A) Bisulfite sequencing shows that DNA methylation on the mSTARR-seq plasmid is maintained until the end of the experiment (i.e. 48 hr after transfection), with significantly higher methylation levels in the replicates from the methyltransferase reaction relative to the replicates from the sham methyltransferase reaction (mean methylated = 0.885 [n=17], mean unmethylated = 0.066 [n=15]; unpaired t-test: t=–14.66, df=15.124, p=2.39 x 10
–10). Each dot represents an experimental replicate. Red dots indicate post-transfection DNA samples; the single blue dot per condition indicates pre-transfection DNA methylation levels. Methylation estimates are based on the CpG at the position 2294, which is located in the plasmid region used for Gibson assembly. We assessed methylation of this CpG, rather than across CpGs genome-wide, because the genomic coverage of our bisulfite sequencing data across replicates was too variable to perform reliable site-by-site analysis of DNA methylation levels before and after the 48 hr experiment. One sample from the dex sham reaction,
L31395, shows an unexpectedly high level of methylation, which appears to be due to an error during generation of the bisulfite sequencing library (e.g. mislabeled tube or poor bisulfite conversion), and not the experimental replicate of cells itself, as the mSTARR-seq RNA library (
L31244) from the same replicate clusters with the unmethylated sham replicates as expected (panel B). (
B) The first two principal components summarizing overall counts of mSTARR-seq reads for the dex-treated RNA samples (i.e. the raw readout of overall regulatory activity). Each dot represents an experimental replicate, with red and black indicating sham and methylated replicates, respectively. Overall regulatory activity of sample
L31244 (indicated by arrow) clusters with the sham replicates as expected, suggesting that this replicate was indeed transfected with sham-treated mSTARR-seq DNA.