Figure 5. Col11a1P1335L regulation of Mmp3 expression in lentiviral transduced mouse GPCs.
(A) Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) of human COL11A1 and endogenous mouse Mmp3 in SV40-immortalized mouse costal chondrocytes transduced with the lentiviral vector only (lanes 1,2), human wild-type (WT) COL11A1 (lane 3), or COL11A1P1335L. Values represent the ratio of each gene expression to that of GAPDH, and values are mean ± standard deviation. Significant quantitative changes (p≤0.05) relative to vector-only transfected cells as measured by unpaired t-tests are shown by *. Results shown for N=4 biologic replicates, each including three technical replicates. (B) Western blot corresponding to experiments shown in (A) using HA antibody to detect epitope-tagged human collagen a1(XI), COL11A1 antibody to detect mouse and human collagen a1(XI), MMP3 antibody to detect endogenous mouse MMP3, and GAPDH. Values are mean after normalization to GAPDH, ± standard deviation. Significant differences (p≤0.05) relative to vector-only, Ad5-negative transfected cells as measured by unpaired t-tests are shown by *.