living on campus had a low level of food security, compared with 17% of students living off campus by themselves or with roommates.”

Discussion and Recommendations: On line 452 it is unclear if the recommendations provided address the preceding section in which it is discussed that first-generation or transfer students, GPA, disability status, and being Black/African-American predicts greater odds of low food security. The recommendations as stated are general and do not specifically address recommendations for these groups. While it is understood that strategies informing “first-year and existing students of the resources available to them” is important, providing specific recommendations or at best mentioning these groups who are potentially at-risk for low food security is important and reinforces the findings.

• RESPONSE: We have revised the text as follows to make sure the specific groups of impacted students are mentioned: “Developing strategies to inform first-year and existing students, especially those at higher risk of food insecurity (i.e., students with a disability, minority students, and low academically performing students), of the resources available to them throughout their studies is recommended. University administrations can work most effectively through student groups, associations, and initiatives that already reach students most at risk of experiencing food security to provide tailored information on available resources.”

Other comments: Line 593 – Limitations and Direction for Future Research should precede the section on Conclusions. The Conclusions should be listed last.

• RESPONSE: The Limitations section now proceeds the Conclusions. We have also added the following sentence that speaks to the need for more research on how students with disabilities could be better served: “While this research did not capture the type of disability a student might have in order to maintain student privacy, understanding the factors associated with student disability status and food insecurity is an important avenue for future research (64).”

Again, the topic is very interesting and has the potential to address factors associated with food insecurity on a college campus. The authors have addressed previous concerns and have provided the recommended revisions. As mentioned, the paper should be accepted for publication with minor revisions.

• RESPONSE: Thank you for taking the time to help us further improve the manuscript.


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers_Dec_2023.docx

pone.0298041.s003.docx (50.6KB, docx)

Decision Letter 2

Jocelyn Octavia Turner-Musa

17 Jan 2024

Systematic investigation of inadequate food access at a large southeastern land grant university


Dear Dr. Hall,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

An invoice for payment will follow shortly after the formal acceptance. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. If you have any billing related questions, please contact our Author Billing department directly at

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Jocelyn Octavia Turner-Musa

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Thanks for your resubmission. The article is accepted for publication and will contribute to empirical research on food insecurity on college campuses.

Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Jocelyn Octavia Turner-Musa

13 Feb 2024



Dear Dr. Hall,

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now being handed over to our production team.

At this stage, our production department will prepare your paper for publication. This includes ensuring the following:

* All references, tables, and figures are properly cited

* All relevant supporting information is included in the manuscript submission,

* There are no issues that prevent the paper from being properly typeset

If revisions are needed, the production department will contact you directly to resolve them. If no revisions are needed, you will receive an email when the publication date has been set. At this time, we do not offer pre-publication proofs to authors during production of the accepted work. Please keep in mind that we are working through a large volume of accepted articles, so please give us a few weeks to review your paper and let you know the next and final steps.

Lastly, if your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

If we can help with anything else, please email us at

Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Jocelyn Octavia Turner-Musa

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 Table. Food security by selected indicators.

    This table presents the USDA food security metric (i.e., high versus low food security) for each of the main variables included in the study.


    pone.0298041.s001.docx (48.1KB, docx)

    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

    pone.0298041.s002.docx (241.4KB, docx)

    Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers_Dec_2023.docx

    pone.0298041.s003.docx (50.6KB, docx)

    Data Availability Statement

    All relevant data are available from the OSF repository (

    Articles from PLOS ONE are provided here courtesy of PLOS