This review aims to assess the prevalence of malaria in pregnancy during antenatal visits and delivery, species-specific burden together with regional variation in the burden of disease. It also aims to estimate the proportions of adverse pregnancy outcomes in malaria-positive women. Based on the PRISMA guidelines, a thorough and systematic search was conducted in July 2023 across two electronic databases (including PubMed and CENTRAL). Forest plots were constructed for each outcome of interest highlighting the effect measure, confidence interval, sample size, and its associated weightage. All the statistical meta-analysis were conducted using R-Studio version 2022.07. Sensitivity analyses, publication bias assessment, and meta-regression analyses were also performed to ensure robustness of the review. According to the pooled estimates of 253 studies, the overall prevalence of malaria was 18.95% (95% CI: 16.95–21.11), during antenatal visits was 20.09% (95% CI: 17.43–23.06), and at delivery was 17.32% (95% CI: 14.47–20.61). The highest proportion of malarial infection was observed in Africa approximating 21.50% (95% CI: 18.52–24.81) during ANC and 20.41% (95% CI: 17.04–24.24) at the time of delivery. Our analysis also revealed that the odds of having anaemia were 2.40 times (95% CI: 1.87–3.06), having low birthweight were 1.99 times (95% CI: 1.60–2.48), having preterm birth were 1.65 times (95% CI: 1.29–2.10), and having stillbirths were 1.40 times (95% CI: 1.15–1.71) in pregnant women with malaria.
Keywords: epidemiology, malaria, meta-analysis, prevalence
Malaria during pregnancy is a significant source of concern in public health because of the negative repercussions it can have, not only on the mother but also on the developing foetus [1]. According to the World Malaria Report by World Health Organization (WHO), there were 241 million cases of malaria in the year 2020 in 85 malaria endemic countries, an increase from the 227 million cases in 2019 [2]). Concurrently, around 33.8 million pregnancies occurred during the same duration, with 34 percent of women accounting to 11.6 million being exposed to malaria infection during pregnancy [2]).
According to literature, there are two types of malaria that can occur during pregnancy: placental malaria (PM) and gestational malaria (GM), both of which are diagnosed by demonstrating the presence of Plasmodium spp. in the placenta or the mother’s peripheral blood using a thick blood smear (TBS), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), or rapid diagnostic tests [3]. Simple, quick, and more convenient, rapid diagnostic techniques have great potential in malaria detection. They may be of great utility as helpful instruments in the global delivery of health services by improving overall diagnosis of malaria infections. However, the testing procedure must be improved further to overcome the shortcomings of the present implementation. In spite of its drawbacks, such as time and expense, PCR remains the gold standard for identification of malaria parasites [4].
Several unfavourable effects have been reported to occur after parasite sequestration, including maternal anaemia, foetal growth restriction, abortion or stillbirth, premature delivery, and low birthweight (LBW) [5]. Malaria contributes to up to 26% of cases of severe anaemia during pregnancy in endemic regions, and it is responsible for between 0.5 and 23% of all maternal fatalities caused by malaria [6]. In sub-Saharan Africa, malaria during pregnancy is responsible for up to 20% of LBW, or 35% of all avoidable LBW [7, 8]. Successful malaria preventive measures during pregnancy have been shown to reduce perinatal death by 27% [7].
In malaria-endemic regions, pregnancy and the disease have been shown to worsen each other, especially for first-time mothers and individuals who were previously resistant to malaria. Though it has been previously reported that multigravida bear the heaviest burden of malaria in pregnancy both in terms of prevalence and outcome, it is now widely acknowledged that women with greater gravidities, even in areas of low transmission, are also susceptible [7].
About 125 million pregnant women worldwide are at risk of contracting malaria caused by either Plasmodium falciparum or Plasmodium vivax each year [9]. While Plasmodium falciparum malaria is responsible for most of the malaria-related morbidity, Plasmodium vivax may also play a crucial role in certain regions of South America and Southeast Asia [10]. A systematic review of sub-Saharan Africa concluded that the prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum was (22.1%, 95% CI: 17.1–27.2 %), followed by Plasmodium vivax 3% (95%CI: 0–5%), Plasmodium malariae 0.8% (95%CI: 0.3–0.13%), and Plasmodium ovale 0.2% (95%CI: −0.01–0.5) [11]. Similarly, another meta-analysis has shown a significant incidence of malaria in pregnancy in Colombia, which emphasizes the urgent need for researchers, research funding organizations, government agencies, and health authorities to pay more attention to its research and intervention [12].
Based on the significant burden of malaria on the pregnancy outcomes and the health of pregnant women, marked variation in the available evidence is recorded due to diagnostic technique variability, heterogeneity in the enormity of disease, low sample size in some studies, lack of solid meta-analysis of relevant literature, and a substantial lack of understanding on the prevalence of malaria associated in pregnancy, which highlights the significance of a systematic review to quantify the prevalence of disease and understand the underpinnings pertaining to the causality and the burden of outcomes associated. Thus, the current review aims to assess the overall prevalence of malaria in pregnancy along with time-specific burden, that is, during antenatal visits and during delivery and to deduce the specie-specific and regional prevalence of infection. Secondarily, the review also aims to estimate the proportions of adverse pregnancy outcomes and its association with the presence of malarial infection.
Study design
Using the guidelines provided by ‘Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA)’, a systematic review was conducted. Comprising of a 27-component checklist, the PRISMA guidelines aids in producing a transparent and coherent review which can be easily understood and interpretated globally [13].
Data source and searches
To find relevant articles, a thorough and systematic search was conducted on 31 July 2023 across two electronic databases (including PubMed and CENTRAL) using precise and accurate search strategies. Publications from the year 2000 to 2023 were searched using database specific strategies. To ensure completeness and entirety, manual searches were also conducted in addition to cross-referencing of source articles to avoid missing out any important source of evidence.
Search strategies
Based on the MeSH terminologies specific to the objectives and aims of the study, the following search strategy was developed to retrieve studies from databases.
(“Malaria”[Mesh] OR “Malaria, Vivax”[Mesh] OR “Malaria, Falciparum”[Mesh] OR “P. vivax malaria” OR “P. falciparum” OR “maternal malarial” OR “congenital malaria” OR “foetal malaria” OR “malaria in pregnancy” OR “malaria in pregnant”) AND ("Pregnancy"[Mesh:NoExp] OR pregnancy OR pregnant OR “malaria in pregnancy” OR pregnant women OR pregnant woman) AND (parasite densities OR diagnostic test* OR diagnostic* OR endemicity OR Intermittent Preventive Treatment OR IPT OR Intermittent Preventive Therapy OR Insecticide Treated Nets OR drug therapies)
Eligibility criteria
All the studies quantifying the burden of malaria in pregnancy along with the impact of Plasmodium falciparum and vivax on maternal and child adverse outcomes were taken into consideration. The studies considered eligible were those that were published after the year 2000, were in English language, and catered human subjects only.
The exclusion criteria involved: (1) Clinical trials in which the randomization was done on a predefined criterion; (2) Cohort studies in which the exposure of interest was malaria cases; (3) Case control studies in which the cases were malaria patients as this would not enumerate the burden; (4) Study designs including case reports, case series, commentaries, editorials, narrative reviews, and systematic reviews; (5) Studies using data from previous publications of the author.
To avoid double-counting/the same data being pooled more than once, data reported from different studies, such as those by the same authors, were checked to ensure patient cohorts were non-overlapping.
Study selection and data extraction
Articles retrieved from the databases were screened by two independent reviewers at a title and abstract level. Articles not immediately ruled out as irrelevant were then reviewed in a similar manner on a full-text basis. Where the relevance of an article was deemed ambiguous, or reviewer decisions conflicted, consensus was reached amongst the authors. Data were then extracted from each included article by a reviewer.
Extracted parameters included author names, publication year, location of study, diagnostic test used for malaria, malaria case count, strain of organism involved, time point in pregnancy at which diagnosis was made, sample size, and calculated prevalence. Additionally, where reported, data were extracted on complications and adverse outcomes for the pregnant women and their foetuses/offspring, for both test-positive and test-negative pregnant women. These data were used to perform secondary analyses to evaluate the association between malaria and maternal and infant morbidity.
Some studies reported adjusted odds ratios but not dichotomized data. Due to the non-uniformity in the method by which these odds ratios were computed, pooling them was deemed invalid and they were not extracted for meta-analysis.
Studies using multiple diagnostic modalities
Certain included studies tested the same subjects at the time time point for malaria using multiple diagnostic tools. Based on the evidence, a hierarchy of selection was determined to prefer PCR data, followed by microscopy, and then rapid diagnostic tests [13, 14]. In this manner, the most reliable data for a cohort at a given time point were pooled in the analysis without double or triple counting.
Studies reporting prevalence of multiple strains or at multiple time points
Some included studies did not explicitly state an overall prevalence of malaria but reported prevalence in a strain-wise fashion. In these cases, it was evaluated if the reported patient positive for different strains of malaria were non-overlapping groups. Where this condition was met, the groups were combined, and the overall prevalence was calculated and utilized in the analysis.
Similarly, some studies reported prevalence data for a cohort during ANC and then again during delivery. Given that these estimates were taken at distinct points in time, they were considered separate datapoints and pooled in overall estimates of prevalence.
Peripheral and placental malaria
Where studies clearly reported overall prevalence data, the data were extracted and analysed simply. However, some studies reported results having tested participants for both peripheral and placental malaria. In such cases, data on peripheral infection were pooled and analysed and placental infection data were only used if that on peripheral infection was not reported.
Data analysis
The proportions of pregnant women who tested positive for malaria using any diagnostic technique were tabulated. Similarly, the proportions of pregnant women with adverse pregnancy outcomes were also recorded for both test-positive and test-negative women.
Along with confidence intervals of 95%, the following quantitative assessments of malaria were deduced:
Overall prevalence of malaria in pregnancy irrespective of the diagnostic test used, period of pregnancy and organism involved.
Prevalence of infection during antenatal care and at delivery.
Regional disparities of malaria proportions according to UNICEF regions.
Association of malaria with adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Due to heterogeneity caused by experimental differences between the included articles, all reported results were computed using a random-effects model meta-analysis. Point estimates and 95% confidence intervals are reported, while heterogeneity was evaluated using the Tau-squared and I-squared metrics, which represent the variance of the distribution of estimates reported by included studies and the percentage of that variation not attributable to sampling error, respectively. Forest plots were constructed for each outcome of interest highlighting the effect measure, confidence interval, sample size, and its associated weightage. Both pooled estimates and sub-groups estimates were illustrated using effective plots.
Publication biases were assessed using DOI plots and LFK index [14]. The sensitivity analysis was conducted through the leave-one-out method. This method recalculates the effect sizes and heterogeneity by removing one study each time [15]. Additionally, meta regression analyses were conducted to evaluate differences in proportions within subgroups of region, species, and diagnostic test.
R-Studio version 2022.07.1 was used to carry out the meta-analysis using the package ‘meta’ (version 6.1.0) [16], and a p-value of less than 0.05 was taken as benchmark of significance.
Quality assessment
Each study included in the systematic review underwent a quality assessment to evaluate the research methodology employed in each study to ensure the reliability and validity of its findings. The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical appraisal tools, widely acknowledged and reliable for quality assessment, were used to investigate each study [17]. It covers variations of study designs including analytical cross-sectional analysis, case–control, and cohort studies which were used to report the quality of studies in this systematic review. This tool aims to understand the extent to which the study has considered the potential bias in its design and implementation. An overview of the results has been provided in the tables.
Figure 1 below depicts the selection process of the studies included in the review. Initially, 7824 studies were retrieved out of which only 253 qualified for the final inclusion.
Figure 1.
PRISMA diagram of included studies.
The characteristics of the included studies including the author and the year, title, study design, region, sample size, point of pregnancy at which the data were recorded, and diagnostic test used are summarized in Table 1 below.
Table 1.
Characteristics of included studies
Author/Year | Title | Study design | Region | Sample size | Time point | Diagnostic test |
Abdelgadir 2012 | Epidemiology of anaemia among pregnant women in Geizera, central Sudan | Cross-sectional | Africa | 292 | ANC | Microscopy |
Abdelrahim 2009 | Anaemia, folate and vitamin B12 deficiency among pregnant women in an area of unstable malaria transmission in eastern Sudan | Cross-sectional | Africa | 279 | ANC | Microscopy |
Adam 2005 | Prevalence and risk factors for anemia in pregnant women of eastern Sudan | Cross-sectional | Africa | 744 | ANC | Microscopy |
Adam 2007 | ABO blood group system and placental malaria in an area of unstable malaria transmission in eastern Sudan | Cross-sectional | Africa | 293 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Adam 2008 | Impact of maternal Plasmodium falciparum malaria and hematological parameters on pregnancy and its outcome in southeastern Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 300 | ANC | Microscopy |
Adam 2009 | Placental malaria and lack of prenatal care in an area of unstable malaria transmission in eastern Sudan | Cross-sectional | Africa | 236 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Adam 2012 | Decreased susceptibility to placental malaria in anaemic women in an area with unstable malaria transmission in central Sudan | Cross-sectional | Africa | 324 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Adam 2017 | Pregnant women carrying female fetuses are at higher risk of placental malaria infection | Cross-sectional | Africa | 339 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Adegnika 2006 | Microscopic and sub-microscopic Plasmodium falciparum infection, but not inflammation caused by infection, is associated with low birth weight | Cross-sectional | Africa | 145 | Delivery | PCR |
Adegnika 2010 | Epidemiology of parasitic co-infections during pregnancy in Lambare´ne´, Gabon | Cohort | Africa | 388 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Afutu 2021 | High Prevalence of Molecular Markers of Plasmodium falciparum Resistance to Sulphadoxine–Pyrimethamine in Parts of Ghana: A Threat to ITPTp-SP? | Cross-sectional | Africa | 3728 | ANC & Delivery | PCR |
Agu 2013 | Impact of Plasmodium falciparum and hookworm infections on the frequency of anaemia in pregnant women of rural communities in Enugu, South-East Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 226 | ANC | Microscopy |
Agudelo 2013 | Prevalence of gestational, placental and congenital malaria in north-west Colombia | Cohort | Latin America and Caribbean | 121 | ANC & Delivery | PCR |
Aguilar 2012 | Comparison of placental blood microscopy and the ICT HRP2 rapid diagnostic test to detect placental malaria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1151 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Aguzie 2017 | Antenatal Practices Ineffective at Prevention of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria during Pregnancy in a Sub-Saharan Africa Region, Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 75 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ahadzie-Soglie 2022 | Prevalence and risk factors of malaria and anaemia and the impact of preventive methods among pregnant women: A case study at the Akatsi South District in Ghana. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 200 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ahenkorah 2020 | Parasitic infections among pregnant women at first antenatal care visit in northern Ghana: A study of prevalence and associated factors | Cross-sectional | Africa | 334 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ahmed 2014 | Placental infections with histologically confirmed Plasmodium falciparum are associated with adverse birth outcomes in India: a cross-sectional study | Cross-sectional | South Asia | 506 | Delivery | PCR |
Ahmed 2015 | Performance of four HRP-2/pLDH combination rapid diagnostic tests and field microscopy as screening tests for malaria in pregnancy in Indonesia: a cross-sectional study | Cross-sectional | East Asia and Pacific | 950 | ANC | PCR |
Aliyu 2017 | Prevalence, risk factors, and antimalarial resistance patterns of falciparum plasmodiasis among pregnant women in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 353 | ANC | Microscopy |
Almaw 2022 | Prevalence of malaria and associated factors among symptomatic pregnant women attending antenatal care at three health centers in north-west Ethiopia. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 312 | ANC | Microscopy |
Akinnawo 2022 | Assessing the relationship between gravidity and placental malaria among pregnant women in a high transmission area in Ghana. | Cohort | Africa | 1823 | Delivery | Placental Biopsy |
Anabire 2019a | Prevalence of malaria and hepatitis B among pregnant women in Northern Ghana: Comparing RDTs with PCR | Cross-sectional | Africa | 2071 | ANC | PCR |
Anabire 2019b | Impact of malaria and hepatitis B co-infection on clinical and cytokine profiles among pregnant women | Cross-sectional | Africa | 257 | ANC | Microscopy |
Anabire 2023 | High burden of asymptomatic malaria and anaemia despite high adherence to malaria control measures: a cross-sectional study among pregnant women across two seasons in a malaria-endemic setting in Ghana. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 269 | ANC | PCR |
Anchang-Kimbi 2015 | Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia and malaria among pregnant women at first clinic visit in the mount Cameroon Area | Cross-sectional | Africa | 303 | ANC | Microscopy |
Anchang-Kimbi 2017 | Profile of red blood cell morphologies and causes of anaemia among pregnant women at first clinic visit in the mount Cameroon area: a prospective cross sectional study | Cross-sectional | Africa | 279 | ANC | Microscopy |
Anchang-Kimbi 2020 | Coverage and effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP) on adverse pregnancy outcomes in the Mount Cameroon area, South West Cameroon | Cross-sectional | Africa | 465 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Appleyard 2008 | Malaria in pregnancy in the Solomon islands: barriers to prevention and control | Cross-sectional | East Asia and Pacific | 128 | ANC | PCR |
Ataíde 2010 | Using an improved phagocytosis assay to evaluate the effect of HIV on specific antibodies to pregnancy-associated malaria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 263 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Ataíde 2015 | Malaria in Pregnancy Interacts with and Alters the Angiogenic Profiles of the Placenta | Cross-sectional | Latin America and Caribbean | 137 | ANC | Microscopy |
Atakorah 2022 | Assessment of intestinal and blood protozoan infections among pregnant women visiting ante-natal care at Tafo Hospital, Ghana. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 150 | ANC | RDT |
Avery 2012 | Maternal malaria induces a procoagulant and antifibrinolytic state that is embryotoxic but responsive to anticoagulant therapy | Cross-sectional | Africa | 193 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Ayoola 2011 | Maternal malaria, birth size and blood pressure in Nigerian newborns: insights into the developmental origins of hypertension from the Ibadan growth cohort | Cohort | Africa | 436 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Ayoola 2012 | Maternal malaria status and metabolic profiles in pregnancy and in cord blood: relationships with birth size in Nigerian infants | Cohort | Africa | 467 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Ayoya 2006 | Determinants of anemia among pregnant women in Mali | Cross-sectional | Africa | 131 | ANC | Microscopy |
Babakhanyan 2016 | Influence of Intermittent Preventive Treatment on Antibodies to VAR2CSA in Pregnant Cameroonian Women | Before After | Africa | 147 | ANC | Microscopy |
Bal 2023 | Impact of Sub-patent Malaria During Pregnancy on Birth-Weight in Odisha, India: Time-to-Event Analysis of Prospective Longitudinal Follow-Up of a Survey. | Prospective Longitudinal Follow-Up | South Asia | 308 | ANC | PCR & RDT |
Balcha 2023 | Prevalence of asymptomatic malaria and associated factors among pregnant women at Boset District in East Shoa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 328 | ANC | RDT & Microscopy |
Bardají 2017 | Burden and impact of Plasmodium vivax in pregnancy: A multi-centre prospective observational study | Cohort Study | Latin America and Caribbean | 9388 | ANC & Delivery | PCR |
Bassey 2015 | Prevalence of placenta Plasmodium parasitemia and pregnancy outcome in asymptomatic patients at delivery in a university teaching hospital in Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 210 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Bassiouny 2005 | Malaria in late pregnancy in Al Hodeidah Governorate, Yemen | Cross-sectional | Middle East and North Africa | 276 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Bedu-Addo 2014 | Reduced prevalence of placental malaria in primiparae with blood group O | Cross-sectional | Africa | 827 | Delivery | PCR |
Benet 2006 | Placental malaria in women with South-East Asian ovalocytosis | Cross-sectional | East Asia and Pacific | 402 | Delivery | Histopathology |
Biteghe-Bi-Essone 20222 | Intermittent preventive treatment and malaria amongst pregnant women who give birth at the Centre Hospitalier Régional Paul Moukambi de Koula-Moutou in southeastern Gabon. | Transversal Study | Africa | 323 | Delivery | RDT |
Blay 2015 | Congenital toxoplasmosis and pregnancy malaria detection post-partum: Effective diagnosis and its implication for efficient management of congenital infection | Cross-sectional | Africa | 79 | Delivery | PCR |
Boel 2010 | Complex Interactions between soil-transmitted helminths and malaria in pregnant women on the Thai-Burmese border | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 490 | ANC | Microscopy |
Boel 2012 | No association of phenotypic ABO blood group and malaria during pregnancy | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 1468 | ANC | Microscopy |
Bouyou-Akotet 2003 | Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum infection in pregnant women in Gabon | Cross-sectional | Africa | 311 | ANC | Microscopy |
Bouyou-Akotet 2004 | Depressed natural killer cell cytotoxicity against Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes during first pregnancies | Cross-sectional | Africa | 101 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Bouyou-Akotet 2016 | Decrease of microscopic Plasmodium falciparum infection prevalence during pregnancy following IPTp-SP implementation in urban cities of Gabon | Cross-sectional | Africa | 387 | ANC | Microscopy |
Braun 2015 | Lack of effect of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy and intense drug resistance in western Uganda | Cross-sectional | Africa | 728 | Delivery | PCR |
Bracho Á 2022 | Prevalence of gestational malaria in Ecuador. | Cross-sectional | South America | 46 | ANC | RDT |
Briand 2016 | Prevalence of malaria in pregnancy in southern Laos: a cross-sectional survey | Cross-sectional | East Asia and Pacific | 536 | ANC | PCR |
Brutus 2013 | Plasmodium vivax malaria during pregnancy, Bolivia | Cross-sectional | Latin America and Caribbean | 1003 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Campos 2011 | Diagnosis of gestational, congenital, and placental malaria in Colombia: comparison of the efficacy of microscopy, nested polymerase chain reaction, and histopathology | Cohort | Africa | 84 | Delivery | PCR |
Campos 2012 | Plasmodium falciparum infection in pregnant women attending antenatal care in Luanda, Angola | Cross-sectional | Africa | 679 | ANC | Microscopy |
Carmona-Fonseca 2017 | Asymptomatic plasmodial infection in Colombian pregnant women | Cohort | Latin America and Caribbean | 96 | ANC | PCR |
Carrara 2013 | Malaria burden and artemisinin resistance in the mobile and migrant population on the Thai Myanmar border, 1999-2011: an observational study | Cross-sectional | South Asia | 2795 | ANC | Microscopy |
Cardona-Arias 2022 | Frequency of gestational malaria and maternal-neonatal outcomes, in Northwestern Colombia 2009-2020. | Cross- sectional | North America | 825 | ANC | Microscopy |
Cardona-Arias 2023 | Diagnostic Accuracy of a Thick Blood Smear Compared to PCR for Malaria Associated with Pregnancy in Colombia. | Cross- sectional | Colombia | 829 | ANC & Delivery | TBS & PCR |
Chaponda 2015 | High burden of malaria infection in pregnant women in a rural district of Zambia: a cross-sectional study | Cohort | Africa | 1085 | ANC | PCR |
Cisse 2014 | Prevalence and risk factors for Plasmodium falciparum malaria in pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) | Cross-sectional | Africa | 579 | ANC | Microscopy |
Cohee 2014 | Submicroscopic malaria infection during pregnancy and the impact of intermittent preventive treatment | Cohort | Africa | 450 | ANC & Delivery | PCR |
Corrêa 2017 | High burden of malaria and anemia among tribal pregnant women in a chronic conflict corridor in India | Cross-sectional | South Asia | 563 | ANC | RDT |
Cot 2003 | Maternally transmitted antibodies to pregnancy-associated variant antigens on the surface of erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum: relation to child susceptibility to malaria | Cohort | Africa | 79 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Cottrell 2006 | Prediction of Plasmodium falciparum placental infection according to the time of infection during pregnanc | Cohort | Africa | 281 | Delivery | PCR |
Cottrell 2015 | Submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum Infections Are Associated With Maternal Anemia, Premature Births, and Low Birth Weight | Cohort | Africa | 975 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Dechavanne 2015a | Placental Malaria: Decreased Transfer of Maternal Antibodies Directed to Plasmodium falciparum and Impact on the Incidence of Febrile Infections in Infants | Cohort | Africa | 535 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Dechavanne 2015b | Parity-dependent recognition of DBL1X-3X suggests an important role of the VAR2CSA high-affinity CSA-binding region in the development of the humoral response against placental malaria | Cohort | Africa | 293 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Djontu 2016 | Impact of placental Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection on the Cameroonian maternal and neonate’s plasma levels of some cytokines known to regulate T cells differentiation and function | Cross-sectional | Africa | 108 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Doritchamou 2013 | Differential adhesion-inhibitory patterns of antibodies raised against two major variants of the NTS-DBL2X region of VAR2CSA | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1538 | ANC | Microscopy |
Dosoo 2020 | Epidemiology of malaria among pregnant women during their first antenatal clinic visit in the middle belt of Ghana: a cross sectional study | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1655 | ANC | Microscopy |
Douamba 2012 | Asymptomatic malaria correlates with anaemia in pregnant women at Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso | Cross-sectional | Africa | 201 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ebong 2022 | Diagnosis of malaria in pregnANC & Othersy: accuracy of CareStart™ malaria Pf/PAN against light microscopy among symptomatic pregnant women at the Central Hospital in Yaoundé, Cameroon. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 104 | ANC | Microscopy & RDT |
Efunshile 2011 | Use and effects of malaria control measures in pregnancy in Lagos, Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 400 | ANC | PCR |
Elbashir 2011 | Polymerase chain reaction and histology in diagnosis of placental malaria in an area of unstable malaria transmission in Central Sudan | Cross-sectional | Africa | 107 | Delivery | PCR |
Elghazali 2003 | Plasmodium falciparum infection during pregnancy in an unstable transmission area in eastern Sudan | Cohort | Africa | 86 | ANC | Microscopy |
Enato 2009 | Plasmodium falciparum malaria in pregnancy: prevalence of peripheral parasitaemia, anaemia and malaria care-seeking behaviour among pregnant women attending two antenatal clinics in Edo State, Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 630 | ANC | Microscopy |
Esu 2018 | Prevalence of the Pfdhfr and Pfdhps mutations among asymptomatic pregnant women in Southeast Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 459 | ANC | Microscopy |
Fagbemi 2020 | Analysis of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance-associated mutations in Plasmodium falciparum isolates obtained from asymptomatic pregnant women in Ogun State, Southwest Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 406 | ANC | PCR |
Fairley 2013 | Birthweight in offspring of mothers with high prevalence of helminth and malaria infection in coastal Kenya | Cross-sectional | Africa | 696 | ANC | Microscopy |
Fehintola 2012 | Intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine may promote | Cohort | Africa | 306 | ANC | Microscopy Plasmodium falciparum gametocytogenesis |
Feleke 2020 | Asymptomatic malaria infection among pregnant women attending antenatal care in malaria endemic areas of North-Shoa, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study | Cross-sectional | Africa | 263 | ANC | Microscopy |
Fowkes 2018 | Iron deficiency during pregnancy is associated with a reduced risk of adverse birth outcomes in a malaria-endemic area in a longitudinal cohort study | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 279 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Francine 2016 | Characterization of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection and its risk factors in pregnant women from the Republic of Congo | Cross-sectional | Africa | 363 | ANC | PCR |
Fusai 2000 | Characterisation of the chondroitin sulphate of Saimiri brain microvascular endothelial cells involved in Plasmodium falciparum cytoadhesion | Cross-sectional | Africa | 363 | ANC | PCR |
Garrison 2022 | The Effects of Malaria in Pregnancy on Neurocognitive Development in Children at 1 and 6 Years of Age in Benin: A Prospective Mother-Child Cohort. | Cohort | Africa | 493 | ANC | PCR |
Godwin 2022 | Effectiveness of antenatal intermittent preventive treatment for malaria with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine on peripartum outcomes. | Cross- sectional | Africa | 390 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Gontie 2020 | Prevalence and associated factors of malaria among pregnant women in Sherkole district, Benishangul Gumuz regional state, West Ethiopia | Cross-sectional | Africa | 498 | ANC | RDT |
Griffin 2012 | Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia in the first half of pregnancy, uterine and umbilical artery blood flow, and foetal growth: a longitudinal Doppler ultrasound study | Cohort | Africa | 128 | ANC | Microscopy |
Gutman 2015 | The A581G Mutation in the Gene Encoding Plasmodium falciparum Dihydropteroate Synthetase Reduces the Effectiveness of Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine Preventive Therapy in Malawian Pregnant Women | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1809 | Delivery | PCR |
Hamann 2010 | The toll-like receptor 1 variant S248N influences placental malaria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 302 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Hamer 2009 | Burden of malaria in pregnancy in Jharkhand State, India | Cross-sectional | South Asia | 3104 | ANC & Delivery | RDT |
Helegbe 2018 | Seroprevalence of Malaria and Hepatitis B Coinfection among Pregnant Women in Tamale Metropolis of Ghana: A Cross-Sectional Study | Cross-sectional | Africa | 3127 | ANC | RDT |
Hounkonnou 2020 | Sub-optimal Intermittent Preventive Treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) is associated with an increased risk of submicroscopic P. falciparum infection in pregnant women: a prospective cohort study in Benin | Cohort | Africa | 273 | ANC | PCR |
Hountohotegbe 2020 | Circulating Cytokines Associated with Poor Pregnancy Outcomes in Beninese Exposed to Infection with Plasmodium falciparum | Cohort | Africa | 400 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Huynh 2011 | Influence of the timing of malaria infection during pregnancy on birth weight and on maternal anemia in Benin | Cohort | Africa | 982 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ikegbunam 2019 | Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum Pfcrt and Pfmdr1 genes in parasite isolates from asymptomatic individuals in Southeast Nigeria 11 years after withdrawal of chloroquine | Cross-sectional | Africa | 250 | ANC | PCR |
Ikegbunam 2022 | Malaria surveillance amongst pregnant women attending antenatal care in private hospitals in Onitsha metropolis, South Eastern Nigeria. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 270 | ANC | Microscopy |
Iwalokun 2015 | Carriage of Mutant Dihydrofolate Reductase and Dihydropteroate Synthase Genes among Plasmodium falciparum Isolates Recovered from Pregnant Women with Asymptomatic Infection in Lagos, Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 107 | ANC | PCR |
Jaén-Sánchez 2023 A | Increased peripartum mortality associated with maternal subclinical malaria in Mozambique. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 232 | Delivery | PCR |
Jaén-Sánchez 2023 B | Effects of HIV infection and/or malaria on maternal and neonatal health in a high-prevalence setting. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 819 | Delivery | RDT |
Jäckle 2013 | Malaria in pregnancy in rural Gabon: a cross-sectional survey on the impact of seasonality in high-risk groups | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1,661 | ANC | Microscopy |
Jeza 2022 | Schistosomiasis, soil transmitted helminthiasis, and malaria co-infections among women of reproductive age in rural communities of Kwale County, coastal Kenya. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 534 | ANC | Microscopy |
Kabanywanyi 2008 | Malaria in pregnant women in an area with sustained high coverage of insecticide-treated bed nets | Cross-sectional | Africa | 413 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Kagu 2007 | Anaemia in pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women in a Sahelian tertiary hospital in Northeastern Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1040 | ANC | Microscopy |
Kalilani 2010 | The effect of timing and frequency of Plasmodium falciparum infection during pregnancy on the risk of low birth weight and maternal anemia | Cohort | Africa | 1172 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Kalinjuma 2020 | Factors associated with sub-microscopic placental malaria and its association with adverse pregnancy outcomes among HIV-negative women in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: a cohort study | Cohort | Africa | 1115 | Delivery | PCR |
Kasumba 2000 | Low birthweight associated with maternal anaemia and Plasmodium falciparum infection during pregnancy, in a peri-urban/urban area of low endemicity in Uganda | Cross-sectional | Africa | 537 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Kattenberg 2012 | Evaluation of antigen detection tests, microscopy, and polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis of malaria in peripheral blood in asymptomatic pregnant women in Nanoro, Burkina Faso | Cross-sectional | Africa | 418 | ANC | PCR |
Kayiba 2021 | Evaluation of the usefulness of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in a context with increased resistance of Plasmodium falciparum in Kingasani Hospital, Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo | Cross-sectional | Africa | 844 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Khan 2014 | Asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum malaria in pregnant women in the Chittagong Hill Districts of Bangladesh | Cohort Study | South Asia | 526 | ANC | PCR |
Khattab 2013 | Complement activation in primiparous women from a malaria endemic area is associated with reduced birthweight | Cohort | Africa | 150 | Delivery | Microscopy |
King 2021 | No evidence of false-negative Plasmodium falciparum rapid diagnostic results in Monrovia, Liberia | Cross-sectional | Africa | 87 | ANC | PCR |
Koladjo 2022 | Malaria in the First Trimester of PregnANC & Othersy and Fetal Growth: Results from a Beninese Preconceptional Cohort. | Cohort Study | Africa | 218 | ANC | Microscopy |
Koukouikila-Koussounda 2015 | High prevalence of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance-associated mutations in Plasmodium falciparum field isolates from pregnant women in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo | Cross-sectional | Africa | 363 | ANC | PCR |
Kurth 2010 | Adolescence as risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcome in Central Africa--a cross-sectional study | Cross-sectional | Africa | 775 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Lamptey 2019 | Association between alpha-thalassaemia trait, Plasmodium falciparum asexual parasites and gametocyte carriage in a malaria endemic area in Southern Ghana | Cohort | Africa | 125 | ANC | PCR |
Lingani 2022 | Prevalence and risk factors of malaria among first antenatal care attendees in rural Burkina Faso. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1067 | ANC | Microscopy |
Liu 2016a | Rapid Diagnostic Test Performance Assessed Using Latent Class Analysis for the Diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum Placental Malaria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1141 | Delivery | Histopathology |
Liu 2016b | Diagnosis of placental malaria in poorly fixed and processed placental tissue | Cohort | Africa | 182 | Delivery | PCR |
Lokossou 2013 | Association of IL-4 and IL-10 maternal haplotypes with immune responses to P. falciparum in mothers and newborns | Cohort | Africa | 576 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Maïga-Ascofaré 2015 | Molecular epidemiology and seroprevalence in asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infections of Malagasy pregnant women in the highlands | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1244 | ANC | PCR |
Mama 2022 | Intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and parasite resistance & Others: cross-sectional surveys from antenatal care visit and delivery in rural Ghana. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1431 | ANC & Delivery | PCR & Microscopy |
Manirakiza 2012 | Rational case management of malaria with a rapid diagnostic test, Paracheck Pf®, in antenatal health care in Bangui, Central African Republic | Cohort | Africa | 452 | ANC | RDT |
Mankhambo 2002 | Evaluation of the OptiMAL rapid antigen test and species-specific PCR to detect placental Plasmodium falciparum infection at delivery | Cross-sectional | Africa | 509 | Delivery | PCR |
Martínez-Pérez 2018 | Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum infection among pregnant women at first antenatal visit in post-Ebola Monrovia, Liberia | Cross-sectional | Africa | 195 | ANC | PCR |
Matangila 2014 | Asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection is associated with anaemia in pregnancy and can be more cost-effectively detected by rapid diagnostic test than by microscopy in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo | Cross-sectional | Africa | 332 | ANC | RDT |
Mayengue 2004 | Submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum infections and multiplicity of infection in matched peripheral, placental and umbilical cord blood samples from Gabonese women | Cross-sectional | Africa | 184 | Delivery | PCR |
Matambisso 2022 | Gravidity and malaria trends interact to modify Plasmodium Falciparum densities and detectability in pregnancy & Others: a 3-year prospective multi-site observational study. | Cohort | Africa | 8745 | ANC | PCR |
Mayor 2009 | Sub-microscopic infections and long-term recrudescence of Plasmodium | Cross-sectional | Africa | 284 | ANC | PCR falciparum in Mozambican pregnant women |
Mayor 2018 | IgM and IgG against Plasmodium falciparum lysate as surrogates of malaria exposure and protection during pregnancy | Cohort | Africa | 207 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Mbacham 2023 | Sub-microscopic Plasmodium Falciparum parasitaemia, dihydropteroate synthase (dhps) resistant mutations to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, transmission intensity and risk of malaria infection in pregnancy in Mount Cameroon Region. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 874 | ANC | PCR & Microscopy |
Mbonye 2013 | Prescription patterns and drug use among pregnant women with febrile Illnesses in Uganda: a survey in out-patient clinics | Cross-sectional | Africa | 998 | ANC | Microscopy |
Mbouamboua 2019 | Sub-microscopic Plasmodium falciparum infections in matched peripheral, placental and umbilical cord blood samples from asymptomatic Congolese women at delivery | Cross-sectional | Africa | 370 | Delivery | PCR |
McClure 2014 | A cohort study of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in pregnancy and associations with uteroplacental blood flow and fetal anthropometrics in Kenya | Cohort | Africa | 799 | ANC & Delivery | PCR |
McGready 2004 | The effects of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax infections on placental histopathology in an area of low malaria transmission | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 204 | ANC | Microscopy |
McGready 2012 | Adverse effects of falciparum and vivax malaria and the safety of antimalarial treatment in early pregnancy: a population-based study | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 17613 | ANC | Microscopy |
McGregor 2017 | Obstetric ultrasound aids prompt referral of gestational trophoblastic disease in marginalized populations on the Thailand-Myanmar border | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 57004 | ANC | Microscopy |
McLean 2017 | P. falciparum infection and maternofetal antibody transfer in malaria-endemic settings of varying transmission | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 204 | Delivery | Microscopy |
McLean 2021 | High Antibodies to VAR2CSA in Response to Malaria Infection Are Associated With Improved Birthweight in a Longitudinal Study of Pregnant Women | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 301 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Megnekou 2015 | Placental malaria and modulation of immune and hormonal responses in Cameroonian women | Cross-sectional | Africa | 135 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Megnekou 2018 | Accuracy of One Step malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT) in detecting Plasmodium falciparum placental malaria infection in women living in Yaoundé, Cameroon | Cross-sectional | Africa | 197 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Minang 2004 | Haptoglobin phenotypes and malaria infection in pregnant women at delivery in western Cameroon | Cross-sectional | Africa | 119 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Mlugu 2020 | Prevalence and Correlates of Asymptomatic Malaria and Anemia on First Antenatal Care Visit among Pregnant Women in Southeast, Tanzania | Cross-sectional | Africa | 819 | ANC | PCR |
Mockenhaupt 2001 | Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase alleles and pyrimethamine use in pregnant Ghanaian women | Cross-sectional | Africa | 530 | ANC | PCR |
Mockenhaupt 2002 | Diagnosis of placental malaria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 596 | Delivery | PCR |
Mockenhaupt 2003 | Reduced prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum infection and of concomitant anaemia in pregnant women with heterozygous G6PD deficiency | Cross-sectional | Africa | 529 | ANC | PCR |
Mockenhaupt 2006 | Common polymorphisms of toll-like receptors 4 and 9 are associated with the clinical manifestation of malaria during pregnancy | Cross-sectional | Africa | 304 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Mockenhaupt 2008 | Rapid increase in the prevalence of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance among Plasmodium falciparum isolated from pregnant women in Ghana | Cross-sectional | Africa | 530 | ANC & Delivery | PCR |
Mohammed 2013 | Submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum malaria and low birth weight in an area of unstable malaria transmission in Central Sudan | Case Control | Africa | 174 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Monjol 2017 | Detection of Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter (PfCRT) mutant gene amongst malaria-infected pregnant women in Calabar, Nigeria | Case control | Africa | 369 | ANC | Microscopy |
Moore 2016 | Safety of artemisinins in first trimester of prospectively followed pregnancies: an observational study | Cross-sectional | East Asia and Pacific | 25485 | ANC | Microscopy |
Moore 2017 | Mediation of the effect of malaria in pregnancy on stillbirth and neonatal death in an area of low transmission: observational data analysis | Cross-sectional | East Asia and Pacific | 61836 | ANC | Microscopy |
Mosha 2014 | Effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine during pregnancy on placental malaria, maternal anaemia and birthweight in areas with high and low malaria transmission intensity in Tanzania | Cohort | Africa | 350 | Delivery | PCR |
Msuya 2011 | Anaemia among pregnant women in northern Tanzania: prevalence, risk factors and effect on perinatal outcomes | Cohort | Africa | 2654 | ANC | Microscopy |
Muhangi 2007 | Associations between mild-to-moderate anaemia in pregnancy and helminth, malaria and HIV infection in Entebbe, Uganda | Cross-sectional | Africa | 2507 | ANC | Microscopy |
Mukhtar 2006 | Congenital malaria among inborn babies at a tertiary centre in Lagos, Nigeria | Cohort | Africa | 100 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Mwin 2021 | Predictors of placental malaria in Upper West Regional Hospital-Ghana | Cross-sectional | Africa | 300 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Nacher 2003 | Haematinic treatment of anaemia increases the risk of Plasmodium vivax malaria in pregnancy | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 2112 | ANC | Microscopy |
Natama 2018 | Additional Screening and Treatment of Malaria During Pregnancy Provides Further Protection Against Malaria and Nonmalarial Fevers During the First Year of Life | Cohort | Africa | 734 | Delivery | PCR |
Ndao 2009 | Placental malarial infection as a risk factor for hypertensive disorders during pregnancy in Africa: a case-control study in an urban area of Senegal, West Africa | Case control | Africa | 490 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Ndibazza 2013 | Associations between maternal helminth and malaria infections in pregnancy and clinical malaria in the offspring: a birth cohort in entebbe, Uganda | Cohort | Africa | 2289 | ANC | Microscopy |
Nega 2015 | Prevalence and predictors of asymptomatic malaria parasitemia among pregnant women in the rural surroundings of Arbaminch Town, South Ethiopia | Cross-sectional | Africa | 341 | ANC | Microscopy |
Nekaka 2020 | Malaria preventive practices and delivery outcomes: A cross-sectional study of parturient women in a tertiary hospital in Eastern Uganda | Cross-sectional | Africa | 210 | ANC | Microscopy |
Newman 2003 | Burden of malaria during pregnancy in areas of stable and unstable transmission in Ethiopia during a nonepidemic year | Cross-sectional | Africa | 962 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Niang 2008 | Accumulation of CVIET Pfcrt allele of Plasmodium falciparum in placenta of pregnant women living in an urban area of Dakar, Senegal | Cross-sectional | Africa | 692 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Nkhoma 2012 | The effect of HIV infection on the risk, frequency, and intensity of Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia in primigravid and multigravid women in Malawi | Cohort | Africa | 1496 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Nlinwe 2022 | Impact of long lasting insecticidal nets on asymptomatic malaria during | Cross-sectional | Africa | 621 | ANC | RDT pregnANC & Othersy, in a rural and urban setting in Cameroon. |
Ntoumi 2013 | Malaria burden and case management in the Republic of Congo: limited use and application of rapid diagnostic tests results | Cross-sectional | Africa | 750 | ANC | Microscopy |
Nwaefuna 2015 | Effectiveness of Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Pregnancy with Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine against Submicroscopic falciparum Malaria in Central Region, Ghana | Cross-sectional | Africa | 872 | ANC | Microscopy |
Nyamu 2020 | Prevalence and risk factors associated with asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection and anemia among pregnant women at the first antenatal care visit: A hospital based cross-sectional study in Kwale County, Kenya | Cross-sectional | Africa | 308 | ANC | |
Obiri 2020 | Histopathological lesions and exposure to Plasmodium falciparum infections in the placenta increases the risk of preeclampsia among pregnant women | Cross-sectional | Africa | 134 | ANC | Microscopy |
Oduwole 2011 | Congenital malaria in Calabar, Nigeria: the molecular perspective | Cohort | Africa | 204 | Delivery | PCR |
Ofori 2009 | Pregnancy-associated malaria in a rural community of ghana | Cohort | Africa | 294 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ofori 2018 | Etiology of Placental Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in African Women | Case control | Africa | 807 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ogbodo 2009 | Malaria parasitaemia among pregnant women in a rural community of eastern Nigeria; need for combined measures | Cross-sectional | Africa | 272 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ojurongbe 2011 | Prevalence of Dihydrofolate reductase gene mutations in Plasmodium falciparum isolate from pregnant women in Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 179 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ojurongbe 2018a | Prevalence and associated factors of Plasmodium falciparum and soil transmitted helminth infections among pregnant women in Osun state, Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 200 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ojurongbe 2018b | High prevalence of dihydrofolate reductase gene mutations in Plasmodium falciparum parasites among pregnant women in Nigeria after reported use of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine | Cross-sectional | Africa | 200 | ANC | PCR |
Okafor 2006 | Risk factors associated with congenital malaria in Enugu, South Eastern Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 625 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Okoko 2001 | Influence of placental malaria infection and maternal hypergammaglobulinaemia on materno-foetal transfer of measles and tetanus | Cross-sectional | Africa | 213 | Delivery | Microscopy antibodies in a rural west African population |
Omer 2011 | Submicroscopic and multiple plasmodium falciparum infections in pregnant Sudanese women | Cross-sectional | Africa | 836 | ANC | PCR |
Omer 2017 | Placental malaria and its effect on pregnancy outcomes in Sudanese women from Blue Nile State | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1149 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Oraneli 2013 | Effect of placental malaria on birth weight of babies in Nnewi, Anambra state, Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 364 | Delivery | RDT |
Orish 2012 | Adolescent pregnancy and the risk of Plasmodium falciparum malaria and anaemia-a pilot study from Sekondi-Takoradi metropolis, Ghana | Cross-sectional | Africa | 866 | ANC | RDT |
Osarfo 2017 | Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine versus artesunate-amodiaquine for treatment of malaria infection in pregnancy in Ghana: an open-label, randomised, non-inferiority trial | Cross-sectional | Africa | 3464 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ouédraogo 2019 | Placental impression smears is a good indicator of placental malaria in sub-Saharan Africa | Cross-sectional | Africa | 491 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Oyeyemi 2016 | Reliability of rapid diagnostic tests in diagnosing pregnancy and infant-associated malaria in Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 80 | ANC | Microscopy |
Patel 2016 | Absence of Association Between Sickle Trait Hemoglobin and Placental Malaria Outcomes | Cross-sectional | Africa | 850 | Delivery | PCR |
Perrault 2009 | Human immunodeficiency virus co-infection increases placental parasite density and transplacental malaria transmission in Western Kenya | Cross-sectional | Africa | 157 | Delivery | PCR |
Pincelli 2018 | The Hidden Burden of Plasmodium vivax Malaria in Pregnancy in the Amazon: An Observational Study in Northwestern Brazil | Cohort | Latin America and Caribbean | 1180 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Plotkin 2014 | Placental malaria is rare among Zanzibari pregnant women who did not receive intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1349 | Delivery | PCR |
Poespoprodjo 2008 | Adverse pregnancy outcomes in an area where multidrug-resistant plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum infections are endemic | Cross-sectional | East Asia and Pacific | 3015 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Poespoprodjo 2011 | Highly effective therapy for maternal malaria associated with a lower risk of vertical transmission | Cohort | South Asia | 4876 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Poespoprodjo 2014 | Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine treatment of multidrug resistant falciparum and vivax malaria in pregnancy | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 6475 | ANC | Microscopy |
Pujol 2023 | Detecting temporal and spatial malaria patterns from first antenatal care visits. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 6471 | ANC | RDT |
Quakyi 2019 | High uptake of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in pregnancy is associated with improved birth weight among pregnant women in Ghana | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1922 | ANC & Delivery | PCR |
Rijken 2012a | Ultrasound evidence of early fetal growth restriction after maternal malaria infection | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 3779 | ANC | Microscopy |
Rijken 2012b | Effect of malaria on placental volume measured using three-dimensional ultrasound: a pilot study | Cross-sectional | East Asia and Pacific | 84 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Rogerson 2000a | Malaria and anemia in antenatal women in Blantyre, Malawi: a twelve-month survey | Cross-sectional | Africa | 4743 | ANC | Microscopy |
Rogerson 2000b | Intermittent sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in pregnancy: effectiveness against malaria morbidity in Blantyre, Malawi, in 1997-99 | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1623 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Rogerson 2003a | Diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum malaria at delivery: comparison of blood film preparation methods and of blood films with histology | Cross-sectional | Africa | 464 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Rogerson 2003b | Placental tumor necrosis factor alpha but not gamma interferon is associated with placental malaria and low birth weight in Malawian women | Cross-sectional | Africa | 254 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Romagosa 2004 | Polarisation microscopy increases the sensitivity of hemozoin and Plasmodium detection in the histological assessment of placental malaria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 500 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Ruh 2018 | Molecular identification of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance in malaria infected women who received intermittent preventive treatment in the Democratic Republic of Congo | Cross-sectional | Africa | 250 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Samuels 2022 | Diagnostic Performance of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification and Ultrasensitive Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria Screening Among Pregnant Women in Kenya. | Cross-sectional | Africa | 482 | ANC | RDT & Microscopy |
Salifu 2016 | Iron Supplementation Alters Heme and Heme Oxygenase 1 (HO-1) Levels In Pregnant Women in Ghana | Cross-sectional | Africa | 337 | Delivery | PCR |
Salih 2011 | Monocytes and macrophages and placental malaria infections in an area of unstable malaria transmission in eastern Sudan | Cross-sectional | Africa | 93 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Schmiegelow 2017 | Plasmodium falciparum Infection Early in Pregnancy has Profound Consequences for Fetal Growth | Cohort | Africa | 157 | ANC | RDT |
Shannon 2016 | Subclinical Plasmodium falciparum infections act as year-round reservoir for malaria in the hypoendemic Chittagong Hill districts of Bangladesh | Cohort | South Asia | 589 | ANC | Microscopy |
Singh 2001 | Malaria during pregnancy and infancy, in an area of intense malaria transmission in central India | Cohort | South Asia | 274 | ANC | Microscopy |
Singh 2012 | Intervillous macrophage migration inhibitory factor is associated with adverse birth outcomes in a study population in Central India | Case Control | South Asia | 4299 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Singh 2014 | Placental and neonatal outcome in maternal malaria | Cohort | South Asia | 203 | ANC | Microscopy |
Singh 2020 | Association of Angiopoietin Dysregulation in Placental Malaria with Adverse Birth Outcomes | Cross-sectional | South Asia | 7873 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Sirima 2003 | Failure of a chloroquine chemoprophylaxis program to adequately prevent malaria during pregnancy in Koupéla District, Burkina Faso | Cross-sectional | Africa | 597 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Sohail 2015 | Prevalence of Malaria Infection and Risk Factors Associated with Anaemia among Pregnant Women in Semiurban Community of Hazaribag, Jharkhand, India | Cross-sectional | South Asia | 2141 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Soulard 2011 | Placental malaria-associated suppression of parasite-specific immune response in neonates has no major impact on systemic CD4 T cell homeostasis | Cross-sectional | Africa | 54 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Stanisic 2015 | Risk factors for malaria and adverse birth outcomes in a prospective cohort of pregnant women resident in a high malaria transmission area of Papua New Guinea | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 328 | ANC & Delivery | PCR |
Stephens 2014 | Prevalence of peripheral blood parasitaemia, anaemia and low birthweight among pregnant women in a suburban area in coastal Ghana | Cohort | Africa | 320 | ANC | Microscopy |
Strand 2003 | Infectious aetiology of jaundice among pregnant women in Angola | Case Control | Africa | 60 | ANC | Microscopy |
Subussa 2021 | Asymptomatic Plasmodium infection and associated factors among pregnant women in the Merti district, Oromia, Ethiopia | Cross-sectional | Africa | 364 | ANC | Microscopy |
Sylvester 2016 | Prenatal exposure to Plasmodium falciparum increases frequency and shortens time from birth to first clinical malaria episodes during the first two years of life: prospective birth cohort study | Cohort | Africa | 206 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Tahita 2013 | Clinical signs and symptoms cannot reliably predict Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection in pregnant women living in an area of high seasonal transmission | Case Control | Africa | 600 | ANC | RDT |
Tako 2005 | Risk factors for placental malaria and its effect on pregnancy outcome in Yaounde, Cameroon | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1895 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Taylor 2017 | Minimal Impact by Antenatal Subpatent Plasmodium falciparum Infections on Delivery Outcomes in Malawian Women: A Cohort Study | Cohort | Africa | 923 | ANC | PCR |
Teo 2014 | Decreasing malaria prevalence and its potential consequences for immunity in pregnant women | Cohort | Africa | 744 | ANC | Microscopy |
Toure 2014 | Coverage and efficacy of intermittent preventive treatment with sulphadoxine pyrimethamine against malaria in pregnancy in Côte d’Ivoire five years after its implementation | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1317 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Tran 2020 | The impact of gravidity, symptomatology and timing of infection on placental malaria | Cohort | Africa | 275 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Ugwu 2014 | Malaria and anaemia in pregnancy: a cross-sectional study of pregnant women in rural communities of Southeastern Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 300 | ANC | Microscopy |
Ukaga 2007 | Placental malaria in Owerri, Imo State, south-eastern Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 586 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Uneke 2007 | Impact of maternal Plasmodium falciparum malaria and haematological parameters on pregnancy and its outcome in southeastern Nigeria | Cross-sectional | Africa | 300 | ANC | Microscopy |
Unger 2019 | Microscopic and submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum infection, maternal anaemia and adverse pregnancy outcomes in Papua New Guinea: a cohort study | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 2190 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Unger 2022 | Associations of maternal iron deficiency with malaria infection in a cohort of pregnant Papua New Guinean women. | Cohort | East Asia and Pacific | 1888 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Valente 2011 | Prevalence and risk factors of Plasmodium falciparum infections in pregnant women of Luanda, Angola | Cross-sectional | Africa | 567 | Delivery | PCR |
vanEijk 2001 | Human immunodeficiency virus seropositivity and malaria as risk factors for third-trimester anemia in asymptomatic pregnant women in western Kenya | Cross-sectional | Africa | 4608 | ANC | Microscopy |
vanEijk 2009 | Geohelminth Infections among pregnant women in rural western Kenya; a cross-sectional study | Cross-sectional | Africa | 673 | ANC | Microscopy |
VanGeertruyden 2005 | Malaria infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in six Rwandan districts | Cross-sectional | Africa | 1432 | ANC | Microscopy |
vanLenthe 2019 | Markers of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo; implications for malaria chemoprevention | Cross-sectional | Africa | 514 | ANC | PCR |
vanLoon 2019 | MiRNA-146a polymorphism increases the odds of malaria in pregnancy | Cross-sectional | Africa | 509 | ANC & Delivery | PCR |
Vásquez 2018 | Performance of a highly sensitive rapid diagnostic test (HS-RDT) for detecting malaria in peripheral and placental blood samples from pregnant women in Colombia | Cohort | Latin America and Caribbean | 737 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Vásquez 2020a | Evaluation of highly sensitive diagnostic tools for the detection of P. falciparum in pregnant women attending antenatal care visits in Colombia | Cross-sectional | Latin America and Caribbean | 858 | ANC | PCR |
Verhoeff 2004 | Post-neonatal infant mortality in Malawi: the importance of maternal health | Cohort | Africa | 451 | ANC & Delivery | Microscopy |
Walther 2010 | Placental malaria is associated with reduced early life weight development of affected children independent of low birth weight | Cohort | Africa | 783 | Delivery | Microscopy |
Williams 2016 | Non-falciparum malaria infections in pregnant women in West Africa | Cross-sectional | Africa | 2526 | ANC | RDT |
Woodburn 2009 | Risk factors for helminth, malaria, and HIV infection in pregnancy in Entebbe, Uganda | Cross-sectional | Africa | 2507 | ANC | Microscopy |
Wumba 2015 | Interactions between malaria and HIV infections in pregnant women: a first report of the magnitude, clinical and laboratory features, and predictive factors in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo | Cross-sectional | Africa | 332 | ANC | Microscopy |
Yatich 2010 | Malaria and intestinal helminth co-infection among pregnant women in Ghana: prevalence and risk factors | Cross-sectional | Africa | 746 | ANC | Microscopy |
Yeboah 2016 | Quality of Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine Given as Antimalarial Prophylaxis in Pregnant Women in Selected Health Facilities in Central Region of Ghana | Cross-sectional | Africa | 543 | ANC | Microscopy |
Yovo 2022 | Assessing fetal growth in Africa: Application of the international WHO and INTERGROWTH-21st standards in a Beninese cohort. | Cohort | Africa | 411 | ANC | RDT |
Zablon 2015 | Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria among Pregnant Students in Dodoma Region, Tanzania: No Cases Have Been Detected | Cross-sectional | Africa | 50 | ANC | Microscopy |
Zhou 2002a | Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum infection in pregnant Cameroonian women | Cohort | Africa | 719 | ANC | Microscopy |
Prevalence trends
Supplementary Figure 2 shows overall trends of prevalence of malaria in an ascending order of years, estimated from 253 studies. As evident, the proportions have remained relatively persistent with the passing years and no significant reduction has been observed from the year 2000 to year 2023.
