Key resources table.
Reagent type (species) or resource | Designation | Source or reference | Identifiers | Additional information |
Strain, strain background (Mus musculus) | C57BL/6 J | Jackson Labs | Jax:000664 | |
Cell line (Homo sapiens) | HeLa | ATCC | #CCL2 | |
Cell line (Homo sapiens) | HEK 293T | ATCC | #CRL-3216 | |
Cell line (Homo sapiens) | T-REx-HeLa | Invitrogen | #R71407 | |
Cell line (Homo sapiens) | HeLa CTRL CRISPR | This paper | Materials and methods: Cell culture |
Cell line (Homo sapiens) | HeLa MYCBP2 CRISPR | This paper | Materials and methods: Cell culture |
Antibody | Anti-MYCBP2 (Rabbit polyclonal) | Abcam | RRID:AB_1925230 | WB:(1:2000) |
Antibody | Anti-pERK1/2 (Rabbit polyclonal) | Cell Signaling Technology | RRID:AB_331646 | WB:(1:1000) |
Antibody | Anti-ERK1/2 (Rabbit polyclonal) | Cell Signaling Technology | RRID:AB_330744 | WB:(1:1000) |
Antibody | Anti-EPHB2 (Goat polyclonal) | R&D Systems | RRID:AB_355375 | WB:(1:1000) |
Antibody | Anti-β-Actin (Mouse monoclonal) | Sigma-Aldrich | RRID:AB_476744 | WB:(1:4000) |
Antibody | Anti-pTyr (Mouse monoclonal) | Santa Cruz Biotechnology | RRID:AB_628122 | WB:(1:400) |
Antibody | Anti-GAPDH (Mouse monoclonal) | Santa Cruz Biotechnology | RRID:AB_627678 | WB:(1:1000) |
Antibody | Anti-FLAG (Mouse monoclonal) | Sigma-Aldrich | RRID:AB_439702 | WB:(1:2000) |
Antibody | Anti-HA (Mouse monoclonal) | Cell Signaling Technology | RRID:AB_1549585 | WB:(1:1000) |
Antibody | Anti-MYC (Mouse monoclonal) | Santa Cruz Biotechnology | RRID:AB_627268 | WB:(1:400) |
Antibody | anti-GFP (Rabbit polyclonal) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | RRID:AB_221569 | WB:(1:1000) |
Antibody | Donkey anti- Goat HRP | Jackson ImmunoResearch | #705-035-003 | WB:(1:5000) |
Antibody | Donkey anti-Mouse HRP | Jackson ImmunoResearch | #715-035-151 | WB:(1:5000) |
Antibody | Donkey anti-Rabbit HRP | Jackson ImmunoResearch | #711-035-152 | WB:(1:5000) |
Antibody | Goat anti-Fc IgG | Sigma-Aldrich | #I2136 | for conjugation |
Peptide, recombinant protein | Fc | Millipore | #401104 | |
Peptide, recombinant protein | ephrinB1-Fc | R&D Systems | #473-EB | |
Peptide, recombinant protein | ephrinB2-Fc | R&D Systems | #496-EB | |
Chemical compound, drug | Penicillin/Streptomycin | Wisent Bioproducts | #450–200-EL | for cell line culture |
Chemical compound, drug | Penicillin/Streptomycin | Hyclone | #SV30010 | for neuron culture |
Chemical compound, drug | MG132 | Sigma-Aldrich | #474790 | 50 µM |
Chemical compound, drug | BafilomycinA1 | Sigma-Aldrich | #B1793 | 0.2 µM |
Chemical compound, drug | Chloroquine | Tocris | #4109 | 50 µM |
Other | Neurobasal | Thermo Fisher Scientific | #21103049 | Materials and methods: Dissociated mouse hippocampal neuron culture and electroporation |
Other | B-27 | Thermo Fisher Scientific | #17504044 | |
Other | HBSS | Gibco | #14185052 | |
Other | HEPES | Gibco | #15630080 | |
Other | SM1 supplement | Stemcell | #05711 | |
Other | GlutaMAX-I | Gibco | #35050 | |
Other | Protease inhibitor | Roche | #11836153001 | Materials and methods: Cell lysis, co-immunoprecipitation and western blotting |
Other | Phosphatase inhibitor | Roche | #04906837001 | |
Other | Anti-FLAG agarose beads | Sigma-Aldrich | #A2220 | |
Other | PVDF membrane | Millipore | #IPVH00010 |