将81只Sprague Dawley大鼠(SPF级)随机分成空白对照组、模型组和阻滞剂组。其中阻滞剂组采用恒温恒压电热烫伤仪,在75 ℃条件下,将一个直径为2 cm的圆形烫伤头置于大鼠背部10 s,造成大鼠深II°烧伤,待烧伤皮肤自然愈合(21~23 d上皮化)后得到增生性瘢痕模型大鼠,在造模后第1、3、5、7和14天5个时间点用注射器从瘢痕周围正常皮肤进针,在瘢痕基底局部按2 mg/kg注射0.1 mL γ-分泌酶阻滞剂的稀释液。模型组在造模后同法注射等量生理盐水;空白对照组不造模,用同法注射等量生理盐水。每组分别在第21、28、35天3个时间点随机选取9只大鼠采用空气栓塞法处死。采用免疫组织化学法检测I型胶原蛋白(collagen type I,COL-I)、III型胶原蛋白(collagen type III,COL-III)的蛋白质表达;采用蛋白质印迹法检测血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)、血管生成素1(angiopoietin 1,Ang1)、转化生长因子-β1(transforming growth factor-β1,TGF-β1)、基质金属蛋白酶-2(matrix metalloproteinase-2,MMP-2)的蛋白质表达。
在Sprague Dawley大鼠增生性瘢痕模型中,抑制Notch信号通路可以减弱COL-I、COL-III的表达,减轻创面瘢痕增生,下调VEGF、Ang1、TGF-β1、MMP-2的表达,抑制血管新生。可见在增生性瘢痕的形成过程中,血管生成相关因子的表达出现上调;当抑制Notch信号通路后,上调的血管生成因子出现下降趋势,增生性瘢痕的情况也得到缓解。说明Notch信号通路可能通过调控血管生成因子的表达来影响增生性瘢痕的形成。
Keywords: 增生性瘢痕, Notch信号通路, 血管生成
Hypertrophic scar (HS) is the most common pathological scar in clinical practice. During its formation, angiogenesis-related factors show dynamic expression. Modern studies have found that Notch signaling pathway has an extremely important role in maintaining the construction and remodeling of vascular endothelial cells and vascular network. The correlation between Notch signaling pathway and angiogenesis in hypertrophic scar has been rarely reported. This study aims to investigate correlation between Notch signaling pathway and the expression of angiogenic factors in a proliferative scar model.
A total of 81 Sprague Dawley rats (SPF grade) were randomly assigned into a blank control group, a model group, and a blocker group. In the blocker group, a 2 cm diameter circular scald head was placed on the back of the rats for 10 s at 75 ℃ by using a constant temperature and pressure electrothermal scalding apparatus to form a rat deep II° burn model, and a hyperplastic scar model rat was obtained after natural healing of the wound skin (21 to 23 day epithelialization). A syringe was used to inject a needle from the normal skin around the scar at the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 14th days after modeling. The γ-secretase inhibitor was injected locally at 2 mg/kg in a dilution of 0.1 mL at the base of the scar. The rats in the model group was injected with the same amount of saline after modeling; the rats in the blank control group was injected with the same amount of saline. Nine rats in each group was randomly killed by air embolization at the 21st, 28th, and 35th days, respectively. The protein expressions of collagen type I (COL-I) and collagen type III (COL-III) were detected by immunohistochemistry. The protein expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), angiopoietin 1 (Ang1), transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) were detected by Western blotting.
Immunohistochemical results showed that, at the 21st,28th, and 35th days, the protein expressions of COL-I and COL-III in the model group were up-regulated compared with the blank control group (all P<0.05) and the protein expressions of COL-I and COL-III in the blocker group were decreased compared with the model group (all P<0.05). Western blotting showed that, at the 21st, 28th, and 35th days, the protein expressions of VEGF, Ang1, TGF-β1, and MMP-2 in the model group were significantly higher than those in the blank control group (all P<0.05). Except for the 21st day, the protein expressions of VEGF, Ang1, TGF-β1, and MMP-2 in the blocker group were lower than those in the model group at the 28th and 35th days (all P<0.05).
In the Sprague Dawley rat proliferative scar model, inhibition of Notch signaling pathway could attenuate the expressions of COL-I and COL-III, reduce traumatic scar proliferation, down-regulate the expressions of VEGF, Ang1, TGF-β1, and MMP-2, and inhibit angiogenesis. The expressions of angiogenesis-related factors appeare to be up-regulated during the formation of proliferative scar. When the Notch signaling pathway is inhibited, the up-regulated angiogenic factors show a decreasing trend and the proliferative scar is alleviated, which suggests that Notch signaling pathway may affect the formation of hyperplastic scar by regulating the expression of angiogenic factors.
