In the above-named article by Shaw RPH, Kolyvas P, Dang N, Hyon A, Bailey K, and Anakk S (Endocrinology, 2022, 163(6); doi: 10.1210/endocr/bqac052), there are errors in Figures 2 and 3, and the URL in reference 30 is incorrect.
The authors have provided replacements for Figures 2 and 3. The absolute values in replacement Figures 2 and 3 are altered as bile acid concentrations isolated from the tissues (liver and Ileum) should have been normalized to the initial tissue weights. However, the pie charts and composition ratios are comparable to the original published version, and the conclusions of the article remain unaltered.
In Figure 2A, for “FF Shp Chow”, the total absolute value should be 507.37 (μM/g) instead of 52.8463 microM; for “LShpKo Chow”, the total absolute value should be 373.47 (μM/g) instead of 39.386 microM; for “ff Shp 1% CA”, the total absolute value should be 1401.51 (μM/g) instead of 144.008 microM; for “LShpKO 1% CA”, the total absolute value should be 1628.44 (μM/g) instead of 171.198 microM.
In Figure 2B, for “FF Shp Chow”, the total absolute value should be 6557.87 (μM/g) instead of 562.624 microM; for “LShpKO Chow”, the total absolute value should be 11101.33 (μM/g) instead of 662.008 microM; for “ff Shp 1% CA”, the total absolute value should be 12918.41 (μM/g) instead of 994.61 microM; for “LShpKO 1% CA”, the total absolute value should be 18931.76 (μM/g) instead of 1375.58 microM.
In addition, Figure 2D is rescinded since the authors cannot combine values of different units (μM versus μM/g), and hence any reference to Figure 2D in the published article is rescinded.
In Figure 3B, for “ffShp”, the total absolute value should be 502.18 (μM/g) instead of 52.999 microM; for “LShpKO”, the total absolute value should be 362.44 (μM/g) instead of 38.2267 microM; for “ffShp+CA”, the total absolute value should be 1047.74 (μM/g) instead of 107.46 microM; for “LShpKO+CA” row, the total absolute value should be 1418.96 (μM/g) instead of 148.762 microM.
In Figure 3C, for “ffShp”, the total absolute value should be 5766.20 (μM/g) instead of 494.862 microM; for “LShpKO”, the total absolute value should be 6400.54 (μM/g instead of 399.358 microM; for “ffShp+CA”, the total absolute value should be 8738.51 (μM/g) instead of 669.218 microM; for “LShpKO+CA”, the total absolute value should be 12509.10 (μM/g) instead of 883.791 microM.
Corrected Figure 2:
Corrected Figure 3:
The URL for supplemental data in reference 30 was given as
The correct URL is
The corrected reference 30 is:
Shaw, Ryan; Kolyvas, Peter; Dang, Nathanlown; Hyon, Angela; Anakk, Sayeepriyadarshini; Bailey, Keith (2024), “Loss Of Hepatic Small Heterodimer Partner Elevates Ileal Bile Acids And Alters Cell Cycle Related Genes In Male Mice.”, Mendeley Data, V5, doi: 10.17632/zb6mmp3zm3.5. Link: