a) Closeup views of the cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) density (blue) at the Na1 and Na2 sites of the antiparallel
HiSiaQM dimer. Density is present for both Na
+ ions (green spheres). Na
+-binding residues are shown as sticks and Na
+ coordination as black dashes. The density map was automatically sharpened using Phenix (
Terwilliger et al., 2018) and the radii of the Na
+ ions have been reduced to show the density more clearly. (
b) A comparison of the Na
+-binding sites of
HiSiaQM from the 2.9 Å structure (green) and the 4.7 Å structure (purple). The Na
+ ions of the 2.9 Å structure are shown as green spheres and are well positioned to coordinate the identified binding residues in the ‘clamshell’ loops. The positions of these loops are different between the two structures. (
c) A comparison of the putative Neu5Ac-binding sites of
HiSiaQM from the 2.9 Å structure (green) and the 4.7 Å structure (purple). The higher resolution structure shows that a defined binding pocket exists at the centre of the transport domain.