Keywords: hypertrophic scar, Notch signaling pathway, angiogenesis
增生性瘢痕是一种真皮纤维增生性疾病,主要是由于烧伤后组织过度再生和细胞外基质过度沉积所导致,伴有疼痛与瘙痒等不适,同时伴有不同程度的外观损害和功能障碍,对患者的生活、工作质量及社会交往均造成影响。近年已经证实,不管是在皮肤创面愈合还是在瘢痕形成的过程中,血管生成相关因子均呈现出动态表达的趋势[1]。Notch信号通路在血管生成过程中具有维持血管内皮细胞及促进血管网的构建和重塑等功能。有较多研究[2-5]表明Notch信号通路在抗肿瘤、抗纤维化等方面与血管生成相关,但在增生性瘢痕中的研究鲜有报道。本实验以Sprague Dawley (SD)大鼠深II°烧伤增生性瘢痕模型为研究对象,采用免疫组织化学(以下简称免疫组化)法检测I型胶原蛋白(collagen type I,COL-I)、III型胶原蛋白(collagen type III,COL-III)的蛋白质表达,采用蛋白质印迹法检测血管生成相关因子血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)、血管生成素(angiopoietin,Ang)1、转化生长因子-β1(transforming growth factor-β1,TGF-β1)及基质金属蛋白酶-2(matrix metalloproteinase-2,MMP-2)的蛋白质表达,旨在探讨增生性瘢痕中Notch信号通路与血管生成因子表达的相关性。
1. 材料与方法
1.1. 动物与试剂
选取体重为180~220 g的无特定病原体(special pathogen free,SPF)级SD大鼠,雌雄不限,由湖南中医药大学SPF级动物实验室提供[环境许可证号:SYXK(湘)2013-0005]。3,5-二氟苯乙酰-L-丙氨酰-S-苯基甘氨酸t-丁酯{N-[N-(3,5-dil uorophenacetyl)-L-alanyl]-S-phenylglycine t-butyl ester,DAPT}是一种γ-分泌酶阻滞剂(gamma-secretase inhibitor,GSI),购自美国 Selleck公司;二甲基亚砜(DMSO)购自美国 Sigma公司;鼠抗多克隆Ⅰ、Ⅲ型胶原抗体,小鼠抗VEGF单克隆抗体,山羊抗Ang1多克隆抗体,小鼠抗TGF-β1单克隆抗体,小鼠抗MMP-2单克隆抗体及DAB显色试剂盒均购于北京中杉金桥生物技术有限公司;β-actin多克隆抗体购于北京博奥森生物技术有限公司;ECL化学发光检测试剂盒购于美国博士德生物工程有限公司;全蛋白质抽提试剂盒购于北京金匙医疗科技有限公司;BCA蛋白定量试剂盒购于北京索来宝科技有限公司。
1.2. 仪器
Motic BA410研究型显微镜(型号:BA410)和数码医学图像分析系统(型号:Motic Medical 6.0)为加拿大麦克奥迪公司产品。
1.3. 动物模型的建立
首先用备皮刀将大鼠背部皮肤剃毛,再用8% Na2S溶液脱毛,然后用清水冲洗干净,肉眼观察无局部损伤。画出待烧面积(待烧面积:根据体重计算出大鼠的总表面积乘以待烧面积的百分比);采用3%戊巴比妥钠(用量为30 mg/kg)麻醉大鼠;大鼠体位为俯卧位,将四肢用4号丝线分别固定于手术台两侧。采用恒温恒压电热烫伤仪,在75 ℃条件下,将一个直径为2 cm的圆形烫伤头置于大鼠背部10 s,造成大鼠深II°烧伤。待烧伤皮肤自然愈合(21~23 d上皮化)后行病理检查以证实SD大鼠深II°烧伤增生性瘢痕模型成功建立。本研究已获得湖南中医药大学第一附属医院医学伦理委员会批准(审批号:HN-LL-GZR-202001)。
1.4. 分组及干预方法
按照随机分组方法,将81只SD大鼠分成空白对照组、模型组、阻滞剂组,每组27只。空白对照组不进行造模,分别在第1、3、5、7和14天5个时间点用注射器从相同部位正常皮肤进针,局部注射 0.1 mL的等量生理盐水。模型组在造模后,分别在第1、3、5、7和14天5个时间点用注射器从瘢痕周围正常皮肤进针,并在瘢痕基底局部注射0.1 mL的等量生理盐水。阻滞剂组在造模后,分别在第1、3、5、7和14天5个时间点用注射器从瘢痕周围正常皮肤进针,并在瘢痕基底局部注射含有2 mg/kg DAPT的0.1 mL等量稀释液。每组分别在第21、28、35天3个时间点随机选取9只大鼠采用空气栓塞法处死。
1.5. 指标检测
1.5.1. 免疫组织化学法检测COL-I和COL-III的蛋白质表达
取增生性瘢痕组织切片采用常规方法脱蜡至水;用3% H2O2在室温下孵育10 min以灭活内源性过氧化物酶。添加一抗(1꞉100)于室温下孵育1~2 h;加入正常山羊血清封闭液封闭约20 min。丢弃剩余液体,滴加一抗,于4 ℃下过夜。加入生物标记二抗,于室温下孵育20~30 min;用显色剂(DAB溶液)显色5~ 10 min。当出现明显棕黄色时,停止反应;用自来水反复洗涤约10 min;以苏木精复染、梯度乙醇脱水、透明、封固;在生物显微镜下观察与摄取图像。同时设置PBS代替一抗作为阴性对照。每张切片在光学显微镜下观察,共取4个视野。利用Motic 6.0医学图像分析软件对每个视野阳性细胞的积分光密度值(integrated optical density,IOD)和目标分布区域面积进行测量与分析,平均光密度(average optical density,AOD)=IOD/面积。AOD值越高说明蛋白质表达量越高。
1.5.2. 蛋白质印迹法检测VEGF、Ang1、TGF-β1及MMP-2的蛋白质表达
将瘢痕组织用干净的剪刀尽量剪碎,经匀浆、离心后提取上清液,采用BCA蛋白定量试剂盒测定蛋白质浓度。按照说明书要求配置浓缩胶及分离胶,进行蛋白质电泳后采用半干转印法将蛋白质转至PVDF膜上,用5%脱脂奶粉封闭,加一抗(1꞉500)于4 ℃下孵育,加二抗(1꞉1 000)于室温下孵育,用TBST漂洗后显影并曝光。用EPSON扫描仪扫描胶片,将图像输入计算机,并用Image J 软件检测与分析目标条带的蛋白质灰度值,同时设置β-actin为内参照。
1.6. 统计学处理
利用SPSS 20.0统计学软件进行数据分析。对计量资料采用均数±标准差( ±s)描述,符合正态分布和方差齐性的数据采用完全随机设计的多样本单因素方差分析。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2. 结 果
2.1. 各组不同时间点增生性瘢痕组织COL-I和COL-III的蛋白质表达比较
Table 1 Comparison of COL-I and COL-III protein expression in each group at different time points (n=9)
Group | COL-I | COL-III | ||||
Day 21 | Day 28 | Day 35 | Day 21 | Day 28 | Day 35 | |
Blank control | 0.590±0.042 | 0.592±0.045 | 0.591±0.030 | 0.799±0.051 | 0.804±0.057 | 0.803±0.044 |
Model | 0.740±0.059* | 0.742±0.069* | 0.747±0.063* | 1.908±0.214* | 1.918±0.158* | 1.965±0.225* |
Blocker | 0.717±0.068† | 0.705±0.054† | 0.685±0.058† | 1.019±0.126† | 0.995±0.120† | 0.939±0.066† |
*P<0.05 vs the blank control group; †P<0.05 vs the model group.
Figure 1 Expression of COL-I at different time points in each group
A: Blank control group; B: Model group; C: Blocker group.
Figure 2 Expression of COL-III at different time points in each group
A: Blank control group; B: Model group; C: Blocker group.
2.2. 各组不同时间点增生性瘢痕组织VEGF、Ang1、TGF-β1及MMP-2的蛋白质表达
Figure 3 Protein relative expression levels of VEGF (A), Ang1 (B), TGF-β1 (C), and MMP-2 (D) at different time points in each group
*P<0.05 vs the blank control group; †P<0.05 vs the model group.
Figure 4 Protein expression of VEGF, Ang1, TGF-β1, and MMP-2 at different time points in each group detected by Western blotting
3. 讨 论
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (81473680), the Project of Hunan Provincial Health Commission (20200667), the Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department (19C1428), and Hunan Provincial “Double First-class” Discipline Construction Project of Colleges and Universities (2018-469), China.
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