According to the pooled estimates, the prevalence of malaria was 18.95% (95% CI: 16.95–21.11, n=375,792) based on random-effects model. Similarly, when bifurcated on the time of reporting, the prevalence of malaria during antenatal visits was 20.09% (95% CI: 17.43–23.06, n =282,169, studies = 182) and during delivery was 17.32% (95% CI: 14.47–20.61, n = 93,623, studies = 121) using the same random-effects model. The heterogeneity was deduced using I-squared test, which was reported to be 99% in each model. Sensitivity analysis showed no change in the heterogeneity (Supplementary Appendix Figure 1a). The DOI plot was symmetrical indicating no publication bias (Supplementary Appendix Figure 1b).
Specie-specific prevalence
During the antenatal period, the prevalence of malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum alone was 17.76% (95% CI: 15.04–20.85, n = 269,537, studies = 166) using random-effects model. This was followed by Plasmodium vivax caused infections accounting to 4.41% (95% CI: 2.80–6.89, n = 164,008, studies = 26) prevalence. In about 1.69% (95% CI: 0.80–3.52, n = 109,497, studies = 16) pregnant women, traces of both Plasmodium falciparum and vivax species were found as shown in Supplementary Figure 3a and Figures 2 and 3.
Figure 2.
Forest Plot depicting Plasmodium vivax pooled estimates of prevalence of malaria with 95% CIs.
Figure 3.
Forest Plot depicting Plasmodium falciparum and vivax pooled estimates of prevalence of malaria with 95% CIs.
A similar pattern of infection was observed during delivery. Approximately 16.55% (95% CI: 13.57–20.04, n= 73,417, studies = 113) pregnant women were infected by Plasmodium falciparum and 5.18% (95% CI: 3.10–8.54, n= 21,928 studies = 17) by Plasmodium vivax, and 0.73% (95% CI: 0.19–2.75, n = 8149, studies = 7) were infected by both Plasmodium falciparum and vivax. The sensitivity analysis showed no change in heterogeneity (Supplementary Appendix Figure 3a–c). The DOI plots showed no asymmetry for Plasmodium falciparum but for Plasmodium vivax alone and combined vivax and falciparum thus concluding positive publication bias (Supplementary Appendix Figure 2a–c).
Regional distribution of malarial infection
The meta-analysis revealed that the highest proportion of malarial infection during ANC was observed in Africa approximating 21.50% (95% CI: 18.52–24.81, n = 110,012, studies = 143). This was followed East Asia and Pacific region accounting to 17.28% (95% CI: 9.29–29.86, n = 157,986, studies = 18). The lowest prevalence was observed in South Asia 8.66% (95% CI: 3.06–22.17, n = 8,513, studies = 9) followed by Latin America and Caribbean region 14.20% (95% CI: 6.31–28.91, n = 3,929, studies = 7) as shown in Supplementary Figure 4a. Sensitivity analysis revealed no significant difference. A symmetrical DOI plot was also indicative of no publication bias (Supplementary Appendix Figures 4a and 5a).
A similar random-effects meta-analysis at the time of delivery revealed that the prevalence of malaria in Africa was 20.41% (95% CI: 17.04–24.24, n = 46,925, studies = 95), in East Asia in Pacific Region was 16.33% (95% CI: 8.46–29.19, n = 22,214, studies =12), in Latin America and Caribbean region was 5.28% (95% CI: 2.68–10.12, n = 4,834, studies = 7), and in South Asia was 4.14% (95% CI: 1.52–10.80, n = 19,071, studies = 6) as shown in Supplementary Figure 4b. Sensitivity analysis revealed no significant difference. On the other hand, DOI for delivery showed minor asymmetry favouring positive publication bias (Supplementary Appendix Figure 5b).
Associations with prevalence of malaria
Adverse pregnancy outcomes have shown mild-to-moderate associations with the prevalence of malarial infection in pregnancy.
A statistically significant association was observed between anaemia and malaria presence in 62 studies as shown in Figure 4. The odds of having anaemia were 2.40 times (95% CI: 1.87–3.06) in malaria-positive women as compared to malaria-negative women. The heterogeneity of the studies as calculated with I-squared value was 86%. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the effect size of meta-analysis was deviating significantly due to two studies; hence, they were excluded (Supplementary Appendix Figure 6). The DOI plot showed minor asymmetry thus depicting minimal publication bias (Supplementary Appendix Figure 7).
Figure 4.
Forest plot confirming association of malaria in pregnancy and anaemia.
Low birthweight
A significant association of low birthweight of the babies and malaria-positive women was also observed after pooling estimates from 42 studies as shown in Figure 5. The overall odds ratio deduced was 1.99 (95% CI: 1.60–2.48). Sensitivity analyses revealed that two studies were responsible for major deviation in the effect size; hence, they were excluded. Absence of publication bias was confirmed by symmetrical DOI plot (Supplementary Appendix Figure 9).
Figure 5.
Forest plot confirming association of malaria in pregnancy and LBW.
Pre-term birth
A positive relation between malaria in pregnancy and preterm births was observed in 24 studies with an overall odds ratio of 1.65 (95% CI: 1.29–2.10) as shown in Figure 6. The random-effects model took into consideration the heterogeneity of 49% as calculated by I-squared value. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the effect size of meta-analysis was deviating significantly due to one study; hence, it was excluded. The DOI plot showed major asymmetry, thus indicating positive publication bias (Supplementary Appendix Figure 11).
Figure 6.
(a) Forest plot confirming association of malaria in pregnancy and preterm births. (b) Forest plot confirming association of malaria in pregnancy and stillbirths. (c) Forest plot confirming association of malaria in pregnancy and SGA.
A statistically significant association was observed between stillbirths amongst malaria test-positive pregnant women with and odds ratio of 1.40 (95% CI: 1.15–1.71) based on ten studies as shown in Figure 6b. Sensitivity analyses revealed that one study was responsible for major deviation in the effect size; hence, it was excluded. The DOI plot showed major asymmetry, thus indicating positive publication bias (Supplementary Appendix Figure 13).
Small for gestational age (SGA)
A significant association has been observed between SGA and pregnancy malaria with an overall odds ratio of 1.50 (95% CI: 1.42–1.59) 1.39 (95% CI: 0.99–1.96) using estimates of six studies as shown in Figure 6c. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the effect size of meta-analysis was deviating significantly due to one study; hence, it was excluded. The DOI plot shows minor asymmetry, thus depicting minimal publication bias (Supplementary Appendix Figure 15).
An insignificant statistical association was observed in abortion and malaria in pregnancy with an odds ratio of 0.85 (95% CI: 0.21–3.48) using estimates from five studies (Supplementary Appendix Figure 16). Sensitivity analyses revealed that two studies were responsible for major deviation in the effect size; hence, they were excluded. The DOI plot showed major asymmetry, thus confirming negative publication bias (Supplementary Appendix Figure 17).
A statistically insignificant association was seen with pre-eclampsia using the estimates from three studies with an odds ratio of 0.82 (95% CI: 0.16–4.34). Sensitivity analyses revealed that one study was responsible for major deviation in the effect size; hence, it was excluded (Supplementary Appendix Figure 18). The DOI showed no asymmetry, thus confirming absence of publication bias (Supplementary Appendix Figure 19).
Growth restriction
A statistically insignificant association was seen with growth restriction using the estimates from two studies with an odds ratio of 1.21 (95% CI: 0.04–35.52, n= 508). There was no change in effect observed during sensitivity analysis (Supplementary Appendix Figure 20). The DOI showed major asymmetry, thus confirming negative publication bias (Supplementary Appendix Figure 21).
Meta regression
Results of meta regression analyses for region, diagnostic test, and specie variables are displayed in Table 2 Test of moderators were found significant in both region (p < 0.001) and specie (p-value < 0.01), indicating a significant influence on the effect sizes. The R-squared for region showed that 10.45% of the difference in the true effect sizes can be explained by the region, and 3.67% by the specie, and 1.22% by the diagnostic variable.
Table 2.
Meta regression analysis of effect size with respect to region, diagnostic tests, and specie
Sub-group | Estimate | SE | p-value | CI (95%) |
Region | ||||
South Asia (Reference) | ||||
Africa | 1.3527 | 0.3033 | <.0001 | 1.9496, 0.7558 |
East Asia and the Pacific | 1.0741 | 0.3601 | 0.0031 | 1.7826, 0.3655 |
Latin America and the Caribbean | 0.3279 | 0.425 | 0.441 | 1.1643, −0.5085 |
South America | 1.9233 | 0.562 | 0.0007 | 3.0292, 0.8173 |
Diagnostic Test | ||||
Histopathology (Reference) | ||||
PCR | −0.3059 | 0.6953 | 0.6603 | −1.6742, 1.0624 |
Microscopy | −0.5356 | 0.6889 | 0.4375 | −1.8913, 0.8201 |
RDT | −0.6884 | 0.7323 | 0.348 | −2.1296, 0.7528 |
Specie | ||||
Plasmodium Vivax (Reference) | ||||
Plasmodium falciparum | 0.4289 | 0.16 | 0.01 | 0.0945, 0.7632 |
Plasmodium falciparum and Vivax | −0.8248 | 0.6073 | 0.175 | −2.0199, 0.3703 |
For meta-regression analysis by region, South America had the highest effect sizes when compared with South Asia (b=1.92, p < 0.001) which was followed by Africa (b=1.35, p < 0.001). Conversely, the effect sizes for the East Asia and Pacific were relatively lower (b=1.07, p < 0.01).
