Fig. 14.
In situ hybridization showing expression of genes that allow the identification of subsets of cells at E13.5 that assemble into the CN. Tbr2, Pax5, and Lmo3 mark distinct but apparently partly overlapping sets of cells in the classical NTZ, considered precursors of glutamatergic CN neurons. Dmbx1 and Sox14 are markers of inhibitory neurons projecting to the inferior olive. Pax2 + precursors contribute inhibitory interneurons to the CN. Ret and Kit are representative of genes expressed in the CN from at least E13.5 onward and into adulthood. Numbers in individual panels refer to the scheme illustrated in the lower right corner. Arrows give orientation (r, rostral, c,caudal, d, dorsal, v, ventral. Scale bar = 0.5 mm [145]