None of the diagnostic tests showed a significant difference in effect sizes when compared with histopathology, as evident. With respect to specie, Plasmodium falciparum was the only specie with significantly higher effect size when compared to Plasmodium vivax in the meta regression analysis by specie.
Quality assessment
All studies were included in the review after quality assessment. The JBI checklists for case–control, cohort, and cross-sectional studies were used according to the study designs (Table 3). Each study was scored out of the number of questions included in the checklist. The highest score was 10 for case–control studies, 11 for cohort studies, and 8 for cross-sectional studies.
Table 3.
JBI appraisal checklist for included studies
Assessment of methodological quality | |||||||||||
JBI Appraisal Checklist for Case-Control Studies | |||||||||||
Study ID | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q5 | Q6 | Q7 | Q8 | Q9 | Q10 | Total |
Babakhanyan 2016 | Y | N | Y | Y | Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y | 7/10 |
Mohammed 2013 | Y | N | Y | Y | Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y | 8/10 |
Monjol 2017 | Y | N | Y | Y | Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y | 7/10 |
Ndao 2009 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | 10/10 |
Ofori 2018 | Y | U | Y | Y | Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y | 7/10 |
Singh 2012 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | 10/10 |
Strand 2003 | Y | N | Y | Y | Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y | 7/10 |
Tahita 2013 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | 10/10 |
Abbreviations: Y, Yes; N, No; U, Unclear; N/A, Not Applicable.
Out of the 8 case–control studies, three studies scored 10/10, one study scored 8/10, and four studies scored 7/10. Of the 71 cohort studies, one study scored 11/11, twenty-two studies scored 10/11, seventeen studies scored 8/11, nineteen studies scored 7/11, one study scored 6/11, and two studies scored 5/11. Of the 174 cross-sectional studies, seventy-one studies scored 8/8, fifteen studies scored 7/8, sixty-three studies scored 6/8, nineteen studies scored 5/8, five studies scored 4/8, and one study scored 3/8.
The most common problems that came across overall were the identification of confounding factors and strategies to deal with confounding factors were not mentioned clearly. In the cohort studies, the most common problem was that the subjects were not free of the outcome at the start of the study and strategies to deal with incomplete follow-up were not clearly mentioned.
Malaria in pregnancy is a cause of extensive morbidity and mortality globally, both among infectious diseases and overall. While numerous studies have estimated the rate of infection in different regions, this meta-analysis synthesizes an immense volume of data to describe the overall prevalence and distribution of the disease. The findings of our study highlight that prevalence of malaria varies geographically, temporally, and species specifically. Amongst the many virulent species, Plasmodium falciparum has been the cause of highest incidence of infection. Similarly, African region has shown highest regional prevalence amongst the other regions. In addition, prevalence was higher during the antenatal visits as opposed to at delivery.
In addition, we have secondarily analysed and demonstrated that several morbid disease states and outcomes, such as anaemia, low birthweight, preterm birth, and stillbirth, may be significantly associated with malaria during pregnancy. These detrimental factors to the well-being and survival of mothers and their infants may influence maldevelopment and poor health in individuals throughout the life-course if left unaddressed.
As estimated by our study, Africa presents with the highest burden of malaria in pregnancy. This is in line with studies conducted earlier in the region and the report presented by the World Health Organization [2, 18–20]. This may be due to malarial endemicity of the region as it is considered as the most tropical continent, coupled with higher transmissibility of the infection. This endemicity is the product of a complex interplay of environmental, biological, and socio-economic factors. Tropical climates with appropriate temperature, humidity, and rainfall conditions encourage endemicity of the disease as they are conducive to the reproduction of the parasite within the anopheles’ mosquito, which is itself native to these environments [17].
However, this natural localization of malaria is compounded by a lack of robust and resilient health systems in many of the affected countries, where poverty, conflict, and natural disasters often further limit the impact of concerted public health efforts to tackle the disease [14, 15]. To counter, preventive measures and immunogenicity of the population play a very significant role in combatting the pathogenesis of disease in any geographical region. Thus, the prevalence has reduced within Africa but is still the highest amongst other regions [21]. Even though the studies of Africa have shown a significant reduction in the prevalence of malaria, it is worth noting that these measures have not accounted for all the countries in the region, hence limiting its generalizability [11].
In this study, we also observed that Plasmodium falciparum was responsible for the pathogenicity of the majority of infections. Several systematic reviews have confirmed that P. falciparum is the highest inhabited organism in pregnancy to cause the infection [7, 22]. Our study’s findings of a disproportionately high prevalence of this organism of malaria underscore the importance of taking strong measures to prevent and manage the disease, especially among pregnant women. While the WHO malaria 2016 report found that over 99% of malaria cases were attributable to P. falciparum, our analysis found a smaller proportion of P. falciparum-causing illnesses [23]). Extreme seasonal, interannual, and geographical fluctuation may be responsible for these shifts. Possible causes include dissimilarities in development and housing patterns, population migration, as well as climatic (temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity) factors.
The study assessment also revealed that malaria-positive women were more prone to encounter anaemia. Several meta-analyses support our findings as the overall odds of malaria of anaemia are higher amongst pregnant women with malaria [24]. According to a review, malaria is responsible for an estimated 26% of the severe anaemia experienced by pregnant women of all gravities (population attributable fraction) [7]. Anaemia is strongly linked to malaria, although the underlying pathophysiology is poorly understood. Nonetheless, illness-related inadequate food intake, haemolysis, and a lack of micronutrients are all viable justifications for anaemia and malaria.
Association of low birthweight with the presence of maternal malaria was amongst the deductions from our study. This is validated by other reviews conducted that suggest the same statistically significant association between malaria in pregnancy and low birthweight of the baby [25]. Around 19% of LBWs and 6% of LBW-related infant fatalities are attributed to malaria in regions where the disease is endemic. According to these estimates, over 100,000 infants die each year in parts of Africa where malaria is common because to LBW [26].
Augmenting with the findings of our study related to preterm babies and malaria exposure, several reviews have reported malaria to be the primary infection in pregnancy that can be associated with the PTB [27]. Moreover, PTB seasonality patterns were also observed in some studies to be paralleling those of malaria infection, with its peak occurring with periods of high malaria infection [28].
Our study also revealed that proportions of stillbirths were higher with women with malaria in pregnancy. This has been validated by other reviews conducted earlier that have reported a widespread effect of malaria and risk of stillbirths [10, 29]. Amongst the major modifiable risk factors of stillbirths, risk attributed to malaria is approximately 8% which can be prevented if exposure minimized [30].
Amongst the major strengths of the review, the inclusion of 253 studies determining the burden of malaria in pregnancy creates a substantial mark. It gives us a holistic global standpoint of prevalence of the disease and its association with adverse pregnancy outcomes on both the maternal and neonatal health. To further strengthen the robustness of the review, sensitivity analyses were performed which refined the effect sizes of the meta-analyses eliminating the influential studies. In addition, assessment of publication bias was also undertaken to identify the presence of biases via relevant plots.
The limitations of the review include the non-uniformity of diagnostic test used. Multiple approaches, varying in sensitivity and specificity, were used to detect malaria during pregnancy. Not all studies utilize PCR for logistical reasons, and microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests are vulnerable to errors depending on reagents, personnel, mutant strains, and other factors. It is also pertinent to note that we lacked access to individual patient data from the studies that yielded adjusted estimates; thus, we were unable to account for this variation. Since the factors adjusted were not uniform in all studies, dichotomous data were preferred as a measure of reported and studies that failed to report dichotomous data were excluded. Further, confounding was also not taken into consideration when deducing associations with adverse outcomes and we also could not conduct the association analysis by strain due to paucity and diversity of data, which did not allow us to do a sub-group analysis.
Despite significant work being done to control the spread of the disease, the burden of malaria persists. A substantial impact of unfavourable pregnancy outcome also adds up to the seriousness of the issue and requires urgent attention and concern. Large-scale interventional studies are the need of the time to address this public health issue along with global level policy formulations to target the vulnerable populations living with such elevated burden of disease.
Supporting information
Das et al. supplementary material
Supplementary material
For supplementary material accompanying this paper visit http://doi.org/10.1017/S0950268824000177.
click here to view supplementary material
Data availability statement
Data are available upon reasonable request. All data relevant to the study is included in the article.
Author contribution
Conceptualization: S.L., J.K.D., S.K., Z.A.P., M.A.B.; Data curation: S.L., F.S., J.K.D., S.K.N., Z.R.; Formal analysis: S.L.; Investigation: S.L., F.S., J.K.D., Z.A.P., Z.R., M.A.B.; Methodology: S.L., F.S., J.K.D., A.R.R., Z.A.P.; Project administration: S.L., J.K.D., Z.A.P., M.A.B.; Writing – original draft: S.L., H.J., O.M.; Writing – review & editing: S.L., H.A.N., J.K.D., S.K., Z.A.P., M.A.B.; Supervision: J.K.D., Z.A.P., M.A.B.; Validation: J.K.D., S.K., M.A.B.; Resources: A.R.R.; Software: A.R.R.
Funding statement
There was no funding available for the review.
Competing interest
There is no competing interest declared.
Ethical standard
Ethical approvals were acquired from the Ethics Review Committee of the Aga Khan University Hospital and the Institution Review Board of the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center. Patient privacy and confidentiality were maintained at every stage of the study.
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Supplementary Materials
Das et al. supplementary material
For supplementary material accompanying this paper visit http://doi.org/10.1017/S0950268824000177.
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Data Availability Statement
Data are available upon reasonable request. All data relevant to the study is included in the article.